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Student ID
Pre-service Teacher Emma Beaton 2151579

School Ocean View College

Learning Area
Mentor Teacher(s) Erren Mansford English/Humanities
Learning Area
Caroline Victor English

School Co-ordinator Ellen Fauser

University Liaison Dave Roberts Caz Lewis
Please delete those not applicable Please select
Teaching Days 10 introductory days + 30 day block: 40 days X

CONTEXT Please add brief context statements about the school and class:
School sector; size and composition of campus (R-12, Area, Primary); particular
features or unique characteristics; index of disadvantage.
Ocean View College B-12 is a coeducational, comprehensive state government site comprised of
a Children’s Centre, Junior School, Middle School, Senior School and an “off-site” further
education facility, Harbor View Campus, located in the heart of Port Adelaide. OVC’s commitment
is to provide parents, children and young people with a college community where every child and
young person can have a valued role and success as a member of that community. Our children
and young people are actively supported by quality teaching that creates a positive and
encouraging learning environment. Ocean View College is a DECD category 2 school.

Class (including children with special needs)

Emma has taught 8 Humanities and 8 English which consisted of 15 students, 10 History which
consisted of 10 students,10 English which consisted of 22 students and assisted in teaching 12
English which consisted of 21 students. In all of Emma’s classes there was a mixture of learning
Please place an ‘X’ at the point along each continuum that best represents the development of the pre-service
teacher towards each of the standards at this time.


Standard 1 Know students and how they learn

I I I X I__
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient

Standard 2 Know the content and how to teach it

I I I X I__
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient


Standard 3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

I I I X I__
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient

Standard 4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

I I I X I__
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient

Standard 5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

I I I X I__
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient


Standard 6 Engage in professional learning

I I I X I__
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient

Standard 7 Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

I I I X I__
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient
SUMMARY STATEMENTS (You may choose to comment on both personal and professional characteristics)

School Coordinator/Principal
Emma was an enthusiastic member of our school community for the short time that she was
here. I have every faith that she will continue to succeed in her chosen career and I wish her all
the best in the future.

Name: Ellen Fauser Date: 21/6/18

University Liaison
From the beginning Emma established effective working relationships with staff at the school
and with the students in her classes. She prepared her lessons meticulously and provided a
safe learning environment in which her students participated enthusiastically. Emma’s practicum
was a time of learning during which she sought and acted upon feedback and built a solid
foundation for a successful teaching career.

Name: Dave Roberts Date: 24/6/18

SUMMARY STATEMENT (May be used as a referee statement)

Classroom Teacher/Mentor: Erren Mansford

Student Name: Learning Area: 8 English, 8 Humanities, 10
Emma Beaton History and assisted 12 English

Professional Knowledge

Emma was extremely prepared and learnt how to access curriculum documents and relevant
forms from the Australian curriculum for year 8 English, 8 Humanities and 10 History. She
researched thoroughly all the material related to the analysis of stylistic and language features
evident in the novel “Coraline” (Year 8) and “Watch out Jamie Joel” (Year 12). She also
thoroughly researched significant events and impacts of WW2. Through her practicum Emma
also provided frameworks, scaffolds and study guides for students to assist them in completing
their summative assessment tasks.

Professional Practice

Emma is committed, enthusiastic and keen to be a successful teacher. She was able to
establish and maintain positive relationships with all students and staff members. She was
willing to listen to students, was sympathetic to their needs and established a non-threatening
environment in the classroom. Emma is able to control a class but needs to consistently follow
through with school practices.

Emma used a range of assessment strategies throughout her practicum including class work,
quizzes, group work, creative text productions, writer’s statements and essays. She realised
very quickly that students require clear and detailed instructions, especially regarding
assessment. Marking was completed within a reasonable time period and feedback was
given on each student’s work.

Professional Engagement

As well as students, Emma also worked well with colleagues. She was also fortunate to witness
parent teacher conferences where she had the opportunity to engage in important conversations
about expectations, strengths and improvements for each student. Emma actively participated in
all staff meetings and was extremely eager to maintain positive connections here at Ocean View
College. She should be commended for her efforts, and I look forward to hopefully working with
her again in the near future.

Written by: Erren Mansford Date: 4/06/18

SUMMARY STATEMENT (May be used as a referee statement)

Classroom Teacher/Mentor
Student Name: Emma Beaton Learning Area: 10 English

Professional Knowledge

Emma displays a keen sense of understanding the level of her students' as regards their physical
and social development. Her content was well directed and often sparked rich debate. Although her
lessons were engaging and appropriate, she had entry levels so all of the abilities in the class could
feel included. As for how students learn, Emma provided a rich array of visuals, audio and printed
versions of what she was covering. He was sensitive to include descriptions of words that were not
in the class vernacular and included students by discussing new terms without prejudice. Her tasks
were thorough and had a variety of entry points. Although they might have seemed daunting to the
lower abilities, Emma displayed a sensitivity and care to help these students produce some quality
ideas. Emma has a detailed and strong command of English which she uses to encourage students
to use correct English. She allows for exploration as advertising allows for a certain amount of
creative license, She balances out the grammar very well with literature, bringing in elements of the
more tedious nature of English to a palatable acceptable form for her students. Her choice of novel
was artfully combined with the Film version of the novel and can easily be juxtaposed with another
film of very similar genre. This makes the transition from Emma to myself seamless as I can finish off
the novel and get students to reflect on both stories. Emma has provided a number of opportunities
for students to require feedback. All of the feedback has been well received and students generally
show a consideration of the advice given.

Professional Practice
Emma most definitely supports students to participate and engage with the class. She is able to
ensure safety for students with a differing opinion and will tactfully disengage any heated topics. She
is a focal point in the class and will command without being a vociferous figure. She has a quiet
nature but will calmly and respectfully draw students back in without reproach. She successfully
arranges impromptu activities with words, keeping students engaged to the very last second of the
lesson. Her inclusion of Kahoot will be a very useful tool that she has shared with me, being an older
teacher- and has empowered me with this added skill. On the odd occasion, there have been
incidents amongst the students, completely unrelated to the lesson, where a student would walk in
the class and begin banter with one of the students. Emma calmly and clearly diffused the situation
and was able to pick up on any further continuation. She is sensitive to the daily changes of the
students and adapts immediately with an alternative that is both appropriate and engaging. Emma
was involved with the vertical academy lessons on a Friday afternoon, where she participated
without any question, successfully demonstrating a good work ethic, while contributing to the
success of the class as a whole.

Professional Engagement
Emma used all the opportunities afforded her at Ocean view College. She participated in PAT R
training and implementation. She offers her opinions readily and contributes to the discussion
admirably. She is both enthusiastic and available for course design. She is invaluable with her
alternative ideas and is both creative and adventurous with tasks she sets for her students. She is
confident in expressing her ideas and opinions and will offer feedback both accurately and
respectfully. She has applied her knowledge of the students to improve their outcomes, using the
data at her disposal. I have learned a lot with Emma at the helm. In my opinion, she has successfully
engaged with the students and has had a good practicum with many and varied experiences. I
strongly recommend her as an English teacher.

Written by: Caroline Victor Date: 4/06/18

SUMMARY ASSESSMENT (To be agreed by the School Coordinator and the University Liaison)

In our opinion Emma Beaton

has demonstrated the following overall level of performance in this final professional experience:
(Please click on appropriate box below)

☐ Fail

☐ Pass

☐ Credit

 Distinction

☐ High Distinction


The pre-service teacher may wish to submit this report with an application for employment. Please avoid the use of
acronyms as student reports are often viewed by interstate and international employers who are not always familiar
with South Australian nomenclature.
Please keep an electronic copy of this report and submit the report to the University Liaison for

If this is not possible then please email it directly to:

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