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Percy leBaron Spencer, an engineer, was working of radar

for the army. One day he was walking past a machine

when the chocolate bar in his pocked melted. He was
curious, so he did a test. He put a small bowl of popcorn
in from of the machine. Has expected, a minute later is
started popping and jumping out of the bowl.
Spencer realized the microwaves from the radar were
heating the food. Next, he made a metal box and sent
microwaves into it through a hole. When he put some
food in the box, it cooked. This was the hear microwave
oven – invented totally by chance.
In my opinion, the most important invention has been
cars. Karl Benz in 1885 created the first automobile
vehicle by internal combustion engine with gasoline. He
changed the world by modernizing the way people
transport themselves. In my view, that’s really important,
specifically because it is a big step in the technological
advance of humanity

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