A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Lessonplan

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A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering

Genius Lesson Plans

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave
(c)2015 BookRags, Inc. All rights reserved.
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Lesson Plans......................................................... 1

Contents...................................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 4

Lesson Calendar.......................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter Abstracts...................................................................................................................... 18

Character Descriptions.............................................................................................................. 24

Object Descriptions.................................................................................................................... 26

Daily Lessons............................................................................................................................ 28

Fun Activities.............................................................................................................................. 46

Essay Topics.............................................................................................................................. 49

Short Essay Questions.............................................................................................................. 53

Short Essay Questions Key....................................................................................................... 62

Multiple Choice.......................................................................................................................... 74

Multiple Choice Key................................................................................................................. 100

Short Answer Questions.......................................................................................................... 101

Short Answer Questions Key................................................................................................... 127

Oral Reading Evaluation Sheet................................................................................................ 153

Reading Assignment Sheet...................................................................................................... 154

Writing Evaluation Form........................................................................................................... 155

One Week Quiz A.................................................................................................................... 156

Two Week Quiz A..................................................................................................................... 159

Four Week Quiz A.................................................................................................................... 162

Four Week Quiz B.................................................................................................................... 165

Eight Week Quiz A................................................................................................................... 168

Eight Week Quiz B................................................................................................................... 171

Eight Week Quiz C................................................................................................................... 174

Eight Week Quiz D................................................................................................................... 177

Eight Week Quiz E................................................................................................................... 180

Eight Week Quiz F................................................................................................................... 183

Eight Week Quiz G.................................................................................................................. 186

Mid-Book Test - Easy............................................................................................................... 189

Final Test - Easy...................................................................................................................... 195

Mid-Book Test - Medium.......................................................................................................... 201

Final Test - Medium.................................................................................................................. 208

Mid-Book Test - Hard............................................................................................................... 216

Final Test - Hard....................................................................................................................... 223

Teaching A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
The A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius lesson plan contains a variety of
teaching materials that cater to all learning styles. Inside you'll find 30 Daily Lessons, 20
Fun Activities, 180 Multiple Choice Questions, 60 Short Essay Questions, 20 Essay
Questions, Quizzes/Homework Assignments, Tests, and more. The lessons and
activities will help students gain an intimate understanding of the text, while the tests
and quizzes will help you evaluate how well the students have grasped the material.

Target Grade: 7th-12th (Middle School and High School)

Length of Lesson Plan: Approximately 105 pages. Page count is estimated at 300
words per page. Length will vary depending on format viewed.

Browse The A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Lesson Plan:

 Introduction  Short Essay Questions

 Lesson Calendar  Multiple Choice
 Chapter Abstracts  Short Answer Questions
 Character Descriptions  Worksheets and Evaluation Forms
 Object Descriptions  Quizzes
 Daily Lessons  Tests
 Fun Activities  Quiz/Test Generator
 Essay Topics

Full Lesson Plan Overview
Completely Customizable!

The A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius lesson plan is downloadable in PDF

and Word. The Word file is viewable with any PC or Mac and can be further adjusted if
you want to mix questions around and/or add your own headers for things like "Name,"
"Period," and "Date." The Word file offers unlimited customizing options so that you can
teach in the most efficient manner possible. Once you download the file, it is yours to
keep and print for your classroom.

Lesson Plan Calendars

The Lesson Plan Calendars provide daily suggestions about what to teach. They
include detailed descriptions of when to assign reading, homework, in-class work, fun
activities, quizzes, tests and more. Use the entire A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering
Genius calendar, or supplement it with your own curriculum ideas. Calendars cover one,
two, four, and eight week units. Determine how long your A Heartbreaking Work of
Staggering Genius unit will be, then use one of the calendars provided to plan out your
entire lesson.

Chapter Abstracts

Chapter abstracts are short descriptions of events that occur in each chapter of A
Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. They highlight major plot events and detail
the important relationships and characteristics of important characters. The Chapter
Abstracts can be used to review what the students have read, or to prepare the
students for what they will read. Hand the abstracts out in class as a study guide, or use
them as a "key" for a class discussion. They are relatively brief, but can serve to be an
excellent refresher of A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius for either a student or

Character and Object Descriptions

Character and Object Descriptions provide descriptions of the significant characters as

well as objects and places in A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. These can
be printed out and used as an individual study guide for students, a "key" for leading a
class discussion, a summary review prior to exams, or a refresher for an educator. The
character and object descriptions are also used in some of the quizzes and tests in this
lesson plan. The longest descriptions run about 200 words. They become shorter as the
importance of the character or object declines.

Daily Lessons

This section of the lesson plan contains 30 Daily Lessons. Daily Lessons each have a
specific objective and offer at least three (often more) ways to teach that objective.
Lessons include classroom discussions, group and partner activities, in-class handouts,
individual writing assignments, at least one homework assignment, class participation
exercises and other ways to teach students about A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering
Genius in a classroom setting. You can combine daily lessons or use the ideas within
them to create your own unique curriculum. They vary greatly from day to day and offer
an array of creative ideas that provide many options for an educator.

Fun Classroom Activities

Fun Classroom Activities differ from Daily Lessons because they make "fun" a priority.
The 20 enjoyable, interactive classroom activities that are included will help students
understand A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius in fun and entertaining ways.
Fun Classroom Activities include group projects, games, critical thinking activities,
brainstorming sessions, writing poems, drawing or sketching, and countless other
creative exercises. Many of the activities encourage students to interact with each other,
be creative and think "outside of the box," and ultimately grasp key concepts from the
text by "doing" rather than simply studying. Fun activities are a great way to keep
students interested and engaged while still providing a deeper understanding of A
Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius and its themes.

Essay Questions/Writing Assignments

These 20 Essay Questions/Writing Assignments can be used as essay questions on a

test, or as stand-alone essay topics for a take-home or in-class writing assignment on A
Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. Students should have a full understanding of
the unit material in order to answer these questions. They often include multiple parts of
the work and ask for a thorough analysis of the overall text. They nearly always require
a substantial response. Essay responses are typically expected to be one (or more)
page(s) and consist of multiple paragraphs, although it is possible to write answers
more briefly. These essays are designed to challenge a student's understanding of the
broad points in a work, interactions among the characters, and main points and themes
of the text. But, they also cover many of the other issues specific to the work and to the
world today.

Short Essay Questions

The 60 Short Essay Questions listed in this section require a one to two sentence
answer. They ask students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of A Heartbreaking
Work of Staggering Genius by describing what they've read, rather than just recalling it.
The short essay questions evaluate not only whether students have read the material,
but also how well they understand and can apply it. They require more thought than
multiple choice questions, but are shorter than the essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

The 180 Multiple Choice Questions in this lesson plan will test a student's recall and
understanding of A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. Use these questions for
quizzes, homework assignments or tests. The questions are broken out into sections,
so they focus on specific chapters within A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.
This allows you to test and review the book as you proceed through the unit. Typically,
there are 5-15 questions per chapter, act or section.

Evaluation Forms

Use the Oral Reading Evaluation Form when students are reading aloud in class. Pass
the forms out before you assign reading, so students will know what to expect. You can
use the forms to provide general feedback on audibility, pronunciation, articulation,
expression and rate of speech. You can use this form to grade students, or simply
comment on their progress.

Use the Writing Evaluation Form when you're grading student essays. This will help you
establish uniform criteria for grading essays even though students may be writing about
different aspects of the material. By following this form you will be able to evaluate the
thesis, organization, supporting arguments, paragraph transitions, grammar, spelling,
punctuation, etc. of each student's essay.

Quizzes/Homework Assignments

The Quizzes/Homework Assignments are worksheets that can be used in a variety of

ways. They pull questions from the multiple choice and short essay sections, the
character and object descriptions, and the chapter abstracts to create worksheets that
can be used for pop quizzes, in-class assignments and homework. Periodic homework
assignments and quizzes are a great way to encourage students to stay on top of their
assigned reading. They can also help you determine which concepts and ideas your
class grasps and which they need more guidance on. By pulling from the different
sections of the lesson plan, quizzes and homework assignments offer a comprehensive
review of A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius in manageable increments that
are less substantial than a full blown test.


Use the Test Summary page to determine which pre-made test is most relevant to your
students' learning styles. This lesson plan provides both full unit tests and mid-unit tests.
You can choose from several tests that include differing combinations of multiple choice
questions, short answer questions, short essay questions, full essay questions,
character and object matching, etc. Some of the tests are designed to be more difficult
than others. Some have essay questions, while others are limited to short-response
questions, like multiple choice, matching and short answer questions. If you don't find
the combination of questions that best suits your class, you can also create your own
test on A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.

Lesson Calendar

 Review Chapter Abstracts: Chapter abstracts are synopses of each chapter

that you can use to review the reading assignments with your students.
 Daily Lessons: There are 30 daily lessons detailed in this lesson plan. Select a
new daily lesson for each day.
 Fun Activities: There are 20 fun activities in this lesson plan. They serve as a
way for students to interact with the material in an enjoyable, educational way.
 Read Aloud in Class: Ask students to take turns reading aloud from where they
left off in their most recent reading assignment. Use the Oral Reading Evaluation
Form in this lesson plan to evaluate their reading skills.
 In-Class Handout: An in-class handout can be one of the quizzes/homework
assignments, vocabulary games, worksheets, or an essay/writing assignment. It's
something the students can complete and turn in during class, or begin in-class
and take home to finish as a homework assignment.

One Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapter 3

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Quiz Day 4 - Day 5 - Test
Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Review Review Review Test

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Chapter 3 Chapter 6 Chapter 9 Chapter 11

1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from Quiz 1 Lesson from

Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons
1-8 9-15 1 Lesson from 24-30
Daily Lessons
1 Fun Activity 1 In-Class 16-23 1 In-Class
from Fun Handout Handout
Activities 1-10 1 In-Class
Homework Handout Homework
Students Read Assignment: Assignment:
Aloud in Class Read through 1 Fun Activity Study for the
Chapter 9 and from Fun test
Homework choose a Activities 11-20
Assignment: homework
Read through assignment Homework

Chapter 6 from one of the Read through
Daily Lessons Chapter 11 and
assign an
essay, due the
week following
the test

Two Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapter 2

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Quiz
Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Review Review Review Review

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 7

1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from Quiz

Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons
1-4 5-8 9-12 13-15 Homework
Students Read 1 Fun Activity 1 In-Class 1 Fun Activity Read through
Aloud in Class from Fun Handout from Fun Chapter 8 and
Activities 1-5 Activities 6-10 assign an
Homework Homework essay, due the
Assignment: Homework Assignment: Review for the week following
Read through Assignment: Read through quiz the final test
Chapter 3 Read through Chapter 5
Chapter 4 Homework
Read through
Chapter 7 and
study for the
Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 9 - Day 10 - Final
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Test

Review Review Review Review Test

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11

1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from

Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons
16-19 20-23 24-27 28-30

1 Fun Activity 1 In-Class 1 In-Class 1 In-Class

from Fun Handout Handout Handout
Activities 11-15
Students Read 1 Fun Activity Review for the
Homework Aloud in Class from Fun test
Assignment: Activities 16-20
Read through Homework Homework
Chapter 9 and Assignment: Homework Assignment:
choose a Read through Assignment: Study for the
homework Chapter 10 and Read through test
assignment choose a Chapter 11
from one of the homework
Daily Lessons assignment
from one of the
Daily Lessons

Four Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapter 1

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Quiz
Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Review Review Review Review

Chapter Chapter Homework Chapter Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 1 Lesson from Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Daily Lessons
Students Read 1 Lesson from 3-4 Review Quiz
Aloud in Class Daily Lessons Homework
1-2 1 Fun Activity 1 Lesson from
Homework from Fun 1 Lesson from Daily Lessons
Assignment: 1 In-Class Activities 1-3 Daily Lessons 7-8
Read through Handout 5-6
Chapter 2 Homework Students Read
Homework Assignment: 1 Fun Activity Aloud in Class
Assignment: Read through from Fun
Choose from Chapter 3 and Activities 4-5 Homework
one of the choose a Assignment:
Daily Lessons homework 1 In-Class Choose from
assignment Handout one of the
from one of the Daily Lessons

Daily Lessons Homework
Read through
Chapter 4
Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 9 - Day 10 - Mid
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Unit Test

Review Review Review Review Review

Homework Chapter Homework Chapter Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Daily Lesson 9 Chapter 5 1 Lesson from Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Daily Lessons
1 Fun Activity Review 12-13 Review Test
from Fun Homework Homework
Activities 6-7 1 Fun Activity Homework
1 Lesson from from Fun 1 Lesson from Assignment:
Homework Daily Lessons Activities 8-9 Daily Lessons Assign an
Assignment: 10-11 14-15 essay, due the
Read through Homework week following
Chapter 5 and 1 In-Class Assignment: 1 In-Class the final test
choose a Handout Read through Handout
homework Chapter 6 and
assignment Students Read choose a Review for the
from one of the Aloud in Class homework test
Daily Lessons assignment
Homework from one of the Homework
Assignment: Daily Lessons Assignment:
Choose from Read through
one of the Chapter 7 and
Daily Lessons study for the
Day 11 - Day 12 - Day 13 - Day 14 - Day 15 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review the test Review Review Review Review

Chapter Homework Chapter Chapter
Daily Lesson Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
16 Chapter 8 1 Lesson from Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Daily Lessons
Students Read 1 Lesson from 19-20 Review Quiz
Aloud in Class Daily Lessons Homework
17-18 1 In-Class Daily Lesson
Homework Handout 1 Lesson from 23
Assignment: 1 Fun Activity Daily Lessons
Read through from Fun Homework 21-22 Students Read
Chapter 8 Activities 10-12 Assignment: Aloud in Class

Homework Read through 1 Fun Activity 1 Fun Activity
Assignment: Chapter 9 and from Fun from Fun
Choose from choose a Activities 13-14 Activities 15-16
one of the homework
Daily Lessons assignment Homework Homework
from one of the Assignment: Assignment:
Daily Lessons Read through Choose from
Chapter 10 and one of the
choose a Daily Lessons
from one of the
Daily Lessons
Day 16 - Day 17 - Day 18 - Day 19 - Day 20 - Final
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Test

Review Review Review Daily Lesson Test

Homework Chapter Homework 30
Abstracts up to
1 Lesson from Chapter 11 1 Lesson from 1 In-Class
Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Handout
24-25 Review 28-29
Homework Homework
1 Fun Activity 1 In-Class Assignment:
from Fun 1 Lesson from Handout Study for the
Activities 17-18 Daily Lessons test
26-27 1 Fun Activity
Homework from Fun
Assignment: 1 In-Class Activities 19-20
Read through Handout
Chapter 11 and
choose a Students Read
homework Aloud in Class
from one of the Homework
Daily Lessons Assignment:
Choose from
one of the
Daily Lessons

Eight Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapter 1

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Quiz

Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Daily Lesson 1 Review Review Quiz

Chapter Homework Chapter
Abstracts up to 1 In-Class Abstracts up to Fun Activity 2
Chapter 1 Handout Daily Lesson 2 Chapter 2
Students Read
Students Read Homework Fun Activity 1 Review Aloud in Class
Aloud in Class Assignment: Homework
Complete the Homework
Daily Lesson Assignment: Daily Lesson 3
Read through
Chapter 2 and 1 In-Class
complete the Handout
Daily Lesson
Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Quiz Day 9 - Day 10 -
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Daily Lesson 4 Review Quiz Review Review

Chapter Homework Chapter
Fun Activity 3 Abstracts up to Review Abstracts up to
Chapter 3 Homework Daily Lesson 7 Chapter 4
Assignment: Review Daily Lesson 6 Fun Activity 4 Fun Activity 5
Read through Homework
Chapter 3 and Students Read 1 In-Class 1 In-Class
complete the Daily Lesson 5 Aloud in Class Handout Handout
Daily Lesson
1 In-Class Homework Homework
Handout Assignment: Assignment:
Complete the Read through
Students Read Daily Lesson Chapter 4
Aloud in Class

Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 11 - Day 12 - Quiz Day 13 - Day 14 - Day 15 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Daily Lesson 8 Quiz Review Review Quiz

Chapter Homework
Students Read Daily Lesson 9 Abstracts up to Students Read
Aloud in Class Chapter 5 Daily Lesson Aloud in Class
Fun Activity 6 11
Homework Review Fun Activity 8
Assignment: Homework Fun Activity 7

Study for the Assignment: Homework Homework Homework
quiz Read through Assignment: Assignment:
Chapter 5 and Daily Lesson Complete the Read through
complete the 10 Daily Lesson Chapter 6 and
Daily Lesson complete the
1 In-Class Daily Lesson

Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 16 - Day 17 - Day 18 - Day 19 - Day 20 - Mid
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Unit Test

Review Review Review Review Test

Chapter Homework Homework Homework
Abstracts up to Homework
Chapter 6 Daily Lesson Daily Lesson 1 In-Class Assignment:
13 14 Handout Assign an
Daily Lesson essay, due on
12 1 In-Class 1 In-Class Review for the day 38
Handout Handout test
Fun Activity 9
Students Read Fun Activity 10 Homework
Homework Aloud in Class Assignment:
Assignment: Homework Study for the
Complete the Assignment: test
Daily Lesson Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 21 - Day 22 - Day 23 - Day 24 - Day 25 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Daily Lesson Review Review Review Review

15 Chapter Homework Homework Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Review the test Chapter 7 Daily Lesson Fun Activity 12 Chapter 8
Homework Daily Lesson Homework Quiz
Assignment: 16 Fun Activity 11 Assignment:
Read through Read through Daily Lesson
Chapter 7 1 In-Class Homework Chapter 8 18
Handout Assignment:
Complete the Fun Activity 13
Homework Daily Lesson
Assignment: Homework
Complete the Assignment:

Daily Lesson Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 26 - Day 27 - Day 28 - Day 29 - Day 30 - Mid
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Unit Test

Review Review Review Review Quiz

Homework Homework Chapter Homework
Abstracts up to Fun Activity 15
Daily Lesson Daily Lesson Chapter 9 Daily Lesson
19 20 22 Homework
Review Assignment:
Homework 1 In-Class Homework 1 In-Class Read through
Assignment: Handout Handout Chapter 10
Complete the Daily Lesson
Daily Lesson Students Read 21 Homework
Aloud in Class Assignment:
Fun Activity 14 Study for the
Homework quiz
Assignment: Homework
Read through Assignment:
Chapter 9 and Complete the
complete the Daily Lesson
Daily Lesson
Day 31 - Day 32 - Day 33 - Day 34 - Day 35 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Daily Lesson Review Review Quiz

Chapter 24 Homework Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Students Read
Chapter 10 Fun Activity 16 Daily Lesson Chapter 11 Aloud in Class
Daily Lesson Homework Review Daily Lesson
23 Assignment: 1 In-Class Homework 27
Complete the Handout
Students Read Daily Lesson Daily Lesson Fun Activity 18
Aloud in Class Homework 26
Assignment: Homework
Read through Fun Activity 17 Assignment:
Chapter 11 and Complete the
complete the Daily Lesson
Daily Lesson
Day 36 - Day 37 - Day 38 - Day 39 - Day 40 - Final
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Test

Review 1 In-Class Collect essay Review Test

Homework Handout assignments Homework

Daily Lesson Homework Daily Lesson Daily Lesson
28 Assignment: 29 30
Finish the
Fun Activity 19 essay Fun Activity 20 1 In-Class
Homework Homework
Assignment: Assignment: Review for the
Complete the Complete the test
Daily Lesson Daily Lesson

Chapter Abstracts
Chapter 1
• Dave's mother, who suffers from stomach cancer, has a nose bleed.

• Dave's mother asks him to pinch her nose to help stop the bleeding. Dave crawls onto
the back of the couch so he can hold the nose and watch television at the same time.

• Dave calls the nurse who sometimes comes to the house to care for their mother. The
nurse suggests they try ice. Dave is holding ice to his mother's nose when his sister,
Beth, arrives home.
• Beth informs Dave him she has talked their mother into going to the hospital.

• At the hospital later that night, Dave watches his mother sleep, thinking of all the things
that have happened over the past few months.

• Dave's father told Beth and Dave that their mother was dying just a few months earlier.
Dave's father also suffered from cancer but no one had expected he would be the first
to die.
• Beth realizes it is their mother's birthday. Dave feels guilty and makes plans to get as
many flowers as he can from the hospital gift shop.

• After their mother passes away, Beth and Dave plan to sell the house and move to

Chapter 2
• Dave, Beth, their younger brother, Toph, and Dave's girlfriend Kirsten, all move into a
sublet in Berkeley.

• Dave spends all his time with Toph since Dave has just graduated college. Dave feels
it is important to show his younger brother as much fun as possible.

• Beth prepares for law school while Kirsten actively looks for a job.

• Toph joins the local Little League and Dave watches his games.

• At the Little League games, Dave can sense the other parents watching him and
wondering who he is to Toph and where their parents are.

• Dave thinks he should join a gym so he can develop a virile, healthy physique and his
brother will not worry about anyone else in the family dying.

Chapter 3
• After the lease on the sublet expires, Beth and Kirsten both find places of their own in
Berkeley and Dave is left to find a place for himself and Toph.

• Dave finds a small house not too far from Beth's new apartment.

• Dave is a very unorganized person. Toph is always late because he cannot rouse
Dave from sleep. Any school paperwork that has to be signed often has to be sent to
Dave more than once.
• Dave and Toph often eat their meals in front of the television, leaving leftovers on the
coffee table until the smell forces them to clean up.

• On the night of Toph's school open house they have to rush because Toph forgets to
wake Dave from his nap. Dave thinks they will miss the whole event, but they arrive with
time to spare.
• At the school open house Dave can feel people staring at them, wondering who he is
and where their parents are.

• When a mother asks Dave about their situation, he decides to tell the truth for the first

Chapter 4
• Dave spends his nights watching videos and eating Popsicles with Toph.

• Dave does not date much because he is afraid of introducing Toph to a woman who
will not be around them for long.
• Dave feels he should only seriously date women who understand his circumstances.

• Most of Dave's dates are with women who only want to have fun. At this particular
time, Dave is dating an older woman. He fears seeing her naked, but otherwise enjoys
their casual relationship.

• Dave struggles with the memory of his parents. Most of his parents' things have been
sold, but the things they chose to keep, Dave stores in his new house.

• Dave struggles to decide which of his old things he should throw away. He worries that
by throwing away his parents' belongings, he is disrespecting their memory.

Chapter 5
• Toph is finally old enough to have a babysitter.

• One night Dave meets his friends at a club. Annoyed by numerous questions
regarding Toph, Dave soon leaves.

• Outside the club, Dave searches for a female companion.

• Dave calls his friend, Meredith, and she agrees to meet him at a bar. After a few
drinks, Dave and Meredith go to the beach where things turn romantic.
• A group of Mexican kids picks up Dave's pants, search the pockets, and throw them
towards the water. When Dave retrieves his pants he discovers his wallet missing.

• Dave goes after the group of kids and insists that they come back and help him find
his wallet.

• They all search the beach, but with no success.

• When Dave insists that he has to call the police, the kids hit him and take off in a
nearby car.

• Dave and Meredith call the police, but they have no luck in finding the suspects.

• When Dave arrives home he finds his wallet on his dresser.

Chapter 6
• Dave begins a youth-oriented magazine called Might with a group of friends.

• For their premiere issue, Dave and his fellow editors hire a photographer to create the
cover picture. They choose a picture of her boyfriend running naked on the beach.

• Dave and his fellow editors like the photographer's picture so much they decide to take
a photograph of several of their friends running naked on the beach as a spread.
• Dave is picked to be interviewed for the MTV reality show, The Real World.

• In the interview Dave denies being a spoiled, rich kid and insists that his mother
shopped in discount stores.

• In the interview, Dave tells a story about his friend's father's suicide. The man lit
himself on fire, ran out onto his front lawn, and died on the grass.
• Dave tells the producer about the time that his mother lay dying in the family room.
Dave drew her picture and wrote a speech for her funeral. Dave says guilt still grips him
when he thinks about the speech and the drawing.

• Dave talks about his father's drinking problem. When he was drunk he would spank
the children for crimes he had made up.

• Finally the producer asks Dave why he wants to be on the show. Dave tells her that he
figures they need a tragic person and his life can only be described as that.

Chapter 7
• Instead of Dave, the Real World show chooses a cartoonist called Judd.

• When Judd sends Might magazine a group of his cartoons, Dave jumps at the chance
to interview him, knowing that the show's cameras would be required to follow him.

• Dave and his fellow editors decide to have another nude photo shoot, this time with
the idea of showing how different everyone's bodies are.

• Judd agrees to be one of the people photographed and offers to bring another
member of the Real World cast called Puck.
• Toph has become an integral part of Dave's inner circle. Dave worries because Toph
identifies with people much older than he, but is content that Toph plays a big part in his

• Dave receives a phone call from Meredith. She tells him that a friend of theirs, John,
has threatened to overdose on some pills.

• Dave rushes over to John's apartment only to find him perfectly well, if a little drunk.

• Dave calls the police to force John to get some help.

• While the police are interviewing John, he takes a handful of pills and they have to
rush him to the hospital to have his stomach pumped.

• John spends several days in the psychiatric ward. When Dave visits him, he finds him
more depressed than ever.

Chapter 8
• Might puts out an issue that includes editor-created awards for made-up celebrities.
The television show, Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?, asks one of these
made up celebrities to appear on their program.

• Amused by the misunderstanding, the Might editors set up the appearance without
telling the show's producer their joke.

• Dave finally splits up from his on-off girlfriend, Kirsten, and Kirsten moves to San
Francisco. She is soon followed by Beth.
• Dave and Toph decide to move to San Francisco.

• The day before Dave is supposed move into his new apartment, the landlord changes
his mind because his wife does not like Dave's magazine.

• Dave convinces the landlord to let him stay, but it turns oit the apartment is not a nice
place to stay anyway. Unfortunately, Dave and Toph are stuck there.

• Toph begins junior high in San Francisco. He is popular with his fellow classmates and
is often invited to parties.
• One afternoon Dave feels terrible pains in his side. Shalini, an office mate and friend of
Dave's, rushes him to the hospital.

• Dave thinks he is dying, but it turns out he only has a kidney stone.

Chapter 9
• Dave and his fellow editors start to run a fake obituaries for living celebrities.

• The only celebrity interested in having his obituary written is Adam Rich. Unfortunately,
Adam's friends and family are traumatized by the article, believing the claims until they
see Adam face-to-face.

• Dave arranges to meet a woman sex writer called Sari.

• The night Dave is supposed to meet Sari, Toph has to attend a bar mitzvah. However,
when Dave goes to pick up Toph he cannot find him.

• When Dave finally finds Toph, he loses his temper with him for the first time.

• Dave's friend, Shalini, is at a party with a girlfriend when the deck they are standing on
collapses, sending everyone falling more than four stories. Shalini survives, but she
suffers massive head injuries.

Chapter 10
• Dave returns to Chicago to attend the wedding of a school friend.

• While in Chicago, Dave decides to visit his old house in Lake Forest. The new owners
have done extensive remodeling to the house and nothing looks the same. It leaves
Dave feeling lost.

• At the wedding, Dave and his friend do their best to relive their high school years,
drinking too much and going back to a girl's house to eat cookies.
• Dave takes his mother's ashes to Lake Michigan. He throws the ashes into the water,
all the while wondering if he is doing the right thing.

• While Dave is in Chicago, Meredith calls to say John is threatening suicide again.

• Dave goes to the church where his parents' funerals were held. He remembers his
anger that more people had not shown up for his mother's funeral than his father's.

Chapter 11
• Toph has to take a test to get into a private high school. Beforehand, Dave has to ask
Beth's help to prove that their parents are dead and that Dave has custody of Toph.

• Dave decides that Toph does not need to take the test and instead they will move to
New York.

• Might magazine has lost its lease and is running out of money. The editors have been
desperately trying to find financial support, but have failed to drum up any interest.
• A friend of Might magazine has died. She was a young woman who did all of the
magazine's errands in New York.

• John has decided to go into rehab, but cannot afford a private hospital. Dave and
Meredith decide to pay for it for him.

• Dave goes to Shalini's birthday party. Because of her short memory problems, Shalini
has no idea what the party is for, but she has a good time, dancing with all her friends.

Character Descriptions
Dave Eggers
He was an art major in school and got temporary jobs using these skills. However, he
soon became disillusioned with the world of work and joined a group of friends to begin
a magazine.

Beth Eggers
After law school, She moved to San Francisco and her two brothers quickly followed.
She then met and married her husband, moving on with her life in a way her brother had
not yet been able to do.

Bill Eggers
He was a member of a think tank in California during the time period covered in the
book, living in Los Angeles. He would buy things that Dave and Toph needed such as
furniture, and occasionally offer advice.

Christopher 'Toph' Eggers

He was only seven as his mother lay dying in the family room, so he did not understand
completely what was going on around him. In fact, he appeared to be afraid of his ailing

Heidi Eggers
The book opens on the day Dave tryies to stop her nose from bleeding. A nose bleed
may not seem important to most people, but to her it could mean death because her
blood counts are so low.

Father Eggers
He often stopped at a bar on the way home from work and would continue drinking at
home until he would pass out in his chair.

Dave finds him in his apartment, drunk and sitting beside a pile of pills.

She is an Indian woman who published a magazine for young Indians. She is an
important character in this book because she represents to the author people who have
survived circumstances much worse than what he has gone through.

The Real World Contestants

They are a couple of young men who were contestants on the reality show.

She reveals to the author that her mother had a brain tumor and was dying as well. This
brought the couple closer together and they began to date.

Object Descriptions
This names Beth as Toph's guardian.

Toph uses this to get to school.

Might Magazine
This is a satirical magazine that Dave starts with a group of friends.

Dave feels this is one of his best, but he also finds it morbid and is unsure why he felt
compelled to do it.

Body Donation Company

Dave's parents make final arrangements with this company.

Dave throws them into Lake Michigan.

This is Dave's theory that the more people who know a person's story, the stronger it will
make that person.

Little Red Car

Dave calls his Honda Civic by this name.

The Real World
This reality series in which several twenty-somethings are put into a house to live
together while being filmed twenty-four hours a day.

Lake Forest
This is the suburb of Chicago where Dave and his siblings grew up.

Dave, Toph, Beth, and Kirsten move here from Chicago shortly after the death of Heidi

San Francisco
Dave and Toph move here when Toph enters junior high.

New York
Dave and Toph move here at the end of the book in order to start a new life away from
the memories that had followed them to California.

Daily Lessons
Lesson 1 (from Chapter 1)

Dave knows that he and Beth will get his mother out of the hospital in a few days and
she will be made comfortable at home, where she will slowly die in a rented hospital bed
in their family room.

The aim of this lesson is to examine the importance of family.


1) Class discussion. How important is Dave's family to him? Are there some members of
his family that were more important than others? Does Dave display any bitterness
towards any members of her family? What do the students think would have happened
to Dave if he did not have his family around when his parents die?

2) List all of Dave's family members and write Dave's thoughts on each person. How did
each one help to shape Dave's character?

3) Write a 500-word essay revolving around the following statement: Without the
support of his siblings, Dave would not have recovered from his parents' death.

4) Homework. Write 2 or 3 paragraphs on the importance of your own family.

Lesson 2 (from Chapter 1)


Dave is sitting in the living room with his mother watching television. Dave's mother,
who suffers from stomach cancer, has a nose bleed. Dave watches her holding a towel
to her nose while spitting into a small, half-moon shaped bowl. Dave's mother is always
spitting into the bowl since the doctors removed her stomach.

The aim of this lesson is to examine Dave's mother's character.


1) Class discussion. What did Dave's mother do before she contracted cancer? What
influence did Dave's mother have on her children? How did her death affect them? Why
does Dave seem to appreciate his mother much more than his father?

2) Write two journal entries: One when Dave finds out his mother is ill and the second
examining his feelings when she finally passes away.

3) Choose one of Dave's siblings and write his/her thoughts on their mother's death.
What did their mother mean to them?

4) Homework. Write Dave's mother's character background.

Lesson 3 (from Chapter 1)


This chapter introduces Dave as the main character of the memoir.

The aim of this lesson is to examine Dave's character.


1) Class discussion. What is Dave's relationship with his family? How do the students
think Dave will cope with his mother's death? How much responsibility do the students
think Dave will have now both his parents are gone? How do the students think this
responsibility will change him?

2) Ask the students to write Dave's character background.

3) Ask the students to develop a scenario that puts Dave into financial trouble and swap
their scenario with someone else. The aim is then to think how Dave would cope in that

4) Homework. Write Dave's monologue when his father first tells him about his mother's
illness illness.

Lesson 4 (from Chapter 2)


As they play, Dave thinks he should join a gym so he can present a virile, healthy
physique to his brother so there would be no concerns about anyone else in the family

The aim of this chapter is to examine Dave's obsession with death.


1) Class discussion. How do the students think Dave's obsession with death will affect
his younger brother? How do the students think Dave's obsession with death will affect
his life in general? How can Dave get over his obsession? Do the students think Dave
can use his obsession with death in a positive way?

2) Ask the students to write a 500-word essay revolving around the following statement:
Dave's obsession with death will have an adverse affect on Toph.

3) Divide the students into pairs. One member of the pair should be Dave and the other
other member of the pair should be a counselor. The students should develop a
dialogue examining Dave's thoughts on death and how he can get over his obsession.

4) Write 400 words on how Dave can use his obsession with death in a positive way.

Lesson 5 (from Chapter 2)


Instead of finding a job, Dave feels it is important to show Toph as much fun as possible
that summer to make up for the darkness of the previous winter.

The aim of this lesson is examine Dave's decision to stay at home with Toph.


1) Class discussion. Do the students agree with Dave decision to not find a job and stay
at home with Toph? Do the students think Dave may be in danger of smothering his
younger brother? How much is Dave's decision to do with helping himself get over his
brother's death? How will the decision affect Dave's own life?

2) Divide the students into two groups and present them with the following statement:
"Dave's decision to not get a job and stay at home with Toph shows his immaturity." Ask
one group to think of an argument in support of the statement and another group to
think of an argument against. Conduct a debate between the two sides.

3) Ask the students to write 3 journal entries that examines what Toph thinks about his
brother staying at home with him and the things they do.

4) Homework. Write 300 words about what you think Dave can do to help Toph to get
over their parents' death.

Lesson 6 (from Chapter 2)

The aim of this lesson is to examine Toph's character.


1) Class discussion. How do the students think Toph will cope with his parents' deaths?
Do the students think he will cope with it better because he is younger? How different
do the students think Toph's life will be without parents? What do the students think
Toph needs in his life now because both his parents have passed away? What kind of
influence do the students think Dave will have on his brother?

2) Ask the students to write Toph's character background and 300 words on how they
think he will cope with his mother's death.

3) Ask half the class to examine Toph's life and what they think he would have
experienced if his parents had lived and the other to examine what his life will be like
now his parents are dead. When they have finished, ask each member of the group to
get together with a member of the other group and conduct a dialogue between the two

4) Homework. Write Toph's monologue when he first realizes his mother is ill.

Lesson 7 (from Chapter 3)


Dave is terribly unorganized. Toph often gets up in the wee hours of the morning to get
ready for school, but is almost always late because he cannot rouse Dave from sleep.
Any paperwork that has to be signed often has to be sent to Dave more than once and
Toph is always added onto sports teams at the last minute.

The aim of this lesson is to examine Dave's disorganization.


1) Class discussion. How do the students think Dave's disorganization is affecting

Toph? How can Dave organize himself? Do the students think this is a reflection on
Dave's immaturity? How do the students think a more mature adult would look upon the
way Dave and Toph are living? Do the students think Dave needs to change his ways or
is it just part of who he is? Do the students think it is right for Dave to look after his
younger brother?

2) Ask the students to write a plan to organize Dave's day, from the time he wakes up to
the time he goes to bed.

3) Ask the students to write a menu of all the simple and cheap dishes Dave and Toph
could cook and a cooking and washing up plan for them to follow.

4) Homework. Organize your own day to fit in everything you need to achieve.

Lesson 8 (from Chapter 3)


Beth helps Dave out with Toph, but Dave is the guardian on a daily basis. Dave is the
one who has to take Toph to school everyday and who attends the open house at the

The aim of this lesson is to examine the influence Dave is having on Toph.


1) Class discussion. What influence do the students think Dave is having on Toph?
What is Dave's philosophy about how to bring up Toph? How would the students
change what Dave is doing? What do the students think Toph thinks of his brother's
ideas on how to bring him up? How different do the students think Toph's life would be if
he lived with another one of his siblings?

2) Ask the students to write a 500-word instruction manual on Dave's ideas about
bringing up a child.

3) Divide the students into two groups and present with the following statement: "Dave
is currently having a negative influence on Toph and if it continues Toph will find it
difficult to cope when he leaves home." Ask one group to think of an argument in
support of the statement and another group to think of an argument against. Conduct a
debate between the two sides.

4) Homework. Write 300 words about how you think Dave should bring up Toph.

Lesson 9 (from Chapter 3)


After the lease on the sublet expires, Beth and Kirsten both find places of their own in
Berkeley. Dave is left to find a place for himself and Toph, but because his only income
at the time is Toph's social security payments, Dave has a difficult time. Finally, Dave

finds a small house not too far from the apartment Beth has rented and secured it by
promising to pay the entire first year up front.

The aim of this lesson is to examine how Dave and his siblings are coping with the
death of their parents.


1) Class discussion. How do Dave and his siblings cope with their parents' deaths? How
can they get over the death of their parents? Which sibling do the students think will be
the least affected by their parents' deaths and why? Do the students think Dave and his
siblings can use how they feel about their parents' deaths in a positive way?

2) Ask the students to select either Beth, Toph or Dave, and choose one of the following
areas in their life and discuss how they can use it to get over their parents deaths: Work
or study, family, and friends.

3) Ask the students to choose either Beth, Dave or Toph and write 500 about how their
life would have been different if their parents had lived.

4) Homework. Write 300 words about what you think is the best way to cope with the
death of a loved one.

Lesson 10 (from Chapter 4)


Dave is struggling with the memory of his parents. He thinks if he throws their things
away, he will be disrespecting their memory.

The aim of this lesson is to examine memory.


1) Class discussion. What do the students think that Dave should do with his parents'
things? Do the students agree that he would be disrespecting his parents' memory if he
did throw their things away? Why do the students think that Dave has been lumbered
with all of his parents' belongings? Do the students think that his siblings are putting too
much on him? Do the students think Dave is making his situation sound worse than
what it was in reality?

2) Ask the students to look back through the book and find an object or event that
reminds Dave of his parents. The students should write 400 words about the memory
Dave links with that object or event. End the lesson by discussing with students what
objects they think Dave should either throw away or keep.

3) Ask the students to pick one object mentioned in the book and then write 200 words
each for Dave, Beth and Toph that examines the memories they link with that object.

4) Homework. Find an object at home and 300 words about the memories you link with
that object.

Lesson 11 (from Chapter 4)


Dave spends his nights watching videos and eating Popsicles with Toph.

The aim of this lesson is to examine Dave's decision to stay at home with Toph.


1) Class discussion. Do the students think that Dave is in danger of smothering his
younger brother? Do the students agree that at seven, Toph is too young for a
babysitter? Do the students think Dave needs Toph as much as Toph needs him? Why
do the students think Dave rarely mentions one of his siblings helping out with Toph?

2) Divide the students into two groups and present them with the following statement:
"Toph is not too young for a babysitter." Ask one group to think of an argument in
support of the statement and another group to think of an argument against. Conduct a
debate between the two sides.

3) Divide the students into pairs. One member of the pair should be Dave and the other
member of the pair should be a friend. The students should develop a dialogue between
the two, arguing why Dave should spend all of his nights with Toph and why Dave
should go out more and how he could manage it.

4) Homework. Write 300 words on how you would entertain Toph in the evenings.

Lesson 12 (from Chapter 4)


Dave does not date much because he is afraid of introducing Toph to a woman who
would not want to hang around for long. Not only that, but Dave feels he should only
seriously date women who understand his circumstances. Therefore, Dave dates
women who only want fun.

The aim of this lesson is to examine the kind of woman Dave is looking for.


1) Class discussion. Do the students think Dave actually wants a serious relationship or
is he using his situation to sleep around? Is Dave right in not wanting to introduce Toph
to women who won't want to hang around for long? Do the students think any woman
would want to seriously date Dave in his current situation? What concessions do the
students think a woman would have to make if they wanted to seriously date Dave?

2) Divide the students into two groups and present with the following statement: "Dave
is not looking a serious relationship and is using his current situation as an excuse to
have fun." Ask one group to think of an argument in support of the statement and
another group to think of an argument against. Conduct a debate between the two

3) Assign one person in the class as Dave and ask the other students to make up a
female character that they think Dave would consider for a serious relationship. Each
student should then go up to Dave and have a two-minute conversation with him about
who they are. At the end Dave needs to decide who he wants to date.

4) Homework. Write the character background of Dave's perfect woman.

Lesson 13 (from Chapter 5)


While Dave and Meredith are getting romantic on the beach, a group of Mexican kids
harass them. Dave handles the situation bravely, especially after he discovers his wallet
missing. However, things get out of control quickly and Dave decides to call the police.

The aim of this lesson is to examine the episode with the Mexican kids.


1) Class discussion. What would the students do in a similar situation? Do the students
think Dave shows maturity in this chapter when dealing with the kids? How do the
students think the Dave at the beginning of the book would have dealt with a similar
situation? Do the students think this chapter shows a growth in Dave's character?

2) Ask the students to rewrite the scene from the Mexican kids' point of view. Remember
that they did not take the wallet.

3) Divide the students into groups of five and ask them to develop the scene with the
Mexican children into a five-minute play.

4) Homework. Write Dave's inner monologue when he discovers he left his wallet at

Lesson 14 (from Chapter 5)

Dave imagines Toph being murdered by his babysitter. Dave's fantasy illustrates the
theme of responsibility and sense of duty he feels towards Toph.

The aim of this lesson is to examine the theme of responsibility.


1) Class discussion. Do the students think Dave is too young to take responsibility of
Toph? Do the students think the responsibility is weighing Dave down? How do the
students think the responsibility is changing Dave? In what ways do the students think
Dave shows himself to be more mature in this chapter?

2) Divide the students into two groups and present with the following statement: "Dave
is too young and immature to take responsibility of Toph." Ask one group to think of an
argument in support of the statement and another group to think of an argument
against. Conduct a debate between the two sides.

3) Ask the students to write 400 words about how responsibility has changed Dave.
What do the students think Dave would if he did not have the responsibility of looking
after Toph.

Lesson 15 (from Chapter 5)


In this chapter, Dave goes in search of female companionship and finally ends up with
his friend, Meredith. They have a few drinks and then go to the beach.

The aim of this lesson is to examine the importance of companionship.


1) Class discussion. Do the students think that Dave has denied himself female
companionship? What effect do the students think it would have on Dave if he denies
female companionship? Do the students think Dave's lack of female companionship
could affect Toph in a negative way as well? Why do the students think that
companionship is important?

2) Ask the students to answer the following in essay format: "What effect will it have on
Dave if he denies himself female companionship?" Could Dave's lack of female
companionship affect Toph in a negative way? Why is companionship important?

3) Divide the students into two groups and present them with the following statement:
"Dave has denied himself female companionship because he is afraid of losing his
brother." Ask one group to think of an argument in support of the statement and another
group to think of an argument against. Conduct a debate between the two sides.

4) Homework. Write Dave's monologue as he leaves the club in search for female

Lesson 16 (from Chapter 6)


Dave starts a magazine, Might, with a group of friends. The satirical magazine is
targeted to twenty-somethings and embraces youth.

The aim of this lesson is to examine the Might magazine.


1) Class discussion. How did the Might magazine attract a twenty-something audience
in the Nineties? How famous was the magazine in the Nineties? What was Dave's role
with the magazine and how much influence did he have?

2) Divide the students into two groups. One group should organize a cover photograph
for the premiere edition of the magazine and the other group should write the cover
story. The two groups should initially work together before working separately on their

3) Ask the students to write an article, a comic strip or a short story in the style of the

4) Homework. Think up a name for your own magazine, who you want to attract, and
what you would include in the first edition.

Lesson 17 (from Chapter 6)


Dave is one of the editors of Might Magazine.

The aim of this lesson is to examine the role of an editor.


1) Class discussion. What is the role of a editor? What different kinds of editors are
there? How much say do the students think a editor has with what goes into a
publication? In what way does Dave have the right characteristics to succeed as an

2) Ask each student to research and write 300 words about the role of an editor. When
they have finished, they should swap their work with someone else. Each student
should then edit the other student's piece of work.

3) Ask the students to write 400 words on the the type of person that would make a
good magazine editor.

4) Homework. Research the role of an editor.

Lesson 18 (from Chapter 6)


Dave and one of his female co-workers decide to apply to be contestants on the
television show, Real World, with the hope of promoting their magazine if they are

The aim of this lesson is examine ways Dave could promote the Might magazine.


1) Class discussion. Why do the students think Dave wants to use the Real World Show
to promote his magazine? In what other ways could Dave promote the magazine? What
do Dave and his fellow editors think about when they go to promote the magazine?

2) Divide the students into four groups and assign them each an age group, including
children, teenagers, twenty-somethings and parents. Each group should develop an
idea of how to promote their magazine. They should have enough information to give a
five-minute presentation.

3) Ask the students to write 500 words, examining how Dave could use the Real World
show to promote his magazine.

4) Homework. What show would you use to promote the Might and why? Write 300

Lesson 19 (from Chapter 7)

In this chapter, Dave's friend, John, threatens to overdose on pills. Dave rushes over to
John's apartment, only to find him perfectly well, if a little drunk. Dave calls the police to
force John to get some help. While the cops are interviewing John, he takes a handful
of pills and is rushed to the hospital.

The aim of this lesson is to examine John's suicide attempt.


1) Class discussion. How do John's suicide attempt and depression affect Dave? Why
do the students think Dave is so concerned with John's situation? What does Dave's
concern say about his character? Why do the students think Dave includes the suicide
attempt in the book? Do the students think John helps Dave forget his own problems?

2) Ask the students to write a 500-word essay revolving around the following statement:
"By becoming so involved in John's problems, Dave is able to forget about his own

3) Ask the students to write a speech for Dave that says exactly how he feels about

4) Homework. Write John's character background.

Lesson 20 (from Chapter 7)


Dave and his fellow editors decide to have another nude photo shoot, this time with the
idea of showing how different everyone's bodies are. More people agree to the shoot
since Dave promises that their faces will not be shown and they can keep on their

The aim of this lesson is to examine how to run a magazine.


1) Class discussion. What costs do the students think the magazine has to cover? Why
do the students think the Might did not turn out to be a success? What do the students
think the Might editors did wrong? Do the students think their ideas such as nude photo
shoots and appearing on the Real World were too elaborate?

2) Ask the students to write a 500-word essay revolving around the following statement:
"The Might magazine fails because the editor's ideas were too elaborate and the target
group too small."

3) Divide the students into groups of three and ask them to think of a magazine they
would like to run. Their aim is to write a business plan for the magazine. How much
money would they need and how could they spend it wisely?

Lesson 21 (from Chapter 7)


Toph has somehow become an integral part of Dave's inner circle, at one point referring
to himself as twenty-something along with the others. Dave worries about the way Toph
identifies with people who are much older than he.

The aim of this lesson is to examine the way Toph identifies with older people.


1) Class discussion. Why do the students think Toph identifies with older people? Do the
students think it is healthy for Toph to identify with older people? Do the students think
Dave should have spent so much time with Toph? What kind of person do the students
think Toph will develop into?

2) Ask the students to write 500 words revolving around the following statement: "Toph
identifies with older people because he has had to spend so much time with his older

3) Divide the students into two groups and present them with the following statement: "It
is not healthy for Toph to hang around with people so much older than he. Ask one
group to think of an argument in support of the statement and another group to think of
an argument against. Conduct a debate between the two sides.

Lesson 22 (from Chapter 8)


In this chapter, Dave and Toph decide to move to San Francisco to be near Beth.

The aim of this chapter is to examine Dave's decision to move to San Francisco.


1) Class discussion. Why do the students think that Dave moves to San Francisco?
How different do the students think San Francisco will be from Berkeley? How do the
students think the move will affect Toph? Do the students think Toph needs stability at
this point in his life?

2) Divide the students into two groups and present them with the following statement:
"The move to San Francisco could prove disastrous for Toph who at this point in his life,
needs security." Ask one group to think of an argument in support of the statement and
another group to think of an argument against. Conduct a debate between the two

3) Ask the students to write a 500-word essay revolving around the following statement:
"Dave moves to San Francisco not only to be near his sister, but because the city will
provide him with greater opportunity."

4) Homework. Design a tourist brochure for San Francisco.

Lesson 23 (from Chapter 8)


Shortly after the move to San Francisco,Toph begins junior high. He is popular with his
fellow classmates and is often invited to parties. At one party, Toph plays "Spin the
Bottle" for the first time.

The aim of this lesson is examine Toph's development.


1) Class discussion. What kind of person do the students think Toph is growing up to
be? What does it say about Toph's character that he is coping so well with the move to
San Francisco? How much do the students think Dave is responsible for who Toph has
become? How reliable do the students think Dave's opinion that Toph is doing well in his
new home is?

2) Ask the students to write Toph's biography in 500 words, thinking about what kind of
person he will develop into in the future.

3) Ask the students to write a 500-word essay revolving around the following statement:
"The idea that Toph is developing into a well-rounded individual is entirely Dave's
opinion and is not a reliable one."

4) Homework. Write a dialogue between Toph and his school friends.

Lesson 24 (from Chapter 8)

Dave and Toph have trouble convincing landlords they will not be trouble tenants. Dave
finally finds an apartment a few days before his lease is to end in the Berkeley house.
However, the day before they are to move, the landlord changes his mind. The
landlord's wife has not liked references in Might magazine to Dave's messy nature and
derogatory references about certain religious figures.

The aim of this lesson is to examine the prejudice that Dave and Toph face.


1) Class discussion. Why do Dave and Toph find it so difficult to get an apartment?
What do the students think adults think of Dave and Toph when they meet them for the
first time? How can Dave and Toph reverse the prejudice directed at them?

2) Divide the students into pairs. One member of the pair should be the landlord and the
the other student should be Dave. The landlord should think of reasons why Dave can't
stay and Dave should think of reason why he should be able to stay. The students
should then develop a dialogue.

3) Write the inner monologue of an older adult, for example, a teacher or parent, when
he or she meets Dave and Toph for the first time.

Lesson 25 (from Chapter 9)


Shalini, Dave's office mate and friend, is at a party with a girlfriend when the deck they
are standing on collapses, sending everyone falling more than four stories. Shalini
survives, but she has massive head injuries and is in a coma.

The aim of this lesson is to examine tragedy.


1) Class discussion. What tragedies happen in the novel? What does Dave learn from
each tragedy? Do the students think Dave uses other people's tragedy to help him get
over the tragedies in his own life? How do the students think tragedy has changed
Dave's perspective on life?

2) Ask the students to write a 500-word essay revolving around the following statement:
"Dave uses other people's tragedy to help him get over the tragedies in his own life."

3) Write Dave's monologue when he first hears about Shalini's accident.

4) Homework. Interview someone about how he/she recovered from a tragedy in his/her

Lesson 26 (from Chapter 9)


Dave and his fellow editors have come up with the idea of making fun celebrity
obituaries by running a fake obituary for a living celebrity. Dave and his team contact
several actors whose careers are on a down slide and can use that type of publicity, but
none shows interest until they contact Adam Rich. Adam Rich, who is on the show Eight
is Enough, agrees to be killed off by the magazine.

The aim of this lesson is to examine the Might magazine's decision to run fake


1) Class discussion. What do the students think the magazine was trying to say by
running fake obituaries? Do the students think running fake obituaries is disrespectful to
the celebrity's family? Do the students think Adam Rich is too desperate to reestablish
himself as a celebrity? How does it backfire on him? In what way is the magazine's
decision to run fake obituaries express the book's theme of death and how people react
to it?

2) Divide the students into two groups and present with the following statement:
"Running fake obituaries is disrespectful to the celebrity's family." Ask one group to think
of an argument in support of the statement and another group to think of an argument
against. Conduct a debate between the two sides.

3) Divide the students into pairs. One member of the pair should be Dave and the other
member of the pair should be a member of Adam Rich's family. The students should
develop a dialogue that examines the family members feelings about the fake obituary
and Dave's response to their feelings.

4) Homework. Write your fake celebrity obituary.

Lesson 27 (from Chapter 10)


The novel is told in the first person.

The aim of this lesson is to examine the novel's point of view.


1) Discuss with the students first person point of view. Why do the students think first
person point of view is not necessarily reliable? What moments in the book do the
students think are not so reliable and why? Ask the students to individually write about
their current lesson from their own point of view. After fifteen minutes, ask the students
to read their work out loud. How different is each student's point of view? End the lesson
by discussing the reliability of the first person point of view. How does the book's
meaning change when it switches to third person?

2) With the students, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the first
person. With the students, list all the major characters on the board and ask how
different the story would be if it were told from, for example, Toph's point of view. Ask the
students to pick one character and rewrite a short scene from his/her point of view.

3) For homework, choose a short scene from the book and rewrite it in the third person.
Add a commentary of the difference the third person, and more objective, point of view

Lesson 28 (from Chapter 10)


Autobiographies are a completely different art form from novels.

The aim of this lesson is to learn about the differences between autobiographies and


1) Divide the class into two groups. One group should look at a novel and the other
group should look at an autobiography. Ask the students to look through their book and
make notes of its structure, style and point of view. They should then individually take a
paragraph from their novel and rewrite it in the format of an autobiography if its a novel
and a novel if its an autobiography.

2) Discuss differences between the novel and autobiography formats. What do the
students think are the main elements of a novel? What do the students think are the
main elements of an autobiography? What can novelists express that an autobiography
writer cannot? How does Dave try to keep to the facts while still maintaining a level of

3) For homework, write about the restrictions an autobiography places on a writer. How
does an autobiographer get around these restrictions?

Lesson 29 (from Chapter 11)

The aim of this lesson is to critically examine the novel.


1) Divide the students into pairs and ask them to write a list of what they think are
strengths and weaknesses of the novel. After ten minutes, compare the students' lists.
Ask them to individually write a critical review of the novel. End the lesson by asking the
students to read their reviews out loud.

2) On the board write the following statement: Dave's memories sometimes come
across as self promotion." Using two examples from the book, ask the students to write
a classroom essay either for or against the statement.

3) For homework, list what you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the novel.

Lesson 30 (from Chapter 11)


The aim of this lesson is to review the book.


1) Divide the students into teams of 4 and assign them each 1 element of the novel from
the following choices: characters, themes, point of view, structure and language. In
teams, ask them to devise 15 questions and 15 answers for their categories. Finish the
lesson with the teams taking it in turns to ask each other a question. The winner is the
team that answers most questions correctly.

2) Class discussion. Have an overview of what the students have learned from the
book. Talk about the language used, the themes, the genre and characters. Try to get
them to think critically. What did they like and dislike about the book? Could they identify
with Dave? Do they think the novel still holds some significance today?

3) For homework, find a negative and positive review of the novel and discuss if you
agree with the authors' opinions.

Fun Activities
500 Words
Condense the book into 500 words.

Make a menu of the cheap and easy dishes Dave could cook for himself and his

Add a chapter
Add a chapter to the book that explains what Dave has done since the book was

Write about a tragedy that has happened in your own life. How did it affect you?

Tourist Brochure
Write a tourist brochure for San Francisco.

Write an article, design a comic strip or take a photograph for Dave's magazine.

Front Cover
Design a front cover for the book including the blurb.

Guess the Character

Choose one of the people from the book and think about how he or she would look,
walk and act in general. Find some clothes from home and bring them into class. The
task is then to walk around the class dressed up and acting like your character. The only
thing you cannot do is talk. Your classmates then have to guess which person you are.

Find a partner and choose a subject from the book to research. It can be a character or
location, but the information must come from the book. One of you then has to learn as
much about the subject as possible while the other has to write a list of questions to
ask. When you have finished the person with the questions has to test the other
person's knowledge on his chosen subject.

Bin Game
Divide into pairs. One member of the pair should answer questions and the other is the
bin thrower. The idea is that the teacher asks a question about the book and the person
who gets it right gives their teammate three chances to throw a ball in the bin. For every
ball he gets in he scores 2 points. The winner is the pair with the most points.

Word Association
With a partner say a word or name that relates to the book for example a character and
see how many words that you associate with that word. The first person to pause loses
the game. When you have finished with one word, start another one.

Plan out a film of the novel, thinking about who you want it to appeal to. Once you have
finished the plan, cast the film using famous actors and then think about how you will
market it.

Rewrite a chapter in the book from the point of view of another character.

Simon Says
A game of Simon Says, but instead of using Simon, use not only a character's name
from the novel, but what you think he or she would say and do.

Choose which songs you would have on a soundtrack that could accompany the story.
At what point would you play the songs?

Turn one of the chapters into a comic strip.

Photographs and Article

Take some photographs of whatever you choose and swap your pictures with someone
else. Your aim is to then write an article using your classmate's photograph.

Divide into groups of five and together choose a name for a newspaper and the ideas
you want your newspaper to express. Give each member of your group a role including
editor, reporter and photographer and develop your own three page newspaper.

Choose a City
Choose a city you would like to live and work in and give your reasons why.

With your classmates choose a scene from the book and develop it into a play. Some
students should be in charge of costumes, another set of students should be in charge
of designing a set, two or three students should be given the task of writing a script and
another group of students should be the actors.

Essay Topics
Essay Topic 1
Examine the fake obituaries Dave and his fellow editors run in the Might magazine.

1) What comment is the magazine trying to make by running fake obituaries?

2) Why do the fake obituaries backfire so badly?

3) How do the fake obituaries express the book's theme of death and how people react
to it?

Essay Topic 2
Examine Eggers' writing style. How would you describe his prose style? What kind of
vocabulary does he use? Does he use any specific writing techniques? What meaning
does Eggers' style give to his story?

Essay Topic 3
Identify the main themes of the story. Why do you think these themes are so important
to the story? How does Eggers use character and setting to express his themes?

Essay Topic 4
Discuss differences between the novel and autobiographical formats. What are the main
elements of a novel? What are the main elements of an autobiography? What can
novelists express that an autobiographer cannot? How can autobiographies keep to the
facts while still maintaining a level of entertainment?

Essay Topic 5
Look at the structure of the book.

1) Discuss elements of the narrative structure: exposition, conflict, complication, climax,

resolution and conclusion. Do all the elements make for a logical and linear story? How
does the story's structure express the book's ideas?

2) Examine the way Eggers uses other people in the story to express his ideas.

Essay Topic 6
Discuss with the students first person point of view. Why do the students think first
person point of view is not necessarily reliable? What moments in the book do the
students think are not so reliable and why? With the students, discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of using the first person point of view.

Essay Topic 7
Choose two of the following people and outline his/her influence on Dave Eggers' life:

1) Toph

2) His father

3) His mother

4) Beth

Essay Topic 8
Eggers uses fantasy elements in his memoir.

1) Why does Eggers uses fantasy elements in a non-fiction book?

2) When does he use fantasy elements, and why?

Essay Topic 9
Examine the role of an editor.

1) What is the role of a editor? What different kinds of editors are there?

2) How much say does an editor has with what goes into a publication?

3) In what way does Dave have the right characteristics to succeed as an editor?

Essay Topic 10
Examine Dave's influence on Toph.

1) What is Dave's philosophy about how to bring up Toph?

2) How would Dave change how he brought up Toph if he could do it again?

3) How different would Toph's life have been if he had lived with another one of his

Essay Topic 11
Choose one of the following options and discuss how illness affected that particular
area in Eggers' life.

1) Work

2) Social life

3) Intimate relationships

4) Family

Essay Topic 12
What major events had a profound effect on Eggers' life and how did they change him?
What does Eggers still have to learn by the end of the book?

Essay Topic 13
Examine the character of Toph.

1) How did the death of Toph's parents affect him?

2) How differently will Toph grow up without his parents?

3) What positive and negative effects has Dave had on Toph's life?

Essay Topic 14
What similarities in style and tone does Dave's memoir share with Might magazine?

Essay Topic 15
How does Dave's obsession with death affect his life? How does he get over his

Essay Topic 16
Examine Dave's relationship with his parents.

1) Why does Dave hold his mother in much higher regard than his father?

2) How have Dave's parents affected his personality and the decisions he makes in the

Essay Topic 17
Choose two of the following and describe how his/her character matures in the book.

1) Beth

2) Dave

3) Toph

4) Kirsten

Essay Topic 18
Examine Dave's family.

1) How important is Dave's family to him? Are there some members of his family that
were more important than others?

2) What would have happened to Dave if he did not have his family around when his
parents died?

Essay Topic 19
Examine Dave's relationship with Toph.

1) In what way is Dave in danger of smothering his younger brother?

2) In what way does Dave need Toph as much as Toph needs him?

Essay Topic 20
Examine Dave's obsession with death.

1) How does Dave's obsession with death affect the people around him?

2) How does Dave's obsession with death affect his life in general?

3) In what way can Dave use his obsession with death in a positive way?

Short Essay Questions
1. What is wrong with Dave's mother at the beginning of Chapter 1?

2. How does Dave help his mother in the first chapter?

3. Why does Dave call a nurse rather than take his mother to the hospital?

4. What does Dave think about as he holds ice to his mother's nose?

5. Describe Dave's father's funeral.

6. What is Dave and Beth's plan?

7. What different directions do the characters take in Chapter 2?

8. What does Dave decide to do instead of finding a job?

9. Why does Dave feel uncomfortable when he takes Toph to Little League games?

10. Why does Dave think it is important to go to the gym?

11. Summarize the second chapter.

12. What problems do Toph and Dave have living together?

13. How does Dave's situation change at the beginning of chapter 3?

14. How does Dave's disorganization affect Toph?

15. What problems does Dave have cooking?

16. Give an example of Dave and Toph's being late.

17. Why doesn't Dave like telling people why he has to look after Toph?

18. Summarize Chapter 3.

19. What does Dave do during the nights?

20. Why does Dave not date many women?

21. What kind of relationships with women does Dave have during this period?

22. In what way does Dave struggle with the memory of his parents in Chapter 4?

23. Why does Dave struggle to discard of some of his parent possessions?

24. Summarize Chapter 4.

25. How does Dave feel when he finally leaves Toph with a babysitter?

26. How does Dave act in the club with his friends?

27. What does Dave do when he gets lonely in Chapter 5?

28. How does a group of Mexican children harass Dave and Meredith in Chapter 5?

29. Describe Dave's search for his wallet.

30. How do the police deal with Dave's stolen wallet in Chapter 5?

31. What does Dave start in Chapter 6?

32. What does Dave do for the front cover of the first issue?

33. Why does Dave decide to apply for The Real World?

34. Describe Dave's interview with the producer in Chapter 6.

35. Describe Dave's first exposure to hatred.

36. How does Dave convince the producer he did not have a privileged upbringing?

37. How does the Real Show eventually help Dave to promote the Might magazine?

38. Why do more people agree to to the magazines nude photo shoot in Chapter 7?

39. Why are the cast members of the Real World not so welcome at the photo shoot in
Chapter 7?

40. In what way is Toph still a big part of Dave's life?

41. How does Dave deal with John in Chapter 7?

42. What happens to John in this chapter?

43. What is the misunderstanding between the Might magazine and Where in the World
is Carmen San Diego in Chapter 8?

44. How is Dave's situation changing in Chapter 8?

45. Why does the landlord's wife not want Dave to move in?

46. Why is the apartment not a good place to live?

47. How is Toph's life beginning to change in Chapter 8?

48. What is wrong with Dave at the end of Chapter 8?

49. What new idea do Dave and his editors come up with for the magazine in Chapter

50. What happens when the magazine claims Adam Rich has been murdered?

51. What problems does Toph cause Dave in Chapter 9?

52. What happens to Shalini in Chapter 9?

53. What does Dave do in Chicago in Chapter 10?

54. How does Dave feel when he visits his old house?

55. Describe Dave's meeting with Sarah in Chapter 10.

56. Describe the wedding in Chapter 10.

57. Why does Dave want to move to New York?

58. Who dies in Chapter 11?

59. How is Shalini coping with her head injuries?

60. Summarize the book.

Short Essay Questions Key
1. What is wrong with Dave's mother at the beginning of Chapter 1?

Dave's mother, who suffers from stomach cancer, has a nose bleed. Dave watches her
holding a towel to her nose while spitting into a small, half-moon shaped bowl. Dave's
mother is always spitting into the bowl since the doctors removed her stomach.

2. How does Dave help his mother in the first chapter?

Dave's mother asks him to pinch her nose to help stop the bleeding. Dave crawls onto
the back of the couch so he can hold the nose and watch television at the same time.
After a while, Dave releases his mother's nose to see if the bleeding has stopped, but it
continues as before.

3. Why does Dave call a nurse rather than take his mother to the hospital?

Dave knows that his mother's blood count is low and therefore a nose bleed could be
deadly. However, Dave and his sister Beth promised their mother that they would never
take her back to the hospital. Instead, Dave calls his mother's nurse.

4. What does Dave think about as he holds ice to his mother's nose?

Dave wonders how long it will take for his mother to die and thinks of all the things that
would need to be done. He thinks of the family they would have call and wonders if it
would be possible to set up a conference call with extended family members.

5. Describe Dave's father's funeral.

The funeral was a great affair with people remote as fourth grade teachers showing up
to express their condolences. Everyone had a story to tell about Dave's father and his
children ate it up, unable to connect their stories with the man they knew.

6. What is Dave and Beth's plan?

Dave knows that he and Beth will get his mother out of the hospital in a few days and
she will be made comfortable at home, where she will slowly die in a rented hospital bed
in their family room. After she dies, they will sell the house and start afresh in California.

7. What different directions do the characters take in Chapter 2?

After selling the family house, Dave, Beth, Dave's girlfriend, Kirsten, and Toph all move
into a sublet in Berkeley. Dave has just graduated college and spends all his time with
Toph. Beth, on the other hand, is preparing for law school and Kirsten is actively looking
for a job.

8. What does Dave decide to do instead of finding a job?

Instead of finding a job, Dave feels it is important to show Toph as much fun as possible
and make up for the darkness of the previous winter.

9. Why does Dave feel uncomfortable when he takes Toph to Little League

Dave goes to Toph's Little League games and sits with the parents of the other children.
Dave can sense them watching him, wondering who he is to Toph, but he never
attempts to talk to any of them.

10. Why does Dave think it is important to go to the gym?

Dave thinks he should join a gym so he can present a virile, healthy physique to his
brother and prevent any concerns he may have about anyone else dying.

11. Summarize the second chapter.

After the deaths of their parents, Dave and his siblings leave Illinois and their bad
memories. In Berkeley, Dave spends all his time with his youngest brother, eager to

show him a good time. However, in doing so, Dave causes himself and Toph to stand
out in what should be normal situations.

12. What problems do Toph and Dave have living together?

Dave and Toph begin to disagree with each other. Dave can neither cure his own
tendency to be a slob nor convince Toph to clean up after him.

13. How does Dave's situation change at the beginning of chapter 3?

After the lease on the sublet expires, Beth and Kirsten both find places of their own and
Dave is left to find a place for himself and Toph. Unfortunately, because his only income
is Toph's social security payments, Dave has a difficult time.

14. How does Dave's disorganization affect Toph?

Toph is often late for school because he cannot rouse Dave from sleep. Any paperwork
that has to be signed often has to be sent to Dave more than once and the sports teams
always have to add Toph at the last minute.

15. What problems does Dave have cooking?

Dave and Toph have a stock of meals they often eat, most of which requires little or no
cooking. Dave and Toph often eat their meals in front of the television, leaving leftovers
on the coffee table for weeks at a time and until the smell forces them to clean up.

16. Give an example of Dave and Toph's being late.

The night of the open house at Toph's school they have to rush because Dave takes a
nap and Toph forgets to wake him. Dave thinks they will miss the whole event, but they
arrive with time to spare. Dave and Toph walk through the school and Dave can feel
people staring at them, wondering who he is and where their parents are.

17. Why doesn't Dave like telling people why he has to look after Toph?

Dave does not necessarily mind telling his story, but he often becomes bored with
repeating it. In addition, the tragedy makes Dave feel like a celebrity who is deserving of
special treatment.

18. Summarize Chapter 3.

Dave and Toph move into their own apartment. Because of his disorganized nature,
Dave struggles looking after his younger brother. Toph is often late for school and he
does not eat as a young boy should. However, the situation does not seem to have an
adverse affect on Toph, and through it all, both Toph and Dave have lots of fun. At the
end of the chapter, Dave reluctantly tells the truth about his situation to a parent, and
basks in the attention it affords him.

19. What does Dave do during the nights?

Dave does not go out because he needs to be at home with Toph. Together they watch
videos and eat Popsicles.

20. Why does Dave not date many women?

Dave does not date much because he is afraid of introducing Toph to a woman who
would not be around for long. Not only that, Dave feels he should only seriously date
women who understand his circumstances.

21. What kind of relationships with women does Dave have during this period?

Dave dates to have fun. In this chapter, Dave is dating an older woman. He has fears of
seeing her naked, but otherwise enjoys their casual relationship.

22. In what way does Dave struggle with the memory of his parents in Chapter 4?

Dave struggles with the memory of his parents because he has to deal with their old

possessions. Most of the things from the house are sold, but the things they chose to
keep or could not sell are in the storehouse in the back of Dave's house. Dave resents
being the one who has to make the choice of what to throw away.

23. Why does Dave struggle to discard of some of his parent possessions?

Dave struggles with choosing what to throw away because he does not want to
disrespect his parents' memory.

24. Summarize Chapter 4.

In this chapter, Dave struggles with the idea of dating while raising Toph. Dave wants to
have a girlfriend and to spend his time out like all his friends, but he cannot leave Toph
alone. The end of the chapter explores his feelings towards his parents and the level of
grief he is still dealing with.

25. How does Dave feel when he finally leaves Toph with a babysitter?

Toph is finally old enough to stay with a babysitter. When Dave leaves, he feels great
relief, but that relief soon turns to fear, imagining the babysitter killing Toph.

26. How does Dave act in the club with his friends?

Annoyed by numerous questions regarding Toph, Dave tells one of the girls an
elaborate story about Toph shooting a classmate and running away. Dave leaves before
the girl can tell the story to anyone else.

27. What does Dave do when he gets lonely in Chapter 5?

Dave searches for a female companion. First he stops at the home of a girl he is dating,
but she is not home. After trying another girl, he finally calls Meredith. After a few drinks
at a bar, Dave and Meredith go to the beach. They talk and joke around for awhile
before things turn romantic and they begin to make love in the sand.

28. How does a group of Mexican children harass Dave and Meredith in Chapter

A group of Mexican kids thinks it will be funny to harass the couple. They pick up Dave's
pants, search the pockets, and then throw them towards the water. When the kids leave
and Dave retrieves his pants, he discovers his wallet is missing.

29. Describe Dave's search for his wallet.

The kids, who deny taking Dave's wallet, help Dave and Meredith search the beach, but
with no success. When Dave insists that the kids go with him to find a phone so he can
call the police, they hit him and take off in a nearby car. Dave returns home and finds
his wallet on his dresser.

30. How do the police deal with Dave's stolen wallet in Chapter 5?

While a policeman is taking Dave and Meredith's statements, he gets word that another
officer has stopped a car matching Dave's description. The policeman takes Dave and
Meredith to identify the occupants of the car, but they are are white and not Hispanic.
After assuring the police these were not the kids who harassed them, Dave and
Meredith leave for home.

31. What does Dave start in Chapter 6?

With a group of friends, Dave starts a magazine called Might. The satirical magazine is
targeted to twenty-somethings, embracing the youth culture.

32. What does Dave do for the front cover of the first issue?

Dave and his fellow editors hire a photographer to provide a cover picture. They choose
a picture of her boyfriend running naked on the beach.

33. Why does Dave decide to apply for The Real World?

Dave and his coworkers hear the MTV reality show, The Real World, will be filming their
next season in San Francisco. Dave and one of his female co-workers decide to apply
to be contestants in an attempt to promote their magazine.

34. Describe Dave's interview with the producer in Chapter 6.

The interview is with a pretty young producer with whom Dave has an instant
connection. They begin by talking about Dave's hometown in Illinois, Lake Forest. Dave
tells the producer that Lake Forest is a privileged neighborhood where the children are
fairly sheltered from the realities of the real world. Dave denies being a spoiled, rich kid,
insisting that his mother shopped in discount stores and made them all feel like they
could be on the streets at any time.

35. Describe Dave's first exposure to hatred.

Dave's first exposure to hatred was with a boy who had a Confederate flag hanging in
his bedroom. Dave remembered this boy was full of hate for Jews and convinced
several other boys in town to think the same way.

36. How does Dave convince the producer he did not have a privileged

To convince the producer that he did not have a completely privileged childhood, Dave
relates the story of the suicide of his father's friend The man lit himself on fire and ran
out onto his front lawn, dying on the grass before the fire department could arrive. Dave
then talks about the night he learned his mother was dying.

37. How does the Real Show eventually help Dave to promote the Might

A cartoonist called Judd gets picked over Dave, but Judd sends Might magazine a
group of his cartoons and asks to be a contributor. Dave jumps at the chance to
interview him, knowing that the show's cameras would be required to follow him. The
meetings are mundane and obviously contrived for the cameras, but they manage to
appear on one of the episodes.

38. Why do more people agree to to the magazines nude photo shoot in Chapter

Dave and his fellow editors decide to have another nude photo shoot, this time with the
idea of showing how different everyone's bodies are. More people agree to the shoot
since Dave promises that their faces will not be shown and they can keep on their

39. Why are the cast members of the Real World not so welcome at the photo
shoot in Chapter 7?

Judd agrees to be photographed and offers to bring Puck, another member of the Real
World cast. Unfortunately, the cameras are following another cast member that day and
are absent from the shoot. Without the cameras they are just an annoying presence.
While waiting to be photographed, Puck kidnaps a dog.

40. In what way is Toph still a big part of Dave's life?

Toph has somehow become an integral part of Dave's inner circle, at one point referring
to himself as twenty-something along with the others. Dave worries about the way Toph
identifies with older people, but is content that Toph is still a big part of his life. Dave
cannot imagine his life without his brother.

41. How does Dave deal with John in Chapter 7?

Dave gets a phone call from Meredith. A friend of theirs, John, has threatened to
overdose on pills. Dave rushes over to John's apartment, only to find him perfectly well,
if a little drunk. Dave decides to call the police who he hopes will force John to get some

42. What happens to John in this chapter?

While the police interview John, he takes a handful of pills. He is taken to the hospital
where his stomach is pumped. John then spends several days in the psychiatric ward,
where Dave says he becomes more depressed than ever.

43. What is the misunderstanding between the Might magazine and Where in the
World is Carmen San Diego in Chapter 8?

In the midst of being kicked out of their office, Might introduces editor-created awards
for made-up celebrities. One of their made up "celebrities" is a musician who the
television show, Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? requests to be on their
show. Amused by the misunderstanding, the Might editors set up an appearance without
telling the show's producer their joke.

44. How is Dave's situation changing in Chapter 8?

Dave and Kirsten, who have been dating off and on since leaving Illinois, have finally
broken up and Kirsten has moved to San Francisco where she is soon joined by Beth.
This causes Dave trouble for two reasons. First, Dave will be forced to see his ex-
girlfriend on a regular basis and second, Beth is leaving Dave and Toph alone for the
first time.

45. Why does the landlord's wife not want Dave to move in?

Dave finally finds an apartment a few days before his lease in Berkeley ends. However,
the day before he is to move in the landlord changes his mind. The landlord says his
wife likes neither the references in Might magazine to Dave's messy nature nor the
publication's derogatory references to religious figures.

46. Why is the apartment not a good place to live?

The apartment building is not a pleasant place to live because the walls are so thin they
can hear even the smallest sounds. Unfortunately, Dave and Toph are stuck.

47. How is Toph's life beginning to change in Chapter 8?

Toph begins junior high. He is popular with his fellow classmates and the only one who
lives in an apartment rather than a fancy house. Toph is often invited to parties at his
friends' houses. At one party, Toph plays "Spin the Bottle" for the first time.

48. What is wrong with Dave at the end of Chapter 8?

One afternoon while Dave is at the office he begins to have terrible pains in his side.
Shalini, an office mate and a friend of Dave's, rushes him to the hospital. Dave thinks he
is dying, but it turns out he only has a kidney stone.

49. What new idea do Dave and his editors come up with for the magazine in
Chapter 9?

Dave and his fellow editors have come up with the idea of running fake obituaries for
living celebrities. Dave and his team contact several actors whose careers are on a
downslide, but none show interest until they contact Adam Rich.

50. What happens when the magazine claims Adam Rich has been murdered?

The magazine runs a full spread in the magazine, claiming Rich has been murdered.
Right away they begin to get responses from television shows and other magazines, but
are forced to admit the joke when they cannot prove their story. Adam's friends and
family are traumatized by the article, believing its claims until they see Adam face-to-

51. What problems does Toph cause Dave in Chapter 9?

The night Dave has a date with a woman called Sari, Toph has a bar mitzvah to attend
across town. When Dave goes to pick Toph up he cannot find him. Toph makes up a
lame excuse and Dave loses his tempter with Toph for the first time. Since Dave is late
for his date, Sari and Dave decide to go to Dave's apartment for a few minutes. Before
anything can happen, Toph arrives home.

52. What happens to Shalini in Chapter 9?

Dave's friend Shalini, is at a party with a girlfriend when the deck they are standing on
collapses, sending everyone falling more than four stories. Shalini survives, but she
suffers massive head injuries.

53. What does Dave do in Chicago in Chapter 10?

Dave returns to Chicago to attend the wedding of a school friend. While there, Dave
decides he will visit his childhood home and the funeral parlor where his parents' bodies
were processed.

54. How does Dave feel when he visits his old house?

Dave arrives at his old house. No one is there, so he leaves a note in the mailbox
asking the new owners if he can have a tour. A few days later Dave is invited back. The
new owners have done extensive remodeling to the house and nothing looks the same.
Dave leaves the house feeling lost.

55. Describe Dave's meeting with Sarah in Chapter 10.

Dave tracks down Sarah, the girl he spent the night with after learning about his
mother's impending death. Their meeting is like all the other meetings Dave has had
with old friends. They talk about mutual friends, about Vince Vaughn, and times they
shared in high school. Back at Sarah's apartment they become intimate, however the
next morning Sarah, pushes him out the door. She asks if he is happy and if he has
finally achieved what he always wanted.

56. Describe the wedding in Chapter 10.

It is a traditional church wedding. During the reception, Dave and his friends drink too
much and party as though they are still in high school. Afterward, they go to one of the
girls' houses and eat freshly baked cookies.

57. Why does Dave want to move to New York?

Might magazine has lost its lease again and is running out of money. The editors have
been rushing all over trying to find financial support, but have failed to drum up any
interest. The magazine is finished and nothing else ties Dave to San Francisco.

58. Who dies in Chapter 11?

A friend of Might magazine dies in the final chapter. The girl is a young woman who
does all of the magazine's errands in New York. The girl contracted a virus that affected
her heart.

59. How is Shalini coping with her head injuries?

Dave goes to a birthday party for Shalini. Shalini has no idea what the party is for
because of her short-term memory problems, but she has a good time dancing with all
her friends.

60. Summarize the book.

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius is a memoir by magazine editor, Dave

Eggers. The book tells the story of how Dave's parents die of cancer within five weeks
of each other, leaving Dave and his siblings custody of their seven-year-old brother,

Multiple Choice
Chapter 1
1. Who is Dave watching TV with in this chapter?
(a) His father
(b) His sister
(c) His girlfriend
(d) His mother

2. What does Dave's mother suffer from?

(a) Stomach cancer
(b) Bowel cancer
(c) Epilepsy
(d) Diabetes

3. What does Dave hold to his mother's nose?

(a) A towel
(b) A bowl
(c) Snuff
(d) Tissues

4. Why can Dave's mother's nose bleed be deadly?

(a) Her sugar count is low
(b) She can choke on the blood
(c) Ths bleeding lasts for hours
(d) Her blood count is low

5. What is the name of Dave's sister?

(a) Joanne
(b) Jody
(c) Beth
(d) Lauren

6. Where did Beth and Dave promise not to take their mother?
(a) Hospital
(b) Home
(c) A old people's home
(d) New York

7. Who does Dave call for advice on his mother's nose bleed?
(a) The doctor
(b) The nurse
(c) Beth
(d) His father

8. What does the nurse suggest Dave uses to stop the bleeding?
(a) Ice
(b) Chocolate
(c) A cup of tea
(d) A towel

9. Where does Beth come back from in this chapter?

(a) Work
(b) The gym
(c) Her boyfriend's house
(d) School

10. What does Beth talk her mother into doing?

(a) Going to the hospital
(b) Going to work
(c) Sleep
(d) Leaving home

11. Who carries Dave and Beth's mother to the car?

(a) Toph
(b) Dave's father
(c) Beth
(d) Dave

12. What is the name of Dave's younger brother?

(a) Jimmy
(b) Toph
(c) Bill
(d) Chris

13. Where does Dave sleep in this chapter?

(a) His girlfriend's house
(b) A bus station
(c) The hospital
(d) A railway station

14. What did Dave's father die from?
(a) Cancer
(b) A brain tumor
(c) AIDS
(d) Flu

15. Whose birthday is it in this chapter?

(a) Dave's
(b) Toph's
(c) Beth's
(d) Dave's mother

16. What does Dave want to buy his mother for her birthday?
(a) Flowers
(b) A radio
(c) A TV
(d) A book

17. Where does Dave want to buy flowers from?

(a) The news stand
(b) The grocers
(c) The boutique
(d) The gift shop

18. Where do Dave and Beth want to move to?

(a) California
(b) Noth Carolina
(c) South Carolina
(d) New York

Chapter 2
19. What is the name of Dave's girlfriend?
(a) Jody
(b) Lauren
(c) Jill
(d) Kirsten

20. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?

(a) Orange County
(b) Manhatten
(c) Berkeley
(d) Jefferson County

21. Where is Dave's family home?
(a) Illinois
(b) Seattle
(c) Virginia
(d) New York

22. Who does Dave spend all of his time with in this chapter?
(a) Toph
(b) Bill
(c) Kirsten
(d) Beth

23. Why does Dave not have a job?

(a) He was fired
(b) He is disabled
(c) He has just graduated
(d) He is ill

24. What is Beth preparing for in this chapter?

(a) Medical school
(b) Law school
(c) Marriage
(d) Teacher training

25. What does Toph join in this chapter?

(a) Little League
(b) Writing club
(c) Chess club
(d) Cub scouts

26. Who goes with Toph to his Little League games?

(a) Dave
(b) His teacher
(c) Kirsten
(d) Beth

27. Who does Dave say stares at him during the Little League games?
(a) Toph
(b) The coach
(c) The parents
(d) The children

28. Where do Dave and Toph play Frisbee in this chapter?
(a) The beach
(b) The garden
(c) A corn field
(d) A tennis court

29. What does Dave want to join?

(a) Chess club
(b) A gym
(c) A writing class
(d) Night school

30. What image does Dave want to present to his brother?

(a) Funny and sweet
(b) Virile and healthy
(c) Loving and family orientated
(d) Intelligent and hardworking

31. What does Dave think Toph worries about?

(a) Losing Little League games
(b) Dave leaving him
(c) Doing badly at school
(d) Someone else in the family dying

32. When did Dave graduate from college?

(a) The spring
(b) The winter
(c) The summer
(d) The autumn

33. What do Dave and his sibling live off?

(a) Kirsten's money
(b) Bank loans
(c) Life insurance
(d) Welfare

34. What is Kirsten looking for in this chapter?

(a) A job
(b) A house
(c) A car
(d) A new boyfriend

35. What does Dave feel it is important to show Toph in this chapter?
(a) Love
(b) Fun
(c) Their homeland
(d) Competition

36. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about
him and Toph?
(a) Where their parents are
(b) If Dave is abusing Toph
(c) If Dave is Toph's father
(d) If Toph is ill

Chapter 3
37. Why does Dave have to move out of the apartment in this chapter?
(a) He breaks up with Kirsten
(b) He can't pay the rent
(c) The lease expires
(d) He falls out with Beth

38. What is Dave's only income in this chapter?

(a) Selling stories
(b) Selling paintings
(c) Toph's social security payments
(d) Part time work at a gas station

39. How does Dave secure the apartment he wants to move into?
(a) He pays a year's rent up front
(b) He gives the landlord his watch
(c) He takes the landlord out for dinner
(d) He pays a large deposit

40. What do Toph and Dave do to the house in this chapter?

(a) Tidy it
(b) Put in a new kitchen
(c) Repaint it
(d) Lay down carpets

41. What can Dave not convince Toph to do?
(a) Do his homework
(b) Go to school
(c) Move in with Beth
(d) Clean up

42. Why is Toph always late for school?

(a) Dave and Toph argue every morning
(b) Toph oversleeps
(c) Dave is always caught in a traffic queue
(d) Dave oversleeps

43. What does Dave convince Toph to do in this section?

(a) Tidy the house
(b) Paint the garden fence
(c) Do his homework
(d) Help him cook

44. What do Dave and Toph have sword fights with?

(a) Bread sticks
(b) Spoons
(c) Canes
(d) Ladles

45. Where do Dave and Toph eat their meals?

(a) In their bedrooms
(b) In the dining room
(c) In front of the TV
(d) In the garden

46. What do Dave and Toph leave on the coffee table for weeks at a time?
(a) Books
(b) Leftovers
(c) Newspapers
(d) Coffee cups

47. What usually prompts Dave and Toph to tidy the house?
(a) When Dave has a date
(b) The smell
(c) A visit form Beth
(d) When they run out of clean plates

48. What is Toph always added onto at the last minute?
(a) Adventure holidays
(b) The school sports teams
(c) School trips
(d) Cub scout trips

49. What do Dave and Toph have to rush to in this chapter?

(a) A Little League game
(b) A football game
(c) Toph's school open house
(d) A funeral

50. Why do Dave and Toph have to rush to the school open house?
(a) The car breaks down
(b) Dave takes a nap
(c) They get locked out of the house
(d) They get stuck in traffic

51. Who asks Dave about his situation?

(a) A mother
(b) A father
(c) A student
(d) A teacher

52. What does Dave get bored of saying?

(a) His story
(b) Tidy up your room
(c) Please and thank you
(d) Do your homework

53. What does Dave's tragic story make him feel like?
(a) A child
(b) A nobody
(c) A celebrity
(d) An adult

54. What does Dave decide to tell for the first time when a mother at Toph's
school asks about his situation?
(a) His opinion on life
(b) The truth
(c) A lie
(d) A joke

Chapter 4
55. Why does Dave not go out at night?
(a) He wants to stay with Toph
(b) He likes watching TV
(c) He wants to save
(d) He is afraid of being beaten up

56. What do Toph and Dave do in the evenings?

(a) Watch videos
(b) Dance
(c) Play pool
(d) Sing karoke

57. What do Dave and Toph eat when they watch videos?
(a) Sandwiches
(b) Popcorn
(c) Mints
(d) Popsicles

58. Why does Dave not date much?

(a) He has no money
(b) He does not want to fall in love
(c) He is still getting over Kirsten
(d) He is afraid of a woman not staying around for long

59. What does Dave want women to understand about him?

(a) His goals in life
(b) His humor
(c) His depression
(d) His circumstances

60. What kind of women does Dave currently like to date?

(a) Women who want only fun
(b) Working women
(c) Women who want relationships
(d) Older women

61. What kind of woman is Dave dating in this chapter?

(a) A younger woman
(b) A student
(c) An older woman
(d) A teacher

62. What word best describes Dave's relationship with the older woman?
(a) Loving
(b) Casual
(c) Serious
(d) Intense

63. What does Dave fear about the older woman he is dating?
(a) Falling in love
(b) Telling a bad joke
(c) Gettng her pregnant
(d) Seeing her naked

64. What is Dave struggling with in this chapter?

(a) Finding work
(b) Finding a film he has not watched
(c) The memory of his parents
(d) Disciplining Toph

65. Who keeps Dave's parents belongings?

(a) Dave's grandparents
(b) Beth
(c) His older brother
(d) Dave

66. Where does Dave keep his parents belongings?

(a) In the basement
(b) In a shed
(c) In the attic
(d) In a storehouse

67. What does Dave resent in this chapter?

(a) Being the one with his parents' belongings
(b) Taking Toph to school
(c) Phoning social services every morning
(d) Looking after Toph

68. What is Dave struggling to decide in this chapter?

(a) What job to take
(b) Who to date
(c) Where to send Toph to school
(d) Throwing his parents' things away

69. What is Dave afraid of disrepecting in this chapter?
(a) His childhood memories
(b) Toph's childhood
(c) Toph's education
(d) His parents' memory

70. What do Beth and Dave think Toph is not ready for yet?
(a) A babysitter
(b) University
(c) Adult films
(d) A dog

71. What nationality is Toph's babysitter?

(a) Irish
(b) German
(c) Italian
(d) Scottish

72. Where did Beth find Toph's babysitter?

(a) In a cafe
(b) At work
(c) In the newspaper
(d) At her school

Chapter 5
73. What does Dave imagine the baby sitter doing to Toph?
(a) Abusing him
(b) Selling him
(c) Murdering him
(d) Kidnapping him

74. Where does Dave go at the beginning of this chapter?

(a) A pub
(b) A club
(c) The theater
(d) The cinema

75. Where are Dave's friends from?

(a) Illinois
(b) Los Angeles
(c) Seattle
(d) New York

76. What part of California do Dave's friends live in?
(a) Berkley
(b) Los Angeles
(c) San Francisco
(d) Orange County

77. What lie does Dave tell a female friend about Toph?
(a) He is a member of mensa
(b) He passed entrance exams to Harvard
(c) He shot a friend
(d) He wets the bed

78. What does Dave do before the girl can tell the story to anyone else?
(a) Gives her drugs
(b) Locks her in a cupboard
(c) Leaves the club
(d) Takes her to the beach

79. What does Dave look for when he leaves the club?
(a) His wallet
(b) A quiet bar
(c) Female companionship
(d) His car

80. Who does Dave eventually call in this chapter?

(a) Delia
(b) Joan
(c) Meredith
(d) Janice

81. Where does Meredith agree to meet Dave?

(a) At a bar
(b) At a restaurant
(c) Outside her apartment
(d) In Mexico

82. Where do Dave and Meredith go after the bar?

(a) To Meredith's house
(b) To Dave's house
(c) To a restaurant
(d) To the beach

83. What do the Mexican kids take from Dave?
(a) His pants
(b) His shirt
(c) His socks
(d) His shoes

84. What does Dave discover is missing from his pants?

(a) His wallet
(b) His bank card
(c) His keys
(d) His notebook

85. What do the kids help Dave do?

(a) Search the beach
(b) Find a policeman
(c) Search a bar
(d) Find a phone

86. What do the kids do when Dave calls the police?

(a) Hit him
(b) Tie him up
(c) Runaway
(d) Pull a gun

87. What kind of people are in the car Dave has to identify?
(a) Asian people
(b) African American people
(c) Hispanic people
(d) White people

88. Where is Toph sleeping?

(a) On a rug
(b) On the kitchen floor
(c) In his bed
(d) On the couch

89. Where does Dave eventually find his wallet?

(a) On top of the TV
(b) In the bathroom
(c) On the dresser
(d) Under the couch

90. Where does Dave insist the kids go with him in this chapter?
(a) To his car
(b) To the police station
(c) To find a phone
(d) To his apartment

Chapter 6
91. What is the name of Dave's magazine?
(a) Spite
(b) Unique
(c) Spirit
(d) Might

92. Which of the following words best describes Dave's magazine?

(a) Comical
(b) Satirical
(c) Sporty
(d) Political

93. What people does Dave's magazine aim for?

(a) House wives
(b) Twenty somethings
(c) Middle aged men
(d) School kids

94. Who does Dave hire to do the front cover for the first edition?
(a) A painter
(b) A photographer
(c) A cartoonist
(d) A graphic artist

95. Who is in the picture Dave and the editors choose?

(a) The photographer's family
(b) The photographer
(c) Toph
(d) The photographer's boyfriend

96. What TV show does Dave try to get onto in this chapter?
(a) Wheel of Fortune
(b) The Real World
(c) Jeopardy
(d) The Fallen World

97. What channel is The Real World shown on?
(a) NBC
(b) BBC
(c) MTV
(d) Fox

98. How does Dave want to use the exposure he can get for appearing on TV?
(a) To give Toph a foot into stardom
(b) To tell the world his problems
(c) To advertise the magazine
(d) To get women

99. What kind of neighborhood does Dave say Lake Forest is?
(a) A ghetto
(b) A privileged neighborhood
(c) The run of the mill neighborhood
(d) A poor neighborhood

100. What does Dave deny being?

(a) A figure of fun
(b) Unhappy
(c) A depressive
(d) A spoiled, rich child

101. Where does Dave say his mother used to shop?

(a) London
(b) Flea markets
(c) Walmart
(d) Discount stores

102. What does Dave say never entered his world as a young child?
(a) The principles of hardwork
(b) Child abuse
(c) Racism
(d) Humor

103. What kind of flag did a boy have up in his window in Dave's neighborhood?
(a) An EU flag
(b) A French flag
(c) A Confederate flag
(d) A Union Jack

104. What kind of people does Dave say the boy with the flag hated?
(a) Blacks
(b) Jews
(c) Trailer trash
(d) Homosexuals

105. Who was the famous father of the two black girls Dave went to school with?
(a) Mr. T
(b) Obama Barrack
(c) Malcolm X
(d) James Brown

106. How did Dave friend's father kill himself?

(a) Jumped onto a railway track
(b) Burned himself to death
(c) Shot himself
(d) Jumped form the top of building

107. Where did Dave's friend's father die?

(a) At work
(b) On his front lawn
(c) In a cafe
(d) At a baseball ground

108. What girl from Dave's hometown does he mention in this chapter?
(a) Jackie
(b) Sarah
(c) Louise
(d) Lauren

Chapter 7
109. Who does the reality show choose over Dave?
(a) Jay
(b) Frankie
(c) Judd
(d) Puck

110. What is Judd's job?

(a) Writer
(b) Delivery driver
(c) Truck driver
(d) Cartoonist

111. Why does Dave want to interview Judd?
(a) He has famous parents
(b) The Reality Show cameras will follow him
(c) He is very interesting
(d) He is the best cartoonist in California

112. What does Dave decide to arrange in this chapter?

(a) A nude photo shoot
(b) A signing session
(c) A party
(d) A music gig

113. What does Dave say the participants can keep on during the photo shoot?
(a) Their jewerley
(b) Their shirts
(c) Their underwear
(d) Their socks

114. Who does Judd bring with him to the photo shoot?
(a) Puck
(b) Johnny
(c) Fred
(d) Lauren

115. What does Puck kidnap in this chapter?

(a) A cat
(b) A rabbit
(c) A dog
(d) A child

116. Why does Puck annoy everyone?

(a) He cries a lot
(b) He complains too much
(c) He does not talk enough
(d) He talks too much

117. Where is Dave when gets a call from Meredith?

(a) The park
(b) At his girlfriend's house
(c) At the photo shoot
(d) At home

118. Who threatens suicide in this chapter?
(a) Beth
(b) Kirsten
(c) John
(d) Meredith

119. What does the answer to #118 threaten to use to kill himself?
(a) A knife
(b) Food
(c) Pills
(d) A gun

120. Who does Dave call to help the answer to #118?

(a) The police
(b) A lawyer
(c) A doctor
(d) His parents

121. What does John take in this chapter?

(a) Heroin
(b) Pills
(c) Poison
(d) LSD

122. Where does John spend his time at the end of the chapter?
(a) A psychiatric ward
(b) Dave's house
(c) His parents house
(d) A rehab clinic

123. What does John have done at hospital in this chapter?

(a) His stomach pumped
(b) His tonsils removed
(c) A blood transfusion
(d) A kidney stone removed

124. What is Dave forced to tell John?

(a) How he needs to wake up to reality
(b) He has been fired
(c) How great he is
(d) How he is ruining his life

125. What does Dave worry about Toph in this chapter?
(a) He has developed a taste for alcohol
(b) His school results are poor
(c) He has started smoking
(d) He relates better to older people

126. What does Dave say he cannot imagine life without?

(a) Money
(b) Sex
(c) Toph
(d) The magazine

Chapter 8
127. What problems does Might magazine have in this chapter?
(a) They have lost their main contributer
(b) They have missed their deadline
(c) Their office has been robbed
(d) They are being kicked out of their office

128. Who do the editors of Might decide to create awards for?

(a) Blue collar workers
(b) Made up celebrities
(c) Dead celebrites
(d) People on the street

129. What show wants to hire one of the magazine's made up celebrities?
(a) The Simpsons
(b) The Dave Letterman Show
(c) The Real Show
(d) Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?

130. Who has Dave finally broken up with in this chapter?

(a) Meredith
(b) Kirsten
(c) Beth
(d) Janice

131. Where does Kirsten decide to move to in this chapter?

(a) New York
(b) Chicago
(c) San Francisco
(d) Los Angeles

132. In what city has Beth taken a job?
(a) San Francisco
(b) New York
(c) Los Angeles
(d) Chicago

133. Who does Dave not want to see on a regular basis?

(a) His ex-girlfriend
(b) Beth
(c) John
(d) Toph

134. What does the landlady's wife not like about Dave?
(a) His untidiness
(b) His womanizing
(c) His religion
(d) His love of violent films

135. Why is Dave's new apartment not a pleasant place to live in?
(a) It is in a rough neighborhood
(b) They live next door to loud students
(c) They have to share a bathroom
(d) The walls are too thin

136. What does Toph begin in this chapter?

(a) College
(b) Senior high
(c) Grade school
(d) Junior high

137. Where do Toph's classmates tend to live?

(a) Shelters
(b) Fancy houses
(c) Trailers
(d) Hotels

138. What does Toph do for the first time at a party?

(a) Pin the tail on the donkey
(b) Spin the bottle
(c) Hoops
(d) Knife chucking

139. Where does Dave feel pain in this chapter?
(a) His stomach
(b) His side
(c) His head
(d) His feet

140. Who takes Dave to the hospital?

(a) Beth
(b) Shalini
(c) Toph
(d) Kirsten

141. What problem do the doctors say Dave has?

(a) Migraine
(b) Cancer
(c) Kidney stone
(d) Stress

142. What is Dave too sick to do in this chapter?

(a) Read
(b) Meet the magazine's deadline
(c) Watch videos
(d) Make dinner

143. What does Toph take from Dave to buy groceries?

(a) His credit card
(b) His ATM card
(c) Cash
(d) His check book

144. What does Toph make in this chapter?

(a) Dave's bed
(b) Paper airplanes
(c) Dinner
(d) Breakfast

Chapter 9
145. What do Dave and his fellow editors decide to add to the magazine?
(a) A Cash prize for the first person to photograph a named celebrity
(b) The Workers Awards
(c) Fake celebrity obituaries
(d) Fake celebrity biographies

146. Who agrees to having his fake obituary written?
(a) Mr. T
(b) Adam Rich
(c) Brian Wilson
(d) Chuck Berry

147. What show is Adam rich on?

(a) Wheel of Fortune
(b) The Simpsons
(c) Jeopardy
(d) Eight is Enough

148. How does the Might magazine claim Rich has been killed?
(a) Accident
(b) Murdered
(c) Suicide
(d) Cancer

149. Who does Dave say is traumatized by the Rich obituary?

(a) The Might staff
(b) Adam Rich
(c) Rich's friends and family
(d) Toph

150. How does the magazine celebrate the obituary issue?

(a) Throws a party
(b) Goes out for dinner
(c) Goes on a staff outing
(d) Releases a special editon magazine

151. What woman comes to town in this chapter?

(a) Sarah
(b) Beth
(c) Kirsten
(d) Sari

152. What does Sari write about?

(a) Sex
(b) Dogs
(c) Depression
(d) Parties

153. Where does Toph have to go the night Dave has a date with Sari?
(a) The zoo
(b) A baseball game
(c) A bar mitzvah
(d) A house party

154. Where does Dave eventually find Toph waiting for him?
(a) The hotel lobby
(b) At home
(c) The hotel carpark
(d) The hotel garden

155. Where does Dave drop off Toph before his date with Sari?
(a) School
(b) Beth's house
(c) A baseball game
(d) Kirsten's house

156. Where do Sari and Dave go?

(a) A restaurant
(b) Sari's hotel
(c) Dave's house
(d) A cafe

Chapter 10
157. What city does Dave return to in this chapter?
(a) New York
(b) Washington
(c) Berkeley
(d) Chicago

158. What does Dave have to attend in Chicago?

(a) A business meeting
(b) A premiere
(c) A funeral
(d) A wedding

159. What is the name of Dave's most famous classmate?

(a) Vince Vaughn
(b) Ben Stiller
(c) Wes Anderson
(d) Jason Schwartzman

160. How does visiting Dave's childhood home make him feel?
(a) Nostalgic
(b) Happy
(c) Ill
(d) Lost

161. What is the name of the girl Dave tracks down in this chapter?
(a) Sarah
(b) Louise
(c) Lauren
(d) Janice

162. What does Dave arrange to do with Sarah?

(a) Go to a bar
(b) Go to the zoo
(c) Go to the cinema
(d) Have dinner

163. What does Sarah say to Dave before he leaves her house in the morning?
(a) You used me
(b) You have gotten what you wanted
(c) Come back when you are a man
(d) Leave me alone

164. Whose wedding did Dave attend only weeks before?

(a) Kirsten's
(b) John's
(c) Toph's
(d) Beth's

165. Which band's music accompanied Beth as she walked down the aisle?
(a) Kiss
(b) The Band
(c) Depeche Mode
(d) Queen

166. What do Dave and his friends eat at the girl's house?
(a) Cookies
(b) Cake
(c) Warm bread
(d) Vitamins

167. Who threatens suicide in this chapter?
(a) John
(b) Meredith
(c) Beth
(d) Sarah

168. Who calls Dave about John?

(a) Meredith
(b) Toph
(c) Beth
(d) Kirsten

Chapter 11
169. What does Toph have to do to get into a private high school?
(a) Write a paper
(b) Have an interview
(c) Take a test
(d) Improve his running speed

170. What city does Dave decide to move to in this chapter?

(a) London
(b) New York
(c) San Francisco
(d) Los Angeles

171. What has Might magazine lost?

(a) Its lease
(b) Its financial backers
(c) Half its staff
(d) Its readership

172. What are the Might magazine editors trying to find in this chapter?
(a) Advertisers
(b) A good story
(c) More contibuters
(d) Financial support

173. Why does Dave want to move away from San Franciso?
(a) He has developed a poor reputation
(b) He needs to start afresh
(c) There is no reason to stay
(d) He needs a better job

174. How did the girl who dies in this chapter help the Might magazine?
(a) She marketed the magazine
(b) She wrote articles
(c) She drew comic strips
(d) She ran errands

175. In what city did the girl who dies help the magazine?
(a) Seattle
(b) Chicago
(c) Raleigh
(d) New York

176. Which of Dave's friends decides to go into rehab in this chapter?

(a) Meredith
(b) Sarah
(c) John
(d) Shalini

177. Who offers to pay for John's private hospital?

(a) Dave and Meredith
(b) Sarah
(c) Beth
(d) Shalini

178. Why is Dave angry at John?

(a) For being a bad influence on Toph
(b) For taking drugs
(c) For breaking his heart
(d) For wasting his life

179. Who has a birthday in this chapter?

(a) Lauren
(b) Shalini
(c) Denise
(d) Beth

180. What does Shalini have problems with?

(a) Her short term memory
(b) Her hearing
(c) Her long term memory
(d) Her eyesight

Multiple Choice Key
1. D 11. D 21. A 31. D 41. D 51. A
2. A 12. B 22. A 32. A 42. D 52. A
3. A 13. C 23. C 33. C 43. D 53. C
4. D 14. A 24. B 34. A 44. A 54. B
5. C 15. D 25. A 35. B 45. C 55. A
6. A 16. A 26. A 36. A 46. B 56. A
7. B 17. D 27. C 37. C 47. B 57. D
8. A 18. A 28. A 38. C 48. B 58. D
9. B 19. D 29. B 39. A 49. C 59. D
10. A 20. C 30. B 40. C 50. B 60. A

61. C 71. D 81. A 91. D 101. D 111. B

62. B 72. D 82. D 92. B 102. C 112. A
63. D 73. C 83. A 93. B 103. C 113. C
64. C 74. B 84. A 94. B 104. B 114. A
65. D 75. A 85. A 95. D 105. A 115. C
66. D 76. C 86. A 96. B 106. B 116. D
67. A 77. C 87. D 97. C 107. B 117. A
68. D 78. C 88. D 98. C 108. B 118. C
69. D 79. C 89. C 99. B 109. C 119. C
70. A 80. C 90. C 100. D 110. D 120. A

121. B 131. C 141. C 151. D 161. A 171. A

122. A 132. A 142. D 152. A 162. D 172. D
123. A 133. A 143. B 153. C 163. B 173. C
124. C 134. A 144. C 154. A 164. D 174. D
125. D 135. D 145. C 155. B 165. A 175. D
126. C 136. D 146. B 156. C 166. A 176. C
127. D 137. B 147. D 157. D 167. A 177. A
128. B 138. B 148. B 158. D 168. A 178. D
129. D 139. B 149. C 159. A 169. C 179. B
130. B 140. B 150. A 160. D 170. B 180. A

Short Answer Questions
1. Who is Dave watching TV with in this chapter?

2. What does Dave's mother suffer from?

3. What does Dave hold to his mother's nose?

4. Why can Dave's mother's nose bleed be deadly?

5. What is the name of Dave's sister?

6. Where did Beth and Dave promise not to take their mother?

7. Who does Dave call for advice on his mother's nose bleed?

8. What does the nurse suggest Dave uses to stop the bleeding?

9. Where does Beth come back from in this chapter?

10. What does Beth talk her mother into doing?

11. Who carries Dave and Beth's mother to the car?

12. What is the name of Dave's younger brother?

13. Where does Dave sleep in this chapter?

14. What did Dave's father die from?

15. Whose birthday is it in this chapter?

16. What does Dave want to buy his mother for her birthday?

17. Where does Dave want to buy flowers from?

18. Where do Dave and Beth want to move to?

19. What is the name of Dave's girlfriend?

20. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?

21. Where is Dave's family home?

22. Who does Dave spend all of his time with in this chapter?

23. Why does Dave not have a job?

24. What is Beth preparing for in this chapter?

25. What does Toph join in this chapter?

26. Who goes with Toph to his Little League games?

27. Who does Dave say stares at him during the Little League games?

28. Where do Dave and Toph play Frisbee in this chapter?

29. What does Dave want to join?

30. What image does Dave want to present to his brother?

31. What does Dave think Toph worries about?

32. When did Dave graduate from college?

33. What do Dave and his sibling live off?

34. What is Kirsten looking for in this chapter?

35. What does Dave feel it is important to show Toph in this chapter?

36. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about him and

37. Why does Dave have to move out of the apartment in this chapter?

38. What is Dave's only income in this chapter?

39. How does Dave secure the apartment he wants to move into?

40. What do Toph and Dave do to the house in this chapter?

41. What can Dave not convince Toph to do?

42. Why is Toph always late for school?

43. What does Dave convince Toph to do in this section?

44. What do Dave and Toph have sword fights with?

45. Where do Dave and Toph eat their meals?

46. What do Dave and Toph leave on the coffee table for weeks at a time?

47. What usually prompts Dave and Toph to tidy the house?

48. What is Toph always added onto at the last minute?

49. What do Dave and Toph have to rush to in this chapter?

50. Why do Dave and Toph have to rush to the school open house?

51. Who asks Dave about his situation?

52. What does Dave get bored of saying?

53. What does Dave's tragic story make him feel like?

54. What does Dave decide to tell for the first time when a mother at Toph's school asks
about his situation?

55. Why does Dave not go out at night?

56. What do Toph and Dave do in the evenings?

57. What do Dave and Toph eat when they watch videos?

58. Why does Dave not date much?

59. What does Dave want women to understand about him?

60. What kind of women does Dave currently like to date?

61. What kind of woman is Dave dating in this chapter?

62. What word best describes Dave's relationship with the older woman?

63. What does Dave fear about the older woman he is dating?

64. What is Dave struggling with in this chapter?

65. Who keeps Dave's parents belongings?

66. Where does Dave keep his parents belongings?

67. What does Dave resent in this chapter?

68. What is Dave struggling to decide in this chapter?

69. What is Dave afraid of disrepecting in this chapter?

70. What do Beth and Dave think Toph is not ready for yet?

71. What nationality is Toph's babysitter?

72. Where did Beth find Toph's babysitter?

73. What does Dave imagine the baby sitter doing to Toph?

74. Where does Dave go at the beginning of this chapter?

75. Where are Dave's friends from?

76. What part of California do Dave's friends live in?

77. What lie does Dave tell a female friend about Toph?

78. What does Dave do before the girl can tell the story to anyone else?

79. What does Dave look for when he leaves the club?

80. Who does Dave eventually call in this chapter?

81. Where does Meredith agree to meet Dave?

82. Where do Dave and Meredith go after the bar?

83. What do the Mexican kids take from Dave?

84. What does Dave discover is missing from his pants?

85. What do the kids help Dave do?

86. What do the kids do when Dave calls the police?

87. What kind of people are in the car Dave has to identify?

88. Where is Toph sleeping?

89. Where does Dave eventually find his wallet?

90. Where does Dave insist the kids go with him in this chapter?

91. What is the name of Dave's magazine?

92. Which of the following words best describes Dave's magazine?

93. What people does Dave's magazine aim for?

94. Who does Dave hire to do the front cover for the first edition?

95. Who is in the picture Dave and the editors choose?

96. What TV show does Dave try to get onto in this chapter?

97. What channel is The Real World shown on?

98. How does Dave want to use the exposure he can get for appearing on TV?

99. What kind of neighborhood does Dave say Lake Forest is?

100. What does Dave deny being?

101. Where does Dave say his mother used to shop?

102. What does Dave say never entered his world as a young child?

103. What kind of flag did a boy have up in his window in Dave's neighborhood?

104. What kind of people does Dave say the boy with the flag hated?

105. Who was the famous father of the two black girls Dave went to school with?

106. How did Dave friend's father kill himself?

107. Where did Dave's friend's father die?

108. What girl from Dave's hometown does he mention in this chapter?

109. Who does the reality show choose over Dave?

110. What is Judd's job?

111. Why does Dave want to interview Judd?

112. What does Dave decide to arrange in this chapter?

113. What does Dave say the participants can keep on during the photo shoot?

114. Who does Judd bring with him to the photo shoot?

115. What does Puck kidnap in this chapter?

116. Why does Puck annoy everyone?

117. Where is Dave when gets a call from Meredith?

118. Who threatens suicide in this chapter?

119. What does the answer to #118 threaten to use to kill himself?

120. Who does Dave call to help the answer to #118?

121. What does John take in this chapter?

122. Where does John spend his time at the end of the chapter?

123. What does John have done at hospital in this chapter?

124. What is Dave forced to tell John?

125. What does Dave worry about Toph in this chapter?

126. What does Dave say he cannot imagine life without?

127. What problems does Might magazine have in this chapter?

128. Who do the editors of Might decide to create awards for?

129. What show wants to hire one of the magazine's made up celebrities?

130. Who has Dave finally broken up with in this chapter?

131. Where does Kirsten decide to move to in this chapter?

132. In what city has Beth taken a job?

133. Who does Dave not want to see on a regular basis?

134. What does the landlady's wife not like about Dave?

135. Why is Dave's new apartment not a pleasant place to live in?

136. What does Toph begin in this chapter?

137. Where do Toph's classmates tend to live?

138. What does Toph do for the first time at a party?

139. Where does Dave feel pain in this chapter?

140. Who takes Dave to the hospital?

141. What problem do the doctors say Dave has?

142. What is Dave too sick to do in this chapter?

143. What does Toph take from Dave to buy groceries?

144. What does Toph make in this chapter?

145. What do Dave and his fellow editors decide to add to the magazine?

146. Who agrees to having his fake obituary written?

147. What show is Adam rich on?

148. How does the Might magazine claim Rich has been killed?

149. Who does Dave say is traumatized by the Rich obituary?

150. How does the magazine celebrate the obituary issue?

151. What woman comes to town in this chapter?

152. What does Sari write about?

153. Where does Toph have to go the night Dave has a date with Sari?

154. Where does Dave eventually find Toph waiting for him?

155. Where does Dave drop off Toph before his date with Sari?

156. Where do Sari and Dave go?

157. What city does Dave return to in this chapter?

158. What does Dave have to attend in Chicago?

159. What is the name of Dave's most famous classmate?

160. How does visiting Dave's childhood home make him feel?

161. What is the name of the girl Dave tracks down in this chapter?

162. What does Dave arrange to do with Sarah?

163. What does Sarah say to Dave before he leaves her house in the morning?

164. Whose wedding did Dave attend only weeks before?

165. Which band's music accompanied Beth as she walked down the aisle?

166. What do Dave and his friends eat at the girl's house?

167. Who threatens suicide in this chapter?

168. Who calls Dave about John?

169. What does Toph have to do to get into a private high school?

170. What city does Dave decide to move to in this chapter?

171. What has Might magazine lost?

172. What are the Might magazine editors trying to find in this chapter?

173. Why does Dave want to move away from San Franciso?

174. How did the girl who dies in this chapter help the Might magazine?

175. In what city did the girl who dies help the magazine?

176. Which of Dave's friends decides to go into rehab in this chapter?

177. Who offers to pay for John's private hospital?

178. Why is Dave angry at John?

179. Who has a birthday in this chapter?

180. What does Shalini have problems with?

Short Answer Questions Key
1. Who is Dave watching TV with in this chapter?

His mother

2. What does Dave's mother suffer from?

Stomach cancer

3. What does Dave hold to his mother's nose?

A towel

4. Why can Dave's mother's nose bleed be deadly?

Her blood count is low

5. What is the name of Dave's sister?


6. Where did Beth and Dave promise not to take their mother?


7. Who does Dave call for advice on his mother's nose bleed?

The nurse

8. What does the nurse suggest Dave uses to stop the bleeding?


9. Where does Beth come back from in this chapter?

The gym

10. What does Beth talk her mother into doing?

Going to the hospital

11. Who carries Dave and Beth's mother to the car?


12. What is the name of Dave's younger brother?


13. Where does Dave sleep in this chapter?

The hospital

14. What did Dave's father die from?


15. Whose birthday is it in this chapter?

Dave's mother

16. What does Dave want to buy his mother for her birthday?


17. Where does Dave want to buy flowers from?

The gift shop

18. Where do Dave and Beth want to move to?


19. What is the name of Dave's girlfriend?


20. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?


21. Where is Dave's family home?


22. Who does Dave spend all of his time with in this chapter?


23. Why does Dave not have a job?

He has just graduated

24. What is Beth preparing for in this chapter?

Law school

25. What does Toph join in this chapter?

Little League

26. Who goes with Toph to his Little League games?


27. Who does Dave say stares at him during the Little League games?

The parents

28. Where do Dave and Toph play Frisbee in this chapter?

The beach

29. What does Dave want to join?

A gym

30. What image does Dave want to present to his brother?

Virile and healthy

31. What does Dave think Toph worries about?

Someone else in the family dying

32. When did Dave graduate from college?

The spring

33. What do Dave and his sibling live off?

Life insurance

34. What is Kirsten looking for in this chapter?

A job

35. What does Dave feel it is important to show Toph in this chapter?


36. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about
him and Toph?

Where their parents are

37. Why does Dave have to move out of the apartment in this chapter?

The lease expires

38. What is Dave's only income in this chapter?

Toph's social security payments

39. How does Dave secure the apartment he wants to move into?

He pays a year's rent up front

40. What do Toph and Dave do to the house in this chapter?

Repaint it

41. What can Dave not convince Toph to do?

Clean up

42. Why is Toph always late for school?

Dave oversleeps

43. What does Dave convince Toph to do in this section?

Help him cook

44. What do Dave and Toph have sword fights with?

Bread sticks

45. Where do Dave and Toph eat their meals?

In front of the TV

46. What do Dave and Toph leave on the coffee table for weeks at a time?


47. What usually prompts Dave and Toph to tidy the house?

The smell

48. What is Toph always added onto at the last minute?

The school sports teams

49. What do Dave and Toph have to rush to in this chapter?

Toph's school open house

50. Why do Dave and Toph have to rush to the school open house?

Dave takes a nap

51. Who asks Dave about his situation?

A mother

52. What does Dave get bored of saying?

His story

53. What does Dave's tragic story make him feel like?

A celebrity

54. What does Dave decide to tell for the first time when a mother at Toph's
school asks about his situation?

The truth

55. Why does Dave not go out at night?

He wants to stay with Toph

56. What do Toph and Dave do in the evenings?

Watch videos

57. What do Dave and Toph eat when they watch videos?


58. Why does Dave not date much?

He is afraid of a woman not staying around for long

59. What does Dave want women to understand about him?

His circumstances

60. What kind of women does Dave currently like to date?

Women who want only fun

61. What kind of woman is Dave dating in this chapter?

An older woman

62. What word best describes Dave's relationship with the older woman?


63. What does Dave fear about the older woman he is dating?

Seeing her naked

64. What is Dave struggling with in this chapter?

The memory of his parents

65. Who keeps Dave's parents belongings?


66. Where does Dave keep his parents belongings?

In a storehouse

67. What does Dave resent in this chapter?

Being the one with his parents' belongings

68. What is Dave struggling to decide in this chapter?

Throwing his parents' things away

69. What is Dave afraid of disrepecting in this chapter?

His parents' memory

70. What do Beth and Dave think Toph is not ready for yet?

A babysitter

71. What nationality is Toph's babysitter?


72. Where did Beth find Toph's babysitter?

At her school

73. What does Dave imagine the baby sitter doing to Toph?

Murdering him

74. Where does Dave go at the beginning of this chapter?

A club

75. Where are Dave's friends from?


76. What part of California do Dave's friends live in?

San Francisco

77. What lie does Dave tell a female friend about Toph?

He shot a friend

78. What does Dave do before the girl can tell the story to anyone else?

Leaves the club

79. What does Dave look for when he leaves the club?

Female companionship

80. Who does Dave eventually call in this chapter?


81. Where does Meredith agree to meet Dave?

At a bar

82. Where do Dave and Meredith go after the bar?

To the beach

83. What do the Mexican kids take from Dave?

His pants

84. What does Dave discover is missing from his pants?

His wallet

85. What do the kids help Dave do?

Search the beach

86. What do the kids do when Dave calls the police?

Hit him

87. What kind of people are in the car Dave has to identify?

White people

88. Where is Toph sleeping?

On the couch

89. Where does Dave eventually find his wallet?

On the dresser

90. Where does Dave insist the kids go with him in this chapter?

To find a phone

91. What is the name of Dave's magazine?


92. Which of the following words best describes Dave's magazine?


93. What people does Dave's magazine aim for?

Twenty somethings

94. Who does Dave hire to do the front cover for the first edition?

A photographer

95. Who is in the picture Dave and the editors choose?

The photographer's boyfriend

96. What TV show does Dave try to get onto in this chapter?

The Real World

97. What channel is The Real World shown on?


98. How does Dave want to use the exposure he can get for appearing on TV?

To advertise the magazine

99. What kind of neighborhood does Dave say Lake Forest is?

A privileged neighborhood

100. What does Dave deny being?

A spoiled, rich child

101. Where does Dave say his mother used to shop?

Discount stores

102. What does Dave say never entered his world as a young child?


103. What kind of flag did a boy have up in his window in Dave's neighborhood?

A Confederate flag

104. What kind of people does Dave say the boy with the flag hated?


105. Who was the famous father of the two black girls Dave went to school with?

Mr. T

106. How did Dave friend's father kill himself?

Burned himself to death

107. Where did Dave's friend's father die?

On his front lawn

108. What girl from Dave's hometown does he mention in this chapter?


109. Who does the reality show choose over Dave?


110. What is Judd's job?


111. Why does Dave want to interview Judd?

The Reality Show cameras will follow him

112. What does Dave decide to arrange in this chapter?

A nude photo shoot

113. What does Dave say the participants can keep on during the photo shoot?

Their underwear

114. Who does Judd bring with him to the photo shoot?


115. What does Puck kidnap in this chapter?

A dog

116. Why does Puck annoy everyone?

He talks too much

117. Where is Dave when gets a call from Meredith?

The park

118. Who threatens suicide in this chapter?


119. What does the answer to #118 threaten to use to kill himself?


120. Who does Dave call to help the answer to #118?

The police

121. What does John take in this chapter?


122. Where does John spend his time at the end of the chapter?

A psychiatric ward

123. What does John have done at hospital in this chapter?

His stomach pumped

124. What is Dave forced to tell John?

How great he is

125. What does Dave worry about Toph in this chapter?

He relates better to older people

126. What does Dave say he cannot imagine life without?


127. What problems does Might magazine have in this chapter?

They are being kicked out of their office

128. Who do the editors of Might decide to create awards for?

Made up celebrities

129. What show wants to hire one of the magazine's made up celebrities?

Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?

130. Who has Dave finally broken up with in this chapter?


131. Where does Kirsten decide to move to in this chapter?

San Francisco

132. In what city has Beth taken a job?

San Francisco

133. Who does Dave not want to see on a regular basis?

His ex-girlfriend

134. What does the landlady's wife not like about Dave?

His untidiness

135. Why is Dave's new apartment not a pleasant place to live in?

The walls are too thin

136. What does Toph begin in this chapter?

Junior high

137. Where do Toph's classmates tend to live?

Fancy houses

138. What does Toph do for the first time at a party?

Spin the bottle

139. Where does Dave feel pain in this chapter?

His side

140. Who takes Dave to the hospital?


141. What problem do the doctors say Dave has?

Kidney stone

142. What is Dave too sick to do in this chapter?

Make dinner

143. What does Toph take from Dave to buy groceries?

His ATM card

144. What does Toph make in this chapter?


145. What do Dave and his fellow editors decide to add to the magazine?

Fake celebrity obituaries

146. Who agrees to having his fake obituary written?

Adam Rich

147. What show is Adam rich on?

Eight is Enough

148. How does the Might magazine claim Rich has been killed?


149. Who does Dave say is traumatized by the Rich obituary?

Rich's friends and family

150. How does the magazine celebrate the obituary issue?

Throws a party

151. What woman comes to town in this chapter?


152. What does Sari write about?


153. Where does Toph have to go the night Dave has a date with Sari?

A bar mitzvah

154. Where does Dave eventually find Toph waiting for him?

The hotel lobby

155. Where does Dave drop off Toph before his date with Sari?

Beth's house

156. Where do Sari and Dave go?

Dave's house

157. What city does Dave return to in this chapter?


158. What does Dave have to attend in Chicago?

A wedding

159. What is the name of Dave's most famous classmate?

Vince Vaughn

160. How does visiting Dave's childhood home make him feel?


161. What is the name of the girl Dave tracks down in this chapter?


162. What does Dave arrange to do with Sarah?

Have dinner

163. What does Sarah say to Dave before he leaves her house in the morning?

You have gotten what you wanted

164. Whose wedding did Dave attend only weeks before?


165. Which band's music accompanied Beth as she walked down the aisle?


166. What do Dave and his friends eat at the girl's house?


167. Who threatens suicide in this chapter?


168. Who calls Dave about John?


169. What does Toph have to do to get into a private high school?

Take a test

170. What city does Dave decide to move to in this chapter?

New York

171. What has Might magazine lost?

Its lease

172. What are the Might magazine editors trying to find in this chapter?

Financial support

173. Why does Dave want to move away from San Franciso?

There is no reason to stay

174. How did the girl who dies in this chapter help the Might magazine?

She ran errands

175. In what city did the girl who dies help the magazine?

New York

176. Which of Dave's friends decides to go into rehab in this chapter?


177. Who offers to pay for John's private hospital?

Dave and Meredith

178. Why is Dave angry at John?

For wasting his life

179. Who has a birthday in this chapter?


180. What does Shalini have problems with?

Her short term memory

Oral Reading Evaluation Sheet
Name: _________________________ Period: _______________________

5 = Above Average 3 = Average 1 = Below Average

Audibility - Projecting your voice so your audience can hear and understand you.

5 4 3 2 1

Pronunciation - Ability to recognize words before you say them and pronounce all the
sounds correctly.

5 4 3 2 1

Articulation - Using your tongue, mouth and lips to pronounce all the sounds correctly.

5 4 3 2 1

Vocal Variety/Expression - Using appropriate pitch, volume and flow.

5 4 3 2 1

Rate - Reading a speed, or pace that is easy to follow.

5 4 3 2 1


Reading Assignment Sheet
Name: _________________________ Period: _______________________

Reading Date Assigned Date Due Date Completed


To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

Writing Evaluation Form
Name: _________________________ Period: _______________________

5 = Above Average 3 = Average 1 = Below Average

Clear thesis or position Strong conclusion

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Relevant supporting arguments Grammar

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Transitions between paragraphs Spelling

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Clarity of expression Punctuation

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1


One Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What TV show does Dave try to get onto in this chapter?
(a) Jeopardy
(b) The Fallen World
(c) The Real World
(d) Wheel of Fortune

2. What does Sari write about?

(a) Sex
(b) Dogs
(c) Depression
(d) Parties

3. Why do Dave and Toph have to rush to the school open house?
(a) The car breaks down
(b) Dave takes a nap
(c) They get stuck in traffic
(d) They get locked out of the house

4. What channel is The Real World shown on?

(a) BBC
(b) MTV
(c) NBC
(d) Fox

5. What is Dave's only income in this chapter?

(a) Toph's social security payments
(b) Part time work at a gas station
(c) Selling paintings
(d) Selling stories

Short Answer Questions
1. Where does Toph have to go the night Dave has a date with Sari?

2. What do Dave and Toph have to rush to in this chapter?

3. How does the Might magazine claim Rich has been killed?

4. Where do Sari and Dave go?

5. Which of the following words best describes Dave's magazine?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A

Short Answer Questions Key

1. Where does Toph have to go the night Dave has a date with Sari?

A bar mitzvah

2. What do Dave and Toph have to rush to in this chapter?

Toph's school open house

3. How does the Might magazine claim Rich has been killed?


4. Where do Sari and Dave go?

Dave's house

5. Which of the following words best describes Dave's magazine?


Two Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Dave not have a job?
(a) He was fired
(b) He is ill
(c) He has just graduated
(d) He is disabled

2. What do Dave and Toph have sword fights with?

(a) Spoons
(b) Ladles
(c) Bread sticks
(d) Canes

3. Why do Dave and Toph have to rush to the school open house?
(a) They get locked out of the house
(b) They get stuck in traffic
(c) The car breaks down
(d) Dave takes a nap

4. What does the answer to #118 threaten to use to kill himself?

(a) A knife
(b) A gun
(c) Food
(d) Pills

5. Who does Judd bring with him to the photo shoot?

(a) Johnny
(b) Fred
(c) Lauren
(d) Puck

Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Puck annoy everyone?

2. Who goes with Toph to his Little League games?

3. Where is Toph sleeping?

4. What does Dave do before the girl can tell the story to anyone else?

5. What nationality is Toph's babysitter?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. D

Short Answer Questions Key

1. Why does Puck annoy everyone?

He talks too much

2. Who goes with Toph to his Little League games?


3. Where is Toph sleeping?

On the couch

4. What does Dave do before the girl can tell the story to anyone else?

Leaves the club

5. What nationality is Toph's babysitter?


Four Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Dave's family home?
(a) Illinois
(b) Seattle
(c) Virginia
(d) New York

2. Who keeps Dave's parents belongings?

(a) Dave's grandparents
(b) Dave
(c) His older brother
(d) Beth

3. What is Dave struggling with in this chapter?

(a) Disciplining Toph
(b) Finding a film he has not watched
(c) The memory of his parents
(d) Finding work

4. What does Beth talk her mother into doing?

(a) Sleep
(b) Going to the hospital
(c) Leaving home
(d) Going to work

5. Who goes with Toph to his Little League games?

(a) His teacher
(b) Kirsten
(c) Beth
(d) Dave

Short Answer Questions
1. What is Dave's only income in this chapter?

2. Who asks Dave about his situation?

3. What does Dave's tragic story make him feel like?

4. What do Dave and his sibling live off?

5. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. D

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What is Dave's only income in this chapter?

Toph's social security payments

2. Who asks Dave about his situation?

A mother

3. What does Dave's tragic story make him feel like?

A celebrity

4. What do Dave and his sibling live off?

Life insurance

5. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?


Four Week Quiz B
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Dave friend's father kill himself?
(a) Burned himself to death
(b) Jumped form the top of building
(c) Jumped onto a railway track
(d) Shot himself

2. What does Dave's mother suffer from?

(a) Bowel cancer
(b) Epilepsy
(c) Diabetes
(d) Stomach cancer

3. What problems does Might magazine have in this chapter?

(a) They are being kicked out of their office
(b) They have lost their main contributer
(c) They have missed their deadline
(d) Their office has been robbed

4. What does Dave think Toph worries about?

(a) Dave leaving him
(b) Someone else in the family dying
(c) Losing Little League games
(d) Doing badly at school

5. Why can Dave's mother's nose bleed be deadly?

(a) Her sugar count is low
(b) Ths bleeding lasts for hours
(c) She can choke on the blood
(d) Her blood count is low

Short Answer Questions
1. Why is Dave's new apartment not a pleasant place to live in?

2. What is the name of Dave's magazine?

3. When did Dave graduate from college?

4. What does Dave decide to arrange in this chapter?

5. What show is Adam rich on?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. D

Short Answer Questions Key

1. Why is Dave's new apartment not a pleasant place to live in?

The walls are too thin

2. What is the name of Dave's magazine?


3. When did Dave graduate from college?

The spring

4. What does Dave decide to arrange in this chapter?

A nude photo shoot

5. What show is Adam rich on?

Eight is Enough

Eight Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Dave and Toph play Frisbee in this chapter?
(a) A tennis court
(b) The garden
(c) The beach
(d) A corn field

2. What does Dave's mother suffer from?

(a) Diabetes
(b) Stomach cancer
(c) Bowel cancer
(d) Epilepsy

3. What is Beth preparing for in this chapter?

(a) Law school
(b) Marriage
(c) Medical school
(d) Teacher training

4. What does Beth talk her mother into doing?

(a) Going to work
(b) Sleep
(c) Leaving home
(d) Going to the hospital

5. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about him
and Toph?
(a) If Dave is abusing Toph
(b) If Dave is Toph's father
(c) If Toph is ill
(d) Where their parents are

Short Answer Questions
1. What is the name of Dave's younger brother?

2. Where do Dave and Beth want to move to?

3. What does Dave want to join?

4. What is Kirsten looking for in this chapter?

5. What does the nurse suggest Dave uses to stop the bleeding?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. D

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What is the name of Dave's younger brother?


2. Where do Dave and Beth want to move to?


3. What does Dave want to join?

A gym

4. What is Kirsten looking for in this chapter?

A job

5. What does the nurse suggest Dave uses to stop the bleeding?


Eight Week Quiz B
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dave's mother suffer from?
(a) Epilepsy
(b) Diabetes
(c) Bowel cancer
(d) Stomach cancer

2. Where do Dave and Toph eat their meals?

(a) In their bedrooms
(b) In the dining room
(c) In front of the TV
(d) In the garden

3. Who goes with Toph to his Little League games?

(a) Kirsten
(b) Beth
(c) Dave
(d) His teacher

4. What does Dave's tragic story make him feel like?

(a) An adult
(b) A child
(c) A nobody
(d) A celebrity

5. What image does Dave want to present to his brother?

(a) Intelligent and hardworking
(b) Funny and sweet
(c) Virile and healthy
(d) Loving and family orientated

Short Answer Questions
1. What does Beth talk her mother into doing?

2. Whose birthday is it in this chapter?

3. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about him and

4. What is Beth preparing for in this chapter?

5. What do Dave and Toph leave on the coffee table for weeks at a time?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. D
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What does Beth talk her mother into doing?

Going to the hospital

2. Whose birthday is it in this chapter?

Dave's mother

3. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about him
and Toph?

Where their parents are

4. What is Beth preparing for in this chapter?

Law school

5. What do Dave and Toph leave on the coffee table for weeks at a time?


Eight Week Quiz C
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Beth find Toph's babysitter?
(a) At her school
(b) In a cafe
(c) At work
(d) In the newspaper

2. What do Dave and Toph have to rush to in this chapter?

(a) A football game
(b) Toph's school open house
(c) A funeral
(d) A Little League game

3. What usually prompts Dave and Toph to tidy the house?

(a) When Dave has a date
(b) A visit form Beth
(c) The smell
(d) When they run out of clean plates

4. What do Toph and Dave do in the evenings?

(a) Dance
(b) Sing karoke
(c) Play pool
(d) Watch videos

5. What does Dave resent in this chapter?

(a) Being the one with his parents' belongings
(b) Looking after Toph
(c) Taking Toph to school
(d) Phoning social services every morning

Short Answer Questions
1. How does Dave secure the apartment he wants to move into?

2. What does Dave convince Toph to do in this section?

3. What is Beth preparing for in this chapter?

4. What does Dave's tragic story make him feel like?

5. What kind of women does Dave currently like to date?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A

Short Answer Questions Key

1. How does Dave secure the apartment he wants to move into?

He pays a year's rent up front

2. What does Dave convince Toph to do in this section?

Help him cook

3. What is Beth preparing for in this chapter?

Law school

4. What does Dave's tragic story make him feel like?

A celebrity

5. What kind of women does Dave currently like to date?

Women who want only fun

Eight Week Quiz D
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of women does Dave currently like to date?
(a) Women who want only fun
(b) Older women
(c) Working women
(d) Women who want relationships

2. Where does Dave insist the kids go with him in this chapter?
(a) To the police station
(b) To find a phone
(c) To his apartment
(d) To his car

3. What is the name of Dave's sister?

(a) Beth
(b) Jody
(c) Lauren
(d) Joanne

4. Where does Meredith agree to meet Dave?

(a) At a restaurant
(b) At a bar
(c) Outside her apartment
(d) In Mexico

5. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?

(a) Jefferson County
(b) Berkeley
(c) Orange County
(d) Manhatten

Short Answer Questions
1. Who does Dave call for advice on his mother's nose bleed?

2. Who does Dave say stares at him during the Little League games?

3. What is Dave's only income in this chapter?

4. Why does Dave not date much?

5. Who is Dave watching TV with in this chapter?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. B

Short Answer Questions Key

1. Who does Dave call for advice on his mother's nose bleed?

The nurse

2. Who does Dave say stares at him during the Little League games?

The parents

3. What is Dave's only income in this chapter?

Toph's social security payments

4. Why does Dave not date much?

He is afraid of a woman not staying around for long

5. Who is Dave watching TV with in this chapter?

His mother

Eight Week Quiz E
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Dave and Toph have sword fights with?
(a) Spoons
(b) Bread sticks
(c) Ladles
(d) Canes

2. What does Dave think Toph worries about?

(a) Losing Little League games
(b) Someone else in the family dying
(c) Dave leaving him
(d) Doing badly at school

3. Who goes with Toph to his Little League games?

(a) Dave
(b) Beth
(c) Kirsten
(d) His teacher

4. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?

(a) Berkeley
(b) Jefferson County
(c) Orange County
(d) Manhatten

5. What is Dave's only income in this chapter?

(a) Selling paintings
(b) Selling stories
(c) Part time work at a gas station
(d) Toph's social security payments

Short Answer Questions
1. What is Dave too sick to do in this chapter?

2. What does Dave do before the girl can tell the story to anyone else?

3. What do the kids help Dave do?

4. What does Beth talk her mother into doing?

5. What do the Mexican kids take from Dave?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. D

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What is Dave too sick to do in this chapter?

Make dinner

2. What does Dave do before the girl can tell the story to anyone else?

Leaves the club

3. What do the kids help Dave do?

Search the beach

4. What does Beth talk her mother into doing?

Going to the hospital

5. What do the Mexican kids take from Dave?

His pants

Eight Week Quiz F
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What girl from Dave's hometown does he mention in this chapter?
(a) Lauren
(b) Jackie
(c) Sarah
(d) Louise

2. What do Dave and Toph eat when they watch videos?

(a) Mints
(b) Popsicles
(c) Sandwiches
(d) Popcorn

3. What is Toph always added onto at the last minute?

(a) Cub scout trips
(b) The school sports teams
(c) School trips
(d) Adventure holidays

4. What does Dave hold to his mother's nose?

(a) Tissues
(b) A bowl
(c) A towel
(d) Snuff

5. What usually prompts Dave and Toph to tidy the house?

(a) When they run out of clean plates
(b) A visit form Beth
(c) The smell
(d) When Dave has a date

Short Answer Questions
1. What does Dave say he cannot imagine life without?

2. What does Dave discover is missing from his pants?

3. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about him and

4. What do Dave and Toph have to rush to in this chapter?

5. What does Dave decide to arrange in this chapter?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What does Dave say he cannot imagine life without?


2. What does Dave discover is missing from his pants?

His wallet

3. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about him
and Toph?

Where their parents are

4. What do Dave and Toph have to rush to in this chapter?

Toph's school open house

5. What does Dave decide to arrange in this chapter?

A nude photo shoot

Eight Week Quiz G
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who takes Dave to the hospital?
(a) Kirsten
(b) Shalini
(c) Beth
(d) Toph

2. Who calls Dave about John?

(a) Meredith
(b) Beth
(c) Kirsten
(d) Toph

3. What does Dave say he cannot imagine life without?

(a) Sex
(b) Money
(c) Toph
(d) The magazine

4. In what city did the girl who dies help the magazine?
(a) Seattle
(b) New York
(c) Chicago
(d) Raleigh

5. How did the girl who dies in this chapter help the Might magazine?
(a) She wrote articles
(b) She drew comic strips
(c) She ran errands
(d) She marketed the magazine

Short Answer Questions
1. Who agrees to having his fake obituary written?

2. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?

3. What does Toph make in this chapter?

4. How does Dave want to use the exposure he can get for appearing on TV?

5. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about him and

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. Who agrees to having his fake obituary written?

Adam Rich

2. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?


3. What does Toph make in this chapter?


4. How does Dave want to use the exposure he can get for appearing on TV?

To advertise the magazine

5. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about him
and Toph?

Where their parents are

Mid-Book Test - Easy
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Dave call for advice on his mother's nose bleed?
(a) Beth
(b) The nurse
(c) The doctor
(d) His father

2. What kind of women does Dave currently like to date?

(a) Women who want only fun
(b) Working women
(c) Women who want relationships
(d) Older women

3. What do Dave and Toph have sword fights with?

(a) Ladles
(b) Bread sticks
(c) Spoons
(d) Canes

4. What word best describes Dave's relationship with the older woman?
(a) Casual
(b) Serious
(c) Intense
(d) Loving

5. Why is Toph always late for school?

(a) Dave and Toph argue every morning
(b) Toph oversleeps
(c) Dave is always caught in a traffic queue
(d) Dave oversleeps

6. Who does Dave eventually call in this chapter?

(a) Meredith
(b) Joan
(c) Delia
(d) Janice
7. What does Dave get bored of saying?
(a) His story
(b) Do your homework
(c) Please and thank you
(d) Tidy up your room

8. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about him
and Toph?
(a) If Dave is abusing Toph
(b) If Toph is ill
(c) Where their parents are
(d) If Dave is Toph's father

9. Where does Dave insist the kids go with him in this chapter?
(a) To find a phone
(b) To his apartment
(c) To his car
(d) To the police station

10. What does Dave convince Toph to do in this section?

(a) Help him cook
(b) Paint the garden fence
(c) Tidy the house
(d) Do his homework

11. What does Dave want to join?

(a) A writing class
(b) Night school
(c) A gym
(d) Chess club

12. Why does Dave not have a job?

(a) He was fired
(b) He is ill
(c) He is disabled
(d) He has just graduated

13. When did Dave graduate from college?

(a) The winter
(b) The summer
(c) The spring
(d) The autumn

14. Where are Dave's friends from?
(a) Seattle
(b) Los Angeles
(c) New York
(d) Illinois

15. What does Dave imagine the baby sitter doing to Toph?
(a) Kidnapping him
(b) Selling him
(c) Abusing him
(d) Murdering him

Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Dave not go out at night?

2. Who goes with Toph to his Little League games?

3. Why can Dave's mother's nose bleed be deadly?

4. What is Toph always added onto at the last minute?

5. What do Dave and Toph eat when they watch videos?

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. B 11. C
2. A 12. D
3. B 13. C
4. A 14. D
5. D 15. D
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. A

Short Answer Key

1. Why does Dave not go out at night?

He wants to stay with Toph

2. Who goes with Toph to his Little League games?


3. Why can Dave's mother's nose bleed be deadly?

Her blood count is low

4. What is Toph always added onto at the last minute?

The school sports teams

5. What do Dave and Toph eat when they watch videos?


Final Test - Easy
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Dave want to use the exposure he can get for appearing on TV?
(a) To tell the world his problems
(b) To give Toph a foot into stardom
(c) To get women
(d) To advertise the magazine

2. Who calls Dave about John?

(a) Beth
(b) Kirsten
(c) Meredith
(d) Toph

3. What city does Dave return to in this chapter?

(a) Berkeley
(b) Chicago
(c) Washington
(d) New York

4. What does Dave say the participants can keep on during the photo shoot?
(a) Their underwear
(b) Their shirts
(c) Their socks
(d) Their jewerley

5. What does Toph begin in this chapter?

(a) College
(b) Junior high
(c) Senior high
(d) Grade school

6. Which band's music accompanied Beth as she walked down the aisle?
(a) The Band
(b) Queen
(c) Kiss
(d) Depeche Mode
7. What do Dave and his friends eat at the girl's house?
(a) Cookies
(b) Cake
(c) Warm bread
(d) Vitamins

8. What is the name of the girl Dave tracks down in this chapter?
(a) Louise
(b) Sarah
(c) Janice
(d) Lauren

9. What does Dave decide to arrange in this chapter?

(a) A signing session
(b) A nude photo shoot
(c) A party
(d) A music gig

10. What does Dave say never entered his world as a young child?
(a) The principles of hardwork
(b) Humor
(c) Racism
(d) Child abuse

11. Who does Judd bring with him to the photo shoot?
(a) Lauren
(b) Fred
(c) Johnny
(d) Puck

12. In what city has Beth taken a job?

(a) San Francisco
(b) New York
(c) Chicago
(d) Los Angeles

13. Where does John spend his time at the end of the chapter?
(a) Dave's house
(b) A psychiatric ward
(c) His parents house
(d) A rehab clinic

14. Whose wedding did Dave attend only weeks before?
(a) Toph's
(b) Beth's
(c) Kirsten's
(d) John's

15. What do Dave and his fellow editors decide to add to the magazine?
(a) A Cash prize for the first person to photograph a named celebrity
(b) Fake celebrity obituaries
(c) The Workers Awards
(d) Fake celebrity biographies

Short Answer Questions
1. Where does Toph have to go the night Dave has a date with Sari?

2. What does Toph do for the first time at a party?

3. Why is Dave's new apartment not a pleasant place to live in?

4. Who do the editors of Might decide to create awards for?

5. Who has Dave finally broken up with in this chapter?

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. D 11. D
2. C 12. A
3. B 13. B
4. A 14. B
5. B 15. B
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. C

Short Answer Key

1. Where does Toph have to go the night Dave has a date with Sari?

A bar mitzvah

2. What does Toph do for the first time at a party?

Spin the bottle

3. Why is Dave's new apartment not a pleasant place to live in?

The walls are too thin

4. Who do the editors of Might decide to create awards for?

Made up celebrities

5. Who has Dave finally broken up with in this chapter?


Mid-Book Test - Medium
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short
essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Dave and his sibling live off?
(a) Welfare
(b) Life insurance
(c) Kirsten's money
(d) Bank loans

2. Where do Dave and Beth want to move to?

(a) New York
(b) South Carolina
(c) Noth Carolina
(d) California

3. Why does Dave not date much?

(a) He has no money
(b) He is still getting over Kirsten
(c) He is afraid of a woman not staying around for long
(d) He does not want to fall in love

4. Where does Dave go at the beginning of this chapter?

(a) The theater
(b) The cinema
(c) A club
(d) A pub

5. What kind of women does Dave currently like to date?

(a) Older women
(b) Working women
(c) Women who want relationships
(d) Women who want only fun

Short Answer Questions
1. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?

2. How does Dave secure the apartment he wants to move into?

3. What does Dave get bored of saying?

4. Where is Dave's family home?

5. What part of California do Dave's friends live in?

Short Essay Questions
1. How do the police deal with Dave's stolen wallet in Chapter 5?

2. What is Dave and Beth's plan?

3. Summarize Chapter 4.

4. What different directions do the characters take in Chapter 2?

5. What does Dave do during the nights?

6. What does Dave do when he gets lonely in Chapter 5?

7. What kind of relationships with women does Dave have during this period?

8. Why does Dave think it is important to go to the gym?

9. Summarize Chapter 3.

10. Give an example of Dave and Toph's being late.

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. D

Short Answer Key

1. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?


2. How does Dave secure the apartment he wants to move into?

He pays a year's rent up front

3. What does Dave get bored of saying?

His story

4. Where is Dave's family home?


5. What part of California do Dave's friends live in?

San Francisco

Short Essay Answer Key
1. How do the police deal with Dave's stolen wallet in Chapter 5?

While a policeman is taking Dave and Meredith's statements, he gets word that another
officer has stopped a car matching Dave's description. The policeman takes Dave and
Meredith to identify the occupants of the car, but they are are white and not Hispanic.
After assuring the police these were not the kids who harassed them, Dave and
Meredith leave for home.

2. What is Dave and Beth's plan?

Dave knows that he and Beth will get his mother out of the hospital in a few days and
she will be made comfortable at home, where she will slowly die in a rented hospital bed
in their family room. After she dies, they will sell the house and start afresh in California.

3. Summarize Chapter 4.

In this chapter, Dave struggles with the idea of dating while raising Toph. Dave wants to
have a girlfriend and to spend his time out like all his friends, but he cannot leave Toph
alone. The end of the chapter explores his feelings towards his parents and the level of
grief he is still dealing with.

4. What different directions do the characters take in Chapter 2?

After selling the family house, Dave, Beth, Dave's girlfriend, Kirsten, and Toph all move
into a sublet in Berkeley. Dave has just graduated college and spends all his time with
Toph. Beth, on the other hand, is preparing for law school and Kirsten is actively looking
for a job.

5. What does Dave do during the nights?

Dave does not go out because he needs to be at home with Toph. Together they watch
videos and eat Popsicles.

6. What does Dave do when he gets lonely in Chapter 5?

Dave searches for a female companion. First he stops at the home of a girl he is dating,
but she is not home. After trying another girl, he finally calls Meredith. After a few drinks
at a bar, Dave and Meredith go to the beach. They talk and joke around for awhile
before things turn romantic and they begin to make love in the sand.

7. What kind of relationships with women does Dave have during this period?

Dave dates to have fun. In this chapter, Dave is dating an older woman. He has fears of
seeing her naked, but otherwise enjoys their casual relationship.

8. Why does Dave think it is important to go to the gym?

Dave thinks he should join a gym so he can present a virile, healthy physique to his
brother and prevent any concerns he may have about anyone else dying.

9. Summarize Chapter 3.

Dave and Toph move into their own apartment. Because of his disorganized nature,
Dave struggles looking after his younger brother. Toph is often late for school and he
does not eat as a young boy should. However, the situation does not seem to have an
adverse affect on Toph, and through it all, both Toph and Dave have lots of fun. At the
end of the chapter, Dave reluctantly tells the truth about his situation to a parent, and
basks in the attention it affords him.

10. Give an example of Dave and Toph's being late.

The night of the open house at Toph's school they have to rush because Dave takes a
nap and Toph forgets to wake him. Dave thinks they will miss the whole event, but they
arrive with time to spare. Dave and Toph walk through the school and Dave can feel
people staring at them, wondering who he is and where their parents are.

Final Test - Medium
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short
essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Dave want to interview Judd?
(a) He has famous parents
(b) He is the best cartoonist in California
(c) He is very interesting
(d) The Reality Show cameras will follow him

2. What does Dave deny being?

(a) Unhappy
(b) A spoiled, rich child
(c) A figure of fun
(d) A depressive

3. What does Dave say he cannot imagine life without?

(a) Sex
(b) The magazine
(c) Money
(d) Toph

4. What does John take in this chapter?

(a) Heroin
(b) Pills
(c) LSD
(d) Poison

5. In what city has Beth taken a job?

(a) Chicago
(b) New York
(c) San Francisco
(d) Los Angeles

Short Answer Questions
1. Where does Toph have to go the night Dave has a date with Sari?

2. What does Dave arrange to do with Sarah?

3. Who does Judd bring with him to the photo shoot?

4. Who does Dave say is traumatized by the Rich obituary?

5. What does the landlady's wife not like about Dave?

Short Essay Questions
1. What does Dave start in Chapter 6?

2. What happens when the magazine claims Adam Rich has been murdered?

3. What is the misunderstanding between the Might magazine and Where in the World
is Carmen San Diego in Chapter 8?

4. Why does Dave decide to apply for The Real World?

5. Describe Dave's interview with the producer in Chapter 6.

6. How does the Real Show eventually help Dave to promote the Might magazine?

7. Why are the cast members of the Real World not so welcome at the photo shoot in
Chapter 7?

8. Why does the landlord's wife not want Dave to move in?

9. Describe the wedding in Chapter 10.

10. What does Dave do in Chicago in Chapter 10?

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. D
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. C

Short Answer Key

1. Where does Toph have to go the night Dave has a date with Sari?

A bar mitzvah

2. What does Dave arrange to do with Sarah?

Have dinner

3. Who does Judd bring with him to the photo shoot?


4. Who does Dave say is traumatized by the Rich obituary?

Rich's friends and family

5. What does the landlady's wife not like about Dave?

His untidiness

Short Essay Answer Key
1. What does Dave start in Chapter 6?

With a group of friends, Dave starts a magazine called Might. The satirical magazine is
targeted to twenty-somethings, embracing the youth culture.

2. What happens when the magazine claims Adam Rich has been murdered?

The magazine runs a full spread in the magazine, claiming Rich has been murdered.
Right away they begin to get responses from television shows and other magazines, but
are forced to admit the joke when they cannot prove their story. Adam's friends and
family are traumatized by the article, believing its claims until they see Adam face-to-

3. What is the misunderstanding between the Might magazine and Where in the
World is Carmen San Diego in Chapter 8?

In the midst of being kicked out of their office, Might introduces editor-created awards
for made-up celebrities. One of their made up "celebrities" is a musician who the
television show, Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? requests to be on their
show. Amused by the misunderstanding, the Might editors set up an appearance without
telling the show's producer their joke.

4. Why does Dave decide to apply for The Real World?

Dave and his coworkers hear the MTV reality show, The Real World, will be filming their
next season in San Francisco. Dave and one of his female co-workers decide to apply
to be contestants in an attempt to promote their magazine.

5. Describe Dave's interview with the producer in Chapter 6.

The interview is with a pretty young producer with whom Dave has an instant
connection. They begin by talking about Dave's hometown in Illinois, Lake Forest. Dave
tells the producer that Lake Forest is a privileged neighborhood where the children are
fairly sheltered from the realities of the real world. Dave denies being a spoiled, rich kid,

insisting that his mother shopped in discount stores and made them all feel like they
could be on the streets at any time.

6. How does the Real Show eventually help Dave to promote the Might magazine?

A cartoonist called Judd gets picked over Dave, but Judd sends Might magazine a
group of his cartoons and asks to be a contributor. Dave jumps at the chance to
interview him, knowing that the show's cameras would be required to follow him. The
meetings are mundane and obviously contrived for the cameras, but they manage to
appear on one of the episodes.

7. Why are the cast members of the Real World not so welcome at the photo
shoot in Chapter 7?

Judd agrees to be photographed and offers to bring Puck, another member of the Real
World cast. Unfortunately, the cameras are following another cast member that day and
are absent from the shoot. Without the cameras they are just an annoying presence.
While waiting to be photographed, Puck kidnaps a dog.

8. Why does the landlord's wife not want Dave to move in?

Dave finally finds an apartment a few days before his lease in Berkeley ends. However,
the day before he is to move in the landlord changes his mind. The landlord says his
wife likes neither the references in Might magazine to Dave's messy nature nor the
publication's derogatory references to religious figures.

9. Describe the wedding in Chapter 10.

It is a traditional church wedding. During the reception, Dave and his friends drink too
much and party as though they are still in high school. Afterward, they go to one of the
girls' houses and eat freshly baked cookies.

10. What does Dave do in Chicago in Chapter 10?

Dave returns to Chicago to attend the wedding of a school friend. While there, Dave

decides he will visit his childhood home and the funeral parlor where his parents' bodies
were processed.

Mid-Book Test - Hard
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3)
essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Mexican kids take from Dave?

2. What does Dave decide to tell for the first time when a mother at Toph's school asks
about his situation?

3. Where does Dave insist the kids go with him in this chapter?

4. What image does Dave want to present to his brother?

5. What do Dave and his sibling live off?

Short Essay Questions
1. What does Dave think about as he holds ice to his mother's nose?

2. In what way does Dave struggle with the memory of his parents in Chapter 4?

3. Why does Dave struggle to discard of some of his parent possessions?

4. Summarize the second chapter.

5. How does Dave's disorganization affect Toph?

6. Why doesn't Dave like telling people why he has to look after Toph?

7. Why does Dave not date many women?

8. Why does Dave think it is important to go to the gym?

9. How does Dave help his mother in the first chapter?

10. What problems does Dave have cooking?

Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Choose two of the following and describe how his/her character matures in the book.

1) Beth

2) Dave

3) Toph

4) Kirsten

Essay Topic 2

Examine Dave's influence on Toph.

1) What is Dave's philosophy about how to bring up Toph?

2) How would Dave change how he brought up Toph if he could do it again?

3) How different would Toph's life have been if he had lived with another one of his

Essay Topic 3

Examine the role of an editor.

1) What is the role of a editor? What different kinds of editors are there?

2) How much say does an editor has with what goes into a publication?

3) In what way does Dave have the right characteristics to succeed as an editor?

Short Answer Key
1. What do the Mexican kids take from Dave?

His pants

2. What does Dave decide to tell for the first time when a mother at Toph's school
asks about his situation?

The truth

3. Where does Dave insist the kids go with him in this chapter?

To find a phone

4. What image does Dave want to present to his brother?

Virile and healthy

5. What do Dave and his sibling live off?

Life insurance

Short Essay Answer Key

1. What does Dave think about as he holds ice to his mother's nose?

Dave wonders how long it will take for his mother to die and thinks of all the things that
would need to be done. He thinks of the family they would have call and wonders if it
would be possible to set up a conference call with extended family members.

2. In what way does Dave struggle with the memory of his parents in Chapter 4?

Dave struggles with the memory of his parents because he has to deal with their old
possessions. Most of the things from the house are sold, but the things they chose to
keep or could not sell are in the storehouse in the back of Dave's house. Dave resents
being the one who has to make the choice of what to throw away.

3. Why does Dave struggle to discard of some of his parent possessions?

Dave struggles with choosing what to throw away because he does not want to
disrespect his parents' memory.

4. Summarize the second chapter.

After the deaths of their parents, Dave and his siblings leave Illinois and their bad
memories. In Berkeley, Dave spends all his time with his youngest brother, eager to
show him a good time. However, in doing so, Dave causes himself and Toph to stand
out in what should be normal situations.

5. How does Dave's disorganization affect Toph?

Toph is often late for school because he cannot rouse Dave from sleep. Any paperwork
that has to be signed often has to be sent to Dave more than once and the sports teams
always have to add Toph at the last minute.

6. Why doesn't Dave like telling people why he has to look after Toph?

Dave does not necessarily mind telling his story, but he often becomes bored with
repeating it. In addition, the tragedy makes Dave feel like a celebrity who is deserving of
special treatment.

7. Why does Dave not date many women?

Dave does not date much because he is afraid of introducing Toph to a woman who

would not be around for long. Not only that, Dave feels he should only seriously date
women who understand his circumstances.

8. Why does Dave think it is important to go to the gym?

Dave thinks he should join a gym so he can present a virile, healthy physique to his
brother and prevent any concerns he may have about anyone else dying.

9. How does Dave help his mother in the first chapter?

Dave's mother asks him to pinch her nose to help stop the bleeding. Dave crawls onto
the back of the couch so he can hold the nose and watch television at the same time.
After a while, Dave releases his mother's nose to see if the bleeding has stopped, but it
continues as before.

10. What problems does Dave have cooking?

Dave and Toph have a stock of meals they often eat, most of which requires little or no
cooking. Dave and Toph often eat their meals in front of the television, leaving leftovers
on the coffee table for weeks at a time and until the smell forces them to clean up.

Final Test - Hard
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3)
essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does John spend his time at the end of the chapter?

2. What problem do the doctors say Dave has?

3. Who is in the picture Dave and the editors choose?

4. Who threatens suicide in this chapter?

5. What does Dave say never entered his world as a young child?

Short Essay Questions
1. How does the Real Show eventually help Dave to promote the Might magazine?

2. What is wrong with Dave at the end of Chapter 8?

3. Why does the landlord's wife not want Dave to move in?

4. What happens when the magazine claims Adam Rich has been murdered?

5. What happens to Shalini in Chapter 9?

6. Describe Dave's first exposure to hatred.

7. Describe Dave's interview with the producer in Chapter 6.

8. Why are the cast members of the Real World not so welcome at the photo shoot in
Chapter 7?

9. Why is the apartment not a good place to live?

10. What does Dave do for the front cover of the first issue?

Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Look at the structure of the book.

1) Discuss elements of the narrative structure: exposition, conflict, complication, climax,

resolution and conclusion. Do all the elements make for a logical and linear story? How
does the story's structure express the book's ideas?

2) Examine the way Eggers uses other people in the story to express his ideas.

Essay Topic 2

Examine Dave's relationship with his parents.

1) Why does Dave hold his mother in much higher regard than his father?

2) How have Dave's parents affected his personality and the decisions he makes in the

Essay Topic 3

Identify the main themes of the story. Why do you think these themes are so important
to the story? How does Eggers use character and setting to express his themes?

Short Answer Key
1. Where does John spend his time at the end of the chapter?

A psychiatric ward

2. What problem do the doctors say Dave has?

Kidney stone

3. Who is in the picture Dave and the editors choose?

The photographer's boyfriend

4. Who threatens suicide in this chapter?


5. What does Dave say never entered his world as a young child?


Short Essay Answer Key

1. How does the Real Show eventually help Dave to promote the Might magazine?

A cartoonist called Judd gets picked over Dave, but Judd sends Might magazine a
group of his cartoons and asks to be a contributor. Dave jumps at the chance to
interview him, knowing that the show's cameras would be required to follow him. The
meetings are mundane and obviously contrived for the cameras, but they manage to
appear on one of the episodes.

2. What is wrong with Dave at the end of Chapter 8?

One afternoon while Dave is at the office he begins to have terrible pains in his side.
Shalini, an office mate and a friend of Dave's, rushes him to the hospital. Dave thinks he
is dying, but it turns out he only has a kidney stone.

3. Why does the landlord's wife not want Dave to move in?

Dave finally finds an apartment a few days before his lease in Berkeley ends. However,
the day before he is to move in the landlord changes his mind. The landlord says his
wife likes neither the references in Might magazine to Dave's messy nature nor the
publication's derogatory references to religious figures.

4. What happens when the magazine claims Adam Rich has been murdered?

The magazine runs a full spread in the magazine, claiming Rich has been murdered.
Right away they begin to get responses from television shows and other magazines, but
are forced to admit the joke when they cannot prove their story. Adam's friends and
family are traumatized by the article, believing its claims until they see Adam face-to-

5. What happens to Shalini in Chapter 9?

Dave's friend Shalini, is at a party with a girlfriend when the deck they are standing on
collapses, sending everyone falling more than four stories. Shalini survives, but she
suffers massive head injuries.

6. Describe Dave's first exposure to hatred.

Dave's first exposure to hatred was with a boy who had a Confederate flag hanging in
his bedroom. Dave remembered this boy was full of hate for Jews and convinced
several other boys in town to think the same way.

7. Describe Dave's interview with the producer in Chapter 6.

The interview is with a pretty young producer with whom Dave has an instant
connection. They begin by talking about Dave's hometown in Illinois, Lake Forest. Dave
tells the producer that Lake Forest is a privileged neighborhood where the children are
fairly sheltered from the realities of the real world. Dave denies being a spoiled, rich kid,
insisting that his mother shopped in discount stores and made them all feel like they
could be on the streets at any time.

8. Why are the cast members of the Real World not so welcome at the photo
shoot in Chapter 7?

Judd agrees to be photographed and offers to bring Puck, another member of the Real
World cast. Unfortunately, the cameras are following another cast member that day and
are absent from the shoot. Without the cameras they are just an annoying presence.
While waiting to be photographed, Puck kidnaps a dog.

9. Why is the apartment not a good place to live?

The apartment building is not a pleasant place to live because the walls are so thin they
can hear even the smallest sounds. Unfortunately, Dave and Toph are stuck.

10. What does Dave do for the front cover of the first issue?

Dave and his fellow editors hire a photographer to provide a cover picture. They choose
a picture of her boyfriend running naked on the beach.


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