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October FFA News!!!

Meet and Greet

Our annual FFA Meet and Greet was on August 30th. The fun night started with
a dinner with all the FFA Officers telling a little bit about themselves and things new
members can do throughout the year. Each officer had a subject to talk about such
as: CDE’s, conventions, points, etc. This provided each member with information on
what FFA is all about. Then the fun began for the members, as Ms. Collins had a par-
ent meeting to tell them all about what FFA consist of and how their kids can be in-
volved and have so much fun. While all new and current FFA members went on a
hunt to find different clues about events FFA has around the whole school. At the end
it brought everyone back to the high school gym. When the parents were done with
their meeting they met everyone in the gym for our ABC’s of CDE’s. This consisted of
all the officers at a CDE explaining how each one worked. Every member got to try
out each contest such as, judging horses, dairy products, and making your own soil
cups! The night was a great success and everyone is ready for this big year to start!

Newsletter submitted by Alexis Howell, FFA Reporter

Horse Judging
Section 9 horse judging was help September 5th in Shirley, IL. 12
members participated in the contest. Our team was 6th overall and
congrats to Jordan Snyder for receiving 5th top individual. It was a
great day and can’t wait to compete next year!

Forestry Contest
ProHarvest Dinner
Section 9 forestry contest was held in Monti-
Our FFA chapter helps serve dinner for ProHarvest
cello on September 12th. Three FFA members
each year. Six members helped serve pork chops to
attended, James Trainor, Hailey Stevenfield, farm families on ProHarvest Plot Night. It was a
and Dylan Klein. Our team was 4th and con- great night, “worked like a well oiled machine”.
gratulations to James Trainor for receiving 7th
top individual for section 9. Even though not
many members attended these three still had
a good experience.

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