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Energetics: Inspired,
a model for Practiced &
Flower Taught by
David Dalton
& Healing
Many of the slides here are adapted directly from David’s
Claudia Keel | teaching.

Emotional Trauma
The need for ‘Emotional First Aid’
effects Physical Function
The youngest child knows to care for a physical wound, Drs. (& herbalists) are not trained in routine exposure
to put on a Band-Aid … assessment or treatment.
Increasing # of studies show childhood trauma (not a physical issue - refer to social worker or psychiatrist)
affects physical function & health across a lifetime If a 100 people who drink out of the same well
have diarrhea, you can prescribe antibiotics or you
‘Adverse Childhood Experiences Study’ CDC & Kiaser
can ask (& address) what is in the well
-‘exposure’ dramatically increased risk for
7 out of 10 of leading causes of death. In healthcare when we understand a
- Effects brain development, immune mechanism of function imbalance,
endocrine Systems & DNA function. we seek to prevent, assess and treat.
- Over 3x life time risk of heart disease,
Are their remedies from nature
cancers, other diseases & over 20 yr.
that help us heal from trauma?
difference in life expectancy

Dr. Edward Bach

Nature has trained as medical doctor,
specialized and did research in
the remedies bacteria and immunology
we seek. (developed nosodes).
Then he became a homeopathic
We need to (developed homeopathic nosodes).
see the need He felt dissatisfied with the use of poisons to heal in both.

(imagine it) He noticed that certain personality types tended to get

certain ailments.
and He also was a part of the medical community after WW I
seek it out that began to recognize emotional trauma could cause
physical illness.


Dr. Bach felt there Dr. Bach connected mental states

was a gentle and with illness and health and offered
true cure available vibrational remedies from flowers
from Nature and as catalysts to heal emotional
developed flower traumas and restore balance.
essences. “True healing involves treating the very
base of the cause of suffering. Therefore
no effort directed to the body alone can
His intention was do more than superficially repair damage.
to treat physical Treat people for their emotional disease, not just unhappiness, allow then to be happy, and
they will become well.”
emotional states. --Edward Bach

1st Flower Essence Formula:

Emotions and health 5 flower formula, ‘Rescue Remedy’
Traditional herbal medicine
“I think in years
systems link emotional states
to come, we will
be thinking about to our life force (Qui, Prana)
trauma and and also to specific organs and
cancer and they energy centers in the body.
will not be One way to understand this is
separate. And that an emotion, repeatedly Dr. Bach developed the 1st formula in 1933
we we will be held consciously or uncon- for a delirious man rescued at sea.
treating them
sciously, can strengthen or Cherry Plum (intense fear), Clematis
Eve Ensler, author & weaken a tissue state in the (grounding), Impatiens (impatience) Rock
performer The Vagina body. And visa versa, a weak Rose (panic) & Star of Bethlehem (shock)
organ can effect our emotions.

Flower Essences Plant ‘Personality’ Development

Flower essences are subtle energy plant preparations. A seed with its ‘signature’ to become a certain plant is
acted on by the (chaotic) forces of earth, water and sun.
The preparation method focuses a particular
Its development is effected both by its ‘signature’ and
vibrational signature or personality of a plant in water. the forces.


Geometry &
‘Language’ of

flower essence stock & dosage flower essence dilutions:

mother to stock to dosage
Stock flower essences are
what is generally sold by The stock is prepared by
the producer. Properly adding @ 7 drops of the
stored and used, they mother into 1 oz. solution
can last for 10-20 years. of 2/3 pure water & 1/3
The dosage bottle is also
The dosage bottle is often
Flower essence’s vibra-
prepared by adding @ 7
formulated with a few drops of the stock into 1
tory signature is effected
essences. It generally
by extended contact with oz. solution of 2/3 pure
EMFs, high heat, lasts for 3 months.
essential oils & bacteria. water & 1/3 brandy.

What are “If you want to find the

effective secrets of the Universe,
ways to think in terms of energy,
work frequency, and vibration.”
with the -Nikola Tesla (1856-1943),
inventor of the radio and alternating current
energies &
of Flower


The ancient Subtle Physiology

There are numerous interpretations &
chakra system visions of the chakras (energy
offers a way to centers), but there are common
understand plants, threads related to their subtle
flower essences,
child development
– and also how
emotional wounds
effect both the
psyche and the
physical body.

Subtle physiology In Flower Essence therapy,

The meridians accessed in the chakra system offers a
acupuncture are as vessels for the functional model
life force. The chakra energy centers z  Helps us understand relationship
are like organs of that life force.
between personality imbalance and
z  Offers a way to diagnose, treat and
predict results
z  Is dynamic
z  Explains flower essence healing
ç Chakras as flower forms
Credit: David Dalton

Emotional Energetics 1 Trauma

z Chakras are holding and distribution z Trauma is a low-vibrating energy which
centers for soul-energy occupies or attaches to the energy system
preventing the occupation and circulation
of soul energy.
z Incarnation means the soul-energy
occupies and moves through the chakras
z The settling of trauma in the system causes
a lowering of the vibration of the chakra
z In a healthy system, the chakras are and prevents the circulation of higher
infused with soul energy which moves energy.
through the system easily supporting
mental, physical and emotional health,
and balanced spiritual development. z Trauma lowers vitality, and causes disease.
Credit: David Dalton Credit: David Dalton


Emotional Energetics 2 Emotional Energetics 3

z Chakras 1, 2 & 3 contain our early history
and are the focus of flower essence z Chakras have muted &
treatment shaded colors that change
depending on the experience
z Healthy chakras open and close in
response to internal and external events. z Chakras are made of layers
that represent periods in our lives
z Flower essences can move trauma out of
the system and prepare it for higher z Chakras transmit energy to each other
Credit: David Dalton Credit: David Dalton

1st Chakra – Safety & Survival 1st Chakra – Safety & Survival
Soil & root –– the beginning of incarnation ––
–– the particular environment / tribe / family we are born in –– Essences: brownish red flowers, plants with long tap
z  Supports: immune system, adrenals, bones, mineral roots, low growing plants, flowers bending down
content of blood, legs & feet •  Trillium, Wild Ginger, Black Cohosh
z  Promotes: the experience of belonging, safety,
Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense) [Woodland Essence]
grounding and strength Simple, ancient guide, inviting us to rekindle
z  ‘On-line’: when child first stands, walks our connection with nature, the forest, and all
z  Color: shifts from a deep maroon to a bright red
beings. Reminding us that
depending on the level of safety experienced
this is our birthright.
z  Chakra 1 provides cooling &stabilization to chakras 2 &3
Brings sense of
Emotional qualities: being grounded
Does one feel safe? At home on the earth? Grounded? and rooted.
Fearful? Abuse, neglect, mistreatment, abandonment

Angelica 1st Chakra – Safety & Survival

Essences: Trees
•  Trees : Aspen, Oak, Sumac, Red Cedar
True courage evolves from a sense of ‘being here’
and acting out of that strength, for true safety for
community, despite risk to safety in short-term

Provides assistance in sealing the energy field that is challenged or

compromised from growth, processing, or developmental movement;
An essence to assist anyone going through periods of rapid change. Credit: David Dalton


Borage Cedar

Provides stability to the wandering soul. Imparts

strength and wisdom. Eases turbulence in the
stomach region, especially for those who have
changed jobs, residences or schools. Good for
Gives peace, lightness and courage; brings children who are leaving home for the first time.
relief to burden, depression or melancholy. Cedar gives a sense of home and safety

2nd Chakra-Relationship & Pleasure 2nd Chakra:

Water –– closely connected to the emotional body Relationship & Pleasure
z  Supports: joints, pelvic area, fluids in body,
Essences: Lilies, cup-like yellow flowers, golden
blood viscosity and functions (clotting, etc).
z  Promotes: relationship, connection, self esteem, pleasure and orange flowers
z  ‘On line’: at time of toilet training
z  Color: shifts from orange-green to orange-yellow, to orange-red Buttercup, Celandine, Motherwort, Missouri Primrose,
depending on level of connection vs. threat with others. All Lilies, Lady’s Mantle, Blackberry lily
z  Chakra 2 provides cooling to chakra 3
Emotional qualities: Taking in energy (love, appreciation,
pleasure); Opening to pleasure when safe &
closing to threats; Connecting to others.
What is quality of relationships? Boundaries?
Anger? Sense of shame and guilt? Self-esteem?
Credit: David Dalton

Motherwort Motherwort

Balancing inner softness with strength;

knowing the power of one's feminine energies;
for strength, assertiveness &setting healthy boundaries.


Motherwort &
Missouri Primrose and Chakra 2
Chakra 2

Credit: David Dalton Credit: David Dalton

3rd Chakra- Identity, Integration,

Will Forces, Manifestation
Solomon Fire –– Sun – connected mental body – Solar Plexus
Seal z  Supports: digestion, stomach, blood flow, liver, spleen
z  Promotes independence, will forces, identity
Helps one become more z  ‘On line’: when a child starts saying “no”
z  Color: red-yellow to blue-yellow depending on level of
Eases -softens- extreme
pride arrogance or threat and intensity of expression of will.
willfulness; z  Warms chakras 1 and 2
Helps those who are not
willing to change; Emotional qualities: integrates information
Helps one develop and develops our sense of self;
Thinking and acting on our intentions.
Confidence based on self esteem.

3rd Chakra- Identity, Integration,

Will Forces, Manifestation Phases of Chakra 3

Essences: daisy family (asters, Chamomile, Expressed

Sunflowers, Elecampane, Echinacea, Releasing
Feverfew) Lovage, Lady’s Mantle,

Credit: David Dalton


Connecting Channels Blue

‘Nadis’ Vervain
For those who feel
z  Blue channel connects the obliged to live their
downward movement of energy lives as leaders, role
through the chakras. Active when models or providers;
the individual feels peace and safety for those who cannot
yield to a safer,
healthier, more
z  Red channel connects the
practical approach
upward movement through the because of pride,
chakras. Active when threat is felt ambition or role
identity; for those who
z  Individual chakras become more always feel that the
blue or red when respective buck stops with them.
channels stimulate. Ease &versatility develop

Placid, Even, Calm Anger Expressed

z  Blue signal down z  Red signal up

z  Red energy dominates
z  Fears not active
z  Chakras change shape
z  Safety felt z  Chakra 3 contracts
z  Blue color dominates z  Intense energy expressed
z  Fears pushed outward

Credit: David Dalton Credit: David Dalton

Anger Repressed Flower Essences and Chakras

z  Each essence has a specific energetic
z  Red signal given influence on the chakra system
z  Contortion of shape
z  Some essences restore a velocity to a
z  Fear blocks energy chakra
z  Red energy remains
z  Some resonate with trauma and bring it
in the system to the surface

z  Some connect chakras

Credit: David Dalton Credit: David Dalton


Personality Qualities effected by 4th Chakra- heart center

emotional wounding held connections & perceptions
in chakras 1, 2 & 3 includes rose family; pink red colors
Marshmallow Helps
Sense and experience of safety and one relearn the value and
groundedness; Lack of inappropriate strength of softness, as
fear or feelings of abandonment. well as to increase
access to feelings. Helps
Self esteem; Healthy boundaries; one receive impulses
Loving relationships; Lack of from the heart. Develops
emotional resilience
inappropriate shame guilt and anger. through the ability to
feel intensely & then let
Confidence; Good self-identity; go.
Ability to think clearly, pursue and Blue Lotus Infuses the
manifest one’s goals. heart with higher energies; for
spiritualizing the heart

5th Chakra- throat center 6th Chakra- ‘3rd eye’

authentic expression includes tube like flowers expanded & authentic perception
Lobelia For courage in Queen Ann’s Lace
speaking the truth about balance and harmonize
ourselves; for shyness or shame emerging clairvoyance
around expressing our sexual nature
or psychic abilities;
Jack in the Pulpit For especially when they
developing authentic spiritu- may distort or harm the
ality; helps us resolve conflicts creative process
between past spiritual experi- Blueberry
ences & present spiritual insight Provides the
Huichol Tobacco Helps concentration necessary
align thinking & action with for challenging tasks
core beliefs and principles; and situations; resonant
helps balance the subconscious; with the back of the
excellent remedy to support change neck & 3rd eye

7th Chakra- crown Ghost Pipe Subtle layers of awareness & life
Releases & opens to subtle energies; includes thistle, violet blue colors
Blessed Thistle Eases
fears of life and moving
with life; soothes guilt
and fear of punishment;
enhances feelings of
enjoying life; relaxes
stress in the stomach area;
alleviates fear of forces
beyond our control
Milk Thistle For letting
go of deep anger,
resentment and other held Expanding awareness of the presence of universal love;
feelings that can interfere developing a sensitivity and receptivity to a higher love vibration;
with the flow of energy seeing and feeling the love in every moment;
through the liver for stages when one feels unloved.


Teasel ‘Energy leaks’ Energy Field &

Protection Essences
Energy field: Membrane keeping the
individual safe:
•  from intrusion of other energies
•  from fears
•  from thoughts
•  From over-stimulation

For imbalances in giving and receiving; heals energy "leaks" in Protection essences maintain the integrity of
chakra system; for holding & maintaining energy within the system; the Energy Field
For treating emotional pain which causes energy depletion. Credit: David Dalton

Energy field & relation to Chakras

•  Field held by connection to lower chakra
•  Movement up the chakras opens the field
•  Movement down the chakras closes the field Strengthens the energy
•  Unconscious movement caused by wounding field to repel others'
thoughts, emotions
•  Conscious movement through spiritual development as well as harmful
Fibers then field Field then fibers spectra of waves, such
as radiation,
microwaves, etc.

‘Field then fibers’

Credit: David Dalton

Wort Thought
forms from
Provides a sealing and others
strengthening to the
energy field that is
weakened from shock,
burnout or from an
expanded or escapist
nature. Protects from For spiritual protection, especially for the psychic realms; Repels
dreamtime imbalances negative energies directed towards one by others, including
unconscious energies from anger or hatred, or direct and conscious
efforts to hurt one through curses, spells, etc. by spiritual influence or
‘Fibers then disturbance, specially in the area of the crown chakra and the line of
Credit: David Dalton field’ the connection with the higher self Credit: David Dalton


Garlic Parasites and insects Cinquefoil Protection


Repels parasitic
energies which have a Clears the energy field
tendency to attach to the of imprints or
field. Helps with some vulnerabilities which
forms of obsession and can attract dark,
some types of fear. negative, or depleting
personalities to us
Credit: David Dalton

Pennyroyal One’s own

thoughts Astragulus
obsessions Closes field for

Protection and support

during times of trial,
challenge or intense
activity. Seals and protects
the personality during
Protects from negative thoughts recycling into the energy field.
Protects from obsessions and obsessive fears

Lady’s Mantle Field tightening


See sample intake

form for a
assessment model.
Imparts a feeling of strength and protection, supporting the expression
of the feminine energies such as empathy, creativity, intuition,
wisdom, spirituality, for both men and women


Flower Essence ‘Intake’ Assessment & Strategy

“Flower essences have the potency to change the personality, that is the
effects of the past on the emotional, mental and physical. They do this by z  Start with the biggest stresses in the
moving old, repressed, hidden, stuck energies of the painful past out of the present
system and assisting in the restructuring of both the personality and what
the client is willing to create in her/his life. For this reason, specific z  Stabilize fears, anxiety, worry,
information must be gathered.” -David Dalton uncertainties,
• Family of origin information chaotic living, grief
• Traumatic events or lifestyle in the past
• Stressors in the present z Ease physical symptoms
• Medical history
• Present state of health (mental, emotional, physical) z  Don’t try to fix everything with many
• Satisfaction (1-10) with work, home, primary relationship, essences
friendships, family of origin relationships, spiritual
expression, leisure z  Stay away from catalysts Credit: David Dalton

Goals of Flower Essence Therapy Using Essences with

z  To clear trauma from the chakras
z  Always start with chakra 1 and work up
z  To assist chakras 1-3 to accept energy from
higher chakras
z  Safety and stability are necessary for
z  To assist the personality to change to recovery and progress
accommodate a higher vibration, i.e. to
Credit: David Dalton z  Spirituality (upper chakra stimulation)
Goals reflect our intentions, can be an ‘insidious’ block to progress
which in turn carry the energies when chakras 1, 2 and 3 are not cleared of
past trauma
of the practitioner to the client. Credit: David Dalton

Protection Essences A few more Guidelines

in Treatment
z  Start with the biggest stresses in the present
z  Offers an added feeling of security
z  Stabilize fears, anxiety, worry, uncertainties,
z  Insulates from attack and absorption
chaotic living, grief
z  Eases fears
z Ease physical symptoms
z  Provides relief and confidence
z  Don’t try to fix everything with many
z  Can be used individually or in combination essences
z  Added to other combination z  Stay away from catalysts
Credit: David Dalton


Flower Essence Formulas Flower Essence Formulas

Herb and flower essence Triangle formulation:
formulation energetics are similar. building(+), releasing (-),
tonic / strengthening (0)
z  Focus the formula on a particular issue.
Detox / release emotions
z  Seek to address core issue (i.e. the with wisdom - when one is
emotional wounds / patterns underlying strong enough and/or
anxiety) particularly ready

z  Choose essences to address different Formulate strong acting

facets of the issue, but not every essence essences/ herbs with
related to it! Seek elegance & simplicity. soothing protective ones.

“True cure is offered by flooding our bodies ~considering a few more~

with the beautiful vibrations of our higher Goals of Flower Essence Therapy
nature in the presence of which disease melts •  Health, happiness and joy
as snow in the sunshine.”
-Edward Bach
•  Peace (balance) of body /mind / spirit
• ‘Being here’-- incarnation of soul identity
•  Emotions flow through us but don’t control us
•  Ability to continue to evolve and be of service to the
environment we are in, according to our soul desires
• Expanding our awareness and experience of nature & spirit

“There is no true healing unless there is

a change of outlook, peace of mind and
Morris Graves, inner happiness.” –Dr. Edward Bach

The future of
“[When spirit and Flower Essence Therapy…
body are joined in
harmony] life is a joy, But we have only begun
an adventure of to love the earth.
absorbing interest a We have only begun
journey yielding
to imagine the fullness of life.
happiness, health and
knowledge"   How could we tire of hope?
So much is in the bud.
--Edward Bach
~Denise Levertov


Claudia Keel
Herbalist &
Flower Essence Therapist

1 Union Square West, Ste 309

New York, NY 10009


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