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2.1 Introduction
A fluid at rest is characterized by absence of relative motion between adjacent fluid
layers. Under such a condition, the velocity gradient is zero and there is no shear stress
involvement, therefore, viscosity of fluid has no effect on fluids at rest. But fluids at rest do
exert forces on the solid boundary. Knowledge of force variation or more appropriately pressure
variations in a static fluid is important to an engineer.
There are so many practical examples of fluids at rest such as water retained by a dam, an
overhead tank supplying water to the public, gas or fuel in a tank truck. The object of this
chapter is to measure pressure variations in a static fluid to discuss pressure and pressure
measurement and laws of fluid pressure.
For static condition, the sum of the forces (Figure 2.1) in any direction must equal to zero
(ΣF=0). By considering;

(P  P)A

l 2


z  z
 g  A  l cos 

Figure 2.1

( P  P)A  PA  gAl cos   0 (2.1)

But l cos   z ;

Thus equation 2.1 can be simplified to

P  gz  0 (2.2)

And in the limit as δz→0;

  g (2.3)

To determine the pressure at any point in the fluid can be obtained by integrated equation 2.3;

P    gdz (2.4)

2.2 Hydrostatic Pressure

In the gravity environment, the static pressure in the fluid is proportionally increased linearly
with the depth and always acted perpendicular or normal to the surface as shown in Figure 2.2.


1 h2


Figure 2.2 Static pressure increased linearly with the depth

The hydrostatic pressure at every location with the depth, h from the free surface is given as

P  Patm  gh (2.5)

by neglecting Patm equation 2.5 becomes

P  gh (2.6)

and this is called gage pressure that always use in the calculation of static pressure. As a
example, for point 1 and 2 in Figure 2.2 can be written as:

P1  gh1 (2.7)

P2  gh2 (2.8)

Thus, the pressure different between points 1 and 2 can be written as:

P  P2  P1  gh (2.9)
where Δh=h2-h1

The fluid pressure at rest is constant along the horizontal line. In other words, the pressures for
all points with similar depth have same magnitude, and it is independent of the shape or cross
section area of the fluid container (see Figure 2.3). This may be stated as the equal level-equal
pressure principle that forms the basis for many pressure-measuring devices such as barometer
and manometer. It also contributes to the operation of a hydraulic jack that a small input force
creates a larger output force.


Figure 2.3 Pressures are equal for all points along horizontal plane

Example 2.1
A tank is connected to a vertical tube is filled with water (γ= 9810N/m2). Determine:
(a) Absolute pressure at levels A, B, C, D, E, and F
(b) Gage pressure at levels A, B, C, D, E, and F

0.7 A

B Water



0.4 D F

Figure E2.1


(a) Absolute pressure

From equation 2.5, it can be written as

Point A: PA= Patm + γhA, where hA= 0

= 101.3(103) + 9810(0)
= 101.3kPa

Point B: PB= Patm + γhB, where hB= 0.7m

= 101.3(103) + 9810(0.7)
= 108.2kPa

Point C: PC= Patm + γhC, where hC= 2.5m

= 101.3(103) + 9810(2.5)
= 125.8kPa

Point D: PD= Patm + γhD, where hD= 3.4m

= 101.3(103) + 9810(3.4)
= 134.7kPa

Point E: PE= PC since hE = hC

Thus, PE= 125.8kPa

Point F: PF= Patm + γhF, where hF= 3.8m

= 101.3(103) + 9810(3.8)
= 138.6kPa

(b) Gage pressure

PgA= PA - Patm = 0kPa

PgB= PB - Patm = 6.87kPa

PgC= PC - Patm = 24.5kPa

PgD= PD - Patm = 33.4kPa

PgE= PE - Patm = 24.5kPa

PgF= PF - Patm = 37.3kPa

Now consider a simple hydraulic jack in Figure 2.4:

Plunger or
F1 F2 piston

1 2 A2

Hydraulic fluid, γ

Figure 2.4 Hydraulic Jack

Using equilibrium principle, the pressure exerted by the fluid on a plunger or a piston is
written as
P (2.10)

F1 F2
From which it follows that P1  and P2 
A1 A2

Since the pressure at points 1 and 2 is equal (i.e. same level), we have

F1 F2
 (2.11)
A1 A2

which can be used to solve for F2 if F1, A1 and A2 are given, or vice versa.

Example 2.2:
For a hydraulic jack as shown in Figure E2.2, determine the weight that could be lifted if the
400N input force F1 is applied to the plunger. The diameters of the plunger and the piston
are10mm and 75mm, respectively
Plunger or
F1 F2 piston

1 2 A2

Hydraulic fluid, γ

Figure E2.2


From equation 2.11 above;

F2  F1

where A1   (0.01)2 / 4  7.855  105 m2

A2   (0.075)2 / 4  4.42  105 m2

Therefore, F2 = 22.5kN

2.2 Pressure and head

There are several types of pressure-measuring devices available. Devices such as a
barometer, Bourdon gage, and manometer are among commonly used instruments to
measure, either a gage, vacuum or absolute pressure. A pressure gage measures a pressure
relative to the local atmospheric pressure when the pressure is above the atmospheric
pressure whereas a vacuum gage is used when the pressure is below the atmospheric


P absolute


P absolute

P absolute = 0

Figure 2.5 Type of pressure

2.3 Mercury Barometer

A typical mercury barometer is shown in Figure 2.6 and used to measure atmospheric
pressure. It consists of a vertical closed glass tube with a column of mercury inside. The
barometer is constructed so as to avoid having any trapped air at the end of the tube. It can be
assumed that the space between the mercury and the end of the tube contains a vacuum with zero
At the bottom of the column, mercury is contained in a small reservoir in a small
reservoir. The pressure acting on the surface of the reservoir is atmospheric pressure Patm. Thus,
the atmospheric pressure can be calculated as

Patm = gh (2.12)


P atm

Figure 2.6

2.4 The Bourdon Gauge

This is most common type of pressure gauge which is compact, reasonably robust and
simple to use. A curved tube of elliptical cross-section is closed at one end is free to move, but
the other end-through which the fluid enters is rigidly fixed to the frame as shown in Figure 2.7.

Section at X-X Pointer


Figure 2.7
When the pressure inside the tube exceeds outside pressure (usually atmospheric), the
cross-section tends to become circular, thus causing the tube uncurve slightly. The movement of
the free end of the tube is transmitted by a suitable mechanical linkage to a pointer moving over
a scale. Zero reading is of course obtained when the pressure inside the tube equals the local
atmospheric pressure. By using tubes of appropriate stiffness, gauges for a wide range of
pressure may be made.

2.5 Manometric Pressure

The barometer analysis shows that vertical columns of liquid can be used to measure
pressure. The science of this measurement is called manometer. There are different types of
manometers with varying degrees of sensitivity which embody the principle already derived
and used for pressure measurement such as U-tube manometer and multi manometer (Figure

Figure 2.8 U-tube and Multi Manometers

2.5.1 Simple U-tube Manometer




1 C

Figure 2.9

Consider the U-tube manometer connected via a small hole to a pipe (Figure 2.9)
carrying a fluid of density 1 at pressure PA (which is to be measured). Let the open end
of the U-tube be subjected to atmospheric pressure, Patm.

At the common surface B-C with the configuration as shown in the diagram we have :

PA + 1gh1 = PB = PC = PD + 2gh2,
PA + 1gh1 = PD + 2gh2 (2.13)

Now PA is the pressure to be measured (P) and PD = Patm.

Thus P – Patm = (2h2 - 1h1)g (2.14)

2.5.2 Differential Manometer

This is used to measure the pressure differential between two fluid reservoirs as shown in
Figure 2.10.

PA + 1gh1 = PD + 3gh3 + 2gh2,

Or differential pressure is given by

PA – PD = (3h3 + 2h2 - 1h1)g (2.15)

h3 3

A h2


Figure 2.10

2.5.3 Inverted U-tube Manometer

Another type of differential manometer as shown in Figure 2.11

PB + 1gh1 = PA
PB + 2gh2 = PC
PC + 3gh3 = PD

or PD – 3gh3 – 2gh2 + 1gh1 = PA (2.16)

or PA – PD = (1h1 – 2h2 – 3h3)g (2.17)


B h2

1 h3



Figure 2.11

2.5.4 An Inclined Manometer

An inclined manometer as shown in Figure 2.12 is used to achieve a greater accuracy and
sensitivity in pressure measurement. This is because the slight pressure change could
cause a noticeable change in L.

P1 Diameter, D
y level
Fluid density
Diameter of tube, d
Figure 2.11 Inclined Manometer

Applying the equal level-equal pressure principle, we have

P1 = PGas
But P1 = P2 + γh and h= L sinθ. The above equation then becomes,

P1  P2   L sin   (2.18)

Example 2.3
U-tube manometer containing a mercury (sg= 13.6) as a working fluid is connected to a tank that
contains air as shown in Figure E2.3. The other end of the manometer is exposed to the
atmosphere. Determine the pressure in the tank if h= 0.4m.


air, γair

Mercury, sg = 13.6

Figure E2.3


Since the density of air is neglected, the pressure at point A will correspond to the
pressure of air in the tank.

PA = PAir (1)

Applying equal level-equal pressure principle, we have

PA = PB (2)

PB = Patm + γHg h (3)

Where γHg= sg (γHg at 4deg.) = 13.6 (9810) = 133416N/m2

Substitute (3) and (2) into (1) will give

Pudara  Patm   Hg h  100(103 )  13341(0.4)

 Pudara  153.4kPa

Example 2.4
The manometer is used to measure the pressure in the pipe and is connected to the pressurized
tank containing gas and water as shown Figure E2.4. Pressure gage attached to the tank reads 80
kPa, determine the gage pressure in the pipe. (Given h1= 40cm, h2= 84cm, h3= 57cm, h4= 45cm)

h1 = 40 cm
h2 = 84 cm
Gas h1 h3 = 57 cm
h4 = 45 cm


Oil , sg = 0.8

Mercury ,
sg = 13 .6

Figure E2.4
From equal level-equal pressure,

PB  PC  PD
But, PD  PE   Hg h3

Where PE  PF   w (h2 )

And PF  Pgas  80kPa

And also PA  PB   oil h4

Substitute (2), (3) and (4) into (1);

PA  Pgas   water (h2 )   Hg h3   oil h4

PA = 80(103) + 9810(0.84) +13.6(9810)(0.57)+ 0.8(9810)(0.45)

= 167kPa.

Example 2.5
Figure E2.5 show a three-fluid manometer containing oil (sg= 0.82), mercury (sg= 13.6) and
water used to measure large pressure differences. Determine the pressure difference between A
and B. Given h1= 45cm, h2= 70cm, h3= 25cm and h4= 20cm. Neglect the air density.

sg = 0.82



h1 Gas
Sg = 0.7
Sg = 13.6

Figure E2.5

PA  PC  PD

but PE  PD   W h1  PA   W h1

and PF  PE  PA   W h1

Also PF  PG   Hg h2

but PH  PG

Also PB  PH   gasolinh3   oilh4

Substituting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 give

PA  PB   Hg h2  Wh   gasolinh3   oilh4

or PA  PB   W ( sg Hg h2  h  sg gasolinh3  sg oilh4 )

= (9810)[(13.6)(0.7)-(0.45)-0.7(0.25)-0.82(0.2)]
= 85.7kPa.


1 The Crosby gage tester shown in the figure is used to calibrate or to test pressure gages.
When the weights and the piston together weigh 89.0 N, the gage being tested indicates
179kPa. If the piston diameter is 20mm, what is the percentage error exists in the gage?




Figure Q1

2. Two hemispheric shells are perfectly sealed together and the internal pressure is reduced
to 10% of atmospheric pressure. The inner radius is 15 cm, and the outer radius is 15.5
cm. The seal is located half way between the inner and other radius. If the atmospheric
pressure is 100kPa, what force is required to pull the shells apart?
3. If exactly 20 bolts of 2.5-cm diameter are needed to hold the air chamber together at A-A
as a result of the high pressure within, how many bolts will be needed at B-B? Here D =
50 cm and d = 25 cm.

Figure Q3
[5 bolts]
4. The reservoir shown in the figure contains two immiscible liquids of specific weights γA
and γB, respectively, one above the other where γA > γB. Which graph depicts the correct
distribution of gage pressure along a vertical line through the liquids?
Liquid B

Liquid A

p p p p
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure Q4
5. This manometer contains water at room temperature. The glass tube on the left has an
inside diameter of 1 mm (d = 1.0 mm). The glass tube on the right is three times as large.
For these conditions, the water surface level in the left tube will be a) higher than the
water surface level in the right tube, b) equal to the water surface level in the right tube,
c) less than the water surface level in the right tube. State your main reason or assumption
for making your choice.
d 3d

Figure Q5
6. A tank is fitted with a manometer on the side, as shown. The liquid in the bottom of the
tank and in the manometer has a specific gravity (s) of 3.0, the depth of this bottom liquid
is 20 cm. A 10-cm layer of water lies on top bottom liquid. Find the position of the liquid
surface in the manometer.
10 cm
Water h = ?

20 cm

Figure Q6
7. Determine the gage pressure in pipe A.
Oil (SG = 0.90)

0.5 m

1.3 m

1.0 m


Figure Q7
8. Considering the effects of surface tension, estimate the gage pressure at the center of pipe
Glass tube ( 1mm ID. 4 mm OD)

Water level in tube

10 cm

Figure Q8
9. What is the pressure at the center of pipe B?

γ = 10 kN/m3
50 cm γ = 20 kN/m3

50 cm
10 cm

Figure Q9

10. Find the pressure at the center of pipe A.


Water Water
150 cm
90 cm

Mercury 30 cm
(SG =13.6)
30 cm A

Figure Q10
11. The top of an invented U-tube manometer is filled with an oil of specific gravity of 1.01.
Determine the pressure difference in Pa between two points A and B at the same level at the base
of the legs when the difference in water level h is 75mm.
12. Calculate an absolute pressure of 404kPa in meters of water when the barometer reads
13. Calculate the depth below the surface of oil, specific gravity 0.8, will produce a pressure of
120 kPa. Calculate also the depth of water is this equivalent to.
[15.29m, 12.23m]

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