Pms 6th Sem End Term

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(Please write your Roll No. Immediately………………..


Paper Code: 606 Subject : PMS

Time: 3:00 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Note: Question 1 is compulsory. Attempt any 5 from the rest.

Q.1 Briefly explain the following terms (any five):-

i. No Show report
ii. Room Forecast Report
iii. KOT detail report
iv. Sales report
v. Discount report
vi. CAS
vii. POS

(2x5=10 Marks)
Q.2. Define procedure followed in PMS during group reservation & registration.
(12 marks)
Q.3 Explain different reservation modules in PMS.
(12 marks)

Q.4 Enlist and briefly define the following:

i. Banquet reservation
ii. Developing banquet reservation
(6x2=12 marks)
Q.5 Explain how to develop following cost:
a) Food cost
b) Liquor cost
c) Recipe cost

Q.6. Write notes on:
a) Event forecast report
b) Banquet transection report
c) Banquet sales register

Q.7. Define cover analysis in banquet.

(12 marks)

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