A Study To Analyze The Different Patterns of Quid Usage Among Subjects With Chewers Mucosa PDF

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Saba Khan et al

A Study to analyze the Different Patterns of Quid Usage

among Subjects with Chewer’s Mucosa
Saba Khan, Laxmikanth Chatra, K Prashanth Shenai, KM Veena, Prasanna Kumar Rao

ABSTRACT affected mucosa which may vary considerably depending

Aim: Betel chewer’s mucosa, although not considered as a on the number of betel quids chewed per day and the
potentially malignant lesion, has been suggested to be a composition of the chew. The brownish material is not easily
precursor of oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF). Thus a study removed or scrapped off and the underlying surface is
was undertaken to asses various quid chewing patterns in
patients with chewer’s mucosa and to evaluate possible
irregular, macerated rough and some epithelial tags may be
association between chewer’s mucosa and a particular quid seen. Some lesions may show areas of desquamation with
usage pattern. total or partial loss of the epithelium or in some cases oral
Materials and methods: The study was done on 150 subjects mucosa may show a dried out appearance. It is thought to
clinically diagnosed of having chewer’s mucosa lesion. After be caused by constant chewing of the betel quid which may
complete oral examination, a detailed habit history was taken
through preformed questionnaire. The data obtained was
cause the traumatization of the oral mucosa. As such the
analyzed using Chi-square test. etiology of betel chewer’s mucosa can be traumatic,
Results: Among the 150 subjects males to female ratio was mechanical or chemical. However, as per the present
8:2. Majority of the subjects were within the age group of 20 to knowledge betel chewer’s mucosa does not seem to be a
30 years and chewed a combination of betel leaf, arecanut, precancerous lesion. It has been suggested, however, that it
tobacco, lime. Majority of the subjects of chewer’s mucosa used
can be a precursor lesion of oral submucous fibrosis.2
the quid for a duration of 1 to 5 years, a frequency of three to
five quid per day. Therefore, a need for the study arose to assess the various
Conclusion: In the present study, chewer’s mucosa was seen
quid chewing patterns in patients with chewer’s mucosa
in majority of the subjects who used the quid for a duration of and to evaluate possible association between chewer’s
1 to 5 years, a frequency of three to five quid per day and chewed mucosa and a particular quid usage pattern.
the quid containing betel leaf, arecanut, tobacco, lime as its
Keywords: Quid, Cross-sectional study, Chewer’s mucosa,
Arecanut, Gutkha. The present cross-sectional study was carried out in
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, over a period
How to cite this article: Khan S, Chatra L, Shenai KP, Veena
KM, Rao PK. A Study to analyze the Different Patterns of Quid of 1.5 years from November 2009 to May 2011 on subjects
usage among Subjects with Chewer’s Mucosa. J Indian Aca reporting to the Dental College OPD or the rural dental
Oral Med Radiol 2012;24(4):284-287. camps. The study group comprised of 150 chewer’s mucosa
Source of support: Nil subjects of either sex, satisfying the clinical features of
Conflict of interest: None declared chewer’s mucosa as per the criteria set by Mehta et al.2 The
patients were subjected to complete oral examination
INTRODUCTION including buccal mucosa, labial mucosa, tongue, floor of
the mouth and palate to look for chewer’s mucosa lesion.
Chewing is one of the oldest ways of consuming tobacco
Following diagnosis the patients were subjected to a
leaves. Native Americans in both North and South America
preformed questionnaire regarding the chewing habits and
chewed the leaves of the plant, frequently mixed with lime
the product used and the data obtained was analyzed using
and betel. The tradition of chewing betel leaf or pan is age
Chi-square test.
old and deeply rooted in India and has developed into a
major cultural and social norm. Predominantly in then
Asian–Pacific region, smokeless tobacco and areca nut were
used, either singly or in various combinations of ‘betel quid’ In the present study, males were seen to be affected more
or ‘pan’.1 than females with M:F ratio of 8:2. Maximum number of
Betel chewer’s mucosa was first described in 1971 by the subjects of chewer’s mucosa 46% (69) were with in age
Mehta et al. This lesion was observed in betel quid chewers group of 20 to 30 years and the minimum number
and so called betel chewer’s mucosa. The most conspicuous of subjects, 2% (3) were in the age group of more than
clinical finding is a brownish red discoloration of the 70 years (Table 1).

A Study to analyze the Different Patterns of Quid Usage among Subjects with Chewer’s Mucosa

Among 150 subjects, 6.6% (10) subjects were chewing DISCUSSION

category I (betel leaf + arecanut), 10% (15) were chewing Analyzing the results of our study, among 150 subjects
category II (betel leaf + arecanut + lime), 33.3% (50) were chewer’s mucosa with one or other quid chewing habit,
chewing category III (betel leaf + arecanut + lime + tobacco), males were seen to be affected more than females. This was
21.3% (32) were chewing category IV (tobacco + lime), in contradiction to the studies by Reichart et al2 and
4% (6) were chewing category V (processed arecanut), Saraswathi et al3 where prevalence of chewer’s mucosa was
24.6% (37) were chewing category VI (processed areca nut found more in females. This could be due to the social
+ processed tobacco) (Table 2).
pattern of our study area. Also men get easy access to
Analyzing the duration of quid usage in our study it
commercially available products more readily than females.
was found that among 150 subjects majority of the subject,
While analyzing the age distribution in our study
49.3% (74) chewed quid for duration of 1 to 5 years whereas
maximum number subjects with quid chewing habit were
minimum number of subjects, 11.3% (17) chewed quid for
in age range of 20 to 30 years whereas minimum number of
a duration of 0 to 12 months. This could be due to the early
subjects were in age range of more than 70 years. This may
occurrence of the lesion and progression to oral submucous
be due to the fact that chewer’s mucosa is a lesion seen in
fibrosis (OSMF) on chewing for a longer duration of time.
initial phases of quid usage when the quid chewing habit is
Among those subjects who chewed the quid for 1 to
initiated by an individual. The packaging revolution has
5 years it was observed that majority of them, 33.7% (25)
made tobacco products portable, cheap and convenient, with
chewed category VI quid (tobacco + lime) and minimum
the added advantage of a long shelf-life, which could have
number of subjects, 4.5% (3) chewed category I (betel leaf
made these individuals get attracted to these ready to use
+ arecanut) and category V (processed arecanut) (Table 3).
packets in a younger age.
Analyzing the frequency of quid usage in our study it
This result was coinciding with the study of Kumar et al4
was found that, among 150 subjects of chewer’s mucosa
who reported that gutkha consumption was significantly
majority of the subjects, 54% (81) chewed quid for three to
higher in youngsters (<25 years) whereas in traditional
five times a day, whereas minimum number of subjects,
2.6% (4) chewed quid for more than 10 times a day.
This may be due to the fact that on chewing more than Table 2: Type of quid usage

three to five times a day, the chewer’s mucosa lesion would Type of quid Frequency Percentage
progress to OSMF (Table 4). Category I 10 6.6
In our study maximum number of subjects who had Category II 15 10
Category III 50 33.3
chewer’s mucosa lesion and were chewing the quid for Category IV 32 21.3
minimum duration (0-12 months) and minimum frequency Category V 6 4
(1-2 times) were found to be using category III quid (betel Category VI 37 24.6

leaf + arecanut + lime + tobacco). Thus, the quid containing Total 150 100
betel leaf + arecanut + lime + tobacco as its constituents (1) Category I (betel leaf + arecanut); (2) Category II (betel leaf +
results in chewer’s mucosa lesion in a shorter period of time. arecanut + lime); (3) Category III (betel leaf + arecanut + lime +
tobacco); (4) Category IV (tobacco + lime); (5) Category V
This association was found to be significant (p = 0.049) (processed arecanut); (6) Category VI (processed arecanut +
(Table 5). processed tobacco)

Table 1: Age and gender-wise distribution of chewer’s mucosa patients

Age groups (years) Male Female Total
20-30 68 1 69
% 98.6% 1.4% 100.0%
30-40 26 6 32
% 81.3% 18.8% 100.0%
40-50 11 8 19
% 57.9% 42.1% 100.0%
50-60 11 7 18
% 61.1% 38.9% 100.0%
60-70 4 5 9
% 44.4% 55.6% 100.0%
>70 0 3 3
% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Total no. of cases 120 30 150
% 80.0% 20.0% 100.0%

Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, October-December 2012;24(4):284-287 285
Saba Khan et al

Table 3: Comparison between duration of chewing habit in different varieties of quid

Duration Type of quid Total (%)
Betel leaf + Betel leaf + Betel leaf + Tobacco + Processed Processed
arecanut arecanut + arecanut + lime arecanut arecanut +
lime lime + processed
tobacco tobacco
0-12 months 2 0 3 0 1 11 17
% 11.7% 0% 17.6% 0% 5.8% 64.7% 11.3%
1-5 years 3 10 17 25 3 16 74
% 4.5% 13.5% 22.9% 33.7% 4.5% 21.6% 49.3%
5-10 years 3 2 13 6 2 9 35
% 8.57% 5.71% 37.1% 17.1% 5.71% 25.7% 23.3%
>10 years 2 3 17 1 0 1 24
% 8.3% 12.5% 70.8% 4.1% 0% 4.1% 16.0%
Total 10 15 50 32 6 37 150
χ2 = 35.137; p = 0.002

Table 4: Comparison between frequency of chewing habit in different varieties of quid

Frequency Type quid Total
Betel leaf + Betel leaf + Betel leaf + Tobacco + Processed Processed
arecanut arecanut + arecanut + lime arecanut arecanut +
lime lime + processed
tobacco betel
1-2 times 1 1 6 2 0 11 21
% 10.0% 6.7% 12.0% 6.3% 0.0% 29.7% 14%
3-5 times 8 9 26 20 3 15 81
% 80.0% 60.0% 52.0% 62.5% 50.0% 51.7% 54.0%
6-10 times 1 5 15 10 3 10 44
% 10.0% 33.3% 30.0% 31.3% 50.0% 34.5% 29.3%
>10 times 0 0 3 0 0 1 4
% 0.0% 0.0% 6.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% 2.6%
Total 10 15 50 32 6 37 150
% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
χ2 = 8.86; p = 0.884

Table 5: Association of type III quid with duration and frequency of occurrence of chewer’s mucosa
Duration Frequency Total
1-2 times 3-5 times 6-10 times >10 times
0-12 1 2 0 0 3
CAT-III quid months % 16.7% 7.7% 0.0% 0.0% 6.0%
Betel leaf + arecanut + 1-5 years 5 8 4 0 17
lime + tobacco % 83.3% 30.8% 26.7% 0.0% 34.0%
5-10 years 0 8 5 0 13
% 0.0% 30.8% 33.3% 0.0% 26.0%
>10 years 0 8 6 3 17
% 0.0% 30.8% 40.0% 100.0% 34.0%
Total 6 26 15 3 50
% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
χ2 = 16.97; p = 0.049

tobacco users it starts over 30 years. In a similar study to those reported by Reichart et al6 in which betel quid was
conducted by Shah and Sharma et al5 it was observed that the causative factor for occurrence of chewer’s mucosa.
subjects below the age of 30 years preferred to chew In the present study majority of the subjects with
commercial pan masala. chewer’s mucosa used to chew the quid for a duration of
In the present study, majority of subjects were chewing 1 to 5 years and this was statistically highly significant
category III quid (betel leaf, arecanut, lime, tobacco) (p = 0.002), whereas maximum subjects used to chew the
followed by category VI quid (processed arecanut + quid with a frequency of three to five quids per day and this
processed tobacco). The above observations were similar association was not statistically significant. This finding was

A Study to analyze the Different Patterns of Quid Usage among Subjects with Chewer’s Mucosa

consistent with the study by Ranganathan et al7 in which 2. Reichart PA, Philipsen HP. Betel chewer’s mucosa–A review.
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fact that chewer’s mucosa lesion is known to be caused FS, et al. A case control study of oral submucous fibrosis with
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the quid into the mucosa. The results of our study were 9. Ahmad MS, Ali SA, Ali AS, Chaube KK. Epidemiological and
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correlating with the observations made by Gupta and Ray chewers of Patna, Bihar, India. J Indian Soc Pedod Dent 2006;24:
as stated by Ahmad et al9 that arecanut with smokeless 84-89.
tobacco causes earlier onset of the disease as compared to
arecanut only. ABOUT THE AUTHORS

CONCLUSION Saba Khan (Corresponding Author)

This present study revealed that majority of the subjects Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and
Radiology, NIMS Dental College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
were chewing the quid containing betel leaf, arecanut, lime,
e-mail: dr.sabakhan23@gmail.com
tobacco as its constituents. Majority of the subjects with
chewer’s mucosa used to chew the quid for a duration of Laxmikanth Chatra
1 to 5 years, with a frequency of 3 to 5 quids per day. Patients
Head and Senior Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and
having chewer’s mucosa may develop more severe mucosal Radiology, Yenepoya Dental College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
conditions such as OSMF on continued usage of the quid.
Thus, this study emphasises on screening and counseling K Prashanth Shenai
the patients with such initial stages of mucosal alterations Senior Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology
so as to prevent their progression into other severe lesions Yenepoya Dental College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
associated with quid usage.
KM Veena
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Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, October-December 2012;24(4):284-287 287

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