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CTAS Level Acuity level Care/Reassessment Conditions

LEVEL 1 RESUSCITATION Continuous care Conditions that are a threat to life or limb (or imminent risk of
deterioration) requiring immediate aggressive interventions.
Never delay at triage for vital signs and history
 Cardiac and respiratory arrest
 Major trauma (shock)
 Severe respiratory distress
 Altered level of consciousness. GCS 3-9
LEVEL 2 EMERGENT Every 15 minutes Conditions that are a potential threat to life, limb or function
requiring rapid intervention
 Moderate respiratory distress
 Vomiting blood (dizzy on sitting up)
 Hypertension (SBP>220 or DBP > 130 with symptoms)
 Altered level of consciousness GCS 10-13
 Fever (> 100.4 F / 38 C), looks septic 3 SIRS criterion
 Chest pain, cardiac features
 Chest pain non-cardiac features (other significant chest pain
ripping or tearing)
 Symptoms of ACS until symptoms are subsided
 Abdominal pain (severe acute pain 8/10)
 Headache (sudden, severe, worst ever)
 Major trauma: blunt, no obvious injury, pedestrian struck by car
travelling at speed
 Symptoms of CVA presenting within window for thrombolytics
 Severe renal colic
 New onset confusion in the elderly
 Chemical exposure- need for immediate flushing
LEVEL 3 URGENT Every 30 minutes Conditions that could potentially progress to a serious problem
requiring emergency intervention. Maybe associated with significant
discomfort or affecting ability to function at work or activities of daily
 Mild respiratory distress.
 Hypertension (SBP> 220 or DBP> 130 with no symptoms)
 Vomiting & / or nausea (mild dehydration)
 Abdominal pain (moderate 4-7/10)
 Headache (moderate pain 4-7/10)
 Diarrhea ( uncontrolled bloody diarrhea)
LEVEL 4 LESS URGENT Every 60 minutes Conditions relating to patient age, distress, or potential deterioration
or complications, which would benefit from intervention or
reassurance within 1-2 hours
 Confusion (no change from usual state)
 UTI complaints/ symptoms (with mild dysuria)
 Constipation (with mild pain)
LEVEL 5 NON-URGENT Every 120 minutes Conditions that may be acute but non-urgent, as well as conditions
that may be part of a chronic problem or with or without evidence of
deterioration. The investigations or interventions for some of these
illnesses or injuries could be delayed or even referred to other areas
of the hospital or health care system.
 Diarrhea (mild, no dehydration)
 Minor bites (+/- mild acute peripheral pain)
 Dressing changes (uncomplicated)
 Medication request (routine fill)

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