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A Sales Organisation is assigned to ONE company code Company Code

A Plant can be assigned to ONE Company Code

A Plant can be assigned to MANY Sales Organisations/Distribution Channels Sales Organisation Distribution Channel
A Plant can be assigned to MANY Shipping Points
A Shipping Point is assigned to one or MANY Plants Division

A transportation planning point is an independent unit and is not linked to other org units Delivering Plant
Transportation planning point is linked to only ONE company code
Transportation planning point processes and monitors shipments Shipping Point
Each shipment is created by a single transportation planning point
Departure Zone
Distribution channel can be assigned to MANY Sales Organisations
A Company Code can be assigned to MANY Plants
A Sales Office can be assigned to MANY Sales Areas Configuration
Assign sales organization to company code ONE
Sales Organisation Assign distribution channel to sales organization
Distribution Channel Assign division to sales organization
Distribution Plant (same plant can be linked to many SO/DC combos) Assign sales office to sales area
Assign sales group to sales office
CO - PA Assign sales organization/distribution channel - plant
Operating Concern (Africa) Assign sales area to credit control area
Controlling Areas (Africa) Assign Business Area To Plant And Division
Company Codes (South Africa) Assign warehouse number to plant/storage location
Sales Organisations (Gauteng) Assign shipping point to plant
Assign plant to company code ONE
Credit Control Area
Sales Area (combo of Sales Org/Dist Channel/Division) Customer Master
Sales Office General Data (Client)
Sales Group Sales Area Data
Company Code Data
Business Areas are optional and used for internal reporting
Can contain several company codes or have several BA's in one company code Address is the only info updated in docs when changed in Cmaster
Flag 'default sold to party' to let temp STP go into Sales Orders
Complete/Partial delivery indicator found in the Customer Master
Business Areas are determined by:
Plant / Item Division Material Master
Sales Area Sales Org Views valid for Sales Org and Distribution Channel
Sales Organisation / Distribution Channel / Item Division Sales Gen/Plant valid for Sorg, DC and Delivering Plant
ASAP Customer - Material Info Record
Default delivering plant
Phase 1 Project Preparation Delivery tolerances
Starting project Partial deliveries
Identifying team members Cross ref customer material number to our number
Developing high level plan Proposal at item level made from C-M info record
Phase 2 Business Blueprint
Understand business goals
Determine business requirements to support goals Output Master Data
Phase 3 Realization Layout of output defined by a form in Sapscript and assigned to output type
Implement business and process requirements based on blueprint
Customize in Baseline and Final Configuration Incompletion log shows fields where data is missing.
Phase 4 Final Preparation Available in Sales Order and Delivery
Complete testing
End User Training Representative Distribution Channel used if don’t want to differentiate
Resolve critical open issues Master data by DC.
Phase 5 Go Live and Support
Transition from Project, pre productive environment to Live productive system

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