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L.A. adds more

public toilets as
problem grows
only nine toilets available
Action represents a overnight in recent months
to as many as 1,800 people
shift in city policy, but camped on sidewalks.
some say it falls short. Over the years, the city
would install bathrooms
By Gale Holland and then haul them away af-
ter they were comman-
deered for drug use and
Los Angeles officials have prostitution. Some in down-
debated for decades how town also worried the rest-
best to provide for one of the rooms would give a perma-
most basic needs of home- nence to the homeless
less people. camps, and argued that in Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times
For those camped in the the lawless atmosphere of A VIEW of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. In a visit to Salt Lake City, President Trump
50-block skid row district, skid row, people would not said, “I’ve come to Utah to reverse federal overreach and restore the rights to this land to your citizens.”

Trump slashes the size

the streets have been an use them.
open-air restroom — with But with homelessness
at crisis proportions, the
first new public toilets on
skid row in more than a dec-

ade opened Monday.

of monuments in Utah
The action represents a
new consensus among many
downtown interests about

how to provide the essential
service on skid row. The rest-
rooms also are expected to
help in the fight against a

statewide hepatitis A out-
break spread by poor hy-
giene in homeless camps By Keith Schneider

that has killed more than a
dozen people in San Diego. SALT LAKE CITY —
The Los Angeles rest- President Trump formally
rooms will be decidedly dif- reconfigured two big na-

ferent from those in the past, tional monuments in south-
both aesthetically and cul- ern Utah on Monday,
turally. shrinking them by more
A key will be having full- than 2 million acres — a pub-
time attendants, whom ac- lic lands declaration unlike
tivists are calling “ambas- any ever made by a U.S. chief
sadors,” to monitor the rest- executive.
Supreme Court gives rooms and make people feel “You know how best to
welcome. Homeless advo- take care of your land,” the
green light to Trump cates also hope to have a president said to a large au-
plan pending appeals. snack stand and a bench for dience at the Utah state
resting and chatting with Capitol. “You know best how
By David G. Savage friends, as well as provide to conserve this land for gen-
feminine hygiene products, erations.”
which are in short supply on Calling the designation of
WASHINGTON — The skid row. Bears Ears and Grand Stair-
Supreme Court gave Presi- The new approach comes case-Escalante national
dent Trump a significant as the border between skid monuments an abuse of fed-
victory Monday, ruling he row and the rest of down- eral authority and the work
may put his full travel ban town is shifting. High-end of “distant bureaucrats,” the
into effect while legal ap- development is rising at skid president added: “I’ve come
peals are being weighed in row’s doorstep, and the tent to Utah to reverse federal
lower courts. cities that once were largely overreach and restore the
The decision, with only limited to skid row are rights to this land to your
two dissents, strongly sug- spreading to other parts of citizens.”
gests the justices believe the the city. The proclamations
current version of Trump’s “In other places, the Trump signed reduce the
broad travel ban does not bathrooms might be seen as 1.9-million-acre Grand
exceed his powers under the something that’s going to at- Staircase-Escalante monu-
immigration laws and does tract certain behaviors or ment to 1,006,341 acres, while
not reflect unconstitutional people,” said Downtown Los Bears Ears, which was 1.35
religious discrimination Angeles Neighborhood million acres, will shrink to
against Muslims. [See Restrooms, A10] [See Monuments, A4]
The justices issued an
unsigned order Monday
granting the administra-
tion’s request for a stay that

State’s droughts may Woman names

would block lower court de-
cisions that prevented full
enforcement of the ban. Jus-
tices Ruth Bader Ginsburg

assemblyman as
and Sonia Sotomayor said

get a whole lot worse

they would deny the request
but did not spell out their

harasser in 2016
The court did not issue
an opinion with the order,
but usually the justices do
not intervene in pending
cases unless they believe the Scientists link polar ice loss to diminished rain
lower courts have gone
wrong. By Melanie Mason
The decision vindicates a By Evan Halper
rather bold procedural move SACRAMENTO —
by the Justice Department WASHINGTON — Cali- Weeks after lobbyist Pamela
and Trump’s solicitor gen- fornia could be hit with sig- Lopez told of a state law-
eral, Noel Francisco. nificantly more dangerous maker following her into a
[See Travel ban, A4] and more frequent droughts bathroom in 2016 and mas-
in the near future as changes turbating in front of her, she
in weather patterns trig- filed a formal complaint
gered by global warming Monday publicly naming
block rainfall from reaching Assemblyman Matt Dabab-
the state, according to new neh.
research led by scientists at In an interview, Dabab-
Lawrence Livermore Na- neh told The Times that he
tional Laboratory. “one hundred percent” de-
Using complex new mod- nied the allegation. Kirk McKoy Los Angeles Times
eling, the scientists have “I am utterly shocked and ASSEMBLYMAN Matt
found that rapidly melting blown away,” the San Fer- Dababneh, a Democrat,
Arctic sea ice now threatens nando Valley Democrat denied the allegations
to diminish precipitation said. “This is a career-end- and said he’d cooperate
Jae C. Hong Associated Press
over California by as much ing charge based on no with an investigation.
as 15% within 20 to 30 years. facts.”
LiAngelo Ball Such a change would have Lopez shared her initial ual harassment has up-
profound economic effects account in October, joining ended the worlds of politics,
is leaving UCLA in a state where the most re- more than 140 women as entertainment, media and
The freshman basket- cent drought drained sev- they denounced in an open tech.
ball player is with- eral billion dollars out of the letter a “pervasive” culture In Sacramento, Assem-
drawing because his economy, severely stressed of sexual harassment and blyman Raul Bocanegra
outspoken father is infrastructure and high- misconduct in the state (D-Pacoima) resigned last
upset about LiAngelo’s lighted how even the state Capitol. week after allegations from
suspension from the most proactively con- Then in November, the multiple women that he
team for shoplifting fronting global warming is lobbyist told The Times that [See Harassment, A6]
in China. SPORTS, D1 not prepared for its fallout. the lawmaker in question
The latest study adds a “was Matt Dababneh.”
Very windy. worrying dimension to the Based on that information, Capitol’s culture
challenge California is al- The Times had been report-
L.A. Basin: 71/50. B6
ready facing in adapting to ing a story and had reached of harassment
climate change, and shifts out to Dababneh before Sacramento has a “zero
focus to melting polar ice Lopez’s news conference tolerance” policy, but no
that only recently has been Monday. one knows what that
discovered to have such a di- The accusation comes as means, Robin Abcarian
[See Drought, A7] a public reckoning over sex- writes. CALIFORNIA, B1
A2 TU E S DAY , D E C EM BE R 5, 2017 LAT IMES. C OM


Closing the gaps between

House and Senate tax bills
A look at the versions’ biggest differences as reconciliation work starts
By Jim Puzzanghera
and Lisa Mascaro

House and Senate Re-

publicans are set to go to
work this week to reconcile
significant differences be-
tween their two tax bills.
Here are the biggest
sticking points they need to
resolve while making sure
the legislation does not
reduce revenues by more
than $1.5 trillion over the
next decade or, under Sen-
ate rules, add to the budget
deficit after that. If it ex-
ceeds that amount, Repub-
licans could no longer pass
their tax package with a
simple majority vote in the

Individual tax rates

The House bill collapses
the current seven brackets
into four and keeps the top Drew Angerer Getty Images
tax rate of 39.6%, although it HOUSE Democrats Steny H. Hoyer, left, Joseph Crowley, House Minority Leader
raises the income level at Nancy Pelosi and James E. Clyburn hold a news conference about GOP tax reform.
which that applies. The
changes would take effect in 13 million additional unin- higher exemption levels. until 2019.
2018 and would reduce fed- sured Americans by 2027 That would reduce federal That one-year difference
eral revenues by an esti- and premium hikes of 10%, revenues by $83 billion, the is significant, worth about
mated $1.09 trillion over the according to an analysis by congressional tax analysis $127 billion, according to the
next decade, according to the Congressional Budget committee said. committee analysis.
the congressional Joint Office. The corporate tax reduc-
Committee on Taxation. The AMT tion is the single costliest
The Senate bill has seven Mortgage deduction The House bill elimi- provision in both bills in
brackets, but reduces the The House bill would nates the alternative min- terms of lost federal reve-
top rate to 38.5% for income reduce the mortgage inter- imum taxes for individuals nue. The House corporate
over $500,000 for single filers est deduction for future and corporations. The taxes tax cut reduces revenues by
and $1 million for couples home purchases. are designed to make sure $1.46 trillion over the next
filing jointly. The Senate bill Homeowners would be people and corporations decade. The Senate’s ver-
also reduces income levels limited to deducting inter- don’t avoid taxes com- sion reduces revenues by
on other brackets compared est on up to $500,000 in pletely. $1.33 trillion over the same
with the current levels. mortgage debt, down from Repealing the AMT for period.
To offset those costs over the current $1-million limit. individuals, many of whom
the next 10 years, the Senate Deductions for second are very wealthy, would ‘Pass-throughs’
bill calls for the changes and homes would no longer be reduce federal revenues by The House and Senate
all its others to the individu- allowed. Existing mortgages about $700 billion over the bills also reduce taxes on
al tax code to expire after would not be affected. next decade. Eliminating so-called pass-through
2025. Still, the Senate bill’s The Senate bill does not the corporate AMT would businesses — sole propri-
individual bracket changes change any of those provi- reduce federal revenues by etorships, partnerships,
would reduce federal reve- sions, which benefit states about $40 billion over the limited liability companies
nues by more than the with high housing costs, same period, according to and S corporations — whose
House’s version — $1.17 such as California, more the Joint Committee on owners pay through the
trillion over the next decade, than elsewhere. Taxation. individual tax code.
the Joint Committee on The Senate bill originally The changes are compli-
Taxation said. Estate tax also repealed both taxes, cated and the bills take
Lawmakers will have to The House and Senate although the individual different approaches to
decide how to reconcile the bills would double the ex- AMT would have returned those taxes, which are paid
two sets of brackets and emption next year for assets in 2026 as part of the expira- by many mom-and-pop
whether the changes should subject to the estate tax, a tion of the changes to that operations but also large
be permanent or temporary. levy of as much as 40% that part of the tax code. partnerships such as law
hits heirs of mostly wealthy A last-minute need for firms, hedge funds and
Individual mandate individuals. more revenue led Senate some of President Trump’s
While the House bill The current exemption Republicans to change own businesses.
makes no changes to the levels are $5.49 million for an the bill to keep the indi- The House bill would cap
Affordable Care Act, the individual and about $11 vidual and corporate AMTs. the top tax rate for pass-
Senate bill would repeal the million for a couple. The exemption amounts throughs at 25%, down from
individual mandate that Both bills also would and phaseout thresholds 39.6%.
requires Americans to pur- double — to $28,000 per for individuals would in- The Senate plan would
chase health insurance or person and $56,000 per crease. continue taxing pass-
face a tax penalty. couple — the annual exclu- The Senate’s individual through businesses at the
The move would save the sion from the federal tax on AMT changes would reduce individual rate that would
federal government about gifts to children or other federal revenues by about apply to the owner, with a
$318 billion over the next people. $636 billion over the next top proposed rate of 38.5%.
decade because the govern- But the House plan decade. But the Senate bill would
ment would no longer pay would repeal the estate and allow most pass-throughs to
federal subsidies to help gift taxes entirely in 2024. Corporate rate deduct about 23% of their
low- and middle-income That would reduce federal The House and Senate business income from their
Americans buy insurance revenues by about $151 bills permanently slash the taxes.
policies, the congressional billion over a decade. corporate tax rate to 20%
tax analysis committee said. The Senate plan would from 35%. The House cut jim.puzzanghera
Repealing the individual keep the estate and gift would take effect next year,
mandate also would lead to taxes in place with the but the Senate bill delays it


Christophe Petit Tesson EPA/Shutterstock

France’s first baby panda has a name four months after his birth: Chinese dignitaries and French first
lady Brigitte Macron, left of center, chose Yuan Meng, which means “the realization of a wish” or “accom-
plishment of a dream.” A naming ceremony held Monday at the Beauval zoo south of Paris was an impor-
tant diplomatic moment, but the young male panda had other priorities. Yuan Meng growled and jumped
when zoo director Rodolphe Delord reached over his glass-walled enclosure to offer a pet. Yuan Meng’s
parents are on loan to Beauval from China, and the cub will be sent to a Chinese panda reserve when he is
weaned. The pandas “are the illustration of an always productive dialogue between our two people, who for
centuries have looked at each other, listened to each other and understood each other,” the first lady said.

Irish border
issue holds up
a ‘Brexit’ deal
British prime minister
faces opposition to a
plan to let Northern
Ireland stay in the EU.
By Christina Boyle

LONDON — The Irish

border question took center
stage in Britain’s negotia-
tions to leave the European
Union on Monday, causing a
major setback for Prime
Minister Theresa May, who
had hoped to conclude an
initial agreement but in- Virginia Mayo Associated Press
stead was forced to acknowl- BRITISH leader The-
edge talks had faltered. resa May said “some
Eighteen months after differences ... require
Mohammed Huwais AFP/Getty Images
the country voted to leave further negotiation.”
HOUTHI REBELS gather outside the Sana residence of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who ruled the EU — a referendum re-
Yemen for more than 30 years and then tried to topple his successor after being swept from office in 2012. sult now colloquially re- gence which separates
ferred to as Brexit — both Northern Ireland economi-
May and her European cally or politically from the

Ex-Yemen leader killed Grisly video circulating poorest nation to the brink
counterparts had initially
appeared upbeat about the
prospect of concluding the
first round of talks as they
arrived in Brussels.
But after a day of talks in
rest of the U.K.,” DUP leader
Arlene Foster said in a news
conference Monday after-
“The Republic of Ireland
for their part claim to be
Brussels, she stood on a po- guarantors of the Belfast
Ali Abdullah Saleh on social media purported of famine. dium beside European Com- Agreement, but they are
to show gunmen loading With Saleh’s death, peace mission President Jean- clearly seeking to unilater-
dies as fighting rages Saleh’s body, wrapped in a in Yemen appears even fur- Claude Juncker and de- ally change that Belfast
between his backers, floral blanket, onto the back ther out of reach. clared that attempts at an Agreement without our in-
of a pickup truck and “The road map for peace
their former allies. shouting, “God is great!” is now obsolete,” said Adam
agreement had failed, for
put or consent, and of course
we will not stand for that.”
Saleh appeared to have Baron, a Yemen analyst at “On a couple of issues The Belfast, or Good Fri-
By Zayd Ahmed sustained a wound to the the European Council on
and Alexandra Zavis some differences do remain day, Agreement is the deal
head, and his shirt was Foreign Relations. “It’s clear which require further nego- that finally brought peace to
stained with blood. The there will be more conflict … tiation and consultation,” Northern Ireland after 30
SANA, Yemen — Ali authenticity of the short clip and greater suffering for she acknowledged, trying to years of sectarian conflict.
Abdullah Saleh, the de- could not be independently Yemenis is much more downplay the intense poli- A short while later, May
posed strongman who led verified. likely.” ticking that had unfolded reportedly broke off her
Yemen for more than three The Houthis’ leader, As coalition warplanes throughout the day. talks with Juncker to speak
decades and colluded with Abdel-Malek Houthi, hailed streaked over Sana late At stake were three key by phone with Foster, and
Iran-aligned rebels to topple Saleh’s death as “the fall of Monday, residents braced issues: How much Britain later returned to the room to
his successor, was killed the conspiracy of cunning Khaled Fazaa AFP/Getty Images for what many feared would should pay the EU to sever say the deal was off.
Monday as fighting raged and betrayal,” saying Saudi SALEH, seen in 2006, be a push by the coalition ties, a so-called divorce bill; Even as the DUP threw a
between his followers and Arabia and its allies were had condemned the Hou- into the capital. the status of EU citizens liv- wrench into the talks, the
their former allies, accord- dealt a “resounding, historic this on Saturday and said “Now we don’t know what ing in Europe as well as governments in Scotland
ing to officials on both sides. defeat.” he was ready for talks. will happen,” said Mona British citizens living in the and Wales, as well as London
Saleh’s death removes In a televised address Saleh (a common last name EU; and what the border will Mayor Sadiq Khan, were
one of the most enduring from the Saudi capital, as proxies of its archrival, here), a 30-year-old school- look like between Northern also quick to state that if
and cunning political figures Riyadh, Yemen’s exiled pres- Iran. With backing from the teacher who recalled a time Ireland, which must leave Northern Ireland got prefer-
in Yemen, injecting new un- ident, Abdu Rabu Mansour United States, it formed a when the former president the EU along with the rest of ential treatment, they ex-
certainty into a devastating Hadi, sought to rally Saleh’s military alliance with the brought a measure of stabil- the United Kingdom, and pected a similar deal.
civil war just days after he forces, saying his govern- United Arab Emirates and ity to Yemen after previous mainland Ireland, which is “Huge ramifications for
turned against the rebels, ment would support any up- other Persian Gulf nations civil wars. “We have been part of the European Union. London if Theresa May has
known as Houthis, and rising in Sana. to restore Hadi to power. hearing airstrikes all day, This final issue proved to conceded that it’s possible
made overtures to the Saudi Saleh, who once com- When clashes erupted in and citizens were already be the trickiest on Monday. for part of the UK to remain
Arabia-led coalition that pared leading Yemen to the capital last week be- suffering — no salaries, not Reports suggest that within the single market &
sided with the country’s “dancing on the heads of tween the Houthis and enough food, and prices May and Juncker were will- customs union after Brexit,”
internationally recognized snakes,” was regarded as a Saleh’s forces, many here as- have increased in an unprec- ing to accept a deal that Khan wrote on Twitter.
government. supreme tactician, making sumed the coalition had a edented way.” would in essence have seen “Londoners overwhelmingly
Even after he was swept and breaking alliances with hand in the unraveling of the The only choices left, she Northern Ireland remain voted to remain in the EU
from office five years ago in ruthless skill to ensure his rebel alliance. added, were “to die by within the EU’s single mar- and a similar deal here could
an “Arab Spring” uprising, political survival. In a televised address airstrikes, armed clashes or ket and customs union, even protect tens of thousands of
Saleh remained a force in As president, he was an Saturday, Saleh blamed the starve.” though the rest of the United jobs.”
Yemen, retaining the loyalty important ally to the United Houthis for a crippling At least 125 people have Kingdom is likely to lose Irish Prime Minister Leo
of the Republican Guard States in the fight against Al blockade imposed by Saudi been killed and 230 injured such privileges. Varadkar said he was “sur-
and other elements of the se- Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen Arabia and its allies and said since the infighting began in Such a deal would pre- prised and disappointed” by
curity forces. and clashed repeatedly with he was ready for talks with the capital on Wednesday, vent a hard border from re- the day’s developments,
The Houthis announced the Houthis. But after he the coalition. the International Commit- emerging between the two which came after weeks of
Saleh’s death after reports of was toppled, he struck a deal The coalition welcomed tee of the Red Cross said. parts of Ireland and ensure negotiations between Brit-
an explosion at his family’s with the rebels. his appeal to “open a new that smooth trade relations ain and the EU.
compound, but there were Rogue elements of the page,” raising hopes among alexandra.zavis could be maintained. Varadkar said his govern-
conflicting accounts about military still loyal to Saleh some diplomats and ana- But statements from the ment is seeking at all costs to
the circumstances. Houthi provided critical support to lysts that it might be pos- Special correspondent Democratic Unionist Party, prevent a hard border with
officials said their forces am- the Houthis when they sible to break the deadlock Ahmed reported from Sana or DUP, the group that Northern Ireland, which
bushed Saleh’s convoy as he charged out of their north- that has stymied efforts to and Times staff writer Zavis May’s government now de- some analysts fear could re-
tried to flee the capital, ern strongholds and took negotiate a political solution from Beirut. Special pends on to maintain a ma- ignite the sectarian tensions
Sana, but members of his over the capital in 2014. to a multi-sided war that has correspondents Nabih jority in Parliament, were that engulfed the region for
political party, the General The Houthis’ sudden ad- killed more than 10,000 peo- Bulos in Beirut and Ramin quick to thwart that. many decades.
People’s Congress, said a vance alarmed Saudi Ara- ple, displaced over 3 million Mostaghim in Tehran “We will not accept any But the difficulties in cut-
sniper shot him. bia, which views the rebels and pushed the Arab world’s contributed to this report. form of regulatory diver- ting a deal on this issue are a
sign of the scale of the quag-
mire Brexit is proving to be
for May, who came to power
after the referendum in

Honduran president in lead as count wraps up which 48% of Britons voted

to remain part of the EU
while 52% voted to leave. Her
predecessor David Cameron
resigned as prime minister
With 99.98% of the na- after staking his political ca-
No winner is declared. tional vote counted, the elec- reer on backing the remain
toral tribunal’s website side, and May promised to
Reports circulate that Monday showed the presi- unite the deeply divided
police are refusing to dent with 42.98%, compared country.
with 41.38% for Nasralla, a But in some ways those
enforce the curfew. television personality who divisions have only intensi-
ran on an anti-corruption fied.
By Patrick J. pledge. The remaining vote The markets responded
McDonnell went to other parties. Monday with the pound fall-
Both candidates have al- ing as soon as it became
TEGUCIGALPA, Hon- ready declared victory. clear there was no deal.
duras — Honduran Presi- The main opposition co- Speaking alongside May
dent Juan Orlando Hernan- alition, the Alliance Against at the afternoon’s news con-
dez, seeking a second term the Dictatorship, is de- ference, Juncker struck a
in office, continued to hold a manding a broad recount, conciliatory tone and
slim lead Monday as officials alleging numerous irreg- praised May’s skills as a ne-
largely completed the count ularities in balloting that gotiator.
in disputed national ballot- has seen mysterious techni- He said there had been
ing. cal crashes, delayed results “significant progress,” and a
But eight days after the and widely varying tallies of deal on the first round of ne-
voting, authorities had yet to who is winning. The elector- gotiations was getting
proclaim a winner as the op- al court has not ruled out the closer, a crucial milestone as
position continued to allege possibility of conducting a it will enable Britain to move
widespread fraud. broad recount. on to talking about trade.
Uncertainty stemming Hernandez’s candidacy “This is not a failure, this
from the Nov. 26 vote has Johan Ordonez AFP/Getty Images is controversial because a is the start of the very last
generated a political crisis HONDURANS cheer the arrival of riot police at the unit’s Tegucigalpa head- Honduran Supreme Court round,” he said. “I’m very
and prompted the govern- quarters, where officers are refusing to go out on the street to confront protesters. ruling allowed him to seek a confident we will reach an
ment to call a dusk-to-dawn second term in apparent vio- agreement in the course of
curfew in response to wide- antigovernment protests in government’s minister of se- what he called government- lation of the constitution. this week.”
spread street protests and certain parts of the country curity, went on television to backed violence against the May is now expected to
looting. and declared work stop- say the situation was under opposition — said in a Face- patrick.mcdonnell have to return later this
Reports were circulating pages — and that the stop- control. book post that he backed week to try to seal a deal.
Monday that some police pages were spreading. Top The chief presidential “the police who refuse to re- Cecilia Sanchez of The
had refused to enforce the law enforcement officials, in- challenger, Salvador Nas- press our people” and called Times’ Mexico City bureau Boyle is a special
curfew and put down cluding Julian Pacheco, the ralla — who has assailed on the military to follow suit. contributed to this report. correspondent.
A4 T U E S DAY , D E C EM BE R 5, 2017 LAT IMES. C OM

Trump shrinks vast monuments

[Monuments, from A1] it delegated to the president
228,784 acres. Five new sub- the authority to establish
units are being established national monuments, not to
within the new boundaries. repeal or rescind them. The
The Grand Staircase-Es- president is trying to take
calante monument was es- more authority than Con-
tablished by President Clin- gress has granted him.”
ton in 1996 and Bears Ears by One of the motivations
President Obama in 2016. for changing the boundaries
Trump’s decision drew is improving access to coal,
immediate threats of legal oil, natural gas and uranium.
challenges. Protests also oc- An analysis by Bloch’s
curred here on Saturday and group of the potential
Monday. The president’s na- for resource development
tional monuments decision found that revoking the orig-
forms another front line in inal boundaries and estab-
the administration’s dis- lishing smaller monuments
puted campaign to reverse opens Grand Staircase-Es-
Obama-era public lands and calante’s coal reserves to de-
environmental policy and to velopment. Uranium and oil
energize his base of political and gas reserves become
support in the rural West. much easier beyond the
It also subjected one boundaries of the much
of the country’s wildest smaller Bears Ears monu-
regions, a three-county ment.
stretch of deep canyons, The president acted at
mesa and red rock — home the urging of Utah’s Republi-
to few roads and roughly can congressional dele-
28,000 people — to uncom- gation, which resisted the
mon national scrutiny. decisions by Presidents
Trump’s actions pro- Clinton and Obama to es-
duced ample applause tablish the two monuments.
among supporters as he Utah’s lawmakers insist that
made his announcement. the two Democrats over-
He emphasized that the Laura Seitz Deseret News reached in establishing
boundary changes were in- PROTESTERS yell at police after being stopped from marching up a street in Salt Lake City during President Bears Ears and Grand Stair-
tended to return control of Trump’s announcement that he is reducing the size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante monuments. case-Escalante by not ad-
public lands to those who equately considering the
know and use them most land.” views of state residents.
closely. Trump’s declaration sets The Obama administra-
“Some people think that the stage for a court battle tion disputed that charac-
the natural resources of over presidential authority terization, arguing that it
Utah should be controlled to rescind the boundaries of held many public meetings
by a small handful of very a national monument. Legal and invited public comment.
distant bureaucrats located scholars assert that neither Opinion surveys have
in Washington,” he told the the Antiquities Act nor the found that Utah residents
audience. “And guess what, 1976 Federal Land Policy and are about evenly divided on
they’re wrong.” Management Act allow such whether to shrink or main-
With his redesignation, striking changes to national tain the existing boundaries
he said, “Public lands will monuments by a president. of the two monuments.
once again be for public use.” That authority, they assert, “This is unprecedented
The president’s actions rests solely with Congress. — and it’s illegal,” Rhea Suh,
were a dramatic departure The Inter Tribal Coali- president of the Natural Re-
from conventional inter- tion, a Native American sources Defense Council,
pretations of the 1906 Antiq- group, said it would file a said in a statement. “Presi-
uities Act, on which the lawsuit immediately to pro- dents use the Antiquities
monument designations are tect Bears Ears. Patagonia, Act to create national monu-
based. the outdoor clothing manu- ments and protect our spe-
The act, advocated by facturer, is joining Friends of cial lands and waters for fu-
President Theodore Roose- Cedar Mesa, Utah Dine ture generations. This presi-
velt, was designed to provide Bikeyah and Archaeology dent thinks he can use it to
safeguards to exceptional Jim Lo Scalzo EPA/Shutterstock Southwest in a Bears Ears destroy them. He does not
historic, cultural and natu- THE MOON above Bears Ears National Monument. Trump’s declaration sets the suit to be filed this week. Ten have that authority. What’s
ral landscapes across the stage for a court battle over presidential authority to alter a national monument. national and regional envi- next, President Trump —
country, most of them lo- ronmental groups said they the Grand Canyon? See you
cated in the West’s public do- Department accounting. ments were established. This administration has the were filing a lawsuit in fed- in court.”
main. Though President Wilson re- “This is about giving ru- strength and the will to be eral court in Washington to In April, Trump signed
The Antiquities Act pro- moved over 313,000 acres ral America a voice,” Zinke there for us. This is a great protect Grand Staircase-Es- an executive order that di-
vides broad authority to from the Mt. Olympus Na- said. “There are not many day for Utah.” calante. rected the Interior Depart-
presidents to act alone in es- tional Monument in 1915, presidents that do what he is “When Bears Ears was “The president lacks the ment to review 27 monu-
tablishing national monu- none has come close to re- about to do.” He added: designated, it was disheart- authority under the Antiqui- ments established since
ments. Presidents have de- ducing boundaries by as “The president is doing this ening for my community,” ties Act to repeal national 1996. The department got
clared more than 150 na- much as the roughly 2 mil- for the right reasons to make said Rebecca Benally, a monuments like he tried to- nearly 3 million comments.
tional monuments, many of lion acres that Trump re- sure that Utah has a voice.” Navajo and commissioner of day,” said Steve Bloch, the Most expressed support for
which became national moved from federal protec- “The little guys’ voices San Juan County, where the legal director of the South- keeping national monument
parks. Four of Utah’s five na- tion at Bears Ears and were heard,” said state Rep. monument is. She added: “It ern Utah Wilderness Alli- boundaries and manage-
tional parks started as na- Grand Staircase-Escalante. Gregory H. Hughes, the was insulting that bureau- ance, an environmental ment practices intact.
tional monuments. “I’m a real estate devel- speaker of the Utah House of crats thousands of miles group in Salt Lake City. “We
Trump said the act was oper,” Trump said. “When Representatives. “Voices in away didn’t believe we were argue that when Congress keith.schneider
never designed to create they start talking about mil- the community were heard. capable of protecting our passed the Antiquities Act,
monuments of the size of the lions of acres, I say, ‘Say it
two in Utah. “These abuses again?’ Because that’s a lot.”
of the Antiquities Act give The president, who was

A victory for Trump travel ban

enormous power to far-away accompanied by Interior
bureaucrats at the expense Secretary Ryan Zinke, was
of the people who live here warmly received at the Capi-
and work here and make this tol.
place their home,” he said. Zinke and other speakers
Though previous presi- characterized the boundary
dents have adjusted na- changes as a courageous ef- [Travel ban, from A1] bona fide relationship with a
tional monuments more fort by Trump to “keep a In a statement, Atty. Gen. person or entity in the
than 80 times, all but 18 of promise” and respond to the Jeff Sessions called the United States.”
those changes were made to deep hurt that rural Utah court’s decision a “substan- The U.S. 9th Circuit
expand monument bounda- communities say they ex- tial victory for the safety and Court of Appeals, based in
ries, according to an Interior perienced when both monu- security of the American California, and a federal
people.” judge in Maryland adopted
“The Constitution gives that standard and applied it
the president the responsi- to Trump’s latest order.
bility and power to protect They agreed the ban could
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Trump lawyer sparks legal debate
California Democrat and
Under the law, he ranking member on the Sen-
ate Judiciary Committee,
says, it’s not possible told NBC’s “Meet the Press”
for the president on Sunday that she sees “a
case of obstruction of jus-
to obstruct justice. tice” in Trump’s decision to
fire Comey.
By Chris Megerian “It is my belief that that is
and Joseph Tanfani directly because [Comey]
did not agree to ‘lift the
WASHINGTON — As cloud’ of the Russia investi-
the special counsel investi- gation,” she said. “That’s ob-
gation inches deeper into struction of justice.”
the White House, President Harvard Law School pro-
Trump has repeatedly in- fessor emeritus Alan Der-
sisted that he has done showitz told Fox News on
nothing wrong, denying any Monday that Feinstein “sim-
collusion with Russia and ply doesn’t know what she’s
decrying the allegations as a talking about” because
“hoax.” Trump was within his rights
On Monday, one of his to fire Comey.
lawyers offered a backup ar- “There’s never been a
gument as Trump faces new case in history where a presi-
questions about whether he dent has been charged with
improperly tried to shield obstruction of justice for
his former national security merely exercising his consti-
advisor, Michael Flynn, from tutional authority,” Der-
an FBI investigation and showitz said. “That would
then fired FBI Director cause a constitutional crisis
James B. Comey to block the in the United States.”
inquiry. Interfering with the Nixon’s downfall was ac-
case could be construed as celerated by a White House
obstructing justice, a poten- recording that revealed he
tial federal crime. was involved in a plan to
It’s impossible, the law- Jim Lo Scalzo EPA/Shutterstock thwart an FBI investigation
yer said, for the president to PRESIDENT TRUMP faces new questions about whether he tried to protect his former national security into the illegal bugging of
obstruct justice under the advisor from an FBI inquiry. Interfering with the case could be seen as obstructing justice, a federal crime. Democratic campaign of-
law. The reason? He’s too fices. Obstruction was the
powerful. munity in office. While the Dowd’s comment came mony from Comey, the for- Mueller has not said one first of three articles of im-
Trump “cannot obstruct Constitution lays out condi- after special counsel Robert mer FBI director who way or another, but all indi- peachment approved by the
justice because he is the tions under which a presi- S. Mueller III, who is investi- Trump fired in May. cations are his investigation House Judiciary Commit-
chief law enforcement officer dent can be impeached and gating whether anyone in The day after Flynn was is far from over. So far he has tee. He resigned in 1974 be-
under [Article II of the Con- removed by Congress, it Trump’s orbit helped Rus- forced out of the White charged four people and two fore the impeachment proc-
stitution] and has every does not say whether the sian operatives interfere House, Comey later testi- of them — Flynn and anoth- ess advanced to the full
right to express his view of president can be prose- with last year’s presidential fied, Trump asked him to go er campaign aide, George House.
any case,” John Dowd, a law- cuted. Neither does federal campaign, rocked the White easy on his former national Papadopoulos — have Clinton was impeached
yer for the president, told law. Courts have never ruled House by making a plea deal security advisor. pleaded guilty and agreed to by a GOP-controlled House
Axios, a news website. on the issue. with Flynn, a retired three- “I hope you can see your assist the FBI. in 1998 after his affair with
Article II details the pres- “It’s an unanswered star Army general who was way clear to letting this go,” Jed Shugerman, a law Monica Lewinsky, a White
ident’s authority over the question,” said Susan Low one of Trump’s closest ad- Comey recalled the presi- professor at Fordham Uni- House intern, was revealed.
executive branch, which in- Bloch, a Georgetown Uni- visors during the campaign. dent saying. versity, said Dowd’s com- One of the allegations was
cludes the Justice Depart- versity law professor who On Friday, Flynn pleaded Trump denied on Sun- ment showed he was con- obstruction of justice. The
ment. doubts a sitting president guilty to lying to the FBI in day telling Comey to stop in- cerned about Trump’s legal effort to remove Clinton
Trump’s potential legal can be indicted on criminal January about his contacts vestigating Flynn. Raj Shah, vulnerability. “Dowd and stalled in the Democratic-
jeopardy is separate from charges. “We’ve never done with Sergey Kislyak, then a White House spokesman, others have to argue that a controlled Senate.
any political liability: ob- it.” the Russian ambassador, referred questions to Dowd, president can’t obstruct jus-
struction-of-justice charges Jonathan Turley, a during the presidential tran- who declined to comment. tice because the facts are in- chris.megerian
were among the articles of George Washington Uni- sition. On Saturday, Trump Trump has previously said creasingly stacked against
impeachment filed against versity law professor, said tweeted that he had fired that he’s not personally them,” he said. joseph.tanfani
both President Nixon, who the question “has been a Flynn as national security under investigation. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a
resigned in disgrace, and parlor game for constitu- advisor in February in part
President Clinton, who tional scholars for decades.” because he knew Flynn had
served out his term. Turley believes a presi- lied to federal agents.
But Dowd’s claim dent could be indicted, not- Trump’s claim for the
sparked a sharp debate ing that federal judges aren’t first time that he knew Flynn
among legal scholars and immune from criminal may have committed a fel-
others as to how far a presi- charges. “Why assume a lim- ony was so extraordinary
dent can stretch his consti- itation with regards to presi- that Dowd later said he had
tutional powers without dents when it clearly doesn’t written it, not the president.
breaking the law and the ex- exist for other impeachable Either way, it cast a new
tent of a president’s legal im- officials?” he asked. spotlight on Senate testi-

Justices may legalize sports

betting in states that want it
By David G. Savage

Supreme Court appeared
poised Monday to legalize
sports betting by freeing
states from a federal anti-
gaming law.
The justices gave a
friendly hearing to New Jer-
sey’s claim that states are
free to control their own
laws, including in the area of
gambling, unless Congress
has adopted a federal regu-
latory policy to prohibit it.
And Congress failed to do Brendan Smialowski AFP/Getty Images
that when it passed a 1992 NEW JERSEY Gov. Chris Christie, speaking to re-
law, the state maintained. porters outside the Supreme Court, signed a measure
The federal law did not actu- authorizing sports betting at racetracks and casinos.
ally ban sports wagering,
but instead said states may Stephen G. Breyer. cluded an exception for Ne-
not “authorize by law” such In 2011, New Jersey’s vot- vada, which allowed it to
gaming. ers by a 2-1 margin approved continue licensing betting
That type of command sports betting, but federal on sports.
from Washington violates courts have repeatedly Undeterred, New Jersey’s
the Constitution’s 10th blocked the state from al- lawmakers devised what
Amendment, which re- lowing such gaming at its many saw as a sleight-of-
serves to the states the racetracks and casinos. hand move. They repealed
power to make and enforce New Jersey had been bat- the state’s laws that made it
their own laws in areas tling in court for years with a crime to wager on sports at
where the federal govern- the National Collegiate Ath- racetracks or casinos.
ment has not exerted au- letic Assn. and the four ma- Once again, the NCAA
thority, said former Solicitor jor professional sports and the pro sports leagues
Gen. Ted Olson, represent- leagues: the NFL, NBA, sued and won in federal
ing New Jersey. NHL and Major League court. The judges said the
“This is a direct com- Baseball. Their lawyers sued state had implicitly author-
mand to the states,” Olson in 2012 shortly after Gov. ized sports gaming by re-
said of the Professional and Chris Christie signed into pealing its prohibition.
Amateur Sports Protection law the measure to autho- If the state prevails in
Act of 1992. Congress said rize sports betting at race- Christie vs. NCAA, the rul-
“we want to put the burden tracks and casinos. ing would probably free
and the expense and the ac- Federal judges agreed other states to follow New
countability on the states. with the NCAA that the Jersey’s lead. Gaming ex-
The federal government is state law could not stand be- perts said at least a dozen
doing nothing,” he said. cause it violated the federal states would probably au-
In their comments and law. And the Supreme Court thorize wagering on sports,
questions, most of the jus- refused to intervene then. including California, Con-
tices sounded the same No one doubts Congress necticut, Florida, Illinois,
states’ rights theme. has the constitutional power Pennsylvania and New York.
Justice Anthony M. Ken- to enforce a federal ban on Americans bet as much
nedy said the federal law gambling, or a particular as $150 billion a year on
seemed to him like “com- type of gaming. But support- sports events, according to
mandeering.” ers of New Jersey said Con- the American Gaming Assn.
“This is telling the states gress stopped short of doing
what to do,” said Justice that. The 1992 federal law in-
A6 T U E S DAY , D EC EM BE R 5, 2017 LAT IMES. C OM

Assemblyman faces investigation

[Harassment, from A1] sion to leave her job as a field
made unwanted sexual representative for the
advances throughout his ca- congressman after 18
reer in state government. months.
State Sen. Tony Mendoza She said over the course
(D-Los Angeles) lost his of her tenure there that
leadership positions and Dababneh frequently made
faces a legislative investiga- inappropriate comments at
tion after multiple allega- work, including talking
tions of misconduct toward about his sexual habits and
female staffers. the attire of female staffers.
Dababneh — who is un- At work events, “he would
married and, at 36, is one of look around the room and
Sacramento’s youngest leg- talk about who he had sex
islators — has had a fairly with and who he hadn’t,”
rapid rise in state politics. Barker said. “He was con-
The UCLA graduate be- stantly talking about his
gan working for U.S. Rep. sexual prowess.”
Brad Sherman (D-Porter Barker, now 34, said
Ranch) in 2005, and in 2009 Dababneh chided her for
became the congressman’s wearing pants to work, and
chief of staff in his district of- said she dressed “like a les-
fice. bian,” asserting that women
In 2013, Dababneh nar- should wear dresses. She
rowly won a special election said he asked female em-
for his Assembly seat in a re- ployees, “How’s that glass
liably Democratic district ceiling treating you?”
that includes Encino, Barker said she did not
Tarzana and Woodland formally report Dababneh’s
Hills. Since then, he has actions because she was un-
handily won reelection sure where to file such a
Photographs by Rich Pedroncelli Associated Press
twice, boosted by a flush complaint. She said she had
campaign account and an no reason to believe Sher-
influential perch as chair-
man of the Assembly’s ‘I spun around and ... I saw that I was facing Matt Dababneh and he had man was aware of Dabab-
neh’s conduct.
Banking and Finance Com-
mittee. unzipped his pants and exposed himself and had begun to masturbate.’ Sherman said that prior
to hearing Barker’s allega-
Late Monday, Assembly tion, he had “never seen or
Speaker Anthony Rendon been told of ” any inappro-
lobbyist, in her account of an encounter with the assemblyman in 2016
(D-Paramount) announced priate behavior or dispar-
Dababneh would be “tempo- agement of women from
rarily stepping down” from Dababneh.
his post pending an outside the MGM Grand Resort in Again, she refused. She said “We are redoubling our
investigation of Lopez’s alle- Las Vegas. An invitation re- Dababneh then ejaculated efforts to make sure that
gation. viewed by The Times play- into the toilet. The en- my offices are safe and com-
Lopez, 35, first told her fully called the event a counter lasted less than five fortable places for women
story of the encounter to the “Grassroots Leadership minutes, Lopez said. and men to work,” Sherman
New York Times in October, Training Program.” Lopez said that Dabab- said in a statement to The
but she declined to name the Several people who were neh immediately expressed Times.
legislator. At a Nov. 28 there confirmed Lopez and regret and disbelief. She said Two friends confirmed to
Assembly hearing on har- Dababneh attended the he told her, “ ‘I can’t believe I The Times that Barker regu-
assment prevention, she party. There are differing ac- just did that.’ ” larly told them about
said, “I am fearful of being re- counts of what transpired. Lopez said she pointed Dababneh’s behavior and
taliated against.” Lopez said she was there him toward the door. As he that she said it made her feel
She has told the Los An- from early evening until late exited, Lopez said, Dabab- uncomfortable.
geles Times in a series of in- at night. Dababneh arrived neh told her not to say Erin Prangley, Dabab-
terviews she worried that around 8 p.m. and stayed for anything. She said she neh’s former supervisor in
naming the legislator would about 90 minutes, according turned the request back on Sherman’s office, said she
turn him into a scapegoat, to two people who attended him, raising her voice: “Don’t never received complaints
distracting from the larger with him. you tell anyone this hap- about his behavior. She said
issues of a Capitol culture Lopez said she found her- pened.” she recommended him to
she believes does not suffi- self briefly chatting with She said she didn’t tell succeed her as district chief
ciently protect women. She Dababneh, whom she had anyone at the party about of staff.
also told The Times she met before through mutual the encounter, afraid some- Prangley, who spoke to
wasn’t naming him because friends. Dababneh at that one would find Dababneh The Times at Dababneh’s
he holds a powerful position.
Lopez said in the inter-
point had served in the Leg-
islature for two years. Their
and make a scene.
Lopez said that over the ‘I am utterly shocked and blown request in an interview facili-
tated by his attorney, was
views that when she initially
told her story to news or-
interaction was no more
than three or four sentences,
course of the evening, she
had several alcoholic bever- away. This is a career-ending not in the district office
regularly during the time
ganizations, she purposely
misstated the location, say-
Lopez said.
An hour or two later,
ages, but said she recalled
the incident in the bathroom
charge based on no facts.’ Barker worked there.
A second colleague, who
ing it happened in a bar in Lopez said she felt a large with clarity. — M ATT D ABABNEH , worked in the district office
Sacramento. The reason, body following her into a sin- Dababneh said he did not Democratic assemblyman, denying Lopez’s allegations when Barker was there and
she said, was that she feared gle-use bathroom. She said go to the bathroom in the who spoke on the condition
disclosing the true location it was Dababneh, who is loft. He said he spent the en- of anonymity, said he did not
— a co-ed bachelor party at a more than 6 feet tall and tire night with his friend Ken recall Dababneh speaking in
Las Vegas hotel — because it sturdily built. Maxey and a second friend business partner at the lob- that according to her ac- the office about sex, his dat-
would have made it easier to “The weight of that body who attended the party. bying firm K Street Consult- count there were no wit- ing life, women’s attire or
identify Dababneh. was pushing me into the Maxey said he saw Lopez ing, said Lopez told him nesses and no physical evi- generally disparaging com-
She said she decided to restroom. I heard the door speak with Dababneh, but within days of her return dence. ments about women. This
name him after Assembly slam behind me,” Lopez did not recall the assembly- from the Las Vegas trip that “I didn’t feel confident person also was connected
Rules Committee Chairman said. “I spun around and by man using the bathroom at Dababneh had pushed her they would take it seriously. to The Times through
Ken Cooley urged women the time I had gotten myself the party. Maxey spoke with into the bathroom and mas- But I wanted to be able to Dababneh.
who have been sexually har- spun around, I saw that I The Times at the legislator’s turbated. say I had gone to the police,” Dababneh denied talking
assed within the California was facing Matt Dababneh request in an interview facili- The Times also spoke she said. about his sexual exploits in
Capitol community to seek and he had unzipped his tated by Dababneh’s attor- with Deanna Johnston, a Cooley (D-Rancho Cor- the workplace or making
redress through the Legisla- pants and exposed himself ney. Maxey said he was with friend who said Lopez told dova) said Monday that the disparaging comments
ture. and had begun to mastur- Dababneh for the “majority” her about the encounter Assembly will refer Lopez’s about women or their attire.
“He promised a process bate.” of the night. The second with Dababneh several allegation to an outside in- He said Barker’s accusation
that will be neutral and un- Lopez said she backed friend, who declined to be weeks after it happened. vestigator. Dababneh said was “politically motivated.”
biased and not rigged to pro- away from him, her mind named for fear it could affect When Lopez went public he would cooperate with “No one else in that office
tect powerful men and pow- racing with the realization of her job, said she was either in October — 21 months after that inquiry. — that currently works
erful lawmakers in our com- what was happening. “The with or within eyesight of the party — with her accusa- “I look forward to any in- there, that was there then or
munity,” she said at the news panic was just immense,” Dababneh most of the eve- tion, top lawmakers swiftly vestigation that will give me any of the previous staff that
conference. “In doing this I she said. ning. weighed in to condemn the my reputation back,” he worked with me at that time
am choosing to have hope Lopez said Dababneh de- “I don’t see how it’s pos- behavior. Both houses made said. — would corroborate it,” he
that that process will work, manded that she touch his sible,” Maxey said of Lopez’s inquiries to Lopez about the said. “That’s just not how I
and I am putting this in the genitals. accusation. He said the loft incident. Conduct questioned behaved.”
hands of the lawmakers who “I remember thinking, at where the party was held “The behavior she de- Jessica Yas Barker Barker said her personal
have told me that they will the very least, make it very had an open layout that scribed is horrifying. It is worked as Dababneh’s sub- opinion of Dababneh was
act to protect me.” clear you don’t want to be would make it difficult for also a crime,” Rendon said in ordinate in Sherman’s con- not shaped by political dif-
here,” she said. “Don’t say such an incident to go unno- a statement at the time. gressional district office in ferences.
‘Panic’ in Las Vegas anything to allow him to mis- ticed. Lopez said she contacted Sherman Oaks from June “I disliked Matt’s behav-
Lopez said the incident interpret your refusal as you The host, who declined to the Las Vegas police several 2009 to December 2010. She ior in the office and his lack
occurred Jan. 16, 2016. being shy or coquettish.” be named, told The Times weeks ago — after her allies joined Lopez at the news of professionalism and his
Around 50 elected officials She said she stated firmly that Lopez texted him the urged her to reach out to law conference Monday. sexism and chauvinism long
and campaign operatives she would not touch him, next day suggesting she had enforcement — to see what In November interviews before he was an elected offi-
from the Sacramento and and repeated it multiple a good time. her options would be if she with The Times, Barker re- cial,” she said.
Los Angeles areas had gath- times. She said he then Lopez said she told her decided to press criminal called that Dababneh regu-
ered to celebrate their asked her to touch him else- boyfriend, who is now her charges. She said the detec- larly spoke about his sexual melanie.mason
friends’ upcoming wedding. where, even just rest her arm husband, about the incident tive she spoke to, whose exploits and made degrad-
The Saturday night party on him. Lopez said she inter- the next day. He could not be name she did not recall, ing comments about wom- Times staff writer Jazmine
was in a room at the preted the request as a type reached for comment. could not say if police would en. She said his behavior was Ulloa contributed to this
SkyLofts, a boutique hotel in of attempted negotiation. Afrack Vargas, Lopez’s open an investigation, given the main factor in her deci- report.

Big weight problems forecast for kids

now — in fact, most of them The team, led by Zachary height and weight over dec- 18. At that point, they’d find likely than their non-obese
More than half of are not. The Harvard Uni- Ward, a decision scientist at ades, starting in early child- a man from the same demo- peers to be obese at age 35.
versity researchers who the Harvard T.H. Chan hood. These charts did not graphic group with similar They also found that older
today’s children in came up with these projec- School of Public Health, set exist. And even if they did, height and weight at age 18 obese kids are more likely
America will be obese tions say that only half of the out to answer a very specific they’d be out of date because and follow him until age 25. than younger obese kids to
kids will be obese when they question. the factors that influenced And so on. still be obese on their 35th
by the time they’re are 20 years old, while the “We wanted to predict for today’s adults when they By repeating this process birthday.
35, a study predicts. other half will become obese children now at a certain were children wouldn’t nec- over and over, the team For instance, a 2-year-old
during their 20s or 30s. weight and certain age, essarily apply to today’s could simulate a complete who is obese has a 75%
By Karen Kaplan The study results, pub- what’s the probability that kids. growth trajectory for a sin- chance of being obese at age
lished in the New England they will have obesity at the The researchers got gle person who was subject 35, the researchers calcu-
Journal of Medicine, suggest age of 35?” explained Ward, around these problems by to recent environmental in- lated. But an obese 19-year-
Obesity is set to become that health experts have who is working on his PhD. stitching together data from fluences. old has an 88% chance of be-
the new normal in America. missed the big picture when They picked age 35 be- five big studies that took Ultimately, the research- ing obese at age 35.
By the time today’s chil- it comes to childhood obesi- cause that’s when the health height and weight measure- ers wound up with a “virtual Likewise, a person who is
dren reach the age of 35, 57% ty. problems associated with ments of more than 40,000 population” of 1 million kids not obese at age 2 has a 58%
of them will be obese, a new “Our findings highlight obesity — including diabe- Americans multiple times and teens who were repre- chance of being obese by 35.
study predicts. That means the importance of promot- tes, high blood pressure, over many years. sentative of the nation’s ac- But a 19-year-old who is not
that if present trends con- ing a healthy weight heart disease and some For instance, they might tual kids and teens. They obese faces only a 44%
tinue, an American child’s throughout childhood and types of cancer, to name a start with a boy who was used a variety of statistical chance of being obese by 35,
chances of having a normal adulthood,” the researchers few — typically begin. tracked between the ages of methods to make sure that the study authors found.
weight as an adult — or of be- wrote. “A narrow focus solely The team’s question may 2 and 10. Then they’d look for their simulations were accu- Compared with a non-
ing merely overweight — are on preventing childhood sound straightforward, but another boy with the same rate. Only then were they obese counterpart, an obese
less than even. obesity will not avert poten- getting the answer wasn’t. racial and ethnic back- able to find answers to their 2-year-old is 30% more likely
The children who are des- tial future health damage Ward and his colleagues ground whose height and initial question. to be obese at age 35.
tined to become obese are that may be induced by the needed growth charts that weight were similar at age 10 They found that at any
not necessarily obese right ongoing obesity epidemic.” tracked changes in people’s and track him through age age, obese kids are more

Melting sea ice’s effect on drought

[Drought, from A1]
rect, potentially dramatic
impact on the West Coast.
Though climate scientists
generally agree that the in-
creased temperatures al-
ready resulting from climate
change have seriously exac-
erbated drought in Califor-
nia, there has been debate
over whether global warm-
ing would affect the amount
of precipitation that comes
to California.
The study, published
Tuesday in the journal Na-
ture Communications, pro-
vides compelling evidence
that it would. The model the
scientists used homed in on
the link between the disap-
pearance of sea ice in the
Arctic and the buildup of
high ridges of atmospheric
pressure over the Pacific
Ocean. Those ridges push
winter storms away from the
state, causing drought.
The scientists found that
as the sea ice goes away,
there is an increase in the
formation of ridges.
“Our design was aimed at
looking at what will happen
in 20 to 30 years, when the
Arctic becomes ice-free in
the summer,” said Ivana
Cvijanovic, the lead climate
scientist on the study. “It is
coming soon. We want to
understand what the im- Al Seib Los Angeles Times
pact would be.... The similar- JON PEDOTTI on a Cambria lake bed in 2014. California just emerged from what one study called the most severe drought in 1,200 years.
ities between what will hap-
pen and [how weather pat- warming, which ignores the the ice melt in the Arctic and Gov. Jerry Brown has commitments made in the study does not focus on the
terns caused] the most re- mainstream scientific con- the buildup of atmospheric been taking a lead globally in Paris agreement are kept, role melting Arctic ice may
cent drought are really sensus that human activity ridges affecting California. confronting climate change, climate scientists say the have played in the massive
striking.” is driving it. The administra- Michael Mann, director of warning that the Trump ad- Arctic ice situation would drought from which Califor-
Rainfall in California tion has been working the Earth System Science ministration’s approach is still be dire. nia recently emerged — the
would drop, on average, 10% aggressively to unravel Center at Pennsylvania reckless and defies science. “This is happening very most severe in 1,200 years,
to 15% in the coming decades Obama-era action on cli- State University, said in an He traveled last month to a quickly,” said Noah Diffen- according to one scientific
under Cvijanovic’s model, mate change, withdrawing email that it paints a so- United Nations climate con- baugh, a climate scientist at study. But the atmospheric
but the decline would pre- from the Paris agreement bering picture for the Gold- ference in Bonn, Germany, Stanford University. “The patterns leading to that
sent itself sporadically, exac- that seeks to limit its im- en State. to meet with world leaders change is dramatic, and it is drought had all the charac-
erbating the potential for pact, dismantling restric- “As we learn more about and send the signal that taking place faster than had teristics of those that can be
drought. Some years the de- tions on power plant emis- the subtleties in the dynam- much of the nation is moving been projected by climate triggered by Arctic sea ice
cline in rainfall because of di- sions, and signaling that it ics of climate change, we are to act on climate change, models.” melt, Cvijanovic said, rais-
minished Arctic ice would be will relax vehicle mileage learning that certain climate even if President Trump is Diffenbaugh said the ing the prospect that Cali-
much steeper than 15%. rules that are a crucial com- change impacts, like Califor- not. study is a breakthrough for fornia might have dodged
Other years would be wetter ponent to addressing global nia drought, may be far Brown is helping lead a climate researchers who the latest drought — or at
than they otherwise would warming. worse than we had previ- coalition of state and local have been struggling to pin- least not have been hit as
be. The warnings about the ously thought,” Mann wrote. governments that is vowing point the impacts of melting hard — if not for the large
The study is yet another impact of melting sea ice on “It also means that, when it to reduce emissions enough Arctic ice. amount of ice that has al-
by federally funded re- California are being em- comes to water resource is- to meet the entire country’s “Being able to isolate the ready vanished.
searchers that finds the fail- braced by some prominent sues in California, the im- obligation under the Paris effect of melting sea ice on “There is lots of research
ure to more rapidly diminish climate scientists. They say pacts of climate change may agreement, which President the atmosphere and the to be done,” she said. “Hope-
greenhouse gas emissions that while the study is just exceed our adaptive capac- Obama signed last year. ocean’s response — and how fully we do it in time to allow
could have a serious effect on one of multiple models being ity. That leaves only miti- But the Trump adminis- it impacts precipitation in people to plan for whatever
California and other parts of used to project global warm- gation — doing something tration’s retreat threatens to California — that is a big may be coming.”
the country. The findings ing’s effects, it is bolstered by about climate change — as a substantially slow the rate step forward,” he said.
contrast starkly with Trump other studies that have sig- viable strategy moving for- at which U.S. climate emis- Because the model proj-
administration policy on naled a connection between ward.” sions decline. And even if all ects only future impacts, the Twitter: @evanhalper

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sabotaging the ‘ultimate deal’

Francisco. His defense was
that he found a recently
stolen handgun, which
fired the bullet that struck

and killed Steinle in 2015.
resident Trump gushed after his more complicated issue is the status of By acquitting him of
election about bringing Israelis mostly Arab East Jerusalem, which Israel murder and voluntary
and Palestinians together in the captured from Jordan in the 1967 Arab-Isra- manslaughter (criminal
negligence), the jury found
“ultimate deal.” Yet now he seems eli War and which Palestinians hope will be
that he had no legal re-
poised to announce a change in the future capital of a Palestinian state. Is-
sponsibility for the “acci-
U.S. policy that is likely to make such an rael officially considers all of Jerusalem its
dental” discharge of the
agreement even more elusive: formally rec- “eternal capital.” A Trump statement ac-
gun held in his hand.
ognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. knowledging “Jerusalem” as Israel’s capital Although the trial jury
Such an announcement, which Trump is might be interpreted as endorsement of Is- was never told that Garcia
expected to make Wednesday, is both un- rael’s claim to the entire city. Chip Somodevilla Getty Images Zarate had been deported
necessary as a sign of this country’s support Trump’s predecessors feared that ac- MITCH McCONNELL gives a thumbs-up before as an illegal immigrant five
for Israel — which is rock-solid — and need- knowledging Jerusalem as Israel’s capital Senate passage of the tax reform bill on Friday. times and had seven prior
lessly provocative. Its principal effect will be would undermine peace talks. Those con- felony convictions, I’m sure
to cement Trump’s alliance with Israel’s cerns are still valid. On Saturday, Mahmoud
hard-line right-wing Prime Minister Ben-
jamin Netanyahu. The two leaders already
Habbash, an advisor to Palestinian Author-
ity President Mahmoud Abbas, said that
Why we pay taxes the citizens of San Fran-
cisco are now aware of
these facts because of
have bonded over their loathing for the Iran U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s post-trial media publicity.
Re “The GOP’s hollow tax win,” editorial, Dec. 3
nuclear agreement and their militant oppo- capital would amount to a “complete de- My question to them is
sition to Iran’s regional ambitions. struction of the peace process.” On Sunday, this: Is Garcia Zarate still
Your editorial on the tax bill is a scorecard on who
The Trump-Netanyahu alliance — and Jordan’s foreign minister, Ayman Safadi, welcome in their sanctuary
wins and who loses, who gains a percentage point or two city?
the decision to change decades of policy on warned that it might “trigger anger across of savings on future taxes and how those savings will be
Jerusalem — augur ill for the administra- the Arab and Muslim world, fuel tension Bill Gravlin
recovered. Rancho Palos Verdes
tion’s attempt to revive the peace process, and jeopardize peace efforts.” Taxes, if you ask any American, are supposed to pay
which Trump has entrusted to a team that Trump can argue, of course, that the for the goods and services that government provides — ::
inexplicably includes Jared Kushner, the peace process is already in a state of col- roads, schools, health, defense and more. But the funds
president’s unqualified and untested son- lapse. That’s sadly true, and the blame must generated or saved in this tax bill are primarily designed The mob mentality and
in-law, in a prominent role. Over the week- be shared by both sides. Despite paying lip to protect, punish or promote a targeted political group, rush to judgment espoused
end Kushner told a conference in Washing- service to a two-state solution in which Isra- not to raise revenue. by those seeking “justice”
ton that solving the Israeli-Palestinian con- el would exist alongside a viable, independ- Real tax reform would look at the costs of government in this case were moder-
flict was necessary to “create more stability ent Palestinian state, Netanyahu has presi- and then figure out how we can best meet those costs as ated by a dispassionate
in the region.” If Trump believed that, he ded over the expansion of Jewish settlement fairly as possible with a tax regime that stops favoring group of citizens who hon-
wouldn’t engage in needless provocations. activity on the West Bank that makes that one sector over another. A third political party built on ored their duty and obliga-
Why is it provocative to recognize what objective far harder to achieve. such a goal might do well with an electorate that proved tion to society.
may seem obvious to some readers — that The Palestinians, meanwhile, have been in 2016 that it is sick of the status quo. What disappoints me
Jerusalem is the ancient capital of the Jew- paralyzed by divisions between Abbas’ Godfrey Harris most about this case is how
ish nation and the seat of the modern Israeli Fatah movement, which controls the West little we have read about
Los Angeles
government? Alas, it’s not that simple. Bank, and Hamas, which holds sway in losing yet another innocent
Ever since President Truman recognized Gaza and which has refused to accept Isra- life to gun violence. We are
Israel in 1948, successive U.S. presidents el’s existence. Earlier this year the two fac- now so awash with guns
have been careful not to concede Israeli sov- tions announced a reconciliation, and The pictures of a jubi- felony and that he did that apparently we do not
ereignty over Jerusalem. Like other nations, Hamas issued a statement that seemed to lant Senate Majority nothing about it. find it notable, much less of
Leader Mitch McConnell Ordinarily, the attor- great concern, that a stolen
the U.S. locates its embassy in Tel Aviv, de- imply a grudging recognition of Israel. But
(R-Ky.) realizing he had ney-client privilege would loaded handgun can ap-
spite repeated attempts by Congress to Netanyahu’s office dismissed the state-
the votes to pass his tax bill protect inquiries into com- pear in a widely traveled
move the embassy to Jerusalem. ment, claiming that “Hamas is attempting
are worth a thousand munications between a public area.
Trump promised during his campaign to to fool the world, but it will not succeed.”
Do we not recognize
words. Never has a public client (Trump) and his
physically relocate the embassy, as the Isra- The fact that the peace process is mori- servant exuded such joy at lawyer (Dowd). But now that the proximate cause
eli right has long wanted it to, but he is now bund isn’t an argument for making it harder his altruistic, noble actions Dowd says he sent the of Steinle’s tragic death
expected to postpone the move again. That to revive, however. Aaron David Miller, who to help the American peo- tweet on his own, without had nothing to do with the
makes his expected recognition of advised both Republican and Democratic ple. It’s enough to melt communicating with immigration status of the
Jerusalem as Israel’s capital a kind of conso- secretaries of State on Arab-Israeli negotia- your heart. Trump. person who picked up the
lation prize for Netanyahu, as well as any tions, said that recognizing Jerusalem as Not. McConnell’s face That constitutes a gun, but rather our societal
Trump voters who care about the issue. Yet the capital of Israel at this time would be reflects giddy triumph and waiver of the attorney- irresponsibility that led to
it sends the same inflammatory message: “the single dumbest move this administra- relief at finally managing to client privilege under set- that handgun being on the
that Jerusalem belongs to Israel. tion has made in the Middle East.” please his donors. At long tled law. It would allow street?
Of course, the U.S. never would accept a The only justification for such a provoca- last, after a year of tap special counsel Robert Sadly, we find it easier
peace agreement in which Israel didn’t tive step is political: to allow Trump to say dancing and jumping Mueller to question both to engage in scapegoating,
maintain control of West Jerusalem, which that he (sort of) fulfilled a campaign prom- through hoops, he finally Dowd and Trump on their because it serves to ad-
is primarily populated by Israeli Jews. A ise. That’s not good enough. secured enough votes to communications about the vance a larger political
keep the checks flowing in tweet. narrative, rather than
2018. When he and his fellow David M. Dorsen confront the ugly conse-
Republicans are more Washington quences of our addiction to
likely thrown out in 2018, The writer was the violence and guns.

The destruction of Bears Ears they will at least have

paved the way to become
lobbyists for those behold-
assistant chief counsel to
the Senate Watergate
Matt Lucas
Lake Forest

ing donors. ::
ore than two decades ago, flexibility to act quickly to preserve federal The only things missing ::
President Clinton tried to lands that hold “historic landmarks, historic from the photos of the rich Saying that the verdict
end a long-running political and prehistoric structures, and other ob- white men who sealed this What will it take for was fair completely misses
battle over the future of 1.9 jects of historic or scientific interest.” Both destructive tax deal for the Congress to come to the the entire point of the trial
million acres of federal land Republican and Democratic presidents middle class are black conclusion that Trump is a — namely, someone was
in southern Utah by creating the Grand have used the law to preserve land that, in T-shirts bearing the words, crook? He now includes responsible for Steinle’s
Staircase-Escalante National Monument. many cases, Congress later decided to des- “Donor Lives Matter.” Flynn’s lying to the FBI as a death, and that person was
Last year, President Obama took a similar ignate national parks, including all or parts Wendy Blais reason he fired him, yet he Garcia Zarate. He was
North Hills fired James Comey when illegally carrying a loaded
step and created the nearly 1.4-million-acre of the Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion —
the then-FBI director gun that he had no idea
Bears Ears National Monument in south- three gems of the Southwest. In undoing the
:: refused the president’s how to handle, and now
eastern Utah. Both designations protected Grand Staircase designation, Trump im-
alleged request to let Flynn Steinle is dead.
vast swaths of public land from mining and perils a regional outdoor recreation econo- The recently passed go. I don’t care about his
other industrial uses, and offered extra safe- my that has led to an increase in both jobs Senate tax reform bill Can any right-thinking undocumented status or
guards for natural habitats and pre-Colum- and per-capita income, for the chimera of favors the welfare of big American deny that this is how many times he had
bian Native American sites. riches from mines that ultimately might ne- corporations over young an attempt to obstruct been deported; neither of
But on Monday, President Trump evis- ver get dug in this vast and remote territory. companies, the welfare of justice? And can anyone these has anything to do
cerated both federal designations, proving And Trump isn’t done yet. The undoing legacy fossil fuel corpora- believe Trump when he with his causing the death
once again that, to this president, the fed- of the Utah designations is part of a 27-mon- tions over entrepreneurial says it is a shame that of someone. But at least he
eral government’s promises to its own peo- ument review conducted by the Depart- clean energy companies, Flynn lied because he had should have been con-
ple mean nothing. The president’s decision ment of the Interior at Trump’s direction; the welfare of those lucky nothing to hide? victed of involuntary man-
— which amounts to the largest elimination more trims are likely at some of those other Americans with trust As a retired 36-year slaughter.
of protected area in American history — sites. Secretary Ryan Zinke also reportedly funds over the majority criminal defense attorney, I Upon completion of his
senselessly imperils stunningly beautiful has recommended changes in the manage- whose assets are earned, can say with confidence prison term, he could then
natural areas and geological masterworks, ment of some of the monuments, such as ex- and the welfare of healthy that nobody lies unless he be deported. He might try
as well as tens of thousands of Native Ameri- panding grazing rights and road construc- families over those less so. has something to hide. to come back to the United
can sacred sites and key wildlife habitats. tion, which critics say will undercut the very In an economy where Some very bad people States, but that is another
Trump didn’t bother to travel all the way things the designations were supposed to consumer spending ac- throughout history have problem entirely.
counts more than two- amassed power by con- Tom Reinberger
to the red rock canyons of Utah to make his protect. Trump also has asked for recom-
thirds of the gross domes- vincing people that their Glendora
announcement, proudly declaring in the mendations on possible legislative changes
tic product, how do the illegal acts are legal and
state Capitol building in Salt Lake City that to the Antiquities Act that would make it
senators square their their detractors are liars.
he would cut by half the protected area cur-
rently within the Grand Staircase-Es-
harder for future presidents to use it.
Fortunately, Trump’s assault on federal
contention that their tax
reform is needed to create
Alan Abajian
Alta Loma
‘Pit-bull lawyer’
calante monument and remove more than 1
million acres from Bears Ears, leaving only
lands has energized environmental activ-
ists, and several organizations have already
jobs when this so-called
reform imposes higher ::
is a compliment
230,000 acres in two separate new monu- promised to sue. Among the issues is taxes on consumers by Re “Will pit-bull tactics
ments, Shash Jaa (Navajo for Bears Ears) whether Trump can legally shrink the 2027? In an economy where Reading your reports survive in a changing Hol-
and Indian Creek. Trump said he wanted to monuments by declaration. The Antiquities 64% of net new private- about the content of the lywood?” Dec. 3
undo previous administrations’ “overreach” Act gives the president the power to create sector jobs are created by Flynn’s conversations with
in establishing monuments much larger monuments and it gives Congress the small businesses (most of the Russian ambassador As a lover of pit-bull
than necessary to protect specific sites. Yet power to make changes, but it is silent on which are relatively to the United States, I can’t type dogs, I eagerly clicked
he offered no evidence to support his claims whether a president can undo a prede- young), how does favoring help but think this looks on this article online once I
of overreach. cessor’s declaration. Several presidents older, larger corporations like much ado about noth- saw the headline. What
In fact, this is nothing more than a give- have made largely minor changes to previ- yield higher employment? ing. pit-bull tactics could the
away to mining and other extractive indus- ous declarations, but none have been chal- The primary purpose of Yes, lying to FBI agents article be referring to? Full
tries, and a favor to conservative anti-public lenged in court, so this is uncharted ground. the Senate’s tax reform bill whether the conversation body hugs and cuddles?
lands Republicans in Utah who want land Environmental groups also argue that is clearly not the creation of took place was wrong. But Excessive face licking?
more jobs or providing what was wrong about the Rather, it seems you
owned by the federal government to be changing a monument’s “management
long-term relief to the subject of the conversa- equate “pit bull” with “hit
turned over to states for management and plan” requires the government to show that
middle class. tions? I don’t see any harm man” and “hard edged.”
development. As we’ve argued before, states the existing plans are somehow faulty.
William McCarthy to our country in Flynn This headline is inaccurate
should not take over public lands held in If Trump could articulate a sensible rea- Malibu having had discussions and frankly not helpful to
trust by the government for all of us. son for his actions, he would deserve a lis- with the Russian ambas- those of us who love pit-
The Utah monuments were created ten. But he hasn’t, and such a transparent sador. bull type dogs. It perpetu-
under the authority of the 1906 Antiquities
Act, a law intended to give a president the
effort to reward political allies and mining
interests should be fought vigorously. Trump’s tweets The dislike of the pre-
sent administration should
ates stereotypes that are
not based on fact and
help Mueller not interfere with a fair
further contributes to the
estimated 500,000 pit-bull
Re “Salvos from Trump Vladimir Bogorad type dogs euthanized each
over Flynn,” Dec. 4 Chatsworth year in the U.S.
Ross Levinsohn I expect more from The
News John Dowd, President Times.
Lewis D’Vorkin
Trump’s lawyer, is taking
responsibility for sending a
A ‘sanctuary’ Cherie Graham
San Rafael
for whom?
Jim Kirk tweet that said Trump
DEPUTY MANAGING EDITORS fired his former national
Colin Crawford, Scott Kraft
security advisor Michael Re “Why Steinle jury, crit-
ics saw the case differ- HOW TO WRITE TO US
Christina Bellantoni, Shelby Grad, Flynn because he lied to
Mary McNamara, Kim Murphy, Michael Whitley the FBI. ently,” analysis, Dec. 2 Please send letters to
Opinion If Trump wrote that For
Nicholas Goldberg EDITOR OF THE EDITORIAL PAGES tweet, it would show that Jose Ines Garcia Zarate submission guidelines, see
he knew in February that was accused of killing or call
Flynn had committed a Kathryn Steinle in San 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.


The disastrous tax plan isn’t law yet Deficits

Corporations and the rich
Mary lives in Berkeley. She said
her health insurance premiums
in the bill. The tax rate for big cor-
porations was cut almost in half,
are winners in the GOP
bills, but the fight goes on.
will rise because of the attack on
the Affordable Care Act. The
higher costs could force her to
choose between buying health in-
dropping from 35% to 20%. And
they get to keep deductions taken
away from ordinary people, theo-
retically allowing companies to
when it’s
By Dianne Feinstein
surance or paying for her daugh-
ter’s college tuition.
drive their tax rate down further.
Think about that. A family of
the other
And Carol, who lives in Sacra- four can’t deduct many of the state
ax reform shouldn’t mento, tells me her family’s taxes and local taxes they pay, but a large
add one penny to our
deficit or to the tax bills
of middle-class Ameri-
cans. I thought that be-
would go up almost $12,000 a year,
making it harder for them to save
for retirement.
Unfortunately, they’re not
corporation still could under the
Republican bill.
The Senate bill also makes the
corporate tax cuts permanent.
lief was shared by everyone in the alone. Half of American house- Meanwhile, the lower tax rates for
Senate. It appears I was wrong. holds will see a tax increase. Mean- some in the middle class will disap- JONAH GOLDBERG

Behind closed doors, Republi- while, billionaires and millionaires Carolyn Kaster Associated Press pear, over time shifting the tax bur-
cans drafted a bill that raises taxes will pay less. That’s appalling. SEN. FEINSTEIN: “Repub- den more and more onto American f you’re a normal person
on millions in the middle class and Californians will be hurt the licans are selling” a fairy tale. families. who pays attention to poli-
adds at least $1 trillion to our defi- most by the partial elimination of It’s clear who the Republicans tics, you’d be forgiven for
cit. The bill also renews the GOP the state and local tax deduction, vital programs. considered a priority while writing thinking that Washington
attack on the Affordable Care Act, known as the SALT deduction. Republicans are selling Ameri- this bill. Republicans gave a huge can’t decide whether deficits
a move that will drive up health in- Since the national income tax cans a fairy tale — the false claim tax cut to corporations and the are bad or not. Well, I have one easy
surance premiums in the individu- was created in 1913, Americans that these tax cuts for the rich will rich, and it will be paid for by mid- trick that will help you make sense
al market by 10% each year and will have been able to prevent double pay for themselves. That view isn’t dle-class families. of it all.
likely result in 13 million more taxation by deducting state and lo- shared by credible economists. Ac- The fight, however, is not over. In Washington, when you hear
Americans without coverage. cal taxes they have already paid. cording to Congress’ Joint Com- Senate and House Republicans people complain that this or that
Refusing to hold a single hear- Approximately 6 million California mittee on Taxation, over the next must now reconcile the differences piece of legislation will “explode”
ing with outside groups, Republi- households claimed this deduction decade, estimated growth under in their two tax bills (the House the deficit, what they are really
cans rushed their bill through the in 2015. the plan would make up for no version is as disastrous for most telling you is that they don’t like the
Senate in the hope Americans This provision hurts all Califor- more than a fraction of deficit in- Americans as the Senate bill). legislation.
wouldn’t realize what it really is — a nians, even those who don’t claim creases. I urge all Californians to join me It’s really that simple. Good leg-
huge windfall for big corporations the deduction. Funding for critical So I fear Republicans hid their in doing everything we can to de- islation, like good food, movies,
and the rich. services like schools, police and fire true intentions. feat this legislation. Write, call or novels and pretty much everything
Every day, I hear from Califor- departments could be in jeopardy In a few years, they’ll no doubt email your representatives. Tell else except for dogs (they’re all
nians worried about what this bill as communities try to ease the in- use the growing deficits they cre- them to reject the Republican tax good) is in the eye of the beholder.
means for their family’s budget. creased tax burden on families. ated as an excuse to gut Medicare, plan and work on bipartisan tax re- A politician or partisan who thinks
Raleigh is a middle-class retiree State and local governments Medicaid and Social Security. form that puts the middle class a proposal is worth doing will think
in Davis. He wrote that his taxes won’t be the only ones feeling the Americans who rely on these pro- first. it’s worth doing even if it increases
will go up nearly $4,000 a year and squeeze. The massive trillion-dol- grams will be victims of the Repub- the deficit. If he thinks a proposal is
he can’t afford such a drastic tax in- lar increase in the U.S. national licans’ partisan tax plan. Democrat Dianne Feinstein is bad, he might argue that it’s bad on
crease on his fixed budget. deficit could later trigger cuts to But one group is a clear winner the senior senator from California. the merits. But you can be sure
that if it also increases the deficit,
he will cite this fact as a major rea-
son why it is bad.
That is the role deficits — and
the national debt — play in our pol-
itics. Anti-debt talk serves as dye-
marker for some more fundamen-
tal objection.
Almost everyone thinks deficits
are bad in the abstract, but that
their badness should only be a
problem for the other side. In 2008,
for example, then-presidential
candidate Barack Obama said
that the $5 trillion in debt rung up
under George W. Bush was “unpa-
triotic.” But his actual complaint
wasn’t about the debt but what
that money was spent on — the
Iraq war and tax cuts.
Under Obama, the national
debt soared from $11 trillion to just
under $20 trillion, but that deficit
spending was justifiable, accord-
ing to Democrats, because it went
to combating the financial crisis
and paying for various other do-
mestic programs.
The source of the apparent in-
consistency isn’t simply partisan
hypocrisy (though that’s a factor
as well), but a good-faith ideolog-
ical disagreement.
As a matter of economic policy,
conservatives believe that the peo-
ple themselves are better at spend-
ing their money than the govern-
ment. Cutting taxes and regula-
tions drives economic growth. Li-
berals, meanwhile, believe that the
government is the prime, or at least
an indispensable, driver of econo-
mic growth.
This is why liberals tend to talk
Ting Shen New China News Agency about spending on everything
FORMER U.S. national security advisor Michael Flynn leaves federal court in Washington after his plea hearing on Friday. from infrastructure to education
as an “investment.” The Obama
stimulus was sold as an investment

If he did nothing wrong,

that would pay huge dividends,
thanks in part to Keynesian “mul-
tipliers” — the idea that every dol-
lar of government spending results
in more than a dollar in economic
growth. Obamacare, we were told,

why did Michael Flynn lie?

would reduce the deficit by cutting
healthcare spending and improv-
ing economic growth.
Conservatives make similar ar-
guments about tax cuts. Over the
weekend, Senate Majority Leader
By Harry Litman charge of the Russia probe, a U.N. resolution against Israel for Nuanced and multidimension- Mitch McConnell told Fox News

Robert Mueller, would find it diffi- its settlement policy, which the al moves are the norm in foreign that the tax cuts would yield more
resident Trump cult to dust it off for this situation. U.S. had decided to let pass. policy, and Team Trump was than enough economic growth to
tweeted Saturday that Trump defenders’ second re- 8 Flynn asked Kislyak to delay playing blind. make up for the deficit the bill cre-
he “had to fire General frain is that it is routine for incom- the U.N. vote or to defeat the reso- But if their conduct wasn’t rou- ates on paper.
Flynn because he lied to ing administrations to reach out lution. tine, some might argue, it wasn’t On the philosophical side,
the Vice President and to other countries — as a way to What this means, unavoidably, exactly novel. It’s widely assumed, there’s an even starker conflict of
the FBI,” adding, “It is a shame be- lay the groundwork for their as- is that the Trump transition team for example, that the incoming visions.
cause his actions during the tran- cent to power. was carrying on a rogue foreign Reagan administration interfered Liberals tend to start from the
sition were lawful. There was If that’s the case, then why did policy effort, on issues of the high- in hostage-crisis negotiations assumption that the government
nothing to hide!” Flynn lie? The apologists have not est sensitivity to U.S. interests, with Iran. is entitled to as much revenue as it
Both halves of the tweet are advanced any sensible response with neither State Department That analogy, however, cuts in needs, and so tax cuts amount to
jaw-dropping. to that question. oversight nor expertise. Flynn and the other direction. Reagan offi- giving people money.
In the first half, Trump admits I think Flynn lied because he others sought concessions, made cials staunchly denied the Earlier this year, Sen. Bernie
to knowing that Flynn, his one- understood, correctly, that he and assurances and negotiated deals charges, with a vehemence that Sanders proposed a budget that
time national security advisor, his colleagues had done some- behind the back of the Obama ad- revealed their understanding of would add at least $21 trillion to the
had already lied to the FBI at the thing very wrong and inimical to ministration — on matters they how outrageous such conduct debt over a decade. But when the
time he pushed FBI Director U.S. interests. could not have fully understood. would have been. Both houses of Senate passed the GOP tax bill, he
James B. Comey to drop the inves- Flynn wasn’t a misguided pri- The questions arising from this Congress held separate investiga- tweeted, “Historians will look back
tigation into Flynn. (The overture vate citizen (think Dennis Rod- closet operation are many and tions into the matter, moreover, on Dec. 1, 2017 and conclude this
to Comey came the day after man in North Korea) flying off to alarming. and concluded that the charges was one of the great robberies in
Trump fired Flynn.) Pushing your consult with a foreign power. Such What sorts of risks to U.S. in- could not be substantiated. US history because Republicans
Justice Department to stifle an in- bumbling freelance diplomacy terests and even international sta- We only have one president at a are looting the Treasury.” For
vestigation of a known felon can be vexatious to the govern- bility were run by the Trump tran- time, and for good reason. What Sanders, letting people keep more
sounds a lot like obstruction of ment, but no one could confuse it sition team’s decision to arrogate the Trump team’s rogue foreign of their money is theft — because
justice. with a legitimate U.S. foreign pol- to itself, and secretly, the conduct policy amounted to was an attack it’s really the government’s money.
The second half of the tweet — icy initiative. of important foreign affairs? on the president as commander- Conservatives start from the
the assertion that it was perfectly And Flynn wasn’t just reaching What kind of diplomatic or in-chief and an exposure of U.S. assumption, on the other hand,
fine for Flynn to make contact out to, say, introduce himself or re- even military calamity might they citizens to gratuitous and incalcu- that money belongs to the people
with Russian government actors ceive basic information. He was have bumbled into? lable risks. That’s arguably far and businesses who earn it. Letting
before Trump was actually presi- intentionally undermining the What sorts of nuanced consid- more serious than a lie to the FBI people and businesses keep more
dent — is equally disturbing. Obama administration. erations involving not just Israel or a personal or financial misdeed. of their money isn’t a handout or
Trump defenders have ad- Mueller’s team has outlined but also Syria, Iran, China, and Only Congress can determine giveaway, never mind a robbery:
vanced a two-part argument to that in late December 2016: others were in play in the Obama whether such behavior, assuming It’s fairness.
justify pre-inauguration conver- 8 Flynn asked the Russian am- administration’s decision to let it was fully sanctioned by Trump, The ultimate problem is that ev-
sations with Russia. Their first, a bassador, Sergey Kislyak, not to the settlement resolution pass? amounts to an impeachable high eryone says they care about the
legal claim, concerns the Logan escalate tensions in response to What if Israel had quietly ac- crime or misdemeanor. But the ar- deficit, but few people care about it
Act, which makes it a crime for un- sanctions that the United States ceded to the U.S. abstention in re- guments in that direction are enough. Democrats think spend-
authorized citizens to negotiate had imposed against Russia. turn for aid or other covert assist- strong. ing is more important than the
with foreign governments that Kislyak agreed. ance? deficit and Republicans think cut-
have a dispute with the United 8 At the behest of a senior offi- How did it look later to the Harry Litman, a former U.S. ting taxes is more important. And
States. Trump defenders note, ac- cial who is almost certainly international community that the attorney and deputy assistant that’s why the national debt is
curately, that its broad sweep has Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kush- Trump team was able to work its attorney general, teaches at more than $20 trillion, and
left it in a legal no-man’s-land. The ner, Flynn contacted officials from will on the sanctions that the UCLA Law School and practices growing.
Logan Act has almost never been foreign governments, including Obama administration had so law at Constantine Cannon.
used. The special counsel in Russia, to see where each stood on painstakingly put in place? @harrlitman

New public restrooms on skid row

[Restrooms, from A1] The city opened a hand- manage the facility. Clark
Council director Nate ful of self-cleaning toilet ki- also said it was important
Cormier, a South Park resi- osks, but they were often on the bathrooms eventually
dent. “We have so many peo- the blink. After county offi- open overnight.
ple under those conditions, cials in 2012 and 2013 warned “The missions open and
we’re all looking any way we of a public health threat, the close, and in the middle of
can to turn the tide and deal city paid for more nighttime the night you can see some-
with the crisis.” access to mission bath- body using the bathroom on
The latest $450,000 facil- rooms and, more recently, every little corner,” Clark
ity is modest — eight toilets put temporary restrooms in said.
and six showers, operating skid row parks. Coalition member Tom
four days a week, in a trailer But the county’s recom- Grode said he hoped to en-
on a city-owned parking lot mendation to add substan- list volunteers to help run
sandwiched between two tial numbers of toilets was the toilets.
homeless housing and serv- largely ignored. A communi- “The real problem with
ice agencies. In addition to ty audit this year found skid row is it’s been denied
attendants, the toilets will bathroom access on skid its rights as a community,”
be monitored by a mainte- row fell short of U.N. stand- said Chris Mack, a longtime
nance crew and security, ards for Syrian refugee skid row outreach worker
which organizers hope will camps. In April, a group and a coalition member.
forestall the problems that called the Skid Row Com- “This space is being done
for so long soured skid row munity Coalition came to- with an aesthetic, and with a
bathroom politics. gether to renew the push for person’s dignity in mind.”
A January expansion will new restrooms, and the The facility will have to
increase the number of mayor’s office joined in. move when the Weingart
showers and toilets and add “This is our vision and Center begins building
laundry facilities, officials our dream,” activist Charles housing on the site as part of
said. Porter said Saturday. “We the city’s ambitious con-
At the formal opening had people come from the struction program, Clark
Monday morning, Mayor tents, and they came to the said.
Eric Garcetti underlined the meetings on time. We be- Though supporters see
community’s role in the proj- Photographs by Al Seib Los Angeles Times came our own solution.” the bathrooms as a possible
ect. LOS ANGELES Mayor Eric Garcetti, center, visits the Skid Row Community Even the project’s name turning point for the com-
“It is for decades that this ReFresh Spot with Bruce Boardman, left, and Zelenne Cardenas. — Skid Row Community Re- munity, the benefits are lim-
community has cried out for Fresh Spot — was important ited. Cormier said the only
the need for public rest- ranged for six outdoor la- in making community mem- concern he’s heard about
rooms,” Garcetti said at the trines festooned with orna- bers feel comfortable, Porter the project was that it was a
event, which featured a ments and garlands for said. “drop in the bucket” com-
bongo and guitar trio and a Christmas. The mayor had “Who says, ‘Let’s go down pared with the human serv-
dozen other city and county them hauled away. to the hygiene center?’ ” ices needs of downtown’s
officials. “We know here that Two years later, Brad- Porter asked. homeless population.
this is one step, but it is a ley’s successor, Richard Ri- The city insisted on secu- “This spot here is tempo-
critical step.” ordan, had two dozen port- rity, but the organizers said rary and certainly is not the
The celebratory atmos- able toilets placed on skid they made sure guards answer to the problem of
phere was broken when a row. Half were yanked in would be unarmed and from homelessness,” said Deacon
skid row activist who worked 1998, then returned after a a company with a record of Alexander, a longtime skid
on the project tore up the protest. But when concerns cultural sensitivity to skid row resident and a restroom
city certificate of apprecia- about prostitution and drug row’s largely African Ameri- organizer. “It resolves one
tion Garcetti had handed use arose in 2006, the city, can population. point and one point only: a
him. with Mayor Antonio Villarai- “They don’t want to feel place to go to the bathroom.”
“It’s 10 years late and gosa in charge, had them like the law is running it,”
three times short,” General carted off. said Evans Clark, who will
Dogon, a member of the Los
Angeles Community Action THE $450,000 facility has eight toilets and six show-
Network, an anti-poverty ers, operating four days a week, in a trailer on a city-
group, said as television owned parking lot between two homeless agencies.
cameras rolled. “This ain’t
nothing to what we laid out
and what we need.”
The mayor responded,
city’s rejection of its long-
time “containment” policy,
which centralized homeless
Garcetti said. “That has
failed us.”
Skid row bathrooms were
Trump endorses Moore
“It’s never too late,” and
promised more sanitation
services, but he did not spec-
ify how many. Activists have
services on skid row, and es-
tablishes a new era of part-
nership with activists.
“At one time, downtown
often on the front line of the
city’s war on modern home-
lessness. In 1992, city hous-
ing officials placed dozens of
after nudge from Bannon
demanded 164 toilets, L.A. was in the midst of radi- portable toilets throughout
spaced out within walking cal revitalization and the skid row, only to see Mayor shown the race to be close behind Moore, according to
distance of every sidewalk wisdom of the day at that Tom Bradley cut off the With polls tightening despite Alabama’s heavy a person close to the White
camp. time was to … concentrate funding. Republican tilt. House who spoke on the
Garcetti also said the our problems as if somehow Alice Callaghan, an activ- in Alabama’s Senate In addition to the usual condition of anonymity to
project underscores the that would make it go away,” ist for the poor, then ar- race, president says, margin of error in polls, the describe internal discus-
outcome is even harder to sions.
‘Go get ’em, Roy!’ predict because of the diffi- In November, Trump
culty in knowing who will pointed to Moore’s denials of
By Brian Bennett turn out to vote in a special the allegations from decades
and Noah Bierman election held a couple of ago and spoke against vot-
weeks before Christmas that ing for Jones, but did not ex-
has been roiled by the accu- plicitly endorse Moore.
WASHINGTON — Presi- sations against Moore. Trump is not campaign-
dent Trump on Monday fully Some advisors to the ing for Moore directly, but is
endorsed Roy Moore, acting president were concerned scheduled to hold a rally on
to back the Alabama Senate that if Trump didn’t come Friday in the Florida Pan-
candidate after conversa- out more forcefully in favor handle, which shares a me-
tions with his former strate- of Moore, the former Ala- dia market with Mobile, Ala.
gist, Stephen K. Bannon, bama state judge could lose, The special election is to fill
who has advocated Moore’s according to people familiar the seat of Jeff Sessions, who
candidacy. with the conversations who is now U.S. attorney general.
Trump’s tweets marked spoke on the condition of Moore has denied the al-
his first all-out endorsement anonymity to comment on legations and recently de-
of Moore, who has been ac- internal discussions. nied knowing any of the
cused of making unwanted The question of whether women who had described
sexual advances on teenage to back Moore continues to Moore’s actions to reporters.
girls. They came after Re- split Republicans. A few One woman who told the
publican leaders began to hours after Trump’s tweets, Washington Post that she
back away in recent days Mitt Romney, the Republi- dated Moore when she was
from previous threats to ex- cans’ 2012 presidential can- 17 showed the Post a hand-
pel Moore if he were to win didate, repeated his opposi- written note Moore had giv-
the Dec. 12 election. tion to the Alabamian. en to her at the time that she
Trump called Moore on Moore’s election would recently found in a scrap-
Monday morning. be a “stain on the GOP and book, according to an article
“Go get ’em, Roy!” Trump the nation,” he wrote on published Monday.
told Moore, according to a Twitter. “No vote, no major- Some Republican strate-
description of the phone call ity is worth losing our honor, gists fear that if Moore is
that Moore posted on Twit- our integrity.” elected, GOP candidates
ter. “Just got off the phone Romney has been pon- across the country will be
with President Trump who dering a possible Senate saddled with his reputation.
offered his full support and race in Utah if the state’s Indeed, Democrats in Penn-
said he needs a fighter to senior senator, Republican sylvania are already bring-
help him in the U.S. Senate,” Orrin G. Hatch, retires. ing up Moore’s name in an ef-
Moore wrote. Trump, visiting Utah on fort to fend off a push by Re-
Trump’s strong support Monday, publicly asked publican Rep. Lou Barletta
came after a couple of polls Hatch not to retire. to defeat incumbent Demo-
showed Moore starting to re- Senate Majority Leader cratic Sen. Bob Casey.
establish a lead over Democ- Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) “The people of Pennsyl-
rat Doug Jones, providing an and House Speaker Paul D. vania deserve to know if
argument to Moore’s back- Ryan (R-Wis.) have previ- Congressman Barletta be-
ers that Trump’s support ously called on Moore to step lieves Moore’s accusers and
could make the difference in aside, saying they believe if he wants to serve in the
the race. the allegations. Some Re- Senate alongside a man ac-
A Washington Post poll publican senators said last cused of child molestation,”
released Saturday, however, month that if Moore were to Pennsylvania Democratic
showed the race near a dead win the election, they would Party spokesman Max
heat. move to expel him. Steele said in a statement.
Overall, polling by sev- But in a sign that the “Silence is not an option.”
eral organizations has GOP is warming to the can- On the ground in Ala-
didate, the Republican Na- bama, where voters rarely
tional Committee revealed see Democratic challengers
Monday night that it would pull close to Republicans,
resume financial support of Moore called the atmos-
Moore. McConnell said Sun- phere “intense,” writing in a
day on ABC News that the fundraising appeal to sup-
decision, at least for now, porters that “left-wing foot
should be left to Alabama soldiers — aka ‘community
voters. Also, in an interview organizers’ — are descend-
on CBS, McConnell would ing on Alabama to volunteer
not commit to supporting for Doug Jones and create
an ethics investigation into chaos and trouble on the
the allegations should ground at my events.”
Moore win. Jones’ campaign claims
“We will swear in whoever to have launched “the most
is elected and see where we robust get-out-the-vote pro-
are at that particular point,” gram Alabama has seen in a
he said. generation” with volunteers
Bannon, by contrast, has knocking on more than
supported Moore consis- 100,000 doors and making
tently and has argued the some 800,000 phone calls in
candidate is popular with the last month and a half.
Trump’s most ardent sup-
porters. He recently talked
with Trump about putting noah.bierman
the president’s full weight

CALIFORNIA T U E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 5 , 2 0 1 7 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

City Council is slated
to vote on regulations
after much tweaking.
By Emily Alpert Reyes

Los Angeles lawmakers

took another step Monday
toward imposing regula-
tions that would limit where
and how marijuana busi-
nesses can operate as Cali-
fornia legalizes the sale of
recreational pot.
The elaborate regula-
tions, which have been re-
peatedly tweaked at a series
of city hearings, lay out the
ground rules for what is ex-
pected to be one of the
hottest marijuana markets
in the country.
Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times “You don’t have a lot of
SURVIVORS of sexual assault and harassment and their supporters participate in the #MeToo march in Los Angeles last month. opportunities to make his-
tory — and that’s what we’re
doing here,” City Council
President Herb Wesson said

Entertainers, sure, but

as a committee of lawmakers
backed the proposed rules.
The City Council is slated
to vote on the regulations
Under the proposed
rules, pot shops would be re-

what about politicians?

stricted to specific commer-
cial and industrial zones,
and be barred from opening
within 700 feet of schools,
public parks and areas
zoned as open space, public
libraries, daycare centers,
alcohol and drug treatment
facilities, and permanent

Sacramento gets an earful about its culture of harassment supportive housing, as well
as from other marijuana re-
[See Marijuana, B2]

ROBIN ABCARIAN vened by Democratic Assemblywoman Laura with me’ — one person asking another to go out
Friedman, who chairs the Rules Subcommittee on a date does not violate policy.”
For the last two months, on Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and A number of women in the audience gasped.
Americans have watched in Retaliation Prevention, the nearly six-hour “Earlier it was said that asking someone out
disbelief as sexual harassers hearing established that the California Legisla- on a date is not harassment. I would beg to
have been called to account. ture has a very detailed sexual harassment differ,” said lobbyist Samantha Corbin, who
The #MeToo campaign on policy that does almost nothing to protect coordinated a letter, signed by 140 female lobby-
social media and a flood of women. ists, elected officials and staffers, demanding
investigative stories have There is no tracking system for complaints an end to Sacramento’s culture of harassment.
given women the courage to and investigations. There is no coordination “If the chairman of a committee asked me out,
speak up, which has forced employers to step with the state Senate. The policy calls for “zero it is harassment.”
up. tolerance” against harassment, but no one has Is it?
The alleged modus operandi of movie mogul any idea what that means. “A single act of asking somebody out, under
Harvey Weinstein, political analyst Mark Also, there are conflicting views about what the law, is probably not actionable,” said Leslie
Halperin and talk show hosts Charlie Rose and constitutes harassment, along with a wide- Levy, an Oakland employment discrimination
Matt Lauer crossed vivid lines. They became spread belief, as Friedman put it, that “mem- attorney. To be considered illegal, she said,
liabilities to shareholders, advertisers, custom- bers are to be protected at all costs.” courts have ruled harassment must be “severe Riverside Police Department

ers and ratings. They had to be fired. “Many complaints come in that may not or pervasive.” But the power imbalance puts a JOSEPH Boston moved
But what about public officials, who have no necessarily violate policy,” explained Rules staffer in an untenable position. to Riverside last month.
bosses except for their constituents? How Committee Chief Administrative Officer Debo- Even relationships that appear consensual

should their transgressions be handled? And rah Gravert. “An individual can come in and can be exploitative, wrong and damaging to the
what, exactly, are the rules? say, ‘This person asked me out on a date.’ As less powerful person. (Look no further than
This was the question at the heart of a mar- long as it’s not out of the ordinary — or every President Clinton’s misbegotten affair with
athon state Assembly hearing last week. Con- day, or every other day, ‘I want you to go out [See Abcarian, B6]

held in
Uber concealed hack, L.A. says sexual
City attorney says
ride-hailing firm broke
law by not promptly Mother turns in son,
reporting data breach. 18. Police say he
admitted to molesting
By Laura J. Nelson
Bob Child Associated Press
up to 50 children.
became a spokesman
for political reform. For more than a year, By Doug Smith
Uber Technologies Inc. con-
Congressman cealed a massive hack that Before dawn, a woman
ran quixotic exposed the personal data of with her 18-year-old son in
millions of drivers and rid-
campaign ers, violating a California law
her car flagged down a
sergeant at Riverside’s Mag-
John B. Anderson, that requires companies to nolia Avenue police station
whose independent promptly report such with a startling request.
1980 presidential bid breaches, according to a law- She said she wanted to
helped propel Ronald suit filed Monday by Los An- turn in her son, who had ear-
Reagan to the White geles City Atty. Mike Feuer. lier called her to say he had
House, dies at 95. B5 In October 2016, hackers molested two boys, 8 and 4,
stole the names, cellphone in a motel room.
Blowing right numbers and email ad- After interviewing her
into town dresses of more than 57 mil- son, Joseph Hayden Boston,
lion riders across the world, Riverside police jailed him
“The strongest and
as well as driver’s license at the Robert Presley Deten-
longest” Santa Ana
numbers for 600,000 Uber tion Center on Saturday
winds of the season
drivers in the United States. with bail set at $1 million.
are forecast for the
Uber disclosed the hack last Riverside police said in a
Southland. B3
month. statement that Boston con-
Feuer filed the lawsuit in fessed to sexually assaulting
Lottery ...................... B2 Los Angeles County Superi- up to 50 children in other cit-
Mel Melcon Los Angeles Times
Obituaries ................ B5 or Court on behalf of Califor- ies, starting when he was 10
nia residents. The case will LOS ANGELES City Atty. Mike Feuer announces the filing of a lawsuit against
Weather .................... B6 years old.
[See Hack, B2] Uber Technologies Inc. over its concealment of a massive data breach in 2016.
[See Confession, B5]
B2 T U E S DAY , D EC EM BE R 5, 2017 S LAT IMES. C OM

Woman finds
her lost pup
in video of
police chase
He said he thought he saw
Oceanside owner Catalina on the news.
The couple quickly did a
tracks down her dog, Google search, and “the
wounded by gunfire, story was everywhere,” Hur-
tado said.
via TV news footage. After watching a clip on
CBS News 8’s website, she
called the television station.
By Lyndsay Winkley Someone told her the puppy
had been taken to the
After days of searching, County of San Diego Animal
an Oceanside woman had Services shelter in Carlsbad.
given up hope that she’d find Hurtado said she went to
Catalina, her 9-month-old the shelter with veterinary
puppy who went missing records and pictures of Cat-
soon after Thanksgiving. alina in hand to help prove
David Butow For The Times But then Salina Hurtado her ownership. She was told,
AN UBER DRIVER on an L.A. street. In October 2016, hackers stole information on more than 57 million saw her dog on the news. however, that they would
riders across the world, as well as driver’s license numbers for 600,000 Uber drivers in the United States. She said she watched, need to wait before picking
disbelieving, as a TV news up the pup.
anchor described a pursuit That’s because Kevin

Uber faces lawsuit over in Valley Center. A dog was

shot when deputies fired at a
man accused of trying to run
them over in a stolen van.
Video of the incident
showed a white pit bull with
Meza, the suspect who was
arrested after the high-
speed chase, claimed the
dog was his.
Dan DeSousa, director of
the county’s animal services

disclosure of data breach a distinctive brown spot be-

ing carried away by a deputy.
The young dog was excitedly
licking the woman’s face.
“I couldn’t believe it,”
Hurtado said. “I remember
department, said Catalina
wasn’t licensed or mi-
crochipped, so the county is
legally required to give Meza
two weeks to contest Hurta-
do’s claim.
[Hack, from B1] thinking, ‘My poor baby got “We will be holding the
focus on Uber’s failure to dis- into a high-speed chase? Is dog through the legally re-
close the data breach to this for real?’ But I knew it quired 14 days at which time
Uber’s California drivers, he was her.” we will allow the family to
said. Hurtado, 35, said Cata- claim the dog,” DeSousa
California law requires lina went missing Nov. 25 said.
companies to report hacks from the apartment com- While the Oceanside fam-
“in the most expedient time plex where she and her hus- ily waits, they’re asking the
possible” and “without un- band live. community for help.
reasonable delay” when “We went to feed her and Catalina accrued hun-
some forms of personal data, she was just gone,” Hurtado dreds of dollars in medical
including driver’s license said. They searched the area bills while she was being
numbers, are compromised. and asked neighbors to be treated for her gunshot
The law is designed to help on the lookout, but they wound.
consumers fight identity started to believe someone
theft. had taken her. lyndsay.winkley
Instead, Uber paid the A week after the dog went
hackers $100,000 to destroy missing, a neighbor tracked Winkley writes for the San
the data, pressured them to down Hurtado’s husband. Diego Union-Tribune.
sign nondisclosure agree-
ments, and portrayed the
ransom as a payment to test
the vulnerabilities of the
company’s data security sys-
tems, according to the law- Eric Risberg Associated Press
suit. UBER’S headquarters in San Francisco. The company paid the hackers $100,000
“We’re taking action be- to destroy the data, according to the lawsuit filed by L.A. City Atty. Mike Feuer.
cause we believe very
strongly in the importance for each violation of the law. place controversial founder from our mistakes.”
of protecting consumers,” Any payments would be Travis Kalanick, said in a The hack did not expose
Feuer said Monday at a news shared between the city and blog post last month that he Uber riders’ trip histories,
conference at City Hall. the county of Los Angeles, learned of the hack months credit card numbers, bank
The consumer protec- and would be spent on con- after it occurred. account numbers, Social Se-
tion law is commonly in- sumer protection efforts, Uber’s chief of security curity numbers or dates of
voked in the lawsuits that Feuer said. and another employee were birth, he said.
follow data breaches. In Sep- In a statement, an Uber fired for not revealing the In January 2016, Uber
tember, San Francisco’s city spokesperson said the com- hack, and the company has paid a $20,000 fine to the New
attorney cited the law in a pany is happy to address provided free credit moni- York attorney general for
suit filed against Equifax, al- regulators’ questions, and is toring and identity theft pro- failing to promptly report a
leging the company failed to “committed to changing the tection to affected drivers, separate data breach in 2014.
promptly disclose a hack way we do business, putting Khosrowshahi said. That previous disclosure,
that affected more than 15 integrity at the core of every “None of this should have Monday’s lawsuit said,
million California residents. decision we make, and work- happened, and I will not makes the company’s “gross
Feuer said he doesn’t yet ing hard to regain the trust make excuses for it,” Khos- conduct ... even more alarm-
know how many drivers in of consumers.” rowshahi said. “While I can’t ing.”
California were affected in Uber Chief Executive erase the past, I can commit Salina Hurtado
the Uber hack. Dara Khosrowshahi, who on behalf of every Uber em- CATALINA , left, who had been lost since Thanksgiv-
The lawsuit seeks $2,500 was hired in August to re- ployee that we will learn Twitter: @laura_nelson ing, is recovering from a gunshot wound at a shelter.

L.A.’s chance to ‘make history’

[Marijuana, from B1] Eligible business appli-
Other marijuana busi- cants would get priority
nesses — including growers processing and other assist-
and manufacturers — would ance as they pursue city li-
be limited to industrial censes. For every license the
zones and prohibited within city hands out to a regular
600 feet of schools. And mar- marijuana retailer, it plans
ijuana manufacturers that to give out two licenses to
use volatile solvents would “social equity” participants;
be barred from within 200 for every license it hands out
feet of residential areas. to other kinds of marijuana
L.A. will also cap the businesses, it will hand out
maximum number of mari- one to a “social equity” appli-
juana shops, manufacturers cant, according to the pro-
and other kind of cannabis posed rules.
business allowed in each But the city would
community area based on prohibit people who com-
population ratios. Because mitted violent crimes and
the complicated rules have other serious offenses from
been repeatedly adjusted, getting marijuana licenses
Peter Kim Dreamstime for a decade after their con-
THE L.A. City Council is scheduled to vote Wednes- victions, and bar other
day on proposed rules for recreational pot businesses. classes of convicts, including
Lottery results planning officials have yet to have been supplying those
people who distributed mar-
ijuana to minors, for five
Tonight’s Mega Millions provide estimates of the to- shops and meet other re- years after their conviction
Estimated jackpot: $160 million tal number of marijuana quirements can, in turn, get dates.
Sales close at 7:45 p.m. businesses that could even- “temporary approval” while The city could also deny
For Monday, Dec. 4, 2017 tually open. they are applying for city li- marijuana licenses to felons
The proposed rules also censes. whose crimes involved il-
Fantasy Five: 4-23-28-31-38 set out how marijuana busi- Los Angeles is also press- legal drugs other than mari-
Daily Four: 1-7-3-9 nesses will be inspected, im- ing forward with a program juana, but lawmakers de-
pose requirements for secu- that would provide extra as- cided Monday to let city
Daily Three (midday): 6-4-7
rity and video surveillance, sistance to would-be mari- staffers and a newly formed
Daily Three (evening): 2-6-1 and prohibit marijuana or juana entrepreneurs whose commission decide whether
Daily Derby: alcohol consumption on site, communities were hit hard- such applicants should be
(7) Eureka among many other restric- est by the war on drugs. barred on a case-by-case ba-
(9) Winning Spirit tions. Under the “social equity” sis. Activists who advocate
(5) California Classic Existing marijuana program, the city would help for the formerly incarcer-
Race time: 1:49.00 shops that have been op- poor people who were previ- ated had argued that it
erating under an earlier set ously convicted of some would be unfair to block
Results on the Internet:
of city restrictions, Pro- marijuana crimes or have them.
position D, will be first in line lived in areas that were heav-
General information:
(800) 568-8379 for city licensing. Pot grow- ily affected by cannabis ar-
(Results not available at this number) ers and manufacturers that rests. Twitter: @AlpertReyes


L.A. County saves
on medical care by
housing the very ill
homeless, study finds.

By Gale Holland

Los Angeles County’s

marquee program to pro-
vide housing for very sick
homeless people saved tax-
payers thousands of dollars
by reducing hospitalizations
and emergency room visits,
a three-year Rand Corp.
study released Monday
Considered a national
model, Housing for Health
uses county and federal
money to subsidize rents
and intensive case manage-
ment for acutely ill homeless
Rand, a Santa Monica-
based research group, found
that the medical savings
more than offset the cost of
Myung J. Chun Los Angeles Times housing. For every $1 in-
AN ELECTRONIC sign on the 5 Freeway in Sylmar warns of high winds through the Antelope Valley. Record gusts are forecast. vested in the program,
county government was

Blowing right in, with gusto

spared $1.20 in healthcare
and social service costs, the
study said.
Participants improved
their mental health, and 96%
remained in housing for
more than a year, the study
“This will likely be the as Aquinas College, which Ana conditions, but higher don’t pull over in dry grass, found.
‘The strongest and strongest and longest dura- also was evacuated. Officials than usual for this time of be careful with anything
tion Santa Ana wind event said the fire would affect year in L.A., Dumas said. that could cause sparks out-
longest’ Santa Ana
winds of the season
we have seen so far this sea-
son,” the National Weather
neighborhoods in the city of
Ventura overnight, and
The lower temperatures
may help prevent fires. But if
side — the holiday season
could pose an added risk,
‘Are we there yet?
are forecast for region. Service red flag warning there were reports of wide- winds knock down a power Dumas said. No, but the
reads. “If fire ignition occurs, spread power outages. line and ignite flames, Du- “What concerns me most
there will be the potential for Earlier Monday, a brush mas said, the fire “could would be all of the people county is getting
By Sonali Kohli very rapid fire spread, long-
range spotting, and extreme
fire in Riverside County
briefly threatened a few doz-
spread rapidly because of
the wind condition.”
who have been doing their
holiday decorations. Gener-
more people
Deflate your giant San- fire behavior.” en homes before it was Southern California has ally you’re not anticipating a housing than ever
tas and unplug those twin- As if proving the point, brought under control by a also seen less rain than usual big windstorm when you’re
kly lights: The Santa Ana a brush fire near Santa strong response from sev- so far this season, Dumas putting things out,” Dumas before.’
winds are coming to town. Paula in Ventura County ex- eral agencies. said, which creates fire con- said.
Authorities anticipate ploded to roughly 10,000 Sustained winds around ditions. Downtown L.A. Beware of stringing — Marc Trotz,
high fire risk with a red flag acres late Monday, destroy- 30 mph will probably begin should have seen about lights outside the house and director of the Housing for
warning in effect through ing at least two structures around 10 p.m. Monday, said 2 inches of rain between Oc- through trees this week, Du- Health program
Thursday — Los Angeles and prompting evacuations National Weather Service tober and now. There has mas said. Tonight might be a
and Ventura counties could of about 500 homes. One per- meteorologist John Dumas. been a tenth of an inch, he good night to keep those un-
see wind gusts of 50 to 70 son was killed in a vehicle ac- Temperatures this week said. plugged, to lower the “Oftentimes, these pro-
mph Monday night into cident on a road closed due could reach from the high Beyond the perennial fire chances of them igniting. grams strive to ‘break even’
Tuesday, the National to the fire. The blaze began 70s to the low 80s — that’s safety measures that au- in terms of costs and only ex-
Weather Service predicts. about 6:25 p.m. near Thom- lower than normal for Santa thorities recommend — hibit cost savings among the
most vulnerable, while the
Los Angeles program shows
considerable savings across
a diverse population,” said

Facing recall threat, Lawmakers

Sarah Hunter, a senior be-
havioral scientist and lead
author of the study.
The $70-million-a-year
program began on skid row

senator rejects raise unite to seek

in 2012, and has fanned out
across the county, with 20-30
outreach and street medi-
cine teams up and running,
and 50 planned, Marc Trotz,

wildfire aid
the director, said.
Over the last five years,
the effort has moved 3,400
By Patrick McGreevy homeless people into apart-
ments and housing projects.
SACRAMENTO — State Clients are also placed in re-
Sen. Josh Newman, who is cuperative care centers and
facing a recall election, is “These were the worst temporary “bridge” housing
among a small group of leg- Entire congressional fires in California’s history on their way to permanent
islators who are turning and, as a result, they left un- housing.
down pay raises that take ef- delegation signs letter precedented damage in Under a “Housing First”
fect Monday. asking for $4.4 billion their wake,” Thompson said approach, the program does
Gov. Jerry Brown, state in a statement. not make participants go
legislators and other elected more in disaster relief. “California has outlined through drug or mental
state officials will see their the funding we need for relief health treatment to get help.
salaries increase 3% on Mon- By Sarah D. Wire efforts, and it is crucial that The goal this coming year is
day as a result of a vote by a the federal government to get 2,500 people off the
citizen commission this WASHINGTON — Mem- steps up to help,” the state- streets.
year. bers of California’s congres- ment continued. “This fund- “It’s ramping up to where
Citing his vote for a gas- sional delegation are asking ing is a vital first step in our it would need to be to make a
tax increase, Republicans their colleagues for $4.4 bil- long-term recovery, and I’ll visible and meaningful dent
have turned in enough sig- lion more for fire-related di- continue to fight to ensure on the streets,” Trotz said.
natures to qualify a recall saster relief. we have all the resources we “Are we there yet? No, but
election against Newman In a letter led by Rep. need to fully recover and re- the county is getting more
(D-Fullerton) for next year, Mike Thompson (D-St. build.” people housing than ever be-
although a date has not been Helena), the delegation Such letters are common fore.”
finalized. asked the House Appropria- in Congress, but it is unusual The study examined
When the raises were ap- tions Committee to include for the state’s entire 53- county costs for public hos-
proved, Newman said: “Hav- the funding in legislation to member delegation to sign pitalizations, jail stays,
ing been recently elected, Rich Pedroncelli Associated Press provide supplemental disas- on. emergency room visits and
and out of consideration of STATE SEN. Josh Newman (D-Fullerton) is among ter relief to areas of the coun- “We are united as a dele- welfare for 809 formerly
the challenges currently several officials who turned down a salary increase. try hit by recent natural di- gation to help our neighbors homeless participants be-
confronting so many hard- sasters. recover and rebuild from fore and after they found
working Californians, I have bump up to $107,242, al- tion Tom Torlakson each In mid-November, the these tragic fires,” House housing. There were no in-
decided to forego any in- though four legislative lead- will see their salaries rise to White House requested Majority Leader Kevin carceration savings because
crease in my own compensa- ers will receive more. $170,080, the second-highest $44 billion for supplemental McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) residents stayed in jail long-
tion in the coming year.” Brown’s annual salary pay for elected state offi- disaster aid. The request did said in a statement. er, the study found.
Other lawmakers face will rise to $195,806, and cials. not include funding to “California will receive The study also found that
strong challenges in the Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s The pay raises were rebuild after this year’s Cali- the resources we need in the housing did not resolve all of
June primary. pay will jump to $146,854. approved in June by the fornia fires, which killed supplemental package the the residents’ mental health
In addition to Newman, Despite a reorganization California Citizens Com- 44 people and destroyed House will pass — including and medical issues, suggest-
raises were turned down by that took away much of their pensation Commission, a nearly 9,000 structures. legislation ensuring wild- ing that the county might
Assembly members Cathar- power and most of their em- panel appointed by the The move sparked an fire-specific tax relief for af- need to provide long-term
ine Baker (R-Dublin), Ken ployees, elected members of governor and created by outcry from Thompson and fected Californians, just as services and rent subsidies
Cooley (D-Rancho Cor- the state Board of Equaliza- voters in 1990. fellow lawmakers, who had Congress approved for vic- to keep people off the
dova) and Sabrina Cervan- tion will see their salaries in- asked for $7.4 billion in aid. tims of the recent hurri- streets.
tes (D-Riverside). crease to $146,854. patrick.mcgreevy Thompson’s Napa Valley canes,” he said.
Most other legislators Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra district was hit particularly
will see their annual salary and Supt. of Public Instruc- Twitter: @mcgreevy99 hard. Twitter: @geholland

J O H N B . ANDERS ON, 1922 – 2017

His run was a windfall to Reagan’s

leaders trotted out their per- his candidacy as an inde- and Carter, the fears of the
By Massie Ritsch suasive colleague for party pendent. For Anderson’s Democratic camp came

“truth squads” to rebut the campaign to remain viable, true: Anderson’s National
ohn B. Anderson, a for- programs of the Kennedy however, he had to get on the Unity Party finished with
mer Illinois congress- administration. ballot in all 50 states, and just under 7% of the popular
man whose eloquent By the late ’60s, Ander- Democrats were challeng- vote — 5.7 million votes —
and quixotic 1980 presi- son was less recognizable as ing his inclusion in court be- compared with Reagan’s 51%
dential campaign as an inde- a conservative Republican. cause they worried he would and Carter’s 41%.
pendent helped propel Ron- He remained mostly in line steal votes from Carter. After leaving politics, he
ald Reagan to the White with his party on economic Carter’s campaign dis- practiced law and held vari-
House, has died at his home matters but broke with the missed Anderson as appeal- ous visiting professorships.
in Washington. He was 95. GOP by voting for a bill that ing only to the “wine and He also wrote books and edi-
His death Sunday was outlawed racial discrimi- cheese set” of educated torials about the American
confirmed by his daughter, nation in housing, support- Northeastern liberals. economy, the need for tele-
Diane Anderson. ing the Equal Rights By the time Reagan and vised presidential debates
A 10-term congressman, Amendment, criticizing Carter debated five weeks and political reform.
Anderson waged an inde- wasteful defense spending later, Anderson had Anderson is survived by
pendent campaign in 1980 and backing restrictions on dropped in the polls and was his wife; son John Jr.; daugh-
against President Carter guns and nuclear weapons. not invited, a slight he called ters Eleanora, Diane, Karen
and his Republican chal- He spoke out against the “absolutely crushing.” and Susan; and 11 grandchil-
lenger Reagan. Anderson re- Vietnam War and was Ira Schwarz Associated Press Although Anderson in- dren.
ceived 7% of the vote — among the first Republicans LONG-SHOT CONTENDER sisted throughout his cam-
enough, observers believed, to call for President Nixon’s John Anderson’s 1980 campaign won 7% of the paign that he would draw Ritsch is a former Times
to tilt the election. resignation during the vote, helping lift Ronald Reagan to the presidency. support evenly from Reagan staff writer.
In his later years, Ander- Watergate scandal.
son became a lecturer and Colleagues described
spokesman for political re- him as brilliant, principled
form, drawing attention ev- and hard working, but also
ery four years as he was arrogant, overly serious and
called on to discuss other sanctimonious.
third-party presidential In 1979, at age 57, Ander-
candidates. son began campaigning for
Born Feb. 15, 1922, in president as a moderate Re-
Rockford, Ill., John Bayard publican. He called for re-
Anderson was the son of storing the “vital center that
Swedish immigrants who can bind our nation and so-
ran a grocery store. ciety together.”
He earned a bachelor’s From the beginning, the
degree in political science little-known congressman
from the University of Illi- conceded that his was a
nois in 1942 and a law degree long-shot campaign. Ander-
in 1946. In World War II, he son’s hope in the primary
was awarded four battle race for the GOP nomina-
stars in the Army field ar- tion was that his conserva-
tillery in Europe. tive opponents would divide
Anderson practiced law the party’s right, making his
in Rockford until 1952, when share of the left-center look
he joined the United States large.
foreign service. While get- The GOP presidential
ting his picture taken for his field at that point included
passport, Anderson met Reagan, Texas Gov. John B.
Keke Machakos, the State Connally, future Reagan
Department photographer. running mate George H.W.
The first picture did not turn Bush, Kansas Sen. Bob Dole
out, so she called him in for a and Tennessee Sen. Howard
second. They began dating Baker.
and married the next year. Anderson became a fa-
Anderson’s political ca- vorite among liberal voters
reer began with a successful who were disenchanted with
1956 campaign for state’s at- Carter yet also dissatisfied
torney — the local prose- with other Democrats. Ac-
cutor — in Winnebago tor Paul Newman offered to
County, Ill. In 1960, as a Re- make commercials for An-
publican, he was elected to derson, and TV producer
an open congressional seat Norman Lear took out news-
representing Illinois’ 16th paper ads touting his candi-
District, a GOP heartland in dacy. Anderson became a
northwest Illinois. darling of columnists, who
Anderson arrived in praised his intelligence, elo-
Washington at the start of quence and integrity.
the Kennedy administra- After losing primaries in
tion, pledging to oppose six states — but winning
such liberal Democratic no- nearly 60 delegates — An-
tions as Medicare and fed- derson withdrew from the
eral aid for education. GOP Republican field to continue

Mother turns
in son after
[Confession, from B1] erside but does not have any
Before moving to Riv- active cases involving Bos-
erside in early November, ton.
Boston had lived in Lake- Riverside County district
wood and Buena Park. attorney’s spokesman John
In Riverside he was stay- Hall said the office had not
ing at the Simply Home Inn made a decision Monday
and Suites in the 9800 block whether to file charges. Bos-
of Magnolia Avenue. ton probably will be ar-
According to the police raigned Wednesday if
statement, he befriended charges are filed.
the two boys who were stay- Riverside Det. Paul Mi-
ing at the motel with their randa asked anyone with in-
parents. The boys were al- formation about other po-
lowed to go into Boston’s tential victims to call him at
room Friday night. Hours (951) 353-7945 or email at
later, police said, Boston
called his mother, whose Maximum penalties for
name was not disclosed, to sexual assaults, which de-
tell her that he had molested pend on the age of the perpe-
the boys. She then drove to trator and the victim, have
the motel and took him to been stiffened in recent
the police station. years, said Paul Wallin, sen-
Riverside County Child ior partner of Wallin &
Protective Services re- Klarich.
sponded and took custody of Because Boston was an
both children. adult when the alleged
Lt. Joe Badali of the Los crimes were committed and
Angeles County sheriff ’s because the two boys were
Lakewood station said the younger than 10, the maxi-
Sheriff ’s Special Victims Bu- mum penalty would be 15
reau was coordinating with years to life in prison for each
Riverside detectives to de- offense, Wallin said.
termine if there is a “nexus According to the firm’s
with any victims out here.” website, which cites federal
There are no reported research, juveniles account
cases with ties to the Boston for more than a third of
case, Badali said. those known to law enforce-
A spokesman for the ment to have committed sex
Buena Park Police Depart- offenses against other mi-
ment said the agency is nors.
aware of the investigation
and will coordinate with Riv-
B6 T U E S DAY , D E C E M BER 5, 2017 S LAT IMES. C OM

A move to make politicians accountable

[Abcarian, from B1] believed. Patterns of abuse
Monica Lewinsky.) can no longer be denied.
So maybe a politician Even if they don’t report
won’t go to jail if he asks a abuse to authorities, they
staffer out. But it’s wrong, do tell. They tell their
and there should be a policy friends, co-workers, spouses
against it. and lovers, who corroborate
their stories. They warn
:: other women in “whisper
My favorite moment of On Monday, lobbyist
last week’s hearing was the Pamela Lopez filed a com-
unintentional blooper ut- plaint against San Fer-
tered by Democratic As- nando Valley Assemblyman
semblyman Ken Cooley, Matt Dababneh, alleging
chairman of the Rules Com- that he masturbated in
mittee. front of her in a Las Vegas
“Does anyone here be- bathroom in 2016. Moments
lieve the current policy is later, Jonathan Bash, who
working?” Republican was president of UCLA’s
Assemblyman Vince Fong student Democrats,
asked Cooley. tweeted, “Since 2010, UCLA
“I think it’s working,” @BruinDemocrats have
Cooley replied, “but it’s not advised against interning
achieving its intended pur- with #MattDababneh.
pose.” Whisper network was neces-
No kidding. sary to protect members.”
“I went from being the Friedman’s subcommit-
fabulous legislative director tee meets again in January.
to not being able to put a bill She has vowed to create a
across the desk,” said Nancy way for victims to testify
Kathleen Finnegan, who anonymously. And she has
received a $100,000 settle- promised to create a hot line
ment of taxpayer dollars for complaints and counsel-
after accusing Palmdale Rich Pedroncelli Associated Press ing, and to inform every staff
Democratic Assemblyman ASSEMBLYWOMAN Laura Friedman (D-Glendale), left, confers with Assemblywoman Marie Waldron member in district offices,
Steve Fox of exposing him- (R-Escondido) during a marathon hearing addressing the problem of sexual harassment in Sacramento. where victims can feel so
self to her, which he has isolated and powerless, of
denied. “I was so terribly staffer Jennifer Kwart. has been accused of repeat- said. “They have little power Democratic Assemblyman their rights.
maligned.” She told the Sacramento edly inviting a young woman and almost no information. David Chiu, who has publi- “I am deeply committed
In district offices espe- Bee that in 2008, when she seeking career advice to his But I would not have known cly expressed doubts about that this is not just about
cially, interns and junior was a 19-year-old intern in home, has been stripped of who to tell. I would not have Mendoza’s fitness for office. talk,” Friedman said.
staffers feel isolated and the Los Angeles office of his leadership positions by put two and two together The whispers, it seems,
afraid. then-Assemblyman Tony the Senate Rules Commit- that the Rules Committee is :: are finally becoming shouts.
“I recently spoke out Mendoza, he took her to his tee, pending the outcome of the human resources arm of
about a difficult experience hotel room during a Demo- an investigation.) this body. I did not have an One of the most gratify- robin.abcarian
I had with a former Assem- cratic Party convention in “Interns are the most ally. I just felt very alone.” ing aspects of this long-
bly member who is now a San Jose and supplied her vulnerable and susceptible Kwart is now district overdue reckoning is that Twitter:
senator,” said Capitol with drinks. (Mendoza, who to this behavior,” Kwart director for San Francisco women are finally being @AbcarianLAT

BuSINESS T U E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 5 , 2 0 1 7 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / B U S I N E S S

Reason C O M PA N Y T OW N
to be ACTS TO
cynical ASSERT
on CVS
merger ROLE AT
CVS Health
says that its Aside from legal fight
takeover of for control, things are
insurance going smoothly, Mick
giant Aetna
will be good Mulvaney says.
for consum-
ers. That, of By Jim Puzzanghera
course, is
unlikely. WASHINGTON — Mick
For the deal to benefit Mulvaney is moving quickly
consumers, it would have to to put his stamp on the Con-
result in lower drug prices or sumer Financial Protection
lower insurance costs. If Bureau, an agency he has
past mergers are anything strongly criticized, even as
to go by, this won’t happen. he continues to spar with the
“You don’t need a crystal deputy director over who is
ball to predict the future its lawful acting chief.
here,” said David Balto, a Mulvaney, the White
healthcare advocate and House budget director
former policy director for whom President Trump ap-
the Federal Trade Commis- pointed to the post Nov. 24,
sion. said he had already started
“Mergers like these have installing some of his aides
a dismal history,” he told Sarah Morris Getty Images into bureau positions and
me. “They lead to less con- CATHY SCHULMAN, a movie producer and president of Women in Film L.A., is shown at the Take was reviewing ongoing legal
sumer choice and more Back the Workplace March on Nov. 12. “This explosion of news has come as a shock to all of us,” she says. actions against financial
exclusionary conduct. Con- firms. He also expressed

A new resource
sumers suffer by paying support for House
more and getting less choice legislation introduced last
for the vital drugs they week to repeal the bureau’s
need.” recent regulations cracking
We’ve seen drugstores down on payday and other
merge with drugstores, and short-term loans.
insurance companies with The moves come despite
insurance companies, but an expectation that Deputy

for abuse victims

this is the first time a drug- Director Leandra English
store is taking over a health will continue her legal battle
insurer. and file for a temporary in-
Adding another wrinkle, junction that would seek to
CVS also runs CVS Care- oust Mulvaney from his of-
mark, a prescription benefit fice and reinstate her as act-
manager that serves as a ing chief.
negotiator on behalf of “Aside from her presence
insurers and employers in here, which is a little strange,
securing the lowest possible
drug prices from manufac- Women in Film offers help line to report cases, find support I won’t lie to you, I think
things are going extraordi-
turers and retailers. narily smoothly and extraor-
If it sounds like all these dinarily well,” Mulvaney said
healthcare enterprises are By Meg James Monday of English, who he
pulling in different direc- said continues to report for
tions, you’re right. Since sordid allegations about movie producer work.
Aetna wants to save a Harvey Weinstein surfaced, the cascade of harass- Mulvaney, who as budget
buck for its policyholders by ment complaints — crude comments, hostile work en- director has held regular
driving drug prices down. vironments, requests for sexual favors and physical as- news briefings, told report-
CVS Caremark wants to saults — has shaken even veterans of the entertain- ers that he expected to be in
help them do that by obtain- ment industry. the job for five to seven
ing rebates from manufac- The staggering number of scandals has raised months because a perma-
turers, but it wants a por- questions about why studios, unions, talent agencies nent director still must be
tion of those rebates for and other groups in Hollywood haven’t done more to nominated and then con-
itself. prevent abuse. Now one prominent Los Angeles advo- firmed by the Senate.
Pharmacy operator CVS, cacy group, Women in Film, is taking steps to address Among his priorities in
meanwhile, wants to sell as what many believe has been a systemic problem in the that time, he said, was act-
many drugs as possible at media and entertainment industries. ing on an inspector general’s
the highest possible price. “Like many people in Hollywood, I would have report this year that raised
Stir all that together and thought that this kind of thing was highly unusual and concerns about the bureau’s
you get a goulash of conflict- extremely rare,” said Cathy Schulman, an Oscar-win- data security efforts that
ing goals and incentives, ning movie producer (“Crash”) and board president of “scares me to death.”
none of which seem des- Women in Film L.A. “I’m not naive and have certainly He said he was halting
tined to benefit patients. seen my fair share of bad behavior … but this explosion the collection of all data con-
“I would never under- of news has come as a shock to all of us.” taining personally identifi-
estimate cynicism over a Galvanized by revelations of bad behavior by pow- able information about con-
deal such as this,” said Joel erful men in the business — and inspired by the #Me- sumers as part of the bu-
W. Hay, a USC pharmaceu- Too movement, in which victims have shared their reau’s oversight of banks
tical economist. “CVS and own stories — Women in Film is putting together a net- Chris Pizzello Invision and other firms until the se-
Aetna have to prove this will work of resources for women — and men — who are fac- ACTRESS Heather Graham participates in a sexual curity issue is “buttoned
[See Lazarus, C4] ing harassment and have no [See Help line, C4] harassment discussion in West Hollywood last week. [See Mulvaney, C4]

Broadcom’s bid to buy

Qualcomm turns hostile
Monday, which valued Qual- ers expect a board that will
Firm nominates 11 comm at $103 billion. Qual- support this innovation
comm’s board previously re- while evaluating objectively
candidates to replace jected that amount as too the full range of opportuni-
those on San Diego low. ties available to maximize
Broadcom could still value for all Qualcomm
chip maker’s board. boost its offer before the stockholders,” said Horton,
March 6 annual meeting, a senior advisor at Warburg
By Mike Freeman making it more attractive to Pincus and former chairman
Qualcomm’s shareholders. of American Airlines Group,
Broadcom officially Qualcomm said Monday in a statement.
launched a hostile takeover that the Broadcom offer un- Broadcom Chief Execu-
bid for Qualcomm on Mon- dervalues Qualcomm’s tive Hock Tan said Qual-
day, nominating 11 alterna- growth prospects in inter- comm’s shareholders want
tive candidates to Qual- net-connected consumer the two companies to talk,
comm’s board of directors. and industrial devices but so far Qualcomm has ig-
The move sets the stage (known as “the internet of nored Tan’s attempts to be-
for a showdown over the fu- things”), 5G cellular net- gin a dialogue.
ture of San Diego’s largest works and automotive and “The nominations give
tech company. Shareholders data center/networking Qualcomm stockholders an
Kent Nishimura Los Angeles Times will vote to support either markets. opportunity to express their
Qualcomm’s or Broadcom’s Tom Horton, Qual- disappointment with Qual-
A S H OW O F P OWE R board candidates, with the comm’s presiding director, comm’s directors and their
results expected to be an- said no company is better refusal to engage in discus-
Sarah Gao poses for a photo during AutoMobility LA, an event that led up nounced at Qualcomm’s an- positioned than Qualcomm sions with us,” Tan said in a
to the public start of the LA Auto Show. The show, which features more nual meeting March 6. to bring mobile technologies statement. “In light of the
than 1,000 vehicles, runs through Dec. 10 at the L.A. Convention Center. C5 Broadcom did not raise to these industries. significant value our propos-
the $70-per-share offer price “Qualcomm’s stockhold- [See Qualcomm, C2]

Union push at L.A. Times
Newsroom staff
members ask National
Labor Relations Board
to hold a vote.
By Times Staff Writer

A committee represent-
ing newsroom employees of

Tech falls; banks the Los Angeles Times took

an initial step Monday to
form a union by asking the
National Labor Relations

and telecoms rise Board to hold an election.

Earlier this year, a group
of more than 40 Times jour-
nalists launched efforts to
“It’s not that the tax bill is have the NewsGuild-Com-
associated press
negative for tech compa- munications Workers of
nies,” said Ernie Cecilia, America represent the
Stock indexes didn’t do chief investment officer at newsroom in collective bar-
much at first glance Mon- Bryn Mawr Trust. “It’s just gaining.
day, but the modest move for less positive for it than for The election filing, made
the Standard & Poor’s 500 other areas.” by the guild on behalf of the
masked some dramatic Adding to the uncer- Times employees, comes af- Mel Melcon Los Angeles Times
changes roiling underneath tainty is the work that re- ter years of steep declines in JOURNALISTS launched an effort to have the NewsGuild-CWA represent the
the surface. mains for the tax overhaul to print advertising, staff cut- L.A. Times newsroom in collective bargaining. Above, The Times’ Globe Lobby.
Telecom stocks, banks become law. The Senate and backs and management
and other areas of the mar- House of Representatives turnover. the NewsGuild-CWA in editors, graphic designers, decertify their union. Pre-
ket that stand to benefit the still need to iron out differ- The committee said it ex- Washington, D.C. “This is a photojournalists and oth- liminary results showed that
most from Washington’s ences in their proposals. pects the election, which chance to have a seat at the ers. 85 of the newspaper’s 90
drive to cut corporate tax Congress still has a would be overseen by the table.” The Times is one of the press operators voted in an
rates jumped. At the same packed schedule, the tax NLRB, to be conducted next Ross Levinsohn, the pub- few major U.S. newspapers election that ended Nov. 30.
time, technology stocks overhaul notwithstanding. month. lisher of The Times, declined whose journalists are not Of those, 50 workers voted to
slumped, giving up a chunk Washington faces a Friday “The Los Angeles Times to comment. part of a union. stay with the Graphic Com-
of the gains that have made deadline to avert a govern- is a great paper, and it will The NewsGuild, formed According to the NLRB munications Conference/
them the best-performing ment shutdown. Friday is only be better with a demo- in 1933, represents 25,000 website, L.A. Times press International Brotherhood
part of the market this year. also the day the government cratic newsroom,” said journalists, including re- operators held a separate of Teamsters union and 35
The cross-currents will release its monthly jobs Bernie Lunzer, president of porters, columnists, copy vote last week on whether to voted against.
swept through the market report, one of the last major
on the first day of trading af- economic reports before the
ter the Senate narrowly ap- Federal Reserve’s meeting
proved its proposal to re- next week on interest rates.
vamp the tax system. In-
dexes initially jumped on ex-
pectations that lower tax
rates would help corporate
profits pile up even higher.
Many economists expect the
Fed to approve the third rate
increase of the year.
And hanging over every-
thing in Washington is the
Airline measure cut from tax bill
Lower tax rates would investigation into Russia’s resentatives does not in- gross income they earn and territories, in addition
help boost profits for com- involvement with last year’s Provision would have clude a similar tax increase when they fly into the U.S. In to the three gulf carriers.
panies, which already have presidential election. for foreign carriers. exchange, U.S. carriers get A spokeswoman for Isak-
been reporting resurgent In Europe, stock markets imposed a corporate Sen. Johnny Isakson (R- the same treatment when son, Amanda Maddox, said
earnings growth this year rallied as talks continued for levy on several Ga.), whose state is home to they fly into most foreign air- the senators hope the provi-
because of the improving Britain’s exit from the Euro- Delta Air Lines, proposed ports. Airlines that fly sion “raised the profile of
global economy. If profits do pean Union. France’s CAC foreign carriers. the provision to require abroad still pay landing fees this issue with the adminis-
accelerate, that would help 40 jumped 1.4%, and Germa- three carriers based in the and other charges for the tration and, going forward,
allay worries that the stock ny’s DAX surged 1.5%. The By Hugo Martin Middle East — Etihad, Emir- right to land in foreign air- increases pressure to get all
market — which is still close FTSE 100 in London rose ates and Qatar airlines — to ports. parties to the table.”
to record highs — has 0.5%. Several foreign airlines pay corporate taxes for the The provision introduced Representatives for the
climbed too far, too quickly. Asian markets were that are in heated competi- revenue they generate in the by Isakson would break that three gulf carriers could not
Telecom companies pay mixed. South Korea’s Kospi tion with U.S.-based carriers U.S. agreement by imposing a be reached for comment but
some of the highest effective rose 1.1%, the Hang Seng in will not be forced to pay Several U.S. airlines, in- corporate tax rate on foreign the U.S. Travel Assn., the
tax rates among the big Hong Kong gained 0.2%, and higher taxes under the Sen- cluding Atlanta-based carriers whose home coun- trade group for the country’s
companies in the S&P 500, Japan’s Nikkei 225 index fell ate tax bill that was ap- Delta, have accused the try doesn’t have a tax treaty travel industry, said the Sen-
so they stand to reap some of 0.5%. proved over the weekend. three carriers of competing with the U.S. and isn’t served ate was wise to remove the
the biggest rewards of lower In the bond market, the A provision entered into unfairly in the U.S. because by an American carrier at provision.
tax rates. Telecom stocks in yield on the 10-year Treasury the tax bill by a Georgia sen- they are subsidized by their least twice a week. “A half-baked measure
the index jumped 1.6%, tied note held steady at 2.37%. ator to impose a corporate oil-rich government owners. Isakson’s provision did that could’ve impacted both
for the biggest gain of the 11 The dollar rose to 112.60 tax on several foreign air- They have urged lawmakers not name the carriers that tax reform and travel was
sectors in the index. yen from 112.05 yen. The euro lines was removed at the re- to take action against the would be forced to pay the recklessly tossed on the Sen-
Financial stocks, which fell to $1.1855 from $1.1893. quest of the Office of the Par- Persian Gulf-based carriers, new taxes but his staff said ate’s lap, and wisely dis-
analysts also expect to be Benchmark U.S. crude liamentarian because the which have rejected the ac- the proposed amendment posed of,” said Jonathan
winners from the tax over- fell 89 cents to $57.47 a barrel. amendment was deter- cusations by their competi- was aimed at the three gulf Grella, a vice president for
haul, likewise climbed 1.6%. Brent crude, the interna- mined to be extraneous to tors. carriers that compete with the group.
Tech firms, meanwhile, tional standard, sank $1.28 the overall bill. Under international Delta. An industry expert
already tend to be paying the to $62.45 a barrel. Natural The tax bill that was ap- agreements, most foreign said the provision would af-
lowest effective tax rates of gas fell 8 cents to $2.99 per proved by the House of Rep- carriers pay no taxes on fect airlines from 11 countries Twitter: @hugomartin
the 11 sectors in the S&P 500, 1,000 cubic feet. Heating oil
analysts said. Tech stocks in fell 5 cents to $1.89 a gallon.
the index dropped 1.9% on Wholesale gasoline fell 5
Monday. It’s a very different cents to $1.69 a gallon.

position for the sector, which Gold fell $4.60 to $1,277.70
has risen nearly twice as an ounce. Silver fell 2 cents
much as the overall S&P 500 to $16.37. Copper was close to
this year. flat at $3.09 a pound.

bid for
[Qualcomm, from C1]
al provides for Qualcomm
stockholders, we believe
Qualcomm stockholders
would be better served by
new, independent, highly
qualified nominees who are
committed to maximizing
value and acting in the best John G. Mabangl EPA/Shutterstock
interest of Qualcomm stock- QUALCOMM says Broadcom’s offer of $70 a share undervalues the company. A
holders.” shareholder vote on Qualcomm’s directors and a rival slate is expected in March.
Directors nominated by
Tan have a wide range of ex- The company needs 80% to lieve is going to become in- Broadcom’s desire to ac-
perience in the financial and complete the deal. creasingly untenable as quire Qualcomm in a man-
technology industries, in- Broadcom says its buy- things progress,” Rasgon ner that dramatically under-
cluding previously holding out bid for Qualcomm wrote. “If they want to keep values Qualcomm to Broad-
positions at Nokia and EMC stands whether the NXP ac- the company they better get com’s benefit,” the company
Corp. quisition is completed or cracking on a case as to why said in a statement.
The hostile takeover bid not. But Tan could condition shareholders should trust in Tan said initial meetings
ramps up pressure on Qual- an increase to his $70-per- them instead of Hock, as we with antitrust regulators
comm to complete its share offer based on what are not convinced Qual- give him confidence that
bogged-down, $38-billion ac- happens with NXP — in- comm shareholders neces- “any regulatory require-
quisition of chip maker NXP cluding whether Qualcomm sarily believe that the ments necessary to com-
Semiconductors, which is forced to increase the Broadcom offer underval- plete a combination will be
aims to further diversify price to close the deal. ues Qualcomm quite as met in a timely manner.” He
Qualcomm’s business be- Bernstein analyst Stacy much as Qualcomm man- expects the deal to close
yond smartphones. The Rasgon wrote in a research agement might believe.” within 12 months of reaching
NXP deal, announced more note Monday that Tan now Qualcomm argues that an agreement.
than a year ago, is still await- has three months to build Broadcom is asking share- Qualcomm has 11 board
ing regulatory approval in support among Qualcomm holders to replace its board members — nine of whom
Europe and China. In addi- shareholders for his slate of now despite uncertainty are independent and four of
tion, some NXP sharehold- directors “in the face of what about whether a deal could whom have been added in
ers want Qualcomm to in- appears, at least at the mo- win regulatory approval. the last three years.
crease its $110-per-share of- ment, to be a strategic vacu- The combined company Broadcom shares fell
fer, which is below NXP’s um from Qualcomm.” would be the leading suppli- nearly 3% on Monday to
current trading price. “So far Qualcomm has er of many high-value semi- $263.61. Qualcomm shares
To date, fewer than 5% of yet to produce any sort of conductors used in smart- slipped 1.4% to $64.56.
NXP shareholders have concrete response plan to phones.
pledged their shares in sup- Broadcom’s overtures be- “These nominees are in- mike.freeman
port of Qualcomm’s offer. yond ‘trust us,’ which we be- herently conflicted given

Theater chain begins subscriptions Fox,
As ticket sales decline,
The program also includes
the ability to reserve seats
and buy tickets in advance
Cinemark debuts its with no online fees.
own monthly service Eric Wold, an analyst
who covers the major thea-
to vie with start-up. ter chains for B. Riley & Co.,
By Ryan Faughnder

Cinemark Holdings Inc.,

said Cinemark’s low Movie
Club price could help it com-
pete with MoviePass.
“Clearly, they’re trying to
the nation’s third-largest push people away from Mov-
theater chain, has launched iePass and onto their own
a subscription program that service,” Wold said. “I don’t Woman who settled
gives customers discounts think they would’ve started
on tickets and concessions, at this level if MoviePass
with Bill O’Reilly
in the latest effort to boost hadn’t cut its price.” alleges defamation,
attendance. MoviePass CEO Mitch
The Plano, Texas-based Lowe said Cinemark’s new
breach of contract.
company said customers offering will not hurt his
who pay a monthly fee of company’s business. By Stephen Battaglio
$8.99 will receive a credit for “It is a recognition that
one movie ticket a month. moviegoers want different Former Fox News pro-
Subscribers can also buy ad- Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times ways to transact with movie ducer Rachel Witlieb Bern-
ditional tickets for $8.99 CINEMARK’S new subscription service aims to fill seats amid competition from theaters,” he said. “I think stein is suing Bill O’Reilly
each and get a 20% discount Netflix and other streaming services. Above, a Cinemark theater in Playa Vista. they’re seeing that this is and Fox News for defama-
on food and drinks. really energizing people into tion and breach of contract,
Cinemark’s offer, dubbed mestic moviegoing in the near-record level of $8.93 in sales of popcorn, soda and going back to the theaters.” alleging they violated a set-
Movie Club, marks the latest last decade. The number of the quarter that ended in other concessions. Cine- Other exhibitors could tlement she reached with
move by theater chains to tickets sold in the U.S. and September, according to the mark operates 533 theaters; follow suit, Wold said. Thea- the fired cable anchor.
draw customers at a time Canada hit 1.32 billion last National Assn. of Theatre locations in the Los Angeles ter chains including AMC In a lawsuit filed Monday
when cinemas are contend- year, compared with 1.4 bil- Owners, a trade group for area include Baldwin Hills and Regal Entertainment in U.S. District Court for the
ing with increased competi- lion a decade ago, according the exhibition industry. In Crenshaw Plaza 15 and Cine- Group have been trying to Southern District of New
tion from other forms of en- to the Motion Picture Assn. places like Los Angeles and mark Playa Vista. draw more customers by York, Bernstein said O’R-
tertainment, especially of America. Box-office reve- New York, the cost of movie- “Our goal was really sim- adding recliner seating, eilly and Fox News broke
streaming services in the nues this year are down 4% going is much higher. ple. It was to increase at- gourmet food and alcohol. their nondisclosure agree-
home such as Netflix. so far, according to Com- Mark Zoradi, chief execu- tendance and remove all of But AMC in August criti- ment in remarks to the New
It’s also the cinema in- Score, thanks to movies that tive of Cinemark, said the the pain points around it,” cized MoviePass for creating York Times.
dustry’s first direct answer flopped. subscription is not targeting Zoradi said. “It helps us, our what it described as an un- The April 1 story
to MoviePass, a New York The Cinemark deal also people who already go to the studio partners and the sustainable model that recounted how the anchor
start-up that offers unlim- comes just months after movies multiple times a overall business.” would hurt the industry. and network had paid
ited movies in theaters for MoviePass sparked a back- month. Instead, the chain is Cinemark’s deal may not MoviePass last month $13 million in settlements
$9.95 a month. lash from cinema giant AMC hoping the deal will encour- have the same all-you-can- said it had grown to 600,000 over the years to her and
Theater chains have long Entertainment when it re- age people who go to three to eat appeal as the MoviePass subscribers, compared with other women who had com-
resisted discounting tickets, duced its monthly rate to four movies a year to in- bargain. Still, the offer has 20,000 in 2016. This month, plained that O’Reilly had
fearing that doing so would $9.95 this summer. It previ- crease their annual movie- benefits and flexibility that the company lowered its of- abused or sexually harassed
erode profits. But long-term ously charged up to $50 a going to about six trips. could drive customers to fer to $6.95 a month for peo- them during their employ-
pressures on the industry month. The company, which has sign up, Zoradi said. ple who sign up for a full ment.
have prompted some exhib- That represents a sub- been working on the pro- For example, if custom- year. Bernstein complained in
itors to rethink their opposi- stantial discount for movie- gram since at least March, ers don’t use the ticket cred- 2002 that she was mis-
tion. goers. The average domestic hopes that additional at- it in a given month, it rolls ryan.faughnder treated by O’Reilly when she
Cinemas have experi- ticket price (including mat- tendance will boost theater over into the following worked for the network, and
enced a steady decline in do- inee showings) reached a revenue through added months and does not expire. Twitter: @rfaughnder ultimately reached a settle-
ment agreement with the
Her story was among
those included in the

ups stake Backlash for LA Weekly New York Times report, al-
though her suit said she was
not the source of the infor-
Her financial settlement
with Fox News required both

in OWN Alternative paper’s The new LA

sides not to disparage the
other and only say the mat-
ter had been resolved. Un-

to 75% conservative buyers

face fierce criticism
Weekly will
‘advocate for
like the other settlements
made by O’Reilly and Fox
News, Bernstein’s complaint
did not involve sexual har-
and calls for boycott.
By Meg James things no one else assment.
Bernstein alleges that
By Lauren Raab
is willing to O’Reilly had defended the
Discovery Communica- payouts in the New York
tions is paying $70 million to Since LA Weekly laid off advocate for … Times and other publica-
take a majority interest in
OWN: Oprah Winfrey Net-
most of its journalists last
week and its new owners re-
that people view tions by portraying her as a
“liar and politically motivat-
Until now, OWN had been
vealed their identities Fri-
day, backlash has been swift
as inappropriate.’ ed extortionist.”
In the New York Times
a 50-50 joint venture be- and fierce. — Brian Calle, story, O’Reilly said he paid
tween the television star and There has been an outcry one of the paper’s new owners Bernstein and other women
the cable programming gi- over the new owners’ politi- who complained because
ant. The deal, announced cal backgrounds and their he’s “vulnerable to lawsuits
Monday, increases Discov- plan to use articles by un- network. from individuals who want
ery’s ownership stake in the paid contributors. Former He said that no advertis- me to pay them to avoid neg-
basic cable channel by an writers for the alternative ers had canceled their ac- ative publicity.” In another
additional 24.5% to nearly weekly are spearheading a counts with LA Weekly, but widely published statement,
75%. call for a boycott. A few ad- that at least three have de- he said, “the worst part of
The transaction marks vertisers have taken a step cided to hold off on running my job is being a target for
the first time that Winfrey back. ads until they see that the those who would harm me
has taken money out of the On Monday, LA Weekly’s paper is keeping its prog- and my employer, the Fox
venture. The channel sales director, Chris Hub- ressive bent. News Channel.”
launched in 2011. bert, sent an email to Calle called much of what O’Reilly was fired April 19
Winfrey, however, will staffers and new managers has been written about him from Fox News after a 20-
continue to serve as chief with a list of topics to ad- online in recent days “abso- year run at the cable net-
executive of the network. As dress at an afternoon meet- lute falsehood.” He said that work. He was the network’s
part of the deal, she will work ing. Among the topics: “Ad- after a short time with the top-rated personality for
exclusively for OWN in the vertisers pulling,” “Why ev- Claremont Institute, he real- most of that time.
basic cable space through eryone saw this coming ex- ized he didn’t share its prin- The suit also said that
2025. cept you” and “Social Media ciples and values. “On econ- Fox News parent company
Winfrey built her com- - Who’s [posting] and why, omic issues I’m just right of 21st Century Fox falsely said
pany Harpo Inc. into a jug- because this weekend was center,” he said. “On social in the story that there had
gernaut through her syndi- horrible and amateur.” issues I’m progressive. On never been any harassment
cated daytime talk show Investors in Semanal Me- immigration issues I’m very, complaints made against
that ran more than two dec- dia, which bought LA very progressive.” O’Reilly on a company hot-
ades until May 2011. Weekly last week from Voice The new incarnation of line.
“Creating OWN and see- Media Group, said Monday LA Weekly, he said, will “ad- Bernstein said there was
ing it flourish, supported by that the backlash was unfair vocate for things no one else no hotline in existence at the
Discovery and a rapidly and many of the allegations is willing to advocate for … time of her employment.
growing group of the finest against them untrue. that people view as inappro- Bernstein alleges in her
storytellers in film and tele- Much of the outcry online priate.” suit that she complained re-
vision, is one of my proudest has centered on the iden- When asked what specif- peatedly about O’Reilly’s
achievements,” Winfrey said tities of Semanal’s financial ically it would advocate for, mistreatment of her to the
in a statement. “I’m thrilled backers. Semanal’s owners he demurred, saying that company’s human re-
with the network’s success consist largely of men with choice would be up to the ed- sources department and top
and excited about this next Orange County ties. Most Michael Tullberg Getty Images itorial staff. Fox News executives, but
chapter in our partnership.” have donated to conserva- NOLAN HALL of Japanese Motors performs at an All of LA Weekly’s top edi- nothing was done. O’Reilly
Despite early ratings tive causes, and two of them LA Weekly music festival in 2008. The paper’s new tors and all but one of its screamed at Bernstein in
struggles and staff turnover, — boutique hotel developer owners say the backlash against them is unfair. staff writers were laid off last front of other employees, ac-
OWN has become the top- Paul Makarechian and real week as the sale to Semanal cording to the New York
rated network for African estate redeveloper Mike a columnist for LA Weekly paid work and for the unusu- went through. The new lead- Times.
American women and is Mugel — have given large since 2010, announced he al spelling of “Angelenos.” ership plans to rely largely “This cynical falsehood
available in 80 million homes sums to numerous Republi- was leaving the publication. Within hours, LA Weekly de- on pieces written by paid about a nonexistent hotline
in the U.S. can political campaigns. Jeff Weiss and April leted its tweet, and it has not freelancers and unpaid con- was made to bolster O’R-
Discovery, based in Silver The ownership group in- Wolfe, who until last week tweeted since. tributors. eilly’s claim that the women
Spring, Md., also owns the cludes Brian Calle, LA were a music columnist and Calle called the wording Many people have con- who received settlements
Discovery Channel, Animal Weekly’s new operations film critic for LA Weekly, of sales director Hubbert’s tacted the new management must have fabricated their
Planet and TLC. With a ma- manager. Calle previously turned to Twitter to exhort Monday email “kind of a in recent days wanting to claims or they would have
jority stake in OWN, Discov- was an opinion editor for the readers, advertisers and joke.” write, said Los Angeles at- complained,” said Bern-
ery can consolidate the Orange County Register event sponsors to boycott The new owners have torney David Welch, a Sem- stein’s attorney, Nancy Erika
channel’s revenue and earn- and 10 other daily news- the paper. Director Ava Du- “some level of frustration anal investor who is the com- Smith, whose Montclair,
ings on its balance sheet. papers in the Southern Cali- Vernay and actor Mark Ruf- about the amount of back- pany’s chief executive. N.J., law firm Smith Mullin
“This transaction allows fornia News Group. While falo expressed support for lash,” he said. He believes he LA Weekly has hired no represented Gretchen Carl-
Discovery and Oprah to un- running the Register’s his- the effort. and his Semanal colleagues new editors yet. son in her suit against for-
lock more value from our torically libertarian editorial On Saturday, LA Weekly are an unfair target for jour- Welch said the paper is on mer Fox Chief Executive
partnership” and “lets us page, he described himself issued a tweet calling for nalists’ unhappiness about track to meet deadlines for Roger Ailes.
continue our strong work to- as a “free-market enthusi- contributors — “passionate last week’s layoffs and the this week’s print publica- Fox News did not re-
gether to nourish OWN view- ast.” A decade ago, he spent Angelinos to share stories overall industry’s struggles, tion. The issues, which are spond to a request for com-
ers,” Discovery Chief Execu- about a year working for the about their life and culture and about billionaire Joe free to the public, typically ment on the lawsuit.
tive David Zaslav said in a conservative Claremont In- in L.A.” — and asking for Ricketts’ decision last hit newsstands on Thurs-
statement. stitute. submissions to be emailed month to shut down local days. stephen.battaglio
On Friday night, punk- in. Twitter users excoriated news website LAist and its rock veteran Henry Rollins, LA Weekly for seeking un- sister sites in the Gothamist Twitter: @SteveBattaglio

Is CVS deal bad for patients? Fight

[Lazarus, from C1] tween doctor visits through
benefit anyone but share- face-to-face counseling at a
If the merged companies
wanted to put patients
ahead of profits, however, he
store-based health hub and
remote monitoring of key
indicators such as blood
glucose levels.”
said this could be “a golden
opportunity for a fully inte-
grated strategy” that uses
expanded resources to
improve healthcare offer-
“When needed, patients
can receive text messages
to let them know when
their glucose levels deviate
from normal ranges,” plus
ings. other interactions, they [Mulvaney, from C1]
“PBMs and drugstores said. down.”
don’t care about patient CVS Health Chief Execu- “We’re not going to start
outcomes — they just want tive Larry Merlo said these collecting data under my
to sell drugs,” Hay said. “An services reflect the “conven- watch until we are abso-
insurance company is inter- ience and coordination” lutely confident that stuff
ested in the outcome. Theo- that the merged company isn’t going to get hacked,”
retically, this deal could can bring to healthcare. Mulvaney said, adding he
be a way to put it all to- He may be right. Then believed that the bureau’s
gether.” again, the fine print of the previous leadership team
That’s the way CVS and companies’ statement had been taking the problem
Aetna are spinning it. acknowledges that these seriously.
The two companies are pie-in-the-sky projections It was a rare positive
envisioning a world in which hinge on “the ability to comment directed toward
their pooled capabilities achieve the synergies and Richard Cordray, an ap-
mean a complete rein- value creation contem- pointee of President Obama
vention of the U.S. health- plated.” who was the bureau’s first
care system, with patients In other words, who director and clashed often
enjoying unparalleled ac- knows? with Mulvaney and other
cess to effective and afford- The only safe bet at this Republicans.
able treatment. point is that the CVS-Aetna The disputes continued
“This is a natural evolu- Richard Drew Associated Press deal, if it wins regulatory after Cordray stepped down
tion for both companies as CVS , with its Aetna deal, now describes itself not as a drugstore chain but “a com- approval, almost certainly Nov. 24. He promoted Eng-
they seek to put the con- pany at the forefront of changing the healthcare landscape.” Above, at the NYSE. will prompt Walgreens and lish, his chief of staff, to dep-
sumer at the center of Wal-Mart to seek similar uty director and said she
healthcare delivery,” CVS an insurer. It’s now “one of of how banks pitched the or to offer a modest dis- tie-ups with insurers. would serve as acting direc-
and Aetna said in a the nation’s leading diversi- advent of ATMs as a boon count to Aetna members, And then we’re looking tor under a provision of the
statement. fied healthcare benefits for customers, allowing making it unlikely they’d at an increasingly consoli- 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Taking the PR jargon up companies.” them easier and cheaper take their business else- dated healthcare market- Reform and Consumer Pro-
a level, they declared that So this is serious stuff. access to financial net- where. place, with diversified con- tection Act that created the
the merger represents “a To be sure, there could works. Once customers got That, in turn, would glomerates trying to lock in bureau.
better opportunity to utilize be positive developments. used to the idea, fees started boost overall sales volume, patients. Trump then appointed
local care solutions in a CVS suggested that its rising. especially among patients Kind of like the cable Mulvaney under a different
more integrated fashion network of in-store Min- The most likely driver for with chronic conditions, industry. law, the Federal Vacancies
with the goal of improving uteClinics could expand in this merger is that CVS such as diabetes, who re- Need I say more? Reform Act of 1998. English
patient outcomes.” number or functionality. wants Aetna’s 45 million quire regular doses of medi- sued, saying she was lawfully
I have no idea what that This potentially would allow policyholders, a figure that cine. David Lazarus’ column runs entitled to the position. A
means either. But I do note people to interact with includes medical, dental Tellingly, CVS and Aetna Tuesdays and Fridays. He federal judge ruled in Mul-
that CVS now describes nurse practitioners rather and pharmacy coverage. cited diabetes management also can be seen daily on vaney’s favor last week.
itself not as a drugstore than pricier doctors, thus Balto, the former FTC in making their case for the KTLA-TV Channel 5 and English’s attorney indi-
chain but as “a company offering more reasonable official, said he expects CVS deal. They said the ex- followed on Twitter cated she would seek a pre-
at the forefront of changing care for routine medical to either require that Aetna panded company would @Davidlaz. Send your tips liminary injunction. The in-
the healthcare landscape.” issues. policyholders purchase mean “patients with diabe- or feedback to david.lazarus junction request had not
And Aetna is no longer Yet I can’t help but think meds exclusively from CVS, tes will receive care in be- been filed as of Monday
afternoon, but a conference
is scheduled Tuesday in U.S.
District Court for the Dis-
trict of Columbia for En-

A help line for victims

glish’s attorney, Deepak
Gupta, and Justice Depart-
ment lawyers to work out a

[Help line, from C1]

‘It’s always a
other place to turn for help. challenge when
With seed money from
the William Morris Endeav- you’re in a
or talent agency, Women in
Film set up a help line for
workplace with
people to report cases of somebody who is
abuse and hired an execu-
tive to manage it. That suing … to sort of
phone line, (323) 545-0333,
went live Friday morning.
chat around the
Meanwhile, entertain-
ment attorney Bonnie Es-
water cooler.’
kanazi, a member of the or- — Mick Mulvaney,
ganization, has been assem- acting chief of CFPB, on Deputy
bling a roster of nearly two Director Leandra English
dozen attorneys to repre-
sent victims for free. In addi-
tion to providing pro bono le- schedule for legal argu-
gal services, the group plans ments.
to develop a system to confi- English has been at the
dentially track complaints bureau’s headquarters
and identify trends when nu- James Devaney GC Images “from time to time” and also
merous allegations are NBC fired star anchor Matt Lauer last week over has been working from an-
made against one individual complaints about inappropriate sexual behavior. other bureau office a few
or a particular workplace. blocks away, Mulvaney said.
For example, more than 70 heavy reliance on contrac- rules and labor laws, Schul- He has not met with her yet
women have come forward tors. man said. and doesn’t expect to do so.
to accuse Weinstein of vari- “Oftentimes, human re- Last week, more than 50 “It’s always a challenge
ous levels of sexual abuse sources isn’t available. And, people gathered at a public when you’re in a workplace
and inappropriate conduct. at times, it’s not useful,” library in West Hollywood with somebody who is suing
Weinstein has denied re- Schulman said. for a Women in Hollywood … to sort of chat around the
ports of nonconsensual sex. Her group did not want discussion on sexual harass- water cooler, so I have at-
“Sometimes it takes a its resource center to be affil- ment. tempted to correspond with
shock to the system before iated with typical power The panel included wom- her via email, which I believe
there are changes,” said players. It wanted to create a en with sexual harassment to be the appropriate man-
Lauren Edelman, a law and “safe zone.” stories, including actress ner,” Mulvaney said.
sociology professor at the “We’re a nonprofit that’s Heather Graham, who de- He said he’s sent English
UC Berkeley School of Law not aligned with any par- scribed her decision to go about half a dozen emails on
who studies workplace cul- ticular studio, or agency, or public about how Weinstein two topics but has not re-
ture. “Weinstein was the production company, or a indirectly propositioned her ceived any replies.
shock that got this thing go- network, or news channel,” more than a decade ago. One topic involved ask-
ing, and it has taken the Schulman said. “We felt that “I was really inspired by ing her to “please cease hold-
form of a social movement.” we could quickly become the other women speaking out,” ing yourself out as acting di-
Women in Film, founded place for women to reach Graham said. “The shame rector,” Mulvaney said. As
44 years ago, was spurred to out.” should be with the predator recently as Thursday, Eng-
action when the raft of har- Part of the reckoning has — not the victim.” lish was sending emails
assment scandals exposed been to figure out how Holly- Cynthia Bamforth, a through the bureau “saying
gaping holes in safety nets wood’s distinct culture has Pasadena attorney, de- she was acting director and
that should have protected fostered some of the abuse. scribed how California em- actually giving people in-
workers. Talent agencies For example, soundstages ployment law covers people structions which were occa-
and guilds fell short of pro- and movie and TV sets are who work not only for big sionally counter to mine,” he
viding adequate safeguards not typical workplaces. Peo- companies but also for small said.
for their clients and mem- ple tend to act casually, put ones. Independent contrac- Those emails were con-
bers, as did human re- in long hours and often work tors, job applicants, volun- fusing to employees and put
sources departments at pro- thousands of miles from teers and interns also are them in a difficult situation,
duction companies, TV net- home. covered, Bamforth said. She Mulvaney said. He also said
works and news outlets. And then there is Holly- added that there were differ- he emailed her asking her to
SAG-AFTRA, which rep- wood’s fascination with — ent forms of harassment, in- perform some deputy direc-
resents actors and other and forgiveness of — larger- cluding hostile work envi- tor duties.
performers, has its own than-life personalities. That ronments and “quid pro Mulvaney said he was
anonymous hotline for its might have contributed to a quo” situations in which “absolutely not” considering
members. tolerance of the alleged be- someone dangles job ad- firing English.
But in many cases, wom- havior by Weinstein, broad- vancement in exchange for “We need everybody do-
en didn’t report abuses out cast journalist Charlie Rose, sex. ing their jobs,” he said.
of fear that they — not the film director Brett Ratner, Women in Film had Gupta did not respond
perpetrator — would be comedian Louis C.K., NBC planned an initiative to Monday to an email request
punished. News anchor Matt Lauer make lawyers available to for comment.
“The safety nets are not and John Lasseter, chief cre- assist victims earlier this Mulvaney, who remains
true safety nets,” said Debra ative officer of Pixar Anima- year, but the idea took on director of the White House
Katz, a Washington attorney tion and Walt Disney Stu- new urgency after the sexual Office of Management and
who handles sexual harass- dios. harassment scandal ex- Budget, said he was at the
ment cases. “The HR de- “In our community, there ploded, Eskanazi said in an bureau all day Saturday
partments are not truly is this idea that if you are tal- interview. even though his office was
there for employees — they ented, then you’re allowed “This is meant to be part extremely hot. The thermo-
are there to serve the inter- eccentricities,” Schulman of the long-term solution,” stat was locked at 80 degrees
ests of management and said. “That may have origi- Eskanazi said. “When the and nobody had the security
cover up for their revenue nally meant, ‘Well, they only huge outcry over sexual har- code to change it. Mulvaney
generators — their star per- drink blueberry shakes or assment dies down — and it said it occurred to him that
formers.” eat tree bark — but we need will — there still will be some might have been a prank tied
The recognition that hu- to [support] that because institutional effort to help to his controversial appoint-
man resources departments this person is on our set and women in need — a place ment. “If it was, I appreciate
failed to protect victims they’re famous.’ ” where people can come for that kind of deviousness,” he
prompted Women in Film to Bad behavior by big- help.” said.
design its own support net- named talent was routinely
work tailored to Hollywood’s overlooked and led to lax en- jim.puzzanghera
culture, which includes a forcement of employment Twitter: @MegJamesLAT

Porsche’s CEO
looks to electric,
self-driving future
unusual for drivers in Ger-
As innovation speeds many to reach high speeds in
parts of the autobahn where
up, he sees more there is no speed limit. In a
challenges in next five 911 Turbo S, it’s not out of the
years than in last 50. question for me to exceed
300 kilometers per hour,
which is almost 190 miles per
By Charles Fleming hour. I might have gone fast-
er once or twice.
We asked executives in While speed is great, I will
town for the LA Auto Show a always stress that safety
few questions about cars, comes first.
driving and the future of mo-
bility. Here are some an- What is the biggest chal-
swers from Porsche Chief lenge currently facing the
Executive Klaus Zellmer. automotive industry?
This has always been an
What is your daily driver, industry based on innova-
and how long is your aver- tion, but our pace is chang-
age commute? ing. Electrification, autono-
Right now I’m driving a mous driving, digitalization
Panamera Turbo. My com- — there will be more chal-
mute to our office near the lenges to the auto industry
Atlanta airport varies de- in the next five years than
pending on traffic, but with there have been in the last 50.
an open highway I can make It’s an environment that cre-
Kent Nishimura Los Angeles Times it in 20 minutes. Stop-and-go ates immense opportuni-
THE ARCIMOTO is test-driven at the auto show. Electric power is sent to the two front wheels by twin mo- can take twice as long, but ties.
tors. The base model will cost about $11,500 and have a top speed of 80 mph and a range of about 70 miles. the car makes it hard to com-
plain. What is the most exciting
change currently at work in

E-mobility on three wheels What is your favorite week-

end or summer holiday
The North Georgia
mountains have some in-
credible roads for something
the automotive industry?
Changes in transporta-
tion technology today are
amazing. Electric cars are
taking hold like never before;
charging times are decreas-
getting all the attention. the electric vehicle has done Fittipaldi said Arcimoto like a 718 Cayman. I have a ing while the necessary in-
Eye-grabbing offering Through much of the substantial testing and will users have to get used to a lot route I like that takes about frastructure is coming on-
Wednesday and Thursday be for sale, nationwide, late of that. He added that, in the four hours with a perfect mix line. At the same time, we are
from Arcimoto is media days, there was a in 2018. couple of years that the com- of tight turns, fast corners finding new ways to increase
among three such steady stream of curious car They will be regulated as pany has been testing and and scenery. Driving the the performance of our
people waiting in line for a motorcycles, but in most lo- test-marketing the vehicle, PCH is something I love to internal combustion and
vehicles for attendees. test drive. calities will not require a Arcimoto executives have do when I’m here in a 911 plug-in hybrid powertrains.
Years in the making, the motorcycle license or a had to change their pitch. Cabriolet. My very first time Earlier this year we an-
By Charles Fleming Arcimoto sits two people, motorcycle helmet, Fitti- “We were always market- in the country, I was 19 years nounced the new 911 GT2
front to back, like a motor- paldi said. ing the ‘green thing,’ as good old and I took a flight from RS, which makes 700 horse-
Several three-wheeled cycle, and uses a motorcycle- Because they are motor- for the environment,” Fitti- Germany to Los Angeles power. It’s a good time to be
electric vehicles were being style handlebar for steering. cycles, they will be allowed paldi said. “But we noticed with my best friend. We working for Porsche.
wheeled around the halls of It has a roof, but open sides, into carpool lanes whether that everyone who took a bought an Oldsmobile Delta
the LA Auto Show in the two with two front wheels and carrying one person or two. test ride got out of the Arci- 88 and drove it 2,800 miles If the future offered flaw-
days before its Friday public one in the rear. “This is a disruptive moto with these huge smiles. across the country, so when I less autonomous driving,
opening. Electric power is sent to product,” Fittipaldi said. So we asked ourselves, ‘Are get the chance to drive here would you keep a car for
On one side of the main the two front wheels by twin “This is a low-cost trans- we selling this the wrong it’s almost like reliving that weekend driving?
entrance was the Ampere motors, driven by a battery portation platform, and it’s way?’ ” memory. I don’t think I would have
electric “sports car,” a $9,999 pack at the bottom of the ve- necessary, because not ev- More than 2,000 units a choice. My wife would be
battery-operated three- hicle’s cab. eryone can afford a Tesla.” have been pre-ordered, Fitti- What historic car or truck upset with me if I got rid of
wheeler, to be built in Riv- When fitted with the ba- During a brief test ride, I paldi said, from all 50 U.S. do you wish you owned? my Samba after all the effort
erside, that offered two side- sic battery pack, the Arci- found the Arcimoto states and from such places Growing up, I always had we put into finding it! The
by-side seats and a 100-mile moto will cost about $11,500 sprightly but not aggres- as Singapore, Dubai, the a soft spot for rear-engine truth is that I will always
driving range — up to 150 and have a top speed of 80 sively speedy, even with the Netherlands and Norway. Volkswagens like the Bus have a car I can drive. The
miles with an upgraded bat- mph and a range of about 70 pedal to the metal. The ones being tested at and the Beetle. A while ago, I Porsche of the future will al-
tery. miles. (An upgrade will raise The “reverse trike” chas- the LA Auto Show aren’t for decided to bring that dream ways have a steering wheel
On the opposite side was that to 130 miles, at a yet-un- sis, which puts two wheels in sale, and the first proto- to life, and I found a Samba and offer autonomous as-
the three-wheeled Sondors, determined price.) Each will the front rather than two in types, Fittipaldi said, have in Brazil and had it restored. sistance systems, but the
a $10,000 battery-operated require about six hours on a the rear, felt pleasantly sta- already been sold. They In fact I just finished import- point is that you will be able
three-seater offering a 5.8- common household electri- ble. Easy to drive, intuitive to went for $42,000 each, the ing it to the U.S. earlier this to drive it. Why? The feeling
second zero-to-60-mph ac- cal plug to recharge. steer, the Arcimoto maneu- first one driven home by year in time for my birthday. of interacting with your car
celeration and a range, de- Arcimoto representative vered well, started and Arcimoto founder Mark is at the heart of Porsche.
pending on battery upgrade, Jesse Fittipaldi — who says slowed manageably, and Frohnmayer. What is the top speed you’ve
of 75, 150 or 200 miles. there is a distant family rela- drew a lot of attention. ever traveled in a car, and charles.fleming
But out front, it was the tion to famed race car driver One sidewalk observer charles.fleming where did that take place?
Arcimoto electric that was Emerson Fittipaldi — said called out, “What the hell?” As you know, it’s not so Twitter: @misterfleming

T U E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 5 , 2 0 1 7 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / S P O R T S

Ball’s short
UCLA stint
ends abruptly
Freshman basketball
player is leaving
because father is upset
about suspension.
By Eric Sondheimer
and Ben Bolch

In a high-profile divorce
between UCLA and one of its
most prominent basketball
families, the father of fresh-
man shooting guard Li-
Angelo Ball said Monday
that he intended to with- Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times
draw his son from school. LiANGELO BALL is one
LaVar Ball told The of three UCLA freshmen
Times that the withdrawal who admitted to shop-
was the result of his dissatis- lifting in China.
faction with UCLA’s han-
dling of LiAngelo’s indefinite A person with knowledge
suspension for his acknowl- of UCLA’s academic policies
edged role in a shoplifting in- said LiAngelo would have to
cident last month in China. withdraw himself from
“He might as well be in school since he is no longer a
jail,” LaVar Ball said in a minor.
telephone interview. “I’m LiAngelo Ball and fellow
not going to let UCLA take Bruins freshmen Cody Riley
the fire out of my boy by not and Jalen Hill were sus-
Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times letting him play for two pended after they admitted
LAKERS FORWARD Brandon Ingram, maneuvering past Marc Gasol of the Memphis Grizzlies in a game months. to shoplifting from three
last month, scored a career-high 32 points last week in a loss to the Golden State Warriors. “We’re going to do some stores inside an upscale mall
other options. I’m not going in Hangzhou, China, during
to let him sit back and not UCLA’s season-opening trip
[See Ball, D2]


Departure is
Ingram progressing nicely in second season with Lakers
good for Bruins
be an All-Star in the next two or three
By Tania Ganguli years.”
That kind of expectation came
After the Lakers lost Sunday to the
20-point games since the start of
with Ingram into the NBA. BILL PLASCHKE ted shoplifting during
Houston Rockets, 20-year-old Bran- The former Duke forward was the UCLA’s season-opening trip
November. Ingram has three other
don Ingram caught himself as he second pick in the draft last year, and After spend- to China.
20-point games in his career, one
spoke about the team’s young players many wanted immediate results. The ing several LiAngelo Ball, Jalen Hill
of which came Oct. 20.
as if he wasn’t one. Lakers insisted on patience. Ingram weeks un- and Cody Riley have been
“All we can do is give advice to the wasn’t even their starting small for- comfortably suspended indefinitely

young guys,” Ingram said. “Of course ward until February. marinating in amid a clamor — including
I’m a young guy too, but give it to the During the offseason, the Lakers international from this space — that they
rookies.” steadfastly maintained their belief in embarrass- should be suspended for the
That was another part of Ingram’s Rebounds per game in November, Ingram, refusing to include him in po- ment, the season. Hey Dan Guerrero,
evolution. He’s learning to lead, he’s an improvement on his 3.9 tential trade packages. The front of- UCLA are you going to pull the
gaining confidence and he’s figuring rebounds per game in October and fice was new to Ingram, but the coach- basketball plug or not?
out how he can truly be a scoring his average of 4.0 last season. ing staff wasn’t. It was on the strength team has finally received However, LaVar thinks
threat. Last week, for the first time in of their faith in him that the organiza- some good news. LiAngelo should have been

his career, Ingram scored at least 20 tion remained bullish on him. The Bruins are getting playing the week after the
points in consecutive games. After a Now, it’s not only inside the build- out of the Ball business. incident, and so he’s or-
career-high 32 points against the ing that Ingram is being noticed. War- In an interview with The dered his son back to their
Golden State Warriors, he scored 20 riors star Kevin Durant said he was Times on Monday, LaVar Chino Hills home.
against the Denver Nuggets. Ingram’s shooting percentage in impressed with the development of Ball confirmed that he is “He might as well be in
He’s at his best when the stage is November, second-best among the the young Laker. During that game, pulling middle son LiAngelo jail,” LaVar told the Times’
biggest, and others have noticed. Lakers’ starters. His 40.2% Portland Trail Blazers guard C.J. Mc- from school because he is Eric Sondheimer. “I’m not
“If he keeps developing the way he’s shooting last season was Collum said on Twitter: “Ingram unhappy with how LiAngelo going to let UCLA take the
developing,” Lakers veteran Corey second-worst among Lakers who gonna be a probleeem.” has been treated after he fire out of my boy by not
Brewer said, “he’s definitely going to played in at least 30 games. [See Ingram, D4] and two teammates admit- [See Plaschke, D2]

N F L W E E K 14
AT THE COLISEUM | SUNDAY, 1:15 P.M., CH. 11 Seeking a miracle off ice
The guru behind Paralyzed by hockey, Jablonski has will to defy odds and walk again


Relying on his
mind to pre-
vail over
something else. The throws limbs that
A former USC coach they aren’t making. had become
“The natural instinct of paralyzed
prepared both young most young guys is they’re after he was
quarterbacks for NFL. going to force the ball to driven face-
make a play, until they get first into the
Here’s what he saw. burned and have some boards during a Minnesota
interceptions and make high school hockey game
some dumb throws,” said nearly six years ago, Jack
Tollner, who worked with Jablonski stared at his feet
both Goff and Wentz to tune one recent night and willed
Anyone could appreciate them up for the scouting them to move.
a highlight package featur- combine and draft. He had come to believe in
ing the greatest throws of “These guys get it. Nei- a connection between mind
the Rams’ Jared Goff and ther of them look like sec- and body since his C5 and
Philadelphia’s Carson ond-year quarterbacks. C6 vertebrae were broken
Wentz this season. The Even though they’re playing and his spinal cord was
second-year quarterbacks up-tempo a lot of the time, severed by that unexpected
have 6,189 yards and 49 they don’t seem to get rat- hit, which he considers a
touchdown passes between tled. They have patience.” hockey play but made with
them. Goff and Wentz, the top an elbow and stick that were
But Ted Tollner likes [See Farmer, D3] too high. His doctors told
him he’d probably never
bend his right arm. Deter-
mined to prove them wrong,
he bent it a week later.
Slow start didn’t Injured Clippers Since the accident in his
deter Chargers practicing again sophomore year, on Dec. 30,
2011, physical therapy has
Coach Anthony Lynn Injured Clippers
allowed him to activate
says Chargers, now in starters Danilo
some muscles in his core
the playoff hunt, never Gallinari and Milos Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times and lower back and regain
lost hope despite their Teodosic have returned
JACK JABLONSKI , paralyzed in a high school hockey game in 2011, is finish- some control of his biceps.
horrendous start. D3 to the practice floor. D5
ing his third year at USC and is in his third season as an intern with the Kings. [See Elliott, D6]

Ball withdrawing from UCLA
[Ball, from D1] player, even before his off-
to play Georgia Tech in court issues.”
NEXT: DEC. 10 VS. PHILADELPHIA, 1:15 P.M., CHANNEL 11 Shanghai. The trio has also LiAngelo’s younger
been barred from all team brother, LaMelo, faces an
RAMS activities as part of the puni- uncertain basketball future
shment. even though his father in-
Coach Steve Alford re- sisted he remained commit-
NEXT: DEC. 10 VS. WASHINGTON, 1, CHANNEL 2 cently indicated that he ex- ted to UCLA. LaVar recently
pected a decision on the withdrew LaMelo from
CHARGERS length of the players’ sus- Chino Hills and embarked
pensions to come in a matter on a home-schooling pro-
at Phila. at Charlotte of weeks. gram because of a disagree-
5 4 “We learned today of Li- ment with the school’s
SpecSN SpecSN Angelo Ball’s intention to basketball coach.
LAKERS withdraw from UCLA,” Al- LaMelo is a high school
ford said in a statement. “We junior. His amateur status is
respect the decision he and Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times in doubt because of his pro-
7:30 12:30 his family have made, and we FROM LEFT , LaMelo, LiAngelo and LaVar Ball motional appearances on
Prime, ESPN Prime wish him all the best in the attend the Lakers’ introduction of Lonzo Ball in June. behalf of Big Baller Brand,
CLIPPERS future.” the family’s clothing and
LiAngelo’s only public re- charged. points in 16 minutes off the shoe label.
MINNESOTA OTTAWA CAROLINA marks as a member of the LaVar said he had not bench. LaVar had said last Yahoo! Sports reported
7 7:30 7:30 Bruins came during an spoken with anyone at month that LiAngelo would that LaMelo and LiAngelo
NBCSN FSW FSW apology he issued last UCLA about withdrawing attend UCLA for only one were exploring options to
KINGS month. He, Hill and Riley ex- his son. season before declaring for play internationally, which
pressed their remorse in a “I’m taking him and I’m the NBA draft, following the would put an end to any pos-
at Vegas OTTAWA MINN. Pauley Pavilion media room gone,” LaVar said. path of his older brother. sibility of them playing in
7 NEXT: DEC. 7 1:15 P.M., crammed with reporters Asked whether LiAngelo Lonzo Ball starred for the college.
Prime FSW Prime and photographers, reading agreed with the decision, Bruins last season, leading Alford indicated before
CHANNEL 11 from prepared statements. LaVar said, “My boy is loyal one of the nation’s most effi- the season that he was not
“We’re young men,” Li- to me. I tried to let UCLA cient offenses before being concerned with any med-
Shade denotes home game Angelo said at the time. deal with the process and he selected the Pac-12 Confer- dling by LaVar, noting how
“However, it’s not an excuse should have been playing ence’s freshman of the year. respectful Lonzo had been
for making a really stupid the next week.” The Lakers made him the during his time on campus.
TODAY ON THE AIR decision. I don’t feel sorry for LiAngelo, 6 feet 5 and 215 No. 2 overall selection in the “Everything I’ve seen
myself and I’ve learned my pounds, had lost 20 pounds NBA draft. through three months now
TIME EVENT ON THE AIR lesson from this big mistake since his senior season at An NBA scout said it was with ’Gelo has been just the
COLLEGE BASKETBALL and I’m 110% sure that I’m Chino Hills High, when he unlikely that LiAngelo same,” Alford said at the
4 p.m. Villanova vs. Gonzaga TV: ESPN not making a bad decision averaged 33.8 points per would be drafted. time. “Just a terrific individ-
4 p.m. Texas at Virginia Commonwealth TV: ESPN2 like this one again.” game. “LiAngelo Ball is a good ual and he’s learning his role
4 p.m. Boston at Miami TV: FS West The three freshmen in- A high-volume shooter, shooter but does not bring now and he’s competing and
4 p.m. Vermont at Marquette TV: FS1 volved in the shoplifting inci- LiAngelo was expected to much more to the table,” the he’s trying to figure out
4 p.m. Virginia at West Virginia TV: ESPNU dent were allowed to return come off the bench for the scout said on condition of where he’s going to fit and
4 p.m. Michigan State at Rutgers TV: Big Ten to the United States after Bruins this season. anonymity because he was doing everything right.”
President Trump inter- His only formal appear- not authorized to publicly
4 p.m. Winthrop at Georgia TV: SEC
vened on their behalf with ance in a UCLA uniform discuss college players.
5 p.m. North Dakota at Creighton TV: FS2 his Chinese counterpart, Xi came during an exhibition “I believe it is widely ac- Twitter: @latsondheimer
6 p.m. Syracuse vs. Connecticut TV: ESPN Jinping. The players posted against Cal State Los Ange- cepted among NBA person-
6 p.m. Texas A&M vs. Arizona TV: ESPN2 bail but were never formally les in which he scored 11 nel that he is not an NBA Twitter: @latbbolch
6 p.m. Utah at Butler TV: FS1
6 p.m. St. Francis (Pa.) at Duke TV: ESPNU
TV: Big Ten

Bruins have one less distraction

6 p.m. Minnesota at Nebraska
6 p.m. Southern Methodist at Texas Christian TV: FS West
6 p.m. Miami (Ohio) at Missouri TV: SEC
8:30 p.m. St. John’s vs. Grand Canyon TV: ESPNU
[Plaschke, from D1] referring to as “The LaVar Coach Steve Alford doesn’t and he should have been
1:30 a.m. Ladies European Tour, Dubai Masters TV: Golf
letting him play for two Ball Rule,” in which media have to fret about LaVar’s playing the next week.”
months. We’re going to do members are not allowed to racially draped second- His boy is lucky he was
some other options.” hang out after games in a guessing of his roster, which allowed to leave China,
4:30 p.m. New York Rangers at Pittsburgh TV: NBCSN All of which has UCLA Staples Center section LaVar did last year when he period. He would be lucky if
5 p.m. Women, U.S. vs. Canada TV: NHL officials undoubtedly offer- reserved for families and said of the Bruins, “Realisti- UCLA only suspended him
7 p.m. Ducks at Vegas TV: Prime R: 830 ing a whispered hallelujah. friends of players. cally you can’t win no cham- for a season.
7 p.m. Minnesota at Kings TV: NBCSN R: 790 It’s sad that any student Either unable or unwill- pionship with three white He could have used this
PRO BASKETBALL would leave a great academ- ing to quiet LaVar them- guys because the foot speed winter as his redshirt sea-
8 a.m. G League, Rio Grande Valley at Raptors 905 TV: NBA ic institution simply be- selves — can’t Magic John- is too slow.” son. He could have shown
4:30 p.m. Phoenix at Toronto TV: NBA cause one of his parents son just ask him to shut up? And UCLA no longer has up at next fall’s first practice
7 p.m. Washington at Portland TV: NBA doesn’t want him to endure — the Lakers are trying to to answer to nutty quotes older and wiser.
SOCCER an appropriate punishment restrict LaVar’s access. As if like the ones LaVar offered Instead, LaVar has cast
11:30 a.m. Champions League, Chelsea vs. Atletico Madrid TV: FS West for a wrongdoing that that’s going to work. Monday when discussing him adrift in a sea of LaVar’s
brought humiliation to his If LiAngelo remained a his son’s withdrawal from ego, where LiAngelo will join
11:30 a.m. Champions League, Barcelona vs. Sporting CP TV: FS1, ESPND
entire school. Bruin, UCLA would be faced school. youngest son LaMelo, a high
11:30 a.m. Champions League, Manchester United vs. PFC TV: FS2
Even sadder is that, with the same problem. Even though the three school junior and star
CSKA Moscow
because of his father’s dis- LiAngelo seems quiet and freshmen admitted to shop- recruit who was pulled out
11:30 a.m. Champions League, Bayern Munich vs. Paris TV: FOXD tracting bluster, UCLA is humble like his older lifting from three different of Chino Hills High this year
better off without the kid. brother Lonzo, but this is stores in an upscale mall in to concentrate on basket-
Just as he had with son not about him, it’s about all Hangzhou during the Bru- ball and sell more shoes.
Lonzo’s Lakers, LaVar had the noise around him. With- ins’ trip to China, and even For those keeping score,
already become a toxic out LaVar in the back- though they might have LaVar’s celebrated Big
COLLEGE BASKETBALL distraction for LiAngelo’s ground, the Bruins will revel faced a jail sentence if they Baller Brand is now at-
Bruins. The difference is in renewed focus and quiet. were not able to leave China, tempting to move merchan-

Seminoles top Gators that while the Lakers are

heavily invested in Lonzo,
the Bruins have never really
They can distance them-
selves from LaVar’s initial
comment that the shop-
LaVar thinks UCLA mis-
treated his son.
“Waste,” LaVar said. “I’m
dise on the backs of one kid
who quit high school, anoth-
er who quit college, and a
at No. 23 Baylor 84, Sam played with LiAngelo, 19, lifting was “no big deal.” not going to let them deter- struggling NBA rookie.
wire services
Houston State 56: Jo Lual- who wasn’t expected to have They can separate them- mine his future.” In the rare event that he
Acuil had 15 points and 11 re- a big role on the team and is selves from LaVar’s attempt What’s being wasted, of will actually be eligible,
Terance Mann scored 25 bounds, leading six players thus far not considered to capitalize on the incident course, is a first-class edu- LaMelo is reportedly still
points, CJ Walker added 17 who scored in double figures NBA material. when he loudly refused to cation for a young man planning to attend UCLA as
and Florida State beat No. 5 for the Bears (6-2) against The Lakers need Lonzo thank President Trump for whose father is unwilling to the final member of that
Florida 83-66 on Monday the Bearkats (5-4). so they must tolerate his helping negotiate the play- allow him to accept conse- once-celebrated trio of Ball
night to remain undefeated. father, something which is ers’ release. quences for his actions and brother commitments.
The visiting Seminoles SOUTHLAND increasingly difficult in the The school’s compliance receive some real-world Here’s guessing UCLA
(7-0) also extended their MEN TONIGHT wake of his repeated public people don’t have to worry schooling. won’t be leaving the lights
winning streak against the Nebraska Omaha at UC criticism of Lakers coaches. about LaVar risking the “I’m taking him and I’m on.
Gators (5-2) to four, their Santa Barbara, 7 This week, the Lakers even NCAA’s wrath by having gone,” LaVar said. “My boy
longest in the 68-game his- UC Riverside at Pepperdine, announced an enforcement LiAngelo attempt to peddle is loyal to me. I tried to let
tory of the series. 7 of what some people are his brand’s shoes or apparel. UCLA deal with the process Twitter: @BillPlaschke


rally for Chargers stuck it out together
really wasn’t as concerned long enough to know that together into groups. We

win over Lynn says players

never turned on each
other despite starting
as maybe I should have
Strangely enough, nei-
ther were the players.
there are stretches where
things can get bumpy and
rocky,” Rivers said. “And the
guys that have been here,
have a sports psychiatrist
that’s on hand here, and he
works with the guys as far as
different things that we

Bengals the season 0-4.

By Dan Woike
The typical signs of frus-
tration — inconsistent ef-
fort, finger pointing, hordes
of players hiding out in the
Chargers vs.
we’ve been through it plenty
of times.”
The experiences coupled
with current training have
want to go over every single
“These guys talk it out.
They do exercises. Some of it
training room — didn’t hap-
Washington helped affirm what Lynn is mental training, some of it
Boswell’s field goal When the Chargers were pen. AT STUBHUB CENTER hoped about the team dur- is focus and some of it is just
sitting at the bottom of the When faced with total Sunday, 1 p.m., Channel 2 ing offseason work — that trusting one another and be-
caps wild comeback. NFL, winless after four disappointment, the team this would be a team capable ing together.”
Shazier is hospitalized games, questions should didn’t flinch. of handling the adversity While the final four weeks
have been asked. Cracks in “We’ve been through it ing games by a few points that an NFL schedule can of the season, and possibly
with back injury. the team’s foundation before,” quarterback Philip here and a few points there. dish out. the playoffs, will present the
should have started to show. Rivers said. Injuries have piled up. And “This group meets once a Chargers with all kinds of
PITTSBURGH 23 The losing streak had es- Nine weeks later, the the road they had to travel month on team-building ex- mental and physical chal-
CINCINNATI 20 sentially eliminated them Chargers are one of the over the course of the season ercises right now. In the off- lenges, they hope to be pre-
from postseason contention hottest teams in the NFL with a relocation hanging season, we did some things pared based on how they
associated press
since only one team in mod- and definitely the hottest over their head? That was like that with this group as have recovered from the
ern NFL history has recov- team in the AFC West, some- rough too. well,” Lynn said, declining to early-season woes.
CINCINNATI — No mat- ered from such a horrendous how tied for first place with But for the veterans on discuss specifics. “I was really pleased in
ter how high the stakes, how start. the Kansas City Chiefs and the Chargers who survived “When guys are together how everyone stayed pos-
big the deficit or how late in The Chargers, it seemed, Oakland Raiders. They are all the hiccups and ham- like that and they learn to itive,” Lynn said. “It was so
the game, Ben Roethlis- were in for a long slog to me- in the thick of the wild-card strings, the ones undeterred trust one another and play encouraging, just looking at
berger and his tough-to- diocrity at best, and disaster race. by the moving trucks, they for one another, then, I be- the organization and the
catch playmakers always at worst. But Anthony Lynn, They are in this position, knew how volatile an NFL lieve, that’s when you see building. So it says a lot
find a way to leave the Cin- the team’s first-year coach, thanks in part to their short- season could be. guys don’t abandon ship, about what we’re building
cinnati Bengals wondering believed that the problems comings in San Diego. When something crashes guys continue to fight and here and the culture that we
what just happened. were only going to be tempo- Over the last two sea- down in a matter of weeks, it believe in the process and in have.”
Chris Boswell kicked a rary. sons, the Chargers have tak- can be rebuilt just as quickly. one another. …
field goal on the final play “When we started out en more punches to the gut “Enough guys on this “I don’t want to talk
shortly after Antonio Brown that way,” he said Monday, “I than a boxer, routinely los- team have been in the league about the topics, but we get Twitter: @DanWoikeSports
caught a six-yard touch-
down pass — taking a hit to
the head while landing in the
end zone — and the Pitts- RAMS REPORT
burgh Steelers pulled off an-

Ogletree is
other improbable comeback
against the stunned Ben-
gals, rallying for a 23-20 vic-
tory Monday night.
Down 17-0 early, the Steel-

expected to
ers (10-2) extended their
best start since 2004 in a
physical game with a couple
of frightening injuries.
Brown's touchdown tied the

play Sunday
score at 20-20 with 3:51 to
play — safety George Iloka
was penalized for hitting
him in the head after the
catch. Boswell won it with a
38-yard field goal, his second
consecutive winner in the
closing seconds after he beat By Gary Klein
the Green Bay Packers with
a 53-yard field goal Nov. 26. Rams linebacker Alec
“It sort of reminded me of Ogletree, who suffered an el-
the playoff game — what was bow injury against the Arizo-
it, two years ago?” Steelers na Cardinals, is expected to
defensive end Cameron be ready for Sunday’s game
Heyward said. “It's sort of against the Philadelphia
the best reality TV show out Eagles, but his status will
there — better than the Kar- not be determined until later
dashians.” in the week, coach Sean Mc-
Two years ago, the Steel- Vay said Monday.
ers came to Paul Brown Sta- “We all know the type of
dium and pulled out an im- competitor Alec is,” McVay
probable 18-16 playoff victory said during a news confer-
set up by Cincinnati's fumble ence in Thousand Oaks. Rick Scuteri Associated Press
and personal fouls on Von- “He’s going to do everything RAMS LINEBACKER
taze Burfict and Adam “Pac- in his power to be ready to Alec Ogletree was in-
man” Jones. Boswell won go.” jured against Arizona.
that one with a 35-yard kick Matt Marton Associated Press Ogletree returned an in-
with 14 seconds left. JARED GOFF of the Rams, left, and Carson Wentz of the Eagles react after being terception for a touchdown “But I think when you look at
Desperate for a win to sal- taken with the top two picks of the 2016 NFL draft. Now their paths cross again. in the first quarter of Sun- the stakes because of the
vage their playoff hopes, the day’s 32-16 victory over the way that we’ve played and

Young quarterbacks at
Bengals (5-7) still couldn’t Cardinals at University of the way that they’ve played
find a way to beat their Ohio Phoenix Stadium. He punc- — as these games get further
River rival, not even after tuated the play with a flip on into the season they
getting off to the big early that included a hard landing mean a little bit more be-
lead. They’ve dropped six in on his right side. cause of the implications.”
a row and nine of 10 against
the Steelers.
“Very disappointing,”
Bengals receiver A.J. Green
said. “We had it.”
center of Rams-Eagles
[Farmer, from D1] the huge step up from North Rob Gronkowski was sus-
But he said that he hy-
perextended his left elbow
on a later series.
The Cardinals identified
the weakness and ran plays
Ready for noise
With two division-leading
teams squaring off, the
Rams are expecting their
The hard-hitting game two picks in the 2016 draft, Dakota State to the NFL. pended for a week Monday at Ogletree before he was re- largest home crowd of the
was full of personal fouls, might have patience but “The thing that I noticed in the wake of his cheap- placed by Bryce Hager. season.
penalties and injuries that they have turned around when they were going shot hit on Buffalo corner- “I couldn’t use my arm, And that will include a
could have a long-term effect their losing franchises in a through the footwork and back Tre’Davious White. but I let my ego get in the way vocal contingent of Eagles
on the Steelers. hurry. They will face each the accuracy is that they The Patriots are catching a a little bit,” Ogletree said af- fans.
Their leading tackler, other for the first time when both could move well,” break with that punishment ter the game. “I would say I In a Week 4 game against
linebacker Ryan Shazier, the 9-3 Rams host the 10-2 Tollner said. “You can tell because they play at Miami should have just come out the Chargers at StubHub
suffered a back injury in the Eagles on Sunday in a piv- when someone can move next Monday night, a game and let Bryce go in.” Center, boisterous Eagles
first quarter and was taken otal NFC showdown. their feet, stay in rhythm, they should win handily. If Ogletree cannot play fans filled the stadium.
off the field on a cart en route Tollner, who worked with and get the ball out of their Had Gronkowski been against the Eagles, Hager The Rams will be pre-
to a hospital for evaluation. them as a consultant for the hand fast. That stuff to me penalized a week later, he would probably start, Mc- pared.
Coach Mike Tomlin had no first four months of 2016, is has always been more im- would have missed the Vay said. Cory Littleton also Because of noise from Se-
details about his injury or his loving their success but portant than whether they game at Pittsburgh, more would be worked into the attle Seahawks fans, the
prognosis after the game. concedes he didn’t expect it have the perfect three- important in the playoff scheme, he said. Rams were forced to go to a
Burfict was carted off in to come this quickly. quarters-delivery release. picture. As it stands, the The Rams are already silent count late in a Week 5
the fourth quarter after JuJu “You always think it’s It’s just getting it out quick, Patriots and Steelers are down one starting lineback- game at the Coliseum.
Smith-Schuster leveled him going to take a few years to and they could do that.” the AFC’s top two seeds. er. They could employ a sim-
with a high hit, then taunted make that transition to real More important, they Connor Barwin, who ilar strategy on Sunday if
the linebacker by walking games in the NFL and the were hungry to learn what Wild, wild West played four seasons with the Eagles fans make it tough.
over him. There were 11 per- speed of it all,” said Tollner, they didn’t know. The AFC West is the only Eagles before signing with “The way that these play-
sonal fouls in another acri- who was head coach at USC “What we’re seeing now division featuring a three- the Rams last spring, will re- ers have played, we’re hop-
monious rematch in their from 1983-86 and later is very rewarding, especially way tie for first place, with main sidelined at least an- ing to get a great crowd to
hard-edged series. The Ben- worked as an offensive when you’ve got guys that Kansas City, the Chargers other week while recovering come out and support us
gals self-destructed with 13 coach with several NFL want to work,” Tollner said. and Oakland all 6-6. from surgery for a broken and create a great home at-
penalties for a team-record teams. “Because young “It’s not like you have to talk There will be some clar- forearm suffered against the mosphere,” McVay said,
173 yards. players don’t understand them into it. ‘Let’s go out ity after Week 14, when the New Orleans Saints. adding that if noise from
the speed. These guys have and do this now.’ What Chiefs host the Raiders. Rookie Samson Ebukam Eagles fans becomes “some-
Steelers 23, Bengals 20 learned it fast. They’re you’ve got to talk them out Then, the Chargers play at started in Barwin’s spot thing that we anticipate, you
Pittsburgh...............................0 3 7 13—23 getting good coaching of is, ‘Hey, that’s enough for the Chiefs in a Saturday against the Cardinals and bet we’ll make sure that we
Cincinnati .............................10 7 3 0—20
where they are, and they’ve today. I don’t want you night game Dec. 16, in what made five tackles. have some contingency
First Quarter
Cin—FG Bullock 35, 10:48.
learned how to do these throwing any more today.’ could be the key to deter- “I was nervous coming in, plans in place.”
Cin—Green 8 pass from Dalton (Bullock kick), :41. things rapidly.” That was more of the issue. mining which team winds but after talking to the older
Second Quarter Goff and Wentz both are They don’t want to stop up in the playoffs. guys, they just told me to do Etc.
Cin—Green 15 pass from Dalton (Bullock kick), :31. represented by Irvine-based working, or looking at film The sands are shifting what I do,” Ebukam said. McVay blamed himself
Pit—FG Boswell 30, :00.
Third Quarter REP 1 Sports, composed of when they’re not working for the Chargers, who “After I got a little confi- for poor clock management
Pit—Bell 35 pass from Roethlisberger (Boswell kick), cousins Bruce and Ryan out. started the season 0-4 but dence in me, I was just like, at the end of the first half
8:58. Tollner — Bruce is Ted’s son “They’ve got a legitimate have clawed their way back ‘OK, I’m ready to play.’ ” against the Cardinals, when
Cin—FG Bullock 41, 3:33.
Fourth Quarter — Chase Callahan and work ethic — not one they to relevance, and on Sunday The Rams will face an the Rams were forced to kick
Pit—FG Boswell 37, 10:07. Nima Zarrabi. Ted Tollner is just talk about.” won their third in a row. The Eagles team that is 10-2 after a field goal with four seconds
Pit—Brown 6 pass from Roethlisberger (Boswell kick), a consultant for them, as is Raiders, who at one point Sunday’s 24-10 loss at Seat- left. “Those types of things
Pit—FG Boswell 38, :00. former NFL quarterback This is a test lost four straight, seem to tle, a defeat that ended the are inexcusable and that’s
Attendance—56,029. Ryan Lindley, who also The six seeded NFC have righted the ship by Eagles’ nine-game winning all on me,” he said, adding,
First downs ...................................24 19
worked with the QBs on a teams heading into Week 14 winning four of six. streak. “Fortunately it didn’t cost
Total Net Yards .............................374 353 daily basis leading up to the are, in order, Minnesota, Meanwhile, the Chiefs McVay watched the game us, but those are the type of
Rushes-yards ............................22-92 22-130
Passing.......................................282 223 draft. Philadelphia, the Rams, have squandered their 5-0 before and during the Rams’ things that get you beat and
Punt Returns ................................2-7 2-9 Ted Tollner said the goal New Orleans, Seattle and start, have lost four in a row flight home from Phoenix. I can’t do that to our team.
Kickoff Returns ...........................2-38 2-29
Interceptions Ret...........................0-0 1-0 was to best prepare them for Carolina. Each of those and are grasping for an- The Eagles, led by I’ve got to be smarter and
Comp-Att-Int..........................24-40-1 21-36-0 their pro days and individu- teams has a tough game this swers. quarterback Carson Wentz, learn from that.”… The
Sacked-Yards Lost .........................1-8 2-11
Punts .....................................4-44.5 5-49.2 al workouts with teams, week, with the Vikings at the The Chargers host Wash- are tied with the Rams as the Rams are off Tuesday. They
Fumbles-Lost................................0-0 0-0 fine-tuning their fundamen- Panthers, the Eagles at the ington on Sunday, and NFL’s top scoring teams, av- resume practice on Wednes-
Penalties-Yards ...........................7-66 13-173
Time of Possession ....................29:49 30:11 tals. Goff, for instance, lined Rams, the Saints at Atlanta, that’s no layup. The Red- eraging 30.1 points per game. day…. Rather than making a
Individual Leaders up in the shotgun through- and Seattle at Jacksonville. skins are 2-0 on the West The Eagles are second in cross-country trip twice in
RUSHING: Pittsburgh, Bell 18-76, Conner 3-12, out his college career at This time next week, the Coast this season, having rushing at 143.3 yards per two weeks, the Eagles are
Roethlisberger 1-4. Cincinnati, Bernard 13-77, Mixon 7-
34, Dalton 2-19. California and needed to get playoff picture will be in beaten both the Rams and game and third in total of- staying in Southern Califor-
PASSING: Pittsburgh, Roethlisberger 24-40-1-290. accustomed to taking a sharper focus. This is a Seahawks on their home fense (385.1 yards per game). nia and practicing at Angel
Cincinnati, Dalton 21-36-0-234.
RECEIVING: Pittsburgh, Brown 8-101, Bell 5-106, snap under center, some- prove-it week. turf. They are 14th in passing Stadium.
Bryant 4-40, Smith-Schuster 4-17, James 1-13, Grimble thing he hadn’t done since (241.8).
1-9, Rogers 1-4. Cincinnati, Green 7-77, LaFell 4-55,
Kroft 2-30, Bernard 2-19, Boyd 2-15, Malone 2-9, his sophomore year of high Stroke of luck “Our approach will re-
Uzomah 1-21, Mixon 1-8. school. Wentz was taking New England tight end Twitter: @LATimesfarmer main the same,” McVay said. Twitter: @latimesklein


Warriors 125, Pelicans 115

Standings have been arranged to reflect how the teams will be deter- Durant.............34 8-21 2-3 0-7 5 3 19
mined for the playoffs. Teams are ranked 1-15 by record. Division Green..............38 6-12 4-5 0-9 7 1 19
standing no longer has any bearing on the rankings. The top eight McGee ............11 3-4 2-2 2-4 0 3 8
teams in each conference make the playoffs, and the top-seeded
Curry...............34 9-19 8-9 2-5 11 5 31
team would play the eighth-seeded team, the seventh team would
play the second, etc. Head-to-head competition is the first of several Thompson........37 8-13 2-3 0-3 1 0 22
tiebreakers, followed by conference record. (Western Conference di- Iguodala ..........26 2-4 0-1 0-4 7 0 4
visions: S-Southwest; P-Pacific; N-Northwest; Eastern Conference Young..............13 2-4 0-0 0-1 0 0 6
divisions: A-Atlantic; C-Central; S-Southeast). West ...............13 4-5 1-2 0-4 2 1 9
Bell.................12 2-2 0-0 1-1 0 1 4
WESTERN CONFERENCE Casspi.............11 0-1 0-2 0-1 2 2 0
McCaw ..............4 1-2 0-0 0-0 1 1 3
Team W L PCT GB L10 Rk. Looney ..............3 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 0 0
1. Houston 18 4 .818 9-1 S1 Totals 45-87 19-27 5-40 36 17 125
2. Golden State 19 6 .760 1
⁄2 8-2 P1 Shooting: Field goals, 51.7%; free throws, 70.4%
Three-point goals: 16-33 (Curry 5-11, Thompson
3. San Antonio 16 8 .667 3 7-3 S2 4-5, Green 3-5, Young 2-4, McCaw 1-1, Durant 1-5,
Casspi 0-1, Iguodala 0-1). Team Rebounds: 6. Team
4. Denver 13 10 .565 51⁄2 5-5 N2 Turnovers: 16 (22 PTS). Blocked Shots: 5 (Green 2,
4. Portland 13 10 .565 51⁄2 6-4 N1 Durant, McGee, West). Turnovers: 16 (Durant 7, Iguo-
dala 3, Bell 2, Curry 2, Green 2). Steals: 14 (Green 4,
6. Minnesota 14 11 .560 51⁄2 4-6 N3 Iguodala 3, Durant 2, Bell, Curry, McCaw, Thompson,
7. Utah 13 11 .542 6 7-3 N4 West). Technical Fouls: coach Warriors (Defensive
three second), 9:57 first
8. New Orleans 12 12 .500 7 4-6 S3 NEW ORLEANS
Cunningham.....32 5-11 1-2 5-9 2 3 11
9. Oklahoma City 10 12 .455 1 5-5 N5 Moore .............37 11-18 0-1 3-6 2 5 27
10. CLIPPERS 8 14 .364 3 3-7 P2 Cousins ...........31 7-15 2-4 0-11 7 3 19
Holiday............38 13-21 4-5 1-6 4 3 34
11. Phoenix 9 16 .360 31⁄2 4-6 P3 Rondo .............27 4-9 0-0 0-5 11 2 10
12. LAKERS 8 15 .348 31⁄2 3-7 P4 Miller ..............34 3-8 1-1 0-2 1 3 9
Nelson ............20 1-3 0-0 0-2 6 3 2
12. Memphis 8 15 .348 31⁄2 1-9 S4 Asik ................11 1-2 0-0 1-5 0 1 2
14. Sacramento 7 16 .304 41⁄2 4-6 P5 Allen .................3 0-3 1-2 1-1 0 3 1
Clark.................2 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
15. Dallas 7 17 .292 5 5-5 S5 Diallo................0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Totals 45-91 9-15 11-47 33 26 115
EASTERN CONFERENCE Shooting: Field goals, 49.5%; free throws, 60.0%
Team W L PCT GB L10 Rk. Three-point goals: 16-39 (Moore 5-6, Holiday 4-11,
Cousins 3-6, Miller 2-6, Rondo 2-6, Nelson 0-1, Cun-
1. Boston 21 4 .840 8-2 A1 ningham 0-3). Team Rebounds: 9. Team Turnovers: 21
2. Cleveland 17 7 .708 31⁄2 10-0 C1 (29 PTS). Blocked Shots: 4 (Cousins 3, Miller). Turn-
overs: 21 (Cousins 7, Moore 5, Holiday 3, Miller 2,
3. Toronto 14 7 .667 5 7-3 A2 Asik, Cunningham, Nelson, Rondo). Steals: 11 (Cous-
ins 5, Rondo 2, Clark, Cunningham, Holiday, Moore).
4. Detroit 14 9 .609 6 4-6 C2 Technical Fouls: Cousins, 4:24 third
5. Philadelphia 13 10 .565 7 6-4 A3 Golden State 26 23 39 37— 125
6. Milwaukee 12 10 .545 71⁄2 6-4 C3 New Orleans 33 36 22 24— 115
7. Indiana 13 11 .542 71⁄2 7-3 C4 A—17,004. T—2:19. O—Matt Boland, Derrick
Stafford, J.T. Orr
8. Washington 12 11 .522 8 4-6 S1

9. Miami 11 12 .478 1 5-5 S2 Mavericks 122, Nuggets 105

9. New York 11 12 .478 1 4-6 A4 DENVER
11. Charlotte 9 13 .409 21⁄2 4-6 S3 Chandler..........27 1-11 2-2 3-7 3 0 4
12. Orlando 10 15 .400 3 2-8 S4 Faried..............27 6-13 1-2 6-11 2 2 13
Plumlee ...........19 1-2 1-6 2-7 4 1 3
13. Brooklyn 9 14 .391 3 4-6 A5 G.Harris ...........42 7-17 4-4 0-3 4 3 21
14. Atlanta 5 18 .217 7 3-7 S5 Murray.............28 7-12 4-4 0-0 0 2 22
Barton.............41 9-20 1-3 2-8 6 5 23
15. Chicago 3 19 .136 81⁄2 1-9 C5 Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times Mudiay ............15 2-6 0-0 0-2 3 1 5
THE LAKERS’ 6-FOOT-9 BRANDON INGRAM is still skinny, but “he’s using his body a lot better” Lyles ...............15 3-5 0-0 1-6 2 2 7
TODAY’S GAMES Hernangomez ...11 2-4 0-0 0-2 1 3 5
this season, teammate Corey Brewer says. “Last year he was getting hit and he couldn’t finish.” Beasley .............7 0-0 2-2 1-3 0 0 2
Favorite Line Underdog Time Jefferson............2 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
at Toronto 131⁄2 Phoenix 4:30 p.m. Totals 38-91 15-23 15-49 25 19 105

Ingram has added strength

at Oklahoma City OFF Utah 5 p.m. Shooting: Field goals, 41.8%; free throws, 65.2%
at Portland 51⁄2 Washington 7 p.m. Three-point goals: 14-36 (Barton 4-6, Murray 4-8,
G.Harris 3-8, Lyles 1-2, Hernangomez 1-3, Mudiay 1-3,
Faried 0-1, Jefferson 0-1, Chandler 0-4). Team Re-
bounds: 7. Team Turnovers: 7 (9 PTS). Blocked Shots:
5 (Lyles 2, Beasley, Murray, Plumlee). Turnovers: 7
(Plumlee 2, Beasley, Chandler, G.Harris, Hernan-
RESULTS [Ingram, from D1] an advisor to Ingram, familiar with scorer.
gomez, Mudiay). Steals: 5 (G.Harris 3, Barton, Mur-
ray). Technical Fouls: None.
The 6-foot-9 Ingram came into the the plight of a too-skinny teenager “We’re at our best when he’s in the Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
NBA weighing 190 pounds, too skinny trying to play forward in the NBA. game trying to not only get to the rim Barnes ............36 9-18 3-3 0-10 3 1 22
Kleber .............19 1-1 0-0 1-5 1 4 2
to be as effective as the Lakers knew “I think I lost myself into the game and put pressure on but also looking Nowitzki...........20 2-6 4-4 0-6 2 1 9
he would be later in his career. He a little bit and just trying to compete to be a playmaker for his teammates Matthews.........33 5-10 2-3 0-1 2 3 15
struggled with his shot, taking con- and think that the competitive na- when the defense collapses. I think Smith Jr. ..........30 9-16 0-0 2-5 3 2 20
Ferrell .............25 7-9 1-1 0-2 1 1 16
tact and finishing at the rim. Two of ture came out when we were scoring [at Denver] the defense collapsed a Powell .............23 5-6 1-3 2-7 3 2 11
Booker’s 46 points those issues have been negated sig-
nificantly as he has added strength.
… trying to get to the rim,” Ingram
said of the game against the Warriors.
lot on him and forced some turnovers
because he wasn’t ready to make
D.Harris ...........22 5-8 1-3 0-1 2 2 14
Barea..............19 3-9 0-0 0-2 9 1 7

help Suns stun 76ers “He knows how [to get to the rim]
now,” Brewer said, and gave a
“I think that some of my best games
are when I just have a clear head.”
those passes and he didn’t make
those same mistakes tonight.”
Mejri .................9 3-3 0-0 0-3 0 1 6
Totals 49-86 12-17 5-42 26 18 122
Shooting: Field goals, 57.0%; free throws, 70.6%
Three-point goals: 12-26 (D.Harris 3-4, Matthews
glimpse of Ingram’s mentality. Against the Rockets, Ingram’s One part of Ingram’s game that 3-8, Smith Jr. 2-4, Barnes 1-2, Ferrell 1-2, Nowitzki 1-2,
PHOENIX 115 “ ‘When I come off, I know I’m going to streak of 20-point games ended, but still needs improving is his shooting. Barea 1-4). Team Rebounds: 5. Team Turnovers: 7 (6
PHILADELPHIA 101 be able to get past this guy. I know if I Lakers coach Luke Walton almost Excluding shots at the rim, where he
PTS). Blocked Shots: 6 (D.Harris 2, Kleber, Matthews,
Mejri, Powell). Turnovers: 7 (Smith Jr. 3, Barea, Barnes,
go to the rim, it’s going to be a big guy liked that game better than Ingram’s scores the majority of his points, he D.Harris, Ferrell). Steals: 4 (Barea 2, D.Harris, Ferrell).
Technical Fouls: None.
Devin Booker scored 32 of his 46 coming over but I’ve got to finish.’ higher-scoring efforts. has made only 32% of his shots. Denver 23 24 35 23— 105
points in the second half to lead the “He’s using his body a lot better. “I’d rather him have games like “He’s getting to the rim with ease Dallas 39 25 29 29— 122
Phoenix Suns to a 115-101 win at Last year he was getting hit and he this than [against Denver],” Walton now,” Brewer said. “Once he im- A—19,419. O—Scott Wall, Gediminas Petraitis,
Philadelphia on Monday night. couldn’t finish. This year he’s getting said. “I think he finished with 20 [at proves his jump shot he’s going to be Ken Mauer

Booker made 17 of 32 shots and hit and he can finish.” Denver] but tonight he had five as- almost unguardable.”
hit four three-pointers, including Ingram showed off his ability to sists and nine rebounds. That to me Jazz 116, Wizards 69
three in the fourth quarter to put score in the paint against Durant and is who Brandon is. He’s more of a WASHINGTON
away a 76ers team that played one the Warriors. Durant has served as basketball player than he is just a Twitter: @taniaganguli Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
of its worst games of the season. Morris .............22 4-9 2-2 1-1 0 5 11
Porter Jr. ..........28 6-13 0-0 1-6 1 0 14
J.J. Redick led the 76ers with 25 Gortat .............23 0-4 0-0 2-7 3 1 0
points. Joel Embiid had 22 points Hornets 104, Magic 94
Beal................27 4-15 3-5 0-1 1 2 11
Pacers 115, Knicks 97 Grizzlies 95, Timberwolves 92 Spurs 96, Pistons 93 Frazier .............19 1-1 2-2 0-0 1 1 5
and 12 rebounds. ORLANDO Oubre Jr...........27 2-8 7-8 0-1 0 2 11
Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Satoransky.......24 2-6 4-4 0-2 1 0 8
Gordon............35 4-15 4-4 0-6 3 2 14 Meeks .............22 2-9 0-0 1-2 1 2 4
Cleveland 113, at Chicago 91: Beasley ...........14 6-10 1-1 1-3 0 3 13 Gibson ............37 4-11 6-6 1-5 4 2 14 Harris..............39 6-15 0-0 0-5 1 5 15
Scott...............19 0-4 0-0 1-1 1 3 0
Simmons .........34 7-12 0-0 2-6 1 4 15 Lee .................19 4-7 0-0 0-0 1 1 8 Wiggins ...........36 6-17 0-0 2-5 0 4 12 Tolliver.............24 1-4 2-2 0-3 1 3 5
Dwyane Wade and Kevin Love each Vucevic............27 5-12 0-0 1-8 5 4 10 Kanter .............18 3-8 1-1 3-6 1 1 7 Mahinmi ..........10 1-1 0-0 3-3 0 2 2
Towns..............37 2-6 2-2 1-11 3 4 7 Drummond.......31 4-8 3-6 5-15 2 3 11
scored 24 points, LeBron James Fournier...........29 7-13 1-2 0-3 2 5 18 Dotson ............29 3-8 1-2 1-7 1 1 9 McCullough........9 1-7 1-2 1-5 0 1 3
Butler..............40 11-21 6-7 1-2 5 2 30 Bradley............33 1-9 1-1 0-1 4 3 3
Payton.............31 4-9 2-2 1-4 7 3 11 Jack................16 1-3 0-0 0-2 5 1 2 Smith................4 0-3 0-0 2-2 0 2 0
had 23 and the Cavaliers won their Afflalo .............18 3-6 0-0 0-2 1 3 6
Teague ............32 5-6 2-2 0-1 2 2 12 Jackson ...........33 12-21 1-4 0-4 3 1 27
Totals 23-80 19-23 12-31 9 21 69
McDermott.......29 5-8 1-2 0-1 2 0 12 Dieng ..............20 4-5 2-2 2-7 1 1 10 Johnson...........30 4-10 5-7 0-10 1 4 14
12th straight as the Bulls lost their Biyombo ..........17 2-3 0-1 1-3 0 2 4 Ntilikina...........26 2-11 3-3 1-3 2 4 7 Crawford ..........19 2-10 0-0 0-1 1 0 5 Moreland .........16 1-1 0-0 1-1 1 2 2 Shooting: Field goals, 28.7%; free throws, 82.6%
ninth in a row. Augustin ..........16 3-3 5-5 0-5 2 0 13 Baker ..............21 2-3 3-4 0-0 4 2 9 Jones ..............15 1-3 0-0 0-2 1 1 2 Smith..............14 4-10 3-4 0-1 2 1 11 Three-point goals: 4-20 (Porter Jr. 2-2, Frazier 1-1,
Speights ..........15 1-7 0-0 0-1 2 5 3 Hernangomez ...16 7-10 0-1 4-10 3 0 14 Morris 1-2, Satoransky 0-1, McCullough 0-2, Scott
Totals 35-79 18-19 7-34 17 16 92 Galloway............8 1-4 0-0 1-2 0 0 2
Hezonja .............8 0-1 0-0 0-1 0 1 0 Thomas ...........16 2-7 0-0 0-0 1 1 4 0-2, Meeks 0-3, Oubre Jr. 0-3, Beal 0-4). Team Re-
Shooting: Field goals, 44.3%; free throws, 94.7% Kennard ............7 1-3 0-0 0-0 0 0 3 bounds: 6. Team Turnovers: 13 (16 PTS). Blocked
Golden State 125, at New Orleans Iwundu..............5 0-1 0-0 0-1 1 1 0 Sessions..........13 2-8 0-0 0-1 2 1 5 Three-point goals: 4-17 (Butler 2-7, Towns 1-2, Ellenson ............0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Shots: 2 (Morris 2). Turnovers: 13 (Frazier 2, Gortat 2,
Totals 36-82 12-14 5-40 24 30 94 Noah ................8 1-2 1-2 2-4 3 0 3 Totals 35-85 15-24 7-42 15 22 93
115: Stephen Curry had 31 points O’Quinn.............7 2-6 0-0 3-6 1 0 4
Crawford 1-5, Gibson 0-1, Wiggins 0-2). Team Re- Mahinmi 2, Morris 2, Oubre Jr. 2, Beal, Meeks,
Shooting: Field goals, 43.9%; free throws, 85.7% bounds: 3. Team Turnovers: 9 (14 PTS). Blocked Shots: Satoransky). Steals: 8 (Gortat 4, Frazier, Satoransky,
and 11 assists but left on crutches Three-point goals: 10-32 (Fournier 3-7, Augustin 2-2, Gor- Totals 40-91 11-16 15-43 26 15 97 2 (Dieng, Towns). Turnovers: 9 (Butler 2, Dieng 2,
Shooting: Field goals, 41.2%; free throws,
Scott, Smith). Technical Fouls: None.
don 2-7, Payton 1-2, Simmons 1-3, Speights 1-4, Hezonja 0-1, 62.5%
after spraining an ankle late. Klay Afflalo 0-3, Vucevic 0-3). Team Rebounds: 6. Team Turnovers:
Shooting: Field goals, 44.0%; free throws, 68.8% Teague 2, Wiggins 2, Gibson). Steals: 9 (Butler 4, Wig-
Three-point goals: 8-27 (Harris 3-7, Jackson 2-4, UTAH
Three-point goals: 6-23 (Baker 2-3, Dotson 2-5, Sessions gins 2, Dieng, Gibson, Jones). Technical Fouls: coach
Thompson scored 22 as the Warri- 20 (29 PTS). Blocked Shots: 5 (Vucevic 2, Gordon, Payton, 1-1, McDermott 1-3, Beasley 0-1, Hernangomez 0-1, O’Quinn Timberwolves (Defensive three second), 3:18 second.
Kennard 1-2, Johnson 1-3, Tolliver 1-4, Galloway 0-3, Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
Speights). Turnovers: 20 (Simmons 4, Augustin 3, Payton 3, Bradley 0-4). Team Rebounds: 10. Team Turnovers: 10 Favors .............24 3-7 3-4 2-8 2 2 9
ors came back from 21 down. Kevin Gordon 2, Speights 2, Vucevic 2, Afflalo, Biyombo, Fournier,
0-1, Lee 0-2, Ntilikina 0-3, Thomas 0-3). Team Rebounds: 7. MEMPHIS (9 PTS). Blocked Shots: 2 (Drummond, Moreland). Ingles..............22 4-6 0-0 0-2 2 2 11
Team Turnovers: 17 (26 PTS). Blocked Shots: 2 (Dotson, Mc- Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Turnovers: 10 (Jackson 3, Bradley 2, Drummond 2,
Durant had 19 before he and De- Hezonja). Steals: 5 (Vucevic 2, Augustin, Gordon, Simmons). Dermott). Turnovers: 17 (Beasley 5, Lee 3, Hernangomez 2, Gobert.............21 2-4 0-0 4-10 3 3 4
Technical Fouls: coach Magic (Defensive three second), 1:58 D.Brooks..........27 4-6 0-0 0-4 0 3 9 Smith 2, Tolliver). Steals: 8 (Drummond 3, Johnson 2, Mitchell ...........25 8-13 2-2 2-3 2 2 21
Marcus Cousins were ejected. first
McDermott 2, Sessions 2, Baker, Noah, Ntilikina). Steals: 4 Green..............36 4-11 6-7 1-9 2 3 14 Harris, Jackson, Smith). Technical Fouls: None.
(Dotson 2, Noah, Thomas). Technical Fouls: None. Rubio ..............23 1-6 2-4 1-5 4 4 4
Gasol ..............34 6-14 8-9 1-7 5 2 21
CHARLOTTE INDIANA SAN ANTONIO Jerebko............29 2-7 0-0 0-5 1 1 6
Evans ..............33 6-14 2-2 0-5 9 1 16
at Boston 111, Milwaukee 100: Kyrie Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T McLemore........18 1-3 0-0 0-5 1 1 2
Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Burks ..............27 9-13 6-6 1-5 3 5 27
Kidd-Gilchrist....25 5-9 1-1 1-8 0 3 11 Aldridge...........35 5-17 7-7 1-10 4 3 17 O’Neale ...........24 4-5 0-0 0-7 6 1 11
Irving had 19 of his 32 points in the Williams ..........24 2-4 2-2 2-5 1 3 7
Bogdanovic ......29 7-11 2-2 1-2 2 1 19 Ennis III ...........26 5-11 2-2 1-2 0 2 13
Gay.................31 5-12 1-1 4-10 4 2 12 Neto ...............18 3-5 1-2 0-4 5 0 8
T.Young ............26 9-11 0-1 2-6 1 3 20 Chalmers .........20 1-4 0-0 0-2 3 1 2
second half, helping offset 40 Howard............29 5-14 2-3 4-9 1 3 12 Turner..............25 6-9 0-0 0-5 1 4 12 Harrison ..........18 2-2 3-4 1-4 2 4 8
Gasol ..............28 6-13 2-2 0-10 4 1 15 Sefolosha ........12 4-6 0-0 0-3 1 0 9
Batum.............37 3-8 5-8 0-11 5 2 11 Green..............34 4-9 0-0 2-6 3 2 11 Udoh ................7 3-4 0-0 0-0 0 0 6
points by Giannis Antetokounmpo Collison ...........25 4-10 2-2 0-4 10 1 10 Martin .............13 2-3 0-0 1-2 0 3 4 Totals 43-76 14-18 10-52 29 20 116
Walker.............34 7-16 14-14 0-2 7 1 29 Oladipo ...........29 6-10 1-2 0-5 4 1 16 Parker .............19 3-5 1-1 0-4 3 1 7
as Boston improved to an NBA- Davis ..............10 3-4 0-0 1-1 0 2 6
Kaminsky.........23 6-14 1-4 2-9 1 2 14 Stephenson......29 3-7 2-2 0-3 3 3 9 Ginobili ...........26 4-9 1-1 0-2 3 4 12 Shooting: Field goals, 56.6%; free throws, 77.8%
Totals 34-72 21-24 6-41 22 22 95
best 21-4. Al Horford had 20 points, Lamb ..............22 4-10 4-4 0-2 1 0 12 Sabonis...........24 5-11 2-2 3-12 2 5 12 Shooting: Field goals, 47.2%; free throws, 87.5%
Mills................25 4-8 0-0 1-4 3 1 11 Three-point goals: 16-34 (O’Neale 3-4, Burks 3-5,
Zeller ..............18 1-3 4-4 1-3 0 2 6 Joseph ............21 4-8 2-2 0-1 4 0 12 Bertans ...........15 4-8 0-0 1-3 2 1 11 Ingles 3-5, Mitchell 3-6, Jerebko 2-5, Neto 1-1, Se-
nine rebounds and eight assists. Carter-Williams .13 1-5 0-0 1-3 1 2 2
Three-point goals: 6-21 (Evans 2-4, Harrison 1-1, Forbes.............13 0-1 0-0 1-1 1 2 0 folosha 1-3, Favors 0-1, Rubio 0-4). Team Rebounds:
Leaf ................16 0-5 0-0 1-5 0 2 0 D.Brooks 1-2, Gasol 1-2, Ennis III 1-5, Chalmers 0-2,
Bacon .............10 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Murray...............8 0-0 0-0 0-1 2 2 0 9. Team Turnovers: 16 (7 PTS). Blocked Shots: 3 (Gob-
J.Young..............7 2-3 1-2 0-0 1 0 5 McLemore 0-2, Green 0-3). Team Rebounds: 8. Team ert 2, O’Neale). Turnovers: 16 (Ingles 3, Jerebko 3,
at San Antonio 96, Detroit 93: Totals 34-84 33-40 11-52 17 18 104 Wilkins ..............3 0-1 0-0 0-1 0 0 0 Turnovers: 16 (16 PTS). Blocked Shots: 8 (Evans 3, Paul..................1 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 1 0
Mitchell 3, Rubio 3, Gobert 2, Favors, O’Neale). Steals:
Shooting: Field goals, 40.5%; free throws, 82.5% Totals 46-86 12-15 7-44 28 20 115 Davis 2, Chalmers, Gasol, Martin). Turnovers: 16 (Ev- Totals 35-82 12-12 10-51 30 20 96
LaMarcus Aldridge had 17 points Three-point goals: 3-17 (Kaminsky 1-2, Williams 1-2, Walker ans 3, Harrison 3, Chalmers 2, Gasol 2, McLemore 2,
9 (Rubio 2, Burks, Favors, Gobert, Ingles, Jerebko,
Shooting: Field goals, 53.5%; free throws, 80.0% Shooting: Field goals, 42.7%; free throws, 0.0% O’Neale, Udoh). Technical Fouls: Gobert, 9:16 third.
and 10 rebounds to help a fourth- 1-8, Carter-Williams 0-1, Batum 0-2, Lamb 0-2). Team Re- Three-point goals: 11-26 (Bogdanovic 3-5, Oladipo 3-5, T.Y- D.Brooks, Ennis III, Green, Martin). Steals: 6 (Davis, Three-point goals: 14-31 (Bertans 3-6, Ginobili 3-6, Washington 15 15 22 17 — 69
bounds: 7. Team Turnovers: 14 (9 PTS). Blocked Shots: 5 (Zeller oung 2-2, Joseph 2-4, Stephenson 1-3, Leaf 0-1, Wilkins 0-1, Ennis III, Evans, Green, Harrison, McLemore). Techni- Green 3-6, Mills 3-6, Gasol 1-2, Gay 1-3, Aldridge 0-1,
quarter rally. Reggie Jackson had 2, Batum, Kidd-Gilchrist, Walker). Turnovers: 14 (Howard 5, cal Fouls: None. Utah 29 35 24 28 —116
Turner 0-2, Collison 0-3). Team Rebounds: 5. Team Turnovers: Forbes 0-1). Team Rebounds: 3. Team Turnovers: 16
27 points to lead the Pistons. Batum 3, Carter-Williams 2, Zeller 2, Kidd-Gilchrist, Lamb). 16 (17 PTS). Blocked Shots: 5 (Collison 2, Oladipo 2, Turner). Minnesota 26 27 22 17— 92 (14 PTS). Blocked Shots: 7 (Green 3, Gasol 2, Gay 2). A—17,227. T—2:06. O—Ron Garretson, Marc Davis,
Steals: 13 (Walker 3, Kidd-Gilchrist 2, Bacon, Batum, Carter- Turnovers: 16 (Sabonis 5, Oladipo 4, Turner 3, Stephenson 2, Turnovers: 16 (Ginobili 4, Aldridge 3, Gasol 2, Green 2, Ben Taylor
Williams, Howard, Kaminsky, Lamb, Williams, Zeller). Technical Memphis 29 27 20 19— 95
T.Young 2). Steals: 10 (Collison 3, T.Young 2, Bogdanovic, Jo- Mills 2, Parker 2, Murray). Steals: 2 (Aldridge, Gino-
at Utah 116, Washington 69: Alec Fouls: None. seph, Oladipo, Stephenson, Turner). Technical Fouls: None. A—14,012. T—2:05. O—Gary Zielinski, Curtis Blair, bili). Technical Fouls: None.
Orlando 23 22 29 20— 94 Mike Callahan CLIPPERS, LAKERS STATISTICS
Burks scored 27 points and the New York 19 21 25 32— 97 Detroit 29 24 20 20— 93
Through Monday
Charlotte 26 28 21 29— 104 Indiana 31 35 29 20— 115 San Antonio 28 22 19 27— 96
Jazz won their sixth straight as the
A—14,419. T—2:21. O—Derrick Collins, Jacyn Goble, Tony A—12,018. T—1:57. O—Ray Acosta, John Goble, Kevin Cutler Nets 110, Hawks 90 A—18,288. T—2:11. O—James Williams, Tre Mad- CLIPPERS PPG RPG APG
Wizards set a season low for points. Brothers dox, Nick Buchert
BROOKLYN Griffin 23.6 7.9 5.1
at Charlotte 104, Orlando 94: Carroll .............27 4-10 2-2 1-8 4 0 13
L.Williams 18.9 2.6 4.4
Suns 115, 76ers 101 Cavaliers 113, Bulls 91 Celtics 111, Bucks 100
Kemba Walker had 29 points and Hollis-Jefferson .29 6-14 3-3 3-10 3 3 16 Rivers 14.3 2.2 3.4
PHOENIX CLEVELAND Zeller ..............16 3-4 1-2 3-9 0 1 7 MILWAUKEE
seven assists in his return from a Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Crabbe ............22 3-8 0-0 0-4 1 6 8 Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
Gallinari 12.8 4.6 3.0
Chriss..............22 1-5 1-2 2-6 2 0 3 Crowder...........21 3-8 0-0 0-0 2 1 9
shoulder injury and the Hornets James .............34 9-15 3-4 0-7 6 1 23
Dinwiddie ........30 5-10 0-0 0-5 6 0 13 Antetokounmpo 39 14-24 12-14 1-9 4 5 40 Beverley 12.2 4.1 2.9
Warren ............34 12-19 0-0 2-8 3 0 25 Harris..............31 3-6 2-2 2-4 0 4 11 Middleton ........41 6-11 6-6 0-8 5 2 19
snapped a four-game skid. Dwight Chandler..........36 3-4 1-2 5-12 4 4 7 Love................22 8-13 5-5 0-13 0 0 24 LeVert..............27 7-13 2-2 1-2 7 4 17 Jordan 10.4 13.9 .9
Henson............21 0-6 0-0 1-3 1 1 0
Howard moved past Paul Silas and Booker ............38 17-32 7-8 3-8 1 1 46 Calderon..........27 2-5 0-0 1-4 1 4 5 Allen ...............20 5-6 0-0 1-1 2 3 11
Smith..............25 1-3 0-0 2-2 5 2 3
Bledsoe...........34 6-9 3-4 1-3 3 3 18 W.Johnson 7.5 3.6 1.1
Ulis.................37 4-10 3-4 0-1 12 4 12 Booker ............19 4-8 1-2 1-8 5 5 9
Dikembe Mutombo for 19th on the Bender ............25 1-5 0-0 1-1 1 0 3 Wade ..............25 9-13 5-5 1-6 2 0 24
Snell ...............39 4-8 0-0 0-0 0 1 11
Wilson 5.8 1.2 .5
Acy .................10 1-5 2-2 0-1 1 2 5 Brogdon ..........31 4-13 0-0 0-2 3 2 10
all-time NBA rebounding list. Jackson ...........23 2-8 2-3 1-3 0 2 7 Frye ................25 1-3 0-0 0-2 0 2 2 Kilpatrick ...........4 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Terry................12 1-2 0-0 0-1 0 1 2 Teodosic 5.5 .5 4.0
Len .................11 3-5 1-1 1-3 0 3 7 Green..............25 6-10 1-1 0-8 2 2 14 Totals 41-85 13-15 12-52 29 28 110 Liggins ............12 0-1 0-0 0-1 1 1 0
Daniels..............5 1-2 0-0 0-1 0 0 3 Korver .............22 3-8 0-0 0-0 3 1 7 Reed 5.3 3.0 .2
at Indianapolis 115, New York 97: Shooting: Field goals, 48.2%; free throws, 86.7% Maker ...............8 0-4 0-0 0-1 0 1 0
James ...............5 0-1 2-2 0-3 2 0 2 Osman ..............5 0-2 0-0 0-1 1 0 0
Three-point goals: 15-36 (Carroll 3-5, Harris 3-5, Dinwiddie Totals 35-78 21-24 3-28 17 17 100 Harrell 4.9 3.2 .7
Thaddeus Young scored 20 points Totals 44-91 17-22 15-46 25 14 115 Zizic..................4 0-1 2-2 1-3 0 0 2 3-6, Crabbe 2-6, Allen 1-1, Hollis-Jefferson 1-3, LeVert 1-3, Acy
Totals 42-81 16-17 5-46 22 13 113 Shooting: Field goals, 44.9%; free throws, 87.5%
Shooting: Field goals, 48.4%; free throws, 77.3% 1-5, Booker 0-1, Kilpatrick 0-1). Team Rebounds: 6. Team Turn- Evans 4.4 1.3 1.3
to lead seven Pacers in double fig- Three-point goals: 10-22 (Booker 5-8, Daniels 1-1, Shooting: Field goals, 51.9%; free throws, 94.1% overs: 23 (17 PTS). Blocked Shots: 7 (Allen 4, Hollis-Jefferson,
Three-point goals: 9-21 (Snell 3-4, Bledsoe 3-6,
Brogdon 2-6, Middleton 1-3, Antetokounmpo 0-1, Thornwell 4.4 1.0 .6
ures. The Knicks were again with- Jackson 1-2, Bender 1-3, Ulis 1-3, Warren 1-3, Chriss Three-point goals: 13-36 (Love 3-6, Crowder 3-7, James LeVert, Zeller). Turnovers: 23 (Harris 5, Carroll 3, Hollis-Jeffer- Terry 0-1). Team Rebounds: 5. Team Turnovers: 9 (14
0-2). Team Rebounds: 4. Team Turnovers: 11 (14 PTS). 2-4, Wade 1-2, Calderon 1-3, Green 1-3, Smith 1-3, Korver 1-5, son 3, LeVert 3, Allen 2, Booker 2, Crabbe 2, Zeller 2, Acy). Dekker 3.2 2.0 .4
out leading scorers Kristaps Blocked Shots: 9 (Bender 4, Chandler 2, Chriss 2, Frye 0-1, Osman 0-2). Team Rebounds: 2. Team Turnovers: 7 (6 Steals: 7 (LeVert 2, Acy, Allen, Crabbe, Harris, Hollis-Jefferson).
PTS). Blocked Shots: 2 (Middleton, Terry). Turnovers: 9
(Antetokounmpo 4, Bledsoe 2, Brogdon, Henson, C.Williams 2.7 1.0 .9
Porzingis and Tim Hardaway Jr. Booker). Turnovers: 11 (Booker 3, Jackson 3, Warren 2, PTS). Blocked Shots: 2 (Crowder, Love). Turnovers: 7 (Calderon Technical Fouls: Crabbe, 4:31 fourth. Middleton). Steals: 6 (Middleton 2, Bledsoe, Henson,
Chandler, James, Ulis). Steals: 10 (Chandler 3, Booker 2, Crowder 2, James 2, Smith). Steals: 6 (Crowder 2, James 2, ATLANTA Liggins, Terry). Technical Fouls: coach Jason Kidd, 4:44 B.Johnson 1.7 1.3 .1
2, Jackson 2, Warren 2, Daniels). Technical Fouls: Calderon, Korver). Technical Fouls: None. Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T second.
at Memphis 95, Minnesota 92: None. CHICAGO Ilyasova ...........20 2-5 0-0 1-2 1 2 5 BOSTON
Marc Gasol scored 21 points, Prince .............27 2-9 1-2 0-6 2 1 6 Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Markkanen.......31 5-13 2-2 1-7 1 2 13 Plumlee ...........21 0-4 1-2 2-7 0 3 1 Horford............34 8-10 3-4 2-9 8 4 20 Kuzma 16.8 6.6 1.5
Tyreke Evans added 16 — including Covington.........33 3-13 2-2 3-6 5 1 10 Valentine .........30 3-7 0-0 0-3 2 2 7 Bazemore ........25 3-9 6-6 1-5 0 0 13 Tatum..............32 5-6 3-4 0-6 0 1 17 Ingram 16.0 5.4 2.9
two key free throws with 12.7 sec- Saric ...............33 5-11 0-0 3-9 4 4 10 Lopez ..............25 5-7 4-5 3-5 2 1 14 Schroder..........30 9-17 0-1 2-5 4 3 19 Baynes ............15 3-6 4-4 2-4 2 3 10
Embiid ............34 7-18 8-8 2-12 2 1 22 Dunn...............30 6-13 1-3 1-6 5 3 15 Bembry ...........27 5-12 2-3 1-3 2 5 13 Clarkson 14.8 2.8 3.0
onds left — and Memphis snapped Redick.............33 9-16 4-4 0-1 1 3 25 Holiday............30 4-11 3-3 1-6 3 3 14
J.Brown............22 4-9 0-0 3-7 2 3 8
Cavanaugh .......22 1-5 1-2 2-2 2 2 4 Irving ..............33 13-24 4-5 1-4 1 2 32
an 11-game skid. Jimmy Butler led Simmons .........36 9-18 2-2 1-8 7 3 20 Portis ..............26 4-13 0-0 3-9 3 1 10 Taylor ..............20 3-8 2-2 0-2 1 1 9 Smart..............29 3-8 1-2 0-4 7 3 8
Caldwell-Pope 13.7 5.2 2.4
the Timberwolves with 30 points. Lwwu-Cbrrot .....25 4-8 0-0 1-2 3 5 8 Nwaba ............16 0-2 2-2 0-1 3 3 2 Belinelli ...........18 1-7 6-6 0-2 2 0 8 Morris .............24 1-6 0-0 0-6 2 1 3 Lopez 13.3 4.5 1.8
Bayless............21 2-6 0-0 2-5 0 4 6 Zipser..............14 0-4 0-0 0-2 1 1 0 Babbitt ............16 1-3 0-0 0-2 2 1 3 Rozier..............24 3-5 0-0 0-4 1 2 7
Johnson...........13 0-0 0-0 1-4 1 0 0 Grant ..............13 3-6 0-0 0-0 1 0 6 Delaney.............4 2-2 2-3 0-0 1 1 6 Ojeleye ............12 0-0 0-0 0-0 2 1 0
Randle 12.3 6.5 1.7
at Dallas 122, Denver 105: Harrison Stauskas ...........7 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 Felicio .............11 3-4 0-1 0-0 0 0 6 Dorsey...............4 1-1 0-0 0-2 1 0 3 Theis...............10 3-4 0-0 0-1 0 0 6 Nance Jr. 9.4 7.2 1.1
Totals 39-91 16-16 13-47 23 22 101 Felder ...............4 1-2 2-2 0-3 0 0 4 Totals 30-82 21-27 9-38 18 19 90
Barnes scored 22 points as the Pondexter ..........4 0-0 0-0 1-1 0 0 0
Totals 43-78 15-19 8-45 25 20 111
Ball 8.7 6.9 7.0
Shooting: Field goals, 42.9%; free throws, 0.0% Shooting: Field goals, 36.6%; free throws, 77.8% Shooting: Field goals, 55.1%; free throws, 78.9%
Mavericks had their highest-scor- Three-point goals: 7-30 (Redick 3-10, Bayless 2-5, Totals 34-82 14-18 10-43 21 16 91 Three-point goals: 9-30 (Dorsey 1-1, Babbitt 1-2, Bazemore Three-point goals: 10-22 (Tatum 4-5, Irving 2-4, Hart 3.2 2.1 .5
ing game of the season. Will Barton Covington 2-10, Luwawu-Cabarrot 0-1, Stauskas 0-1, Shooting: Field goals, 41.5%; free throws, 77.8% 1-2, Taylor 1-2, Ilyasova 1-3, Bembry 1-4, Prince 1-4, Cavanaugh Horford 1-2, Rozier 1-2, Morris 1-3, Smart 1-3, Theis
Saric 0-3). Team Rebounds: 7. Team Turnovers: 14 (22 Three-point goals: 9-34 (Holiday 3-8, Dunn 2-4, Portis 2-6, 1-5, Schroder 1-5, Belinelli 0-2). Team Rebounds: 8. Team 0-1, J.Brown 0-2). Team Rebounds: 7. Team Turnovers: Brewer 2.7 1.3 .8
led the Nuggets with 23 points. PTS). Blocked Shots: 6 (Embiid 4, Covington, John- Valentine 1-4, Markkanen 1-5, Felder 0-1, Nwaba 0-1, Grant Turnovers: 18 (23 PTS). Blocked Shots: 2 (Bembry, Cavanaugh). 14 (22 PTS). Blocked Shots: 3 (Baynes, Horford, The-
son). Turnovers: 14 (Covington 3, Simmons 3, Redick 0-2, Zipser 0-3). Team Rebounds: 1. Team Turnovers: 11 (16
Deng 2.0 .0 1.0
Turnovers: 18 (Bazemore 5, Plumlee 4, Bembry 3, Taylor 2, is). Turnovers: 14 (Smart 4, Irving 3, Horford 2, J.Brown,
2, Stauskas 2, Bayless, Johnson, Luwawu-Cabarrot, PTS). Blocked Shots: 5 (Lopez 2, Dunn, Holiday, Markkanen). Babbitt, Cavanaugh, Delaney, Schroder). Steals: 10 (Ilyasova 3, Morris, Ojeleye, Tatum, Theis). Steals: 5 (Irving 2, Mor- Ennis 1.8 .7 .8
Brooklyn 110, at Atlanta 90: Caris Saric). Steals: 9 (Simmons 6, Covington, Redick, Turnovers: 11 (Dunn 3, Grant 3, Markkanen 2, Nwaba 2, Valen- Bazemore 2, Plumlee 2, Bembry, Prince, Schroder). Technical ris, Rozier, Smart). Technical Fouls: Smart, 1:36 sec-
LeVert scored a season-high 17 Saric). Technical Fouls: Bayless, 00:32 third. tine). Steals: 4 (Markkanen 2, Holiday, Nwaba). Technical Fouls: None. ond.
Bogut 1.1 3.1 .6
Phoenix 28 32 29 26— 115 Fouls: None. Brooklyn 33 20 31 26— 110 Caruso 1.0 1.0 2.0
points to help avenge Saturday’s Philadelphia 28 19 32 22— 101 Cleveland 29 32 25 27— 113
Milwaukee 26 23 32 19— 100
Atlanta 32 22 15 21— 90 Boston 34 28 26 23— 111 Zubac 0.7 .7 .0
home loss to the Hawks. A—20,564. T—2:07. O—Tony Brown, Rodney Mott, Chicago 22 23 26 20— 91
A—12,056. T—2:07. O—Tom Washington, Leon Wood, A—18,624. T—2:03. O—Sean Wright, Justin Van
— associated press Kevin Scott A—21,323. T—1:57. O—Matt Myers, Karl Lane, Bill Kennedy Mitchell Ervin Blue 0.5 .2 .3
Duyne, Brent Barnaky

Reeling Giants
oust coach, GM
Summer Games. Federations
staff and wire reports
deemed much of the Russian team in-
eligible for the event, but numerous
Believing the team was spiraling athletes were allowed to compete
out of control, the New York Giants under their country’s flag. IOC Presi-
went out of character by making two dent Thomas Bach is expected to
major in-season moves, firing coach make an announcement at the con-
Ben McAdoo and general manager clusion of an executive board meeting
Jerry Reese. in Lausanne, Switzerland.
With the team reeling at 2-10 in a — David Wharton
season where most felt it was a Super
Bowl contender, co-owners John
Mara and Steve Tisch reached the ETC.
decision Monday morning. It came
less than a day after the Giants lost at Heisman finalists
Oakland, with quarterback Eli Man-
ning benched and the offensively in- Oklahoma quarterback Baker
ept team performing poorly again. Mayfield and 2016 Heisman Trophy
“We agreed that wholesale winner Lamar Jackson of Louisville
changes to this organization needed are Heisman finalists for the second
to be made to get us back to the team consecutive year and will be joined in
we expect it to be,” Mara said at a New York for the presentation cere-
hastily called news conference. “We mony by Stanford running back
also agreed it was pointless to wait Bryce Love.
any longer to make these changes.” The award for most outstanding
Defensive coordinator Steve college football player will be given
Spagnuolo will take over as interim out Saturday night.
coach for the final four games.
Aaron Boone’s hiring was final-
The NFL suspended New England ized by the New York Yankees, who
Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski gave the ESPN broadcaster a three-
one game for a late, gratuitous hit to year contract to succeed Joe Girardi
Ringo H.W. Chiu Associated Press
the head of Buffalo Bills defensive as manager.
DANILO GALLINARI , sidelined since Nov. 5 because of a strained left glute, has played in back Tre’Davious White. The Yankees, who picked Boone
only nine games with the Clippers, averaging 12.8 points and 4.6 rebounds. White was lying face down on the over five other candidates last week,
sideline after intercepting a pass at scheduled a news conference for
CLIPPERS REPORT Buffalo on Sunday when Gronkowski Wednesday at Yankee Stadium.
body-slammed him, driving his fore- Boone, 44, has never been a man-

Gallinari and Teodosic arm into White’s back and head.

Gronkowski was called for unneces-
sary roughness but not ejected.
“Your actions were not incidental,
could have been avoided and placed
ager or coach at any level since retir-
ing as a player after the 2009 season.

U.S. Soccer Federation president

Sunil Gulati will not seek a fourth

are expected back soon the opposing player at risk of serious

injury,” NFL vice president Jon Run-
yan said in a letter to Gronkowski.
Gronkowski will appeal the puni-
shment, his agent, Drew Rosenhaus,
term, announcing his decision two
months after the Americans failed to
qualify for next year’s World Cup.
Former national team players
Paul Caligiuri, Eric Wynalda and
told the Associated Press. White en- Kyle Martino are among the candi-
game against the Minnesota could be worth more than $207 tered the concussion protocol, Bills dates for the election in February.
By Broderick Turner Timberwolves at Staples Center. million, a deal the Clippers have coach Sean McDermott said.
The Clippers don’t expect not been inclined to offer. The NBA suspended Golden
The Clippers finally got a Teodosic back before Dec. 13, If the two sides can’t reach an State Warriors guard Shaun Living-
measure of good news Monday when they start a four-game trip agreement, the Clippers may OLYMPICS ston for one game and removed offi-
when injured starters Danilo at Orlando. look to trade Jordan. There has cial Courtney Kirkland from the offi-
Gallinari and Milos Teodosic
practiced with a group of players
The Clippers will host the
Washington Wizards on Sat-
been chatter that other teams
have expressed interest in Jor-
Russia decision looms ciating rotation for a week because of
an altercation during a game Sunday.
on the club’s development urday and the Toronto Raptors dan, and that the Clippers have The long-running Russian doping Livingston served his suspension
league team. on Monday before leaving town. been willing to listen. scandal could take a dramatic turn Monday. Kirkland’s suspension runs
Gallinari, who has been side- The Wizards and Cleveland Tuesday when International through Sunday and he’ll be eligible
lined 13 games because of a Jordan hires agent Cavaliers are among the teams Olympic Committee leaders decide to officiate again Dec. 11. ... Derrick
strained left glute, and Teodosic, After spending the last two that like Jordan, several NBA of- whether to ban the country’s entire Rose ended his self-imposed separa-
who has been sidelined since the seasons without representation, ficials said. team from the 2018 Winter Games. tion from the Cleveland Cavaliers.
second game of the season be- DeAndre Jordan has hired An NBA executive not au- Investigations over several years The veteran point guard, who has
cause of a plantar fascia injury to agent Jeff Schwartz, several thorized to speak publicly on the have found evidence of widespread, been dealing with a sprained left an-
his left foot, practiced with the NBA executives who were not matter said that the Clippers systemic cheating among Russian kle for much of his first season with
Agua Caliente Clippers of Ontar- authorized to speak publicly on were looking for a top-10 draft athletes, coaches and officials. the Cavaliers, returned to the team to
io at the Clippers’ practice facil- the matter said. pick in exchange for Jordan. The IOC could issue an outright resume rehab and treatment. A frus-
ity in Playa Vista. The plan is for Schwartz to Jordan, who’ll earn $22.6 mil- ban or pass the responsibility onto trated Rose had left the team Nov. 22
Gallinari and Teodosic talk to Lawrence Frank, the lion this season, could have some the individual federations that gov- to contemplate his future, but he’s
looked pretty good during the Clippers’ president of basketball say in where he might land be- ern each sport. Olympic leaders back and working toward a return to
session, and the club’s hope was operations, about the center’s cause he has a player option for chose the latter option before the 2016 the floor.
that both would practice with future with the Clippers. next season that would pay him
the Clippers on Tuesday. Jordan had told The Times in $24.1 million. He could opt out of
Gallinari, asked Sunday in Hawaii during training camp the contract after this season
Minneapolis when he might be that he wants to retire with the and become a free agent. COLLEGE TRANSACTIONS PRO FOOTBALL
able to play again, told The Clippers. BASKETBALL BASEBALL
AP TOP 25 Boston—Agreed to terms with pitcher Tyler
Times “maybe the next game,” But he’s also looking for a Florida State 83, No. 5 Florida 66 Thornburg on a one-year contract. West W L T Pct. PF PA
referring to Wednesday night’s maximum deal for five years that Twitter: @BA_Turner No. 23 Baylor 84, Sam Houston State 56 Chicago White Sox—Named Omar Vizquel RAMS 9 3 0 .750 361 222
SOUTHLAND manager for Winston-Salem (Carolina). Seattle 8 4 0 .667 290 222
Long Beach State 76, Stanford 68 N.Y. Yankees—Named Aaron Boone manager Arizona 5 7 0 .417 219 310
Montana 86, CS Northridge 68 and agreed to terms on a three-year contract; San Francisco 2 10 0 .167 202 298
WOMEN signed Larry Rothschild to a one-year contract. North W L T Pct. PF PA
AP TOP 25 Oakland—Named Al Pedrique first base
No. 24 Michigan 86. Detroit 50 coach; moved Mike Aldrete to assistant hitting Minnesota 10 2 0 .833 285 204

UCLA’s Kelly begins putting

Detroit 6 6 0 .500 314 308
SOUTHLAND coach and Marcus Jensen to bullpen coach. Green Bay 6 6 0 .500 258 281
No. 7 UCLA 74, UC Santa Barbara 44 San Diego—Named Matt Stairs hitting coach, Chicago 3 9 0 .250 191 267
Skip Schumaker first base coach and Josh John-
MEN’S AP TOP 25 South W L T Pct. PF PA
son infielders coach; assigned first base coach
The top 25 teams in The Associated Press’ New Orleans 9 3 0 .750 353 243
Johnny Washington to assistant hitting coach.
college basketball poll, with first-place votes in Carolina 8 4 0 .667 269 238
Seattle—Named Brian DeLunas bullpen
parentheses, records through Dec. 3, total points

together his coaching staff

coach. Atlanta 7 5 0 .583 274 244
based on 25 points for a first-place vote through Tampa Bay 4 8 0 .333 243 288
Texas—Agreed to terms with pitcher Tony Bar-
one point for a 25th-place vote and previous
nette to a one-year contract; agreed to terms with East W L T Pct. PF PA
pitcher Chi Chi Gonzalez, outfielder Anthony Philadelphia 10 2 0 .833 361 215
Rk School W-L Pts. Pv. Gose, pitcher David Hurlbut and infielder Chris- Dallas 6 6 0 .500 286 284
tian Lopes on minor league contracts. Washington 5 7 0 .417 272 314
1. Duke (65) ..................10 1625 1 BASKETBALL N.Y. Giants 2 10 0 .167 189 291
2. Kansas .....................7-0 1525 2 NBA—Removed official Courtney Kirkland
He is expected to retain 3. Michigan St. ..............7-1 1500 3 from the league's officiating rotation for one
week and suspended Golden State guard Shaun
4. Villanova...................8-0 1434 4 West W L T Pct. PF PA
Livingston one game for their roles in an on-court
three offensive assistants 5. Florida......................5-1
6. Wichita St. ................6-1
1301 6
1197 8
altercation during a Dec. 3 game at Miami.
Memphis—Assigned forward Ivan Rabb to
Kansas City
6 6
6 6
.500 303 274
.500 268 212
and has hired two former 7. Texas A&M ................7-0 1192 9 Memphis (NBAGL).
6 6
3 9
.500 249 278
.250 206 315
8. Kentucky...................7-1 1174 7
Oregon assistants. 9. Notre Dame...............7-1 1156 5
NFL—Suspended New England tight end Rob
Gronkowski one game for a violation of unneces-
10 2
Pct. PF PA
.833 281 113
10. Miami ......................7-0 1122 10 sary roughness rules in a Dec. 3 game against
Baltimore 7 5 0 .583 280 207
11. North Carolina ...........8-1 999 13 Buffalo. Cincinnati 5 7 0 .417 119 238
By Ben Bolch Atlanta—Waived running back Terrence
12. Gonzaga ...................7-1 856 15 Cleveland 0 12 0 .000 176 308
Magee; signed cornerback Leon McFadden.
13. Xavier.......................7-1 768 21 Indianapolis—Signed running back Matt South W L T Pct. PF PA
Chip Kelly will not be starting 14. Minnesota.................8-1 758 12 Jones; put cornerback Pierre Desir on injured re- Tennessee 8 4 0 .667 266 282
serve; signed cornerback Taurean Nixon to the Jacksonville 8 4 0 .667 299 178
completely anew with his UCLA 15. Virginia.....................8-0 728 18
practice squad. Houston 4 8 0 .333 296 309
football coaching staff. 16. Arizona St. ................7-0 609 20 N.Y. Giants—Fired coach Ben McAdoo and Indianapolis 3 9 0 .250 205 330
17. Cincinnati .................7-1 583 11 general manager Jerry Reese; named Steve East W L T Pct. PF PA
The Bruins coach is expected 18. West Virginia .............7-1 557 19 Spagnuolo interim coach and Kevin Abrams in- New England 10 2 0 .833 348 223
to retain offensive assistants De- 19. Seton Hall.................7-1 405 —
terim general manager. Buffalo 6 6 0 .500 227 283
Oakland—Announced wide receiver Michael N.Y. Jets 5 7 0 .417 266 288
Shaun Foster, Hank Fraley and 20. TCU..........................8-0 311 23 Crabtree wasactivatedfrom reserve/suspended Miami 5 7 0 .417 209 298
Jimmie Dougherty, said two peo- 21. Purdue .....................8-2 266 — list; waived defensive tackle Darius Latham.
22. Nevada.....................8-0 199 — Washington—Signed wide receiver Robert Monday’s result
ple with knowledge of the situa- Davis from practice squad; claimed offensive Pittsburgh 23, at Cincinnati 20
23. Baylor.......................5-2 182 16
tion who were not authorized to lineman Kyle Kalis off waivers from Indianapolis; Thursday’s schedule
24. Tennessee .................6-1 96 — waived linebacker Pete Robertson and defensive New Orleans at Atlanta, 5:15 p.m.
comment publicly because the 25. USC .........................4-2 90 14 lineman Caraun Reid. Sunday’s schedule
moves have not been formally Others receiving votes: Texas Tech 82, UCLA 75,
HOCKEY Washington at CHARGERS, 1 p.m.
DUCKS—Assigned forward Kalle Kossila to Philadelphia at RAMS, 1:15 p.m.
announced. Rhode Island 73, Creighton 53, Louisville 50,
San Diego (AHL). Oakland at Kansas City, 10 a.m.
Texas 32, Alabama 21, SMU 15, Mississippi St.
Kelly has also hired California 11, Kansas St 10, Arizona 10, Washington St 9,
Arizona—Signed defenseman Pierre-Olivier San Francisco at Houston, 10 a.m.
Joseph to a three-year, entry-level contract; re- Minnesota at Carolina, 10 a.m.
defensive line coach Jerry Azzi- Georgia 9, Oklahoma 7, Providence 6, Florida St.
called defenseman Kyle Capobianco from Tuc- Chicago at Cincinnati, 10 a.m.
6, Clemson 5, Valparaiso 5, Georgetown 4, Tex
naro to be the Bruins’ defensive son (AHL). Green Bay at Cleveland, 10 a.m.
Arlington 3, Oklahoma St. 3, W. Ky. 2, Towson 1.
WOMEN’S AP TOP 25 Buffalo—Put forward Matt Moulson on Detroit at Tampa Bay, 10 a.m.
coordinator and former long- The top 25 teams in The Associated Press’ waivers; recalled forward Evan Rodrigues Roch- Indianapolis at Buffalo, 10 a.m.
time Oregon assistant Don Pel- women’s college basketball poll, with first-place ester (AHL). Dallas at N.Y. Giants, 10 a.m.
votes in parentheses, records through Dec. 3, to- Colorado—Recalled forward Rocco Grimaldi Tennessee at Arizona, 1 p.m.
lum to coach the linebackers. tal points based on 25 points for a first-place from San Antonio (AHL); assigned forward Domi- N.Y. Jets at Denver, 1 p.m.
Azzinaro and Pellum both Josh Lefkowitz Getty Images vote through one point for a 25th-place vote and nic Toninato to San Antonio. Seattle at Jacksonville, 1:15 p.m.
last week’s ranking: Dallas—Assigned forward Jason Dickinson to Baltimore at Pittsburgh, 5:30 p.m.
coached at Oregon when Kelly NEW COACH Chip Kelly is keeping a few UCLA assistants Texas (AHL). Dec. 11
was the head coach, from 2009- while bringing on former defensive coaches from Oregon. Rk School W-L Pts. Pv. Detroit—Acquired a 2019 fifth-round draft New England at Miami, 5:30 p.m.
pick from Buffalo for forward Scott Wilson.
2012. 1. Connecticut (32)........7-0 800 1
Nashville—Recalled goalie Juuse Saros from
2. Texas........................7-0 749 2
Azzinaro, 59, followed Kelly to Angus McClure, who has been make after the NCAA allowed Milwaukee (AHL); assigned goalie Anders Lind- VOLLEYBALL
3. Notre Dame...............7-1 717 3 back to Milwaukee.
his stops with the NFL’s Phila- with the Bruins since 2007 and is coaching staffs to increase from 4. Louisville ..................8-0 710 4 COLLEGE 2017 NCAA VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT
delphia Eagles and San Fran- widely considered a top recruiter nine to 10 assistants for the 2018 Nebraska—Named Greg Austin offensive line WOMEN
5. South Carolina...........8-1 660 5 coach, Erik Chinander defensive coordinator, Third round
cisco 49ers. whose knowledge of the inner season. The Bruins have two big 6. Mississippi St. ...........8-0 632 6 Mike Dawson defensive line coach, Jovan Dewitt Friday's schedule
Pellum remained at Oregon workings of the UCLA academic recruiting weekends ahead be- 7. UCLA........................7-1 622 7 outside linebackers-special teams coach, Travis UCLA (21-10) vs. Florida (27-1), 1 p.m.
8. Baylor.......................7-1 606 9 Fisher defensive backs coach, Ryan Held running USC (24-9) vs. Minnesota (28-5), 3 p.m.
as the linebackers coach and lat- system make him valuable. fore the Dec. 20 early signing pe- backs coach and Mario Verduzco quarterbacks Kentucky (28-3) vs. BYU (30-2), 9 a.m.
9. Oregon .....................7-1 506 10 coach. Missouri (22-11) vs. Penn St. (31-1), 11 a.m.
er the defensive coordinator Kelly has also engaged in dis- riod. 10. West Virginia .............7-0 482 11 Texas—Announced junior cornerback Holton Colorado (24-9) vs. Nebraska (28-4), 11 a.m.
under Kelly’s successor, Mark cussions with UCLA interim UCLA has picked up commit- 11. Tennessee .................8-0 461 12 Hill will enter the NFL draft. Illinois (23-10) vs. Michigan State (23-8), 1 p.m.
Helfrich. Pellum, 55, was solely coach Jedd Fisch, the offensive ments from Tulare Union High Texas Rio Grande Valley—Named Alfred Cas- Texas (26-2) vs. Utah (24-9), 6 p.m.
12. Ohio St.....................8-2 447 8
tillo athletic trainer. Stanford (28-3) vs. Wisconsin (22-9), 8 p.m.
the linebackers coach with the coordinator whose future re- tailback Kazmeir Allen and Eti- 13. Florida St. .................8-0 418 13
14. Duke ........................6-2 390 14 SOCCER
Ducks during the 2016 season be- mains unclear beyond his com- wanda offensive tackle Alec An- INTERNATIONAL Friday’s schedule
15. Maryland ..................7-2 353 15
fore Helfrich and his staff were mitment to coach the Bruins derson since Kelly’s arrival. (Home team listed first) At Hialeah Park Racing & Casino, Hialeah, Fla.
16. South Florida.............7-1 284 17 SPAIN (FS1), Jean Pascal vs. Ahmed Elbiali, 10, light-
fired. (6-6) in the Cactus Bowl against A few other prospects have 17. Missouri....................7-1 247 19 La Liga heavyweights; Chad Dawson vs. Edwin Rodri-
Oregon’s defense ranked No. Kansas State (7-5) on Dec. 26 in decommitted, with Tyreke John- 18. Stanford ...................5-4 220 16 Girona 2, Alaves 3 guez, 10, light-heavyweights.
ITALY Saturday’s schedule
3 in the Pac-12 Conference in Phoenix. son, a defensive back from Jack- 19. Oregon St..................5-2 198 21 Seire A At The Theater at Madison Square Garden,
scoring defense (21.6 points per Fisch has overseen an offense sonville (Fla.) Trinity Christian 20. Kentucky...................7-1 170 20 Crotone 0, Udinese 3 New York (ESPN), Vasyl Lomachenko vs. Gui-
21. Texas A&M ................6-2 168 18 Verona 0, Genoa 1 llermo Rigondeaux, 12, for Lomachenko's WBO
game) and No. 6 in total defense that ranked No. 5 in the nation in Academy, tweeting that he was
22. Villanova...................7-0 131 25 THIS DAY IN World super-featherweight title; Christopher Diaz
(374.2 yards allowed per game) passing offense (345.3 yards per no longer considering the Bruins vs. Casey Ramos, 10, junior-lightweights.
23. Green Bay .................6-1 96 — SPORTS At Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas
during 2012, the last season Azzi- game), No. 19 in total offense because of “the instability of the 24. Michigan...................5-2 93 22 1976—O.J. Simpson of the Buffalo Bills rushes (HBO), Orlando Salido vs. Miguel Roman, 10,
naro and Pellum both coached (465.7 yards per game) and No. 31 coaching staff.” 25. California ..................5-2 90 24 for 203 yards and a touchdown in a 45-27 loss junior-lightweights; Tevin Farmer vs. Kenichi
to the Miami Dolphins. Ogawa, 12, for vacant IBF junior-lightweight title;
under Kelly. in scoring offense (33.8 points Others receiving votes: Arizona St. 41, Iowa 26,
1981—USC’s Marcus Allen, who set an NCAA Francisco Vargas vs. Stephen Smith, 10, junior-
New Mexico 26, Marquette 13, Syracuse 12,
Kelly is also considering keep- per game). Oklahoma St. 8, DePaul 7, USC 7, Oklahoma 6, record for yards rushing in a season with 2,342, lightweights; Jaime Munguia vs. Steven Martinez,
wins the Heisman Trophy. 10, junior-middleweights.
ing UCLA defensive line coach Kelly will have an extra hire to Twitter: @latbbolch South Dakota St. 4.


What we learned in the NHL over the last week of play:
No grudge match when
Kings’ slump is over
Remember the 1-6-1 slump that triggered flashbacks to
the bad old days of the last few seasons? Neither do the
Kings, who have a five-game winning streak and have re-
gained the Pacific Division lead. “I think part of it is we’re get-
Kings face off with Wild
ting scoring from up and down our lineup, which I think is key coach Bruce Boudreau last a South Bay home with have been going.”
to win in this league,” right wing Dustin Brown said Monday. Folin and Kuemper, summer and joked he was Kuemper. “There’s a lot of
“We’re getting big goals from so-called third- and fourth-lin- looking forward to this guys around the room that’s TONIGHT
ers. That helps.” It also helps that they’ve given up only six let go by Minnesota, matchup, but didn’t carry won a couple Stanley Cups, VS. MINNESOTA
goals in that streak. “We’re not giving up very many scoring are holding no ill will. any animosity with him and it shows. It’s fun to be When: 7.
chances, which is a staple. When we’re on our game, it’s al- when he moved west. part of it every day and I’m On the air: TV: NBCSN; Ra-
ways there,” Brown said. “It’s just a business. I’m just pushing to get better, dio: 790.
By Helene Elliott not going to have any sour something I’ve been doing Update: Forward Andy An-
Ducks’ struggles continue emotions towards anyone in my whole career.” dreoff practiced Monday for
The Ducks, or what’s left of them while they endure a It makes for a good story the Minnesota organiza- Kuemper never seized the first time since he was
plague of injuries, made a good move in acquiring estab- line, but there’s disappoint- tion,” said Folin, whose goal the Wild’s starting job and dropped by a Kevin Bieksa
lished center Adam Henrique and depth forward Joseph ment in store for anyone who against Chicago on Sunday lost his backup role late last punch on Nov 25. “I’m all
Blandisi for defenseman Sami Vatanen and a conditional expects Kings goaltender might keep him in the lineup March when Alex Stalock good now. I think they’re just
draft pick. The Ducks’ depth on defense made turnover- Darcy Kuemper and de- when the Kings try to extend was promoted. being cautious in taking the
prone Vatanen expendable. They should be formidable up fenseman Christian Folin to their winning streak to six. “I “I think I knew I wasn’t week off,” Andreoff said. …
the middle when Ryan Kesler (hip surgery) and Ryan Getzlaf approach Tuesday’s game really enjoyed playing there. going to be back in Minne- Winger Kyle Clifford (upper
(facial bone surgery) return, but they’ll have to end a 1-4-2 against Minnesota as a I had three great years and I sota, which was a lot of body) also skated but
slump to stay near the playoff pack. They’re scoring only 2.59 grudge match because the have lots to be thankful for. It mixed feelings,” said Kuem- there’s no timetable for his
goals per game and giving up a league-worst average of 36.3 Wild let them depart as free was a good time in my life per, who is 4-0-2 with a 1.72 return. … Minnesota has
shots against per game. agents last summer. and I made lots of really goals-against average and won its last two games and
Kuemper, who’s ex- good friends.” .944 save percentage in eight eight of 12. The Wild remain
They’re on the downside pected to back up Jonathan He has felt comfortable games this season. “It was without forward Zach Par-
A 10-1 loss to the Montreal Canadiens on Saturday left the Quick, and Folin, who’s try- with the Kings from the the only team I’d ever played ise, who had surgery on a
Detroit Red Wings’ faces as red as the color of their classic ing to keep a regular spot, start. “I like being around for and a lot of good experi- herniated disk in October.
uniforms and extended their winless streak to 0-4-3. “Basi- had only good things to say the guys in the room. You ences there, but I’m really
cally embarrassed everyone that played for the Winged about Minnesota on Mon- can tell there’s a lot of experi- happy to be here now and
Wheel tonight,” team captain Henrik Zetterberg said, ac- day. Folin said he saw Wild ence,” said Folin, who shares really happy with how things Twitter: @helenenothelen
cording to the Detroit News. “We have to live with that.”
The Philadelphia Flyers’ winless streak hit 0-5-5 after a
3-0 loss to the Boston Bruins on Saturday. Fans didn’t even
stick around the Wells Fargo Center to boo them at the end of
the game or to repeat their previous calls for the firing of
coach Dave Hakstol. Their streak ended Monday with a 5-2
win at Calgary.

They’re on the upside

The Pittsburgh Penguins are again playing like Stanley
Cup champions and have a season-best four-game winning
streak. Rookie goalie Tristan Jarry has stepped in for injured
Matt Murray, and Sidney Crosby has scored at least one goal
in five consecutive games. “We’re back,” forward Evgeni
Malkin told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
The Dallas Stars, who had a slow start, stretched their
winning streak to five games by sweeping a home-and-home
series with the Chicago Blackhawks. “It’s how you deal with
adversity,” coach Ken Hitchcock told the Dallas Morning
News. “You can build or you can crumble, and we’re build-

Twin accomplishments
Vancouver forward Daniel Sedin joined his twin, Henrik,
in the ranks of players who have scored 1,000 points. It was fit-
ting that Henrik set up the power-play goal that made them
the only brothers to have each scored 1,000 points. They’re
class acts off the ice, too, and have generously supported
causes related to children’s health.
— Helene Elliott

Pacific W L OL Pts GF GA Metropolitan W L OL Pts GF GA
KINGS 17 8 3 37 85 61 Columbus 17 9 1 35 79 66
Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times
Vegas 16 9 1 33 90 82 N.Y. Islanders 16 8 2 34 99 86
San Jose 14 10 2 30 66 61 New Jersey 15 7 4 34 80 80 JACK JABLONSKI: “The best way I can describe my injury is I understand my injury but I don’t accept it. ...
Vancouver 13 10 4 30 75 77 Washington 16 11 1 33 84 84
I understand the obstacles I’m going to have to conquer. But I’m always going to keep striving.”
Calgary 14 12 1 29 80 88 Pittsburgh 15 10 3 33 83 91

Jablonski is finding purpose

DUCKS 11 11 5 27 72 82 N.Y. Rangers 14 10 2 30 87 78
Edmonton 11 14 2 24 78 92 Carolina 11 9 5 27 72 77
Arizona 7 18 5 19 73 104 Philadelphia 9 11 7 25 75 83
Central W L OL Pts GF GA **TEMPTAG**
Atlantic W L OL Pts GF GA
Winnipeg 17 6 4 38 94 71
Nashville 17 7 3 37 87 78 Tampa Bay 18 6 2 38 95 67
St. Louis 17 8 2 36 88 72 Toronto 17 10 1 35 99 84
[Elliott, from D1] they said, was severed, and ing for our high school team
13 12 3 29 78 86
Boston 12 9 4 28 69 73
He also got into the habit of
focusing on his feet, espe-
if it’s severed, you’re not
supposed to move below the
after he got injured. They
really valued his input.”
‘He has a great
Chicago 12 10 5 29 82 73 Detroit 10 12 5 25 74 90
cially when he wore flip- level of injury,” she said. Jablonski lives in a hand- hockey mind and
Colorado 12 11 2 26 79 82 Ottawa 9 10 6 24 74 86
flops and could directly look “And for these things that icap-accessible apartment a
Note: Overtime or shootout losses are worth one Florida 10 13 4 24 79 93 at his feet and toes, but the he’s been able to do, I’m block from campus. His ... he’s impressed a
point. mind-body link there re-
mained elusive … until
sorry, I have to think there’s
something still left, even if
room is decorated with
photos of him playing in an
lot of people.’
AT WASHINGTON 4 Alex Ovechkin scored his 20th goal and the Capitals beat
about 10 days ago, when he it’s one thread. That’s all you outdoor game in minus-20 — Kelly Cheeseman,
saw a twitch. need to get things possibly degree temperature, of his Kings executive on Jack Jablonski
SAN JOSE 1 the Sharks for the fourth time in their last 18 meetings.
It was small, but it pro- moving again.” high school jersey being
N.Y. ISLANDERS 5 Mathew Barzal scored the winner in a shootout; Panthers vided an enormous emo- Jablonski, 22, isn’t retired, and of him with
AT FLORIDA 4 (SO) goalie Roberto Luongo was injured in the second period. tional boost. “Just got my merely waiting for miracles retired NHL star Jeremy don’t accept it. I’m aware of
AT NASHVILLE 5 Craig Smith had two goals and an assist, and the right big toe to move a little to materialize. He’s pursu- Roenick, a friend and tire- what happened. I under-
BOSTON 3 Predators won for the third time in their last four games. bit!” he said via Twitter, ing medical advances such less fundraiser for Jab- stand the obstacles I’m
adding the hashtag “#little- as epidural stimulation, lonski’s foundation. A full- going to have to conquer.
PHILADELPHIA 5 Scott Laughton scored twice, including in a three-goal
bylittle”. which has allowed some time caretaker tends to But I’m always going to keep
AT CALGARY 2 second period, and the Flyers ended a skid at 10 games.
As of a few days ago, he spinal cord injury patients Jablonski’s medical needs striving.”
For complete NHL summaries, go to hadn’t repeated that move- to bear some of their own and whatever else comes up, Maybe he’ll be an NHL
ment. But the fact that he weight and make stepping- such as the fire alarm that team executive. Maybe a
**TEMPTAG** did it was worth celebrating like motions, and he’s carv- went off at 3:30 a.m. one day commentator. He bears no
TODAY’S GAMES and incentive for him to ing out a new life that’s still last week. grudge toward the sport
DUCKS at Vegas, 7 p.m. Minnesota at KINGS, 7 p.m. continue raising money for centered on hockey. “That’s how it is. It’s that was the backdrop for
New Jersey at Columbus, 4 p.m. New York Islanders at Tampa Bay, 4:30 p.m. spinal cord injury research He has worked in public college,” Jablonski said, his accident.
New York Rangers at Pittsburgh, 4:30 p.m. Winnipeg at Detroit, 4:30 p.m. through his Bel13ve in Mira- relations for the Kings and smiling. “Your normal reaction
St. Louis at Montreal, 4:30 p.m. Nashville at Dallas, 5:30 p.m. cles Foundation, which is featured on their “All the Friends, his Tau Kappa would be, ‘I’m never going
Buffalo at Colorado, 6 p.m. Carolina at Vancouver, 7 p.m. partners with the Mayo Kings Men” podcast, a Epsilon fraternity brothers, back into a rink again,’ but I
Clinic. The 13 represents his natural progression from and representatives of know how much the game
WEDNESDAY’S GAMES jersey number at Benilde- the radio show he hosted in USC’s Disability Services meant to him and how much
Ottawa at DUCKS, 7 p.m. Calgary at Toronto, 4:30 p.m. St. Margaret’s High and his high school and his Program help him with he loved it,” his mother said.
Chicago at Washington, 5 p.m. Philadelphia at Edmonton, 6:30 p.m. admiration for skillful for- summertime experiences tasks such as notetaking, “To see him still be involved
mer Detroit star Pavel Dat- shadowing various Minne- though he can type on his in a different way, using his
syuk. sota Wild executives. It’s a phone with his right thumb. mind and his voice, is just
Ottawa at KINGS, 7:30 p.m. New York Islanders at Pittsburgh, 4 p.m.
For now, that toe twitch great fit because he’s smart His younger brother, Max, incredible. Hockey will
Arizona at Boston, 4 p.m. Colorado at Tampa Bay, 4:30 p.m.
is a small candle in a dark and gregarious. His upbeat joined him at USC this year always be a part of his life
Winnipeg at Florida, 4:30 p.m. Calgary at Montreal, 4:30 p.m.
room, casting a brave, defi- attitude inspired his team- and pledged the same fra- and our lives.”
Dallas at St. Louis, 5 p.m. Philadelphia at Vancouver, 7 p.m.
ant light on his path toward mates to win the state ternity. “It’s great to have The extent of his connec-
regaining as much function championship after he was him around,” Jablonski tion is eerie. “To this day, I
and independence as he hurt. When friends visited said. still feel like I have skates on
can. him in the hospital and were Jablonski is on a five- my feet. It’s very weird,” he
DUCKS TONIGHT “I know for a fact I did it uncomfortable, he’d lift year plan, taking 12 credits said. “That’s the last feeling
on my own and it wasn’t just their spirits. per semester. “I’m in no I had. Do I feel like I have
AT VEGAS a spasm,” said Jablonski, “I knew how hard it rush. It’s literally paradise breezers [hockey pants]
When: 7. who this week will complete would be for them and I here, especially coming and shin pads on? I don’t
On the air: TV: Prime Ticket; Radio: 830. his third year at USC as a always wanted to make from Minnesota,” he said, really know, but for some
Update: Rickard Rakell, the Ducks’ leading goal scorer, re- communications major with them feel welcome and get noting that his disability reason they still feel like
turned to practice Monday and could suit up against the a sports media minor and is the elephant in the room off leaves him unable to control they’re in skates.”
Golden Knights. He has sat out the last five games because of in his third season as an their mind,” he said. his body temperatures and He believes he will walk
an upper-body injury. He skated on the No. 1 line with Corey intern with the Kings. “At Kelly Cheeseman, the he’s often cold. Every day is again someday. No one who
Perry and newcomer Adam Henrique. To make room on the the same time, I expect it to Kings’ chief operating offi- a challenge: For a 10 a.m. has met him can doubt that.
roster for Rakell, rookie Kalle Kossila was reassigned to San come and go. Whether it’s cer, attended the same high class he must wake up at “To hear that he’s moved
Diego. ... When the Ducks played the expansion team in their progress or not, the most school but earlier than 7:30 to get ready and he his big toe, it gives you
first regular-season meeting last month, Vegas outshot the important thing is some- Jablonski and didn’t know must prepare for every hope,” Cheeseman said. “I
Ducks 49-19 and won 4-2. Now, the Ducks will play in Nevada thing’s connected, and I was him. They connected when possible emergency. He also know he’s worked very, very
for the first time. ... Jakob Silfverberg (upper-body injury) is told from Day One it’s a the school’s hockey coach, has learned to avoid taking hard at it. He works his tail
still on the mend and could sit out another game. ... Henrique complete sever.” Ken Pauly, told Cheeseman classes in buildings that are off every day to get better,
has two assists in two games with the Ducks. ... William Back in Minneapolis his that Jablonski was coming difficult to navigate. and I think that also reflects
Karlsson and Jonathan Marchessault are tied for the team mother, Leslie, was getting to USC. Cheeseman met “After three years you’ve on how hard he works to get
lead with 25 points apiece. No Ducks player has at least 20 texts from friends about his him and gladly became a kind of got it down to a better at what he wants to
points. ... Vegas’ surprising run continues, with 33 points, achievement. He doesn’t mentor. system,” he said, “but at the do in life next. That’s what
only five behind the Western Conference-leading Winnipeg always tell her about things “I’d like him to be able to same time, if one thing lets we value in the organiza-
Jets. The Golden Knights have hit a rough patch recently, such as that for fear she do more when he has the go, everything could just fall tion, and I think he’ll have
though, with only one victory in their last four outings. ... This might get too excited. Un- time. He has a great hockey apart. You learn to adjust. an imprint with us as long as
is the final game of the Ducks’ six-game road swing. They derstandably, she was mind and I know that he’s That’s just life with paraly- he wants to be here.”
have won only once during the trip, but two of the defeats thrilled. impressed a lot of people,” sis. … The best way I can
came in shootouts. “It’s not supposed to be Cheeseman said. “I know he describe my injury is I
— Mike Coppinger possible. His spinal cord, did some particular scout- understand my injury but I Twitter: @helenenothelen

CALENDAR T U E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 5 , 2 0 1 7 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L E N D A R

A royal
role for
in her
Getty Museum

la-et-cm-pst-golden-kingdom-review -- Feathered Panels, AD 600-900, Wari, Peru; Macaw feathers on cotton; Credit: Getty Museum

ABT’s Copeland will
be back in SoCal as
Clara/Princess in
‘The Nutcracker.’
By Deborah Vankin

Misty Copeland has far-

transcended the rarefied
world of ballet, appearing as
a guest judge on “So You
Think You Can Dance,”
touring with Prince and
serving as the face of Estée
Lauder’s Modern Muse fra-
grance — not to mention at-
tracting more than 1.5 mil-
lion Instagram followers.
There’s even a Misty Cope-
land Barbie doll.
As the first African
American woman promoted
to principal dancer in the 75-
year history of American
Ballet Theatre, Copeland
had drawn new and younger
audiences to dance.
The San Pedro native will
return home this holiday
season to appear in ABT’s
production of “The Nut-
cracker” at Segerstrom Cen-
ter for the Arts in Costa
Mesa. Copeland will dance
the role of Clara/Princess, in
three performances choreo-
Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum, top; Museo de la Nación, Ministerio de Cultura del Perú graphed by ABT artist-in-
A GETTY MUSEUM exhibition on the ancient Americas explores the growth of luxury arts and the use of various precious materials residence Alexei Ratman-
such as a tapestry-like panel of macaw feathers, top, AD 600-900, from Peru. Also from Peru, a gold forehead ornament, AD 300-600. sky.
“The Nutcracker” is the
PACIFIC STANDARD TIME: LA/LA | ART REVIEW first full-length ballet Cope-
land appeared in onstage —
an experience that she calls

A ‘Golden’ stunner
“magical.” Returning to
[See Copeland, E3]

The Getty takes a vivid look at luxury in the ancient Americas
BY CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT ART CRITIC >>> Which is more A spectacular exhibition at the J. Paul Getty Museum of-
valuable: a pound of gold or a pound of feathers?
The answer might seem obvious but depends on where
you are, when. It hangs on the value system that a given so-
fers stunning demonstration. “Golden Kingdoms: Luxury
and Legacy in the Ancient Americas” brings together more
than 200 resplendent objects dating from at least 1000 BC
ciety has in place. to the 16th century. For starters, compare just two of them,
If it’s 16th century Spain — or 21st century America — one near the entrance and the other at the exit.
Just because critics
gold wins, hands down. But if it’s the Andes Mountains of First is a big, 21-foot-wide wall of rectangular fiber pan- love ‘Lady Bird’ and
South America before the first millennium, it’s feathers all els, each covered in solid blocks of feathers in rich royal blue ‘Call Me’ doesn’t
the way. and vivid marigold — tens upon tens of thousands of them, a mean academy will.
Precious metal was neither absent from nor undesirable gridded wall that is like a Post-Minimalist mural made By Justin Chang
in the region of what is modern-day Peru, and it was used in from the dorsal and ventral feathers of parrots. The other is and Glenn Whipp
all kinds of glittery ways. Gold was gorgeous, if only for its an imposing oil painting of dignified men, all decked out in
light-reflective properties, but just not that big a deal. sumptuous gold adornments. Last week, the New York
Film Critics Circle named
Feathers, on the other hand, were a wow — visually and The feathered panels were found in 1943, rolled up in ce- “Lady Bird” the best film of
conceptually. ramic jars and buried at a ceremonial [See ‘Golden,’ E2] 2017. On Sunday, the Los An-
geles Film Critics Assn. gave
top honors to “Call Me by
Your Name.” Times critics
POP MUSIC REVIEW Justin Chang and Glenn
Whipp, who are members of

A play for longevity, not spectacle

the L.A. organization, sat
down to discuss the results
and what they say (or don’t
say) about the state of
awards season.


Tori Amos shows her Academy of Motion Picture
Arts and Sciences cared
dedication to great what film critics think, one
songwriting in her might assume that both
“Lady Bird” and “Call Me by
concert at the Ace. Your Name” are bound for
Oscar glory following their
big critics’ wins in the past
week. The academy, of
course, doesn’t care what we
Tori Amos put her songs think, as its members have
first on Sunday night. proven time and time again.
Literally. Sometimes there’s overlap,
Welcoming a capacity to be sure: In the past two
crowd to the third of three years the L.A. critics gave
sold-out shows at the Thea- their top prize to “Spotlight”
tre at Ace Hotel, the veteran [See Critics, E4]
singer and pianist said it had
been a privilege for the songs
— “and for me” — to be heard
by audiences across North
America over the last few Cinematheque
weeks. snags a classic
Sunday’s show con-
A new 70 mm print of
cluded a tour behind Amos’
“Lawrence of Arabia”
recent “Native Invader” al-
will screen exclusively
bum, and like the other gigs,
in two theaters. E4
it was emphasizing music
over the type of spectacle Comics ................... E6-7
and pageantry that pop con- Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times
TV grid ...................... E8
[See Amos, E3] VETERAN singer-pianist Tori Amos caps her Native Invader tour with show Sunday at Theatre at Ace Hotel.


puts ‘Olaf’
on ice
Even as the animated
film “Coco” has led the box
office for the last two week-
ends, there have been com-
plaints about the short film
that precedes it, “Olaf ’s
Frozen Adventure.” The
short will leave theaters af-
ter Thursday.
A representative for Dis-
ney confirmed that the short
was always intended for a
limited run.
A “Frozen” spinoff featur-
ing the voices of Josh Gad,
Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel
and Jonathan Groff, “Olaf ”
features four original songs
and runs more than 20 min-
utes, significantly longer
than most shorts.
Audiences ready for the Christopher Knight Los Angeles Times
Day of the Dead-themed THE GETTY Museum’s “Golden Kingdoms” exhibition on the ancient Americas includes plenty of works that feature the precious metal.
“Coco” reportedly have been

A show that’s as good as gold

confused about what movie
they’re actually seeing.
— Mark Olsen

Rush steps down

[‘Golden,’ from E1] tween the Spanish Crown ter Europeans arrived in the cation of the value assigned
after accusations site. It’s a long way from the and leadership in the Ecua- early 16th century. We’re see- to achieving such aesthetic
macaws’ natural habitat in doran coastal region of Es- ing some of what survived in refinement.
Oscar-winning actor northwest Brazil to that meraldas. Standing tall, the gold, but the friction be- There are wonderful sur-
Geoffrey Rush resigned Sat- burial ground in the far three have doffed their hats tween competing value sys- prises, including a dark,
urday as president of the south of Peru. Exotic impor- to the king. tems generated enough heat iron-gray, stirrup-spout ce-
Australian Academy of Cin- tation made the panels’ A sumptuous compen- to melt a lot of it down for ramic bottle in the shape of
ema and Television Arts fol- feathers, hailing from the dium of extravagance hauling back to Spain. Given conjoined seashells — one a
lowing allegations of inap- Amazon rainforest, even merges Spanish doublets what remains, what was twirling conch, the other a
propriate behavior while more dear. and ruff collars with Chinese lost? spiny bivalve mollusk. They
working on a 2015 produc- What was their function? textiles and Pacific sea- Gold is the show’s shouldn’t go together but
tion of “King Lear” at the Scholars are uncertain. The shells. The most eye-grab- through-line, moving north they do, a formally distinct
Sydney Theater Company. best guess is that the port- bing feature, however, is the along the Pacific coastline odd couple that seamlessly
The Australian academy able panels, which date to abundance of gold jewelry — from the Inca Empire in manages to get along. It’s
said it accepted Rush’s deci- between AD 600 and 900, earrings, elaborate nose Peru to Colombia, Panama, from the Cupisnique cul-
sion to step aside. The exact were originally meant as ar- rings, a neck ring, chunky Costa Rica, Guatemala and ture, which is new to me, that
nature of the complaint chitectural adornments. collar-necklaces, etc. The J. Paul Getty Museum Mexico, ending at Tenochti- flourished along the coast of
against Rush, 66, has not Think of them as ancient metal shines brightly, espe- A SMALL Mayan jade tlan. But other materials northern Peru beginning
been made clear. Andean tapestries. cially against the dark, Afro- sculpture, AD 675-725, were also considered emi- more than 3,000 years ago.
“Certain recent media re- Imagine a chieftain’s Indian skin of the elegant was found in a sacred nently suitable for luxury Some things are more fa-
ports have made untenable council room lined in them. trio, where it frames and ac- well at Chichen Itza. production, depending on miliar, although the show’s
allegations concerning my Organic objects and shapes cents their attentive faces. the indigenous society. For rich context makes them
standing in the entertain- are rigorously organized into Ten years later Philip simple clay, certain sea- sing anew. At the top of that
ment community,” Rush rectilinear patterns. would begin expelling the shells and volcanic stone, list is a large, fringed mantle
said in a statement. “It is un- Brilliant feathers dazzle, Moors from Spain. But gold ‘Golden the sophistication of applied that’s a treasure in the col-
reasonable that my profes- not unlike the gold threads told the king what he wanted decoration and carving — lection of the Los Angeles
sional colleagues should be that made the tapestries of to know about these black
Kingdoms: evidence of human mastery County Museum of Art, used
somehow associated with medieval and Renaissance men from his colony across Luxury and — did the trick. as a burial wrapper a few
such allegations.”
— Mark Olsen
Europe such splendiferous
and imposing works of art.
the ocean, and in a language
of value he would under-
Legacy in the For the Olmec and Maya,
jade was the most valuable
millennia ago. The intricate
pattern of interlocking ser-
But the capture of alien, air- stand: This chief and his two Ancient material. Among the show’s pent and feline creatures
borne feathered creatures to
make the ancient tapestries
young sons, whom Philip
would never meet but had to
Americas’ great treasures is a small,
dignified head of an ances-
echoes the sophisticated
material weave and embroi-
Jorja Smith nabs lends an inescapable ele- trust, were men of power and
Where: J. Paul Getty
tor crowned by a jaguar dery of its slender threads in
ment of supreme power fac- authority. Their word was as headdress, carved in jade in red, black, indigo and white.
key Brit Award ing the dominant muscle of good as gold. Museum, 1200 Getty
Center Drive, Brentwood
Guatemala but found 300 Structuralism, matching
natural elements that ruled The exhibition has lots of miles north in the sacred visual image and physical
English R&B singer Jorja so much of daily life. Human- the exquisite material — When: Through Jan. 28; well at Chichen Itza. form is at work, courtesy of
Smith has won the Brit kind takes dominion over gold jewelry, plaques, cups, closed Mondays, A cenote, or sinkhole, the the ancient Americas.
Awards 2018 Critics’ Choice nature, while acknowledg- funerary masks, votive figu- Christmas Day and New well was a portal between The magnificent show
award, putting her in the rar- ing its beauty and grandeur. rines, ceremonial tools, ar- Year’s Day the earthly realm and the was organized by Getty Mu-
efied company of previous Now look at the last work mor and more. A little 4½- Info: (310) 440-7300, watery underworld — and seum Director Timothy
honorees Adele, Sam Smith in “Golden Kingdoms,” a inch spoon, to cite one very thus an excellent place to Potts, Getty Research Insti-
and Ellie Goulding. well-known painting by An- small example, was fash- drop in your favorite luxury tute specialist Kim Richter
The annual award singles drés Sánchez Gallque dated ioned from 22 separate gold may have been made to item as a serious bit of spir- and Joanne Pillsbury, cura-
out “future British recording 1599 that shows things from pieces of sheet-metal to cre- be sewn to cloth backing for itual offering. (People, alas, tor at New York’s Metropoli-
talent.” It caps growing buzz a point of view appealing to ate a golden figure squatting use as armor, or else they got sacrificed there too.) tan Museum of Art, where it
for Smith, who also has been Renaissance Spain. “Por- on his haunches and holding were fabricated to cover a Just over 3 inches high, the travels in February. A stand-
recognized by Canadian trait of Don Francisco de a silver conch shell to his lips, body during burial. noble head feels monumen- out in the sprawling Pacific
rapper and producer Drake, Arobe and his Sons Don like a trumpet. The spoon The brilliance of the ex- tal — a piece of power-stone. Standard Time: LA/LA ini-
who included her on his Pedro and Don Domingo” was probably used to inhale traordinary craftsmanship Originally worn as a belt tiative celebrating art
“More Life” mixtape and was commissioned in Peru hallucinogens during reli- is heightened simply by ornament, the sculpture is throughout Latin America
brought her onstage earlier for “His Majesty Philip III, gious ceremonies. knowing that much that was marked on the bottom with a — and the only Pre-Colum-
this year when he played Catholic King of Spain,” as a Elsewhere the design of a produced over the course of tangle of pictographs — bian component — it’s on
London’s O2 Arena. cartouche in the upper right forehead ornament recalls several thousand years by a among them the artist’s view in Brentwood through
The 20-year-old singer corner helpfully explains. an octopus, its eight jagged, variety of cultures — includ- name, perhaps the only ex- Jan. 28.
will receive the award Jan. The stately triple-por- spiraling arms culminating ing Moche, Wari, Inca, Chi- ample of ancient Meso-
13. trait meant to seal an impor- in stylized catfish heads. riquí, Tolima, Zapotec and american jade signed by its christopher.knight
— Randy Lewis tant political alliance be- And flat T-shirts of solid Mixtec — was destroyed af- maker. Surely that’s an indi-

Doug Gifford Segerstrom Center for the Arts

MISTY COPELAND, principal dancer for American Ballet Theatre and a San Pedro native, performs as the Princess in Alexei Ratmansky’s “The Nutcracker.”

Copeland attracts new ballet fans

[Copeland, from E1] world is so secluded and think, eight months. I did America’s most famous a performance that the
Southern California is no lives in this bubble, and it’s the role of Clara. It was the ballet dancer — is a classic characters are experienc-
less so, she said in this edited easy to get away with a lot. first ballet I ever performed triumph-over-adversity ‘The ing. It’s me dancing, and I’m
conversation. So with the attention I’ve with the San Pedro City tale. What was it like to portraying all of the differ-
brought to ballet, I think Ballet. The following year I discover dance?
Nutcracker’ ent scenes that happen in
You’ve popularized ballet, they’re definitely being did the Sugar Plum Fairy. I would say it was mag- “The Nutcracker,” the snow
and it’s been suggested forced to make some The second “Nut- ical. I had never experienced Where: Segerstrom Center scene, the battle scene, the
you’re revitalizing — or changes. cracker” I ever performed in anything like it. To be able for the Arts, 600 Town land of the sweets.
“saving,” as Jimmy Kim- was Debbie Allen’s produc- to have this escape and be in Center Drive, Costa Mesa I’ve never been in a film.
mel once put it — the clas- You’ve been an athletic and tion of “The Hot Chocolate the studio and feel like I When: Opens Thursday; It was so, so surreal to be a
sical dance world. Isn’t that artistic role model for so Nutcracker.” I might’ve actually am living this fairy ends Dec. 17. part of the Disney family. I
a lot of pressure? many young people. Who been 14 or 15; I did it two tale. There was nothing in Performances are 7 p.m. never, ever imagined I
I take it all with a grain of do you look to for inspira- years. It was a very diverse my life that was anything Wednesdays-Fridays, would. It was just a really
salt. I understand that I’m tion? cast. It was amazing to remotely close to a fairy tale 2 and 7 p.m. Saturdays, incredible opportunity. It
getting people interested in It’s definitely shifted and share the stage with Debbie — so it was such a magical and 12:30 and 5:30 p.m. was a lot of hard work.
ballet. I’m happy to be able changed throughout my Allen. I’ve done ‘Nutcracker’ time of discovery for me. Sundays Dancing and film is really
to represent the ballet. But I training and the course of for most of my career in Tickets: Starting at $29 difficult to kind of marry
am, by no means, ballet. I’m my career. Growing up, different productions. Just You’ve described yourself Info: (714) 556-2787, because dancers have to be
a representation, a window Paloma Herrera was the hearing the music makes as cripplingly shy as a [warmed up]. It’s really
for people to come in and be ballerina I looked to. She you think of Christmastime child. Are you still? Do you Running time: 2 hours difficult to sit around for
introduced to the broader was just so inspiring to me. and wintertime. get nervous onstage? hours and then get up and
world of ballet. That’s what I Raven Wilkinson was kind of Oh, that was never an dance. We have to be
feel my duty is: I’m a vessel. that person who really What makes this “Nut- issue for me. I was really shy be so far on the other side warmed up properly. There
And I’m lucky to be a small changed my point of view cracker” special? as a child, but it never of the hardships you grew were long days.
faction of ballet history. and perspective on my Alexi’s production, I crossed over to the stage. It up with?
career and how I wanted to think, is my favorite that I’ve was the only time in my life Yeah, it absolutely does Is it meaningful to return
Your promotion, in 2015, to approach it and represent ever done. The dancing is that I wasn’t that way. feel surreal. I’m constantly home?
principal dancer broke the black dancers in the just so free. It’s not like the I feel like as dancers get thinking of that. I don’t feel Coming home, and being
barriers. Is ballet evolving, classical ballet world. She traditional version. It has older they tend to get more like I’m jaded in any way. I in Orange County, and
do you think? Or is it still really allowed me to have a kind of a more modern anxious and nervous. I am just like, “I can’t believe being in that theater — it
fairly exclusive? clearer vision of what my contemporary movement to think it just depends on the this is my life, I can’t believe just takes me back to that
Yes. I think the fact that purpose is. it. It’s just a really exciting role that I’m doing. If it’s a I get to do what I love.” It’s place. I saw American Ballet
me, a black woman, is what But I feel like I’m sur- version. really high-pressure role, I just an amazing thing to Theatre perform a lot when
has kind of introduced a lot rounded by the best dancers And I’m excited to be tend to get nervous. have. I was 13, 14, 15 years old — in
of people to the ballet world in the world every day. It’s dancing the lead part with I don’t know if I would Costa Mesa at the same
is huge. It’s definitely forced amazing to be able to have Daniil Simkin. We’ve never say I’m shy anymore. But I Tell us about your upcom- theater we’ll perform at, as
a lot of ballet companies to that type of inspiration done this role together definitely like to keep my ing film debut in “The well as the Dorothy Chan-
address the issue of the lack around me. before. It’s also so nice for personal life private. I have Nutcracker and the Four dler Pavilion.
of diversity. me to be able to do this at to respect myself. I feel like I Realms.” Coming to those thea-
You know — and I con- Let’s talk “Nutcracker.” home in California. give so much of myself in my That’s coming out No- ters in California definitely
stantly say this — even if it’s You have a deep connection career — and I want to do vember 2018. We’re still takes me back.
not something that they’ve to this ballet. Take us back Your story — growing up that — but you have to have working on the name of my
ever wanted to do, the world to that time you first with a single mom in a something left for you. character. I’m kind of a deborah.vankin
is looking in now. More so danced it. cramped motel room with production within the pro-
than ever before. The ballet I had been dancing for, I five siblings and becoming Does it feel surreal, now, to duction of the movie. It’s like Twitter: @debvankin

For Tori Amos, it’s

all about the songs
[Amos, from E1] stuff, because these days, the Ace, has the kind of
certs are often built around. she’s not much of a pop star. swooping vocal melody and
Seated between a grand “Native Invader,” with cascading piano part that
piano and a rack of key- songs about nature and fam- made her a name brand in
boards, unaccompanied by ily and the uncertainties the early 1990s.
a band, Amos sang and concerning government em- In Taylor Swift’s 2017,
played with vivid determina- bodied by President Trump, though, that style hardly
tion as she moved through is the singer’s 15th solo stu- represents a mass-market
complicated, deep-feeling dio disc; it comes long after proposition — unless, of
tunes from her extensive Amos, who’s 54, stopped cre- course, it arrives in the
catalog: “Pretty Good Year,” ating radio hits (such as hands of someone much
about a young person strug- “God” and “Cornflake Girl”) younger, such as Adele or
gling with apathy; “Russia,” and began playing to an Sam Smith. (As Amos Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times
a politically inspired song ultra-loyal core eager to hear pointed out last month in an A SMILING Tori Amos accompanies herself on keyboards during Sunday show.
from the new record; “Ala- her follow her every artistic interview with Vulture: “Our
mo,” which she cleverly in- impulse. industry … doesn’t value her old star power, as that selfless quality to the way son’s “Real Men” and John
tertwined with lines from Lately, those have in- women songwriters that are bit of commotion made she kept seeking to disap- Denver’s “Leaving on a Jet
Sade’s “Smooth Operator.” cluded theatrical works and 50 and over.”) clear; she’s still a char- pear into the music, espe- Plane.” And although she
During “Juarez,” she forays into classical music. For Amos, then, this inti- ismatic presence who can cially in a sequence near the was making them her own —
used the fallboard over the Yet “Native Invader” marks mate presentation felt like a say plenty just by widening middle of the show when a the latter came mashed up
piano’s keys to smack the a return in a sense to the play for longevity — a means her eyes or by swinging a leg video screen flashed a modi- with parts of Amos’ “Mer-
body of the instrument for florid but earthy voice-and- of fortifying her connection over her piano bench. Her fied version of the Fox News man” and “Operation Peter
a startling percussive effect piano sound of early records with fans so devoted that singing too is as dynamic as logo that read “Fake Muse Pan” — what you really
— just one example of her like “Little Earthquakes” some leaped from their seats it’s ever been, with enough Network.” heard was her belief that a
commitment to her raw and “Under the Pink.” and rushed toward the stage texture and emotion to Here Amos was paying great song can outlast any
materials. The album’s opening for the singer’s encore. make up for the instruments tribute to some of the tunes singer.
To some degree, Amos track, “Reindeer King,” It’s not right to say that not being played Sunday. that had inspired her to
was eschewing the pop-star which Amos performed at Amos has lost her grip on But there was an almost write, including Joe Jack-

What do critics’ picks mean to Oscar?

[Critics, from E1]
and “Moonlight,” both of
which went on to win best
picture Oscars. But the
nature of these very occa-
sional overlaps is coinciden-
tal rather than predictive.
You and I both participa-
ted in the LAFCA vote,
Glenn, along with our Times
colleagues Kenneth Turan,
Mark Olsen, Jen Yamato
and Geoff Berkshire. Any-
one who’s ever attended a
year-end critics group meet-
ing knows that the process
is far too unruly and arbi-
trary to reflect any clear
agenda. We get together at
someone’s house and cast
our ballots one by one,
effectively squeezing a
year’s worth of cinematic
highlights into five hours.
And as ever, our final list of
winners — which included
big wins for “The Shape of
Water,” “Lady Bird,” “The
Florida Project” and “Get
Out” — doesn’t tell the
whole story.
It may surprise some
folks to learn, for example,
that Dee Rees (“Mud-
bound”) tied for third place
with Sean Baker (“The
Florida Project”) in a highly
competitive director race.
Or that films like “mother!,”
“Marjorie Prime,” “War for Clockwise from top: Sony Pictures Classics; A24; BCB99 Inc. .

the Planet of the Apes,” VINCE VAUGHN , below left, may not get as much recognition for his performance in “Brawl in Cell Block 99” as Timothée Chalamet, top,
“Good Time,” “Columbus,” in “Call Me by Your Name” or Willem Dafoe in “The Florida Project,” but all three earned votes from Times film critic Justin Chang.
“A Fantastic Woman,” “A
Quiet Passion” and the much in the conversation in
one-of-a-kind documentary 2017. Academy members
“Dawson City: Frozen want the best picture Oscar
Time” all drew support in winner to reflect well on
multiple categories. The their industry, and most
system favors consensus, of would probably agree that a
course. Which is a bit of a vote for “The Post” would do
shame, since some of the just that.
most interesting films each Now, I’d argue that
year are those that don’t there’s another movie — a
build consensus but defy it. better movie — that speaks
to the current moment, and
GLENN WHIPP: Defiance that’s “The Florida Project,”
is a proud LAFCA tradition. Sean Baker’s expansive,
The group named Terry emotionally raw look at
Gilliam’s “Brazil” best pic- people living on the frayed
ture in 1985, helping force edges of America. Set in a
Universal to release rundown motel in the sha-
Gilliam’s cut of the movie ance. The New York Film ites like Timothée Chalamet group’s selections, espe- its big wins from the Na- dow of Orlando’s Disney
after a bitter, protracted Critics Circle did that a few (“Call Me by Your Name”) cially when the top two tional Board of Review (not World, the film follows a
battle between the film- days ago when it gave and Willem Dafoe (“The choices for best picture, technically a critics group), group of modern-day Little
maker and the studio. We Tiffany Haddish its sup- Florida Project”), I also “Call Me by Your Name” and remains very much in the Rascals romping around a
also had that inspired inter- porting actress honor for couldn’t resist voting for runner-up “The Florida conversation. magic kingdom of their own
national run of best actress her deranged comic turn in Stewart, Haddish, Cynthia Project,” were two of my And I hope the same is making while the grown-ups
winners a few years ago, “Girls Trip.” We did that Nixon (“A Quiet Passion”) favorites as well. You’re true of Christopher Nolan’s (some barely removed from
including Yolande Moreau four years ago with James and Vince Vaughn, who’s right, Glenn, that many of remarkable “Dunkirk,” their own childhoods)
(“Seraphine”), Kim Hye-ja Franco in a Harmony Ko- riveting — and totally the winners seem in line which has been largely struggle, often desperately,
(“Mother”) and Yun Jung- rine movie (“Spring Break- awards-worthy — in “Brawl with what other groups, the overlooked so far, but to make ends meet. It’s a
hee (“Poetry”). ers”). in Cell Block 99.” academy included, may end which fulfills an all-too- miracle of a movie, buoyant
That established pattern I’m not saying we have to As for Hawkins: Some up recognizing. That said, rare awards-season prom- and heartbreaking, and
of seeing beyond the obvi- fly our freak flag in every may recall that while her given the unusually broad ise: It’s a sweeping, acade- surveys an America we
ous made this year’s LAFCA category, Justin. But as brilliant performance in range of fine films and the my-friendly spectacle don’t often see depicted
slate feel a tad conventional. much as I loved Sally Mike Leigh’s “Happy-Go- absence of a “La La Land”- and a bona fide critics’ on screen.
I can’t complain about the Hawkins’ work in “The Lucky” (2008) earned her or “Moonlight”-style jugger- darling. As for Nolan, I’d guess
choices. Yet, I left disap- Shape of Water,” we had the prizes from the New York naut, this doesn’t strike me that he’ll finally earn his
pointed that this was the opportunity to make a more and L.A. critics, the Na- as a year in which cut-and- WHIPP: I’m not worried first nomination as a direc-
rare year when our selec- electrifying choice — say, tional Society of Film Critics dried conclusions can nec- about “The Post.” Oscar tor for “Dunkirk.” But his
tions — even the runners-up Daniela Vega (“A Fantastic and the Hollywood Foreign essarily be drawn. voters packed its screening ambitious, twisty movies
— all seem destined to be Woman”) or Kristen Stew- Press Assn., all that love Chalamet’s NYFCC and last night at the motion leave a lot of people cold,
rubber-stamped by count- art (“Personal Shopper”) — couldn’t snag her an Oscar LAFCA wins have given him picture academy’s theater and “Dunkirk” is no excep-
less other groups, including by going in a less expected nomination in the end. She a nice boost in the actor in Beverly Hills and roared tion. After I wrote about the
the motion picture acade- direction in that lead ac- was clearly a major talent, race, but from an industry their approval when Steven strong reaction the movie
my. Instead of pointing the tress category. Both those but she was also a relative perspective he’ll still look Spielberg came on stage for received at its academy
way forward, as we arguably performances are, I believe, unknown. Nine years later, like a young underdog next a Q&A afterward. screening in July, several
did in years past with early every bit the equal of she’s headed for much to, say, Gary Oldman’s far Circling back to the idea voters emailed me to tell me
honors for “Mad Max: Fury Hawkins’ turn. smoother sailing with the showier work in “Darkest of consensus choices win- that they most definitely
Road” and “Amour” and a academy for “The Shape of Hour.” I imagine that ning awards, “The Post” weren’t applauding from
best picture award for CHANG: I love flying our Water” and deservedly so. (I “Three Billboards Outside feels like the kind of movie their seats that evening.
“WALL-E,” our picks were freak flag, the higher the think she’s even better in Ebbing, Missouri,” which that the academy might Nolan might have to content
almost — and it hurts me to better. And why not? As her other movie this year, received three LAFCA honor at this moment in himself with the total artis-
say this — predictable. critics, we exist to acknowl- the artist biopic “Maudie,” runner-up placements on time. Fashioned as a thriller tic freedom afforded by his
I think one of the most edge obviously great work and indeed the group briefly Sunday, is cooling its heels dramatizing the decision to commercial successes. No
vital things a critics group but also great work being considered recognizing her in preparation for a bigger publish the leaked Penta- small prize that.
can do is expand the defini- done on the margins. And so for both films.) showing elsewhere. “The gon Papers in 1971, it touches
tion of what constitutes an while I was happy to go In the end, I couldn’t be Post,” though ignored by on issues — gender equity,
awards-worthy perform- along with consensus favor- too disappointed with our NYFCC and LAFCA after freedom of the press — very

Desert epic
as it was meant
to be seen
mastering, said in a state-
New 70 mm print of ment. “The new 70 mm
‘Lawrence of Arabia’ prints are really meant for
those audiences who truly
coming to American appreciate the art and
Cinematheque sites. technology of film produc-
tion and exhibition.”
Crisp is scheduled to in-
By Mark Olsen troduce the first screening of
the new print on Dec 15.
The American Cinema- “David Lean’s epic tale
theque will have exclusive has long been extremely
rights to exhibit a new 70 mm popular with Cinematheque
print of David Lean’s 1962 audiences. With its sweeping
film “Lawrence of Arabia” desert vistas, it demands to
in Los Angeles. The movie be seen on the big screen and
will receive two extended has become a rite of passage
runs per year, one at the for film fans to see it pro-
Egyptian Theatre in Holly- jected at the Cinematheque
wood and the other at the in 70 mm,” said American
Aero Theatre in Santa Moni- Cinematheque’s executive Columbia Pictures

ca. The first of these runs will director, Barbara Smith, “LAWRENCE of Arabia,” with Peter O’Toole, will screen in new 70 mm print at the Egyptian starting Dec. 15.
take place Dec. 15-30 at the also in a statement.
Egyptian. “It is one of our most re- Deglise. rence of Arabia” comes at a der on the Orient Express” said in a statement. “We are
“Renewed interest in 70 quested titles and continues Starring Peter O’Toole as time of renewed interest in were released to theaters fortunate to be able to pro-
mm print exhibition has to fill our 600- and 400-seat a character based on the screening formats, as a spe- in 70 mm. It has also been ject in 70 mm, as it still reigns
generated many requests for theaters. Our patrons tell us real-life British military offi- cial showing of a movie may announced that the upcom- as the greatest projectable
new 70 mm prints of they want to see it as the di- cer T.E. Lawrence, “Law- be the deciding factor to ing “Star Wars: The Last format. Its sharp, detailed
‘Lawrence,’ and we decided rector intended, in 70 mm. rence of Arabia” won seven leave the house. Jedi” will be shown in Imax image does a great service to
that this would be a good We decided we needed a new Academy Awards, including Last year, the Cinema- 70 mm. one of the most epic adven-
time to honor those re- print to satisfy the interest in best picture, director for theque announced exclusive “If you haven’t seen ture stories ever told on-
quests,” Grover Crisp, Sony this title and to ensure that Lean, color cinematography rights to a new 70 mm print ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ in 70 screen.”
Studios’ executive vice pres- viewing it was a satisfying for Freddie Young and edit- of Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: mm, you have not seen the
ident of asset management, experience,” said Cinema- ing for Anne V. Coates A Space Odyssey.” This year, film,” Cinematheque pro-
film restoration and digital theque programmer Gwen The new print of “Law- both “Dunkirk” and “Mur- grammer Grant Moninger Twitter: @IndieFocus

Photographs from Sundance Institute

“AMERICA TO ME,” with Jada Buford and Tyrone Williams, is an indie episodic entry from Steve James.


‘Indie episodic’ to debut can cultural, political and

The institute had economic power via a 1963
Rolls-Royce once owned by
previously screened Elvis Presley, directed by Eu-
such content, but this gene Jarecki and executive
produced by Steven Soder-
is a new section for ’18. bergh.
“Pass Over,” an adapt-
By Mark Olsen ation of the play by An-
toinette Nwandu directed by
The Sundance Film Fes- Spike Lee, will have its world
tival will add a new section, premiere. As will “Wild Wild
dubbed indie episodic, to the Country,” an examination of
upcoming 2018 edition. The a utopian community in ru-
festival has also announced ral Oregon, directed by
its short-film program and Chapman Way and Maclain
several titles in the special Way.
events section. Sundance also released
Other festivals, such as the lineup of 62 short films
the Toronto International that will play at this year’s
Film Festival and the South festival.
by Southwest Film Festival, Among the selection are
already have sections dedi- “Home Shopper,” directed
cated to episodic content. by Dev Patel; “Maude,” di-
Sundance has previously ex- rected by Anna Margaret
plored screening episodic Hollyman; “Painting With
content, including Jane Joan,” directed by Jack
Campion’s miniseries “Top Henry Robbins; “LaZer-
of the Lake” in 2013 and Ezra cism,” directed by Shaka
Edelman’s multi-part docu- “I’M POPPY” stars the singer Poppy in the official King; “War Paint,” directed
mentary “OJ: Made in fest entry from director-musician Titanic Sinclair. by Katrelle N. Kindred;
America” in 2016, both in “Careful How You Go,” di-
their entirety. The Sun- Jacobs; “Franchesca,” exe- around this work like we did rected by Emerald Fennell
dance Institute has also cutive produced by Franch- for film back in the late ’80s, (and starring “Fleabag” lead
been running a program for esca Ramsey and directed early ’90s, and you saw this Phoebe Waller-Bridge), and
episodic projects among by Kaitlin Fontana; “Half- whole industry grow up “Cheer Up Baby,” directed
their talent labs for the last way There,” directed by Rick around it. I think the same by Adinah Dancyger.
few years. Rosenthal; “High & Mighty,” thing will happen with the Among the animated
“I think we’ve always directed by Carlos Lopez episodic work. shorts are “A Brief Spark
prided ourselves on embrac- Estrada; “I’m Poppy,” di- “Whether it’s connected Bookended By Darkness,”
ing what change is happen- rected by Titanic Sinclair; to the film space or becomes directed by Brent Green,
ing in these different me- “Leimert Park,” directed by its own industry, we don’t “The Burden,” directed by
diums for storytellers to Mel Jones; “Mr. Inbetween,” know, but we want to help Niki Lindroth von Bahr ,and
work in,” Trevor Groth, the directed by Nash Edgerton; stimulate it as much as we “World of Tomorrow Epi-
festival’s director of pro- “The Passage,” directed by can.” sode Two: The Burden of
gramming, said in a recent Kitao Sakuri; “The Show The festival has previ- Other People’s Thoughts,”
interview of the festival’s About the Show (Season 2),” ously screened episodic directed by Don Hertzfeldt.
embrace of episodic work. directed by Caveh Zahedi; work in the special events Mike Plante, senior
“We felt that a lot of the “This Close,” directed by An- section, where this year Os- programmer for the festival,
storytellers who were work- drew Ahn, and “Tropical car-nominated documen- said in a statement, “We are
ing in that form were Sun- Cop Tales,” directed by Jim tary filmmaker Matthew always thrilled to discover
dance artists. And so we Hosking. Heineman will world pre- new voices in filmmaking
started showing more and “That’s what I love about miere “The Trade,” a docu- through the short-film pro-
more.” this episodic work too —it’s series exploring the opioid gram. They take risks in
Among the selections for allowing [for] all of these dif- epidemic on both sides of story and style you might
the inaugural indie episodic ferent voices,” said Groth. the U.S./Mexico border. not expect.”
section are “America to Me,” Groth said the ultimate Also screening as a spe-
directed by Steve James; goal of the section was “try- cial event will be “The King,”
“Cherries,” directed by Diaz ing to create a bit of a market an ambitious look at Ameri- Twitter: @IndieFocus


win in his hand and pitch a second suit. If he holds a
By Frank Stewart diamond from dummy on hand such as 7 6 5, K 9 7, K J 6,
the king of hearts, avoiding a J 6 5 4, he will jump to four
It had been ages since second diamond loser. hearts.
Secondhand Rose had dark- Rose’s play was clear
ened the door of my club. enough in retrospect. West’s South dealer
When the lesson about sec- opening lead marked South Both sides vulnerable
ond hand low on defense was with the king of hearts, and a
taught, Rose must have discard was impending. But ♠ 10 7 4 2
been absent. many Easts would have ♥A
Rose was today’s East, feared that West had a sin- ♦83
and South played at four gleton king or queen in ♣J97643
spades after West doubled trumps. WEST EAST
♠9 ♠A5
his one-spade bid for take- Question: You hold: ♠ 9 ♥ ♥ Q J 10 8 6 ♥9742
out. West led the queen of Q J 10 8 6 ♦ A Q 7 2 ♣ A Q 2. ♦AQ72 ♦J964
hearts. After dummy’s ace You open one heart, and ♣AQ2 ♣ 10 8 5
won, South led the 10 of your partner raises to two SOUTH
trumps, pretending he was hearts. What do you say? ♠KQJ863
about to try a finesse. And Answer: Your hand isn’t ♥K53
Secondhand Rose ... with promising enough to bid ♦ K 10 5
the ace! four hearts, but since a well- ♣K
Rose then led a diamond, fitting hand for your partner SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST
and West took the queen and will make game, you must 1♠ Dbl 2♠ Pass
ace and got his ace of clubs. try to get there. Bid three 4♠ All Pass
South makes game if diamonds, asking him to Opening lead — ♥ Q
Rose plays second hand low judge based primarily on
on the first trump. South will whether he has help for your Tribune Media Services


Tough, recurring issue

Dear Amy: The woman I that amount into a private toward forgiving yourself
have employed to clean my “emergency fund.” starts with acknowledging
house for several years has a As she draws down the your behavior to the person
very difficult life. She’s a fund, you will have to decide you have wronged. You
hard worker, does a beauti- what to do if she asks for over should also ask that person
ful job and is completely the amount within the to forgive you.
trustworthy. But, like so course of a year. You should Contact the former
many people in her situa- also do some research to see intern through email or a
tion, her financial situation if there are local organiza- Facebook private message.
is extremely precarious. tions that might help with Write: “I feel very guilty for
I pay her very well and am her utility bill (for instance), how I treated you. I was go-
generous at Christmas, or with emergency needs. ing through a very stressful
birthdays and so on. When You could also help by and rough patch in my own
she is faced with a sudden recommending her high- life, which is not an excuse,
emergency such as her car quality cleaning service to but an explanation for my
HOROSCOPE breaking down, I will give her others. Income from an ad- behavior, which was unpro-
some extra money to tide ditional client might give her fessional and unkind. You
her over. She always says the cushion she needs. deserved better from me,
as the shallowest person. the peace, your life could use she’ll find a way to pay me and I regret that I didn’t take
By Holiday Mathis Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): a few speed bumps — con- back, but we both know that Dear Amy: I recently had a the opportunity to apologize
Go forward in full faith that structs you can put in place won’t happen. difficult anniversary of a to you in person. I hope you
Aries (March 21-April 19): you have a chance at victory, to slow yourself down. These extra amounts loved one’s death and was will find it in your heart to
If you can delay a knee-jerk even if you feel like an under- Pisces (Feb. 19-March probably total around $1,000 under a lot of pressure at forgive me. I wish you all the
verdict, you’ll set off a series dog. 20): The scenario is fresh, a year, overall. work. I ended up treating my very best in your career.”
of sweet events, all made Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): and you’re still deciding who I am able to afford to help intern badly (I was hyper- Understand that if this
possible by your act of listen- The trouble with looking for you want to be. Consider her, and she is always tearful critical and micromanag- person could copy and paste
ing. “why” is that what follows is what each role requires. and very grateful, but I am ing). and share your apology with
Taurus (April 20-May often praise or blame. Some- Today’s birthday (Dec. increasingly uncomfortable. She switched supervi- others, depending on her
20): Make sure you’re on the times there really is no de- 5): Your cosmic gift is one of I hate being put in the posi- sors and badmouthed me to motivation and maturity
same track with the other finitive “responsible party.” determined and exclusive tion of being her “last re- my colleagues (she tended level. Regardless, you will
person; that way, you’ll avoid Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): focus on the things that are sort.” The last time she came to badmouth people, so I have demonstrated an im-
the problems that come with You want to be influential, going to make your life bet- to me, she needed $300. should’ve seen that coming). portant attitude of acknowl-
making assumptions. but if you don’t empha- ter. You’ll be freeing yourself How do you think I The intern has now com- edgment. Then, you should
Gemini (May 21-June 21): size individuals’ common of an anchor of sorts over the should handle this? pleted her internship and is make an effort to turn the
With most things you tackle ground, they’ll mistrust you. next three months. In Trying to Be Kind working elsewhere. page, understanding that,
today, the result will be bet- Group acceptance will be re- March, family works to- I feel so ashamed of how I like all of us, you occasionally
ter if you delay the payoff for quired. gether and all are lifted. In Dear Trying: If you are treated her. I am having a make very human mistakes.
as long as possible. Sagittarius (Nov. 22- 2018 you’ll take pleasure in willing to spend $1,000 annu- hard time forgiving myself.
Cancer (June 22-July 22): Dec. 21): It’s as if you were de- the sale of something that ally to help this person, you How do I begin to move on Send questions to askamy@
Aware of most people’s short signed for adventure these helps people. Leo and Pisces could either raise her pay by from this? or to
attention spans, you’ll aim days. March forward and the adore you. Your lucky num- that amount — and perhaps Sad Supervisor Tribune Content Agency,
your words toward a par- others will follow. bers are: 6, 10, 23, 40 and 11. be willing to say no to any ex- 16650 Westgrove Drive, Suite
ticular destination and leave Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. tra entreaties, or put aside Dear Sad: The path 175, Addison, TX 75001.
out anything that doesn’t di- 19): Today there probably Holiday Mathis writes her
rectly address the issue. won’t be a clear guide column for Creators
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): through unknown territory; Syndicate Inc. The
You’ll come across those learn from the uncertainty. horoscope should be read
who’ve yet to discover their Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. for entertainment. Previous
own depths. Alas, the rela- 18): Like a nice neighbor- forecasts are at
tionship can only go as deep hood that wants to preserve


SERIES The Wendy Williams Show
Kenya Moore; Elvis Du-
The Flash Caitlin (Danielle ran. (N) 11 a.m. KTTV
Panabaker) is abducted
The Talk Ana Gasteyer;
by Anumet (returning
Keltie Knight; Hilary Duff.
guest star Katee Sack-
(N) 1 p.m. KCBS
hoff) and is forced to per-
form a tricky medical pro- The Dr. Oz Show Women
cedure. The Flash (Grant say a doctor used treat-
Gustin) also becomes a ments as leverage to ex-
prisoner in this new epi- tract sexual favors. (N) 1
sode. 8 p.m. KTLA p.m. KTTV
The Middle In its final sea- The Doctors DIY liver flush.
son, the comedy marks its (N) 2 p.m. KCBS
Chris Haston NBC Steve Alfonso Ribeiro;
200th episode. Patricia
Heaton, Neil Flynn, Atti- CHRISTMAS in old New Michael Rappaport
cus Shaffer, Eden Sher York City on the NBC (“This Book Has Balls”).
and Charlie McDermott comedy “Will & Grace,” (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
star. 8 p.m. ABC with Debra Messing. Harry Jay Pharoah; Carly
Lethal Weapon Riggs and Chaikin. (N) 2 p.m. KTTV
Murtaugh (Clayne Craw- Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Dr. Phil A woman says she
ford, Damon Wayans Sr.) entire precinct attends a has alternate person-
try to separate fiction funeral in Los Angeles, alities. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS
from fact when an investi- only to miss their flight
back to the East Coast. The Ellen DeGeneres Show
gation draws them into a Chris Pratt and Bryce
world of conspiracy theo- 9:30 p.m. Fox
Dallas Howard; the Na-
ries. 8 p.m. Fox Stripped In the premiere of tional performs. (N) 3 p.m.
this new eight-episode un- KNBC
Will & Grace When Will,
scripted series participa-
Grace, Karen and Jack The Real Guillermo Díaz
nts give up everything ex-
(Eric McCormack, Debra (“The Dating Game
cept toilet paper, water
Messing, Megan Mullally Killer”). (N) 3 p.m. KTTV
and food. 10 p.m. Bravo
and Sean Hayes) wish SoCal Connected The ethi-
they could have experi- The Long Road Home Pfc.
Tomas Young (Noel cal dilemmas of what to do
enced Christmas in old with 1 million unused em-
New York, they’re magi- Fisher) gets a crash
course in the harsh reali- bryos. The outdoor cloth-
cally transported back to ing company Patagonia.
the early 20th century in ties of war. 10 p.m. Na-
tional Geographic (N) 8 p.m. KCET
this imaginative holiday
episode. 9 p.m. NBC The Daily Show (N) 11 p.m.
MOVIES Comedy Central
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
Spy (2015) 9 a.m. FX Conan Jean-Claude Van
The Legends travel back
Damme; Barkhad Abdi.
to the era of Vikings, Cloudy With a Chance of
(N) 11 p.m. TBS
where Damien Darhk Meatballs (2009) 12:18
(Neal McDonough) reap- p.m. Encore The Tonight Show Starring
pears. 9 p.m. KTLA Jimmy Fallon Kate McK-
Angry Angel (2017) 2:30 p.m.
innon; Patton Oswalt; Wiz
black-ish Dre (Anthony An- Freeform
Khalifa; Ty Dolla Sign. (N)
derson) becomes im-
11:34 p.m. KNBC
mersed in his company’s TALK SHOWS
giving-back-to-the-com- The Late Show With
CBS This Morning Michael Stephen Colbert Saoirse
munity campaign in this
Preysman; author Stan- Ronan; author Van Jones;
new episode. 9 p.m. ABC
ley Bing. (N) 7 a.m. KCBS Morrissey performs. (N)
Major Crimes An attorney
Today Claire Foy; Matt 11:35 p.m. KCBS
celebrated for her defense
Smith; Naomi Judd. (N) 7 Jimmy Kimmel Live Tracee
of oppressed women is
a.m. KNBC Ellis Ross; author
found dead, the long list of
high-profile suspects in- Good Morning America Amanda de Cadenet. (N)
cludes family members, a James Franco; author 11:35 p.m. KABC
film director and a former Ginger Zee; Seal per- Tavis Smiley (N) midnight
football player as a four- forms. (N) 7 a.m. KABC KOCE
eisode story arc begins. Good Day L.A. Nasiba The Late Late Show With
Mary McDonnell stars. 9 Adilova, the Tot; Hill James Corden Matthew
p.m. TNT Harper (“The Good Doc- Broderick; Gina Rodri-
Superstore Amy (America tor”); Allison Holker and guez; Christopher Meloni.
Ferrera) tries to make Stephen “tWitch” Boss. (N) 12:37 a.m. KCBS
working Christmas Eve at (N) 7 a.m. KTTV
Late Night: Seth Meyers
the store lively and memo- Megyn Kelly Today Naomi Michael Shannon; Ilana
rable for her co-workers. Judd. (N) 9 a.m. KNBC Glazer and Abbi
9:30 p.m. NBC Live With Kelly and Ryan Jacobson; Hiss Golden
The Mayor Courtney (Bran- James Franco; Lily Messenger; Brooks Wack-
don Micheal Hall) tries to James; Brett Young per- erman. (N) 12:37 a.m.
prevent a legendary music forms. (N) 9 a.m. KABC KNBC
venue from shutting down The View Author Corey Last Call With Carson Daly
by staging a festival. Rap- Lewandowski; Keegan- Michael Kelly; Bad Suns
per E-40 guest stars. 9:30 Michael Key. (N) 10 a.m. perform; Amber Stevens
p.m. ABC KABC West. (N) 1:38 a.m. KNBC

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