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Scene: Central Perk A. hint: a small piece of information Riddle
RACHEL: Hey Joey, how’d the audition that helps you guess an answer or do
go1? something more easily. >>
out your riddle. Give me a hint. Also:
JOEY: Incredible! I met the director this something said in an indirect way. >>
time and you’ll never believe who it was. He hinted at me that I should not be
friends with that guy.
ALL: Who?
B. this:
JOEY: All right. I’ll give you one hintA. “a/an” when narrating something. Note: a type of ques-
tion that describes
Warren Beatty. something in a dif-
C. darn: used in the same way as confusing
ALL: Wow! “damn” (to intensify the meaning of an way and has a clever
adjective), but it’s considered to be less or funny answer, of-
damn” (which in itself ten asked as a game
JOEY: Yeah, there’s just one thing that
might be kind of a problem. See, I, uh, I it’s not extremely vulgar).
had to kiss2 thisB guy.
D. to be up for something: in a situa-
CHANDLER: Because he was just so tion to be considered or examined for
a particular status or job. >> - Mother Teresa
darnC cute.
dent is up for re-election next year.
JOEY: No, as part of the audition. See,
I’m up for this partD of this guy, who the E. suck it up = -
main guy kisses. ation and don’t complain about it. >>
Suck it up. It hurts in the beginning
ROSS: Well, hey. You’re an actor, I say you when you start going to the gym, but
just suck it upE and do it. Or you just do it.
JOEY: I did do it, I’m a professional.
1. how did the audition go:
MONICA: haʊ di ɔˈdɪʃən goʊ Annette Bening
& Warren
2. I had to kiss: aɪ ɾə kɪs
JOEY: Beatty
comes up to me and says ‘good actor, bad
kisser’. Can you believe that, me not a References
good kisser, that’s like, like Mother Tere- I. Warren Beatty: in 1992, Warren
saPIC, not a good mother. Beatty along with Annette Bening were
nominated for Best Kiss, an award giv-
PHOEBE: Well, come on, who cares
what that guy thinks. What does Warren
Beatty know about kissingI... Ooh.
1:54 - 3:07 Vocabulary
Scene: continued from earlier A. let’s go: besides its usual meaning,
CHANDLER: Hey, what did your agent we use this to say “let’s do it”.
B. tender: gentle, mild, or light; not
JOEY: Yep, this kiss thing is definitely a rough or heavy. >> A tender touch.
problem, Mr. Beatty wants to see it again Collocation: used to describe food that
on Monday. Man, I gotta figure out what is soft and easy to chew.
I’m doing wrong. Oh, okay, one of you
girls2 come over here and kiss me. C. tense up: to become nervous, anx-
ious or uneasy. >> He tensed up when
MONICA: What, forget it! he saw his ex enter the room.
over my dead
RACHEL: Yeah, right. D. work (on something): to actively
try to improve something. >> I’ve been
JOEY: Come on, I need your help here. working on my aim a lot lately by shoot-
ing more often. >> Bill needs to work on
PHOEBE: All right. I’ll do it, I kissed his manners.
him before I can do it again.
E. make sense: to be reasonable or log-
JOEY: You see this, this is a friend. ical. >> Your explanation doesn’t make
sense. Note: we also use it as “to make Note: often used to
sense of something,” which means to say that you will nev-
PHOEBE: Uh-huh, let’s goA. Oh, wait er accept something.
I have gum . Okay. Good, very good,
PIC try to find the logic in something. >> I >> A. I’m going to
firm but tender . I’d recommend you to
B tried to make sense of this movie, but I take your job B. Over
a friend3. just couldn’t. my dead body!

JOEY: Then I don’t know what it is4. F. over my dead body: strong way to
What’s the problem? express that you don’t allow something.

MONICA: Joey, you know, maybe your Pronunciation

just not used to kissing men, maybe you shield
1. what did your agent say:
just tensed upC a little bit, maybe that’s wʌtˡ dʒər eɪ-dʒəntˡ seɪ
what you need to work onD.
2. one of you girls: wʌ-nə vju gɜrlz
JOEY: Yeah, that makes sense . E

3. I’d recommend you to a friend:

ROSS: Over my dead bodyF! aɪd ˌrekəˈmɛnd ju ɾʊ ə frend

4. I don’t know what it is:

CHANDLER: And I’ll be using his dead
aɪ ɾə noʊ wə-ɾɪ-ɾɪz
body as a shieldPIC.
7:55 - 8:37 Vocabulary
Scene: Chandler and Joey’s PIC
A. to buzz: to press the buzzer to Little Bo-Peep
signal something or to announce your
JOEY: Come on, Chandler, I want this -self at the door of the building.
part soo much. Just one kiss, I won’t tell
B. feel guilty: to feel that one is to
blame for something; to feel intense
CHANDLER: Joey, no means no! regret for something that one has done.
>> I feel guilty for forgetting about her
RACHEL: Hey! birthday.
CHANDLER: I’m sorry we, we don’t C. damn it: said to express irritation,
have your sheepI. anger or when something doesn’t go
your way.
JOEY: Aww, Rach, I think you look cute
And you, uh, you, you I could eat with a D. a hell of a (sth): used to intensify
spoon. how good something is.
ROSS: Get away from me I said no!

MONICA: Richard buzzedA. He’s wait-

ing downstairs. Pronunciation I.
1. say goodbye to him:
JOEY: Oh, Richard’s here. I should run seɪ gʊ.baɪ rʊ-əm
down say goodbye to him1.
2. and I didn’t get it:
22:02 - ə.naɪ nɪn ge-ɾɪtˡ

Scene: Chandler and Joey’s

ROSS: All right I’ve been feeling incred References

ibly guiltyB about this, because I I. we don’t have your sheep: besides
be a good friend, and damn itC I am a mocking Rachel for the color of the
good friend. So just, just shut up and dress, Chandler also makes fun of her
close your eyes. by implying she looks like Little Bo-
Peep, which is a character from a fa
JOEY: Wow, you are a good friend, mous children’s nursery rhyme.
‘course the audition was this morning,
and I didn’t get it2. But that was a hell
ofD a kiss. Rachel is a very lucky girl.
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