Evolucao Fotosintese

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The Evolution of Photosynthesis

John M. Olson

Science, New Series, Vol. 168, No. 3930. (Apr. 24, 1970), pp. 438-446.

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Mon Aug 20 17:48:43 2007
for the difficult machining of high- and con~plex mechanical behavior of and an increased understanding of their
strength steel or titanium. Thc usc of the basic constituents and through de- inhcrcnt characteristics, improvements
graphite-fiber-reinforced conlposites will velopment of special techniques for in performance will undoubtedly con-
allow greatly simplified machining pro- fabricating fiber-reinforced composites. tinue to be demonstrated. It seems cer-
cedures. Despite the current emphasis on tain that high-strength, stiff, light-weight
boron- and graphite-fiber-reinforccd advanced composites will come into at
epoxy composites, these materials should least limited use in the near future,
Summary be considered only the first of a family their potential for general use being
or class of advanced composite ma- limited only by the eventual costs of
Advanced con~positematerials offcr tcrials. Various types of fiber reinforce- producing them in quantity.
the potential for major savings in weight ments are either already available or
References and Notes
for a variety of aerospace and other rapidly becoming available, and this 1. "Advanced composite materials," although some-
structural systems. Weight savings of 10 makes it necessary to understand the thing of a misnomer, has become a generally ac-
cepted phrase. "Improved composite materials"
to 50 percent have been demonstrated processes and economics of producing would be more precise.
in comparisons of components made of the reinforcements and matrix materials 2. For a general discussion, see G. Lubin, Hand-
book of Fiberfilass and Advanced Plastic Com-
these materials with corresponding metal and to weigh the costs associated with posites (Van Nostrand, New York, 1969).
components now used in space vehicles, the fabrication of con~positestructdral 3. J. E. Ashton, J. C. Halpin, P. E. Petit, Prirner
or1 C o ~ ~ l p o s i lMaterials:
e A~lalpsis (Technomic,
aircraft, missiles, and gas turbine en- components. Stamford. Conn., 1969).
gines. These savings were realized Through effective utilization of one 4. I thank R. C. Tomashot, J. R. Rhodehamel, F.
M. \Vilson, and R. L. Rapson for their assist-
through understanding of the properties or more of the advanced composites ance in the preparation of this article.

that bacterial photosynthesis operated

on the basis of one photochemical re-
action analogous to system 1 in the
series formulation. The inability of the
The Evolution of Photosynthesis bacteria to evolve oxygen was explained
by the absence of the second photo-
chemical step (system 2). It now ap-
Hypothesis: Photosynthetic bacteria and blue-green algae pears that at least two species of bac-
teria, Chromatium (5, 6 ) and Rhodo-
shared a common photoheterotrophic ancestor. spirillzirn rubrum (7), may carry out
two photochemical reactions in parallel;
one photochenlical reaction center driv-
John M. Olson ing a cyclic electron transport chain for
the production of adenosine triphos-
phate (ATP), and the other driving
a noncyclic electron transport chain
On the basis of cell morphology, bac- algae and photosynthetic bacteria both linked to substrate oxidation (Fig. 2).
teria and blue-green algae form a single contain chlorophylls and carotenoids Thus, the fundamental requirement for
class of prokaryotic organisms that are and convert light energy into chemical oxygen evolution appears to be two re-
characterized by the absence of a nu- free energy. Based on this fundamental actions connected in series.
clear membrane, the absence of plastids, similarity in pigment content and func-
and the absence of a mitotic figure dur- tion, it is postulated that present-day
ing cell division (I). Echlin and Morris blue-green algae and photosynthetic Basic A s s l ~ m p l i o ~ ~ s
( 2 ) summarize the morphological fea- bacteria have evolved from a common,
tures and the similarities in cell wall chlorophyll-containing, prokaryotic an- My hypothesis for the physiology of
chemistry, which distinguish the bac- ceqtor. the common ancestor and the subse-
teria and blue-green algae from eultary- The fundamental difference between quent evolutionary developnlent of the
otic organisms, that is, those whose cells the photosyntheses of blue-green algae various types of photosynthetic bacteria
are characterized by a well defined ancl of photosynthetic bacteria is the and algae is based on three assumptions
nucleus, presence of organelles, and di- oxygen evolution accompanying carbon in addition to those already mentioned.
vision by mitosis. Of the various types dioxide fixation by the algae. The ability 1 ) The heterotrophic hypothesis. At
of modern bacteria, the blue-green al- of the algae to produce molecular oxy- the time the ancestral photobacterium
gae are obviously related most closely to gen from water can be understood in existed. its aqueous environment con-
the photosynthetic bacteria. Blue-green terms of two photochemical steps con- tained organic compounds left over
nected in series, as first suggested by from the prebiotic phase of chemical
The author is biophysicist in the biology de-
partment, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Hill and Bendall (3) (Fig. 1) . The evi- evolution (8).
Long Island, New York 11973, and instructor in 2 ) The Berkner-Marshall theory for
experimental marine botany at the Maiine Biologi-
dence for the series formulation is suf-
cal Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts ficiently compelling that it is now the the origin of oxygen in the atmosphere.
02543. This article is dedicated to Louise A.
Schwabe and C. B. van Niel. A condensed vet- generally accepted theory of oxygen- The present amount of oxygen in the
slon was plesented at the XI International Botani- evolving photosynthesis ( 4 ) . air is due to the photosynthesis of blue-
cal Congress held in Seattle, Washington, 24
August-2 Septembet 1969. Until 1967 it was generally thought green algae and eukaryotic green plants
for the past 2 billion years or so (9). At no CO, fixation and no evolution of rophyll a evolved before bacteriochlo-
the time of the ancestral photobacteri- oxygen. Both Chlorella and Scenedes- rophyll a, and that the ancestral photo-
u n ~ the
, environment was essentially an- Inus will photoassinlilate glucose in the bacterium utilized chlorophyll a in the
oxygenic, and the atmosphere contained absence of oxygen and CO, (17). I n photochemical reaction center which
hydrogen (H,), nitrogen (N,), meth- all of the cases cited, the evidence sug- was part of the cyclic system of elec-
ane ( C H 4 ) , ammonia (NH,), water gests that photoassimilation requires tron flow shown in Fig. 3.
(H,O), and carbon dioxide (CO,) (10). the light-driven generation of ATP This cyclic system is thought to have
3) The estimates of Ross and Calvin which is supplied by the operation of consisted of the primary electron ac-
(11) for the maximum free energy a cyclic electron transport system. N o ceptor Z, a large pool of quinone, cyto-
storage in photochemical reactions of external electron donors or acceptors chrome c, and the reaction center chlo-
chlorophyll, 1.2 electron volts for chlo- are required. "Cyclic electron transport rophyll a. These components were built
rophyll a and 0.8 electron volt for bac- systems for the generation of ATP ap- into the cell membrane in such a way
teriochlorophyll a. pear to be ubiquitous in green plants, that the quinone pool could be shared
algae, and photosynthetic bacteria" ( 6 ) . by more than one electron transport
It is proposed that the ancestral photo- chain. The pool could also interact with
The Coninion Ancestor bacterium possessed only a cyclic elec- exogenous reducing agents of about the
tron transport system for the efficient same potential (that is, -. 0 volt). This
The ancestral photobacteriuln is as- assimilation of external nutrients (18). common pool of shared quinone was a
sumed to have existed earlier than 3 The chlorophyll serving as the reac- fundamental requirement for the sub-
billion years ago when the earth was tion center and the light collector in sequent development of two photo-
less than 2 billion years old. Several in- this organism must have been closely chemical systems in series in the algal
vestigators (12) date the remnants of related to chlorophyll a and bacterio- line of evolution (21).
prokaryotic organisms at about 3 bil- chlorophylls a and b, the present-day
lion years ago, and the chemical evi- reaction center pigments for algae and
dence for chlorophyll in appreciable bacteria, respectively. The conversion Noncyclic EIectro~~
amounts on the earth also dates back of chlorophyll a to bacteriochlorophyll
roughly 3 billion years (13). a requires the addition of one molecule As the concentration of nutrients in
In a heterotrophic environment, the of H,O to the vinyl group on ring 1 the environment decreased due to their
ancestral photobacterium utilized light and an intramolecular transfer of two assimilation by heterotrophic organisms,
to drive reactions for assimilation of hydrogen atoms to ring 2. a selective advantage would have been
the exogenous nutrients. Modern ex- In the photosynthetic bacterium conferred on any photobacterium that,
amples of this type of photometabolism Rlzodopseudomonns spheroides, the in- through a few simple mutations,
are found among the heterotrophic termediates in the biosynthetic pathway adapted to the utilization of some of
photosynthetic bacteria, especially the for synthesis of bacteriochlorophyll a the less reduced organic compounds
Athiorhodaceae, and a number of algae appear to be very similar, if not identi- left in the environment. This might well
adapted to heterotrophic conditions. cal, to the intermediates in the synthesis have taken place by a modification of
For example, the blue-green alga Chlo- of chlorophyll a in algae and higher the existing cyclic electron transport
rogloea fritschti (14) photoassimilates plants (19). The most probable inter- chain so as to permit the entry of elec-
sucrose in the absence of CO, after pretation of the available data indicates trons from exogenous donors and the
adaptation, and the green algae Clzlam- that bacteriochlorophyll a is derived reduction of exogenous organic com-
ydornonns mundana ( 15) and Clzlanz- from chlorophyllide a in photosynthetic pounds suitable for conversion to cell
ydobotrys (Pyrobotrys) stellatn (16) bacteria (20). If this interpretation is substance. This development is illus-
photoassimilate acetate with essentially correct, it seems most likely that chlo- trated in Fig. 4.

-0 6 - 1

-0 2
C Y c,,
~ -
J -
/PC-Cyt f
(PTOO) -
+O 6
Bchl ,,

Fig. 1 (left). Elect~ont~ansportschemes for oxygen-based res-

+I 0 J piration and oxygen-evolving photosynthesis. Abbreviations used
C h i a2
are Cyt, cytochrome; FP, flavoprotein; FD, ferredoxin; Z , un-
known electron acceptor; PC, plastocyanin; PQ, plastoquinone; U Q , ubiquinone; and q, unknown electron acceptor and quencher of
chlorophyll fluorescence. Fig. 2 (right). Electron transport scheme for bacterial photosynthesis. The abbreviations used are the
same as for Fig. I except for Bchl (bacteriochlorophyll) and HeA (exogenous electron donor).
24 APRIL 1970
Evolution of Light-Harvesting Systems of the water would have led to mutual and sufficient oxygen accumulated in
shading and a competition for the avail- the atmosphere to form a protective
Concurrent with the development of able light in the blue region of the spec- ozone layer, some photosynthetic bac-
the electron transport system was the trum. In such a situation there would teria moved up toward the surface of
development of a more efficient light- have been a strong selective advantage the water where a much broader spec-
harvesting system for driving the reac- for a mutational switch from chloro- tral range of sunlight could penetrate.
tion centers of the evolving photobac- phyll a to bacteriochlorophyll a for the From these bacteria two lines of devel-
teria. The light-collecting chlorophyll a
was probably contained in a chloro-
phyll-protein complex similar to those
moving from --
underlying bacteria. The advantage of

chlorophyll a) to
440 nm (blue band of
370 and 590 nm
opment emerged.
One line of bacteria gradually modi-
fied the association of bacteriochloro-
found in present-day bacteria, algae (violet and orange bands of bacterio- phyll with protein so as to produce
and higher plants (22). Such a conl- chlorophyll) was gained at the sacrificz more highly aggregated states of bac-

of -
plex would have had a subunit weight
40,000 and five molecules of
chlorophyll a embedded in each sub-
of 0.4 electron volt in the maximum
free energy stored in the primary photo-
act, and prevented the bacteriochloro-
teriochlorophyll. This led to the gen-
eration in the spectral region between
800 and 900 nm of new absorption
unit. The chlorophyll-protein complexes phyll-containing line from ever devel- bands which are characteristic of pres-
would necessarily have been built into oping the capacity to evolve oxygen. ent-day purple bacteria (Thiorhodaceae
the bacterial membrane along with the and Athiorhodaceae) ( 2 6 ) . This move-
electron transport components. If any ment of the peak of bacteriochlorophyll
carotenoid were present in the ancestral Evolution of Photosynthetic Bacteria absorption toward the infrared has cul-
photobacterium, it might well have been minated in strains of photosynthetic
neurosporene (23) or lycopene ( 2 4 ) . The first organisms to synthesize bac- bacteria which have further mutated
The size of the photosynthetic unit may teriochlorophyll a instead of chloro- from the synthesis of bacteriochloro-
have increased by the addition of more phyll a probably organized the bacterio- phyll a to bacteriochlorophyll b, the
light-collecting chlorophyll per reaction chlorophyll a into a chlorophyll-protein precise structure of which is still un-
center. Also the development of spe- complex similar to the chlorophyll a- known. In Rhodopseudomonas viridis,
cialized internal membranous structures protein produced prior to the switch. a heterotroph, and in Thiococcus sp.,
(that is, chromatophores, vesicles, or It might be expected therefore that the an autotrophic sulfur bacterium, the far-
thylakoids) would have greatly in- bacteriochlorophyll absorption spec- red absorption band of bacteriochloro-
creased the pigment content of each trum in vivo would show only a single phyll b in vivo is located at about 1.03
photoorganism and its ability to trap far-red peak at about 800 nm (25) in micrometers (26, 2 7 ) . These photo-
the light. At the same time such a de- addition to the orange band at about synthetic bacteria take advantage of a
velopment in a densely populated habi- 600 nm. As the blue-green algae de- small spectral window between 0.97
tat at least 10 meters below the surface veloped the capacity to evolve oxygen, and 1.19 micrometers in the absorption

Chl a


Cyt c

Fig. 3 (left above). Cyclic electron transport scheme for the

hypothetical ancestral photobacterium. Symbol Q stands for
quinone. Other abbreviations as in Figs. 1 and 2 .

Fig. 4 (right above). Modification of cyclic electron transport

system to enable noncyclic electron flow from exogenous donor
H2A" to exogenous acceptor A'. It is also possible that A' could
have been reduced by reverse electron flow from HgA.

Fig. 5 (left). Further modification of cyclic and noncyclic elec-

tron transport in the algal line of photosynthetic organisms.
HgA" represents a class of moderately strong reductants such as
440 SCIENCE, VOL. 168
(N2H5+/N2), - 0.28 volt ( N H 4 + / 7"ible 1. Redox potentials of hypothetical
N,) , 0.13 volt (NIi4A/N,0), and reactiotis.
-f- 0.16 volt (N,H, +/N,O). However,
neither N, nor N 2 0 conld be utilized -- --
as an electron donor after the NH;t I ) BHOH+NOj-3HL+3e
o r N2H54- werc used up, because the NH,OH+ + + 3e-
NO -k 4HC
oxidation potentials (4-1.3 volt and +
3) N,H,+ 211-0 + 2 N 0 -L
9H- i 8e-
1- 1.2 volt, respectively) would have +
3 ) h-0 H,O + NO; -r 2R7 e- +
been much too high for the protoalgac. 4) NO,- $. H,O + NO,- $ 2 H A 2e-
If, however, the protoalgae were able 5) 2N0,- $. E1,O + NO,- $- NO, +
Fig. 7. Oxidation of NO to NO,-. The X- to convert N,H,i- to NO enzymically, 2H+ $. 3e-
denotes a negatively charged group on the
enzyme. the NO could have .been later utilized
as an electron donor since its oxidation
potential (+0.37 volt) is only 0.12
volt higher than that for oxidizing
N2H5-I- to NO. Only the protoalgae
nhich produced NO would have been
in a position to develop the capacity
to oxidize the NO further to NO,-. n ctrong reductant (Ei = - 0.34 volt),
Mn(1V) hematoporphyrin is a power-
ful oxidant. If thc redox potential for
Manganese M n lIV) / Mn (111) hematoporphyrin
couple at pH 7.0 is calculated accord-
From a survey of the redox poten- ing to equation 5 of Loach and Calvin
[Fl+ t. 1 rials of the various photosynthetic c- ( 3 3 , the value of +
0.97 volt is ob-
Fig. 8. Oxidation of NO,- to NO.; type cytochronles including cytochrome tained. It seeins reasonable to podulate,
f (33), it appears as if a cytochrome therefore, that Mn(1V) was substituted
c could have mediated the transfer of for Fe(II1) in the "cytochrome" that
from clectron donors of relatively high clectrons from hydrazine (H2AU) (Fig. reacts with exogenous electron donors,
potential was achieved by these algal 5 ) . However, in order to extract a n and thereby the redox potential was
prototypes long before they were able electron from nitric oxide (+0.37 raised sufficiently for efl'ectivc oxida-
to extract electrons from H,O. volt), a more powerful oxidant than tion of N O to NO,- (Fig. 7 ) . Also
Fe(II1) cytochrome c would have been favoring the proposal shown in Fig. 7
an advantage. A simple way to raise is the fact that NO is like CO in form-
Eiectro~tDonors for System 2 the potential of the cytochrome would ing con~plexes with transition metals
have been to st~bstituteanother transi- (37). Concomitantly, the redox poten-
The first electron donors utilized by tion metal for iron in the porphyrin. tial of the reaction center chlorophyll
the protoalgae may have been hydra- Since manganese is an essential compo- a, would have also been increased in
zine and hydroxylaniine (31). The ox- nent of system 2 in all modern plants order to oxidize the mangancse-por-
idation potentials for converting hydra- ( 3 4 ) , it is reasonable to postulate that phyrin complex.
zinc or hydroxylamine t o nitric oxide manganese was one of the transition
arc about + 0.25 and - 0.04 volt, re- metals which %as successfully substi-
spectively, at pH 7.0 (32) (Fig. 6; tuted for F e during the evolution of Further Evolution of System 2
Table 1). It is also possible that somc photosystem 2. Loach and Calvin (35,
photosynthetic organisms were able to 36) have shown in a model conlpound, After the supply of nitric oxide was
use both N,H,+ and NH,+ as electron manganese hematoporphyrin 9, that depleted and suficient nitrite had ac-
donors with the fornlation of either N, the most stable form is the one in cumulated in the aqueous environment,
o r N,O as the by-product, since the +
which Mn is in the 3 -oxidation state. the stage was sct for the next step in
redox potentials are -0.75 volt Although Mn(I1) hematoporphyrin is the evolution of algal photosynthcsis-
the oxidation oi' nitrite to nitrate. This
is a two-electron oxidation and it would
have required the utilization of 2
quanta of light. (The formation of an
intermediate corresponding to NO, o r
N 2 0 4 at this stage is ruled out by the
Fig. 9 (left). Elec-
tron transport excessively high oxidation potential re-
scheme for nitrate quired.) A hypothetical two-electron
respiration and ni- ~ncchanisn~ involving two manganese-
trite-based photo- porphyrin colnplexes is shown in Fig.
ations are explain- 8 for the oxidation of nitrite to peroxy-
nitrous acid which spontallcously re-
arranges to nitric acid. Such a structure
J c o d d have resulted from a gene dupli-
C ~ a,I -I

cation for the manganese-porphyrin en-

1 zyme shown in Fig. 7.
Origin of the Respiratory tron, would have been bound tightly potential for the overall six-electron re-
to the manganese-porphyrin complex. action is + 0.69 volt as compared to
Electron Transport Chain
As the nitrate diffused away from the + 0.42 volt for the oxidation of nitrite
After algal photosynthesis had enzyme, the nitrogen dioxide might +
to nitrate and 0.82 volt for the oxi-
evolved to the point where organisms have shifted so that its two oxygen dation of water to oxygen (Table 1).
could utilize sunlight for oxidizing ni- atoms were in coordination with two This most primitive mechanism of oxy-
trite to nitrate, there would have been manganese atoms and also were hydro- gen evolution thus involved the oxida-
a selective advantage under some cir- gen-bonded to the two water molecules tion of one NO,- to NO,- for each
cumstances to an organism which could coordinated to the other two manganese 0,molecule formed.
reverse the process at night and thereby atoms (Fig. 10). The two bound water As the oxidation potential of system
couple ATP formation to the oxidation molecules were oxidized to two hy- +
2 reached the vicinity of 1.0 volt, the
of cell reserves by nitrate. The cyclic droxyl radicals which were stabilized bound HNO, may have been coordi-
electron transport system (Fig. 5) by the hydrogen bonding to the nitro- nated t o two manganese atoms (Fig.
could have been adapted to this func- gen dioxide. Oxidation of the NO, to 11) and oxidized to NO, ( E , = +0.87
tion by one mutation to link reduced the nitronium cation (NO,+) provides volt) without the formation of any ni-
pyridine nucleotide to cytochrome b the hypothetical intermediate for ox- trate. The nitrite would then serve as
and another mutation to facilitate the idizing the stabilized OH radicals to a catalyst regenerated at the end of the
oxidation of cytochrome c by nitrate. 0,. In this reaction the nitronium ca- reaction, and water alone would serve
In the prokaryotic algae respiratory tion is reduced to nitrite. The redox as the electron donor of photosynthesis.
electron transfer and cyclic photosyn-
thetic electron transfer shared the same
electron transport chain ( 3 8 ) , since
specialized organelles (that is, chloro-
plasts and mitochondria) did not evolve
until after the algae had developed the hi,
capacity to produce oxygen (9). The
structure and function of both vhoto- X- 2h8
-----b X--
synthetic and respiratory electron
transport chains are summarized in
Fig. 9.

Oxygen Evolution

Nitrate is the end of the line for the H20-i dark

oxidation of nitrogen compounds in
photosynthesis (Fig. 6). The possibility X-
of further oxidation of nitrate to per- I
oxynitrate (NO,-) is eliminated by the
excessively high oxidation potential re-
quired (< 1.4 volts). Likewise the for-
mation of any other free peroxide such
as H,O, is prohibited by the redox re-
However the evolution of a continu-
ous nitrite-nitrate cycle in which nitrite
was oxidized to nitrate during the day
by photosynthesis and nitrate was re-
duced to nitrite during the night by
respiration presumably led to a steady
amount of nitrite in the aqueous en-
vironment of the protoalgae over a pe-

riod of time sufficiently long to permit
another doubling in the manganese-
porphyrin enzyme. This mutation gave
rise to an enzyme with four manganese-
porphyrin complexes (Fig. 10). Two
of these were specialized for binding dark
H,O and the other two for binding
HNO,. The oxidation of one HNO,
to HNO, continued in this new en-
zyme as in the old (Fig. 8); however,
it is postulated that the other HNO, I I
X- X-
was oxidized to nitrogen dioxide
(NO,), which, having an unpaired elec- Fig. 10. Oxidation of NOz- and H,O to NO< and Oz.
24 APRIL 1970
x- X- tially completed the evolution of the
I I oxygen mechanism to its present struc-
ture in which two pairs of water mole-
cules are bound to four manganese-
porphyrin complexes with two hydrogen
bonds between the two pairs. Four
quanta are required to oxidize the four
H,O molecules to four hydroxyl radi-
cals tightly bound to the manganese
atoms of the enzyme. Because the hy-
drogen bonding is maintained through-
out the four steps of the reaction, each

* 2 0 H , H,O
of the intermediates (3H,O OH, 2H,O
3 0 H ) is stable. The final
I I complex of four hydroxyl radicals col-
I I lapses in a dismutation reaction to form
X- X- one molecule of oxygen and two mole-
Fig. 11 (left). Initial state of the 0,-evolving enzyme with HNO. as a catalyst. cules of water.
Fig. 1 2 (right). Initial state of the 0.-evolving enzyme in modern plants. This theory of oxygen evolution thus
leads to a four-electron mechanism that
requires four molecules of water and
The oxygen thus formed, would have with nitrite for photosynthesis. It is produces one molecule of oxygen by
a tendency to oxidize any nitrite in the postulated that a mutation to convert means of an enzyme that contains at
environment of the algae, and there- the nitrite-binding manganese-porphyrin least four manganese-porphyrin com-
fore a selective advantage would accrue complexes shown in Fig. 11 to water- plexes. From the redox potential valucs
to an organism that could dispense binding sites as shown in Fig. 12 essen- for manganese hematoporphyrin (35),
it appears reasonable to assume that the
oxidation potential of the hypotheti-
5 Geologic cal manganese-porphyrin complex
Formation o f E a r t h [Mn(IV)/Mn(III)] exceeds that for
O,/H,O by about 0.2 volt.

EVOLUTION Reaction Center of System 2

Loach and Calvin (39) have sug-

gested that manganese pheophorbide a
Ancestrol Prokoryote
.c might be the "special chlorophyll" of
Ancestral Photobacterium system 2. Such a reaction center pig-
( PHOTOASSIMILATION ) ment would need an absorption band
Oldest Alga-Like Fossils at about 670 nm in vivo. Mn(1II)
(GO2 FIXATION ) methyl pheophorbide a dissolved in 20
percent ethanol in water at pH 7.85 has
(NO +H20-N02-) a moderately strong absorption band
(NO; + H7.0 -NO<) close to 665 nm, and thus could qualify
+ as a candidate for the reaction center
(NO; 3 H z 0 +NOS+
pigment for system 2. Cheniae and
(OXYGEN RESPIRATION ) a Martin (40) have indicated the exist-
ence of two functionally different pools
Blue - Green Algae, etc. BLUE- GREEN PURPLE B C ~bI of manganese on the oxidizing side of
(Gunflint microfloral ALGAE PHOTOSYNTHETIC BACTERIA the reaction center of system 2. The
size of the combined pool in the blue-
green alga Anacystis is estimated to be
6 to 12 atoms of manganese per reac-
Reaches I % o f Present tion center, whereas in the green alga
Scerzedesrnus the amount is 5 to 8, and
ALGAE ALGAE in spinach chloroplasts it is 5 to 6 (41).
- Oldest Eukaryotic Fossils
The larger pool of manganese may cor-
- M e t a z o a a n d Metaphyta respond to the four manganese-por-
Vertebrates GREEN PALEOZOIC phyrin complexes in the hypothetical
- Terrestrial Plants PLANTS
----- oxygen-evolving enzyme, and the
- Mammals
T T v T
smaller pool of manganese might cor-
0 respond to one o r more molecules of
Eukaryotes Prokoryotes
manganese pheophorbide in the photo-
Fig. 1 3 . Summary of evolutionary theory. chemical reaction center of system 2.
444 SCIENCE, VOL. 168
I n manganese-deficient organisms, reduction of substances with potentials algal photosynthesis were modifications
added manganous ion, Mn(I1) is bound below that of the quinone pool with of system 2 that enabled the oxidation
either in light or darkness. Activation electrons supplied by substances with of water itself. This permitted the de-
of the bound manganese for the evolu- potentials above that of the quinone velopment of efficient respiratory mech-
tion of oxygen, however, requires light pool. anisms based on oxygen and the evolu-
absorbed by system 2 (42). This light- Concurrent with the evolution of the tion of eukaryotic organisms (45)
dependent activation is consistent with electron transport system, the develop-
References and Notes
the idea that Mn(I1) must be oxidized ment of more efficient light-harvesting
to Mn(II1) in order to function either systems to drive the reaction centers 1. R. Y. Stanier and C. B. van Niel. Arch.
Mikrobiol. 42, 17 (1962); J. De ~ e y ,E vol.
in the oxygen-evolving enzyme or in the took place. Eventually, mutual shading Biol. 2, 103 (1968).
"special chlorophyll" of system 2. of competing organisms gave an advan- 2. P. Echlin and I. Morris. Biol. Rev. 40. 143
It should be emphasized that there tage to the mutational switch from chlo- 3. R. Hill and F. Bendall, Natzire 186, 136
is as yet no convincing experimental rophyll a to bacteriochlorophyll a for 4. See Table 1 in L. P. Vernon and M. Avron,
evidence either for o r against the idea the underlying bacteria. This advantage Aimzi. Rev. Biochem. 34, 269 (1965). There
are contrary views: W. Arnold and J. R. Azzi,
that manganese functions in a man- was gained at the loss of .v 0.4 electron Proc. Nut. Acad. Sci. U.S. 61, 29 (1968); B.
ganese-porphyrin complex in photo- volt in the free energy stored in the D. McSwain and D . I. Arnon, ibid., p. 989.
5. S. Morita, Biochim. Biophys. A c f a 153, 241
synthesis. primary photoact and prevented the (1968).
bacteriochlorophyll-containing line from 6. G. Hind and J. M. Olson, Annu. Rev. Plant
Physiol. 19, 249 (1968).
ever developing the capacity to evolve 7. C. Sybesma and C. F. Fowler, Proc. Nut.
Conclusion oxygen. Acad. Sci. U.S. 61, 1343 (1968); C. Sybesma,
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 172, 177 (1969).
Those photosynthetic organisms that 8. H. J. Vogel and R. H. Vogel, Chem. Eng.
News 45, No. 52, 90 (1967); C. Ponnamper-
After a mechanism for oxidizing wa- retained chlorophyll a were able to re- uma, Photophysiology 3, 253 (1968); A. I.
ter to oxygen was perfected in the algae duce ferredoxin without substantial Oparin, Genesis and Evolutionary Develop-
ment o f Life (Academic Press, New York,
some 2 billion years ago (43), the modification of the photochemical re- -. --,.
1 QhR)
amount of oxygen in the aqueous en- action suitable for the basic cyclic sys- 9. L. V. Berkner and L. C. Marshall, Brook-
haven Lecture Series No. 64 (BNL 50114)
vironment gradually rose. At some tem, because of the 1.2 electron volts (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton,
point those organisms that could utilize available in the photoact. This permitted N.Y., 1968); Proc. Nut. Acad. Sci. U.S. 53,
1215 (1965); J . Atinos. Sci. 22, 225 (1965).
molecular oxygen for respiration would the development of a system of CO, 10. P. E. Cloud, Jr., Proc. Nut. Acad. Sci. U.S.
fixation based on ATP and NADP (re- 53, 1169 (1965).
have had a distinct advantage over 11. R. T. Ross and M. Calvin, Biophys. J . 7,
those utilizing nitrate. The respiratory duced by ferredoxin) . These organisms 595 (1967); see also L. N . M. Duysens,
Brookhaven Symp. Biol. 11, 10 (1958); L. N .
chain for nitrate respiration (Fig. 9 ) also evolved cytochrome b as a carrier. M. Duysens, Plant Physiol. 37, 407 (1962);
was presumably modified for respira- As the supply of the exogenous elec- R. S. Knox, Biophys. J . 9, 1351 (1969).
12. A. Holmes, Nature 173, 612 (1954); E. S.
tion of oxygen by the evolution of a tron donor for the reduction of ferre- Barghoorn and J. W. Schopf, Science 152,
cytochrome oxidase. With the creation doxin diminished, there was an advan- 758 (1966); J. W. Schopf and E. S. Barghoorn,
ibid. 156, 508 (1967); A . E. J. Engel, B. Nagy,
of an aerobic environment by the blue- tage for those organisms which could L. A . Nagy, C. G. Engel, G. 0 . W Kremp,
green algae and the development of utilize weaker reducing agents in place C. M. Drew, ibid. 161, 1005 (1968).
13. G. Eglinton and M. Calvin, Sci. Amer. 216,
efficient respiratory mechanisms, the of the original electron donors. This No. 1, 32 (1967).
evolution of eukaryotic forms and life was accomplished by modification of 14. P. Fay, J . Gen. Microbiol. 39, 11 (1965).
15. R. W. Eppley, R. Gee, P. Saltman, Physiol.
as we know it today became possible the photochemical reaction in a non- Plant. 16, 777 (1963); G. K. Russell and M.
(9, 10, 44). cyclic system so as to form a stronger Gibbs, Plant Physiol. 41, 885 (1966).
16. W. Wiessner and H. Gaffron, Nafure 201,
oxidant and a weaker reductant in the 725 (1964); W. Wiessner, ibid. 205, 56 (1965);
photoact. The weaker reductant de- K. H. Goulding and M. J. Merrett, J. Gen.
Microbiol. 48, 127 (1967).
Summary livered its electrons to the quinone pool, 17. W. Tanner, E. Loos, 0 . Kandler, Currents
in Photosynthesis, J. B. Thomas and J. C.
and the stronger oxidant was able to Goedheer, Eds. (Donker, Rotterdam, 1966), p.
A common ancestor for photosyn- extract electrons from the weak reduc- 243; 0 . Kandler and W. Tanner, Ber. Deut.
Botail. Ges. 79. 48 (1966): W. Wiessner.
thetic bacteria and blue-green algae ex- ing agents that remained in the environ- Natzire 212, 403 (1966); 'w. Tanner, U.
isted earlier than 3 billion years ago ment. This was the first step in the Zinecker, 0 . Kandler, Z. Naturforsch. 22b,
358 (1967).
(Fig. 13). This ancestral photosynthetic evolution of system 2. The original non- 18. This idea has been proposed by D . I. Arnon,
prokaryote utilized chlorophyll a in a cyclic system continued to receive elec- M. Losada, M. Nozaki, K. Tagawa, Natzire
190, 601 (1961).
photochemical reaction center which trons from the quinone pool and to de- 19. W. R. Sistrom, M. Griffiths, R. Y. Stanier, J .
liver them to ferredoxin as does system Cell Comp. Physiol. 48, 459 (1956); R. Y.
was part of a cyclic system of electron Stanier and 3. H. C. Smith, Carnegie Inst.
flow through a large pool of quinone 1 in a modern oxygen-evolving or- Wash. Year Book 58, 336 (1959); M. Griffiths,
J . Gen. Microbiol. 27, 427 (1962); 0 . T. G.
that was shared by more than one elec- ganism. Jones, Biochem. J . 89, 182 (1963); ibid. 86,
tron transport chain. The cyclic flow of The original exogenous electron do- 429 (1963); ibid. 91, 572 (1964); 3. Lascelles
and T. Altschuler, Arch. Mikrobiol. 59, 204
electrons was coupled to phosphoryla- nors for the algal line of photosynthetic (1967).
tion which in turn was coupled to as- organisms were hydrazine and hy- 20. See also Fig. 8 in J. Lascelles, Advan. Micro-
biol. Physiol. 2, 1 (1968); L. Bogorad, in
similation of exogenous organic com- droxylamine which were oxidized to Cheinistry and Biochemistry o f Plant Pig-
pounds. The photosynthesis consisted nitric oxide. After the evolution of a ments, T. W. Goodwin, Ed. (Academic Press,
London, 1965), p. 64.
of a photoassimilation similar to that manganese-porphyrin enzyme, the algae 21. The necessity of a common pool was
of acetate exhibited today by some could oxidize the NO to NO,-, and pointed out to me by Dr. Harvard Lyman.
22. J. P. Thornber, J. C. Stewart, M. W. C.
algae. later the NO,- to NO,-. A respiratory Hatton, J. L. Bailey, Biochemistry 6, 2006
The first series of mutations enabled chain for nitrate reduction evolved by (1967); J. P. Thornber and J. M. Olson, ibid.
7 , 2242 (1968); J. P. Thornber, Biockim.
the development of a noncyclic electron a modification of the cyclic electron Biophys. Acta 172, 230 (1969); J. M. Olson,
transport chain in addition to the origi- transport chain. D. F. Koenig, M. C. Ledbetter, Arch. Bio-
cheii~.Biophys. 129, 42 (1969); R. A. Olson,
nal cyclic chain. This permitted the The final steps in the evolution of W. J. Jennings, J. M. Olson, ibid., p. 30.
24 APRIL 1970
23. S. L. Jensen. personal communication. published) or hydroxylamine [S. Izawa, R. L. 39. P. A. Loach and M. Calvin, Nature 202, 343
24. T. N. Godnev and R. M. Rotfarb, Doklady Heath, G. Hind, Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1964).
Akad. Nauk SSSR 147, 962 (1962). Engl. 180, 388 (1969)l can replace water as elec- 10. G. M. Cheniae and I. F. Martin, P l m t Phy-
transl., Biochemistry section 1215. tron donor in spinach chloroplasts. From the siol. 43, S-13 (1968); ibid. '44, 351 (1969).
25. C. Sybesma and J. M. Olson, Proc. Nat. experiments of N. Y. Dodnova and A. L. Sid- 41. - , Biochim. Biophys. Acta 153, 819
Acad. Sci. U.S. 49, 248 (1963); J. M. Olson, orova [Biopltysics (USSR) (Engl. transl.) 6, (1968); Plant Phgsiol. 44, 351 (1969).
in The C1zlorophylls, L. P. Vernon and G. R. 164 (1961)l it zppears that hydrazine would
Seelv. Eds. (Academic Press. New York. have been formed by the action of ultraviolet 42. G. M. Cheniae and I. F. Martin. Brookhmsen
1966); p. 413.. sunlight on the primitive atmosphere. Hydrox- Sjrmp. Biol. 19, 406 (1966); Plant Physiol.
26. J. M. Olson and E. K. Stanton, in The Chloro- ylamine could also have been formed in the 44, 351 (1969); P. H. Homan, ibid. 42, 997
phyll~, L. P. Vernon and G. R. Seely, Eds. same fashion. (1967); B. Gerhardt, Ber. Deut. Botan. Ges.
79, 63 (1967); B. Gerhardt and W. Wiessner,
(Academic Press. New York. 1966). P. 381. 32. W. M. Latimer, The Oxidation States o f the Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 28, 958
27. J. M. Olson and K. D. Nadler, ~ h o t o c h e m . Elements and Their Potentials in Aqueous
Photobiol. 4, 783 (1965); K. E. Eimhjellen, Solrttion (Prentice-Hall, New York, 1952). (1967).
H. Steensland, J. Traetteberg, Arch. Mikrobiol. 33. Table 1 in D. S. Bendall and R. Hill, Annu. 43. P. E. Cloud, Jr., Science 148, 27 (1965).
59, 82 (1967). Rev. Plant Pltysiol. 19, 167 (1968). 44. L. Sagan, J. Theor. Biol. 14, 225 (1967); L.
28. J. A. Curcio and C. C. Petty. I. Opt. Soc. 34. B. Kok and G. M. Cheniae, Curr. Topics Bto- Margulis, Science 161, 1020 (1968); P. E.
Amer. 41, 302 (1951). energetics 1, 1 (1966). Cloud, Jr.. ibid. 160, 729 (1968).
29. For this line of reasoning I am indebted to a 35. P. A. Loach and M. Calvin, Biochemistry 2, 45. For other relevant thoughts on the evolution
lecture by Prof. R. Y. Stanier a t Harvard 361 (1963). of photosynthesis, see H. Gaffron, in The
University in 1959 or 1960. 36. -, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 79, 379 Origins o f Prebiological Systems. S. W. Fox,
30. In Fig. 17.10 on p. 641 of C. S. G. Phillips (1964). Ed. (Academic Press, New York, 1965). p.
and R. J. P. Williams [Inorganic Chemistry 37. W. L. Jolly, The Inorganic Chemistry o f 437.
(Oxford Univ. Press, New York. 19651, vol. Nitrogen (Benjamin. New York. 1964). PP. .. 46. The work at Brookhaven National Laboratory
11, it can be seen that nitrogen in its various 75 and 85. was supported by the U.S. Atomic Energy
oxidation states is the only suitable element 38. L. W. Jones and J. Meyers, Nature 199, 670 Commission. I am indebted to my colleagues.
in sufficient abundance to provide a graded (1963): G. Hoch. 0. H. Owens. B. Kok, Arch. Geoffrey Hind. Robert Heath, and Philip
series of electron donors. ~ i o c h d m . ~ i o p h y s . 101, 171 .(1963); 0. H. Thornber for many stimulating discussions.
31. This hypothesis is supported by the finding of Owens and G. Hoch, Biochim. Biophys. Acta Thanks are also due to Prof. E. S. Barghoorn
R. L. Heath and G. Hind that hydrazine (un- 75, 183 (1963). for his helpful comments on Fig. 13.


Research and Education Booming in a Nation at War

Israel. I was with several Israelis military area, I asked him whether the
during a tour in mid-March of scien- Israelis were interested in his extensive
tific and educational institutions here military research experience in the
when a news broadcast reported the United States. "No," he said, "military
downing of four Egyptian MIG's. My research here is very self-contained,
companions were exultant. Then one and they're very security conscious. I the U.S. and Sweden). With 1/1400
of them gasped and said, "Damn it, I wouldn't mind, but they're not inter- of the world's population, it has been
forgot to take the chicken out of the ested in me." calculated, Israel produces 1/ 200 of
freezer." On another occasion, I visited The two encounters were a bit jar- the scientific papers. Extraordinary.
an American physicist who went to ring, but coming as they did early in But the fact is that all of Israel con-
work a few months ago in a laboratory a 2-week tour, were appropriate intro- tains about 3500 scientists and engi-
in Jerusalem. "Why?'I asked. He ex- ductions to the numerous incongruities neers. They are heavily represented
plained that he is Jewish and has long of this tiny, peculiar, and haunted among Jews of European, Russian, and
been interested in Israel. He continued, country. Is Israel a land of scientific American origin, but not so often
"From the professional point of view, strength? The answer is that it is strong among the so-called "Oriental" Jews,
it's a small country and you can take for its size, but it is a very small coun- who now comprise over half the popu-
an idea of your own and really carry try. With a population of 2.8 million, lation, which somewhat explains why
it through. Besides," he said, "I really it turns out more scientific papers than there are not even more scientists and
think my wife and children are safer all of Latin America or Africa. Figures engineers in Israel's popul,ation.
here than they were back in Washing- compiled in 1964 show that it roughly Small, but rendered strong for its
ton, D.C. The city streets are abso- ranked with Great Britain and Japan size through its use of scientific
lutely safe at any hour." Having heard in the number of scientists and engi- skills-well, yes and no. After more
that at least half of all research and neers per 10,000 of population-10.7 than a decade of talk and planning
development in Israel is now in the (which is less than half the figures for about "science-based" industry, Israel's

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