Trip To Bromo Mountain

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Trip to

Bromo Mountain

Bromo has many place we can to visit, there

are Segoro Wedhi, Bukit Teletubbies, Bukit
Cinta, Penanjakan Bromo and many more.

This is really good trip, so you need to start

Mount Bromo is one of popular early if you want to see sunrise.
mountain in East Java.
There are 4 routes to Bromo But Ticket Entrance Prices :
better to take Nongkojajar
(Pasuruan) route. From
Domestic Tourist IDR 27,500, -
Nongkojajar trip to Bromo is Foreign Tourism IDR 217,500, -
only 2-3 hours. You should be
Weekend Holidays
able to rent the jeep or hardtop
Domestic Tourist IDR 32,500, -
with driver for amazing trip. Foreign Tourism IDR 317,500, -

Cr. photo by: Pinterest

On the 14th day, the Tenggerese
congregate at Pura Luhur Poten to ask
for blessings from Ida Sang Hyang Widi
Wasa and the God of Mahameru (Mount
Semeru).Then the crowd proceeds along
the crater edges of Mt Bromo where
offerings are thrown into the crater

On the sand plain, locally

Pura Luhur Poten uses natural black
called Segara Wedi sits a Hindu stones from volcanoes nearby, while
Temple called Pura Luhur Poten. Balinese temples are mostly made from
red bricks. Inside this pura, there are
The temple holds a significant several buildings and enclosures aligned
importance to in a mandala zone composition.
the Tenggerese scattered across
the mountain villages, such
as Ngadisari,Wonokitri,Ngadas,
and Wonokerso.

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