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get talking

Chinese Audio Course
t e n Elizabeth Scurfield
and Song Lianyi
i n s
da y

Elizabeth Scurfield is a founder member of the Chinese Department at the

University of Westminster, London. Song Lianyi is Lecturer in Chinese at the
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London.
Hodder Education
338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH.
Hodder Education is an Hachette UK company
First published in UK 2012 by Hodder Education.
First published in US 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Based on original conversations from Teach Yourself Mandarin Chinese
Conversation and Speak Mandarin Chinese with Confidence.
Copyright © 2012 Elizabeth Scurfield and Song Lianyi.
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Getting to
D a
1 know people
Today you will learn how to do the following:

CCgreet people
CCsay who you are and
CCask someone to confirm his or her name and / or identity

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you’ll hear in today’s conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 3 Mandarin Chinese expressions and repeat.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

you (polite) nín
Hello (polite) Nín hǎo
you (casual) nıˇ
Hello (casual) Nıˇ hǎo
Language tip!
to be shì
Pay attention to
Mr. Brown Bùlǎng xiānsheng
pronunciation and tones.
Are you Mr. Brown? Nín shì Bùlǎng
One thing to remember
xiānsheng ma?
is that Mandarin Chinese
My name is Wang Lili. Wǒ jiào Wáng Lìli.
verbs are not conjugated in
Welcome to Beijing, Mr. Brown. Bùlǎng xiānsheng,
the same way as they are in
huānyíng nín lái Běijīng.
many other languages.
Thank you. Xièxie.

Part 2
Ms Wang is meeting Peter Brown at the airport. Listen carefully to the
Track 4 conversation. Then answer the questions below.
1. What is Mr Brown’s first name? Language tip!
2. What is the woman’s full name? In a given context, people can understand
you even though your tones might not be
Part 3 great but tones are important, especially
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions. when it comes to names, in particular
people’s names or place names.
Track 5
1. What is the first question Ms Wang asks? As different tones for the same sound, for
2. How does Mr Brown respond? example bā, bá, bǎ, bà, mean completely
different things, everybody would like
Part 4 his or her name to sound the way it is
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the intended. For example, Xiǎo Wáng means
meanings of certain words. Then, practise using the expressions. little Wang but Xiāo Wáng could mean
Track 6
exterminate Wang.
1. What does Nín hǎo mean?
2. What does huānyíng mean?
3. What does Bùlǎng xiānsheng ma mean?

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 1
Part 5
Now it’s time to learn some more titles you need to address people in Mandarin Chinese. Listen to the English
Track 7 words and repeat the Mandarin Chinese expressions.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

Mrs Tàitai
Miss Xiǎojie
teacher Lăoshī
Teacher Wang Wáng lăoshī
Miss Wang Wáng xiǎojie
Mrs. Brown Bѝlǎng tàitai
Mr. Li, the teacher Lıˇ lăoshī
China Zhōngguó

Learning Plus!
Other expressions for greeting people
Listen to the English words for greeting people and repeat the Mandarin Chinese expressions.
Track 8
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
How are you? Nıˇ hǎo ma?
I am fine. Wǒ hĕn hǎo.
What do you do? Nín zuò shénme gōngzuò?
Where are you from? Nín shì shénme dìfāng rén?
to know someone rènshi
happy gāoxìng
Very happy to know you. Rènshì nĭ hĕn gāoxìng.

Conversation Script
CC Mandarin Chinese conversation CC English translation

Ms Wang Nín hǎo! Ms Wang Hello!

Mr Brown Nıˇ hǎo! Mr Brown Hello!
Ms Wang Nín shì Bùlǎng xiānsheng ma? Ms Wang Are you Mr Brown?
Mr Brown Shì. Mr Brown Yes.
Ms Wang Wǒ jiào Wáng Lìlì. Ms Wang My name is Wang Lili.
Mr Brown Wǒ jiào Peter Brown. Mr Brown My name is Peter Brown.
Ms Wang Bùlǎng xiānsheng, huānyíng nín lái Ms Wang Welcome to Beijing,
Běijīng. Mr. Brown.
Mr Brown Xièxie. Mr Brown Thank you.

Audio Track Information

Track 3 Conversation 1, Part 1
Track 4 Conversation 1, Part 2
Track 5 Conversation 1, Part 3
Track 6 Conversation 1, Part 4
Track 7 Conversation 1, Part 5
Track 8 Conversation 1, Learning Plus!

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 2
D a
2 people
Today you will learn how to do the following:

CCsay you have come to meet someone

CCthank someone who has come to meet you and
CCpronounce more place words

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you’ll hear in today’s conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 9 Mandarin Chinese expressions and repeat.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

May I ask . . . Qıˇng wèn... Language tip!
Excuse me, are you Miss Chen? Qıˇng wèn, nıˇ shì Many place names in Mandarin
Chén xiǎojie ma? Chinese sound close to the
I‘ve come to meet you. Wǒ lái jiē nıˇ. English pronunciation because
London Lúndūn the Mandarin Chinese usually
Thank you for coming to meet me. Xièxie nıˇ lái jiē wǒ. choose sounds or characters
that sound similar to the place
Part 2 words in English.
Miss Chen is meeting Pat Leigh at the airport. Listen carefully to the
Track 10 conversation. Then answer the questions below.

1. How does Pat Leigh start the conversation?

Language tip!
2. What is Miss Chen’s full name? You may have noticed that in
Mandarin Chinese, you use a different
Part 3 order for people’s names. The name
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions. Chén Yīngyīng would be Yīngyīng
Track 11
1. What does Mr. Leigh say after he says his name? Chén in the English word order, but in
Mandarin Chinese, you say the family
2. What does Miss Chen say in response? name first, then the given name.

Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the meanings
Track 12 of certain words. Then, practise using the expressions.

1. What does Qıˇng wèn mean?

2. When do you use Wǒ lái jiē nıˇ?

Part 5
Now it’s time to learn some more place words in Mandarin Chinese. Listen to the English words and repeat the
Track 13 Mandarin Chinese equivalents.

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 3
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
Shanghai Shànghăi
Xi’an Xī’ān
Guangzhou Guǎngzhōu
the United States Měiguó
New York Niǔ Yuē
Britain or the UK Yīngguó
Paris Bālí
Welcome to the United States. Huānyíng nıˇ lái Měiguó.
Welcome to New York. Huānyíng nıˇ lái Niǔ Yuē.
Welcome to Paris. Huānyíng nıˇ lái Bālí.

Learning Plus!
More expressions to use when thanking or meeting people
Listen to the English words for thanking and meeting people and repeat the Mandarin Chinese expressions.
Track 14
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
visit me kàn wǒ
Thank you for coming to visit me. Xièxie nıˇ lái kàn wǒ.
help me bāng wǒ
Thank you for helping me. Xièxie nıˇ bāng wǒ.
Where do you come from? Nıˇ cóng nǎr lái?
I come from Paris. Wǒ cóng Bālí lái.
I come from New York. Wǒ cóng Niǔ Yuē lái.

Conversation Script
CC Mandarin Chinese conversation CC English translation

Mr Leigh Qı̌ng wèn, nı̌ shì Chén xiǎojie ma? Mr Leigh Excuse me, are you Miss Chen?
Miss Chen Shì. Wǒ jiào Chén Yīngyīng. Nı̌ shì? Miss Chen Yes, my name is Chen Yingying. You are?
Mr Leigh Wǒ jiào Pat Leigh. Wǒ lái Mr Leigh My name is Pat Leigh. I've come to meet
jiē nı̌. you.
Miss Chen Àh, Lı̌ xiānsheng, nı̌ hǎo! Miss Chen Ah, hello, Mr Leigh!
Mr Leigh Chén xiǎojie, huānyíng nı̌ lái Lúndūn. Mr Leigh Miss Chen, welcome to London.
Miss Chen Xièxie nı̌ lái jiē wǒ. Miss Chen Thank you for coming to meet me.

Audio Track Information

Track 9 Conversation 2, Part 1
Track 10 Conversation 2, Part 2
Track 11 Conversation 2, Part 3
Track 12 Conversation 2, Part 4
Track 13 Conversation 2, Part 5
Track 14 Conversation 2, Learning Plus!

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 4
D a
3 information
Today you will learn how to do the following:

CCcount from 0 to 10
CCask whether someone has something, such as a name card and
CCask for and give telephone numbers

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you’ll hear in today’s conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 15 Mandarin Chinese expressions and repeat.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 líng, yī, èr, sān, sì, wǔ Language tip!
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 liù, qī, bā, jiǔ, shí Repeating numbers is a
1 (alternate form) yāo good way to practise your
Do you have a name card? Nıˇ yǒu míngpiàn ma? tones in Mandarin Chinese.
I’m sorry. I don’t. Duìbuqıˇ. Méi yǒu. The tones for 0-10 are
It doesn’t matter. Méi yǒu guānxi. / Méi second, first, fourth, first,
guānxi. fourth, third, fourth, first,
This is my telephone number. Zhè shì wǒ-de diànhuà. first, third and second.
correct / yes duì
What about your telephone number? Nín-de diànhuà ne?

Part 2
At the end of the evening, Peter Brown wants to be able to get in touch with Wang Lili over the next few days.
Track 16 Listen to the conversation. Then answer the question below.
Language tip!
1. What are their two telephone numbers?
The Mandarin Chinese words
for one and seven are yī and
Part 3
qī. The words are similar, and
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions.
are also in the same tone, so
Track 17
1. What does the man ask the woman for? often you’ll hear people use the
alternative for one, yāo, when
2. What does the woman offer after the man says It doesn’t matter?
giving telephone numbers.

3. Does the man recite the woman’s number correctly?

Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the meanings of certain words. Then, practise
Track 18 using the expressions.

1. What does Duìbuqıˇ mean?

2. When do you use Méi guānxi?

3. What does Nín-de diànhuà ne mean?

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 5
Part 5
Now it’s time to learn some more numbers in Mandarin Chinese. Listen to the English words and repeat the
Track 19 Mandarin Chinese equivalents.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

11 shíyī
12 shí’èr
13, 14, 15, 16 shísān, shísì, shíwŭ, shíliù
17, 18, 19 shíqī, shíbā, shíjiǔ
20 èrshí
22 èrshí ’èr
30, 40, 50 sānshí, sìshí, wŭshí
60, 70, 80, 90 liùshí, qīshí, bāshí, jiǔshí

Learning Plus!
Some other useful expressions when exchanging information
Listen to the English words for exchanging information and repeat the Mandarin Chinese expressions.
Track 20
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
What’s your telephone number? Ní-de diànhuà shì duōshao?
What do you do (as your job)? Ní-de gōngzuò shì shénme?
Do you have time? Nıˇ yǒu shíjiān ma?
I don’t have time. Wǒ méi-yǒu shíjiān.
I have time. Wǒ yǒu shíjiān.
You have time, (but) I don’t. Nıˇ yǒu shíjiān, wǒ méi-yŏu.

Conversation Script
CC Mandarin Chinese conversation CC English translation

Mr Brown Nı̌ yǒu míngpiàn ma? Mr Brown Do you have a name card?
Ms Wang Duìbuqı̌. Méi-yǒu. Ms Wang I’m sorry. I don’t.
Mr Brown Méi guānxi. Mr Brown It doesn’t matter.
Ms Wang Zhè shì wǒ-de diànhuà. Ms Wang This is my telephone number.
Mr Brown Lίng yāo èr sān - qī bā jiŭ - liù wŭ sì. Mr Brown 0123 789 654.
Ms Wang Duì. Ms Wang Correct.
Mr Brown Xièxie nı̌. Mr Brown Thank you.
Ms Wang Nín-de diànhuà ne? Ms Wang What about your telephone number?
Mr Brown Lίng yāo èr sān - qī bā jiŭ - sì sān liù. Mr Brown 0123 789 436.
Ms Wang Xièxie, xièxie. Ms Wang Thank you.

Audio Track Information

Track 15 Conversation 3, Part 1
Track 16 Conversation 3, Part 2
Track 17 Conversation 3, Part 3
Track 18 Conversation 3, Part 4
Track 19 Conversation 3, Part 5
Track 20 Conversation 3, Learning Plus!

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 6
Asking for a
D a y
4 telephone number
Today you will learn how to do the following:

CCanswer a phone call

CCask for a surname or name and
CCsay years

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you’ll hear in today’s conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 21 Mandarin Chinese expressions and repeat.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

Hello. (when answering a call) Wéi.
Is it Chen Yingying? Shì Chén Yīngyīng ma?
No, it is not. Chen Yingying is not in. Bú shì. Chén Yīngyīng Language tip!
bú zài. When practising long
Do you have her mobile phone number? Nıˇ yǒu tā-de shǒujī telephone numbers, it
diànhuà ma? might help to break the
Please wait a moment. Qıˇng děng-yi-děng. long string of numbers into
You’re welcome. Bú xiè. more manageable chunks
at first.
Part 2
Peter Brown rings Miss Chen to see how she got on in London with his associate, Pat Leigh. Listen to the
Track 22 conversation. Then answer the question below.
1. What is the telephone number mentioned in the conversation?

Part 3
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions. Language tip!
Track 23
1. What question does the man ask first? For some extra practice on
phone numbers, try saying
2. How does the woman respond? your own number, then try
3. What does the man ask for next? the numbers of your friends
and family members.
Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the meanings of certain words. Then, practise
Track 24 using the expressions.
1. What does Bú shì mean?

2. When do you use Tā bú zài?

3. How do you say It’s not correct?

4. When do you use Qıˇng děng-yi-děng?

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 7
Part 5
Now it’s time to use the numbers you’ve learned to say years in Mandarin Chinese. To say the year, you simply
Track 25 say the four individual digits. Listen to the English words and repeat the Mandarin Chinese equivalents.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

2012 èr-líng-yī-èr
1789 yī-qī-bā-jiǔ
1963 yī-jiǔ-liù-sān
1865 yī-bā-liù-wǔ

Learning Plus!
Exchanging names
Listen to the English words for greeting people and repeat the Mandarin Chinese expressions.
Track 26
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
What’s your honourable surname? Nín guì xìng?
I’m surnamed Zhang. Wǒ xìng Zhāng.

Conversation Script
CC Mandarin Chinese conversation CC English translation

Woman Wéi, nı̌ hǎo! Woman Hello!

Mr Brown Shì Chén Yīngyīng ma? Mr Brown Is it Chen Yingying?
Woman Bú shì. Chén Yīngyīng bú zài. Woman No, I am not. Chen Yingying is not in.
Mr Brown Nı̌ yǒu tā-de shǒujī diànhuà ma? Mr Brown Do you have her mobile phone number?
Woman Yǒu. Qı̌ng děng-yi-děng. Woman Yes. Please wait a moment.
[A moment later.] [A moment later.]
Woman Yāo-sān-èr. Woman 132.
Mr Brown Yāo-sān-èr. Mr Brown 132.
Woman Sì-liù-bā-wǔ. Woman 4685.
Mr Brown Liù-bā-wǔ. Mr Brown 685.
Woman Bú duì, sì-liù-bā-wǔ. Woman No, it's 4685.
Mr Brown Sì-liù-bā-wǔ. Mr Brown 4685.
Woman Líng-sì-yāo-qī. Woman 0417.
Mr Brown Líng-sì-yāo-qī. Mr Brown 0417.
Woman Duì. Woman Correct.
Mr Brown Yāo-sān-èr sì-liù-bā-wǔ líng-sì-yāo-qī. Mr Brown 132 4685 0417.
Woman Duì. Woman Correct.
Mr Brown Xièxie nı̌. Mr Brown Thank you.
Woman Bú xiè. Woman You're welcome.

Audio Track Information

Track 21 Conversation 4, Part 1
Track 22 Conversation 4, Part 2
Track 23 Conversation 4, Part 3
Track 24 Conversation 4, Part 4
Track 25 Conversation 4, Part 5
Track 26 Conversation 4, Learning Plus!

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 8
D a
y Having a drink
Today you will learn how to do the following:

CCorder drinks in a bar or restaurant and

CCdescribe different drinks

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you’ll hear in today’s conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 27 Mandarin Chinese expressions and repeat.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

What would you (plural) like to drink? Nıˇmen hē shénme
 (literally You drink what?)
We’ll have tea. Wǒmen hē chá.
 (literally We drink tea.)
please qıˇng
This (here) is your black tea. Zhè shì nín-de hóng chá
green tea lǜ chá
It’s really delicious. Zhēn hǎohē.

Part 2
Peter Brown and his friend Wang Lili are sitting in the hotel lounge when they are approached by a waitress.
Track 28 Listen to the conversation. Then answer the question below.
1. What do they order to drink?
Language tip!
Part 3 The Mandarin Chinese word hǎohē
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions. should be used when describing when
a liquid is delicious and literally means
Track 29
1. Who gets their tea first, Peter Brown or Wang Lili?
good to drink. If you want to say a
2. Who says the tea is really delicious? food is good to eat, you say hǎochī.

Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the meanings of certain words. Then, practise
Track 30 using the expressions.

1. What does Xièxie mean?

2. What’s the Mandarin Chinese word for I?

3. What is the meaning of Nín ne?

Part 5
Now it’s time to learn some more Mandarin Chinese words for drinks. Listen to the English words and repeat the
Track 31 Mandarin Chinese expressions.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

coffee kāfēi
water shuıˇ
coca cola kěkǒu kělè or kělè
orange juice júzizhī
apple juice píngguǒzhī
beer píjiǔ

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 9
Learning Plus!
Adjectives for describing food and drink
Listen to the English words for describing drinks and foods and repeat the Mandarin Chinese expressions.
Track 32
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
delicious (for foods) hǎochī
terrible tasting bù hǎochī
sweet tián
sour suān

Conversation Script
CC Mandarin Chinese conversation CC English translation

Waitress Nıˇmen hē shénme? Waitress What would you like to drink?

Ms Wang Wǒmen hē chá. Ms Wang We’ll have tea.
Waitress Hē shénme chá? Waitress What kind of tea?
Mr Brown Wǒ hē hóng chá. Mr Brown I'll have black tea.
Waitress Nín ne? Waitress What about you?
Ms Wang Wǒ hē lǛ chá. Ms Wang I'll have green tea.
Waitress Qıˇng děng-yi-děng. Waitress A moment, please.
Mr Brown Xièxie. Mr Brown Thank you.
(Waitress comes with the tea.) (Waitress comes with the tea.)
Waitress Zhè shì nín-de hóng chá. Waitress This is your black tea.
Mr Brown Xièxie. Mr Brown Thank you.
Waitress Zhè shì nín-de lǛ chá. Waitress This is your green tea.
Ms Wang Xièxie. Ms Wang Thank you.
Mr Brown Zhēn hǎohē. Mr Brown It’s really delicious.

Audio Track Information

Track 27 Conversation 5, Part 1
Track 28 Conversation 5, Part 2
Track 29 Conversation 5, Part 3
Track 30 Conversation 5, Part 4
Track 31 Conversation 5, Part 5
Track 32 Conversation 5, Learning Plus!

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 10
D a
y Having a drink
Today you will learn how to do the following:

CCorder food in a restaurant and

CCsay different kinds of food

Part 1
Track 33 Here are the key phrases you’ll hear in today’s conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Mandarin Chinese expressions and repeat.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

What would you like to eat? Nıˇmen chī shénme?
He’ll have boiled dumplings. Tā chī jiǎozi.
I’ll have noodles. Wǒ chī miàntiáo.
We don’t eat meat. Wǒmen bù chī ròu.
These are your noodles. Zhè shì nín-de miàntiáo.
What about the beer? Píjiǔ ne?
I’m sorry. Duibuqıˇ.
delicious (food) hǎochī
also yě

Part 2
Peter Brown and Wang Lili have decided to go to a local Mandarin Chinese restaurant where Peter is determined
Track 34 to try out some local food. Listen to the conversation. Then answer the question below.
1. Who has ordered what?

Part 3
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions.
Track 35
1. What does Peter Brown tell the waiter about their diet preference?

2. Why does the waiter say he is sorry?

3. What do Ms Wang and Mr Brown say about their food and drink?

Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the meanings of certain words. Then, practise
Track 36 using the expressions.
1. What do chī and hē mean?

2. What does ròU mean?

3. What does Bù hǎohē mean?

Part 5
Now it’s time to learn to say a few more food words in Mandarin Chinese. Listen to the English words and repeat
Track 37 the Mandarin Chinese translations.

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 11
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
hamburger hànbǎobāo
sandwich sānmíngzhì
spaghetti (literally Italy noodles) Yìdàlì miàntiáo
Peking duck Běijīng kǎoyā
pizza bıˇsà bıˇng
tofu dòufu
cake dàngāo
dessert tiánshí
dim sum diǎnxīn
bread (literally flour bundle) miànbāo

Learning Plus!
Adjectives for describing foods
Listen to the English words for greeting people and repeat the Mandarin Chinese expressions.
Track 38
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
terrible tasting bù hǎochī
spicy là
bitter kǔ
salty xián

Conversation Script
CC Mandarin Chinese conversation CC English translation

Waiter Nı̌men chī shénme? Waiter What would you like to eat?
Ms Wang Tā chī jiǎozi. Ms Wang He'll have boiled dumplings.
Waiter Nín ne? Waiter What about you?
Ms Wang Wǒ chī miàntiáo. Ms Wang I'll have noodles.
Mr Brown Wǒmen bù chī ròu. Mr Brown We don't eat meat.
Waiter Nı̌men hē shénme? Waiter What would you like to drink?
Mr Brown Píjiǔ. Mr Brown Beer.
Waiter Qı̌ng děng-yi-děng. Waiter Please wait for a moment.
[pause] [pause]
Waiter Zhè shì nín-de jiǎozi. Waiter These are your dumplings.
Mr Brown Xièxie. Mr Brown Thanks.
Waiter Zhè shì nín-de miàntiáo. Waiter These are your noodles.
Ms Wang Píjiǔ ne? Ms Wang What about the beer?
Waiter Duìbuqı̌. Qı̌ng děng-yi-děng. Waiter I'm sorry. Please wait for a moment.
[pause] [pause]
Mr Brown Jiǎozi zhēn hǎochī. Mr Brown The boiled dumplings are really tasty.
Ms Wang Píjiǔ yě zhēn hǎohē. Ms Wang The beer is really delicious.

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 12
Audio Track Information
Track 33 Conversation 6, Part 1
Track 34 Conversation 6, Part 2
Track 35 Conversation 6, Part 3
Track 36 Conversation 6, Part 4
Track 37 Conversation 6, Part 5
Track 38 Conversation 6, Learning Plus!

D a
7 a room
Today you will learn how to do the following:

CCbook a room in a hotel

CCsay the number of days and
CCsay an amount of money

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you’ll hear in today’s conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 39 Mandarin Chinese expressions and repeat.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

Please or Excuse me qıˇng wèn
Do you have any rooms available? Yǒu fángjiān ma?
Yes, we do. Yǒu.
For how many? Jıˇ wèi?
Two people. Liăng wèi.
a single room dānrén fángjiān
a double room shuāngrén fángjiān
800 kuai a day per room. Yí ge fángjiān, bā bǎi kuài yì tiān.
Do you take credit cards? Shōu xìnyòng kǎ ma?

Part 2 Language tip!

Peter Brown is ringing a hotel. Listen to the conversation. Then answer the The Mandarin Chinese put something
Track 40 questions below. called a measure word between
1. How many people is he trying to book rooms for? numbers and nouns. They also put it
between the Mandarin Chinese words
2. How many days is he booking the room for? for this, that and which and the nouns
that follow them. The measure word
Part 3 for people in the polite form is wèi.
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions.
Track 41
1. What kind of rooms are available and what kind of room is Peter Brown trying to book?

2. How much is it per room per day?

3. Does the hotel take credit cards?

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Part 4 Language tip!
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the Even though there are dozens of
Track 42 meanings of certain words. Then, practise using the expressions. measure words, ge is by far the most
1. What does qıˇng wèn mean? common one. Generally speaking, it
is better to use ge even if it is not the
2. What does fángjiān mean? correct measure word rather than not
3. What do dānrén and shuāngrén mean? using a measure word at all where
there should be one. The standard
Part 5 measure word for a 9 hotel 0 room
Now it’s time to learn to say amounts of money in Mandarin Chinese. is jiān, but we have used ge in this
conversation to make it easier for you.
Track 43 Listen to the English words and repeat the Mandarin Chinese translations.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

basic monetary unit kuài
100 kuai yìbǎi kuài
700 kuai qībǎi kuài
300 kuai sānbǎi kuài
250 kuai èrbǎi wǔshí kuài
364 kuai sānbǎi liùshísì kuài
892 kuai per day bābăi jiŭshί’èr kuài yì tiān

Learning Plus!
Asking for the price and adjectives for describing a hotel room
Listen to the English words for greeting people and repeat the Mandarin Chinese expressions.
Track 44
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
How much? Duōshao qián?
How much is a single room? Dānrén fángjiān duōshao qián?
How much is a double room? Shuāngrén fángjiān duōshao qián?
beautiful piàoliang
quiet ānjìng
noisy chǎo
dirty zāng

Conversation Script
CC Mandarin Chinese conversation CC English translation

Receptionist Nín hǎo. Receptionist Hello.

Mr Brown Qı̌ng wèn, yǒu fángjiān Mr Brown Excuse me, do you have any rooms
ma? available?
Receptionist Yǒu. Jı̌ wèi? Receptionist Yes, we do. For how many?
Mr Brown Liǎng wèi. Mr Brown Two people.
Receptionist Jı̌ tiān? Receptionist For how many days?
Mr Brown Liǎng tiān. Mr Brown For two days.
Receptionist Dānrén fángjiān, shuāngrén fángjiān? Receptionist Single rooms or double rooms?
Mr Brown Liǎng ge dānrén fángjiān. Mr Brown Two single rooms.
Receptionist Yí ge fángjiān, bābǎi kuài yì tiān. Receptionist 800 kuai a day per room.
Mr Brown Shōu xìnyòng kǎ ma? Mr Brown Do you take credit cards?
Receptionist Shōu. Receptionist Yes.

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Audio Track Information
Track 39 Conversation 7, Part 1
Track 40 Conversation 7, Part 2
Track 41 Conversation 7, Part 3
Track 42 Conversation 7, Part 4
Track 43 Conversation 7, Part 5
Track 44 Conversation 7, Learning Plus!

D a
y Having a drink
Today you will learn how to do the following:

CCbook a table
CCmake different types of payment
CCsay the names of popular currencies and
CCsay something has happened or has not happened

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you’ll hear in today’s conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 45 Mandarin Chinese expressions and repeat.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

Have you made a reservation? Yùdìng le ma?
No, I haven’t (literally Not have). Méi-you.
Do you smoke? Xī-yān ma?
Please come this way. Qıˇng dào zhèibiān.
Sorry, no credit cards. Only cash. Duìbuqıˇ, bù shōu. Zhıˇ shǒu xiànjīn.

Part 2
Peter Brown and Pat Leigh arrive at a restaurant for a meal. Listen to the Language tip!
Track 46 conversation between Peter and a waiter. Then answer the questions below. You’ll also notice some familiar
1. Have they reserved a table? phrases in this conversation that we
went over in earlier conversations.
2. Do they smoke?
It’s always good to know how to use
phrases in different situations
Part 3
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions.
Track 47
1. What does the waiter say after Peter tells him they don’t smoke?

2. How are they going to pay for the meal?

Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the meanings of certain words. Then, practise
Track 48 using the expressions.

1. What does yùdìng mean?

2. How do you ask if you can pay by credit card?

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Part 5
Now it’s time to learn how to make other forms of payment and to learn the names of some popular currencies
Track 49 in Mandarin Chinese. Listen to the English words and repeat the Mandarin Chinese translations.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

debit card jièjì-kǎ
euros ōuyuán
U.S. dollars měiyuán
55 dollars wŭshίwŭ měiyuán
British pounds yīngbàng
100 British pounds yìbăi yīngbàng

In all of these examples, the first sound for the currency is taken from the first sound of the country or region.
Europe, euro Ōuzhōu, ōuyuán
The United States, U.S. dollar MĕiguÓ, měiyuán
Great Britain, British pound YīngguÓ, yīngbàng
Official term for Chinese currency rénmínbì
Informal term for Chinese currency kuài

Learning Plus!
Adjectives for describing things
Listen to the English words for describing things and repeat the Mandarin Chinese expressions.
Track 50
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
good hǎo
not good bù hǎo
good to look at (good-looking, attractive) hǎokàn
ugly, not good-looking bù hǎokàn
expensive guì
cheap piányi
suitable, appropriate héshì
The quality isn’t good. Zhìliàng bù hǎo.

Conversation Script
CC Mandarin Chinese conversation CC English translation

Waiter Nín hǎo. Jı̌ wèi? Waiter Hello! How many?

Mr Brown Liǎng wèi. Mr Brown Two.
Waiter Yùdìng le ma? Waiter Have you made a reservation?
Mr Brown Méi-you. Mr Brown No, I haven’t.
Waiter Xī-yān ma? Waiter Do you smoke?
Mr Brown Bù xī-yān. Mr Brown No.
Waiter Qı̌ng dào zhèibiān. Waiter Please come this way.
At the end of the dinner. At the end of the dinner.
Mr Brown Shōu xìnyòng-kǎ ma? Mr Brown Do you take credit cards?
Waiter Duìbuqı̌, bù shōu. Zhı̌ shōu xiànjīn. Waiter Sorry, no credit cards. Only cash.

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Audio Track Information
Track 45 Conversation 8, Part 1
Track 46 Conversation 8, Part 2
Track 47 Conversation 8, Part 3
Track 48 Conversation 8, Part 4
Track 49 Conversation 8, Part 5
Track 50 Conversation 8, Learning Plus!

Asking for
D a
9 directions
Today you will learn how to do the following:

CCask for and give directions including the points of the compass
CCask a question in a different way and
CCtalk about the length of time something takes to do

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you’ll hear in today’s conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 51 Mandarin Chinese expressions and repeat.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

Where is the station? Chēzhàn zài nǎr?
It’s up ahead. Zài qiánbiān.
far yuǎn
Is the bus stop far? Chēzhǎn yuǎn bù yuǎn? / Chēzhǎn yuǎn ma?
Ten minutes by foot. Zǒu-lù shí fēnzhōng.
Go straight ahead. Yìzhí wǎng qián zǒu.
right side or on the right side yòubiān

Part 2
Pat Leigh is on his way to the train station to buy tickets. He knows he is
Language tip!
Track 52 not far away but he is not quite sure how to get there, so he asks a passer-
Another way of making a question in
by for directions. Listen to the conversation. Then answer the questions
Mandarin Chinese is to say the verb in
the positive and then in the negative.
1. Is the station far? You see this in the first example given
for Is the bus stop far?
2. Which direction is he told to head towards?

Part 3
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions.
Track 53
1. How long does Pat Leigh need to walk to get to the station?

2. On which side of the street is the station?

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Part 4 Language tip!
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the The Mandarin Chinese tend to use
Track 54 meanings of certain words. Then, practise using the expressions. east, west, south and north, which are
1. What does Zài qiánbiān mean? dōng, xī, nán and běi, respectively,
when they give directions. For
2. When do you use Yìzhí wǎng qián zǒu? example, they will tell you to go east,
3. What does nĭ-de mean? turn south, etc. It might be helpful
for you to find out which direction is
Part 5 which in relation to where you are
Now it’s time to learn some more direction expressions. Listen to the staying, for example, from your hotel.

Track 55 English words and repeat the Mandarin Chinese translations.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

left side zuǒbiān
behind hòubiān
this way zhèbiān
that way nàbiān
left and right zuǒ yòu
front and back qián, hòu
front, back, left, and right qián, hòu, zuǒ, yòu
east dōngbiān
west xībiān
south nánbiān
north běibiān
east, west, south, and north dōng xī nán bĕi

Learning Plus!
More time words
Listen to the English words for time and repeat the Mandarin Chinese expressions.
Track 56
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
hour (formal) xiǎoshí
hour (informal) zhōngtóu

When you’re talking about days of the week and months of the year, you literally say The first day of the week,
the second month of the year, etc.
week xīngqī
Monday Xīngqī-yī
one week yí ge xīngqī
month yuè
February èr yuè
two months liǎng ge yuè
It’s not two weeks, it’s two months. Bù shí liǎng ge xīngqī. Shí liǎng ge yuè.

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Conversation Script
CC Mandarin Chinese conversation CC English translation

Mr Leigh Qı̌ng wèn, chēzhàn zài nǎr? Mr Leigh Excuse me, where is the station?
Passer-by Zài qiánbiān. Passer-by It's up ahead.
Mr Leigh Yuǎn bu yuǎn? Mr Leigh Is it far?
Passer-by Bù yuǎn. Zǒu lù shí fēnzhōng. Passer-by Not far. Ten minutes by foot.
Mr Leigh Sì fēnzhōng? Mr Leigh Four minutes?
Passer-by Shí fēnzhōng. Passer-by Ten minutes.
Mr Leigh Shí fēnzhōng. Mr Leigh Ten minutes?
Passer-by Duì. Yìzhí wǎng qián zǒu. Passer-by Yes. Go straight ahead.
Mr Leigh Wǎng qián zǒu. Mr Leigh Straight ahead.
Passer-by Duì. Chēzhàn zài nı̌-de yòubiān. Passer-by Yes. The station is on your right.
Mr Leigh Yòubiān. Mr Leigh Right.
Passer-by Duì. Bù yuǎn. Passer-by Yes. Not far.
Mr Leigh Xièxie. Mr Leigh Thank you.

Audio Track Information

Track 51 Conversation 9, Part 1
Track 52 Conversation 9, Part 2
Track 53 Conversation 9, Part 3
Track 54 Conversation 9, Part 4
Track 55 Conversation 9, Part 5
Track 56 Conversation 9, Learning Plus!

Going to a local
Today you will learn how to do the following:

CCask for and give more directions

CCuse approximate numbers
CCexpress the position of something in relation to something else and
CCask which one?

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Part 1
Here are the key phrases you’ll hear in today’s conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 57 Mandarin Chinese expressions and repeat.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

Where is the stadium? Yùndòngchǎng zài nǎr?
Which stadium? Něi ge
Language tip!
The Chinese national football stadium. Zhōngguó zúqiú Please note that for the word ‘which
 yùndòngchǎng. one’, you may hear some people say
Oh, over there. O, zài nèibiān. nă ge instead of něi ge. Generally
Left of the station. Chēzhàn de speaking nĕi ge is more colloquial.

Part 2
Peter Brown is asking for directions from a passer-by. Listen to the conversation. Then answer the questions
Track 58 below.

1. Where is Peter Brown going? Be specific.

Language tip!
Part 3 In Mandarin Chinese, when you say
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions.
how long something will take, such
Track 59
1. How far is the stadium from where Peter is? as 3 or 4 minutes, you don’t need the
word for or. You simply say the two
2. Where is the stadium situated in relation to the station?
numbers one after another.

Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the meanings of certain words. Then, practise
Track 60 using the expressions.

1. When do you use Něi ge?

2. What does nèibiān mean?

Part 5
Now it’s time to learn the words for some more places that you might want to find. Listen to the English words
Track 61 and repeat the Mandarin Chinese translations.

CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions

toilet cèsuǒ
hospital yīyuàn
museum bówùguǎn
art gallery méishùguǎn
supermarket chāoshì

Learning Plus!
Adjectives for describing what you see
Listen to the English words for describing things you see and repeat the Mandarin Chinese expressions.
Track 62
CC English expressions c  Mandarin Chinese expressions
wonderful tài hǎo le
interesting yǒu yìsi
very interesting hěn yǒu yìsi
really interesting zhēn yǒu yìsi
big dà
small xiăo
tall or high gāo

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Conversation Script
CC Mandarin Chinese conversation CC English translation

Mr Brown Qı̌ng wèn, yùndòngchǎng zài nǎr? Mr Brown Excuse me, where is the stadium?
Passer-by Něi ge yùndòngchǎng? Passer-by Which stadium?
Mr Brown Zhōngguó zúqiú yùndòngchǎng. Mr Brown The Chinese National Football Stadium.
Passer-by O, zài nèibiān. Passer-by Oh, over there.
Mr Brown Yuǎn bu yuǎn? Mr Brown Is it far?
Passer-by Bù yuǎn. Zǒu lù qì bā fēnzhōng. Passer-by Not far. Seven or eight minutes on foot.
Mr Brown Qì bā fēnzhōng? Mr Brown Seven or eight minutes?
Passer-by Duì. Zài chēzhàn de zuǒbiān. Passer-by Yes. On the left of the station.
Mr Brown Chēzhàn de zuǒbiān? Mr Brown Left of the station?
Passer-by Duì. Bù yuǎn. Passer-by Yes. Not far.
Mr Brown Xièxie nı̌. Mr Brown Thank you.

Audio Track Information

Track 57 Conversation 10, Part 1
Track 58 Conversation 10, Part 2
Track 59 Conversation 10, Part 3
Track 60 Conversation 10, Part 4
Track 61 Conversation 10, Part 5
Track 62 Conversation 10, Learning Plus!

Get Talking Mandarin Chinese In Ten Days © HODDER & Stoughton LTD 2012 21
CC Day 1 CC Day 6

CC Part 2. 1. His full name is Peter Brown. 2. The woman’s name is CC Part 2. 1. Wang Lili has ordered dumplings for Mr Brown and
Wang Lili. Part 3. 1. She asks Are you Mr Brown? 2. Mr Brown says noodles for herself. They both order beer to drink. Part 3. 1. Mr Brown
Yes. Part 4. 1. Hello. 2. Welcome 3. Are you Mr Brown? says that they don’t eat meat. 2. The waiter apologizes for not
bringing the beer. 3. Mr Brown says the dumplings are very tasty and
Ms Wang says the beer is really delicious. Part 4. 1. They mean eat
CC Day 2
and drink. 2. It means meat. 3. It means not delicious.

CC Part 2. 1. He started the conversation by asking Miss Chen’s

identity. 2. Miss Chen’s full name is Chen Yingying. CC Day 7
Part 3. 1. He tells Miss Chen that he’s come to meet her.
2. Miss Chen says Hello, Mr Leigh. Part 4. 1. May I ask 2. When CC Part 2. 1. He is trying to book for two people. 2. He’s booking for
you’ve gone to meet someone. two days. Part 3. 1. Both single and double rooms are available. Peter
Brown is trying to book two single rooms. 2. The rooms are 800 kuai per
day each. 3. Yes, they do take credit cards. Part 4. 1. It means excuse
CC Day 3
me or please. 2. It means room. 3. They mean single and double.
CC Part 2. 1. Ms Wang’s number is 0123 789 654 and Mr Brown’s
number is 0123 789 436. Part 3. 1. He asked her if she has a name CC Day 8
card. 2. She offers him her telephone number. 3. Yes, he does get
the number right. Part 4. 1. I am sorry. 2. To respond to an apology. CC Part 2. 1. No, they have not booked a table. 2. No, they don’t
3. What about your telephone number? smoke. Part 3. 1. The waiter says Please come this way. 2. They’re
going to pay with cash. Part 4. 1. It means to make a reservation.
2. Shou yinyong ka ma?
CC Day 4

CC Part 2. 1. The number is 132 4685 0417. Part 3. 1. He asks CC Day 9

the woman if she is Chen Yingying. 2. The woman says she
is not Chen Yingying and says that she is not there. 3. He asks CC Part 2. 1. No, the station is not far. 2. He is told to go straight
for Chen Yingying’s mobile phone number. Part 4. 1. I am ahead. Part 3. 1. He needs to walk for 10 minutes. 2. The station will
not. 2. When someone is not in. 3. Bù duì. 4. When you be on his right. Part 4. 1. It means it’s up ahead. 2. You use it when
need a moment. giving someone directions. 3. It means your.

CC Day 5 CC Day 10

CC Part 2. 1. They order tea. Peter Brown orders black tea and CC Part 2. 1. He is going to the Chinese National Football Stadium.
Wang Lili orders green tea. Part 3. 1. Peter gets his tea first. 2. Peter Part 3. 1. The stadium is 7 or 8 minutes from where Peter is.
says the tea is really delicious. Part 4. 1. Thank you. 2. Wǒ. 3. What 2. The stadium is left of the station. Part 4. 1. When asking for
about you? clarification. 2. It means over there.

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