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Claudia Keel |


Flower  essences  excel  in  addressing  the  emotional  and  mental  tensions  that  
disturb  sleep  for  both  children  &  adults.  To  use  essences  for  sleeplessness,  
seek  to  determine  why  the  person  is  not  sleeping,  to  treat  the  underlying  
causes.  See  some  categories  of  causes  and  essences  below,  but  this  is  far  from  
an  exhaustive  list.    Some  other  causes  to  address  more  directly  might  be:  
infection,  toxicity,  psychic  overload  or  invasion,  lack  of  safety,  anxiety,  worry,  
hormone  imbalances  and  stress.  
Flower  Essence  therapy  in  general  can  also  cause  disturbed  sleep  through  
dreams  (&  intense  dreams)  as  they  can  bring  subconscious  feelings  to  the  
surface.  Psychological  research  confirms  the  benefit  of  such  actions  as  dreams  
and  even  nightmares  are  ways  for  the  p syche  to  process  emotions  and  trauma  

For Sleeplessness related to:

General Restorative N erve relaxants: Replenish formula [Hawaiian, Jane Bell], Moonlight Angelica #10,
Terra & Terra Extra [Blossoem] ‘Nighty Night’ formula: (White Chestnut, Pennyroyal, Angelica, Saint John’s
Wort, Lemon Balm, Golden Amaranthus) Blue Vervain Flora –sleep Formula [FES] (California Valerian
White Chestnut Red Chestnut Olive Aloe Vera Alpine Aster)
Lack of Safety: Protection blends [DG & Blossoem], Angelica, Moonlight Angelica #10, Terra [Blossoem],
Calling all Angels [Alaskan formula], Red Cedar
Busy (very): Red Poppy [Blossoem], Blue Vervain, Shasta Daisy, Lemon Balm, Cedar (safety), Dill,
W orried (Future): Borage, Saint John’s Wort, Clary Sage (fear of future), Pennyroyal, Aspen, Mimulus,
White Chestnut, Jacob's Ladder, Golden Amaranthus
N ervous Exhaustion: Blue Vervain, Golden Amaranthus, Lemon Balm Orange Calcite [Alaskan], Olive,
Lavender, Morning glory
Generally Anxious / W orried / O ver-burdened / too much responsibility: Treat family of origin
wounding over time Blue Vervain, Borage, Saint John’s Wort, Angelica, Missouri Primrose, Sunflower
Agrimony (over- responsible), Centaury (invisible personality, nice to everyone but doesn’t take care of self),
Elm (overwhelmed), Jacob's Ladder [Alaskan] (hyper mental) Golden Amaranthus (letting go)
Sleep Apnea/ Snoring: Delta Gardens Sleep Apnea formula [stock] or Celandine, snapdragon, St. Johnswort,
& Lady's Mantle]: 10 drops of each in the dosage bottle, to be taken 1 drop before bedtime and 1 drop each
time he wakes up during the night.
Circadian Rhythms:   Morning Glory, Blue Morning Glory, Hornbeam (daytime essence for energy, enthusiasm
& involvement in life’s tasks)
Addictions: Addiction treatment, Morning Glory, Pennyroyal, Borage, Angelica, Lemon Balm Pine, Larch
Guilt over having dome something which one considers wrong, bad or evil: Resolution
coaching, Hyssop, Witch Hazel, Angelica, Milk Thistle, Crab Apple (cleansing, “I am not perfect”), Sassafras
M enopause: Treat stresses. Use ‘Menopausal Transition” essences
Processing Emotions Angelica, St. John’s Wort, Pennyroyal, Emotional Release formula, Sweet Annie,
Moonlight #10 (Angelica) Moonlight #19 (Release) Sagebrush, Chapparal (mental body cleanser)
Physically ill: Treat Illness and use flower essences with affinity to illness; Pennyroyal, St. John’s Wort,
Lemon Balm, Cedar, Golden Amaranthus, White Chestnut
Past Trauma triggered: Golden Amaranthus (letting go), Borage, Angelica, St. John’s Wort, Pennyroyal, #10
Moonlight (Angelica)
Trauma in the past: Treat trauma over time. Angelica, St. John’s Wort
U nresolved issues in the present or immediate past: Treat issues; St,
Case:  9  yr  old  boy  
John’s Wort, Pennyroyal, Chaparral (mental body cleanser), White Chestnut night  terrors  ‘bone  chilling  
N ightmares: St. John’s Wort, Star Flower, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, screams’  &  bed  wetting    
Protection blends [DG & Blossoem], Angelica, Moonlight Angelica #10, Terra 1st  Formula:  Saint  John’s  Wort,  
[Blossoem], Calling all Angels [Alaskan formula] Blue Green Aventurine, Blue Star  of  Bethlehem,  Rock  Rose,  
Vervain Calling  All  Angels  [Alaskan  
Essences Enhancing D reams: Mugwort, California Poppy [Blossoem] White formula  –  could  also  use  
Poinsettia/Clear Quartz, Delta Gardens Dream Amulet moonlight  A ngelica,  Terra    etc.]  
 Night  terrors  &  bed-­‐wetting  
Childhood Sleeplessness related to: went  away,  but  months  later  
Celandine – Helps a child communicate what is wrong. starting  school  the  night  
terrors  returned.  He  was  also  
Anxiety / Fear: Use specific fear essences
having  a  hard  time  in  school  
Over-excited: Blue Morning Glory, Blue Vervain (math)  and  having  dizzy  spells  
‘Over-expanded’ / Birth Trauma: Borage, all Morning Glories, St. John’s frequently  
Wort, Mariposa Lily (eases child into incarnation) Tube tobacco 2nd  Formula:  Rock  rose,  Cherry  
Over-stimulated: St. John’s Wort, Yarrow, Blue Vervain (also hops sleep pillow) Plum,  Tube  tobacco,  Blue  
N ightmares: St. John’s Wort, Star Flower, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, Green  Aventurine,  Habanero  
Protection blends [DG & Blossoem], Angelica, Moonlight Angelica #10, Terra Pepper,  Red  Cedar,  Shasta  
[Blossoem], Calling all Angels [Alaskan formula] Blue Green Aventurine, Daisy  
Traumatized: St. John’s Wort, Borage, Fraxinella, Star of Bethlehem, Rescue No  more  night  terrors  (!)  nor  
Remedy, Mariposa Lily dizziness  and  doing  very  well  at  
W orried / Bothered: Celandine, Borage White Chestnut, Mariposa Lily, school.    

Indications Related to Sleep of Flower Essences from Various Producers

D elta G arden Essences:
Angelica –soothing and protecting, binding, holds together…
Moonlight Angelica Archangel vial 10 – helps one stay asleep [take 1 drop before sleep]; soothing and
protecting, binding, holds together
Black Cohosh – For sleep disturbances resulting from fears of being hurt by others or obsessing about a personal
relationship. For dreams of being trapped, dreams of vague dark forces pursuing.
Black Currant – For sleep disturbances resulting from fears of dying, or from fears when one’s ideas of self or
reality are challenged.
Blue Vervain – For difficulty sleeping, due to over-thinking or when one is too wound up to relax. For nightmares,
and stress-related symptoms.
Blue/Green Aventurine - Reduces stress; develops confidence; changes energies in the conscious-subconscious
Blue Morning Glory [ADD set] – for regular waking & sleeping cycles childhood sleeplessness because one is
Bull Thistle – For sleep disturbances resulting from feeling confined, trapped, restrained or suffocating
Garlic – For thought-forms that invade the psyche
Golden Amaranthus – For those who are tired, can’t rest, or have difficulty sleeping. Offers the awareness that we
are protected and guided on the highest level, which allows one to relax, and have restful sleep.
Indian Tobacco - For sleep disturbances from fears related to the presence of dark forces.
Lemon Balm – For insomnia, inability to relax, fears related to resting. Provides a natural and deep relaxation, by
easing the velocity of the mind, which can be agitated by fears that reside in the subconscious. Eases these fears
Marshmallow – Creates more ease from extreme compartmentalization of stress; Softening energy
Pennyroyal – Protection from one’s own thoughts 1 Union Square W. #309 NY, NY 10003 917 -723-2309

Saint John’s Wort – Helps one become more conscious of what one is processing in sleep; more nightmares
initially perhaps, then tapers off. Especially for bed wetting children (who ‘go so far out’ in dream/sleep world
they loose awareness of physical body).
‘Nighty-Night’ formula –White Chestnut, Pennyroyal, Angelica, St John’s Wort, Lemon Balm, Golden

Bach/ H ealing H erbs:

Impatiens – helpful throughout the day for insomnia related to times when is one’s patience is being tested or for
feeling generally impatient.
Hornbeam – Energy enthusiasm involvement in life’s tasks (day time essence)
Olive – Promotes immune health and deep restoration following prolonged stress or exhaustion from challenging
life episodes
Red Chestnut – release from obsessive worry or emotional upset directed toward others; over-anxious concern or
mental pre-occupation for situations that involve the free will and choices of others
Rescue Remedy - Helpful to curb acute anxiety and stress and the often-resulting insomnia that can arise from it.
For long-term stress and insomnia it is more effective to address the underlying causes
Rescue Sleep [Nelson/Bach formula] – A combination of the stress-relief “Rescue Remedy” plus the mind quieting
of White Chestnut. Calms an overactive mind, restores inner calm, allowing one to settle down and sleep.
Rock Rose – For terrifying nightmares and deep-set fears, Panic,
Vervain - Assists a high-strung “type A” type to take a more relaxed less edgy approach to life and tasks. Helpful
to take throughout the day to assist with a more relaxed approach to life that will then translate to better sleep.
White Chestnut – promotes a restful mind and often used as a key essence for insomnia, worry, repetitive thoughts
and /or a chattering mind. Helps one fall asleep and aids in the release of deeply internalized states of worry,
such as repetitive thoughts, incessant mental agitation, or hyper-processing of past emotional experiences. One
can leave a stock bottle by the bed to take 1-2 drops as needed for acute insomnia.

Flower Essence Society:

Aloe Vera – helps the body – especially the heart center - to replenish during sleep; helps soothe over-stimulation
due to intense responsibilities at work or home; helps hydrate and soothe overly inflamed states of body-soul
Alpine Aster – assists the soul to fully release from the body during sleep, so that higher states of spiritual
consciousness and dreaming can provide inspiration and insight)
California Valerian – heals and calms the nervous system; promotes deep relaxation by guiding the soul to live in
present time rather than feel anxious about future events
Chamomile – release of emotional tension and agitation, particularly from the solar plexus and stomach; stabilizes
the digestive system at night for metabolic regeneration
Flora –sleep Formula (FES) –designed to facilitate a relaxation response in the body. It is best to use this formula
about one hour before bedtime or rest, and then once more just before retiring. It can also be kept on the
nightstand, and used if one awakens during the night, to help gently guide the body and soul back to sleep.
Lavender (FES) – for tension in the emotional system
Morning glory (FES) – Aids in the connects us to the rhythms of day and night and has a nourishing effect on
Alaskan & H awaiian Jane Bell Essences:
Calling All Angels™ [Alaskan Essence formula & spray] [Angelica, Chalice Well, Chiming Bells, Kunzite with
essential oils of Bulgarian Red Rose Otto, Carnation, Alpine Lavender, Pink Grapefruit] (The joyful and
calming oils promote the release of tension, helping to open one’s heart to love and peace) - Helps Create a
sacred and protected space for sleeping and dreaming; helps one contact the love, guidance and protection of
the angelic realm. It brings a very soft, loving and serene energy into one’s heart, physical body and 1 Union Square W. #309 NY, NY 10003 917 -723-2309

Jacob's Ladder - For insomnia and mental hyper vigilance; for over control or manipulation; obsessive worry &
thinking For tension in the body Healing Qualities: helps us move from trying to "figure things out" to a place
of opening to receive the wisdom that is available in each moment. Helps us shift our mental focus from
constantly trying to figure things out, to opening to receive what is available in each moment.
Orange Calcite [Alaskan] —for those who are ‘burned out’; insomnia from overuse of mental forces; tiredness
that is not helped by sleep; excessive use of the fire element; depletion of certain energy frequencies in the
chakras and subtle bodies; vital energy reserves used up emotional exhaustion Healing Qualities: dispels
darkness and grief; amplifies the body’s ability to assimilate light at the cellular level; uplifting, energizing and
Replenish Deep - Rest Formula [Hawaiian essence by Jane Bell] Dolphin Blessings • Peace Beach • Rainbow
Shower Tree Replenish helps maintain a restful inner environment, allowing you to recharge, regenerate, relax
and thrive. It enables you to dive beneath surface level stress to reconnect with your calm inner center. This
formula enhances deep sleep, enabling you to renew yourself on all levels.

W oodland Essences:
Starflower – Assists one accepting and embracing one's shadow self/dark side; For those who fear the dark. Offers
protection from negative influences as it brings the light of hope into one's life.

Blossoem N etherland Essences:

Angelica - “angel protection” during dreaming.
Foxglove - aids in receiving information about problems during dreaming.
Poppy, California (HET SLAAPMUTSJE)  - For deepening of spiritual connections during dreaming; opens one
discovering information in the dream world and is very helpful in situations related to sleeping problems and
addictions. It helps one to let go of worries associated with the outer world, establishing a balance with the
importance of the inner. It also brings a balance between the light and darkness, fostering a spirituality
integrated with the energy of mother earth.
Poppy, Red - Helpful when one cannot sleep after a busy day. Strengthens the inner woman, a warming and
empowering essence for those who feel vulnerable without having the power to transform their vulnerabilities
Protection - Good protection during the night, especially with fears.
Terra – Grounding and stabilizing; 2 drops for a better night’s rest.

Essence Alchemy:
Blueberry Cactus: - for deep peace, this essence slows the velocity of the mind and supports deep rest. Very
useful for disturbed sleep and inability to fall asleep.
Calm formula: support a general calm of the nervous system. It is most helpful at times when we are keyed up.
This simple blend supports a general calming, to help us unwind pacify the mind, emotions and nervous
system. For sleep try combining this with the Protection blend.
Travel Essence formula (yarrow, desert lily, Rose of Sharon, purple aster, trinity sage, bindweed, brule orchid,
orchid tree, gem essence of black tourmaline and whole plant tincture of yarrow) – helps to counters jet lag and
travel weariness, toxic energy build up in the aura, dehydration and disorientation. 1 Union Square W. #309 NY, NY 10003 917 -723-2309

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