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+) Pea : ae Gniversity of Karachi EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT SS (DEGREE SECTION) APPLICATION FORM FOR RECEIVING DEGREE/DIPLOMA/CERTIFICATE eee narra IE 1. The name and fathers name writen in the Degre/DiplomalCertfiate as pr Enrolment TPajehdee No, Registration Card/Marks Sheet. there is any ero inthe Erolment/Registration Card, please —————— have it coreced from the concemed section befor Submission ofthe form, 2. Degree shouldbe collect with in sx (6) months after submission of Degree form, otherwise University | Amount ‘of Karachi will not be responsible '3, Candidate wil have to come hime self with riginalresipt ot collect degree, Degre will ot ‘be issued to any other person, Drawn on, 4. Pay-arder of required fr of Degree to the ame of Univesity of Karachi any bank must be ‘enclosed with degre form. 5. Form shouldbe filled in and signed bythe applicant himselChersl, Dated 6. Other informationinstuctions overeat Price Rs. 100/- FormNo__ Star For Office Endocsement nah Sug MeV fIbE WM btcch st toads ( aA arneta Sra LES Ig BPA HEA rate iSitt SEQ ASG UE Soh ALL VES SG Sil Or Pete rSg BE sr PorbeiimtZ LE Mash (r LIAL Sp ALIS Ett GIS Me BIAS (0 ‘The Controller of Examinations, IPL Spt nin Se cid LaToths (0 University of Karachi, fpbugarsomaint, 6 Sipe Ds : eweripion © Sir, {hereby apply for my degre/diploma/certfcae of the examination passed by me as per dtl given below. Please accept Rs. 1.) Name ‘Written as per enrolment / registration card (BLOCKLETTERS) (enswLss © (la Unda) 2.(a) Father's Name Waitten as per enrolment / registration card (BLOCK LETTERS) © (AWwLsetteAM trices (aves) 3NICNo, EI TL] sma Femste ey oo a ee PASTE HERE 6. PICLNo._____ Cait No. = GSP hg eS to DETAIL OF EXAMINATIONS 7. (@Name of Exam. Passed ———___________(b)Annual/Suppl/Year of Passing the Final Exam 8. (@Name ofCllege/Dept External ()Fist Year Seat No. wit passing year 9. ()SeatNo, of Fina Year Exam, (aroimentReg. No . 10, Division Grade. Yours Obedient, Signature of the Applicant (APPLICABLE TO REGULAR STUDENTS ONLY) (CERTIFICATE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE DEPARTMENT/PRINCIPAL OF THE COLLEGE hereby certify that the above applicant passed the above mentioned examination from this Department/College and that Ihave no ‘objection if the degree is issued to himvher directly, "Note: Medical degree will be issued through concemed College only Signature of the Chairman ofthe Dept. or Principal ofthe College with Official seal ‘THE APPLICANT SHOULD READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE SUBMISSION OF THE APPLICATION FORM: The applicant is required to enclose the following documents with the application form: (@) Original & Photocopy of Enrolmen/Registration Card (original wll be retumed with the degree). (©) Attested photocopy of Division Marks certificate of final year examination (6) Attsted photocopy of NIC (4) Matriculation Cerificate Photocopy. (e) Attested photocopy of Admit Card. (©) Suocessfl Pakistani candidates of Medical Examinations are required to submit attested photocopy of Essential Personal Registration Cerificate issued by the Employment Exchange. (e) Consolidated Marksheet of MBBS, BDS, BS (Physiotherapy) () Foreign students shal submit photocopy ofthe Passport alongwith the application form, 2. ‘Theapplicant should fil up his/her name and father's name as entered inthe Enrolment/Registration card in both lang 4e-English & Urdu. Corrections, if any should be made before applying for Degree through Enrolment Registration tion. 3, Theregular candidates are required to submit their application through thei Chairman of the Dept Principal of the College concerned. Exerasandiatsmay, however Subba el apicion dest 4. TheDegree/Diploma/CertficatewillbesentthroughCourierServiceorUMStotheapplicantathis/herhomeaddressinKarachi, as waite inthe form by hinvher. Degree/DiplomaCertifiate cannot be delivered dretly by hand t the applicant oF any-other person in any circumstances 5. DUPLICATEDEGREE/DIPLOMA/CERTIFICATE ‘The Duplicate Degree/DDiploma/ Certificate can beissuedon prescribed application form alongwith: (1)an_ attested photocopy of lost degree diploma Certificate (2) anaffidavitonastamppaperof Rs,20-dulyattested byaFirst Class ‘Magistrate and(3) original cutting from any newspaper announcing the lossof thedegree/diploma/certificate. Inthe absence of photo copy of lost degree/diploma/certficate/ marksheet/ Enrolment ard riginaland orwaredto college the applicant is required to submit all documents as mentioned in serial No. 6, DETAILS OF ORDINARY/URGENT/MOST URGENT FEE.** eee ere er | @ B.S. (Bachelor of Studies)/B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.S.c./B.Se. (HE)/B.O.L/M.A. BP.A/M.PA/ M.TM.IM.A S/M.ScJ/B.A./BSe, B.COM (HON) 1000 | 2500/-| 3500/- M.Sc. (HEVBLIS / MLIS / BCS (©) B Pharm /B.L/LLB/B EA/B PEA Se. (Med, Techy Se. Phy B.Sc. (Occupational. thr.) B.Se. (War Sid.)/B.Se. (Maritime) M.C S/ 15001. | 3000] 4000/- B.S. Computer Science 3.S (Software Engincering)/B.Se (Nursing) B.B.A (HY! BBB.APass / ADE / B.Ed. (lons.) (©) Diploma / Certificate / PGD. 1500/- | 30001-4000. (@ BS Physio)’ M.B.A/MPharm/MB.BS/B.D.S/MPHIM.EG/LLM/MLBF Me. (Str-Std.)/ B.S & M.Sc (Physiotherapy) M.Com/M.P. Ed/B.E/B.S/MHRM_ Acturial Sc./ B.S.(Agriculture)/Bachelor of (Design, Fine Arts, Arch.) /EMBA (©)_MPhiL/M.S/Ph.D/M.D JD.LiD Se! Pharm-D. DPT sooo | 4500-] S500. 2s00/- | 4000/-| $000/- 7. DUPLICATE DEGREE/DIPLOMA/CERTIFICATE FEE: Rs,1500/- extra in addition to the ordinary fee. 8, DEFACED DEGREE: Rs, 2000/- extra in addition to the ordinary fee 9. (a) The fee once paid shall not be refunded. (b) The University reserves the right to change or modify in the above fee. 10, MINIMUM TIME FOR DESPATCH OF DEGREE/DIPLOMA/CERTIFICATE BY COURIER SERVICE OR UMS (@) Ordinary Tiree Months (Working Days) (©) Urgent One Month (Working Days) (© Most Urgent 15 days (Working Days) ‘Note: The University reserves the right to extend the above mention duration. AFFIDAVIT (To be filled by the applicant) L slo-dlo hereby solemnly affirm thatthe information given in the form is correct to the best of my knowledge, ‘This Degree when delivered by the CS/UMS shall be received by me or any of my family members for which I shall ‘be wholly responsible, ‘Yours obediently Signature of the Applicant PRINTED ATB.CC.8T. PRESS/TGNFT Gy. 20000

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