Unit 3 - Government

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Analyzing Economic Issues (CIA4U)

Name: __________________

Unit 3 Outline
Government Management
This unit introduces students how governments
regulate and intervene in markets. Concepts such as
price ceilings, floors, tariffs and quotas, taxation,
externalities and the nature of public and private goods
are discussed.

Big Questions
The main overarching question of this course is: How do individuals and societies make sense of
and assess economic information to make decisions?

By the end of this government management unit, you will be able to answer the following

1. Why do governments manage markets?

2. How do governments manage markets?
3. How can we evaluate the effectiveness of government market management?

Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment for Learning Assessment of Learning Assessment as
(Formative) (Summative) Learning (Formative)
 Mind Map  Unit Test  Diagnostic
 Newspaper Analysis Worksheet
 Unit Quest (Google Form)  Teacher-Student
 Morton Workbook conferences
*See Learning Goals and Success Criteria Checklist at the end of this outline for more
information about our learning targets for this unit.*
Analyzing Economic Issues (CIA4U)

Name: __________________

Key Terms, Concepts and Skills

Graphing & Numeracy Skills
1. Draw and interpret supply and demand with government intervention (e.g. price floors
and ceilings, excise taxes, tariffs and quotas, externalities).
2. Calculate domestic producer, government, and foreign producer revenue.
3. Calculate producer, consumer surplus and deadweight loss.

Key Vocabulary

Price Floor Deadweight loss Property rights

Price Ceiling Tax incidence Coase’s Theorem
Excise Tax Proportional, regressive, progressive Free rider
Tariff tax regime Public good
Quota Private good
Externality Common resource
Lorenz curve

Unit 2: Supply and Demand (Lesson Thread)

The nature of government economic
The tools of government management
Evaluating the effects of government
Analyzing Economic Issues (CIA4U)

Name: __________________

Pre-Learning Assessment

1) Why do governments manage markets?

Pre-Learning (What do you think you Curiosity (What questions do you have?)

Post-Learning (What do understand now?)

Analyzing Economic Issues (CIA4U)

Name: __________________

2) How do governments manage markets?

Pre-Learning (What do you think you Curiosity (What questions do you have?)

Post-Learning (What do understand now?)

Analyzing Economic Issues (CIA4U)

Name: __________________

3) How can we evaluate the effectiveness of government market management?

Pre-Learning (What do you think you Curiosity (What questions do you have?)

Post-Learning (What do understand now?)

Analyzing Economic Issues (CIA4U)

Name: __________________

Learning Goals and Success Criteria Checklist


Why do governments manage markets?
Uni-/multi-structural I can understand the government’s place and role in the
economy using the circular flow diagram.

I can define a market failure.

I can explain the concept of economic equity and equality.

I can discuss the differences between public and private


I can define and identify a market externality.

Relational I can relate how economic stewardship relates to

government economic management.

I can compare how markets and governments each

differently promote and hinder economic freedom,
choice, and responsible decision making.

I can use the Lorenz curve to explain equity in a society.

Extended abstract I can discuss how values, assumptions, and marginal

analysis inform economic choice and decision-making.

I can make meaningful connections between what I’ve

learned in economics and other subjects and the world
around me.
How do governments manage markets?
Uni-/multi-structural I can draw a graph that illustrates consumer and producer

I can draw a graph that illustrates the effects of a price

ceiling, price floor, negative and positive externality, and
an excise tax.

Relational I can interpret and determine who bears the burden of a


I can explain the effects of government intervention (e.g.

Analyzing Economic Issues (CIA4U)

Name: __________________

deadweight loss, change in total surplus, etc…) on market

Extended abstract I can evaluate select government interventions (taxes)
based on their assumptions and purpose.

I can make meaningful connections between what I’ve

learned in economics and other subjects and the world
around me.
How can we evaluate the effectiveness of government market management?
Uni-/multi-structural I can define and distinguish the concepts of economic
equity and equality along with social optimality and

I can define what market externalities are and the concept

of environmental sustainability.

I can discuss the different modes of government

Relational I can explain how based on a choice of taxation regimes,
different groups in society will be effected (e.g.
progressive, regressive, and proportional)

I can assess the effectiveness of the government’s ability

to protect non-participatory stakeholders.
Extended abstract I can critically examine the underlying assumptions of
laissez-faire and activist government policy.

I can judge the effects of government intervention using

the following categories: efficiency, effectiveness, equity,
and sustainability.

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