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2 facts that marked America

¿What was worse? ¿the 911 or pearl harbor attacks? I couldn’t say with certain but
As all have read, or all we know both 911 as pear harbor it was 2 facts that mark
the history of America and the whole world, the notice it spread in matter of hours.
im sure that Both facts were surprisingly devastating, and at the same time they
improved the country and the world.
Both facts was made it for foreign people the pearl harbor attack occurred on
Sunday December 7 of 1941 induced by Japanese people while that 911 attack
occurred on September 11 of 2001 induced by Islamic terrorist people.
In pearl attacks, there were an average of 2403 people killed, while 911 attacks
were 3016 average people. On the other hand, the Pearl Harbor was a tactical
military base, while the diverse objectives such as twin towers were entirely
In the actuality both devastating facts improve the secure not only in America but
also in the whole world , the world united in one spirit to prevent future terrorist
attacks improving the secure in every single highway, border, port, airport.

In conclusion, both events were devastating for everyone, many innocent people
died without knowing what was happening. Leaving the world in shock.

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