Toxic Effects of Betel Quid: International Journal of Human Genetics March 2013

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Toxic Effects of Betel Quid

Article in International Journal of Human Genetics · March 2013

DOI: 10.1080/09723757.2013.11886190


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2 authors:

Aniket Adhikari Madhusnata De

Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan


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© Kamla-Raj 2013 Int J Hum Genet, 13(1): 7-14 (2013)

Toxic Effects of Betel Quid

Aniket Adhikari and Madhusnata De

Department of Genetics, Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan , Vivekananda Institute of

Medical Sciences, 99 Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata 700 026, West Bengal, India
KEYWORDS Betel Quid. Oral Cancer. Micronuclei. Mitotic Index

ABSTRACT Oral cancer is most common cancer in males and third most common in females, the main causative agent being
use of chewing betel quid (BQ). Areca nut, Cathechu, Slaked lime are major components of Betel quid. Nitrosamines formed
from alkaloids in betel nut during betel quid chewing may be implicated in the etiology of oral cancer. Reactive oxygen species
are generated due to slaked lime which is also present in betel quid. Micronuclei (MN) have been proposed as a good biomarker
to assess cytogenetic damage. Percentage of MN formation has been observed in pre cancerous lesions of the oral cavity of betel
quid chewers. In this present study cases were screened from Department of E.N.T. & Oral and Maxillofacial surgery of
Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan hospital, Kolkata and different areas of West Bengal. Some of them had more than one
addiction and some have no addiction and complications. Hemogram reports are normal but mitotic index and micronuclei
higher in oral cancer cases than normal.


Betel chewing is a popular habit in Asia. There are several types of chewing habits in
“Betel quid chewer’s oral cancer” is one of the India featuring use of betel quid (fresh betel leaf,
most common malignancies in South and South fresh areca nut, slaked lime, catechu and to-
east Asian countries. Oral premalignancies are bacco), pan masala (areca nut,slaked lime, cat-
also very common in betel quid chewers and echu, condiments and tobacco), mainpuri (to-
about 10% of these undergo malignant trans- bacco, slaked lime, areca nut, camphor and
formation. The main ingredients used in quid cloves), mawa (areca nut, tobacco and slaked
are areca nut, catechu, betel leaf, slaked lime. lime), khaini (tobacco and slaked lime), gutka
The major areca nut alkaloids are arecoline, (an industrially manufactured food item) and
arecaidine, arecolidine, guacine. Arecoline are other smokeless tobaccos (mishri, gudhaku,
the most abundant alkaloid. Secondary and ter- bajjar etc.). A causal association between to-
tiary amines which are present in the areca nut bacco and betel quid (BQ) chewing habits and
undergo nitrosation and give rise to N- nitro- oral mucosal diseases such as leukoplakia, oral
samines. The nitrosation of arecoline may pro- submucous fibrosis. Of the 390 000 oral and oro-
duce a variety of betel quid specific nitrosamines pharyngeal cancers estimated to occur annually
(BQSN). The BQSN interact with DNA, pro- world wide, 58% occur in south and south-east
teins or other targets forming adducts to exert Asia. In India there are 75 000-80 000 new cases
its carcinogenic activity. of oral cancer each year and the incidence rates
Oral cancer is the fifth most common cancer of cancers of the oral cavity in both males and
worldwide (Parkin et al. 1993). A 2- to 3-fold females in all urban cancer registries are among
increase in mortality has been recorded in east- the highest in the world. In India were estimated
ern and central European countries in recent to be 12.8 in men and 7.5 in women (Douglass
decades (Coleman et al. 1993). It has been esti- et al .1984; Ferlay et al. 2001). Oral cancer oc-
mated that, worldwide, ~600000000 people curs more commonly among men than women
chew areca nut (Nelson and Heischober 1999). depending upon the extent and type of tobacco
habits prevalent. Betel quid chewing is the ma-
Address for correspondence: jor risk factor for buccal mucosal and gingival
Aniket Adhikari
Department of Genetics, cancer. For the tongue cancer most frequent in
Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences, Western countries smoking is the major risk fac-
Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan . tor. Chewing of BQ and areca nut is an ancient
99 Sarat Bose Road , custom in several parts of south-east Asia, the
Kolkata 700 026, West Bengal, India
Phone: 2475 – 3636 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 30
south Pacific islands and Taiwan. A ceremonial
Fax: 91 - 33 - 2475 - 4351 gift of dried tobacco leaves given to Columbus
E mail: by Native Americans in 1492 led to the intro-

duction of tobacco into the rest of the world. It these well-established precancerous lesions are
arrived in India in the 16th century; a sample easily diagnosed and present an important in-
was presented to the Emperor Akbar, who pa- dicator of oral cancer risk. The malignant trans-
tronized smoking, rapidly spreading the habit formation of non homogeneous lesions involv-
in the sub-continent. The BQ is a mixture of ing erythroplakia and nodular leukoplakia is
areca nut (Areca catechu), catechu (Acacia cat- particularly high, reportedly ranging from 15
echu) and slaked lime (calcium oxide and cal- to 40% depending upon the time period
cium hydroxide) wrapped in a betel leaf (Piper (Sankaranarayanan et al. 1997). OSF is pre-
betle) . Betel nut is composed of 11.4 – 26.0% dominantly caused by the use of areca nut (Murti
tannins, 0.15 -0.67% alkaloid,1.3 -17% fat ,0.13 et al. 1995). Marked by stiffening of the oral
-2.35% phosphorus , 1.5 -11.6% iron (Raghavan mucosa and development of fibrous bands, loss
and Barua 1958). The major areca nut alka- of elasticity of the mucosa results in a progres-
loids are arecoline, arecaidine, arecolidine, sive restriction of mouth opening. Affected us-
guvacoline and guacine (IARC Monograph ers experience a burning sensation of the oral
1985). Arecoline (1,2,4,5,-tetrahydro-1-methyl- mucosa, occasional mucosal ulceration, a pecu-
pyridinecarboxylic acid; molecular weight liar marble-like blanching of themucosa and
155.19) is the most abundant alkaloid of areca. palpable fibrous bands of the buccal mucosa,
These alkaloids undergo nitrosation and give softpalate and lips. Symptoms of cancer ap-
rise to N-nitrosamines (Hoffmann et al. 1994). peared at an early age in youngsters (Babu et al.
Betel nut used as an anthelmintic in humans 1996b). Oesophageal subepithelial fibrosis, an
and animals (Arjungi 1976). It is expected that extension of oral submucosal fibrosis, was seen
over 250 millions inviduals addict the betel more frequently in patients who had consumed
chewing habit (Stich et al. 1983). pan masala, gutka, areca nut, tobacco or a com-
bination of some or all of these, with or without
ORAL CANCER AND PRECANCEROUS betel leaf, (Misra et al.1998). Mawa, a prepara-
CONDITION tion similar to gutkha, containing tobacco, lime
and areca nut slivers, has also been linked to
Oral cancer, a malignancy of the lip, mouth OSF, oral cancer and oesophageal cancer. A
or tongue, is predominantly a squamous cell study carried out in the Bhavnagar district in
carcinoma. Chewers of BQ with or without to- India, where chewing of mawa has mushroomed
bacco often develop clinically visible whitish in recent years, showed a corresponding increase
(leukoplakia) or reddish (erythroplakia) lesions in OSF (Gupta et al. 1998).
and/or stiffening of the oral mucosa and oral
submucous fibrosis (OSF). Leukoplakia is one CARCINOGENS IN BQ (BETEL QUID)
of the commonest lesions in betel quid chew-
ers. The WHO has classified these into two Several carcinogens are derived from tobacco
groups, homogeneous and non-homogeneous. but also from areca nut (Hoffmann et al. 1994).
Among no homogeneous leukoplakias, nodular Chewing of tobacco with BQ results in high
leukoplakia tends to show the highest rate of exposure to carcinogenic tobacco-specific nit-
malignant transformation. The relative risk rosamines (TSNAs), to ~1000 mg/day (Nair et
compared with individuals with tobacco habits al. 1999). The carcinogenic TSNAs N’-nitro-
but without any precancerous oral lesion was sonornicotine (NNN), 4-(N-methyl-N-nitro-
also found to be the highest for nodular leuko- samino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) and
plakia (Gupta et al. 1989). Oral sub mucous fi- N-nitrosoanabasine (NAB),as well as the vola-
brosis (OSMF) is a chronic condition charac- tile nitrosamines N-nitrosodimethylamine and
terized by mucosal rigidity of varying intensity N-nitrosodiethylamine, have been detected in
due to fibro elastic transformation of the juxta- the saliva of chewers of BQ with tobacco (Wenke
epithelial layer (Murti et al. 1995). OSMF is a et al. 1984; Nair et al.1985; Bhide et al. 1986;
high-risk precancerous condition (Pindborg et Nair et al.1987a). TSNAs undergo metabolic
al. 1984) with a malignant transformation rate activation by cytochrome P450s and other en-
of about 7.6% (Murti et al. 1985). Areca nut zymes. NNK, a major carcinogenic TSNA, is
chewing could be one of the most important etio- activated by either methylene hydroxylation to
logic factors in OSMF (Sinor et al. 1990).All generate an intermediate that decomposes to a

DNA-methylating agent,resulting in the forma- tobacco, increased formation of nitrosamines

tion of 7-methylguanine, O6-methylguanine, might be expected in the oral cavity of BQ, to-
(O6-MeG) and O4-methylthymidine in DNA or bacco, pan masala and gutkha chewers. The
via methyl hydroxylation to form bulky pyridy- acidic pH of the stomach would favour the
loxobutyl DNA adducts.NNK is also converted nitrosation of secondary and tertiary amines in
metabolically to 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3- the quid.
pyridyl)-1-butanol, which can also be activated
by a-hydroxylation to yield methyl and pyridyl- REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES
hydroxybutyl adducts in DNA (Hecht 2003). 2’-
Hydroxylation of NNN, another important Reactive oxygen species (ROS), implicated
TSNA, can give rise to the same intermediate in multistage carcinogenesis, are generated in
as is formed by methyl hydroxylation of NNK, substantial amounts in the oral cavity during
resulting in pyridyloxobutylation of DNA. The chewing ( Nair et al.1987b; Nair et al. 1992;
areca nut-specific nitrosamines (ASNAs) N- Nair et al. 1995) first demonstrated that aque-
nitrosoguvacoline(NG) ( Wenke et al. 1984; Nair ous extracts of areca nut and catechu were ca-
et al. 1985;Stich et al.1986; Nair et al. 1987a) pable of generating superoxide anion and hy-
and the carcinogenic 3-(methyl-N-nitrosamino) drogen peroxide at pH > 9.5. The areca nut-
propionitrile (MNPN). Prokopczyk et al. (1987) induced production of ROS was enhanced by
were also detected in the saliva of chewers of Fe2+, Fe3+ and Cu2+, but inhibited by Mn2+.
BQ without tobacco. Nitrosation of BQ with The presence of Ca(OH)2 in slaked lime leads
nitrate and thiocyanate in vitro at neutral pH to alkaline conditions in the oral cavity, favour-
resulted in the formation of NG (Nair et al. ing ROS generation. Calcium hydroxide con-
1985). The highest levels of an ASNA (NG) were tent of lime in the presence of areca nut is a
found in the sediment of saliva collected from major factor responsible for the formation of
Taiwanese BQ chewers (Stich et al. 1986), ROS which cause oxidative damage in the DNA
whereas the highest levels of TSNAs have been of buccal mucosa cells of BQ chewers. Decreas-
found in saliva samples collected in India (Bhide ing the slaked lime content of BQ should there-
et al.1986). fore reduce its toxicity. Hydroxyl radicals (OH´)
were shown to be generated in vitro using L-
FORMATION OF N- NITROSO phenylalanine as substrate together with some
COMPOUNDS IN THE ORAL CAVITY ingredients of BQ and pan masala. Therefore,
the formation of o and m-tyrosine from L-phe-
Volatile nitrosamines and tobacco-specific nylalanine can be measured as a marker of OH´
nitrosamines in the saliva of chewers are de- generation. Both o- and m-tyrosine were formed
rived from leached-out preformed nitrosamines in vitro in the presence of extracts of areca nut
present in tobacco, but can also be formed en- and or catechu, transition metal ions (Cu2+ and
dogenously from abundant precursors during Fe2+) and alkaline pH (slaked lime or sodium
chewing.Secondary and tertiary amines present carbonate). OH´ are formed in the oral cavity of
in areca nut and tobacco can be nitrosated dur- BQ chewers and probably implicated in the ge-
ing BQ chewing when they react with available netic damage observed in oral mucosal cells of
nitrite in the presence of catalysts such as thio- chewers. By the same method, OH´ formation
cyanate (Nair et al. 1985; Nair et al. 1987a). was monitored in Taiwanese subjects chewing
The enhanced nitrosation in subjects with poor tender areca nut and lime with either Piper be-
oral hygiene may be due to greater conversion tel or betel leaf (Chen et al. 2002). Levels of o-
of nitrate to nitrite and bacterial enzyme-medi- and m-tyrosine were increased but were lower
ated formation of nitrosamines or both (Calmels than those detected in Indian chewers, perhaps
et al. 1996; Ziebarth et al. 1997). Elevated lev- due to differences in the BQ ingredients. Su-
els of nitrite and nitrate reductase activity have peroxide anion production, assayed by cyto-
been reported in the saliva of Indian chewers of chrome C reduction and lipid peroxidation by
BQ with tobacco (Murdia et al. 1982). There is formation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive sub-
increased nitric oxide and nitrite formation in stances, was demonstrated in normal human oral
subjects during deposition of dental plaque keratinocytes following exposure to commer-
(Carossa et al. 2001). Thus, in view of the avail- cially available gutkha and pan masala (Bagchi
ability of nitrosatable amines from areca nut and et al. 2002).

GENOTOXICITY AND MUTAGENICITY collagen breakdown. OSF is irreversible and

OF PAN MASALA persists even after cessation of the chewing
habit, suggesting that components of the areca
The areca nut, the major constituent of pan nut initiate OSF and then affect gene expres-
masala is responsible for mutagenic, clastogenic sion in the fibroblasts, which then produce
and carcinogenic properties (Jeng et al. 2001). greater amounts of normal collagen (Meghji et
Areca nut contains 5 - 40% polyphenols and al.1987; de Waal et al.1997). In OSF patients
several alkaloids including arecoline, arecaidine, with a habit of chewing areca nut or pan masala,
guvacine and guvacoline. Arecoline, the most a significant increase in total serum protein was
important areca nut alkaloid, is present at 1% observed with lower levels of ascorbate and iron,
of the dry weight and has been shown to be which are used in collagen synthesis. The total
genotoxic (Dave et al.1992a). Exposure to aque- tissue collagen content increased significantly
ous areca nut extract induced mitotic gene con- in patients with advanced disease and with pro-
version at pH > 10 (Rosinet al. 2002). Recently, gression of the disease, leading to hypomobility
areca nut chewing has been classified as carci- of the tongue, lips, cheeks, soft palate and fau-
nogenic to humans (IARC 2004). Aqueous ex- cial pillars (Anuradha and Devi 1993). It has
tracts of both pan masala and gutkha induced been suggested that metabolic activation may
chromosomal aberrations and micronucleated involve the cytochrome p450 system (Sundqvist
cells in Chinese hamster ovary cells in the pres- et al.1991; Wary and Sharan 1991). The nitro-
ence or absence of an exogenous metabolic sys- sation of arecoline may produce a variety of be-
tem, although metabolic activation markedly tel quid-specific nitrosoamines (BQSN). The
inhibited the chromosome damaging effect, BQSN interact with DNA, proteins or other tar-
implicating the presence of direct-acting mu- gets forming adducts to exert its carcinogenic
tagens (Dave et al.1991). Catechu, another con- activity. Slaked lime is also included in betel
stituent of pan masala, has mutagenic (Stich et quid. It causes inflammation in the submucosal
al. 1983) and clastogenic activity (Giri et al. area and Nair et al. have reported that the cal-
1988). Lime is known to cause irritation and cium hydroxide content of lime in the presence
hyperplasia of the oral mucosa (Dunham et al. of the areca nut is primarily responsible for the
1966). formation of reactive oxygen species that might
cause oxidative damage in the DNA of buccal
GENOTOXICITY IN HUMANS mucosa cells of betel quid chewers (Nair et al.
Chromosome breaks have been reported in
oral exfoliated cells in chewers of BQ with or INCIDENCES AND ETIOLOGY OF
without tobacco. Micronucleus formation has ORAL CANCER
been observed in precancerous lesions of the oral
cavity of chewers (Nair et al. 1991). In vitro Oral cancer is usually defined as neoplasm
studies with cultured fibroblasts have shown that of lip, tongue and intra oral tissue including the
areca nut alkaloids such as arecoline and its oropharynx (Gurlanick1984). Although the dis-
hydrolysed product arecaidine stimulate prolif- ease has been reported in various age group but
eration and collagen synthesis in a dose-depen- it occurs frequently in patients over the age of
dent manner (Canniff and Harvey 1981; Harvey 60 years (Najjar and Gatson 1980). In India and
et al. 1986), higher concentrations being cyto- Sri Lanka the oral cancer cases almost 30 – 50
toxic (van Wyk et al. 1994; Jeng et al. 1996). percent of all cancers in males whereas in most
western countries the disease accounted for only
ARECA NUT AND ORAL SUBMUCOUS 2- 6 percent of all cases of cancer (Pinborg
FIBROSIS (OSF) 1977). The morbidity and mortality rates of the
disease vary with various countries, culture
Flavonoids, catechins and tannins in areca within countries, geographic areas, occupation
nuts cause collagen fibres to crosslink, making and ethnic background (Pindborg 1980). There
them less susceptible to collagenase (Scutt et are many risk factors related to the oral cancer,
al. 1987). This can cause increased fibrosis due namely tobacco, alcohol, nutritional deficien-
to increased collagen production and decreased cies, chronic candidosis, betel quid chewing and

chronic oral irritation. Tobacco is a tradition- (Riebe and Westphal 1983), all of which have
ally high risk factor for oral cancer (Jayant et shown to exert genotoxic effects. A longer du-
al.1977; Rothman 1978; Mehta et al. 1981). ration of betel chewing may increase a chance
Both volatile and non-volatile carcinogens, N – of neoplastic development in the oral cavity.
nitrosamines, have been detected in tobacco and Some betel nut specific N-nitroso compounds
tobacco smoke (Brunnemann et al. 1977 and such as N- nitrosoguavacline reported in the
Hoffman et al. 1979). The mechanism(s) by saliva of betel quid chewers.Nicotene, cotinine
which alcohol promotes carcinogenesis is not and tobacco specific nitrosamines were also de-
clear, but it may involve the promotion of nutri- tected in the saliva of chewers of betel nut with
tional deficiencies or some co carcinogens in tobacco and in that of chewers of tobacco (Wenke
alcoholic beverages. The close relationship be- et al.1984; Nair et al. 1985). The result sug-
tween siderophenic dysphagia (Patterson – Kelly gests that N – nitrosoguavcoline (NG), 3 – (me-
or Plummer –Vinson syndrome) caused by thyl nitrosamino) propionitrile (MNPN) and 3
chronic iron deficiency and oral cancer has been – (methyl nitrosamino) propionaldehyde
demonstrated (Wynder et al . 1957; Watts 1961; (MNPA) could be formed by N- nitrosation of
Larrson et al. 1975). The high incidence of oral arecoline, the major alkaloid in betel nut. For-
cancer in Central and South East Asia has for mation of NG occurred probably by oxidative
long been linked with the habit of betel nut cleavage of N – methyl bond, similar to the re-
chewing particularly when tobacco has been action which other cyclic tertiary amines such
incorporated into the quid. It has shown that in as N –methyl piperdine, N –methylpyrrolidine
India and Sri Lanka there was a low incidence or nicotine underwent with nitrite. In case of
(2.02%) of oral cancers in betel nut chewers MNPN, it was suggested that the cyano group
whereas an elevated incidence of disease of MNPN did not stem from the thiocyanate ion
(49.9%) was demonstrated in patients who had because MNPN could be formed in the absence
habitually chewed both betel nut and tobacco of the ion. Shivapurkar et al. (1980) indicated
(Hirayama1966). The difference between can- that users of betel nut without tobacco showed
cer and non cancer patients addicted to smok- an increase of salivary nitrite during chewing
ing and drinking was not significant but the dif- in contrast to those who chewed betel nut prod-
ference in betel quid chewing was great. There uct with tobacco who reflected even lower ni-
is no definite evidence that betel nut has a di- trite levels in saliva than non chewers. It was
rect carcinogenic action, it is believed that also indicated that in a few cases that salivary
chronic irritation and continuous friction of the thiocyanate remained rather constant (0.2 –
cheek against the betel quid and and the sharp 0.5M) during chewing while the pH changed
edges of the abraded teeth may cause traumatic from slightly acidic to neutral. These condition
ulcer, leukoplakia and even malignant transfor- will facilitate the formation of nirtosamines from
mation. The changed that occur in the oral mu- arecoline during betel quid chewing.
cosa as a result of betel quid chewing in indi-
viduals who have or have not yet developed car- CONCLUSION
cinomas and the incidence of such changes have
been studied in different parts of the world The findings suggest that in betel quid chew-
where the habit is widespread (Pindborg et ing condition, arecoline must react with the
al.1968; Lee and Chin 1970; Reichart et al. methyl ester group of cystiene and be converted
1984).studies in which small number of betel to arecaidine by hydrolysis with lime. The re-
quid chewers and non chewers were compared action of arecoline and arecaidine with thiols
have shown an increased occurrence of micro- group indicated that they were biological alky-
nuclei in exfoliated cell in oral mucosa and sis- lating agent. Such a property was a feature of
ter chromatid exchanges in peripheral lympho- many chemical reactions either with or without
cytes from chewers(Stich and Rosin 1984; metabolic activation (Lawley 1980). Feeding
Ghosh and Ghosh 1984). Compounds that have Swiss mice with above constituents showed that
been detected or may be present in the saliva of betel nut and betel quid produced lung tumors
betel quid chewers include arecoline (Panigrahi in 47 % and 26% of treated animals. In fact
and Rao1982), arecaidine (Panigrahi and Rao there have been several reports which demon-
1984), eugenol (Stich et al. 1981) and anatabine strated carcinogenicity of betel quid in experi-

mental animals . Mitotic index is most progno- Douglass CW, Gammon MD, Horgan WJ 1984.
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calcium hydroxide. Br J Cancer, 20: 588-593.
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