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MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction 1

Shakoiya Aiken
Assignment 2: Assessment Plan

● Client Information:
Name: Marsha Odom
School: Hendricks Elementary
Role: 5th grade Teacher
ID Number: 705274

● Performance Task Title: Point of View Project

● Grade Level: 5th

● Designer:Shakoiya Aiken

● Performance Task Annotation

Students will use Popplet, Prezi, or Sway to create/ design a point of view ( 1st person, 2nd
person, and 3rd person) project about a specific picture/image of their choice. The
students will review the differences in narrative voice and practice writing in different
points of view. Using different pictures, each student will create a digital project based on
the picture given to them or chosen and they will write quick stories from different
perspectives based on that picture.

● Subject(s): Reading

● Approximate Duration of Performance Task: 60-90 minutes during reading block

(including instruction)(Can be broken into two class periods that are 60 minutes each if

● Focus Standards: ELAGSE5RL6: Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view

influences how events are described.

● National Standards (MUST include ISTE NETS Standards – e.g., NETS-S, NETS-T,
NETS-A); include other national standards as deemed relevant)
-Standard 2:Digital Citizen: Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and
opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they
act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction 2

-Standard 3: Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources

using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make
meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.
-Standard 6: Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express
themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats
and digital media appropriate to their goals.

● Description and Teacher/Trainer Directions:

 The teacher will begin the lesson by writing on the board: “What is Point of View?” The
teacher will allow students to respond.
 The teacher will introduce standard and objectives to the students.
 The teacher will tell students: “Point of View is who is telling the story, or whose
thoughts and feelings are being revealed. Stories are told differently.”
 The teacher will begin lesson by displaying an image the Smart board. The students will
use their prior knowledge to determine the point of view that person may have in the
picture about the event and the other individuals that they see. The teacher will also
prompt the students to discuss the perspectives within the picture.
 The teacher will display Brain POP point of view or Flocabulary video, so students can learn about the
different types of point of views, along with the differences between each one. We will
then discuss the video.
 The teacher will review:
 1st person- Told from the viewpoint of one of the characters
 2nd person- The narrator address “you”
 3rd person Omniscient- Narrator can tell the thoughts and feelings of ALL
 Perspective-a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something
 Next, students will play Who wants to be a millionaire? Point of view game as a whole
group to see if as a class they can get to a million.
 Then, have students complete the Point of View Quiz at this website using desktops,
laptops, or Ipads.
Save the link under their student account, so students can save time with typing in the
 Based on teacher observations, if students need additional practice, please allow students
to play Point of View Jeopardy. The link is:
game.php?gamefile=171403#.W51dhdJKg2x This link is located on their student account
for the school. This will give them practice with understanding the different points of
 Now it is time to create a Point of View using Sway, Popplet, or Prezi that demonstrates
their understanding of the different Point of Views based on the picture given to them.
 Review with students the directions for the Point of View project. The teacher will also
refer to the Point of View Rubric. (Attached below).
 The teacher will show students an example of her own project to make sure students
understand the expectations of the project.
MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction 3

 Using their own laptop or desktop, each student will create a Point of View project using
Sway, Popplet, or Prezi.
 Provide students with the option of being able to watch the BrainPop Point of View video
to better assist them. Link:

 The teacher will provide feedback as she is observing the students working through the
assignments/activities to better prepare them for the assessment. (ongoing)
 After the students have completed their Point of View digital project, make sure their
names are on it, and allow them to share with their classmates. Also, as they are viewing
the work of others, tell them to think about the different stories their classmates came up
 Bring the class together in a whole group and discuss how a change in narrator’s
influenced how the events were described in the different stories.

● Rubric Title: Point of View Rubric

● Rubric Description: This is a formative rubric that will guide students into
understanding what is expected of them and how they should go about the development
of their poster. It allows them to clearly see the components in which they will be graded
upon. Lastly, the rubric allows for the teacher to provide feedback with strengths and
weaknesses that can help students with their future presentation assignments.
MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction 4

● Rubric or Other Performance Evaluation Tool

Students Name________________________

CATEGOR 4 3 2 1
Required Project shows Project shows Project shows Project shows
Elements understanding of all understanding of understanding of understanding of only 1
elements which only 3 out of the 4 only 2 out of the 4 out of the 4 elements,
includes, 1st person, 2nd elements. elements. or limited
, and 3rd person point understanding.
of view
, as well as
perspectives of
people and objects.
Organizatio Information is very 3 out of 4 items of 2 out of 4 items of Headings are not
n organized with clear are clearly labeled are clearly labeled clearly labeled and
headings. with headings with headings information appear
Detailed of All details are Supporting details Supporting details Supporting details and
Writing relevant and of and information are and information information are unclear
quality. Details give relevant and of are relevant, but or not related to the
the reader quality, but missing several picture.
information that a few key details/informatio
allow the reader to details/information n are missing and
have a clear pertaining to picture. doesn’t help the
understanding of It provides the reader reader have a clear
Point of View. with a good understanding of
understanding of Point of View.
Point of View.
Attractivene The project is The project is The project is The project is poorly
ss exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably designed. It is not
attractive in terms of design, layout, and attractive and may attractive.
design, layout, and neatness. be somewhat
neatness. messy.
Grammar There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more than 4
grammatical/mechan grammatical/mechan grammatical/mech grammatical/mechanica
ical mistakes. ical mistakes. anical mistakes. l mistakes.

MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction 5

● Example of Student Work with Teacher Commentary (Insert one example of what
you would expect a student to submit.) (Double click on PowerPoint then use arrows to
navigate through.) (I have also attached the PowerPoint in the case of the inserting not
working for you)

Point of View Project

MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction 6

Rubric or Other Performance Evaluation Tool Students Name: Unknown

CATEGO 4 3 2 1
Required Project shows Project shows Project shows Project shows
Elements understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of only
all elements which only 3 out of the 4 only 2 out of the 1 out of the 4
includes, 1st person, elements. 4 elements. elements, or limited
2nd person, and 3rd understanding.
person point of view
, as
well as
perspectives of
people and objects.
Organizati Information is very 3 out of 4 items of 2 out of 4 items Headings are not
on organized with are clearly labeled of are clearly clearly labeled and
clear headings. with headings labeled with information appear
headings disorganized
Detailed of All details are Supporting details Supporting Supporting details
Writing relevant and of and information details and and information are
quality. Details are relevant and of information are unclear or not related
give the reader quality, but relevant, but to the picture.
information that missing a few key several
allow the reader to details/information details/informati
have a clear pertaining to on are missing
understanding of picture. It provides and doesn’t help
Point of View. the reader with a the reader have a
good clear
understanding of understanding of
Point of View. Point of View.
Attractiven The project is The project is The project is The project is poorly
ess exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably designed. It is not
attractive in terms of design, layout, attractive and attractive.
of design, layout, and neatness. may be
and neatness. somewhat
Grammar There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more than 4
grammatical/mech grammatical/mech grammatical/me grammatical/mechani
anical mistakes. anical mistakes. cal mistakes.
MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction 7

Total score: 19/20= 95%
Comments/Suggestions: Unknown, you did well with the organization of your project. It was
appealing and eye-catching. You most certainly showed your understanding of the different
Point of Views, but you were not detailed with all of the components. In addition, your point of
view 3rd person slide contained some information that wasn’t present in the picture, but showed
understanding of third person point of view. Overall, you did a great job. Next time, I would
suggest that you focus on exactly what is going on in the picture or you can choose a picture that
correlates with what you are wanting to say. Keep up the good work.

● Materials and Equipment:

-Internet connectivity
-Adobe Flash
- SMART board

● What 21st Century Technology was used in this performance task?

-1:1 technology devices
-interactive poster creating website Prezi, Popplet, or Sway

● Differentiated Instruction (Readiness, Learning Profile, and Student Interests)

-Student choice of the picture chosen for their creation based on topic (
Animals, Sports, People, etc…)
-Student choice of using Prezi, Popplet, or Sway
-Flocabulary engaging Point of View video
-Additional Point of View BrainPOP video to understand the different viewpoints
-For extension students, they can incorporate third person limited and objective into their
-All students learn differently, so they get to explore with a game, activity, and a quiz
before moving onto their assessment.
MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction 8

● Web Resources (if used in the instruction and/or assessment)

● Setting -- Describe the setting for the instruction and assessment (e.g., geographic
location, physical features of classroom/media center/activity center):
The setting of this lesson will take place in the computer lab as a lesson conducted by a
fifth grade teacher new to the school. It is a Title 1 school. The computer lab is arranged
with computers in a big square, along with two rows of computers in the middle. There
are about 30 computers, but sometimes they don’t work, so laptops will be present for
backups. Each student will have their own technology device. There is a SMART board
in the computer lab as well. It will be used to conduct the lesson, display the expectations
of the task, and to go over the rubric as a whole group. There are tables and chairs on the
right side of the computer lab that students can use if needed. There is a big carpet with
30 colorful squares that the students will all sit on when it is time to whole group

● Learners -- Describe the characteristics of the learners, such as age, gender,

race/ethnicity, exceptionalities (disability and giftedness), developmental levels, culture,
language, interests, learning styles or skill levels:
-5th grade
-26 students
-10 females and 16 males
-Ages 10-11
-12 African American, 11 Hispanic, and 3 White.
- There are no gifted students. This is a co-taught classroom with General Education,
Early Intervention, and Special Education students. There are 6 ESOL learners, 4 Special
Education students, and 19 Early Intervention students. They all will be participating in
this activity with the support of the general education teacher, special education teacher,
and ESOL teacher, along with a paraprofessional who will be monitoring as they are
using the computers. All of the students have different academic abilities and learning
styles of their own preference. Many of them learn visually and auditory.

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