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1. Frequency is the number of occurrence of a repeating event per unit time. It is a key for
control of some dynamic systems. What is the symbol that represents frequency?
ANS. 𝝎
2. Frequency Response technique is NOT valuable to mechanical engineers studying things
like airplane wing dynamics or chemical engineers studying diffusion or process
dynamics. True or False?
3. What is the Laplace transformation representing the input (oscillatory signal) such as
sine function 𝑢(𝑡) = sin(𝜔𝑡)?
ANS. 𝑼(𝒔) = 𝒔𝟐 +𝒘𝟐

4. The meaning of L-1 on a Laplace Transformation is?

ANS. Inverse Laplace
5-6. Give the two kinds of so called DELTA functions.
ANS. Kronecker Delta, Dirac Delta
7. This is the method to express any function that is continuous on a given interval as a
sum of sines and cosines on that interval.
ANS. Fourier Series
8. What is the similarities of Fourier transform to Laplace Transform?
ANS. Both seeks to transform DE into Algebraic Equation
9. Give the representation of open-loop transfer function.
ANS. G(s) = P(s)C(s)
10. This is one possible representation of the long-time modulus and phase of the output in
response to a sinusoidal input. It consists of two stacked plots with frequency on the
horizontal axis.
ANS. Bode Diagram
11. It is an alternative diagram for the answer in no. 10, in which the frequency does not
appear explicitly and instead being a polar plot of magnitude and phase in which the
frequency is an implicit parameter.
ANS. Nyquist Plot
12. _____________is define as being the frequency at which magnitude of transfer
function is exactly 1 (0 db).
ANS. Crossover Frequency
13. Which test gives the desired frequency domain stability?
ANS. Nyquist Test
14-15. The two stability criteria used to determine if a proposed control scheme will be
asymptotically stable.
ANS. Bode Stability Criterion, Nyquist Stability Criterion
16-20. Draw the graph of Open-loop Bode Plot for integrating controller element. Label

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