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WARNING End plate is narrower than the flange width.

These calculations
assume that the end plate is at least as wide.

Summary of results Unity Verdict Comment

Moment capacity 0.92 Passed

Bolts in shear 0.71 Passed
Tension flange weld 0.77 Passed Full strength
Compression flange weld 1.00 Passed Bearing fit assumed
Web weld tension zone 0.77 Passed Full strength
Web weld shear zone 0.89 Passed Full strength
Rafter web transverse compression 0.60 Passed
Tension stiffeners - column side
Stiffener weld 0.59 Passed Minimum 6 fillet weld
Flange stiffeners - shear 0.48 Passed
Flange stiffeners - web shear 0.57 Passed
Flange stiffeners - web weld 0.50 Passed
Web tension - additional check N/A Single sided
Compression stiffeners
Column web fitted N/A Minimum 6 fillet weld

Moment capacity 0.72 Passed
Bolts in shear 0.11 Passed
Tension flange weld 0.84 Passed
Compression flange weld 0.77 Passed Full strength
Web weld tension zone 0.89 Passed Full strength
Web weld shear zone 0.77 Passed Full strength
Tension stiffeners - column side
Stiffener weld 0.21 Passed Minimum 6 fillet weld
Compression stiffeners
Column web fitted N/A Minimum 6 fillet weld

Overall Passed

Note: Connection is single sided.  = 1.00 5.3(8) and Table 5.4

Detailed calculations in accordance with EN 1993-1-8:2005

Connection geometry Table 6.2

Column side:
m = w/2 - twc/2 - 0.8rc e = ( 152.4 - 80)/2 ew= 8.2 mm.
= 40 - 3.8 - 8.2 = 36.2 mm.
= 28.0 mm.
n = lesser of 36.2, 40.0 and 1.25 x 28.0
= 35.1 mm.
Beam side:
m = w/2 - twb/2 - 0.8s e = ( 160.0 - 80)/2
= 40 - 3.2 - 4.8 = 40.0 mm.
= 32.0 mm.
n = lesser of 36.2, 40.0 and 1.25 x 32.0
= 36.2 mm.

Bolt capacity
Using Table 3.4 tension resistance of M20 Grade 8.8 bolt
Ft,Rd = k2 fub As / M2 where k2 = 0.90 and fub= 800 N/mm2 See table 3.1
= 0.90 x 800 x 245.0 / 1.25 = 141.1 kN

Bolt row 1

Row 1 alone

Column flange bending

Calculate equivalent effective length Leff of T-stub. Table 6.4, 6.5, 6.6
leff,cp = 2.Pi.m = 176 mm Pattern(i)
leff,nc = au.m + al.m - (4m + 1.25e) = 174 mm Pattern(iv)
leff,nc = a.m = 162 mm Pattern(iii)
leff,nc = a.m = 169 mm Pattern(iii)
leff,nc = 4m + 1.25e = 157 mm Pattern(ii)

leff,cp = [i] = 176 mm.

leff,nc = Max[iv,iii(m2u),iii(m2l),ii]] = 174 mm.
leff,1 = Min[leff,cp,leff,nc] = 174 mm.
leff,2 = leff,nc = 174 mm.
Equivalent T-stub resistances Table 6.2
Mpl,1,Rd = 0.25  leff,1 t2 fy / 
= 0.25 x 174 x 10.92 x 275 / 1.00 = 1421

Mpl,2,Rd = 0.25  leff,2 t2 fy / 

= 0.25 x 174 x 10.92 x 275 / 1.00 = 1421

Find critical bolt failure mode

FT,1,Rd = (8n - 2ew) Mpl,1,Rd / (2mn - ew(m + n)) = 259 kN. Mode 1

FT,2,Rd = (2.Mpl,2,Rd+ n  Ft,Rd) / (m + n) = 202 kN. Mode 2

FT,3,Rd =  Ft,Rd = 2 x 141 = 282 kN. Mode 3

Column web tension

Not applicable stiffener/Flange in tension zone

Beam end plate bending

Calculate equivalent effective length Leff of T-stub. Table 6.4, 6.5, 6.6
leff,cp = 2.Pi.m = 201 mm Pattern(i)
leff,nc = 4m + 1.25e = 178 mm Pattern(ii)
leff,nc = a.m = 187 mm Pattern(iii)

leff,cp = [i] = 201 mm.

leff,nc = Max[ii,iii] = 187 mm.
leff,1 = Min[leff,cp,leff,nc] = 187 mm.
leff,2 = leff,nc = 187 mm.

Equivalent T-stub resistances Table 6.2

Mpl,1,Rd = 0.25  leff,1 t2 fy / 
= 0.25 x 187 x 20.02 x 265 / 1.00 = 4956

Mpl,2,Rd = 0.25  leff,2 t2 fy / 

= 0.25 x 187 x 20.02 x 265 / 1.00 = 4956

Find critical bolt failure mode

FT,1,Rd = (8n - 2ew) Mpl,1,Rd / (2mn - ew(m + n)) = 771 kN. Mode 1

FT,2,Rd = (2.Mpl,2,Rd+ n  Ft,Rd) / (m + n) = 295 kN. Mode 2

FT,3,Rd =  Ft,Rd = 2 x 141 = 282 kN. Mode 3

Beam web tension

Not applicable stiffener/Flange in tension zone

Ft,Rd(row1) = 202 kN. Column flange mode 2 governs

Ft,Rd(row1) = 202 kN.

And so on...

Calculations for Moment Connections tend to be very lengthy. Full calculations for
all bolt lines are available by selecting Options|Results contents and deselecting
Reduce detail in the Results contents form.

Ft,Rd(row2) = 201 kN. Column flange mode 2 governs

Ft,Rd(row1 + 2) = 507 kN. Column flange mode 2 governs
Ft,Rd(row2) = 201 kN.
Ft,Rd(row3) = 197 kN. Column flange mode 2 governs
Ft,Rd(row2 + 3) = 371 kN. Column flange mode 1 governs
Ft,Rd(row1 + 2 + 3) = 719 kN. Column flange mode 1 governs
Ft,Rd(row3) = 171 kN.

Resistance of column web

Effective width of web in compression (6.10)
beff,c,wc = 52.7 + 62.6 + 52.7 where 52.7 = 2.5 x ( 10.9 + 10.2 )
= 168.1 mm.

Reduction factor for shear interaction =1.00 Table 6.3

 = 1 / (1 + 1.3 ( beff,c,wc . twc / Avc )2 )
= 1 / (1 + 1.3 ( 168.1 x 7.6 / 3647 )2 ) = 0.93

Reduction factor for longitudinal compressive stress

kwc = 0.7 Conservative (6.14)

Resistance of column web in bearing: (6.9)

Fc,wc,Rd,1 =  . kwc . beff,c,wc . twc . fy,wc / M0
= 0.93 x 0.70 x 168.1 x 7.6 x 275 / 1.00 = 228.4 kN.

Resistance of: 2 - 70 x 12 web stiffeners

fy,web = 275 fy,stiff = 275 Use fy = 275 N/mm2 and = 0.924

Effective width of stiffener

beff,stiff = 70 mm. but less than: 14..tstiff = 70.0 mm.

Effective area of stiffeners in contact with flange

Anet = 2 x 59.8 x 12 = 1435 mm2.

Length of web acting with stiffener

lw,1 = 15..tw = 15 x 0.924 x 7.6 = 105.4 mm.
lw = 222.8 mm. Length of web
Aeff,s = 3373 mm2.
Ieff,s = 322 x 104 mm4.
ieff,s = 30.9 mm.

 = (Lcr / iz) x (1 /  x (1 / 93.91)

= 407.6 / 30.9 x 1 / 0.924 x 1 / 93.91 = 0.152

From Figure 6.4 using: = 0.152 and buckling curve 'c' (see Table 6.2)
 = 1.000

Resistance to transverse compression is lesser of:

Fc,Rd,1 = Anet fy /  + Fc,wc,Rd,1 Governing bearing
= 1435 x 275 x 10-3 / 1.00 + 228.4 = 623.1 kN.

Fc,Rd,2 =  Aeff,s fy /  Governing buckling

= 1.000 x 3373 x 275 x 10-3 / 1.00 = 927.6 kN.

Haunch flange and web in compression and P398 Step 2

Rafter resistance with coexisting: axial = 75.3 kN. shear = 380.0 kN.
Mc,Rd = 456.8 kN.m. QuikEC3
Fc,fb,Rd = Mc,Rd x 103 / (h - tf)
= 456.8 x 103 / ( 712.0 - 11.5 ) = 652.1 kN.
Height of haunched rafter exceeds 600 mm. and SN041a-EN-EU
Fc,fb,Rd < tf . bf . fy x 10-3 / 0.8
< 11.5 x 171.5 x 275 x 10-3 / 0.8 = 678.0 kN.
Fc,fb,Rd = 652.1 kN.

Resistance of column web panel in shear

Vwp,Rd = 0.9 x fy,wc . Avc / ( 3 x )
= 0.9 x 275 x 3647.3 / ( 3 x 1.00 ) = 521.2 kN.

Resistance of column web and Morris stiffener

Asn = 2 x bsn . ts
= 2 x 70.0 x 10 = 1400 mm2.
Vwps,Rd = Asn . fy . Cos() + Vwp,Rd where = 59.0
= 1400 x 275 x 0.515 / 1000 + 521.2 = 719.5 kN.

Plastic distribution of bolt forces

Row Force hr
kN. mm.
Ft,Rd(row1) 201.9 651
Ft,Rd(row2) 200.6 571
Ft,Rd(row3) 170.7 491
 Ft,Rd(row) = 573.1 kN.

Modification of bolt row forces

1.9 x Ft,Rd = 1.9 x 141.1 = 268.1 kN.
Plastic distribution valid

Axial force 6.2.3(2)

NEd > 0.05 x Npl,Rd NEd will be accounted for using the methods
outlined in P398 Step 4.

 Ft,Rd(row) = 573.1 kN.
Fc,Rd = 623.1 kN. Lesser of: 623.1, 652.1, 719.5 /
NEd = -75.3 kN. Negative being compression
Fc,Rd + NEd = 547.8 kN.

 Ft,Rd(row) > Fc,Rd + NEd Surplus capacity in bolts. Reduce starting at bottom
row and working up until equilibrium holds

Moment capacity
Row Ftr,Rd hr Ftr,Rd x hr
kN. mm. kN.m.
Ft,Rd(row1) 201.9 651 131.4
Ft,Rd(row2) 200.6 571 114.6
Ft,Rd(row3) 145.4 491 71.4
 Ft,Rd(row) = 547.8 Mj,Rd = 317.4

Modify applied moment for effect of axial load

MEd,mod = MEd + NEd x hN Where MEd = Applied moment
NEd = Axial tension
hN = Distance from centre line of beam to
centre of compression

= 330.0 - 75.3 x 0.507 = 291.8 kN.m.

Mj,Rd > MEd,mod Pass

Applied shear
VEd = 380.0 kN.

Bolts in shear
Using Table 3.4 shear resistance of M20 Grade 8.8 bolt
Fv,Rd = v fub A / M2 where v = 0.60 and fub= 800 N/mm2 See table 3.1
= 0.60 x 800 x 245.0 / 1.25 = 94.1 kN.

Residual shear resistance of bolt fully loaded in tension

Fvs,Rd = (1 - 1/1.4) x Fv,Rd = 26.9 kN. Table 3.4

Bolt bearing end plate

Fb,Rd,p = 1.0 x k1.b.fu.d.t / d0= 22 fub/fu = 800 / 410 = 1.95 See Table 3.4 and 3.7(1)
d = p1 /(3.d0) - 0.25 = 0.96 but < 1.00 p1= 80
k1 = 2.8 e2 /d0 - 1.7 = 2.50 but < 2.50 e2= 40
= 315.6 kN.

Bolt bearing column

Fb,Rd,c = 1.0 x k1.b.fu.d.t / d0= 22 fub/fu = 800 / 410 = 1.95 See Table 3.4 and 3.7(1)
d = p1 /(3.d0) - 0.25 = 0.96 but < 1.00 p1= 80
k1 = 2.8 e2 /d0 - 1.7 = 2.50 but < 2.50 e2= 36
= 172.0 kN.

Shear capacity of bolt group

Fv,Rd = Lesser of: Fv,Rd, Fb,Rd,p and Fb,Rd,c = 94.1 kN.
Fvs,Rd = Lesser of: Fvs,Rd, Fb,Rd,p and Fb,Rd,c = 26.9 kN.

VRd,b = 4 x Fv,Rd + 6 x Fvs,Rd = 537.6 kN.

VRd,b > VEd Pass

Calculate thickness factor for full strength double fillet welds SN014a, TC10, P358 Annex C
fy . w . weld 275 x 0.85 x 1.25  from Table 4.1

a / t,ply =   = 0.504

 . fu .  2 1.00 x 410 x  2

Tension flange weld

Size of full strength fillet weld
s = 8.6 x 0.504 / 0.7 = 6.2 mm.
Pass Tension flange weld is full strength

Design shear strength of end plate weld

fu /  3 410 / 3  w from Table 4.1
fvw,d = = 222.8 N/mm2. (4.4)
w  0.85 x 1.25

Compression flange weld

Fc,Rd = 623.1 kN.
Capacity of 8 fillet weld to compression flange
= 2 x 171.5 x 0.7 x 8 x 222.8 = 427.9 kN.
Pass Compression flange weld can not transmit full compressive force
Provide a bearing fit with nominal 6 fillet weld

Web welds in tension zone

Size of full strength fillet weld
s = 6.4 x 0.504 / 0.7 = 4.6 mm.
Pass Web weld in tension zone is full strength.
Weld must continue past the last tension bolt a minimum of
1.73W/2 = 69 mm.

Web welds shear zone

Pass Web weld to shear zone is full strength

Rafter web in transverse compression

Effective width of web in compression (6.10)
beff,c,wc = 47.0 + 76.1 + 47.0 where 47.0 = 2.5 x ( 8.6 + 10.2 )
= 170.1 mm.

Reduction factor for shear interaction =0.00 Table 6.3

 = 1.00

Reduction factor for longitudinal compressive stress

kwc = 0.7 Conservative (6.14)

Reduction factor for plate buckling (6.13c)

p = 0.932  (( beff,c,wc . dwc . fy,wc ) / ( E . tw 2)) = 1.30
p> 0.72 therefore (6.13b)
 = ( p - 0.2) / p2 = 0.65

Resistance to transverse compression is lesser of: (6.9)

Fc,wc,Rd,1 =  . kwc . beff,c,wc . twc . fy,wc / M0 Governing web bearing
= 1.00 x 0.70 x 170.1 x 6.4 x 275 / 1.00 = 209.6 kN.
Fc,wc,Rd,2 =  . kwc .  . beff,c,wc . twc . fy,wc / M1 Governing web buckling
= 1.00 x 0.70 x 0.65 x 170.1 x 6.4 x 275 /1.00 = 136.0 kN.

Force in haunch flange

Fc,fh,Ed = Fc,Rd / Cos( 8.69)
= 630.3 kN
But less than capacity 171.5 x 11.5 x 275 / 
= 542.4 kN.
Force normal to rafter
Fc,wb,Ed = 542.4 x Sin( 8.69 - 0.00) = 81.9 kN

Fc,wb,Rd,2 > Fc,wb,Ed Pass

Tension stiffeners - Column side P398 Check 6A

Force in stiffener Fs,Ed is greater of: Fs,Ed,1 and Fs,Ed,2 Note: Fs,Ed is for a pair of stiffeners
Web tension: Flange bending
Fri,Rd Frj,Rd
Fs,Ed,1 > (Fri,Rd + Frj,Rd) - ( Lwt x twc x fy,c) /  Fs,Ed,2 > m1 x (  + 
m1 + m2L m1 + m2U
Asn = Fs,Ed / ( fy,s /  )

Weld size = Fs,Ed / (4 x fvw,d x bsg x 0.7)

Column side fy,c = 275 N/mm2 m1 = 28.0 mm.

Stiffener Asn,act Fri,Rd m2L Lwt Fs,Ed,1 Fs,Ed,2 Asn Weld Verdict
Frj,Rd m2U (required)

0.0 0.0
Fitted 1196 115 0 82.1 298.5 6FW Passed
201.9 40.9
201.9 30.2
Rib 1196 189 7 193.7 704.5 6FW Passed
200.6 30.2

Partial depth stiffener - Check shear capacity of stiffener P398 Step 6A

Fv,Rd = 2 x 0.9 x Ls x ts x fy,s / ( 3 x )
= 2 x 0.9 x 140 x 10 x 275 / (  3 x 1.00 ) = 400.1 kN.

Fv,Rd > Fs,Ed Pass

Partial depth stiffener - Check shear capacity of column web P398 Step 6A
Fv,Rd = 2 x Ls x tw x fy / ( 3 x )
= 2 x 140 x 7.6 x 275 / (  3 x 1.00 ) = 337.9 kN.

Fv,Rd > Fs,Ed Pass

Partial depth stiffener - Web weld P398 Figure 2.18

Lw = 140 - 6 = 134.0 mm. Weld length
L1 = ( 80 - 7.6) /2 = 36.2 mm. Lever arm
L2 = 2/3 x Lw = 89.3 mm. Lever arm
Ft = 0.5 x Fs,Ed x L1/L2 = 39255.1 N Total tension
t = 2 Ft / Lw = 585.9 N/mm. Weld tension
s = Fs,Ed / (2 x Lw) = 722.9 N/mm. Weld shear
Fw,Ed =  ( s2 + t2 ) / 2 = 465.3 N/mm.
Fw,Rd = 0.7 x 6 x 222.8 = 935.7 N/mm.

Fw,Rd > Fw,Ed Pass

Compression stiffener - assume bearing fit to column flange P398 Step 6B

Fs,Ed = 1.0 x 623.1 = 623.1 kN.

Minimum weld size to column web
= 623.1 / (4 x ( 449.8 - 2 x 10.9) x 0.7 x 223) = 2.3 mm.
Use 6 fillet weld (Minimum)

Reversal 

Bolt capacity
Using Table 3.4 tension resistance of M20 Grade 8.8 bolt
Ft,Rd = k2 fub As / M2 where k2 = 0.90 and fub= 800 N/mm2 See table 3.1
= 0.90 x 800 x 245.0 / 1.25 = 141.1 kN

Resistance of column web

Effective width of web in compression (6.10)
beff,c,wc = 0.0 + 56.6 + 52.7 where 52.7 = 2.5 x ( 10.9 + 10.2 )
= 109.3 mm.

Reduction factor for shear interaction =1.00 Table 6.3

 = 1 / (1 + 1.3 ( beff,c,wc . twc / Avc )2 )
= 1 / (1 + 1.3 ( 109.3 x 7.6 / 3647 )2 ) = 0.97

Reduction factor for longitudinal compressive stress

kwc = 0.7 Conservative (6.14)

Resistance of column web in bearing: (6.9)

Fc,wc,Rd,1 =  . kwc . beff,c,wc . twc . fy,wc / M0
= 0.97 x 0.70 x 109.3 x 7.6 x 275 / 1.00 = 154.8 kN.

Resistance of: 2 - 70 x 10 web stiffeners

fy,web = 275 fy,stiff = 275 Use fy = 275 N/mm2 and = 0.924

Effective width of stiffener

beff,stiff = 70 mm. but less than: 14..tstiff = 70.0 mm.

Effective area of stiffeners in contact with flange

Anet = 2 x 59.8 x 10 = 1196 mm2.
Length of web acting with stiffener
lw,1 = 15..tw = 15 x 0.924 x 7.6 = 105.4 mm.
lw = 138.7 mm. Length of web
Aeff,s = 2454 mm2.
Ieff,s = 268 x 104 mm4.
ieff,s = 33.1 mm.

 = (Lcr / iz) x (1 /  x (1 / 93.91)

= 407.6 / 33.1 x 1 / 0.924 x 1 / 93.91 = 0.142

From Figure 6.4 using: = 0.142 and buckling curve 'c' (see Table 6.2)
 = 1.000

Resistance to transverse compression is lesser of:

Fc,Rd,1 = Anet fy /  + Fc,wc,Rd,1 Governing bearing
= 1196 x 275 x 10-3 / 1.00 + 154.8 = 483.7 kN.

Fc,Rd,2 =  Aeff,s fy /  Governing buckling

= 1.000 x 2454 x 275 x 10-3 / 1.00 = 674.8 kN.

Rafter flange and web in compression and P398 Step 2

Rafter resistance with coexisting: axial = 30.0 kN. shear = 75.0 kN.
Mc,Rd = 456.8 kN.m. QuikEC3
Fc,fb,Rd = Mc,Rd x 103 / (h - tf)
= 456.8 x 103 / ( 712.0 - 8.6 ) = 649.4 kN.
Height of haunched rafter exceeds 600 mm. and SN041a-EN-EU
Fc,fb,Rd < tf . bf . fy x 10-3 / 0.8
< 8.6 x 141.8 x 275 x 10-3 / 0.8 = 419.2 kN.
Fc,fb,Rd = 419.2 kN.

Resistance of column web panel in shear

Vwp,Rd = 0.9 x fy,wc . Avc / ( 3 x )
= 0.9 x 275 x 3647.3 / ( 3 x 1.00 ) = 521.2 kN.

Resistance of column web and Morris stiffener

Asn = 2 x bsn . ts
= 2 x 70.0 x 10 = 1400 mm2.
Vwps,Rd = Asn . fy . Cos() + Vwp,Rd where = 42.9
= 1400 x 275 x 0.732 / 1000 + 521.2 = 803.1 kN.

Plastic distribution of bolt forces

Row Force hr
kN. mm.
Ft,Rd(row1) 198.7 651
Ft,Rd(row2) 162.1 571
 Ft,Rd(row) = 360.8 kN.

Modification of bolt row forces

1.9 x Ft,Rd = 1.9 x 141.1 = 268.1 kN.
Plastic distribution valid

Axial force 6.2.3(2)

NEd < 0.05 x Npl,Rd NEd may be ignored

 Ft,Rd(row) = 360.8 kN.
Fc,Rd = 419.2 kN. Lesser of: 483.7, 419.2, 803.1 /

 Ft,Rd(row) < Fc,Rd Bolt capacity governs

Moment capacity
Row Ftr,Rd hr Ftr,Rd x hr
kN. mm. kN.m.
Ft,Rd(row1) 198.7 651 129.3
Ft,Rd(row2) 162.1 571 92.5
 Ft,Rd(row) = 360.8 Mj,Rd = 221.8

Applied moment
MEd = 160.0 kN.

Mj,Rd > MEd Pass

Applied shear
VEd = 75.0 kN.

Bolts in shear
Using Table 3.4 shear resistance of M20 Grade 8.8 bolt
Fv,Rd = v fub A / M2 where v = 0.60 and fub= 800 N/mm2 See table 3.1
= 0.60 x 800 x 245.0 / 1.25 = 94.1 kN.

Residual shear resistance of bolt fully loaded in tension

Fvs,Rd = (1 - 1/1.4) x Fv,Rd = 26.9 kN. Table 3.4

Bolt bearing end plate

Fb,Rd,p = 1.0 x k1.b.fu.d.t / d0= 22 fub/fu = 800 / 410 = 1.95 See Table 3.4 and 3.7(1)
d = p1 /(3.d0) - 0.25 = 0.96 but < 1.00 p1= 80
k1 = 2.8 e2 /d0 - 1.7 = 2.50 but < 2.50 e2= 40
= 315.6 kN.

Bolt bearing column

Fb,Rd,c = 1.0 x k1.b.fu.d.t / d0= 22 fub/fu = 800 / 410 = 1.95 See Table 3.4 and 3.7(1)
d = p1 /(3.d0) - 0.25 = 0.96 but < 1.00 p1= 80
k1 = 2.8 e2 /d0 - 1.7 = 2.50 but < 2.50 e2= 36
= 172.0 kN.

Shear capacity of bolt group

Fv,Rd = Lesser of: Fv,Rd, Fb,Rd,p and Fb,Rd,c = 94.1 kN.
Fvs,Rd = Lesser of: Fvs,Rd, Fb,Rd,p and Fb,Rd,c = 26.9 kN.

VRd,b = 6 x Fv,Rd + 4 x Fvs,Rd = 672.0 kN.

VRd,b > VEd Pass

Calculate thickness factor for full strength double fillet welds SN014a, TC10, P358 Annex C
fy . w . weld 275 x 0.85 x 1.25  from Table 4.1

a / t,ply =   = 0.504

 . fu .  2 1.00 x 410 x  2

Design shear strength of end plate weld

fu /  3 410 / 3  w from Table 4.1
fvw,d = = 222.8 N/mm2. (4.4)
w  0.85 x 1.25

Tension flange weld SN014a Annex A

Tension capacity of the beam flange
Npl,Rd = b . tf . fy /  = 171.5 x 11.5 x 275 / 1.00 = 542.4 kN

Total force in the top 2 bolt rows

 Ftr,Rd = 198.7 + 162.1 = 360.8 kN.

Capacity of 8 fillet weld to tension flange

= 2 x 171.5 x 0.7 x 8 x 222.8 = 427.9 kN.
Pass Tension flange weld adequate

Compression flange weld

Size of full strength fillet weld
s = 8.6 x 0.504 / 0.7 = 6.2 mm.
Pass Compression flange weld is full strength

Web welds in tension zone

Size of full strength fillet weld
s = 7.4 x 0.504 / 0.7 = 5.3 mm.
Pass Web weld in tension zone is full strength.
Weld must continue past the last tension bolt a minimum of
1.73W/2 = 69 mm.

Web welds shear zone

Pass Web weld to shear zone is full strength

Tension stiffeners - Column side P398 Check 6A

Force in stiffener Fs,Ed is greater of: Fs,Ed,1 and Fs,Ed,2 Note: Fs,Ed is for a pair of stiffeners
Web tension: Flange bending
Fri,Rd Frj,Rd
Fs,Ed,1 > (Fri,Rd + Frj,Rd) - ( Lwt x twc x fy,c) /  Fs,Ed,2 > m1 x (  + 
m1 + m2L m1 + m2U
Asn = Fs,Ed / ( fy,s /  )

Weld size = Fs,Ed / (4 x fvw,d x bsg x 0.7)

Column side fy,c = 275 N/mm2 m1 = 28.0 mm.

Stiffener Asn,act Fri,Rd m2L Lwt Fs,Ed,1 Fs,Ed,2 Asn Weld Verdict
Frj,Rd m2U (required)

0.0 0.0
Fitted 1435 160 0 81.7 297.0 6FW Passed
198.7 40.2

Compression stiffener - assume bearing fit to column flange P398 Step 6B

Fs,Ed = 1.0 x 360.8 = 360.8 kN.

Minimum weld size to column web
= 360.8 / (4 x ( 449.8 - 2 x 10.9) x 0.7 x 223) = 1.4 mm.
Use 6 fillet weld (Minimum)

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