UltraBot 2016

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1. Acknowledgement

Deep thank and gratitude conveys to our headmistress Mrs. Rosnaini binti Ab, Latiff, Mr.
Mohd Naseri bin Ibrahim (PK KO), Mr. Mohd Tamrin bin Mohd Rakof (PK HEM), our
mentor Mr. Mohd Fikry bin Adnan,our teachers Mr. Mohd Sharifudin bin Mohammad,
Mr. Mohd Azril Anuwar bin Sahid, Mr. Iffat Haiqal bin Zawawi and every one for their
contribution and support throughout the process of the project.

2. Project Mission, Vision & Objective

1. To create robots that can help in managing and reducing waste in any public location.
2. To design robots to help managing and reducing waste at on of World Heritage, St.
Paul Church at Malacca.
3. To implement a robot which can actually help managing and reducing waste in St.
Paul Church.

3. Particulars of team members and mentor

Members No. 1:
1. Name : Muhammad Rizwan Bin Rozali
2. DOB : 12 Julai 2003
3. IC Number : 030712011283
4. Gender : Lelaki
5. Race : Melayu

Members No. 2:
1. Name : Muhammad Rizwan Bin Rozali
2. DOB : 12 Julai 2003
3. IC Number : 030712011283
4. Gender : Lelaki


5. Race : Melayu

Members No. 3:
1. Name : Muhammad Rizwan Bin Rozali
2. DOB : 12 Julai 2003
3. IC Number : 030712011283
4. Gender : Lelaki
5. Race : Melayu

1. Name : Mr. Mohd Fikry bin Adnan
2. Phone Number : 0105348579
3. IC Number : 810506055311
4. Gender : Male
5. Race : Malay

School Profile:
1. Name : Sekolah Kebangsaan Londah
2. School Code : NBA5012
3. Zone :F
4. Email : nba5012@gmail.com
5. Date Of Registration : 26 April 2013

4. Introduction of the project in detail

St. Paul's Church is a historic church building in Malacca, Malaysia that was
originally built in 1521, making it the oldest church building in Malaysia and Southeast
Asia. It is located at the summit of St. Paul's Hill and is today part of the Malacca
Museum Complex comprising the A Famosa ruins, the Stadthuys and other historical
buildings. It is one of UNESCO World Heritage.


The ruins of St. Paul’s Church are at the summit of St. Paul's Hill. Roofless and
covered in ferns, it was originally called the Nossa Senhora da Annunciada (Our Lady of
the Annunciation). Though it has been in ruins for more than 150 years, it is a beautiful,
breezy sanctuary (reached after a steep flight of stairs) set near the remains of A’
Famosa fort.

Inside the ruins of St. Paul’s Church is basically a decaying stone interior. Lending
an eerie air to an otherwise light atmosphere is a Dutch burial vault set up in 1592 when
Malacca was the only port in the Straits. Lining the walls, these hefty, intricately
engraved tombstones belong to Dutch nobility that were buried here, including that of
Pedro Martins (the second Bishop of Funay, Japan). This is where our place of choice
for this year project. Our robot will manage and reduce specific waste inside these ruins.

The robot will first detect and pick specific waste namely glass, plastic and paper.
Then, it will bring it to collection point and at the collection points the wastes will be
separated accordingly, Then, there will be three identical robot waiting for the waste and
ready to bring those waste to the recycle centre.

5. Synopsis of the project

a. Background
b. Robot functionality
c. Uniqueness and interactive behavior

The robot was produced by using the lego mindstorms education NXT base set
9797 and education resource set 9648 as the building foundation

Basically, there are three different types of robots designed in this project.

The first robot, Ginga will detect and pick three specific wastes inside the ruins.
Ginga will move on a black trail as guidance to move around the ruins. Light sensor is
use to detect and follow the black line. As it moves, there are color sensor that will only


detect three different color which are represent three different types of wastes. It will
stops at the end of the trail and when it detect the blue zone, it will turn around and
move backward until the touch sensor equipped at its back touch the wall.

The second robot, Ace will detect the arrival of Ginga with its ultrasonic sensor.
Then it will move the forklift automatically and it will pull the door of waste container at
the back of Ginga.

The third robot, Zero will first hold the wastes collected and the color sensor will
detect and separate the wastes according to their color. The wastes will go down to its
respected category.

Finally, our last robot consist of three identical robots namely Leo, Taro and
Astra. Each of these robots will collect three different types of wastes. Leo will handle
the glass, Taro will handle paper and Astra will handle plastic. Each of them equipped
with touch sensor and when the container full with wastes, the weight of its will push the
sensor and the robots will start moving to the recycle centre.

6. Designing and Building Process

a. Concept and Implementation
b. Brainstorming and solution to the problem
c. Engineering and stability of the structures
d. Pictures of the project (at each stage)
e. Final model and pictures depicting different angles
f. Related charts

UltraBot is produced based on simple concept of finding the specific wastes,

collect it, separated it and bring it to recycle centre. Therefore, every unit is equipped
with sensors, forklift motor, collecting gear and container for those purposes.


During the building processes, the most problematic issue was the design for the
collecting gear. After a few discussion and modification, we manage to build it based on
the concept of the motor with gear. The gear will move the handle and automatically
open and close the grip.

Ginga is actually the main robot in this project. It was built on 3 wheels to
maintain its stability and flexibility to move. Second unit, Ace was built and fix on a cave
like structure and it was fix steadily there. Third unit, Zero was fix on a polystyrene
board with lego and cover with a mounting board and plastic to avoid the waste going
out. Finally, the three last robots was basically design similar to GInga with different
sensor and container.

Here is the process how the robot is produced;

1 2


3 4

5 6

7 8


9 10

7. Programming
a. Concept
b. Brainstorming and solution to problem
c. Printed programming with explanations

UltraBot is programmed using NXT ver 2.1 programmer. There are actually 4
different programs use int this project as there are 4 different robots with different

The robot is programmed with the distance sensor on port 1 which detects the
presence of people as far as 30 cm. When there is movement in the distance, the robot
will release a leaflet through the pushing action by the motor on port A.

The distance sensor on port 2 will detect the paper released. When there is a paper
released, the distance sensor on port 1 will be not functional anymore.

On the other hand, when the paper is taken, the distance sensor on port 1 will be
functional again to detect the presence of people who approached.


This process will be repeated every time someone approached the robot and the leaflet
is taken by public.

Here is the PLV Robot program;

8. Appendices
a. Interviews (if any)
b. Gantt chart (refer attachment)
c. Softcopy of the whole project must be burned in CD/DVD (e.g. report,
programming, slide show, video clip and etc.)


1. http://time.com/3709945/sulfur-miners_the-devils-gold_luca-catalano-gonzaga/

2. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENY6z2pj2pQ

3. http://www.ibtimes.com/marching-active-volcano-sulfur-miners-ijen-indonesia-

4. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-12301421

5. http://www.sulphurinstitute.org/learnmore/sulphur101.cfm


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