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Asghar Ali Engineer

(Secular Perspective September 1-15, 2006)

Our Centre conducted a five-day peace and conflict resolution workshop in Srinagar from
21st to 25th August 2006. The Centre has been organising these workshops in
communally sensitive areas for last few years. Kashmir turmoil of course has nothing to
do with communal trouble. But is certainly afflicted with ethnic turmoil and peace is an
urgent need there. So we decided to organise a workshop on peace and conflict resolution
with a local NGO Eves Welfare Society.

I must confess it was the toughest workshop I have ever conducted. The participants in
the workshop were post-gradate students of Kashmir university from departments of
Mass Communication, Human Rights and Political Science, some 72 in number. I had to
face youth completely alienated from mainstream India. Many of them even maintained
they are not part of India and that they are fighting for their independence. Some even
said Indian army is an occupation army and but for this occupation by India Jammu and
Kashmir would have been a peaceful state.

I had to battle through every position the students took and try to convince them that
though their grievances are genuine but their methods to fight are not justified. Use of
violence in a democratic era cannot bring about resolution of their problems. It is vitally
necessary to use democratic space for solving the problems facing them. However, the
youth maintained that independence is the only solution. The students of human rights
particularly insisted on this course.

There was also a section of students who although did not insist on separation from India,
but nevertheless, they had great feeling of alienation. They kept on quoting excesses
committed by army and human rights violations. No doubt they had deep wounds as
members of family of these students were killed or injured or in some cases women of
their families were molested or dishonoured. They also said the Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh had promised ‘zero tolerance’ for violation of human rights but still
violations go on.

A section of students also maintained we want to be part of Pakistan and not that of India.
However, they were few in number but quite rigid on their position. It appears they
belonged to Geelani’s Hurriyyat group. I pointed out that many nationalities in Pakistan
like Baluch and Sindh themselves have launched cessationist movement and feel Pakistan
is dominated by Punjab and small nationalities have no future. How can then Kashmir be
happy with Pakistan.

Moreover, Pakistan have had no democracy and small democratic interregnum is always
followed by military capturing power. In India there has been consistent democratic
regime and there can be legitimate hope of accommodating democratic aspirations of
Kashmiri people. Also, religion cannot be basis of nationalism as Bangla Desh shared
religion with Pakistan but could not remain part of it for long. Language and culture are
more stable basis of nationalism than religion. However, this small vocal section of
students refused to be convinced and we had to disagree. It appears that due to their
strong grievances with India (largely due to presence of 600,000 strong army) and hence
Pakistan appears to be romantic alternative.

My experience with the workshop clearly established that educated youth does feel
alienated from India and what is worse, nothing is being done to remove this feeling of
alienation either by state government or Union Government. The feeling that India
betrayed all promises made to people of Kashmir is really a sore point. They were
promised full autonomy and Sheikh Abdullah gladly agreed to be with secular democratic
India than with ‘theocratic Pakistan’.

However, this promise was not kept and autonomy was not only diluted after arrest of
Sheikh Abdullah but altogether abolished slowly and Kashmir became simply a state like
any other state in India. The 1953 agreement between Nehru and Sheikh Abdullah was
also not honoured and much worse the agreement between Indira Gandhi and the Sheikh
died with the death of Sheikh Abdullah. How can Kashmiris trust the Union Government.

Not only this, election after election was rigged and people of Kashmir felt they were not
free to choose their own government. The rigging of 1987 elections proved the last straw
on the camel’s back and this rigging led to great dissatisfaction among the people of
Kashmir. In fact this was beginning of 1989 militancy. The Kashmiri youth thought they
have no future in India and took to arms for ‘azadi’.

Since this workshop was for the youth, it gave real insights into their thinking as well as
their problems. There is also greatly deal of discontent among them due to high degree of
corruption in state government and administration. The educated youth is well aware of
lack of economic development and job opportunities. Expansion of education and lack of
job opportunities is an explosive combination. The fact that they are Muslims and
Kashmiris makes them feel they are being deliberately kept out of jobs.

A top police official told me in private conversation that if Government of India has some
vision it should open training centres for the youth for recruitment to NDA (National
Defence Academy) and it will make lot of difference. This youth has been confined to
Kashmir and has no idea of vast opportunities India offers. If they go out of valley and
get job opportunities they will realise the importance of being with India. If their loyalties
are suspect they may not be posted in Kashmir but may be posted in other parts of the

If the youth is involved with the Indian army it will make a great deal of difference. He
also cited examples of certain youth who went out of Kashmir to places like Bangalore
and other places and they feel to belong to India. If they remain confined to valley the
sense of Indianness is not inculcated in them. I myself felt this while conducting the
The participants in the workshop had hardly any knowledge of India outside the valley.
They even thought all Hindus are supporters of RSS and enemies of Muslims. It took lot
of time to convince them that it is not so and that most of the Hindus are secular and only
a small percentage of them are supporters of Hindu communalism. The fact that the BJP
could not get more than 12 per cent votes until it raised highly emotive issue of
Ramjanambhoomi and this emotional upsurge on this issue also did not last more than
few years and hence BJP lost elections in 2004. This came as a surprise to many of them
that most of the Hindus are secular.

Thus in order to win over the youth of Kashmir some concrete measures will have to be
taken. I suggest the following steps:

8) It is necessary to hold such awareness raising camps in the valley to stress the
importance of peace and creative use of democratic space. It should also be
impressed on their minds that no amount of violence is going to solve their
problems; in fact violence is part of problem and not part of solution.
9) In order to convince them of importance of peace as the only way to solve the
problem, state also should try not to use army as a solution and avoid violations of
human rights. Today violations of human rights in the valley is unacceptable and
the Prime Minister’s assurance of ‘zero tolerance’ of human rights must be given
top priority.
10) Greater job opportunities should be provided to the youth within the state and also
outside the valley in central government institutions.
11) The young should also be recruited in armed forces and posted in places outside
the Valley. Top priority should be given for recruitment in NDA. Service in
armed forces would make them feel indeed very proud of being Indian. The
Government of India should seriously consider this suggestion.
12) It is a wrong notion that pouring money into valley will win over the hearts and
minds of people of Kashmir. Money can never assuage the hurt psyche. Sense of
dignity and pride of being Kashmiri and Indian at the same time must be
inculcated through various ingenious moves.
13) The educated youth is being indoctrinated today and they are even made to reject
syncretic sufi culture of Kashmir. One participant even described it as ‘colonial
discourse’. From school level itself sufi syncretic culture has to be emphasised.
14) Also, steps should be taken to restore autonomy of the valley which is politically
viable in the present circumstances. The central government should appear to be
honest in this matter.
15) All elections should be held fairly and there should be zero tolerance for rigging.
It will vastly change the scenario and induce confidence among the people. The
politicians should stop playing games, if they want to strengthen relations of
Kashmir with India.

It also should be noted that by and large people of Kashmir are not in favour of joining
Pakistan. However, their confidence must be won through political negotiations rather
than through use of military force. That will not simply work. Jackboots cannot crush
political aspirations. If we do not realise this we cannot solve the Kashmir problem in
years to come.
Centre for Study of Society and Secularism

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