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Postcard to Nan and Poppe Are we there yet? By Alison Lester Writing Marking Rubric Directoy (ACELYs3) ‘Specng end Lefer formation (ACELY1653) Speling (ACELAN38) Content (ACELYI65) Pichure a * Se” © Prints uppercase and lowercase Includes eat sun later spaliog Wnts consonant sounds athe beginning and ed of words. (op, bat) in WA (Monkey Mia, Planaces, Wave Rock cor Rottnest stand) and writes about 19 Geral (2-3 things about the location) Fraud Writes mosty eft toright Wirtes mostly top tabottom Conveysa mesringtul ‘dea that relates to the topic. Hos chosen aocaton in WA (Monkey Mia, Pinnacles, Wave Rock or Rottnest sland) and writes about i (12thirgs about the locaton) Picture ustrates scenes from thelr wet, Partial Wrtesleftto bottom some of Wites top to bottom some of theme # Spaces correctly ‘nd some words © Prints some uppercase and lowercase letters corretly Inclces early sun: leter spelng some ofthe tie Wires some ‘consonant atthe beginning and few ‘consonant sounds at theend of words Conversa meaningful ea that somewhat Felates tothe top Has chosen a location in WA (Monkey Mia, Pinnacles, Wave Rock or Rottnest sland) and writes about a Petre somewhat itustrates scenes ‘rom their writing Minimal © doesnot write leftco ght Dees not write top to bottom Does not space correctly between lever and werds oes not neue ‘early sound etter sveling + Prints few Writes only afew Uppercase and consonant sounds at lowercase leters the beginning of correctly. vores Conveys anid that doesnot relate to the topic Petre doesnot relate to their ‘writing Student semis write but resus legible, is insuficient, for otherwise ails to mes eters for scoring 1 Goal fov next ses ~ Siavt do have - Capital let tevs ~ foll Stops - spelling a... her own writing.

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