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NASKAH DRAMA B.INGGRIS M : Oh yes of couse, honey. What do you want?

PERAN : AL : Mmmm, I want a Xenia one.

1. Anak laki-laki : Efendi (AL) M : Oh honey, its very expensive. But of course, I’ll call your daddy
2. Dad : Dean (D) and buy it for you.
3. Mom : Ayu (M)
AL : Thank you mom, I’ll go to campus with helicopter
4. Pacar Efendi : Adenisa (PE)
5. Perjodohan : Aurellia (P) M : Okay okay, be careful honey! The rain is almost fall.
6. Teman Aden : Tiffany (TA)
7. Teman Efendi : Tesya (TE) AL : Bye, Mom. I love you!


There is a spoiled man who live with his parents. This M : Halo, dad.
spoiled man meet his love for her future, but their relationship D : Yes?
doesn’t go smoothly cause his dad make a matchmaking with
someone else. M : Can you send a new Xenia to home?
D : What? For who?

SCENE 1 : EFENDI MANJA MINTA MOBIL KE MAMA M : Who’s again? Of course our little boy, Efendi.

AL : Mommm…. Mommmmmm D : Oh okay, wait a minute. I’ll call my secretary to buy it.

M : What’s happen, honey? M : Okay, dad. Thankyou so much. Take care of your job!

AL : I hate today!! D : Yes, of course! If you want a food, just buy it. Don’t ever you go
to kitchen or our home become a flakes of ash.
M : What’s wrong? Anybody hurt you?
M : Okay… okay..
AL : No, mom. It’s a BIRD!!! The bird is pooping on my
Lamborghini. I want a new car, I want a very expensive car.
(ngerapiin, aurel ngeliat dari jauh dan ngedumel)
AL : (read a books)
P : Who’s that ugly girl? OH MY GOD!! Bye world.
P : Haloooo my sweety pie. What are you doing?
AL : Are you Aden a new student on this class?
AL : Can’t you see it ?
PE : Yes, but just for English class.
P : What you read? A love story? So you can date with me with a
AL : Oh okay, you can sit with me. I’m Efendi, and if you need
romantic way. Am I right?
something, just ask me! Okay?
AL : What’s wrong with you?
PE : Thank you, you are a nice guy. Glad to see you!
P : OMG!! Now you ask what’s wrong with me!! Its mean you care
AL : You’r welcome. I’ll go to meet my friend first. Bye
of me. Oh my god, honey!! I am very fabulous right now, on your
beside. PE : okay.
AL : Can you just go? Call your doctor please, anything is wrong (effendi ngomong ke tesya)
with your brain.
AL : Tes, I just me true of angel.
P : No, honey. The one is wrong is my heart, my heart is beating
very fast when I see you. TE : Are you okay?

AL : Oh my god, pleas. Bye! AL : Of course okay, I just me angel.

TE : okay.. okay.. who’s that? Aurel? Your sweety pie?
Efendi jalan menjauh terus tabrakan sama aden yang bawa
buku AL : Oh my god, Tesya! Of course not!
PE : Oh my god. (sambil ngambilin buku) TE : So? Who’s that?
AL : Sorry.. sorry.. it’s my fault. AL : You know the new student on our English class?
PE : it’s okay.. it’s okay.. I can do it by my self. TE : Hmm, Aden?
AL : I’ll give my hand for it, just accept it. Okay? AL : Are you know her?
TE : Of course, she is my classmate on Math class. PE : Why you standing in here? It is the way and people walk in
AL ; Why you don’t tell me, and let me know her.
P : So why you don’t use your eyes to walk?
TE ; You don’t ask me, rigt? So, what’s your plan?
PE : Are stupid? Anywhere, if you walk u use the foot not your
AL ; I want she to be my girlfriend.
eyes. I have a tips for you, please use your brain harder for smarter
TE : Okay, just ask her to canteen and tell it! Before your sweety pie brain!
know it. And become a disaster for Aden
P : OH MY LORD!!! (numpahin makanan kea den)
AL : Okay thankyou my cutie bestfriend.
(effendi dating)
TE : Yes..
AL : what’s happen here? You again? Oh my god.
P : It will happen everyday, everytime, everywhere if you still go

AL : I’ll go to canteen, are you go with me? AL : You crazy girl, oh my god. (noleh ke aden) Are you okay?

PE : Oh of course. Lets go! PE : I’m okay, but who’s its that? Your girlfriend? Seems like she is
jealous to me.
PE : What do you want to eat? I’ll buy it for you, it’s the thank your
for you helping me. AL : Of course no, let’s go the clinic and clean your clothes.

AL : Oh no! I’m the gentle boy, I should buy it for you. PE : Hmm yes.

PE : Hm.. How if you buy some foods and I’ll buy some drinks for (pas bersihin effendi nembak)
AL : hmm, I’m feel sorry.
AL : Deal!
PE : its’ okay, it’s not your fault.
(Aden bawa minum terud ditabrak sama aurel)
AL : Hmm, can you just stay in my beside? So, I can take care of
P : Oh my god! Where’s your eyes, girl! Can’t you see I’m standing you.
PE : What do you mean?
AL ; Can you be my life’s buddy? PE ; Yah.. same, me too. I’m still shock and can’t stop thinking of
PE : Oh my god, are you kidding me? We just met 1 hour ago.
TA : Who’s that? The boy you’ve thinking.
AL : Love doesn’t need a long time.
PE : He is Efendi. U know him?
PE : hmm okay okay, we can start right now.
TA : What? Efendi?
AL : thank you so much, honey. After class, I’ll pick you up and go
to my house. PE : Yes, why?
PE : Okay. TA : He is awesome boy. He is rich, kind, and handsome. But, any
gossip says if he is a spoiled boy.
PE : Oh yes, I know it. I can handle it. Oh my god she is coming
(effendi datangdari jauh)
(aden senyum-senyum)
PE : Look.. look.. He’s coming!!
TA : Oh my god!! What’s happen to you? Are you okay?
TA : Will you go dating?
PE : Yes of course, I’m okay. (masih senyum2)
PE : He’s ask me to go his house, met his parents maybe.
TA : Are you sick? (megang jidat aden)
TA : Wow! Are u will get married faster?
PE : For a long time, finally I have a boyfriend.
PE : Of course no, oh my god! Ssst.. be quiet!
TA : Wait.. wait.. What happe? Can you say it again?
AL : Oh hi, Aden’s friend. I’m Efendi. And you?
PE : I .. have … a …. Boy.. friend (natap tiffany terus senyum2 lagi)
TA : I’m tiffany. So you are a aden’s boy?
TA : oh my god, you totally crazy! How can? Who’s that?
AL : Yes. Can I go with Aden right now?
PE : Are you shock?
TA : Of course.. of course..
TA : Of course!
PE : Bye, Tiffany.
TA : Okay.. D : No! From Efendi was child, he is always spoiled. So I want
Efendi be a gentle man, cause she can do it for you.
AL : But Aden can do it, and I believe nobody can do it like Aden. I
love Aden, nobody else.
AL : Assalamualaikum, Mom.. I’m Home.
D : Let me call your future, now she is in front of our house. Wait..
M : Oh my boyyy. Dad…. Our son in here. Oh wow!! Who’s that?
(ayahnya keluar manggil aurel)
AL : Hm.. She is my girlfriend, mom. I want u and dad know, so I
AL : What the … mom?!
take her.
M : I’m sorry, honey. I can’t help you, I don’t know this plan.
PE : Halo, Mam.
AL : Oh my god.. be calm, Aden. I’m for you, just for you.
M : Oh my god! Finally you have a girlfriend. I’m so afraid no ones
like you, boy. But, come on meet your daddy. (ayahnya dating sama aurel semuanya ngeliat dan kaget)
M : Dad… our son have a girlfriend! AL : Oh my god! You again you again… Can you just go to ocean
and disappear.
D : What are you talking about? If Aurel go to the ocean, you should
AL : Here, dad.
go too. Okay not need a long time, you must be know this girl. So
PE : Halo, sir. My name is Aden. for now, you can go with Aurel!

D : Oh okay. But I have important news. AL : of course not, Dad. never. Bye. Come on Aden.

AL : Are you know it, mom? (effendi pergi sama aden )

M : No, son. What happen, dad? Are you want they to married M : Oh my god, dad. Why you so rude? (pergi)
P : So, how is this?
D : Of course no, mom. I already have future wife for Efendi.
D : Let me handle all of it, you can just waiting.
AL and M : WHAT?
P : Okay. Please make me to be his wife, dad.
AL : Are you kidding me, dad?
D : of course. You can go now. AL : I told you, I’ll be a better man.
P : Yes, Dad. D : Forget it, just wait the date you will be her husband.
After his daddy make a matchmaking for Efendi. Aden (ayah pergi)
feel so sad, and Efendi confuse what should he do for his
(effendi telfon aden)
AL : What’s happen with my dad!! What’s wrong with Aden? She is
AL : Halo.. where are you?
beautiful, kind, and she can make me not to be spoiled again. What
should I do for this matchmaking? I’ll try talk again to my dad. God Aden : In canteen with Tiffany.
please help me.
AL : Okay, wait me. I’ll go with Tesya.
AL : Let’s go to canteen.
TE : Okay.
(dean lagi baca Koran sambil minum kopi)
AL : Daad…
TA : Hey, Fen. Whats happen? Look, her eyes now is like ball.
D : What? If you want talking about Aurel. Just go.
AL : Okay.. okay.. So, my dad make a stupid matchmaking.
AL : Dad, please listen to me. Give me a chance, I’ll be better man
for you, mom, and Aden. Not for Aurel. TE : What? Matchmaking?

D : Are you sure? AL : Yes (aden ngangguk2) What should I do?

AL : Of course, dad. I love her. TE : Do you know why your dad be like that?

D : Ha? What do you know about love? When the bird pooping on AL : He says cause I’m a spoild boy.
your car and you juts ask a new car not clean it. TA : Can you tell to your dad if Aden can handle it?
AL : I did it, but my dad won’t listen to me. PE : What do you want again? Now you have all the things you
want. So, just go.
TA : You must give a prove to him.
P : Oh of course, I hav Efendi right now, cause her dad say yes to
TE : Good idea, Tif. Just wait one month until we graduate, and give
me not for you.
him a prove that you be a better man.
PE : just go!
AL : oh my god, its so long. How if my dad married me faster than
our graduate. P : Woww, I’m afraid of you now. Okay bye guys, bye my sweety.
TE : It’s impossible, cause your dad must be shy if his business’s
friend know his son already married before graduate.
ONE MONTHS LATER. Efendi was try to be a better man and
TA : Yes, agree with Tesya. They think you got a scandal if married live without his parent’s money. So Efendi believe his daddy will
before graduate. agree with him.
AL : Okay.. okay.. So, what should I do?
TA : Can you just find a job? So you get the money for your life. SCENE 11 : EFENDI NGOMONG LAGI KE BAPAKNYA
TE : Hmm good idea, but are you really can do it? AL : Dad..
AL : of course! For Aden, I can. D : Yes?
PE : Thank you, Efendi. AL : First, thank you for waiting me. Now, I already have a prove to
you, that I can be better man, and not spoiled again.
(aurel dating tibatiba)
D : Hmm… okay…
P : Hey guys! Oh hi my sweety!
AL : What do you mean, Dad?
TA : What are you doing in here?
D : You can date with Aden, I’ll talk to Aurel.
P : Eat of course, this is a canteen. Are you stupid?
AL : Oh my god. Thank you, Dad. I’ll call Aden and my fried righ
TE : Can you just go, please.
now cause they waiting me in front of house.
D : But first call your mom, your mom very sad at bedroom.
AL : Okay, dad.
AL : Momm….
M : Oh my god, honey. Are you okay?
AL : I’m okay, mom. My relationship with Aden was accepted by
dad, mom.
M : Oh my god, I’m happy for it. I wan learn cook for you, now I’ll
make some delicious food for you.
AL : Okay, Mom. My friends here too.

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