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Bishop MacDonell Parent Council

Meeting Minutes

Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Present: Walter MacDonald, Marilyn Brown-Wylie, Cheryl Corrigan, Jessica Fotenas, Ashley Charlebois,
Mandy Cox, Melinda Summers, and Stephanee Walker-Jolly

Once settled, we opened with an Our Father then went through introductions of those present.
Mr.MacDonald began by saying that the first council meeting was primarily to review and sign-off on
last years’ closing statement and to elect this years’ council.

Closing Statement/Sign-Off: The 2017-2018 council summary was reviewed, approved and signed-off
on by Melinda Summers (see Catholic School Council Elections) and Walter MacDonald. Cheryl motioned
to close, Mandy seconded, all agreed. Closing Balance: $2,285.96

Staffing Additions/Changes: Mr.MacDonald went through the 2018-2019 staff, both returning and new
additions. He said he would get Ashley a photocopy of that list to include with these minutes.

Social Media Options: This school year the following outlets will be used to communicate with the
Bishop family:

1)Facebook- an outlet for parents to catch up on the upcoming weeks’ events and will be used
to post more pictures of activities/students throughout the year

2)Website- will be more for long-term postings and the monthly calendar

3)E-mail- Email addresses will be collected from all parents for quick reminders/updates

4)School Messenger- used to send emergency, short notice messages

Catholic School Council Elections: Eligible for council positions were Melinda Summers, Cheryl Corrigan,
Mandy Cox and Ashley Charlebois.

-Cheryl nominated Melinda as Chair; Seconded by Mandy. All in favour.

-Both Mandy and Cheryl were interested in vice-chair so all present voted. Votes were counted
by MaryAnne. Vice-Chair elected was Mandy Cox with Cheryl Corrigan being elected Treasurer; All in

-Mandy nominated Ashley as Secretary; Melinda seconded. All in favour.

2018-2019 School Council all elected and approved.

After all items on agenda were discussed, Mr.MacDonald spoke about hot/cold lunch changes,
saying all classes will now pre-order all lunches/milks for the next month. He then explained The
House system and how it positively affects the school. Said he would look into ‘House’
clothing/branding options which could be made available as early as October.

-All discussed purchasing General Liability Insurance for $151.20. All in favour to purchase. Vote passed.

-Melinda will order Halenda’s pepperettes. Cheryl approved; Mandy seconded. All in favour.

Upcoming Meetings: Upcoming meetings will be Monday nights at 6pm.

Next Meeting: Monday, October 15, 2018 @6pm

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