Jurnal Kelompok 2

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No Nama Judul Tanggal/Jam

1. Amanda Christie Yannus barriers to tuberculosis care delivery 05 Okt/23.42

among miners and their families in
south africa : an ethnographic study
changing the shape of sickle cell 05 Okt/23.34
disease treatment : a hermeneutic
study of a case that changed a family
and a medical practice
intellectual disability and 05 Okt/23.07
developmental risk : promoting
intervention to improve child and
family well-being
2. Rini S Chronic pain, patient-physician 06 kt/22.18
engangement, and family
communication associated with drug-
using HIV patients discussing
advanced care planning with their
Evaluation of a family nurse 10 Okt/23.49
praactitioner-led individualized
diabetes care model in a primary care
How family members of mentally ill 06 Okt/18.44
offenders experience the internment
measure and (forensic) psychiatric
treatment in belgium: a qualitative
3. Puspita Wati S A Qualitative Study on Marital 06 Okt/20.25
Challenges of Chronic Hepatitis B
A Family-Based Diabetes Intervention 06 Okt/20.25
for Hispanic Adults and Their Family
Dyadic Psychosocial Intervention for 06 Okt/20.25
Advanced Lung Cancer Patients and
Their Family Caregivers: Results of a
Randomized Pilot Trial
4. Laely Anggraeni Deciphering the origin and evolution 07 Okt/08.22
of hepatitis B viruses by means of a
family of non-enveloped fish viruses
Correlates of physical activity 07 Okt/08.22
counseling by health provider to
patient with diabetes and hypertension
attended by the family health strategy
in the state of pernambuco, Brazil
A systematic review of risk and 07 Okt/08.22
protective factors associated with
family related violence in refuge
5. Ryan Dwi Lesmana Financial burden on the families of 13 Okt/00.32
patients with hepatitis B virus-related
liver diseases and the role of public
health insurance in Yunnan province
of China
Malnutrition and associated factors in 12 Okt/23.13
nursing home residents: A cross-
sectional, multi-centre study
Quality of life in Brazil’s family 12 Okt/23.13
health strategy: Common mental
disorders, use of psychotropic drugs
and sociodemographic factors
6. Nishrina Dini K Economic burden of malaria on rural 06 Okt/21.23
households in Gwanda district,
Black Women’s Recommendations 06 Okt/21.23
for Developing Effective Type 2
Diabetes Programming
depression and family support in 06 Okt/21.23
breast cancer patients
7. Mahda Febriyanti E. P. P Maternal Parenting Stress and Child 09 Okt/ 11.06
Perception of Family Functioning
Among Families Affected by HIV
1. The Family Experience of Fatigue 07 Okt/10.37
in Heart Failure
2. Diabetes care provider perceptions
on family challenges of pediatric type
1 diabetes
3. A Community Based Program for 11 Okt/16.00
Family Caregivers for Post Stroke
Survivors in Thailand
1. Pediatric advance care planning 08 Okt/00.34
(pACP) for teens with cancer and their
families: Design of a dyadic,
longitudinal RCCT
2. Exploring the stigma related
experiences of family members of
persons with mental illness in a
selected community in the iLembe
district, KwaZulu-Natal
3. The palliative care needs of patients 11 Okt/16.03
with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A
qualitative study of patients and
family caregivers
8. Karina Bariroh Health systems facilitators and 06 Okt/21.51
barriers to the integration of HIV and
chronic disease services: a systematic
Chinese family caregivers of stroke 13 Okt/ 23.18
survivors: Determinants of caregiving
burden within the first six months
Turkish Mental Health Professionals' 13 Okt/08.57
Experiences and Perspectives toward
Family and Sexual Violence
9. Anisa Fiatul K Outcomes of a family-based HIV 06 Okt/22.15
prevention intervention for substance
using juvenile offenders
Evaluation of Patient and Family 11 Okt/15.53
Outpatient Complaints as a Strategy to
Prioritize Efforts to Improve Cancer
Care Delivery
1. The impact of family functioning 06 Okt/22.15
on pulling styles among adolescents
with trichotillomania (hair pulling
2. Families with a disabled member: 11 Okt/16.09
impact and family education
10. Neneng Dwi S 1. Integration of family planning 09 Okt/08.14
services into HIV care clinics: Results
one year after a cluster randomized
controlled trial in Kenya
2. The experiences of caregivers of
children living with HIV and AIDS in
Uganda: a qualitative study
Depressive symptoms in Chinese 09 Okt/08.14
family caregivers of patients with
heart failure
1. Communicatively Constructing the 09 Okt/08.14
Bright and Dark Sides of Hope:
Family Caregivers’ Experiences
during End of Life Cancer Care
2. Cancer Communication and Family
Caregiver Quality of Life
11. Iqbal Facilitating State-Wide Collaboration 10 Okt/ 23.34
around Family Planning Care in the
Context of Zika
Dietary perceptions and beliefs among 10 Okt/ 23.34
families with children undergoing
therapy for cancer
Strengths of families to limit relapse 10 Okt/23.34
in mentally ill family members
12. Maerani Factor influencing the utilization of 15 Okt/17.13
family planing service among hiv
infected women in a kenya
an evaluation of involving family 08 Okt/13.16
caregivers in the self care of heart
failure patients on hospital
readmission: random control trial (the
family study)
family structure and childhood mental 08 Okt/13.16
disorders: new findings from australia
13. Dinar Izzati family perspectives in the care and 08 Okt/10.47
support of tuberculosis patients: an
indian context
a systematic review: family support 08 Okt/10.47
integrated with diabetes self
management among uncontrolled type
2 DM patients
quality of life among the family 08 Okt/10.47
caregivers of patients with terminal
cancer at home in japan
14. Risyda Living with Hepatitis C Virus: A 09 Okt/00.54
Systematic Review and Narrative
Synthesis of Qualitative Literature
Synergistic Effect of Family History 09 Okt/00.54
of Diabetes and Dietary Habits on the
Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Central
Mental Wellbeing of Family Members 09 Okt/00.54
of Autistic Adults
15. Puput A randomized controlled trial of a 12 Okt/20.25
resilience-based intervention on
psychososial well-being of children
affected by HIV/AIDS: effects at 6
and 12-month follow-up
Images of suffering depicted in diaries 15 Okt/11.00
of family caregivers in the acute stage
of necrositing soft tissue infection: a
content analysis
Strengths and resources used by 12 Okt/20.25
Australian and Danish adult patients
and their family caregivers during
treatment for cancer

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