PHD Questionnaire

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I am a PhD candidate Commerce at Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur and writing
PhD dissertation on the topic “Work Engagement, Organizational Justice,
Psychological Empowerment, Employee Silence, Workplace Mobbing and HR
Practices among employees of Services Sector in Sindh.”You are requested to
participate in this academic survey. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential and
data from this survey will only be used for academic purpose. Your cooperation in this
regard will be highly appreciated. Please put (  ) mark by reacting on the statements in
the questionnaires below.



o 21 to 30 o Male
o 31 to 40 o Female
o Above 40



Cell: 0332-2924238
Work Engagement Scale by Schaufeli & Bakker (2003)

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
At my work, I feel bursting with energy* (VI1)

At my job, I feel strong and vigorous (VI2)

When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to

work (VI3)
I can continue working for very long periods at a
time (VI4)
At my job, I am very resilient, mentally (VI5)

I find the work that I do full of meaning and purpose

I am enthusiastic about my job (DE2

My job inspires me (DE3)

I am proud on the work that I do (DE4)

To me, my job is challenging (DE5)

Time flies when I'm working (AB1)

When I am working, I forget everything else around

me (AB2)
I feel happy when I am working intensely (AB3)

I am immersed in my work (AB4)

I get carried away when I’m working (AB5).

Organizational Justice by Neihoff and Moorman (1993)

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
My work schedule is fair. (DJ1)

I think that my level of pay is fair. (DJ2)

I consider my work load to be quite fair. (DJ3)

Overall the rewards I receive here quite fair. (DJ4)

I feel that my job responsibilities. (DJ5)

Job decisions are made by the manager in a biased manner.

My manager makes sure that all employee concerns are
heard before Job decisions are made. (PJ2)
To make job decisions, my manager collects accurate and
complete information. (PJ3)
My manager clarifies decisions and provides additional
information when requested by employees.(PJ4)
All jobs decisions are applied consistently to all affected
employees. (PJ5)
When decisions are made about my job, the manager treats
me with kindness and consideration. (IJ1)
When decisions are made about my job, the manager treats
me with respect and dignity. (IJ2)
When decisions are made about my job, the manager is
sensitive to my personal needs. (IJ3)
When decisions are made about my job, the manager deals
with me in a truthful manner.(IJ4)
When decisions are made about my job, the manager shows
concern for my right as employee. (IJ5)

Psychological Empowerment by Spreitzer (1995)

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
The work I do is important to me. (Me1)

My job activities are personally meaningful to me. (Me2)

The work I do is meaningful to me. (Me3)

I am confident about my ability to do my job. (Co1)

I am self-assured about my capabilities to perform my

work activities. (Co2)
I have mastered the skills necessary for my job. (Co3)

I have significant autonomy in determining how I do my

job. (SD1)
I can decide on my own how to go about doing my work.
I have considerable opportunity for independence and
freedom in how I do my job. (SD3).
My impact on what happens in my organization is large.
I have a great deal of control over what happens in my
organization. (Im2)
I have significant influence over what happens in my
organization. (Im3)

Employee Silence by (Dyne et al. 2003)

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
I do not speak up and suggest ideas for change, based on
fear. (DS1)
I withhold relevant information due to fear. (DS2)

I omit relevant facts in order to protect myself. (DS3)

I avoid expressing ideas for improvements, due to self-

protection. (DS4)
I withhold my solutions to problems because he/she is
motivated by fear. (DS5)
I am unwilling to speak up with suggestions for change
because they are emotionally disconnected. (AS1)
I inactively withhold ideas, based on resignation. (AS2)

I inactively keep ideas about solutions to problems to

him/herself. (AS3)
I universities keep any ideas for improvement to
him/herself because he/she has low self-efficacy to make
a difference. (AS4)
I withhold ideas about how to improve the work around
here, based on being emotionally isolated. (AS5)
I withhold confidential information, based on
cooperation. (PS1)
I protect proprietary information in order to benefit the
organization. (PS2)
I withstand pressure from others to tell organizational
secrets. (PS3)
I refuse to communicate information that might harm the
organization. (PS4)
I protect confidential organizational information
appropriately, based on concern for the organization.

Workplace Mobbing (Leyman Inventory of Psychological Terror 1996)

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
My seniors sometimes limit my possibilities to maintain
personal accomplishment. (PAAC1)
I am always disturbed while talking at work. (PAAC2)

My colleagues sometimes limit my possibilities to prve

my selves worth. (PAAC3)
I sometimes take verbal threats. (PAAC4)

I sometimes take written threats. (PAAC5)

The people around me don’t talk to me. (SR1)

I am not able to talk to anybody; I am obstructed to reach

other people.(SR2)
I am forced to work in places abstracted from my
It is forbidden to my colleagues to talk to me..(SR4)

I am sometimes behaved as if I am not there. (SR5)

I hear that people talk about me in a bad way. (ASC1)

I hear that there are rumors about me. (ASC2).

I am sometimes behaved as if I have psychological

problems. (ASC3)
I am sometimes forced to take psychological support.
My decisions are always questioned. (ASC55)

I am not given a private duty at work. (QOLAPS1)

I am sometimes given duties which are under my

capacity. (QOLAPS2)

My duties are always being changed. (QOLAPS3)

I am sometimes given duties which affect my self-

confidence negatively. ((QOLAPS4)

I am sometimes given duties which are out of my

qualities and which may discredit me.. ((QOLAPS5)

I have been given physically damages. (PHI)

I have taken physical violence threats. (PH2)

I have been exposed to violence to intimidate me. (PH3)

I have been forced to do physically heavy duties. (PH4)

HR Practices by Demo et al. (2012) for Training & Dvelopement,

Employee Compensation and Work Envoirnament and AL-Qudah et al.
(2014) For HR Planing.
Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
I can use knowledge and behaviors learned in training at
work. (TD1)
The organisation I work for helps me develop the skills I need
for the successful accomplishment of my duties (e.g., training,
conferences, etc.) (TD2)
In the organisation where I work, training is evaluated by
participants. (TD3)
The organisation I work for stimulates learning and
application of knowledge. (TD4)
In the organisation where I work, training needs are identified
periodically. (TD5)
In the organisation where I work, I get incentives such as
promotions, awards,bonuses, etc. (EC1)
In the organisation where I work, my salary is influenced by
my results. (EC2)
The organisation I work for offers me a salary that is
compatible with my skills, training, and education. (EC3)
The organisation I work for remunerates me according to the
remuneration offered at either the public or private
marketplace levels. (EC4)
The organisation I work for considers the expectations and
suggestions of its employees when designing a system of
employee rewards. (EC5)
Human resources planning at my organisation aims to achieve
adaptation with the changes in the external environment.
Human resources management in my organisation is
committed to planning for the human resources. (HRP2)
My organisation plans for the human resources to develop
their vision and strategic objectives. (HRP3)
There is clarity in the objectives and plans of the human
resources in my organisation. (HRP4)
I have a clear understanding of the development of human
resources plans. (HRP45)
The organisation I work for provides basic benefits (e.g.
transportation assistance, food aid, etc.). (WE1)
The organisation I work for has programs or processes that
help employees cope with incidents and prevent workplace
accidents. (WE2)
The organisation I work for is concerned with the safety of
their Employees by having access control of people who enter
the company building/facilities. (WE3)
The organisation I work for provides additional Benefits (e.g.,
membership in gyms, country clubs, etc.). (WE4)
The facilities and physical condition (lighting, ventilation,
noise and temperature) of the organisation I work for are
ergonomic, comfortable, and appropriate. (WE5)

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