Shine HLC

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Lesson Plan- Isabella Blaess 2150989

Curriculum Area Healthy Lifestyles Year Level 10

Learning objective (from ACARA Curriculum Focus:

Unit Overview) for this
- Critiquing the appropriateness and effectiveness of help and support
services available for young people in the local community (ACPPS091).
- Analysing how societal norms, stereotypes and expectations influence
the way young people think about their bodies, abilities, gender,
sexuality, food, physical activity, sexual health, drugs and/or risk-taking
behaviours (ACPPS089).
- Investigating community-action initiatives young people have instigated
that have had a positive influence on the health and wellbeing of their
communities (ACPPS096).
Students will understand that

- The different Advantages and Disadvantages when seeking

- Asking for advice is okay.
- Using critical health literacy skills is imperative.
Students will know

- Where to seek out advice.

- The difference between support networks and what they offer.
- How to critically analyse a health website.
- Research accurate and correct health information.
Students will be able to

- Access appropriate health literacy and information.

- Analyse different situations and make appropriate actions for seeking
advice and support.
- Critically analyse health information and appropriately respond to the
Suggested content or This lesson is a completion of their SHINE course from last term, in the last
outline of lesson lesson students did not finish off the required learnings. Therefore, the first
theory lesson for the term will be allocated to finishing off their SHINE course.
Students will be reminded during the week to bring their worksheets to this
lesson for them to continue to work through. They will also be filling out a
survey about the content and how the teacher has taught them over the
entirety of the term. Students will be reminded of the DVD that they watched
and the importance of seeking help when it is needed. Students who are using
their phone during the lesson will have it taken off them and all students will be
required to put their phone into a box/hanging rack. It will be stated to them
that as soon as I hear a phone go off or see someone on their phone, all phones
will be taken off them. They will be allowed to listen to music with headphones
in through their laptop, however, if they are not working this privilege will be
taken away.

Intro: The introduction to the lesson will include giving the students an outline
of the lesson to come and why we are going through last terms work. Students
will then be told of the new phone policy, as it has become an issue over the
last term and can be very distracting. They will be given the opportunity to do
the right thing, but if they don’t there will be consequences. The roll will also be
marked during this time and as students walk in late to the classroom. The
outline will be written on the board for students to follow along with.
Main Body of Lesson:
First Activity: Involves students being allocated a support service within their
small table group. Students will be required to research what the service offers,
time it is available, how to get there and how much it costs. The students will
then share their information that the group collected with the entire class,
further discussion can follow dependent on answers or questions students may

Second Activity: Students will then be given scenarios to work through as a

small group, they will need to indicate who the person with the problem can go
to for help. They will then be required to collect a new scenario, ensuring they
work through all the scenarios during the lesson. Dependent on the
engagement level, this can be done as a class discussion or a class discussion
can follow the scenarios have been completed by everyone.

Third Activity: Students will then progress to analysing critical health

information and literacy from various internet sources. They will be explained
how to complete the worksheet that is related to this activity. It will also be
highlighted to them that the internet is a self-publishing forum, which means
that anyone can upload information to the internet. Students will be required
to critically analyse websites by assessing the accuracy of information, if the
website is biased, if the information is misleading, etc. Clues for students to
follow when conducting their analysis includes disclaimer, copyright, privacy,
credits, links, site map and when it was last updated. As a class, the Child and
Youth Health site will be analysed after the students have completed their
worksheet. Students will also be given the opportunity to research their own
websites that highlight youth health issues, such as sexual health or mental
health. From their research, they will write down a list of websites that offer
help, information and advice to youth.
Fourth Activity: Students will then be given the student survey, which they will
have to fill out and complete before the end of the lesson. They will then hand
up their sheet to myself, without their names on it, for us to work through their
feedback and make changes where possible.


To conclude the lesson, students will be reminded of the take home messages
and go through a brief review of the lesson. They will then be told the outline
for next week and the expectations will be explained to them. There will be an
emphasis on coming to school with spare clothes or a change of clothes for
their practical lesson. Students will be told of the consequences if they continue
to not bring a change of clothes to lesson. These consequences include picking
up rubbish, staying in at lunchtime, after school catch up, etc.

Take Home Messages:

- Having a range of places and people to go to for advice, information and help
is an important aspect of solving problems. Choice is important. Being able to
decide based on understanding the advantages and disadvantages is a valuable
skill. Once we know where to go for help, we need confidence about how to ask
for help.
- The internet is a great source of health information and an effective way to
locate relevant support services. However, to become a confident user of
online health information it is essential that I can use my critical health literacy
skills to determine the quality of a website by examining the validity and
reliability of the site and its author. I am aware that just because something is
on the internet that doesn’t necessarily make it accurate or true.
Resources or supplementary - SHINE SA Workbook.
materials - Projector.
- Laptops.
- Internet Access.
- Student Survey.
- Critical Health Information worksheet.
- Scenarios to work through.

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