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Fractal Studies on Titanium-Silica Aerogels using SMARTer

Edy Giri Rachman Putra1, Abarrul Ikram1, Bharoto1, Eddy Santoso1,

Tan Chiar Fang2, Noorddin Ibrahim2, Abdul Aziz Mohamed3
Neutron Scattering Laboratory
Center of Technology for Nuclear Industrial Materials
National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN)
Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong, Tangerang 15314, Indonesia
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Materials Technology Group, Industrial Technology Division,
Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia


Power-law scattering approximation has been employed to reveal the fractal structures of solid-state titanium-silica
aerogel samples. All small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements were performed using 36 meters SANS
BATAN spectrometer (SMARTer) at the neutron scattering laboratory (NSL) in Serpong, Indonesia. The mass fractal
dimension of titanium-silica aerogels at low scattering vector q range increases from –1.4 to –1.92 with the decrease of
acid concentrations during sol-gel process. These results are attributed to the titanium-silica aerogels that are growing to
more polymeric and branched structures. At high scattering vector q range the Porod slope of –3.9 significantly down to
–2.24 as the roughness of particle surfaces becomes higher. The cross over between these two regimes decreases from 0.4
to 0.16 nm-1 with the increase of acid concentrations indicating also that the titanium-silica aerogels are growing.

Keywords: SANS, aerogels, fractals, power-law scattering

Corresponding address:

INTRODUCTION rocks9 and gels7,10. The theoretical and experimental

Aerogel is one of the most interesting solid small-angle scattering techniques have been developed
materials that has very wide-range applications, recently. and well established11. A characteristic feature of the
Because of its low density and large specific surface area, small-angle scattering from fractal scatterers and many
aerogels have been applied for absorber of dust1, a host other disorder solids is often obeys a “power-law”
matrix for long life nuclear waste2 or a carrier for active scattering in the magnitude of the scattering vector q
compound or pharmaceuticals in drug-delivery system3. given as
A spesific application of aerogles based on their optical I ( q ) ∝ q −D (1)
properties is for Cherenkov radiation detectors4 and
where D related to the structure of the scatterer is
optical sensors. However, the most recent application of
aerogles is for catalysts5. positive constant. Eq. (1) applies only in the regime ξ
Unlike conventional foam, aerogel is a special >> q-1 >> a, where a is a typical chemical or bond
porous materials with extreme porosity in a nano-to- distance related to local structure and ξ is the
micrometer scale. It is composed of individual particles correlation length or average diameter of a scatter.
with a few nanometer in size which are linked in three In discussion of small-angle scattering from
dimensional structure. Aerogels are typically prepared fractals, there are two types of fractal systems, i.e. mass
by synthesizing metal-alkali precursors in an excess fractals and surface fractals. Mass fractals are aggregates
solvent by sol-gel process compared to traditional glass of primary particles and the distribution of mass M(r)
melting or ceramics powder methods. The solvent is within a sphere of radius r is given by
removed from the pores under supercritical conditions, M (r ) ∝ r DM (2)
thereby the large capillarity force and shrinkage that
where DM is the mass fractal dimension and has a non-
always occur when liquid is removed from small pores
will be avoided. integer value for random or disorder object, 1 ≤ DM ≤ 3.
Porous materials which behaves as disordered solid However, for rods, disks, and spheres, DM respectively is
materials has to be characterized to obtain its structure 1, 2, and 3. In contrast to mass fractals, for surface
information such as pore dimension, surface structures, fractals the object is uniform, so that no scattering
etc. Fractal concept has been found6 to be important in occurs from the bulk. In this case the magnitude of
many structure studies of disordered materials since scattering vector is given by
many processes as well as the structures can be I ( q ) ∝ q Ds −6 (3)
described and understood in terms of non-integral where Ds is the three-dimensional surface fractal
dimensions. dimension which relates surface area, A, to length. If the
Small-angle scatterings of neutron (SANS) and X- surface is within a sphere of radius r, then
ray (SAXS) have proved to be well suited and direct
techniques to investigate the microsructure of fractals S (r ) ∝ r 2−Ds (4)
and other disordered systems on nanometer scale, such The meaningful values of Ds lie in the interval 2 ≤ Ds ≤
as polymers7,8, biological molecules, aggregates7, mineral 3. When a surface is smooth rather than fractal or non-

fractal, Ds = 2 and scattering intensity I(q) decays as q-4 and incoherent scatterings from water were collected for
in Eq. (3) as the surface becomes independent of r. This 10, 12 and 10 hours, respectively. During the experiment,
behaviour is commonly called Porod’s law. For fractal the temperature was maintained at room temperature.
surface, Porod slopes between -3 and –4 are expected. At
large scattering vector q, the intensity I (q) for scattering RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
from a thin disk has slope of –2 and –1 from a thin rod, Figure 1 shows a typical power-law scattering profiles
Eq. (1). from silica aerogles which have two power-law regimes13.
At high q range or short-length, scattering from smooth
In this paper, we report the fractal structure change of particles results in a slope of –4, while at intermediate q
titanium-silica aerogels prepared by sol-gel process range the scattering slope is –1.93, representing a thin
method with various acid concentrations and then disk shape, describing the particle aggregation in a
analyzed the small-angle neutron scattering data as a polymeric structure by a mass-fractal morphology close
direct technique to determine the fractal dimension. to D ~ 2. It is consistent with Eqs. (1) and (3), with D = 2
and Ds = 2, respectively. However, at low q-range the
EXPERIMENT curve does not show the independent scattering on
The titanium-silica aerogels with various acid scattering vector q since the dimension of particle is
concentrations from 1 N to 1.75 N were synthesized with
larger than ξ and it is in uniform structure13.
sol-gel process method at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Malaysia[12]. The sample then was poured into 1 mm
thick quartz cell and then covered with other 1 mm thick
quartz cell as a sandwich with sample thickness of 1 mm.
The SANS experiments were performed using the 36
meter SANS-BATAN spectrometer (SMARTer) at the
neutron scattering laboratory (NSL) – BATAN in
Serpong, Indonesia. The rotational speed of the
mechanical velocity selector was adjusted to 5000 rpm
with tilting angle of 0° to generate neutron wavelength of
0.39 nm with the spread of 0.135. Three different
sample-to-detector distances of 1.5, 4 and 13 m have
been set up covering the scattering vector Q-range of
0.03 < q (nm-1) < 3. The length of collimation or sample- Figure 1 SANS profiles from pure silica aerogels were
to-source distance was set for 4 and 8 m. The exposure obtained in the wide scattering vector q-range.
time for each aerogel sample and each sample-to-
detector distance was 2 hours. The scattering data were Figure 2 shows the power-law scattering profiles from
corrected for empty cell as a background, electronic silica aerogels containing titanium as a function of acid
background as a noise, sample transmission and detector concentrations. A similar scattering profile with silica
efficiency using the SMARTer data reduction software. aerogles is shown from titanium-silica aerogel sample at
For data correction, empty cell, electronic background, the lowest acid concentration of 1 N, Figure 2a. The

change of slopes at high and intermediate q range is

related to changing of particle structures as the effect of

4 4
10 10 1
10 -1.4
3 (b)
10 10 0
4 4
10 10
2 2
10 10-1


3 3
(c) (d)

10 10
Figure 2 SANS profiles from titanium-silica aerogels with various acid concentrations during sol-gel process (a) 1 N ;
(b) 1.25 N ; (c) 1.5 N and (d) 1.75 N. The slopes were determined by least square fitting

1 1
10-2 2 -1.
2 2
the acid concentration. The particles become rougher on REFERENCES
the surface as the slope decreases from -3.97 to -3.93,
while the aggregate has more elongated shape as the
magnitute of scattering intensity I(q) = q-1.5 compare to
that of the silica aerogels, I (q) = q-1.93.

Figure 2 also shows the slopes of titanium-silica aerogles

with acid concentrations of 1 N (Figure 2a) to 1.25 N
(Figure 2b) at high q-range that changed dramatically
from –3.9 to –2.35. This indicates that increasing the
acid concentration 0f 0.25 N from 1 N has altered the
surface structure from relatively smooth particles to
highly rough particles or relatively dense polymeric
structure13 and the surface fractals is vanished.
Meanwhile, by further increasing the acid
concentrations, the slope does not change as much as the
first one. It is also pointed out that the slopes at
intermediate q-range show another fashion where they
decrease from –1.42 to –1.92 gradually when the acid
concentration increases from 1 N to 1.75 N, Figure 2a-d.
These changes also indicate that the titanium-silica
aerogels are growing to more polymeric and branched
structures with the magnitute scattering intensity I(q) =
q-2 by increasing the acid concentration.

The cross over between two regimes for the titanium-

silica aerogels at various concentratiosn can be related to
the size of an agglomeration of particles in the aerogels
with the order of 2π /q0 as in the Bragg relation. As the
acid concentration increases from 1 N to 1.75 N, a
breaking point which roughly marks the change of slope
in the curve decreases from 0.4 nm-1 to 0.16 nm-1 which
corresponds to particle size of 17.7 nm to 39.3 nm. These
results also indicate that the titanium-silica aerogels are
growing with the increase of acid concentration. Similar
to the fractal structures, the mass fractal structure was
indentified in the tintanium-silica aerogels and changed
by increasing the acid concentration.

An excellent performance in revealing the fractal
structures of titanium-silica aerogels has been
accomplished by SANS BATAN spectrometer
(SMARTer). Power-law scattering on titanium-silica
aerogels at high and intermediate q-range changes as a
function of acid concentrations. The acid concentration
affected the changing of fractal structure of aerogels
more rather than the impurities in titanium. Mass fractal
structures have been found with the dimension DM
between 1.42 and 1.92.

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