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Comparative analysis of various classification algorithms in R

Table of Contents
1. What is classification? 3
2. Neural Network 3
3. Decision Tree 3
4. Work Done 4
5. Result 5
6. Conclusion 5
7. Appendix

What is classification?
Classification is a data mining technique which allows us to categorize the cases into
different categories based on the data. This technique has wide range of application in
finance for example:
1. Classification of credit customer in risk category of high and low
2. Use in Health Insurance and Automobile Insurance
3. Fraud Detection etc.

Neural Network
A neural network is a series of algorithms that endeavors to recognize underlying
relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the way the human brain
operates. Neural networks can adapt to changing input so the network generates the best
possible result without needing to redesign the output criteria.

Decision Tree
A decision tree is a largely used non-parametric effective machine learning modeling
technique for regression and classification problems. To find solutions a decision tree makes
sequential, hierarchical decision about the outcomes variable based on the predictor data.

Work Done
It is important that credit card firms are able to indentify fraud credit card


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