Folding and Faulting

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As a recent resident of the Philippines, Misamis Oriental area in Mindanao, I do have some


The most controversial issue by far is President Duterte's war on drugs policy, with many
thousands being murdered by police without any evidence of being involved in drugs,
merely on the say so of others. Payback time.

Other issues are poverty, which at least he is trying to address with changes to Phil Health to
allow indigents to access public hospitals without charge and changes to public colleges to
allow free education.

Then there's corruption which is endemic in Phil. Duterte is setting up an anti corruption
commission, but many believe Duterte is as corrupt as any.

Another issue is infrastructure with many projects under way under Duterte.

If it wasn't for his murderous drug policy which doesn't work, he'd be a good president.

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Meiji Marts
Answered Aug 25, 2016 · Author has 261 answers and 554.5k answer views
Anything that has to do with the status quo

Same Sex Marriage

I’m from the Philippines, specifically, Davao (yes, our mayor is the president), in Davao, gay
people get to enjoy so much freedom, they can expose themselves for who they are, our
society does not discriminate or marginalize homosexuals, we see them as equals and
straight people have no problems with them, we judge them not on their sexual orientation,
but on their skill and character, we have a law that protects them from job discrimination up
to hate crimes, in the Philippines as a whole, a lot of us accept the concept of same sex
marriage, but the Church doesn’t, and a lot of us are devout followers, the government fear
that if they raise the issue of allowing same sex marriage, the Church would go nuts and use
the masses to rally, it would be chaos, that’s why there is a delay on implementing such bill


The concept of free will is alive in the Philippines, the ideology that a woman is a master of
her body and she can do whatever she wants to do to her body is clear, but the Church
dislike such concept, to allow such bill would taint the women of the Philippines as they
would enact the sin of murder, the Church believes that everyone has the right to be born as
God has a plan for them all, controversially, even malformed children who are sure to suffer
in the walks of life, even controversially, women who are sure to die if they give labor, but
the Church doesn’t care, as all is loved by God, and all will return to his side

The Philippines is the only country in the world that has no bill on divorce, the closest we
get is annulment, a process like divorce, except both partners are no longer able to marry
another person, unlike divorce which once they are separated, they can marry another, the
Church believes that marriage is sacred and since the Philippines is family oriented in terms
of culture, a necessity for a growing family, due to this, the Philippines developed a sour
practice, if both spouses no longer loves each other, one of them (mostly the father) would
leave the family, only to go look for another woman and mate with her, no paperwork, no
nothing, just leave and multiply

Extrajudicial Killing

The war on drugs has taken effect, 672,000+ drug users have surrendered, most drug
traffickers are killed, some due to hit men hired by the drug lords to prevent information
leakage, the police who shot them as they resisted arrest, and vigilantes who took justice on
their own hand, to most Filipinos, this is a necessary evil, of course, Human Rights activist,
the Church, and the UN oppose such brutish tactics, but it did indeed worked, the streets of
the Philippines has never been this safe

The Burial of Marcos

Me being on a new generation, I do not understand the hate emanating from the old
generation, I understand that they were the receiving end of the Martial Law, many suffered
and Marcos stole so much money from the Philippines, giving him the world record of the
greatest thief who stole the most money title, of course, he made the Philippines back then
very powerful, the Philippines was wealthy, respected and feared by her neighbors, possess
the most powerful military, the 2nd largest producer of pineapple (only next to Hawaii), self
sufficient in terms of food (specifically rice), produces the best medical personnel, and the
most technologically most advance country being only second to Japan, oh were did it all go

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