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Background Notes:

In India Gold is one of the most important and precious thing to the people. They prefer it
as a first thing for buying. Because Gold can be the one, that can make people enjoy religiously
and spiritually. Gold can attract more women than men, is the part of the women life. Women
want to make sure that they can attract people and show richness in them through Gold rather
than anything else. Nowadays the requirement of Gold in India is going at a rapid pace. To
satisfy Indian customers, many of the large companies trying to start their business or invest on
gold. One of them is Jos Alukkas.

Jos Alukkas came here to India to deliver Gold with quality and variety with low price.
The company did very well, when they entered the Indian market. Now they are trying to do
business beyond the expectation by entering markets of city like Trichy. Peoples who live in
Trichy are rich, educated, poor, farmers, etc. People tend to buy Gold to show off their richness
and wealth, religious, affection, spirituality. When Jos Alukkas entered the Trichy market, they
weren’t having any tough competitors like Mangal & Mangal, Kumaran Thanga Maligai to make
them work hard to gain customers. But Jos Alukkas now has to face number of competitors,
because of the growing demand of Gold. Most of the competitors are selling Gold for a long
time. Now Jos Alukkas plan to attract the customers by their services. how they can improve
and retain the customers over competitors?
Discussion Analysis:

The preference of the consumer towards the products and services of jos alukkas has been
analyzed by collecting premises information from the customers of jos alukkas at their premises
150 customers are meet for fortnight in the premises of the jos alukkas trichy and their
preferences analysis on the basis of the variables such as quality, price , variety, gifts, discounts,
services, low making charges, showrooms etc. The findings are depicted in the following

Of the total respondents, 70% are mainly from upper class and upper middle class
families. This is so because this income group can afford for the ornaments which are
specially designed and budgeted for them. The people belonging to this income class we
always prefer to have variety of minimum weights. On Jos Alukkas concern which satisfy
the needs of the people financially and update themselves to the current fashion existing
in gold markets. The factor influence in peoples purchase behavior on Jos Alukkas is,
15.33% of people choose for company image, 41.33% of people choose for quality,
24.67% of people choose for Advertisement and remaining percentage will be for
selection available. The company offered good quality product, variety design which is
suitable to the customers. That made 63% of the customers prefer gold ornaments, 18%
of the customers prefer Diamond, 11% of the customers prefer platinum in Jos Alukkas
They are targeting middle class and upper middle class customers for gold and they focus
upper class people for diamond cause of high price. At most one third of the customers
prefer other products. Jos Alukkas attract the low class people by providing gold
ornaments in least grams like half gram and one gram within the purchasing capacity of
the customers. Even they have readymade gold wedding chain in least grams such as in
half or one gram for the convenience for people. These ornaments which have stones
works which is used to attract teen age people. Jos Alukkas also provide loans for people
who cannot have bulk amount to purchase the ornaments; this made Jos Alukkas to
attract low class people. The making charges of Jos Alukkas is very low than their
competitors. It is possible by them to reduce the making charges because they have more
branches and they also taken customers expectations in mind. So, 61% of the customers
are satisfied with the making charges of Jos Alukkas. Jos Alukkas use media channels to
create strong brand image in the minds of the customers. They create awareness about the
Jos Alukkas by providing pamphlets, broachers’ about the schemes and offers . They
conduct trade shows in many rural areas to make awareness about their schemes and
offers they provide. It helps the people to know about various schemes and offers of Jos
Alukkas clearly. Of the total respondents, 33% of the customers through Television and
18% of the customers through newspaper advertisement came to know about Jos Alukkas
and others through friends and relatives. The customers got immediate response for their
complaints registered. This happen only because of the salesman in Jos Alukkas.
Salesman acts as a bridge between customers and Jos Alukkas. They clearly explain the
schemes and offers of Jos Alukkas for the customers, it stimulate the people to buy more
products in Jos Alukkas. Of the total respondents 92.67% of respondents said showroom
facility of Jos Alukkas is good. Jos Alukkas maintain good relationship with their
salesman by giving incentives and bonus, it stimulate the salesman to work hard for Jos
Alukkas. The customers are rated salesman responsiveness of Jos Alukkas is Excellent .
The good customer service makes the existing customers to insist their well wishers to
purchase from Jos Alukkas.

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