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MAEER’s Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pune

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Programme: MJMC

Subject: Skill Based- I

Time: 1 hour Marks: 20

I. Answer the following in brief (12 Marks)

A) Which softwares are included in DTP? Write one specific use of each.
B) Write difference between TOC and Index.
C) How to set page numbers in Indesign?
D) Write about facilities provided by Photoshop.

II. Multiple Choice Questions (08 Marks)

Q1. Enlarging first letter of the first word in the story is known as __________
A) Capitalization B) Drop Cap C) Format D) Alignment
Q2. Justified text means:
A) Alignment at Left & Right Side Both B) Text correction
C) Alignment Left D) Alignment Right
Q3. What do you mean by Guidelines in In-design?
A) Margins B) Non Printable lines C) Helplines D) Straight lines
Q4. What is Text Wrap in Indesign?
A) Wrapping the text around the picture B) Justifying the text C) Shorten the text
D) None of these.
Q5. Lasso Tool in Photoshop is used for:
A) Delete B) Blur C) Selection D) Paint
Q6. Which facility in corel draw allows you to play with the nodes?
A) Convert to curves B) Curve Tool
C) Special Tool D) Node Tool
Q7. What do you mean by Print File?
A) Printing the file B) file to print C) Coded file to print D) None of these.
Q8. Which keyboard shortcut is used to create a new layer in Photoshop?
A) N B) Ctrl + N C) Shift + N D) Ctrl + Shift + N

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