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What is Simple interest

Is the most basic type of interest. In order to understand how various types of
transactions work, it helps to have a complete understanding of simple interest. For
example, you may pay interest on a loan, and it is important to understand how interest
works. Better yet, your bank may be paying you interest on your deposits and you can
maximize your earnings by knowing more about is also fee paid by a
borrower to the lender for the privilege of using his money. This fee is a percentage of
the loan amount. Simple interest can be paid to a lender by a person who took out a
loan, or paid to a person depositing money into a bank account. When you deposit
money into a bank, you are essentially loaning it to the bank. Simple interest is the
amount initially charged on a loan, and does not take into account the compounding of
interest over time.

2. What are the factors in computing simple interest?

Calculating interest can seem complex, especially when the terms "rate" and "yield" are
involved. Right next to the annual percentage rate (APR) you often find the annual
percentage yield (APY). The APY always is a higher percentage rate than the APR.
Computing simple interest is easy when using the following formula with these
abbreviations and values: simple interest (I) = 5 percent, principal (P — your investment),
APR (R) interest expressed as a decimal. In this case R = 0.12, P =
₱10,000, and Time (T) = 1 year.
Using the formula I = R x P x T, the simple interest for the amounts in the example are
I = ₱10,000 x 0.12 x 1
Therefore, I = ₱1,200
When analyzing which of several savings investments is best, you need to compare their
annual rates of yield (APY). A higher APY usually offers the greater yield for investing.
Interest can be compounded daily, monthly, or annually. How interest is compounded
affects your APY (the amount of your return). APY takes into account the compounding of
interest on already compounded interest. The following example shows the APY when
interest is compounded monthly. APY is calculated by taking one plus the periodic rate and
raising it to the number of periods in a year.
For example, using a standard compound sum of an annuity table, a 1 percent per month
rate has an APY of 12.68 percent per year. Now your $10,000 investment is multiplied by
the APY of 12.68 percent. Your investor’s return for the year is $1,268. The formula looks
like this:

APY = ₱10,000 x .1268 =₱1,268

3. How to solve the final amount and of present value of a loan or investment
using simple interest?

The present value of “P” is that principal which is invested on the given date at the
given interest rate will amount to “F” on the date “F” due. The compound discount
is the difference of F – P and the process of finding present value is called

The present formula

To get the present value of a future amount, we simply solve the compound amount
of formula “P”.
(1+i) n
However, this relationship is often expressed using negative exponents.
P = F (1+i)

Like the the compound amount, finding the present value “P” has several methods.
Example: Find the present value of ₱ 20,000 due in 3 yrs. If the interest rate is 5%
converted semi-annually.

5% 1
i= =2 ; n = 2 x 3 = 6; F = ₱20,000
2 2
P = (1+i)

= 20,000 x 1 + 21 %

= 20,000 (0.86229687)

= ₱ 17,245.94

4. What are the difference of types of simple interest compare and contrast
Simple interest - means Interest that is calculated solely as a percentage of the
* Flat interest – is a special case of simple interest. It is most often used when a
financial obligation, such as being discharged by a series of a equal partial payments
(installments) over the term over the (length) of the obligation, rather than by one
or more amounts repaid at irregular intervals
* Compound - interest means that the interest will include interest calculated on
5. What is Bank Discount?
Interest deducted in a lump sum by a bank from a loan when the loan is made: it is
computed from the date of the loan to the date of the final payment on the basis of the
original amount of the loan.

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