SDM No. 170, S. 2018 - Search For Schools Division Outstanding Multigrade Teacher

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‘Republic ofthe Philippines Document Code: SDO-GGFO2S Department of Education Region i Revision: 00 SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ZAMBALES Tone 6, Iba, Zambales Effectivity date: 06-01-2018 Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391 Email Address: Name of Office: Schools Division Office September 17, 2018 SCHOOLS DIVISION MEMORANDUM No.0, s. 90 2018 SEARCH FOR SCHOOLS DIVISION OUTSTANDING MULTIGRADE TEACHER To: School Heads of Multigrade Schools All Others Concemed 1. The Schools Division of Zambales announces the conduct of 2018 Search for Outstanding Multigrade Teacher; 2. The activity aims to recognize the outstanding performance of mulligrade teachers in the development of children in multigrade classes in the country and their contribution to the improvement of the community. Specifically, it aims t a. Motivate teachers to stay in multigrade schools; b. Enhance school-community partnership; and ¢. Document best teaching practices in multigrade classes, community projects and initiative to support MG schools. 3. The Search is open to all Mulfigrade teachers who have rendered dedicated and exemplary services in teaching multigrade classes in public elementary schools for the last three years. The guidelines and mechanics for the Search are enclosed. 4. The Search shall officially commence on July 2018 and shall end on December 2018. 5. A Planning and Consultative Meeting shall be conducted with Multigrade District Coordinators on September 26, 2018, 1:30pm at the CID Office. 6. This also serves as travel authority of all personnel concerned relative to the conduct of the Search. 7. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. $= ROMEO M. ALIP, Ph.D., CESO V gu Schools Division Superintendent GaF -Page 1 of Republic of ihe Philippines Document Code: SD0-GOFO2S Depariment of Education Region i Revision: 00 ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ZAMBALES Tone 6, Iba, Zambales date: 06.01.2018 Tel/Fax No. (047) 602 1391 Email Adress eo vebsle:wnvw.depedrombalesph Name of Office: SCHOOLS DIVISION Schools Division Office MEMORANDUM Enclosure No. | fo SDM No.8 5.2018 GUIDELINES ON THE SEARCH FOR OUTSTANDING MULTIGRADE TEACHER 1. The Search for the Outstanding Multigrade Teacher shall cover accomplishments of the nominees from SY 2016-2017 to present (3 school years). 2. The Search shall undergo the school level selection to identifying the (Most) Outstanding Multigrade teacher in the district level and Zonal level before the Division level Search. The district winners will be evaluated by the Schools Division Selection Sub-committee to determine the Zonal representative to the Division Search. Validation, interview and actual classroom observation will be done by the Division Search Committee to further evaluate the accomplishments of the four (4) Zonal winners/division finalists. 3. All documents/supporting papers/MOVs based on the criteria shall be submitted in a folder together with the result of the district level search to the Schools Division Office Records Section (ATIN: CID) 4, The Search Committee in each level is composed by the following: District Lev Chairman: —PSDS/Coordinating Principal Members: 4 School Heads Zonal Level: Chairman: Div. Coordinator/Focal Person Members: MG Dist. Coordinators Division Level: Chairman: CID Chief ES Co-Chairman: SGOD Chief €S Members: SMME SEPS PSDSs & EPSs 5. The conduct of the Search is scheduled as folloy ‘ACTIVITIES DATES ‘School Search/Assessment/Evaluation (discussed during the July ManCom Meeting | July - August 2018 with School Heads) District Search/Assessment/Evalvation Sept. 1= Oct3, 2018 Submission of Results of District Evalvafion/Selection to SOO Oct.4,2018 ‘Conduct of Zonal Selection /Validation /Evaluation —[Oet.11-12, 2018 Submission of Results of Zonal Evaluation, with pertinent papers of nominees | Oct.15, 2018 Division Search/ Evaluation of Zonal winners (paper evaluation, demo Nov. 6-9, 2018 teaching, interview, and validation) i | ‘Awaraing | Education Week 2018 Gar -Page 2013 Repub of the Philippines Document Code: SDO-GAFOzS Deparment of Education Region ill Revision: 00 SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ZAMBALES Tone 6, Iba, Zambales Effectivity date: 06.01.2018, Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391 Email Address: ‘website: www.depedzambalesph Name of Office: SCHOOLS DIVISION Schools Division Office MEMORANDUM Enclosure No. 2, 5.2018 to Schools Division Memo. No.\7O, 5.2018 CRITERIA FOR THE 2018 SEARCH FOR OUTSTANDING MULTIGRADE TEACHER |. Supporting Documents (50%) ‘A. INSTRUCTIONAL COMPETENCE AND TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS. 1, Competence in Teaching MG Classes a. Performance ratings as MG Teacher for the last 2 yrs preceding the Search 'b. Pupils’ performance for the last 2 yrs preceding the Search c. Percentage increase of class reading level 2. Outstanding Contribution in the Education of MG Children a. Number of years in service as MG Teacher b. Innovative Teaching Approaches Introduced and Tried Out c. Assessment materials prepared and utllzed to evaluate leaming d. Instructional materials/devices prepared and utilized to improve teaching e. Research and creative output 3. Leadership Potentials a. Involvement in co-cunicular activities b, Awards received .70 pts B. PROFESSIONAL AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT.. 1. Professional Qualities a. Educational attainment and Professional Growth b. Punctuality and Attendance ¢. Membership in Professional Organization 2. Community Involvement a. Membership in Organization outside teaching b. Community Livethood projects initiated/sustained ¢. Other community projects C. PERSONAL QUALITIES AND CHARACTER ....... 1. Model of Morality and Integrity in Public and Private Life 2. Good human relations in School and Community soeessneeee TO pts NOTE: This assessment compiises 50% of the overall percentage points for determining the Outstanding MG Teacher. This should be computed with the classroom observation results and the community support rating. GaF - Page 3013

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