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The Writer’s Life



Discovering Your



Niche’s “Personality” Create



As you have now discovered, all human beings have one of four dominant personality
traits. Each personality has a set of thoughts, actions, beliefs, and vocabulary to
which they gravitate. These communication elements resonate with them at a deep,
subconscious level.

Now that you know this, it should not be surprising to realize that all products, services,
and industries have similar personality traits. This is because all niches are created by, run
by, and administered by human beings.

One of the most powerful things you can do to attract clients and write effective copy is to
discover the “Personality Type” of your niche market.

This can easily be done with the Personality Test you have in this Toolbox.

Simply complete the test “as if” you were the product, service, or industry. What
words would you use to describe the industry? How would you describe the managers,
employees, and marketers of these companies?

When viewed with this lens, a whole new world of communications and possibilities will
open up to you.

Perhaps the most powerful aspect of this will be your ability to create instant, deep, and
lasting rapport and trust with both clients and customers.

Niche Personality Applied

Let me give you a specific example of this

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Discovering Your Niche’s “Personality”

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


Looking at the four dominant personality types we see:

Choleric (Task-Oriented) — Leader, aggressive, gets things done, dominates, mover
Phlegmatic (People-Oriented) — Stable, calm, down-to-earth, slow, consistent
Melancholy (Task-Oriented) — Organized, meticulous, analytical, dramatic, musical
Sanguine (People-Oriented) — Fun-loving, people person, adventure, happy

Now, let’s consider two different products — both purses — and consider what “personality
types” these might have ... or to look at it another way, what types of personalities they
cater to.

Large Purses vs. Small Purses

The choleric does not carry a purse. Too much hassle. They have other people
carry their stuff.
The phlegmatic doesn’t carry a purse either, unless it will make the choleric happy.
The melancholy definitely carries a purse ut only small tight and very well
The sanguine carries a large purse ecause it can fit lots and lots of stuff you
never know what you’ll need or what adventure may await you.

If you think these descriptions are exaggerated, go to a purse shop and note the kinds
of women that buy large purses. For the most part, you will only see disciplined, orderly
women or am oyant energetic women come into the shop

To further illustrate the point look at ads and videos selling purses You’ll find that the
language, imagery, and style of ads selling large purses caters to the sanguine, while
smaller purse ads talk a out eing efficient and organized

Go one step further into the minds of the customers and the difference is really
noticeable. For example, here are two purse customer comments from Amazon ...
one for a large purse, one for a small wallet. Notice the tone and language:

Large Bag
“I love this bag! The color is much richer in person and I have gotten a lot of
compliments on it. I didn’t notice the studs when I ordered it due to the fact that
I ordered from my phone app, but they’re actually not that noticeable. This bag is
a great size, it has a good amount of pockets and you can overload it and it won’t
look bulky. Great purchase!”

Small Wallet
I love this It fits all my cards and iPhone 6 nicely and compactly It’s perfect for
any event and the everyday.”

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Discovering Your Niche’s “Personality”

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

A few things immediately stand out:

You can see that even the word count is much higher with the large bag vs. the
small wallet.
Notice how the sanguine that ordered the large bag made the purchase on the go
and didn’t care to notice any of the details?
Notice how the melancholy that ordered the small wallet is proud of the compact
size, while the sanguine is delighted with being able to “overload” her large purse.
The sanguine is focused on the compliments she gets and the melancholy only
mentions the utility of the thing.

So, what does this mean to you?

If you get hired to write copy for a purse company, you know that when selling small
wallets and purses, you can highlight the compact size, utility, and organizational aspects.
In doing so, you are touching key “buy buttons” in the minds of your best buyers — the

In a similar manner, for large bags, you can talk about all the compliments, fun, and
excitement the owner will have.

s you ecome more familiar with the personality profiles you’ll see that all industries
products, and services can be viewed through the lens of the four personality types.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Discovering Your Niche’s “Personality”

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

The Winner’s Edge: Trust




In the world of attracting, closing, and upselling golden clients that

will help you achieve an astonishing lifestyle of freedom, security, and MARK

wealth, your most powerful marketing resource is TRUST.

If clients trust you, they will go to extreme lengths to hire you, pay you well, treat
you well, and keep you coming back. Why? Because trust is one of the most unique
human experiences in our world today. It is also the core element to all successful
business transactions.

You must learn to gain the trust of others and to maintain that trust. This is true in your
prospecting, in your writing, and in all of your relationships.

The Trust Cycle

1. Non-Verbals
Types of on- er als: _________________________________________________

on- er al Emotional Response

2. Vocabulary
Words uni ue to your niche: ____________________________________________

Word Groups Emotional Response

3. Actions
ey actions and activities that uild trust: _________________________________

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y oshua T Boswell - www oshua oswell com - oshua awaionline com - www awaionline com


4. Specialized Personality Traits

What are the dominant personality traits of your potential clients: ______________

What is the dominant personality trait of your niche market: ___________________


5. Trust
ey indicators that I’ve achieved Trust: ___________________________________

3 ways that I can nurture and grow Trust:

1. ___________________ 2. _____________________ 3. ____________________

6. Cooperation
My client’s top 3 goals are:
1. ___________________ 2. _____________________ 3. ____________________

My client’s iggest o stacles:

1. ___________________ 2. _____________________ 3. ____________________

My client’s top 3 resources for reaching their goals:

1. ___________________ 2. _____________________ 3. ____________________

7. Unity
What non-ver al ver al and ehavioral patterns can you adopt to create
greater unity? _______________________________________________________

The Five Trust Triggers Are

er al
3. Experiential
4. Frequency
5. Consistency

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y oshua T Boswell - www oshua oswell com - oshua awaionline com - www awaionline com

How to Request a Referral



Land Your First Client


(Or Second ... Or Third ... ) Today!



This simple letter is designed to let people in your personal world know that you are a
copywriter and that you’re in business. It is an invitation for them to think about someone
in their personal world who might need a copywriter.

How to Use it — 3 Easy Steps

1. Make a List — Make a list of everyone you know. Use LinkedIn, Facebook, your
phone and email contact lists to help you.
2. Write a Simple Letter — Personalize this letter template.
3. Fire Away! — Send it out to your list. Don’t be shy. Send it to everyone. They’ll be
honored you thought of them, happy that you’re doing great things in your life ...
and who knows, they just might have a project for you!

Helpful Hints
1. Be Real — Don’t mass mail this in email or LinkedIn ... or post it on your
Facebook wall. Bad form. At least personalize it with their name. If you can, add a
line of personal comments that lets them know you’re real.
2. Be Short — Keep it short!!!
3. Be Nice — Compliment and thank them. I’ve added it to the template, so don’t
take it out!

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - How to Request a Referral

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


Letter Template

Subject Line: Can you help me, by chance?

Dear [NAME],

I don’t know if you heard, but I’ve started a new chapter in my life. Kind of exciting, kind
of scary, right?

I wonder if you can help me? If not, that’s okay ... I totally understand.

If you can help me, I’d really appreciate it. Here’s how ...

I recently got certified as a category: B B we direct-response etc writer I

specialize in the industry: pet sports finance health etc arena

Do you know anyone in this industry that uses writers for their [writing type: content,
blogs, sales letters, etc. ... can be a list of 1-3 things ... no more]?

If you do, would you mind introducing them to me?

If you can I’d really appreciate it If not as I said that fine and I totally understand

Either way, please email me back and let me know because, like you, open loops drive
me nuts. :)



The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - How to Request a Referral

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

LinkedIn Networking Strategy and Script

LinkedIn is an incredible tool ... if used properly.

Use the following scripts to expand your network and make connections with the right
people to help you land clients very quickly.

lso note that while this is tailored for use inside of LinkedIn it can e modified for ust
about any networking.

All [Bracket] and highlights should be replaced with your information.

Research LinkedIn, look for 2nd and 3rd tier connections. Send this note to your 1st tier
connections and follow up as outlined.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - How to Request a Referral

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Networking Script

Dear [NAME],

I hope this note finds you well s you may know I am leveraging LinkedIn to grow my
network and noticed that you are connected to [2nd Level Name] at [Company].

I was wondering if you would be willing to provide an introduction for me?

If you can, I would really appreciate it. If not, that is okay, I totally understand.

To make the connection, just copy us both in an email or LinkedIn message. I will take it
from there. It should only take 30 seconds.

In fact, to make it easier for you, I have included a short paragraph below that you are
welcome to copy and paste.

Also, please feel free to look through my connections. I’m more than happy to connect
you with anyone I know.

Thanks so much!
[Your Name]

Use This to Introduce Me ...

I would like to introduce you to [Your Name].

Knowing both of you, I think it makes sense for you to connect and explore
how you might work together.

[Your Name] helps [Short description of your USP and who you serve**].

[Your Name] will be contacting you in a day or two. Please take her call
and/or respond to her email. I believe it will be well worth your time.

If you would like to reach out to [Your Name], her contact information is:

[Your Full Contact Information]

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - How to Request a Referral

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Follow-Up Script

Once the introduction has been made, reply to all with this:

[Your 1st Tier Connection’s Name], thank you for the introduction!

[New Contact Name], I am looking forward to speaking with you. I reviewed

your information and look forward to exploring ways I might be able to help you.

To help you get to know me a little better, I think you’d enjoy reviewing my
comprehensive Information Packet. It will tell you exactly what I do, give you
some examples of my work, introduce you to some of my past clients, and
answer most of your immediate questions.

You can download it here: [LINK]

fter reviewing that most people find it useful to ump on the phone with me
for a couple of minutes.

I have [Time and Date] or [Time and Date] available for a quick 5-10 minute
call. What works best for you?

Or, feel free to send me an email or message on LinkedIn.

[Complete Contact Info]

Thanks! I look forward to talking with you.


[Your Name]

**Here’s an Example of a short description of your USP and who you serve:

oshua Boswell helps companies increase their profits improve customer trust and grow
the business without increasing overhead. Joshua does this through effective, persuasive
communication. His writing and speaking have helped companies like Corel, Sony, GM,
Google, and others reach their goals. I think he can do the same for you ... it’s at least
worth exploring, right?

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - How to Request a Referral

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

The Call Scripts





Hands-down, cold calling is the fastest way to land a client. When I overcame my fear of
cold calling, my $100K+ career took off. Yours can, too.

Keep It Simple. You aren’t selling anything except an opportunity for them to receive your
Information Packet.

You need to memorize and practice this until it is part of you … exactly like an actress
memorizing her lines.

Prospecting Script — If They Answer

Hi! {INSERT YOUR NAME}, here. {PROSPECT’S NAME}, I’m a freelance marketing writer
[or web writer, or whatever you do] and I’m wondering if you use outside writers in any of
your marketing [or web writing, or whatever you do] stuff.

WFA (Wait For Answer)

[If No] Thank you. [Hang up]

[If Yes or Maybe] Great! I have a comprehensive Information Packet put together. It’ll tell
you all about my past clients, give you some ideas on prices, and some samples, so you
can get to know me and my work very quickly.

I’d like to email that to you. What’s the best email address to send that to?

WFA — get email.

{PROSPECT’S NAME}, I’m going to email that to you before the end of the day. Typically,
when I send this out, new clients need about 3 or 4 days to look it over. And, they almost
always have a few questions. What’s a good time to get back to you?

WFA — get the time frame (example: 3 or 4 days)

I’ll get back to you in {TIME FRAME}. What’s best for you?

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Call Scripts

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

#10 S2.3.b.ii

WFA (example: Thursday)

Great! I’ll call you Thursday about nine o’clock. Thanks, {PROSPECT’S NAME}, I’ll talk to
you on Thursday.


Voice Mail Scripts

Whether it be the initial call, or your follow-up calls, you are going to get their voice mail,
quite often. Here are two scripts I use in those situations. NOTE: At times, this has gotten
me a 30%-40% response rate. Very effective!

The Initial Call

Hi {name}. My name is Joshua Boswell. I’m a professional marketing writer. I was just
wondering if you use outside writers in any of your marketing efforts?

Would you do me the professional courtesy of touching base with me and letting me
know if you use outside writers? I understand you’re busy, and so am I. But, from one
professional to another, I’d sure appreciate it.

You can reach me at {number}. Again, this is Joshua Boswell, freelance marketing writer
and you can call me back at {number}.

I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks.

(BONUS HINT: If you really want to boost response, you can send a follow-up email with
just about the same message.)

Following Up on the Info Packet

Hi {name}. Joshua Boswell calling you back. I spoke to you a few days ago. As you
requested, I sent you my complete Information Packet.

As promised, I’m just touching base with you to answer your questions and discuss
some ideas on how I can ring you in more money or meet a specific need they told
you about earlier}.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Call Scripts

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

As a professional courtesy, do you mind getting back with me? I’m really looking forward
to visiting with you.

Oh, one other thing. I have been looking at your site {info, materials, etc. …} and think
I have found a couple of different ways to {make you money, meet need, something
specific they told you earlier etc If you’re curious a out discussing that with me I’d
be happy to take your call.

You can reach me at: {number}. Again, this is Joshua Boswell, freelance marketing writer
and you can call me back at {number}.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Call Scripts

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Content Topic Ideas



for Social Media, Blogs, Create

and Newsletters MARK



One of the most challenging things about becoming a recognized expert is to generate a
high volume of quality content that will attract your target audience.

The way you write, the topics you choose to discuss, and wisdom you share will brand you
as an expert ... or something else.

You can use these guiding principles and suggestions to be seen as an expert:

Guiding Principles of Effective Content

1. Core Wants and Needs The first thing you need to do is esta lish a list of
core needs and wants of your target audience. Without this, you are just shooting
in the dark.

2. Voice — Establish your own voice in a way that is unique, but also connects with
your target audience. How do you know? Listen to them. Read what they say.
Watch videos they produce. Attend live gatherings. Mimic and then put your own
twist on things. If you are one of them (and it is suggested that you should be),
you should easily be able to sound like them.

3. Research — There is no replacement for depth of research. Be well read. Be

curious. Engage in discovery and learning. But, we careful to not “over research.”
Remember, there is an 80/20 ratio in all things. Most things can be skimmed over
to get the full effect.

4. Frequency and Consistency — Produce content consistently and frequently.

5. The Power of One — Be careful to adhere to the “Power of One” in your content.
One Big Idea. One purpose for the content. One concept for each paragraph. One
thought per sentence.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Content Topic Ideas for Social Media, Blogs, Newsletters
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


6. Action — All of your content should have an engagement element. This should be
something that invites them to take action and move with you. It does not need to
be a sales pitch — in most cases, it shouldn’t be. It can be as simple as, “Over the
next few hours, think about this ... ”

7. Length — Make the length as short as possible, but no shorter than needed to
meet the purpose of the content. In some cases, this could mean 30 pages ... other
times 3 sentences.

Idea Generators
Here are 20 content idea generators that will help you create on-target, effective content
that will reach into the hearts of your clients and prospects:

1. How-To Tell them how to do something Give specific instructions and ideas

2. Solutions — Identify a problem in the industry (known or unknown) and then

describe a simple, clear solution.

3. Interview Take time to interview an industry expert on a specific topic Post

highlights or the entire interview.

4. FAQ — Identify common questions and provide clear, simple answers.

5. Helpful Stats — Research useful statistics that impact your industry. Go the extra
mile and connect the dots between the stats and industry application.

6. Personal — Tell a meaningful story about yourself. Beware of being narcissistic.

Instead, tell the story quickly and then make a useful point that will help your

7. Thought Leaders — Identify great thought leaders in your industry and write
up a profile on one or more of them ( int: Tell the Thought Leader that you’re
highlighting them and invite them to share the post.)

8. News Analysis — Consider current news and events in your industry. Comment
on and analyze these events. Show how they can be used in positive and
protective ways.

9. Survey — Get to know your prospects. Discover their thoughts, feelings, needs,
and insights. Be careful to use open-ended questions in your survey. Let them talk.
You’ll discover how they really feel and get a sense of their “voice.”

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Content Topic Ideas for Social Media, Blogs, Newsletters
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

10. Motivation — Inspire them with motivational stories and ideas. Bring light and
hope to their world.

11. Backstage Tour — Take your prospect behind-the-scenes and let them see an
aspect of the world (maybe your world!) that is normally off-limits.

12. Emotional Rant — If you feel strongly about something, speak your mind. You
will bind yourself to your ideal prospect and offend others. Perfect for increasing
the quality of your list and relationships.

13. Product Review — Review different products and services. Talk about pros and
cons and make a solid recommendation. Wishy-washy reviews are useless.

14. Product and Services Announcements and Updates — When you have new
products or services, announce them. Be sure to talk about them in ways that
enefit your audience and don’t ust rag a out how amazing you are When you
enhance and update something, do the same.

15. Prediction — Look into the future and describe what you see. It is best to make a
measura le prediction a out one specific thing If you have a track record of eing
right, highlight that as part of the prediction to increase credibility.

16. Contest — Run a contest that will help your audience engage in a dialogue with
you and spread the word about what you’re doing.

17. Challenge — Be careful ... but when it is right, reach out and respectfully
challenge a leading expert in the industry. Challenge their statements, results,
beliefs, predictions, products, etc. ...

18. Best Practices Tips and Tricks — Create a list of best practices, tips, and tricks.

19. Best of — Outline the “Best of” in your industry ... Best ideas, best products, best
resources, best websites, best experts, best guarantees, best social media, etc. ...

20. Raw and Real — Tear off the mask, remove the props, expose the reality of life,
the industry, or an individual. Don’t focus on the negative. Make it a hero’s story.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Content Topic Ideas for Social Media, Blogs, Newsletters
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

The Query Letter Outline




Getting Published as an MARK


Expert in Newsletters, Magazines, etc.

Here is the anatomy of a winning Query Letter:

There are basically four sections, at 1-2 paragraphs each. In total, the letter should be
no more than one page ... two if you really, really have something exceptional to say.
The sections are:

First Section: The Actual Lead

Do your research find out what the style approach and tone of the pu lication is lso
discover what the core needs are of their target audience.

Then write the first paragraph of the actual article that you would write if hired to write
the article.

This should be engaging, inspiring, and serve the purpose of drawing the reader into the
article ... It will capture the attention of the editor and cause them to read on as well.

Second Section: “Why You Should Care”

This is where you tell the editor why they should care: i.e., their readers will greatly
enefit and en oy your article This is also where you tell the editor why their audience
would care to read this.

Third Section: Why You Should Be the Writer

This is your chance to tell them a little bit about you and what you can do for them.
Include a bit of your relevant background and experience.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Query Letter Outline

y oshua T Boswell - www oshua oswell com - oshua awaionline com - www awaionline com


Fourth Section: The All-Purpose Ending

This is where you sum things up, give them an idea of the time frame, word count, and all
your contact information.

Example: “If you send me a possible word length and deadline, I can begin writing this
article for you immediately. I appreciate your consideration. You can contact me at:
email domain com or at ( 3) - 67

nother Example: This article would e around words and I can have it on your
desk in 3 to weeks Shall I proceed as outlined You can reach me at: email domain
com or at ( 3) - 67

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Query Letter Outline

y oshua T Boswell - www oshua oswell com - oshua awaionline com - www awaionline com

A Couple of Sample Query Letters

Dear ME

lmost everyone in usiness writes letters or memos yet few people find any
oy in putting pen to paper Business writing despite the in uence of est-selling
books such as Strictly Speaking and A Civil Tongue, remains mired in mediocrity.
Poor writing costs merican usiness tens of millions of dollars in lost productivity
every year.

I’d like to suggest a 1,500-word piece titled “LETTER PERFECT: Six Ways to Give
Your Letters Clarity Conciseness and Clout Using lively examples this how-to
article will help business and non-business travelers improve their writing and
make the chore if not a oy at least less stressful

s an executive recruiter I’m aware that good writing skills are high on the list of
criteria for top managerial positions. That’s why I feel that most of your readers
will find this article lively informative and relevant to their lives

I can have the finished manuscript on your desk within two weeks Would you
care to have a look

Bridgford Hunt

P.S. By way of introduction, my articles have appeared in Mainliner, Pace,

American Way, Advanced Management Journal and Iron Age.

ote: Many thanks to Bo Bly for some of this material You can find him at www ly com
His is one of the few newsletters I actually subscribe to anymore.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Query Letter Outline

y oshua T Boswell - www oshua oswell com - oshua awaionline com - www awaionline com

Dear Mr oten:

My small company Center for Technical Communication (CTC) has a marketing

director sales manager office manager controller ookkeeper shipping manager
and administrative assistant. Yet we don’t have a single employee on the payroll.

ow is this possi le Outsourcing

ll of these functions are performed y independent contractors Once a strategy

em raced mainly y a downsized corporate merica outsourcing is now eing
used y small usinesses of all types from accounting firms to petting zoos

I’d like to write an article for your magazine titled 7 Smart Secrets of Savvy
Small Business Outsourcing on how small usinesses can use outsourcing to
increase their ability to serve customers without adding staff or overhead.

Topics include:
Types of services that can e outsourced (and what should not e)
How to determine whether to outsource a particular function or task
Where to find and how to select reputa le third-party service firms for
Negotiating contracts, fees, and payment arrangements
How outsourcing can improve business results while reducing capital
investment and operating costs
E uipment and technology that can make outsourcing more efficient
Examples of small businesses that have successfully outsourced functions
previously handled in-house
Moving toward the concept of a virtual usiness percent outsourcing
with all business partners connected via the Internet
side ar of ma or national outsourcing firms with contact information and
services offered

By way of introduction, I am the author of more than 100 magazine articles

and 50 books including 101 Ways to Make Every Second Count (Career Press)
My articles have appeared in Cosmopolitan, Amtrak Express, and New Jersey

I can have this article on your desk in 3 to weeks Shall I proceed as outlined

Bob Bly

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Query Letter Outline

y oshua T Boswell - www oshua oswell com - oshua awaionline com - www awaionline com


In-Person Networking Script






As you build your business, you will talk to people face-to-face. It will happen at
conferences, training meetings, networking meetings, and other random settings that
come in the course of living life.

Like in all client interactions, you should remember two critical things:

First, people are far more interested in themselves, their goals, and their needs
than your dreams, goals, and needs. Focus on them and how you can help them get
what they want.
Second, the person asking the questions is in charge of the conversation. Do you
want to avoid uncomfortable questions and looking like a fool? Then learn to master
asking quality questions and become excellent at listening.

It should not surprise you that the dialogue used in person is almost identical to the things
that you might say on the phone during the initial stages of a conversation.

The purpose of this simple script is to determine if the person you’re talking to is a ualified
prospect, see if they will review your Information Packet, and begin the relationship.

In-Person Script

[What do you do?]

I’m a freelance marketing writer [or web writer, or whatever you do] that specializes in
short enefit statement i e increasing email response rates I wonder if you
use outside writers in any of your marketing [or web writing, or whatever you do] stuff?

WFA (Wait For Answer)

[If No] Interesting. So that means you either do everything yourself or have an
in-house team. Have you ever considered using outside writers to help expand
your reach?


The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - In-Person Networking Script

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


[If YES or Maybe ... see below]

[If NO] [From here, you can ask more questions about what they do, but if they
don’t already use outside writers, it is an uphill battle to convince them. Move on.]

[If Yes or Maybe] Great! I have a comprehensive Information Packet put together. It’ll tell
you all about my past clients, give you some ideas on prices, and some samples so you
can get to know me and my work very quickly.

I can email that to you. What’s the best email address for you?

[WFA — get email]

{PROSPECT’S NAME}, I’ll email it to you when I get back to my desk. Typically, when I
send this out, new clients need about 3 or 4 days to look it over. And, they almost always
have a few questions. What’s a good time to get back to you?

[WFA — get the time frame (example: 3 or 4 days).]

I’ll get back to you in {TIME FRAME }. What’s best for you?

WFA (example: Thursday at 9 a.m.)

Great! I’ll call you Thursday about nine o’clock. Thanks, {PROSPECT’S NAME}, I’ll talk to
you on Thursday.

[End of Conversation — Walk away or change the subject … ]

NOTE: For follow-up call details and ideas on leaving messages, see The Call Scripts.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - In-Person Networking Script

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

The Client Interview:



3 Golden Questions



When you begin a conversation with a client, the most important thing you need to know
is what they want and how you can meet their needs.

You can get this information by giving them the Discovery Questionnaire and by having an
initial interview with them.

I like to do this before any kind of contract has been signed or price has been discussed.
This will give the details you need to put together an effective proposal, charge the right
fees, and position yourself for future projects.

Note: Of course, not every interview will go exactly like I describe in this document. You
must e exi le and e willing to key off their comments

Just remember, at the end of the conversation, your objective is to have three very simple
questions answered:

1. What do you want?

2. What will having that do for you?
3. How will you know when you have it?

In one form or another, you need answers to these questions.

Here is a suggested dialogue to help you out. In any given interview, you will not use all
these questions. But you will use some, if not many, of them.

A key factor is to continue digging.

Keep asking more questions.

You will know when you have the really important stuff when their emotional tone and
energy shifts. Watch for that ... then ask one more question. It is important to note that
they almost never give you the whole story at first

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Client Interview: 3 Golden Questions
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


1. “What Do You Want?” Questions:

Tell me about the project we are going to work on together.
How many different elements are involved in this package?
Can you please give me a clear picture of what you want this project to look like?
What is your number one most pressing marketing/copywriting challenge right now?
Is there anything else that you need done right now?
What other projects are pressing for your time right now? Can you tell me
about those?
What else do you want to accomplish?

2. “What Will Having That Do For You?” Questions:

ow does this pro ect fit into the growth development plan of your company
What are your key objectives with this project?
How will this project/assignment affect the company when it is successful?
Why did you decide to go this direction?
Why is this project important to the company right now?
What is the single biggest reason for doing this project at this time?

3. “How Will You Know When You Have It?” Questions:

Just so I’m totally clear on this project, can you tell me what a “perfect”
outcome is?
How will you know when this project is a smashing success?
What key indicators are you looking for to clearly tell you that this project
is a success?
What outcomes are you expecting or hoping for with this project?
Can you describe for me what you hope to accomplish with this project?
What is the worst case scenario here? I mean how will we know if this thing
ops really ad

NOTE: When you dig deep there is another ma or enefit: Future pro ects

As you uncover what projects they have and why those projects are important to them,
you will find a verita le gold mine of future pro ects and pro lems to solve Take careful
note of these and come back to them later.

Present solutions for them and encourage them to hire you for those projects.

One major element of being a “professional” is your ability to generate big ideas. The
3 Golden Questions give you a platform to generate never-ending big ideas and projects.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Client Interview: 3 Golden Questions
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Client Discovery



Questionnaire Template



Hello Name,

Thank you for choosing to work with me. As I mentioned, to get started, I engage all new
clients in a Discovery Process. To begin Discovery, I need to know a little more about your
company, position, focus, etc. ...

To make our time as effective as possible, please answer the questions that follow. You
can send these to me via email or simply update this document on Google Docs.

Also, as we discussed, please put together a “care package” for me and physically mail it
off. Mail to: [Mailing Address]

Once I receive everything, I will spend 3-10 days analyzing it. From there, I will put
together a loose summary of my findings including some initial thoughts on a strategic
game plan for capturing more profits

At that point, we will schedule a 1-2 hour mastermind session. You may invite key
team members to participate. However, I don’t recommend having more than 5 total
participate The o ective is to create a specific Profit oadmap that defines low-hanging
fruit and exactly how we are going to harvest that fruit This will include specific action
items, strategies, and assignments.

Your investment for me to work with you on this Discovery Process is $[FEE].
is due to egin the pro ect The alance is due after I deliver the Profit oadmap
(Click here now to make your initial payment: [PAYMENT LINK])

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Client Discovery Questionnaire Template

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


Once you have your Profit oadmap you can decide whether to move forward with my
other services or not If you choose to move forward with me we will define my roles
and contribution to your growth. This might include copywriting, campaign development,
website content revisions, consulting, etc. ... We will determine your investment for these
services at that time.

Clients typically work with me on one of three levels:

Flat fee per project. You might assign me to rewrite a sales letter or create a
series of emails to increase your upsells.

Monthly retainer for specific duties You might have me write amount of
copy each month, plus provide consulting and team training.

Minimal monthly retainer, plus growth commissions. We take a baseline of

annual sales and define growth a ove and eyond that factoring your
current growth margins. A minimal monthly retainer is paid, plus quarterly
growth commissions.

I can’t wait to help you find the low-hanging fruit and discover ways to profita ly harvest
it. Pretty cool though, isn’t it?

All the Best,


The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Client Discovery Questionnaire Template

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Discovery Questionnaire

Founder/CEO Background and Experience

1. What is your personal background? Tell me your story and be as detailed as you’d
like (Often I find uried gold in the lives of founders )

2. Detail your academic industry and street cred degrees ualifications

and experience.

3. Describe the most successful project/product/service that you were responsible for
creating. What did you do to make it so successful? Again, please be as detailed
as possible.

4. Describe the biggest failure in terms of project/product/service that you were

responsible for. What made it fail?

5. What are your top 5 strengths? Please list 5 business strengths (think of your
company as a person) and personal strengths (if you need help seeing the real
you ask - of your closest friends to descri e your strengths)

Current Business

1. Please describe your current business. Give me the 30,000 foot view.

2. What niche or industry are you in? If you are in a micro-niche (niche within a
niche) please descri e it

3. What is the annual growth rate of your industry? The 2 year trend? 5 year trend?
Please provide data to validate this, if you can.

4. What is your company’s annual growth rate? 2 year trend? 5 year trend?

5. Please describe your current sales funnel. Start from your least expensive offering
and outline each offering up to and including your most expensive offering.

6. Descri e in detail what makes your firm uni ue

7. Descri e what need in the market you fill What makes you uni uely ualified to fill
that need?

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Client Discovery Questionnaire Template

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

8. What are your specific usiness goals and targets for this year (Can e calendar
year fiscal year or rolling month Please identify )

9. How many employees do you have? Please tell me about the people you consider
your “Top 5 Key Employees.” Why are they critical? What do they contribute?
Please also provide a brief bio on each.

10. Please tell me about your executive team. Please provide a brief bio and job
description on each. In some cases, this will overlap with your “Top 5” and there is
no need to duplicate descriptions ust tell me who fits into oth categories

11. What are your profit margins Please provide per product service

12. What is your customer/client lifetime value? Please provide per product/service.

13. Please provide the following details on your existing customer database:

a. What software/database do you use to house your customer data?

b. Do you have an IT person who can run specific ueries to help with
data mining?

c. How big is your email list?

d. How did you obtain these emails and names? Please list the top 10
methods/sources. If possible, please provide campaign details for each
acquisition set, including landing pages, emails, thank you pages, offer,
follow up/nurturing sequences, etc. ...

e. Do you segment your list? If so, please provide a data schematic showing
segments and descriptions for each segment.

f. How many buyers vs. free sign-ups are currently in your database?

g. Do you have demographic and/or psychographic information on your

customers? Please provide as much detail as possible.

h. How many full physical mailing addresses do you have? When was this list
last USPS-matched, purged, and repaired?

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Client Discovery Questionnaire Template

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


1. Please tell me about the top 5 competitors in your industry. Provide as much
information as you can, including websites, industry reports, stock prices —
including 2 year stock history, employee size, products & offerings, etc. ...

2. Who is the industry leader? Why? Please describe their strength position and how
they got there, if you can.

3. What needs in the marketplace are they not filling Where do you see gaps in their
offering? What are their weaknesses?

Advertising, Marketing, and PR Efforts

1. Please explain your current advertising and marketing model. (PPC, ads, articles,
SEO events direct mail etc )

2. Please provide the following information on current marketing campaigns and efforts:

a. How frequently do you contact your existing customers? Please provide

details on the last 50 contacts, including emails, mailings, social posts, etc.
... that were targeted to existing customers.

b. Please provide access to all upsell campaigns, including landing pages,

emails, social media, mailings, videos, etc. ... from the last 12 months.
Include target audience data (size list segment etc ) and results (opt in
conversions sales net and gross profits etc )

c. Please provide details on all acquisition campaigns for the last 12 months.
Include target audience data (size list segment etc ) and results (opt in
conversions sales net and gross profits etc )

d. Please describe any physical mailing campaigns you have used in the last 12
months. Include details, samples, list size and source, and results.

e. Please tell me about your tracking systems. Do you have an “airtight” sales
funnel, that can track customers from initial contact to “end of customer
value life”? Can you pinpoint exactly where a customer came from, even if
they have multiple contact points?

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Client Discovery Questionnaire Template

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

3. Do you utilize P as part of your efforts If so how Please provide some samples

4. What is the most successful campaign you have run in the past year? Why? Please
provide full campaign statistics for this campaign. (i.e., List/market size, exposure
reach response rate conversion rate revenue per click etc )

5. What is the least successful campaign you’ve run? Why?

6. ow do you filter for your target audience i e Do you have a marketing language
and image bank that “calls out” your ideal customer? (If not, I can help you create
one ) What efforts do you make to turn off ad customers clients Please descri e
in detail.

7. Please describe your ideal customer/client. Include demographic and psychographic


8. Is your industry/business cyclical in nature? What factors affect these cycles? Do

you have a plan in place to compensate for those? If so, please describe.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Client Discovery Questionnaire Template

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Simple Proposal Template






I have never used a detailed, line-item Proposal. The exact specs of a project are usually
handled in a Creative Brief after I’ve closed the deal.

I use the Proposal as a way to soft-close the project and get things started. I also use it to
put general parameters around the project so I don’t undercharge.

Client: [CLIENT]
Contact: [Project Copy Chief]
Project: [PROGRAM]


Dear [NAME],

Thank you for choosing me to write the copy for [PACKAGE/PROJECT NAME].

Here are the terms for this project. Would you please read this through to make sure
these are terms you agree to and send a EPLY email stating that it looks fine (Please
include this email in your reply.)

Project Description
Create copy selling [PRODUCT NAME]. The [PROJECT DETAILS, for example: package will
include letter copy and other package components necessary to complete the package,
such as envelope teaser, lift notes, reply device, etc.]. This Agreement only covers
copy creation Graphic design final layout and pro ect design is the responsi ility of
[COMPANY]. As appropriate, I will make recommendations for these elements where it is
necessary to strengthen the effect of the copy.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Simple Proposal Template

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


The fee for me to complete this project is: [$ FEE]. Additionally, a royalty of 3% of net
sales will e paid out uarterly for as long as the package and copy is used

deposit of half the pro ect fee FEE) is re uired efore I egin the pro ect lthough
it is not re uired deposits are typically sent overnight or via ank wire You will receive
an invoice for the alance upon completion of the pro ect which is due upon receipt
Upon special re uest I can accept credit cards ut an additional will e added for
processing Checks are made paya le to ME

You will receive the first draft of headers and leads on or efore D TE dditional
deadlines for final copy and pro ect completion will e esta lished at that time

Please Note — Once we agree on deadlines, they are contingent on getting your
go-ahead and deposit My schedule does fill up uickly and I regret that I can’t hold
dates without payment or written approval.

Up to two revisions are included at no extra charge unless they are ased on a change in
the assignment made after the copy is su mitted

ll revisions must e assigned within 3 days of your receipt of the first draft of copy
fter that additional rewrite may e made at a fee to e negotiated separately from this

I will make my est attempt to e availa le to make revisions I can turn around minor
revisions in -3 usiness days and ma or revisions may take longer

If you cancel or put the pro ect on hold once I have egun work a kill fee e ualing your
deposit will e applied

This fee greement is for copywriting which I define as creating text for promotional
fundraising and or prospecting material from content provided y the client esearch to
create original content if needed may e an additional fee to e uoted separately

Background material sent to me in preparation for copywriting assignments is not

returned to the sender unless specific arrangements have een made prior to the pro ect

lthough you are not re uired to do so I strongly recommend that you send me a PDF
of the pro ect components efore printing pu lishing so I can review make sure the
elements are positioned effectively, and make sure all revisions work effectively.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Simple Proposal Template

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Also, although I make every effort to make your copy comply with the law, I am not an
attorney Therefore it is your responsi ility to su mit all copy for legal review You are
also responsi le for final proofreading of all the copy

Promotional Material Release and Copyright Status

Unless you re uest otherwise in writing you agree to allow me to use your name
company name, correspondences, and the materials produced under this Agreement, in
my personal marketing efforts Usage may include things such as sample pieces uotes
testimonials rochures etc

Upon final payment all copyrights on the copy produced under this greement are
exclusive property of COMP Y Future use of this copy y YOU YOU BUSI ESS
ME outside of the promotional materials descri ed in this greement re uires written

There are many factors in your marketing and fundraising — product, market, price, list,
demand, consumer preferences, major events, etc. — that I cannot control. Therefore,
while I can and do guarantee your satisfaction with the copy efore you test it I do not
promise and cannot guarantee specific results

Thank you. Let me know what you’d like to do next to get started.


The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Simple Proposal Template

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Closing the Deal and MATCH

Getting Started Script


The Foundation

First, how do you know what to charge?

For me, it is a very simple formula:

Your Financial Goal ÷ Hours Willing to Work = Hourly Rate

You figure out how much you want to make how many hours you want to work to make
that, and come up with an hourly rate.

Then, with each project, you simply estimate how long it will take you, do the math, and
come up with a project fee.

It’s that simple.

Now, how do you get them to invest that much in the project? Here’s how to approach the
money conversation ...

Dealing with the Money Question

The close and negotiations egin with the initial interview and fact-finding mission I
suggest you use the Client Discovery Questionnaire and the Three Golden Questions. To
close a deal and make it as profita le as possi le it is essential that you know what their
financial pressure points are

By that, I mean, what is important to them. People are always willing to pay for what
has value.

Remember this, your fee on a project always follows this formula:

Your Perceived Value of Yourself x Client’s Perceived Value of You

+ Business Economics = Project Fee

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Closing the Deal and Getting Started Script
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

#11 S2.3.e.i

If you see yourself as a small fish you won’t command much pay

If the client sees you as small fish they won’t respect you and they will drop your fee

If they are in a business that simply cannot afford your fees, you’re sunk. However, this
is the least important factor ecause human eings almost always find money for things
they really want.

You discover what they really want y asking the following three uestions when you first
start working with them:

1. What do you want?

2. What will having that do for you? (i.e., Why is it important?)
3. How will you know when you have it? or What does a perfect project look like?

You can modify these to e specific to the situation ut you need the core information:

1. Description of their wants

2. The emotional reasons for wanting it
3. A detailed description of how it shows up in reality

Okay, once you have the answers for this, then you can do some real negotiating. Until
then, you are just an order-taker. They give you the price and the project — take it or
leave it.

Assuming that you have the answers to these questions, here’s what you do next:

The Actual Conversation

“I think I understand the scope of the project. So, let’s get going on this so we can
get you {their answer to question #2 — the emotional stuff}.

Actually, this reminds me of {tell really short story of how you helped someone
else in the past. This is a proof point to validate in their minds that you can get the
job done}. That project was {$massive number, bigger than what you’re about to
quote} ... but I don’t think this will be anywhere near that.

Let me ask you this: If I could get you {their answer to #3 — the picture of
what they want ... be sure to use as many of their exact words as possible, very
powerful} by {date}, would {very large sum of money} be an appropriate amount
to invest

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Closing the Deal and Getting Started Script
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

If the prospect does not gasp a little and let a big, fat pregnant pause hang in the air, your
num er was too small If they ump right on it it was definitely too small ust smile take
the project and raise your prices.

If they say umm Let me think a out that and get ack to you You’re in the money
They will counteroffer. Always bid high enough to take the counteroffer. Don’t dicker
with them.

If they come back with a really crazy low number, then say,

“Oohh. Ummm. {pregnant pause here}. You know, I really appreciate that offer,
but there is just no way I can get you {their emotional need in answer #2} for that
small amount.

But, I do know some other copywriters that might be able to play ball at that level.
Of course, they are not me, but I’m sure they’ll do a nice job for you. Would you
like me to send you their contact information

Always be willing to walk away from a project. Low paying clients are NOT worth it. If you
don’t believe me, try a few. You’ll be converted.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Closing the Deal and Getting Started Script
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

3 Contract and Agreement



Templates Create


I have included three sample contracts to give you a general idea of the kinds of
Agreements copywriters make with their clients.

These contracts are offered as examples only and are not intended to be legal advice of
any kind. It is strongly recommended that copywriters have legal counsel review all
Agreements prior to signing them.

Simple Agreement

Agreement for Copywriting Services

Date: [xxxx]
Copywriter: [Your Name]
Job Description: New Direct Mail Package
Project Timeline: [xxxx]

Copywriting Terms/Payments:

$25,000 advance against $0.05/piece royalty on all names mailed (house and outside).
$12,500 of the advance to be paid at the signing of this Agreement to ensure the writer’s
availa ility The remaining advance will e paid upon approval of final copy

Copywriter will provide cover and lead-in tests at no additional charge once package
becomes the control. In the unlikely event the package is unsuccessful but worthy of
retesting with revisions, copywriter will revise copy for retest at no additional charge.

Copywriter will provide references to studies that support all claims in the copy if the
studies are not referenced in the [xxxx] previously published material. If writer is
proposing any new premiums, the creative brief/outline must indicate where the content
will e drawn from The first copy draft must then include everything we need to egin
writing any new premiums including all promises it must fulfill the source we will draw
from to fulfill each promise including each specific reference or page num er (We will
provide you with a “start kit” containing any of [xxxx] newsletters and premiums that you
might find helpful previous ac uisition packages and creative analysis market research
and access to [xxxx] website.)

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - 3 Contract and Agreement Templates

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


Additional Bonuses:

Should we choose to invest in online testing of this package, copywriter will consult with
us on how to best leverage the message online and provide initial dedicated emails or
other online tests. Copywriter will receive a $5,000 bonus each time the online magalog
generates in new online sales (outside of any of ine-to-online efforts)

onfidentia it o rig t erms

Copywriter agrees not to disclose any information of [xxxx or any of its affiliates
including but not limited to content, mailing results, and strategy. All copyrights are
property of client.

Copywriter acknowledges and agrees that the Work will e a Work Made for ire as
defined y the United States Copyright ct with Client as the author

If the Work is not for any reason held to e a Work Made for ire Copywriter here y
assigns to Client for its own use and that of its successors and assigns, all of its right,
title and interest in the Work Copywriter further agrees to execute any document
necessary to effectuate this assignment to Client For purposes of this greement Work
includes all of the original matter created by Copywriter for direct mail packages. Nothing
in this Agreement should be construed as creating an employee-employer relationship.

Please sign and return this Agreement to [xxxx via email as a PDF file at xxxx] or by
mail to the letterhead address. Send invoices for the “Amount Due” above to [xxxx] along
with your Social Security num er or Federal ID num er or completed W form

Client Signed: _______________________

Client Dated: ________________________

Agency Signed: ______________________

Agency Dated: _______________________

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - 3 Contract and Agreement Templates

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

n De t greement


This Agreement this ____ day of [Month, Year] is between [xxxx] a Limited Liability
Company doing business in [xxxx] (herein “LLC”) and [xxxx], residing at [xxxx] (herein
Writer ) LLC and Writer shall e mutually referred to herein as the Parties

a) LLC publishes and markets various newsletters, including [xxxx] (herein, the

b) LLC wishes to have Writer as an independent contractor responsi le for writing a

package (herein the Work ) that will market the ewsletter to the pu lic

In exchange for the mutual consideration contained herein etween LLC and Writer it is
ereb agreed as o o s

riter s er ormance

a) Writer agrees to produce the work as directed y LLC The Work shall e delivered
according to the following due schedule: a first draft due xxxx] (herein, “First Draft”),
and the final revised copy due xxxx (herein Final Copy ) Writer agrees to make
revisions and or if necessary a full re-write of the Work so that it shall meet such
standards length and uality as re uired y LLC

) Writer agrees to provide the following ack-up along with su mission of the Work:
i sources of all factually material claims made in the Work
ii dates of ooks if any that the Work refer to and citations to any studies editorial
and or other material sources the Work refers to in sufficient detail to permit
material fact-checking of the Work

om ensation

In exchange for Writer’s performance as descri ed in Section a ove LLC shall

compensate him according to the following schedule:

a) Twelve Thousand Five undred Dollars ( ) up front upon execution of

this Agreement.

) Twelve Thousand Five undred Dollars ( ) upon receipt and approval of the
Final Copy.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - 3 Contract and Agreement Templates

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

c) If LLC decides in its sole discretion to use the Work following its initial test mailing
Copywriter shall e compensated a royalty of five cents ( ) for every piece mailed
to the pu lic (herein oyalty ) oyalty shall e paid every time Work is used at this
rate until LLC decides in its sole discretion to cease use of the Work

If LLC decides in its sole discretion that the First Draft is inappropriate, this Agreement
shall terminate immediately and Writer may keep the initial payment of Twelve Thousand
Five undred Dollars ( ) and forgo any and all future payment

nde endent ontractor

LLC and Writer ointly and severally agree that the relationship of Writer to LLC is that of
an independent contractor, and that in no event shall this Agreement be deemed to have
created a partnership, joint venture, or employee-employer relationship. LLC shall have no
control of the details of where how and when Writer performs his services and functions
under Section 1 of this Agreement.

ssignment o o rig ts

I WIT ESS W E EOF the parties hereto have duly executed this greement as of the
date first written a ove

It is further agreed that LLC shall be the owner to the fullest extent permitted under
law of all intellectual property produced under this Agreement and associated with the
Work Writer here y transfers full ownership of any copyrights of hers produced under
this Agreement to LLC, including, but not limited to, the exclusive rights throughout the
world to first pu lish the Work to repu lish reproduce and authorize the repu lication
reproduction thereof in English or in translation and in any and all media including
electronic media now existing or to e discovered in the future (i e Internet World Wide
We etc ) Writer upon LLC’s re uest shall execute any documents to perfect and or
register such an assignment.

on Disc osure

Writer also acknowledges that information and techni ues o tained y Writer from LLC in
preparing the Work is proprietary and confidential and Writer covenants not to disclose
it. It is further agreed that LLC shall be the owner to the fullest extent permitted under
law of all intellectual property produced under this Agreement and associated with the
Work Writer here y transfers full ownership of any copyrights of hers produced under
this Agreement to LLC, including, but not limited to, the exclusive rights throughout the
world to first pu lish the Work to repu lish reproduce and authorize the repu lication
reproduction thereof in English or in translation and in any and all media including

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - 3 Contract and Agreement Templates

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

electronic media now existing or to e discovered in the future (i e Internet World Wide
We etc ) Writer upon LLC’s re uest shall execute any documents to perfect and or
register such an assignment.

ssignment o greement

Writer’s services and functions are considered uni ue This greement and or any rights
or o ligations herein may not e assigned or otherwise transferred y Writer to any other
party without the prior written consent of LLC.

ntegration, mendments, odifications

This Agreement embodies the entire Agreement between the parties hereto with respect
to the su ect matter herein This greement may not e amended or modified except y
a writing duly executed by the parties hereto.

oice o a

This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the internal laws
of the State of Maryland regardless of any con icts of law The forum for any dispute
shall e limited to courts within the State of Maryland Writer expressly consents to
personal jurisdiction of [Maryland].

Facsimi e Signature

Parties agree that a facsimile signature shall be deemed an original.

nter retation

Each Party has participated in the drafting of this greement and was presented with the
opportunity to confer with counsel of its own choosing. As a result, this Agreement shall
not be construed more strictly against one Party or in favor or any other Party.

Client Signed: _______________________

Client Dated: ________________________

Agency Signed: ______________________

Agency Dated: _______________________

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - 3 Contract and Agreement Templates

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

ontract or arketing onsu tation


T IS G EEME T is made on the xxxx day of xxxx xxxx y and etween xxxx
doing business as [xxxx] (the “Client”) which has an address of [xxxx] and [xxxx] doing
business as [xxxx] (the “Agency”) which has an address of [xxxx].


OW T E EFO E in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreement contained

herein, the parties agree that Agency shall provide the Client with certain advertising
services for [xxxx] and other related products which include marketing consulting, sales
strategies, and copywriting (the “work product”) for a fee based on formulas outlined
herein. To that extent, both parties acknowledge that no assets will be developed during
the duration of this greement More specifically the gency and the Client make the
following agreements:

nde endent ontractor onfidentia it greement

gency agrees to execute an I DEPE DE T CO T CTO S CO FIDE TI LITY

G EEME T with the Client

Sub ect atter Agency shall provide its work product in conjunction with the Client
for the purpose of marketing [xxxx].

om ensation As compensation for creative marketing services provided by the

Agency, the Client agrees to pay Agency as follows:

Direct ai romotion o roducts to on ustomers

A. For each direct mail promotion created by the Agency for the purpose of selling
a product to Non-Customer (i.e., a person who is not currently a customer of the
Client), it will receive a $25,000 advance against royalties of $0.03 per copy of the
promotion that is ultimately delivered to prospects ($30 per 1,000 pieces mailed).

B. The advance against royalties will be treated as follows:

1) A payment of $12,500 will be paid to Agency upon the Client’s reservation of the
Agency’s time to create each promotion.

2) The balance of $12,500 will be paid to Agency upon delivery of First Draft copy.
Should a project be cancelled by client after First Draft Copy is delivered, the
entire $25,000 advance paid to Agency will forfeited by the Client as a “kill fee.”

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - 3 Contract and Agreement Templates

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

C. The Client may mail up to 833,333 copies of each promotion without additional
payment to gency The uantity is covered y the advance fter the first
833,333 pieces of a promotion are distributed, Agency will be paid $0.03 ($30 per
thousand) on all additional copies of that promotion that are delivered to prospects.

D. Should the promotion or any substantial part thereof that was originally prepared by
Agency for the purpose of attracting new customers be adapted and used to promote
a product to existing customers, Agency will be paid 10% gross revenues generated
y the promotion minus direct fulfillment costs and direct marketing costs

For the purposes of this entire greement direct fulfillment costs and direct
marketing costs are defined as follows:

Direct marketing costs are defined as the direct cost of printing media (mail list
rental or media buys), postage, and lettershop.

Direct fulfillment costs include the direct costs associated with order acceptance
and processing including call center and credit card processing fees.

E Should the promotion or any su stantial part thereof intended for use in one
medium (i.e., direct mail, print, the Internet, TV, or radio) be adapted for use in a
print ad or ad in any other medium, Agency shall be paid the greater of: 1) 10%
of gross sales minus direct marketing and fulfillment costs or ) of media

For the purposes of this entire greement media expenditures are defined
as follows:

Media Expenditures are defined as the cost incurred y the client to print mail
or otherwise place the promotion before prospective customers in direct mail,
printed pu lications magazines newspapers radio television or Internet or
other medium.

F. Should Agency and Client agree to engage a subcontractor, such as another

copywriter or graphic artist Client shall e solely responsi le for the at-fee
payment due to such subcontractor. Should Agency so desire, it may from time
to time, share a portion of its royalties with such subcontractors.

romotions to on ustomers in Ot er edia

A. For each non-direct-mail promotion to non-customers (i.e., promotions delivered to

non-customers through the Internet television radio magazines newspapers and

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - 3 Contract and Agreement Templates

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

other print publications, or any other medium) Agency will be paid the greater of:
) of gross sales minus direct marketing and fulfillment costs or ) of
media expenditures.

B. Should Agency and Client agree to engage a subcontractor, such as another

copywriter or graphic artist Client shall e solely responsi le for the at-fee
payment due to such subcontractors. Should Agency so desire, it may from time to
time, share a portion of its royalties with such subcontractors.

romotions o roducts to isting ustomers

A. For each promotion created by the Agency for the purpose of selling additional
products to existing customers, the Client shall pay the Agency 10% of gross
revenues minus direct marketing and fulfillment costs as defined a ove

B. Should a promotion or any substantial part thereof that was originally prepared by
Agency for the purpose of selling a product to existing customers be adapted and
used to attract new customers, Agency will be paid the greater of: 1) 10% of gross
revenues generated y the promotion minus direct marketing and fulfillment costs
or ) royalty e ual to of the cost incurred y the client to print mail or
otherwise place the promotion before prospective customers.

C. Should any part of a promotion intended for use in one medium (i.e., direct mail,
print, the Internet, TV, or radio) be adapted for use in a print ad or ad in any other
medium, Agency shall be paid the greater of: 1) 10% of gross sales, minus direct
marketing and fulfillment costs or ) of media expenditures

D. Should Agency and Client agree to engage a subcontractor, such as another

copywriter or graphic artist Client shall e solely responsi le for the at-fee
payment due to such subcontractors. Should Agency so desire, it may from time to
time, share a portion of its royalties with such subcontractors.

a ment rocedures

Promotions to on-Customers: Client will produce a report specifying the final

uantities and royalties due for each planned promotion prior to the release of each
promotion to prospects.

B Promotions to Existing Customers: Client will produce a weekly report specifying the
gross revenue, direct product and marketing costs, commissionable revenues, and
the commissions due the Agency as a result of promotions the Agency produces for
the Client.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - 3 Contract and Agreement Templates

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

C. Monthly remittance: All compensation due Agency will be remitted on the 15th of
the month following the month in which the compensation was earned.


A. The following are expenses for which the Agency is responsible: All expenses
incurred in the performance of its obligation to the Client, including but not limited
to office rental utilities long-distance telephone salaries su scriptions and
royalty compensation of outside copywriters.

B. The following are expenses for which the Client is responsible: All travel expenses
incurred y the gency at the Client’s specific re uest including airfare rental cars
and meals for Agency employees and independent contractors hired and retained
by Agency;

ours The gency is re uired to commit a reasona le num er of hours during a

week necessary to provide the services agreed to between the parties during the
term of this greement Given the level of expertise of the gency’s principal xxxx
and the time-sensitive nature of certain publication deadlines, those services shall be
provided substantially by [xxxx].

ective Date [xxxx]

otices: ny notice consent re uest claim or other communication hereunder shall

e deemed to have een duly given if delivered or mailed y registered or certified
mail return receipt re uested to the following addresses:
Any party may change such address by notice given in the manner provided above.

ttorne s Fees In the event either party to this Agreement shall employ legal
counsel to protect its rights under this Agreement or to enforce any term or provision
of this Agreement, then the party prevailing in any such legal action shall be entitled
to recover from the other party all of its reasonable attorney’s fees, costs, and
expenses incurred in relation to such claim.

ntire greement This Agreement, together with all exhibits and the documents
referred to herein, contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties
with respect to marketing copywriting and strategies, and shall not be amended or
modified except y written instrument signed y all of the parties

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - 3 Contract and Agreement Templates

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Binding ect on e resentatives and Successors This Agreement shall

e inding upon and inure to the enefit of the representatives heirs estates
successors, and assigns to the parties.

o ies This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more

counterparts, each of which, shall be deemed original, but all of which shall constitute
one and the same instrument.

a overning This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws
of the State of [North Carolina]. Any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be
adjudicated within the state in an appropriate forum.

ig t to ance Parties shall have the right to cancel this Agreement within ninety
( ) days written notice In the event that the Client desires to terminate for cause
for breach of the terms of this Agreement, the Agency shall be given thirty (30)
days to cure or other reasonable period of time, at Client’s discretion. In the event
of cancellation of this Agreement or the death or disability of [xxxx], the Agency’s
principal, Client is obligated to continue paying royalties as outlined in this document
on promotions created by Agency so long as they are used.

erm This Agreement is in effect until [xxxx] unless terminated pursuant to

paragraph 17.

ermination or Breac This Agreement with the Agency may be terminated for
cause Cause may e defined as ut not limited to the following occurrences caused
the conduct of the gency its employees officers or independent contractors: The
conviction of any felony, or misdemeanor which amounts to a crime involving the
taking of property, in any domestic or foreign court; or the conviction of the Agency
of any regulatory violation whether by a federal regulatory agency or self-regulatory

ode o t ics By this greement the gency all the gency’s officers and
personnel agree to comply with the Client’s Code of Ethics that is then in effect

Client accepts sole responsibility for the accuracy of all research and other
background materials it provides to the Agency for each promotion. Furthermore,
Client accepts sole responsibility to ensure that all statements made by the Agency in
each promotion are accurate, fully substantiated, legally permissible, and that their
presentation complies with all laws and regulations established by governing national,
state, and local authorities prior to the promotion being presented to prospects or

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - 3 Contract and Agreement Templates

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Should the Client and/or Client’s legal counsel determine that any statement included
in draft copy may be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of any governing law
or regulation, the Client will direct the Agency to make such changes as the Client
and its legal counsel deem necessary to bring the work product into compliance.
Furthermore, should Client, on advice of legal counsel, determine that additional
disclaimers or other clarifying statements must be included in the sales copy to fully
satisfy legal and or regulatory re uirements Client will direct gency to include said
disclaimers or other statements In all cases gency will make all re uired changes
to the satisfaction of the Client and its legal counsel.

The Client’s presentation of the gency’s final work product to customers and or
prospects shall be construed as the Client’s approval of the work product and Client’s
confirmation that it has found the promotion to e accurate not misleading and in
full compliance with all governing legal and regulatory guidelines.

Should presentation of Agency’s work product to customers or non-customers result

in legal action of any kind against Client, Client agrees to hold the Agency harmless.

The parties have executed this greement as of the day and year first a ove written and
attest to this fact with the following signatures:

Client Signed: _______________________

Client Dated: ________________________

Agency Signed: ______________________

Agency Dated: _______________________

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - 3 Contract and Agreement Templates

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -
Jane Smith Copywriting Sample Invoice
PO Box 100
Anytown, FL 12345

For the Purchase Order Number, you could fill in

Verbal or Email if your clients do not use a P.O.
Bill To:
Number. Agencies will normally require a P.O.
Number. If your client has a specific job number or
[Client’s Name] billing code, you could list that here, or under
[Client’s Company Name] Description. Be sure it's on the Invoice if your
[Client Address] contact gave it to you.

Use a numbering system Terms: Generally "up front" Official Project Name
that makes sense to you. or "net due upon receipt." and/or a billing code.
Date Invoice No. P.O. Number Terms Project
04/01/15 2015-139

Item Description Quantity Rate Amount

Web Page Copywriting for [Website Name] 9 pages $xxx/page $x,xxx.00

for the following Web Pages:
5 Product Pages [name them]

[Note: Be sure to include enough detail that Less 50% - $x,xxx.00

it's clear what work was done for this project. deposit paid
Include package names, article titles, blog post up front
numbers, or other descriptive text.] x/xx/15

NOTE: I accept checks made payable to

“[Your Name]” or “[Your Company Name].”

Thank you for your business!

Total $x,xxx.00

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Sample Invoice

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


Invoicing and Agreement



Best Practices Create



Even though we deal with money every day, it continues to be a sensitive subject for most
humans. Perhaps it is precisely because we deal with it every day and because so much of
our lives revolve around money that it is a sensitive topic.

It continues to amaze me that many of my clients, managers of large corporations, still

feel uncomfortable talking with me about money, invoices, and expenses.

Invoicing Best Practices

To help you in these conversations, there are a few guiding principles you should follow:

1. Be Clear and Simple — Describe the project and your terms as exactly and
precisely as you can. Keep invoices, terms, agreements, proposals, and creative
briefs as simple as possible.

2. Deliverables — Tell exactly what you will deliver.

3. Deadline — Tell exactly when you will deliver it.

4. Default Terms — What happens when one of you defaults, fails to meet terms,
or a deadline? Describe recourse and solutions in advance.

5. 50% Up Front — Always ask for 50% up front. Don’t begin before they send
the money ... unless you are willing to accept the fact that you might not get
the money.

6. Kill Fee — Give yourself and them the option of backing out of the agreement.
Include a kill fee for this purpose. The project kill fee is usually the 50%
initialization payment.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Invoicing and Agreement Best Practices
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


7. Payable on Receipt — Since you are invoicing to begin a project and invoicing
when the project is done, all invoices should be payable immediately.

8. Suggest Payment Methods — Suggest that they pay by check, wire, credit card,
or whichever is your preferred method Be sure to find out how they will pay

9. Reminders — Although all invoices are due immediately, determine what time
frame you will actually accept. Usually, don’t let invoices go over 15 days before
you send out a reminder, unless other arrangements are made.

10. Fees and Penalties — Just like any business, establish late payment fees and

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Invoicing and Agreement Best Practices
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

The Creative Brief






The Creative Brief is a simple document used to understand the size and scope of a

It puts all relevant project information in one place. It brings clarity to the project and
provides a common ground for you and the client to discuss the project.

Use a creative rief with each pro ect s you work more and more with a specific client
these creative riefs will e less formal ut still they should e used to ensure that
everyone is on the same page.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Creative Brief

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


Creative Brief Template

Part 1: Contact and Business Information

Name: _______________________________ Contact name: ___________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________ State: __________ ZIP: ____________

Phone: ______________________ Ext. _______ Cell: _________________________________

URL: ___________________________________ Email: _______________________________

Part 2: Project Scope and Purposes

Purpose of your project — What do you want visitors/prospects to DO?

Check all that apply and then circle the main purpose to help me focus:
Buy your products via e-commerce/shopping cart
sk you a out your services ( ecome a ualified lead for your usiness)
Sign up for a free trial or e-newsletter (give you their email address)
Come to your retail store ( ricks-and-mortar)
Find your website via search engines
View an electronic portfolio and or case studies of your programs services
Sign up to become a member of a group
Access a library of information
Participate in a forum for like-minded people
Search your inventory or see product options
iew and or order product demonstrations seminars training materials
Other _____________________________________________________________________

Business Marketing and Sales Goals for Your Project. Check all that apply:
Cultivate more clients
Focus on selling more programs and/or services to existing clients
Grow specific programs or product lines
Launch a new program or service
einforce support other marketing efforts (not serve as the main marketing outlet)
Other _____________________________________________________________________

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Creative Brief

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Major Competitors
Describe the competitive climate. Who else offers similar products or services; who owns this
space? List your top 3 competitors and give links to their competitive products/services.

Top Competitors

1. Company: ______________________________ Web address: ______________________

2. Company: ______________________________ Web address: ______________________

3. Company: ______________________________ Web address: ______________________

Part 3: Your Project Scope

What materials do you already have for me to reference?

Your we site (Domain ame):

A project outline indicating what you want and envision

Business plan

Marketing plan

Product and/or service list — everything your company makes/does/offers

Current marketing materials media plan

Brand guidelines
(a document that lays out your company’s rules regarding use of logos colors etc )

Part 4: Content Message Considerations

• Describe your ideal/target customer:

Gender age geographic location (very important) cultural considerations:

Characteristics (ho ies interests affiliations):

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Creative Brief

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

– Major “pain” or need they have that your business/organization can alleviate or address —
what keeps them up at night?

– Solution they’re looking for/what you help them do:

What motivates and inspires this audience emotionally (Being a hero having life alance etc ):

Customer insights from research anecdotes:

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Creative Brief

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

• ssentia at s t e main benefit or so ution only your product or service can

offer? (This is the USP or Uni ue Selling Proposition Uni ue Solution Proposition)

• List the key features of your service.

• List the key enefits that those features deliver to customers.

• What is your Big Promise (what exactly are we promising that our product will do): What’s the
sing e most im ortant benefit message or o er or t e target audience In one sentence.

• What is the support for the key messages the proof or reasons to elieve (testimonials
endorsements case studies product specifics etc )

• What are the o stacles and o ections that need to e overcome for success For example are you
asking your audience to switch brands … try something totally new … try something unknown?

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Creative Brief

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

• What is the tone or voice to e conveyed in your messages (serious lighthearted fun practical)

• Does your audience know you?

• What is the offer — a reason to buy or contact you NOW (Limited-time trial offer etc )

• What is the call-to-action (Order now in uire now sign up for a free newsletter or demo etc )

• ow can the audience respond to you (phone email We mail fax go to your store)

NOTE: I have been using creative briefs for many years. Most of this template comes from a
Creative Brief Template created y my good friend Pam Foster for the W I product Essential
Business Templates It is one of the est templates I’ve seen Thanks for your great work
Pam ... and to AWAI for making this great resource available.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - The Creative Brief

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Professional Level



Research Tips and Tricks Create



I have a question for you: What makes the difference between copy by serious writers and
ho-hum copy?

Answer is: Research.

The pattern works just as well for new products as it does for investigating new clients.

1. Get the product and use it, read it, digest it. Become the potential consumer. Nothing
replaces hands-on experience.

2. Google the topic and see what is out there on the Internet. I usually pull up, dig into,
print out underline make notes and digest the top - sites I find

3. Google News the topic. Are there any news articles on it? Read them.

4. Call and interview the prospects, writer, developer, etc. ... If it is a book, I call the
author. If it is a product, I like to talk to the developers. I also like to call the target
audience. For example, when I did a piece for Corel that targeted police forensic
units, I called about 20 forensic investigators across the U.S. and interviewed them.

5. Visit a physical books store AND search around Amazon to review books and
magazines on the topic. Take careful note of chapter headers and cover copy. Get a
feel for the lingo and feel of copy that is selling.

6. Read what other people are saying. Look at forums. What pain points keep coming
up? What language is being used? Look at reviews. What are customers saying?
What in uenced their purchase What surprised them after the fact What were their
disappointments? What do they wish they’d known prior to purchase? Are there gaps
in what information is available and what you want to know?

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Professional Level Research Tips and Tricks
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


7. Sit quietly and carefully digest, inhale, consume, assemble, and ponder on
everything you’ve uncovered. I like to sit in a very quiet place with a notepad in
hand, away from my computer, and spend a few hours just thinking about it, listening
to my gut feelings and insights, and taking notes.

8. Talk to someone not connected about it. I use Margie and a couple of other
copywriters. Call them up and say, “This is what I was thinking about on this promo”
and spill the beans. It will do wonders for you to verbalize the project and your ideas.

That is it in a nutshell.

But I have a secret for you ... MOST copywriters out there will never make it past point
#1 and very, very few will get through point #2 ... certainly they won’t print 100-200
pages of stuff off the Internet and read it all and highlight things. Most people are way too
lazy for that.

So, you do all 8 of these, and you’ll utterly and completely crush your competition down
to microscopic powder that will blow away with the tiniest puff of air.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Professional Level Research Tips and Tricks
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Presenting Copy Drafts





Believe it or not, there is an effective way to present drafts to your clients.

The simple emails that follow will help you keep your clients happy and encourage them to
use you in the future.

These are just templates. Review them carefully and customize them. Not every element
will be applicable with every project and/or client. But, they are designed to keep the
client happy and excited to continue working with you.

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Presenting Copy Drafts

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -


Email for the First Draft

Su ect Line: Let’s look at the first draft together

Dear [NAME],

ere is a link to the first draft of the pro ect

Will you take a look at it with me?

We can either do it online in Docs, over the phone, or swap a few emails.

Here’s what I’m wondering about and would love to get your feedback on:

Is the voice and tone right for your audience?

How do you feel about the Big Idea? Will it resonate and interest readers?

Give some thought to the big promise? Is it big enough? Realistic enough?

The headline and lead? How would you rate those? Do they suck you in and leave
you drooling for more?

What about the proof elements? Do they feel solid, sincere?

What about the close? Does it feel comfortable, compelling, and contagious?

I’m sure you’ll have some great insights on these and I’m ready to hear them.

I know you’re busy, but could you get ideas back to me in the next 5 business days? If
not, let me know when to expect them. I’m eager to move things forward.

After I hear from you, I’ll make changes within [Time Frame ... usually 3 business days or
less] and have another draft back to you.

Thanks, [NAME],


The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Presenting Copy Drafts

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Email for the Second Draft

Subject Line: Okay, here’s the second draft ... VERY close

Hello [NAME],

As promised, here is the second draft.

Oh, man! Your suggestions were great and I think we are REALLY close to having a
final draft

I just want to double check a few things with you ...

One more time ... is the voice still good? Are we really connecting here?
You mentioned [Feedback point #1] ... did I nail it this time?
Also, what about [Feedback point #2] ... how’s that looking now?
I think I got the rest of the things, but you might want to double check.

As always, once I hear back from you, I’ll turn things around in [Time Frame ... usually
3 business days or less].

Oh, one other thing ... I added [section, paragraph, sentence, promise, etc. ... ] to this
draft. I just felt it would really strengthen everything. What do you think?


[Your Name]

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Presenting Copy Drafts

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Email for the Third (Final) Draft

Su ect Line: ere it is the final draft

Hi [NAME],

ere’s the final draft

Thanks again for the insights and feedback. I think it made this so much stronger.

Please review it and give me any final final feed ack I want to make sure that you are
delighted with the copy and excited to deploy it.

As I was reviewing our initial conversations and the creative brief, I noticed that you
talked about [idea, topic, project, etc. ... ].

Do you think it is about time to circle the wagon back and readdress that? It seems that
it could be great for your profit social presence exposure etc and I’d love to help
you make it happen, just like we did with this project.

When is a good time to review this with you? I have [time, date] or [time, date]. We could
jump on the phone for 5-10 minutes ... or just send me an email with your ideas. I’ll get
working on a creative brief.

In fact, I already gave this some thought. I think we could [ideas ... keep it short and
simple]. What do you think?

Thanks, [NAME]! I look forward to helping you some more.

[Your Name]

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Presenting Copy Drafts

© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Strategies for Upselling



and Cross-Selling Create



In terms of your ongoing income the final days of a pro ect are the most important

emem er the saying ird in the hand is etter than two in the ush For you this
means that the client you have is your est prospect

lso remem er the Principle The application here is that a client that uys from
you once is F more likely to uy from you again and again than a rand-new
client is likely to uy from you (Unless of course you lew the pro ect or decided to fire
the client ut that’s another topic )

Use these emails to close out a pro ect and get a new pro ect

otice that you can also use these templates in the middle of a pro ect as ideas and
opportunities arise

The key here is to open your mind to possi ilities Constantly e thinking of how you can
serve the client

One way to do this is to keep the Price and Offer Grid in mind

ll clients have a propensity to uy similar products and similar price points

To help you see this consider the Grid as applied to pple products:

Product iPod Touch iPhone 6 Plus ( ) iPad ir ( )

Price ( )
iPod ano ( ) iPhone 6 ( ) iPad ir ( 3 )
iPod Shuf e ( ) iPhone s ( ) iPad Mini ( )
Product Type

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Strategies for Upselling and Cross-Selling
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

S 3ki

otice how asic product types are the same in each column and that prices gradually
move up across rows

When you egin working with a client list the types of pro ects that are needed List out
the price point associated with each pro ect ( ote: This is an internal document )

s you work with clients consider pro ects that are the same in modality (i e email sales
copy etc ) and those that are same in price (an email series priced at and a
set of social media posts at )

Think of ways to move your clients oth over and up the Grid

When you get good at this you’ll constantly see new opportunities and ways to serve
your clients

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Strategies for Upselling and Cross-Selling
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Email Templates

Email for the Third (Final) Draft

(duplicate of email in the Presenting Drafts Template)

Su ect Line: ere it is the final draft

i ME ,

ere’s the final draft

Thanks again for the insights and feed ack I think it made this so much stronger

Please review it and give me any final final feed ack I want to make sure that you are
delighted with the copy and excited to deploy it

s I was reviewing our initial conversations and the creative rief I noticed that you
talked a out idea topic pro ect etc

Do you think it is a out time to circle the wagon ack and readdress that It seems that
it could e great for your profit social presence exposure etc and I’d love to help
you make it happen ust like we did with this pro ect

When is a good time to review this with you I have time date or time date We could
ump on the phone for - minutes or ust send me an email with your ideas I’ll get
working on a creative rief

In fact I already gave this some thought I think we could ideas keep it short and
simple What do you think

Thanks ME I look forward to helping you some more

Your ame

The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Strategies for Upselling and Cross-Selling
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

Upsell Template (Going Vertical on the Grid)

This example is using the idea that you did an email campaign with emails in a series
You are now going to propose doing a long-term email nurture se uence with cross-
selling options for the client’s customers

They already ought emails from you and you’re proposing that they uy more emails

Upsell Template

Su ect Line: I think this will ump results

i ME ,

I’ve een thinking a out our current email pro ect I’m confident that this series will help
you get etter conversion and sales

It reminds me of a situation with another client

They egan using automated email se uences similar to the one we ust finished and
with great success s I recall their overall conversion rates went up y over 3

We then had the idea to expand their autoresponders to cross-sell their clients on other
products and services

I was thinking how your P ODUCT could lead customers to uy P ODUCT Y

We could effectively do this y creating a series of - emails that give great content
connect with them and then offers the customer a special discount that is valid for 3- days

We could run this as a test for a month and see how much sales increased From there
I’m sure we could run other email se uences leading to your other products and services

I’m confident that all of this will further oost your profits I know it did for my other client

I can put together a full proposal and pro ect scope if you’d like

What do you say


The Writer’s Life Professional Toolbox - Strategies for Upselling and Cross-Selling
© 2015 by Joshua T Boswell - - -

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