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Question 1970 2018

What is the shape type this This diagram is slightly more of This pyramid is more of a box
pyramid? A Christmas tree, box a Christmas Tree, although it shape, with similar rates along
or cup (from Population can be considered a box. the entirety of it, until the top
Pyramid slideshow)
What does the shape say about It means that there is a slightly This states that the birth and
the distribution of the
higher birth rate than death death rate have been relatively
rate, meaning a population constant along most of the
increase over time. generations born.
Which age group has the The largest group is the 20-24 The largest age group is 50-54,
highest percentage of the
range, followed closely by 0-9 suggesting that birth rates
range. slightly decreased after this
generation, and remained at
that lower level.
Which age group has the The lowest percentage is the The lowest percentage is the
lowest percentage of the 80+ range. 100+ range, at
population? 0%.
Are there any usual/interesting The most interesting part of the Nothing very unusual, just that
anomalies in the pyramid?
pyramid is how the biggest there is such a low birth rate in
portion is the 20-24 range, later years, although this is
suggesting a slight boom in consistent considering that
birth rates around that Denmark is a richer, Western
generation. country.

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