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Slave Lords

Flaviu (yellow haired) Pirtinaci-10th level Fighter (Jovial Timmorel Warior with elegant beard and
St: 18, IN: 15, WS: 12, DX: 15, CN: 16, CH: 18
HP: 80 AC: 22/24 Chainmail+2, Shield +2 (Shield&Weapon Style, Dodge)
Attack: Scimatar +2 (+17/1d8+8) Skilled Strike (+13 to hit, +2 AC, 1d8+10 damage)
F: 8 R: 12 W: 12
Dominate Weak Foes: Attack opponents worth 10 HD.
2 Attacks, Smash, Parry, Superior Athletics: +3 to physical roll
Feats (6): Shield & Weapon Fighting Style, Expertise (-2 tohit, +2AC), Power Attack (-2 to hit, +2
Dam), Dodge, Alertness, Cleave
Talents (4) Weapon Specialization Greater (+2/+2), Poison Proof (+2 vs Poison), Fearless Presence
(+4 vs Fear, all allies +2)
Profs: Scimatar Master

Neralas 11th/Assassin (Dark haired, mirthful killer, may be bad but enjoys his work). Currently on a
mission, not in the dungeon
St:18, IN: 14, WS: 17, DX: 18, CN: 13, CH: 15
HP: 58 AC: 19/20 Studded Leather+1
Attack: Daggers +1x2 (+14/1d4+6) 2 attacks 3 attacks with TWF (+12 1d4+6, x3), all out: +8/1d4+8,
+2 AC)
Poisoned: Fort or suffer 2d8 1st hit, 1d8 2nd and none on third.
F: 11 R: 8 W: 11 (+2 vs Magic)
+3d6 Backstab, Deathstrike (Fort or be paralyzed or killed when opponent surprised), Poison Use, 2
1st and 2 2nd level spells a day
Jump, True Strike, Invisibility x2
Feats: TWF, Dodge, +1 Dex, +2 Str, Expertise (-2 to hit, +2 AC), Power Attack
Talents: Knife Fighter, Dodge, Ambusher (surprise 3 in 6), Armor Expert

Mordrammo 11th Cleric (Red haired scholar, scar on right cheek, wild-eyed imprisoner of the weak)
St:15, IN: 14, WS: 18, DX: 18, CN: 13, CH: 11
HP: 42 AC: 20 (24 Armor of Darkness) Chain, Ring of Prot +2
Attack: Mace +2 (+10(+11 w/bless) 1d6+3)
Ring of Spell Storing (Word of Recall)
Feats: Dodge, Empower Spell x1, Wis +1, Dex +1, Apostate, Lay on Hands, Concentration
F: 6 R: 9 W: 6 (+3 vs Spells)
6 5 5 3 2 1 spells
Blade Barrier
Flame Strike (6d8)
Bolts of Bedevilment (1d4 rnds, 1 bolt/rnd, save vs Will or no action for 1d4 rnds)
Unholy Smite 20’r 5d8 vs Lawful and Sickened for 1d4 rounds, ½ to neutral no sick.
Cure wounds IV
Armor of Darkness
Cure Wounds III x3
Dispel Magic
Bestow Curse
Cure Wounds II
Hold Person x2
Resist Energy
Bless x2
Cure Wounds 1 x3

Strategy: Upon hearing trouble, casts Armor of Darkness, Bless and then investigates. If Flaviu is
weak, he will attempt to reach him for a cure wounds IV. Otherwise he will throw an unholy smite or
flame strike at the party.

Amabilis 9th level Wizard (Brown haired man with brown beard, smirks all the time)
St:13, IN: 18, WS: 10, DX: 18, CN: 11, CH: 14
HP: 32 AC: 19 Leather, Cloak of Protection +2, Staff of Power
Attack: Dagger +1, Staff of Power (3 charges)
Crystal Ball with clairaudience
Ring of Spell Storing (dispel magic, fireball, shocking grasp, slow, wall of force)
F: 8 R: 8 W: 5 (+4 included) Roll Twice vs Mental Effects (Iron Mind)
Special: Iron Mind, Weak Spot (1/day grant allies +2 to hit/dam, -2 to saves for 1 turn, Progenitor
Feats: Armored Caster, Combat Casting, Dex +1, Widen Spell, Empower Spell, Extend Spell
Spells: 4, 5, 5, 4, 2, 1
Ignite Potential (Dble Movement, +2/+2, +3d8 temp hp, immunity to death effects, suffer 1d6 dam a
Polymorph Other
Hide of Myriad Plates (ignore 1d4+2 physical attacks) 2 Turns
Deliquescent Cloud (9d6, 15’r) x2
Dispel Magic
Polymorph Self
Altered Aspect
Skin Hardening Solution (+1 AC, -1 damage from edged weapons)
Elixir of Might (120’ range, +1 strength bonus).
Resist Fire
Charm Person
Crystalline Burst x2 (1d4 5’r)
Cure Wounds I x2
Strategy: When/if he hears battle, he uses crystal ball on round 1 to see what is going on. Upon
seeing the attack, he casts Hide of Myriad Plates (3 attacks), Skin Hardening Solution, and possibly
Resist Fire before entering the fray. (3-4 rnds).

122) This long corridor serves as a guarded post when the slavers are in the area. At the secret door
there are 2 Ash Brutes (AC 14, 4+1 HD, Atk: +7 (1d8+3), HP: 20, 18) that wait for a knock to open the
door. There are 2 more at the door to 189. These will roll 3d6 for reaction and ask if the characters
have an appointment.
189) Showroom. There is a 25% that a slaver will be here with 2 ash brute body guards. Otherwise it
is empty. Secret door is glyphed by Mardroor (10d6 hp fire trap).

190) Barracks: There are 6 Ash Brutes (24, 22, 22, 20, 18, 16, 15, 12) that lair here. They all remain on
the western half of the room, afraid of the columns on the eastern side. In amongst their bedding
are 10 sacks with an average of 600gp each. In a large pile there is also:
1000 copper
2 barrels of beer, worth 10gp each (8 stone each)
2 barrels of preserved fish, worth 5gp each (8 stone each)
2 barrels of preserved fish, worth 5gp each (8 stone each)
6 gallons of lamp oil, worth 2gp each (1/2 stone each)
8 ingots of common metals, worth 1gp each (1/2 stone each)
10 ingots of common metals, worth 1gp each (1/2 stone each)

1 porcelain jewelry (500 gp)

1 wrought gold jewelry (400 gp) worn by 22 hp
1 Wrought orichalcum jewelry (4,000 gp) worn by 24 hp
1 fur cape worth 1,300 gp worn by 24 hp.

206) Barracks: Here the slaver’s human allies. They serve as an extra buffer and report to Flaviu who
has a 75% of being here drinking and dicing or entertaining himself with a prisoner.
10 x 2HD AC14 (leather, shield, dodge) 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 (javelins, hatchets, swords)
2 x 4HD AC 17 plate and shield 22, 18 long swords
1 x Half Orc Barbarian 5th level, AC 16 chain and shield, HP: 40, 2 Atks while raging for +9 (+1 Battle
Axe 1d8+4)

Amongst their bedding and supplies are a total of 1,000 gp in mixed coins and small gems.

207) Empty, pools of peat covered water fill depressions in the floor. The place stinks of piss and
shit. 50% that Moradrommo or Amilius will be here.
Q1-Q4 Prison cells containing:
e. Five elves, one is female and with child.
f. Six men. One is pot-bellied and gray. He is a merchant who will gladly pay a ransom of 300 pp if
returned to his home in the southwest. He cares only for himself and his own well-being.
g. Eight children; three are elven, four are human. One fair-haired boy, who is looking after one of
the smaller children, is the nephew of a duke in the north. He will not reveal this, but will be helpful
and will say that his family will be grateful for his return. The duke will pay any reasonable reward
Q2: A woman with a bag over her head. She is a Medusa named Proserpina. Level 4, 22HP, St: 13, In
12, Wis 18, Dx 9, Con 13, Cha 11, Feats: Font of Mana, Wis +1
h. Six women, all human and strong workers.
k. Two very powerful, nasty looking men.
l. Three women and four human children.
n. Three dwarves tied back to back in the center of the cell. One is a 4th level Fighter named Sven
Silvervein who would gladly join the party in exchange for his freedom. 13 st, 10 int, 11 wis, 13 dx, 13
con, 8 cha HP: 27 Weapon Specialisation Axe, Alertness, Feats: Power Attack, Str +1
p. Four men all middle-aged.
q. Ten children, mostly teenaged girls.
r. Six elves, two are children.
s. Three men and a woman. The woman is desperate to survive and return home and is prepared to
do whatever is necessary to reach that goal.
t. One man sitting bound in the center of the cell. He appears lithe and limber and is a third level
Bard name Othanu. 10 st, 18 in, 11 ws, 13 dx, 9 cn, 14 cha. Will trade service and knowledge of the
location a lost kingdom he has been building up lore on.
u. One man and three women; all look very barbaric. (1st level Timorel Barbarians)

208) Portculis is down.

50% of each slaver who hasn’t been discovered so far being here. (Amilius)
Lavish bedding for four.
The eastern door is Wizard Locked
Chest #1: 6,000 cp - unlocked - no trap
Chest #2: 8,000 gp - locked - If the latch is not held closed until the lid is raised, three darts will fire
from the front of the chest causing 1-3 points of damage each and save vs. Poison or die.
Chest #3: 7,000 ep - locked - no trap
Chest #4: 9,000 sp - unlocked - no trap
Chest #5: 3,000 pp - unlocked - If the weight is taken off the bottom of the box without setting a
safety catch in front, poison gas will fill the alcove and remain for 12 turns.
Chest #6: locked. A potion of oil of etherealness, a clerical scroll of atonement, 5,000 gp, eight
sapphires worth 250 gp each, and one ruby worth 500 gp. The stones are uncut, and their value can
be quadrupled by a skilful jeweler. The lock is trapped with a poisoned needle (save vs. Poison at –3
or die). The lock itself is complex, reducing a thief’s chance to open it by 15%.
Coffer #1: 1 ruby worth 2,000 gp, 10 tourmalines worth 100 gp each. 6 aquamarines worth 400 gp
each; an illusionist’s scroll: continual darkness, paralyzation, shadow door and veil. Moordromo’s
journal is here. He is mirthful about dealing with these lesser worshippers of a demon god, and
making sure that the priests of Orcus receive the worst slaves for the highest prices. He also believes
he has uncovered several entrances to the ancient ‘Dungeon of Graves’ Rappan Athuck, the ancient
domain of Orcus. He got this in trade from various priests he has been dealing with. There are maps
showing entrances on the coastline to the southeast. He hopes to explore it eventually and smash
these false idols. - locked - There are three locks which must be opened in the proper sequence or
the coffer will not open.
Coffer #2: A potion of longevity, a potion of white dragon control, a philter of love, a ring of water
walking, 4 vials of refined Azoth – Journal detailing their connection with the Masters who reside in
Dwimmermount. Amabilis despises the haughty nature of the masters but clearly covets the power
they seem to control. It is clear they aren’t human, but he doesn’t seem to describe them or refer to
them in any concrete way. - locked - Wizard locked by Amabilis and only he, magical means or a 9th-
level or higher magic-user can open it.
Wooden case: This mahogany wooden case is locked. Inside is a crystal display jar. The jar is sealed
to a pewter stand and inside it floats a coinlike amulet suspended in an amber fluid. The amber fluid
is a small ochre jelly which has been altered. It can not live long in open air and will die in 6 rounds,
unless it comes in contact with a living being. Then it will cling to the flesh doing 1-4 points of
damage per round until it is destroyed by fire. The victim will take full damage from any fire used as
well. The amulet has a power word-Pain on it. All creatures within 20’ of the user must save vs. Rods
when the word is intoned, or else suffer wracking pains for 2-8 rounds, causing them to fight at –4 to
hit, and making their AC worse by 1 type. The power word can only be used once per day and the
amulet must be held in the hand for the power word to work.

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