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The Effect of Using Cubing Strategy toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at

the Fifth Grade of SDN 002 Bala Merah Pelalawan

A. Background of the Research
English is a tool of communication either oral or written. The education
of english in Indonesia is preparing a standard of competence in the
curriculum KTSP, it stipulates that the ability to be owned by Indonesian
students is to understand and express information, thoughts, feelings, and
develop science, technology, and culture of the English language. Thus,
English serves as a tool to communicate in order to access other information
than as a means to foster interpersonal relationships, exchange information
and enjoy the aesthetics of language in British culture. Therefore, there were
three aims of studying of English. First, was to develop the ability to
communicate in English, in oral or written form, which included the ability to
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Second, was to raise awareness
about the nature of language and the importance of English as a foreign
language to become a major tool of learning. Third, was to develop an
understanding of the interrelations between the languages and cultures as
well as expand cultural horizons so that students have a cross-cultural
insight and can involve themselves in cultural diversity.
One component of language learning was the understanding of the
vocabulary of the English language itself, in addition to other components.
Vocabulary (English vocabulary) was the set of words which meaning
was known and could be used by a someone in a language. The compilation
of vocabulary was defined as the set of all words that were understood by
everyone or all of the words that are likely to be used by someone to
construct new sentences. Someone's vocabulary choices is generally
considered by an overview of intelligence or educational level.
Understanding vocabulary was generally regarded as an important part
of the process of learning a language or development of a someone's ability
in a language that is already occupied. School students were often taught
new words as part of specific subjects and many adults who considered the
establishment of vocabulary as an exciting and educational activities.
Vocabulary mastery was the most basic things that must be mastered in
learning English for all students and the people of Indonesia. How could one
express a language if he did not understand the vocabulary of the language.
Especially if the student learned a foreign language, so the vocabulary of the
language was something that was absolutely owned by language learners. If
a student has the vocabulary of the English language, it would automatically
be adequate to support the achievement of English language four skills
competence. And vice versa without having an adequate vocabulary, a
student had a difficulty in achieving the above language competence.
Becker (1997) explained that the vocabulary was connecting how
many vocabulary controlled by the students with academic material and the
lack of understanding of language learning vocabulary was a major cause of
academic failure experienced by students.
Based on the preliminary observation toward the fifth grade students of SDN 002 Bala
Merah Pelalawan, the students were demanded to comprehend the simple descriptive picture text
based on the school context, the indicator of this competence was memorizing the words, phrase
and sentence correctly.
In this point, I observed that the techniques of teaching and learning
vocabulary used by teacher did not attract the attention of students to enrich
vocabulary, unavailability of media vocabulary learning effective and
engaging for the students and some students did not have a great interest to
learn English because they considered it difficult.
In this phenomena, the students needed a special techniques to achieve their english
vocabulary mastery in order to make the class more favourable. So, the students could
comprehend and absorb the materials that had been taught easily.
There were some vocabulary mastery strategies with regard to the students’ problems on
vocabulary, strategy of teaching vocabulary was one of the aspects that influenced the
achievement of teaching vocabulary. Using good strategy of teaching helped the students to be
mastered vocabulary, for example by using Cubing strategy.
Cubing strategy was a strategy used by the teacher to provide opportunities for the
students to use and share their thinking about new vocabularies. Bloom (2008) added that cubing
was an effective strategy that gave teachers a precise language for communicating the outcomes
of their learning instruction in teaching vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher could see whether
cubing strategy was one of strategy could be effective to help students in learning vocabularies.
Based on explanation above, the researcher was interested to conduct the research
entitled “The Effect of Using Cubing Strategy toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the
Fifth Grade of SDN 002 Bala Merah Pelalawan”.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on what had been discussed in the background of the research above, these
phenomena were identified as follows:
1. The techniques of teaching and learning vocabulary used by teacher did
not attract the attention of students.
2. Unavailability of media vocabulary learning effective and engaging for
the students.
3. Some students did not have a great interest to learn English because
they considered it difficult.

C. Limitation of the Research

Based on the phenomena stated above, the researcher limited the study on the Effect of
using Cubing Strategy toward memorizing English vocabulary namely noun, adjective, and verb
at the fifth grade of SDN 002 Bala Merah Pelalawan.

D. Formulation of the Research

Based on the statement of the problem above, research questions appeared in this research.
It is: “Do the students at the fifth grade of SDN 002 Bala Merah Pelalawan
taught vocabulary by using Cubing Strategy achieve better than the students
who were not taught by using Cubing Starategy?”
E. Purpose of the Research
The purpose of the research were to find out the significant effect of using Cubing strategy
at the fifth grade of SDN 002 Bala Merah Pelalawan.

F. Importance of the Research

This result of this research is important to:
1. To the researcher
One of ways to get a degree at English Department of Lancang Kuning University.
2. To the teacher
as a resource to teach English especially in teaching vocabulary.
3. To the students
improve and develop their mastering on vocabulary.
4. To the readers
give information about the use of cubing strategy in clarifying and developing their mastering on
5. For the next researchers
this research as the reference.

G. Definition of Key Terms

In this research, the definition of key terms were necessary to avoid misunderstanding and
misinterpretation; Researcher defined some terms used in this research as follows:
1. Vocabulary was the words that people use and utter their daily conversation.
2. Cubing strategy was a strategy that used by the teacher to provide opportunities for the students
to use and share their thinking about new vocabularies.

A. Review of Related Theory
In this related theories, research of this study elaborated some related theories dealing with
using Cubing Strategy learning in achieving the students’ vocabulary mastery. Those were
described as follows;

1. The Nature of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a large number of word forms. It is the total number of words rules for
combining the makeup language. It is very important for the students in learning English
especially for communication to construct the meaning and making a language. When someone
has good vocabulary it means that he/she is familiar with large number of words, and uses them
in appropriate and accurate terms. According to Leaver at all (2005:162) states that vocabulary is
the building block of the language learning. It means vocabulary mastery facilitates the learners
to be able to speak, read, write, and listen. Linse (2006:121) vocabulary is the collection of
words that an individual knows. It means that vocabulary is the total number of words or phrases of
language, including single words, compound words, and idioms that individual knows.
According to Hornby (2000:1447) vocabulary is list of word with their meanings,
especially in a book for learning a foreign language. It means that vocabulary is related to a large
number of words including new words in foreign language. In addition, Harmer (2003:37) states
that there are eight kinds of part of speech. They are noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, adverb,
prepositional, determiner, and conjunction. In line, Leaver at all (2005: 170) states that a noun is
a word used as the name of person, place, or thing. An adjective is the word that modifies nouns.
i.e. they tell the reader or listener more about the noun. A verb is the action elements in a
Vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language.
However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than just a single word: for example, post
office, and mother-in-law, which are made up of two or three words but express a single idea. A
useful convention is to cover all such cases by talking about vocabulary items rather than words
From the explanation of experts above, Vocabulary is one of the keys that build the four
language skills such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Vocabulary also related to the
part of speech such as noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, adverb, prepositional, determiner, and
conjunction. In addition, in learning vocabulary the students not only learn about a large number
of words but also they must understand what the meaning of the word itself. If the students can
realize the meaning of word, they will be easy to recognize what the teacher says. On the other
word, the main point that make successful in language learning is must be mastering in
vocabulary first.

2. Teaching English Vocabulary for Young Learners

There are some opinions which define about young learners. According to Cameron (2001)
young learners are the learners between five and twelve years old. They are often more
enthusiastic and lively as learners and they want to please the teacher rather that the peer group.
Moreover, Phillips (2003) says that young learners are the children from the first year of formal
schooling (five or six years old) to eleven or twelve years of age. In this case, young learners are
those who are in the first until the sixth in the elementary school.
Gordon (2007:76) states that young children’s are capable of learning foreign language
words at a relatively fast rate. It means the students in elementary school can learn foreign
language words faster than adult learner when they learn that word subconsciously as they learn
their mother tongue language, such as when they are playing word games, rather than memorize
a large number of words. From the principles above in teaching process, the teacher should be
able to identify who the students are, what their needs are, and how the teacher should teach in a
simple and interesting way. Different age of students indicate that they also have different needs
and interest.
In teaching vocabulary, the teacher must be able to select the words that will be given to
the students, according to the curriculum and the goal of teaching. In application, the materials
which are given have been selected to the students’ need that used in real life. As a good teacher,
it is important to know how to teaching vocabulary because vocabulary is the ability masters a
lot of words to make communications with other people. In order to communicate well in a
language, students should acquire an adequate number of words and should know how to use
them accurately. The more vocabulary the learners have the easier for them to develop their four
skills.From the explanation of some experts above, it can be concluded that by using a strategy
in teaching words to young learner can help them to understand the word that they learned.

3. Kinds of Vocabulary
According to Eckersley (1960:3) there are eight kinds of vocabulary. It is stated one the
part of speech. They are noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunctions, and
Noun : the word that is related to name of things, people, or place.
Example: house, hat, iron, Russia, London
Pronoun : the word that refers to people or things without really naming
them and being compelled to repeat the names frequently:
e.g : I, you, them.
Adjective : the word that qualifies a noun by making its meaning clearer,
fuller or more exact. e.g : sick, new shoes, a blue dress.
Verb : the word that expresses the idea of action or being that affirms that person or thing is, does
or suffers something.
e.g : boys played football, he is hungry.
Adverb : the word that can be added to a verb to make its meaning clearer,
fuller or more exact. e.g : he ran quickly.
Preposition : the word that is used with noun or pronouns and show the
relationship between the noun or pronoun and other word, often
expressing abstract relationship of case or of time of place.
e.g : the desk was near the window.
Conjunction : the word that is used to join words, phrases or sentences.
e.g : he worked hard because he wanted to succeed.
Interjection : the word that expresses sudden feeling or emotion.
e.g : hello! Oh! Ah!

Here the students will learn about Adjective, Noun, and Verb, it was based on curriculum
used in SDN 002 Bala Merah Pelalawan, the vocabularies that learnt as follows:
a. Adjective is word that modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying
words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies.
e.g: happy, big, high, low, small, red, black
b. Noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. Nouns are usually
the first words which small children learn. e.g: bag, chair, book, board.
c. Verb is the word that expresses the idea of action or being that affirms that person or thing is,
does or suffers something. e.g: eat, drink, get, give, take, run.

4. Teaching English Vocabulary by Cubing Strategy

Teaching vocabulary is a process of making students learns a unit of words presented by
teachers. There are some expert ideas that discuss about teaching vocabulary. Allen (1999:17)
says that teaching vocabulary is teaching new labels for familiar concepts. For example, if our
students already know the concept about fair/unfair, so we are teaching vocabulary with the
words like discrimination, bias and stereotyping by using the concept. On the other hand, if our
students totally unknown the concept. So, more time will be required to develop a meaning full
understanding. It means that in teaching vocabulary the teacher must know the concept in
teaching vocabulary.
Cubing strategy is a strategy that used by the teacher to provide opportunities for the
students to use and share their thinking about new vocabularies. Bloom (2008) adds that cubing
is an effective strategy that gives teachers a precise language for communicating the outcomes of
their learning instruction in teaching vocabulary. Caulfield and Jennings (2005:44) define that
cubing is a strategy to make some instructions on the cube template to help students think what
they have been read and memorize. It helps the students to identify different levels of thinking
and questioning and is a valuable tool for building students critical and creative thinking skill. In
the taxonomy, the acts for recalling and reporting knowledge are seen as less sophisticated than
the alternatives of translating information into new forms. However, the students can understand
in a new discipline ought to be encouraged to practice the full array of higher-order thinking
According to Houff (2010:73) there are five advantages of Cubing strategy in teaching
a. the strategy can be used to stimulate growth in word knowledge.
b. the students can develop their ideas about vocabulary.
c. the students can use relevant example of the vocabulary.
d. the students can use the vocabulary in sentences structure of in short conversation.
e. it discovers how to recognize unfamiliar or interesting words from their reading.
There are some experts that express procedures of cubing strategy. According to Allen and
McLaughlin (2009:229) procedures of cubing are;
1. The teacher explains the material of the students about vocabulary topics.
2. The teacher asks the students to find appropriate topic that related with the material on books.
3. The students choose the type of role-playing they would like to do. Cubes may very with tasks or
commands that are appropriate to the level of readiness of the group.
4. The students choose teacher designed task from the choice board from the teachers and also uses a
wild card to design a learning activity related to the topic about vocabulary.
5. Students write 13-15 minutes on each of the six sides of a cube. The intent of cubing as to have
students generates more ideas or perspectives.
6. Then, the students make the list of vocabularies on their friends cube.
For example the topics about: House



List of Vocabularies:

-House -Kitchen
-Living room -Stove
-Chair -Plate
-TV -Garage
-Bathroom -Car
-Soap -Bicycle
-tooth brush
B. Review of related findings
There were some previous researches that have done by some researcher related to cubing
The first, Hasanah (2013) conducted the research entitled “Teaching English Vocabulary
Using Cubing Strategy at the Fourth Grade of SDN Cibeber Mandiri 1 Cimahi in Academic Year
2012-2013”. She found that mean score of pretest was 66.41, mean score of posttest was 86.67
and tobserved was 8.62. The ttable with df=n-1 (39-1=38) and significance level at 0.05 was
1.70. Based on the data analysis above, the alternative hypothesis of this research was accepted
because tobserved was higher than ttable (8.62>1.7). It also means that teaching English
vocabulary using cubing strategy was effective to increase the students’vocabulary mastery at the
fourth grade students of SDN Cibeber Mandiri 1 Cimai in academic year 2012-2013.
The second, Firdaus (2011) conducted the research entitled “The Use of Cubing Strategy to
Improve the Students’ Understanding on English Vocabulary (A Classroom Action Research
With The Fourth Graders of SDN 01 Mulyoharjo Jepara In The Academic Year 2010/2011)”. He
found that the average of the students achievement was 57,4. In the first cycle there are about
64% or many of students joined the class, and the average of the students achievement was 64,7.
In the second cycle there are about 74% or almost majority of the students joined in the class, the
average of the students achievement was 71,8. In the third cycle there are 80% or majority of
students joined the class, the average of the students achievement was 75,7. Based on the result
of the analysis, the researcher can conclude that the use of cubing strategy is recommended for
the English teacher, especially for elementary school teachers to attract the students interest and
to improve their knowledge in learning English.
The third, Abdul (2011) conducted the research entitled “The Use of Cubing Strategy in
Teaching Vocabulary (An Experimental Study with the Seventh Grade Students of Mts Darul
Ulum Srikandang Bangsri, Jepara In The Academic Year Of 2011-2012). He found that the pre-
test average of the experimental group was (62.1) and control group was (63.62). While, the
post-test average of the experimental group was (82.58) and control group was (64.88). The
obtained t-test was (24.34), whereas the t-table was (2.00) for a = 5%. The t-test score was higher
than the t-table (24.34 > 2.00). It was meant that Ha was accepted while Ho was rejected. Since
t-test score was higher than the t-table, the use of cubing strategy was effective strategy in
improving students’vocabulary achievement in MTs Darul Ulum Srikandang Bangsri, Jepara.
Based on the computation, the researcher concluded that the hypothesis is accepted.
The fourth, Nurbaeti (2013) conducted the research entitled “Teaching Vocabulary Using
Cubing Strategy at the Third Grade Students of SDN 1 Tegalmunjul – Purwakarta”. She found
that mean scores of pretest was 12.53, mean scores of posttest was 16.25. It means cubing
strategy can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Then, the tobserved was 4.45, and the
critical value was 2.42 with degree of freedom = N-1 (df = 40-1 = 39) and significance level at .
01. Based on the result of the data analysis above, the alternative hypothesis was accepted
because the tobserved was bigger than the tcritical value (4.45 > 2.42). It also means that cubing
strategy was effected to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery significantly.

C. Conceptual Framework
Dealing with the research, researcher conceptualized the research to ease conducting the
research. The direction begun with the observation, pre-test, treatments, and post-test. The
preliminary research was interview before giving pre-test to the students.
Figure 2.1
Conceptual Framework of the Research



D. Hypotheses
1. Null hypotheses (Ho)
There is no significant effect of using Cubing Strategy toward students’ vocabulary
mastery at the fifth grade of SDN 002 Bala Merah Pelalawan.
2. Alternative hypotheses (Hα)
There is significant effect of using Cubing Strategy toward students’ vocabulary mastery at
the fifth grade of SDN 002 Bala Merah Pelalawan.


A. Kinds of the Research

The design of this research was a quasi-experimental research type pre-test and post-test
control group design. The most commonly used of quasi experimental designs in educational
research could be represented as:
Experimental O1 X O2
Control O3 O4
Cohen (2007: 283)
This design required at least two groups, each of which was formed by assignment but not
random assignment. Both groups was administrated a pre-test and each group receives different
treatment. Both groups was tested at the end of the study. Post-test score was compared to
determine the effectiveness of the treatment. This research consisted of two variables; the
independent variable symbolized by “X” that is the use of cubing strategy and the dependent
one as “Y” which referred to students’ vocabulary mastery. In brief, the research designed by
following table.
Table 3.1
The Table Quasi Experimental Research
Class Pre-test Treatment Post-test
Control -
Experiment T
E : Experimental Group
C : Control Group
T : Treatment Experimental Group
X1 and Y1 : The Pre Test for Both two Groups
X2 and Y2 : The Post Test for Both Two Group

B. Population and Sample

The Population of the research was the Fifth grade students of SDN 002 Bala Merah
Pelalawan. Number of the students for the fifth grade were 91 students. SDN 002 Bala Merah
Pelalawan has three classes for the fifth grade. The population can be seen in the following table:

Table 3.2
The Population of Research

No Class Number of Students Mean Score

1 V.A 27 Students 70.49
2 V.B 29 Students 70.14
3 V.C 31 Students 69.12
∑ 91 Students

A sample was part of the population being examined at the time of research. Thus, the
sample of research should be less than the population. The sample must have the characteristics,
which represented all the population being observed in the research. In other words, the sample
was a subject of individuals or cases from a population. It enabled the researcher to collect and
organize the data more effectively and practically. In this research, researcher determined the
classes based on students based score to see students had equal ability. After calculating the
score, researcher got the result that students’ average score of class V.A was 70.49, while class
V.B was 70.14. It showed both of classes had equal ability. Then researcher took randomly as
sample of research. Researcher took two classes as the sample of this research by using lottery,
before doing that, researcher committed the first taken out was experiment class and the second
was control class. Those are V.A became the experimental group and V.B became the control

Table 3.3
Sample of the Research

No Class Participants Mean Score Class

1 V.A 27 Students 70.49 Experimental
2 V.B 29 Students 70.14 Control
3 Total 56 Students

C. Setting of the Research

The researcher conducted the research at the fifth grade students of SDN 002 Bala Merah
Pelalawan. It was conducted in January to March 2015. Based on the time allocation on syllabus,
there were five meetings consisting seventy minutes for each (5 x 70 minutes) to teach
vocabulary. Therefore, this research ran two weeks in five meetings and to conduct experimental
class of using Ball toss. The schedules of this research are showed in table 3.4:

Table 3.4
The schedules of the Research

No Meeting Activity Participant class

Meeting 1 Control and treatment
1 (28 January 2015) Pre-test
Meeting 2 Teaching Adjective by
(4 February 2015) Treatment
2 Using Cubing strategy
about Noun
Meeting 3 Teaching Noun by Using
(11 February 2015) Treatment
3 Cubing strategy about
Meeting 4 Teaching Verb by Using
4 (18 February 2015) Cubing strategy about
Meeting 5 Teaching Verb by Using
5 (25 February 2015) Cubing strategy about
Verb, Noun and Adjective
Meeting 6 Control and treatment
6 (4 March 2015) Post-test

D. Instrument of the Research

Instrument was a tool used to collect the data from the respondents of the research. In this
research, the instrument was test. The test was constructed in form multiple choices. The test was
given to the students at the pre-test and post test in both of the classes.
Table 3.5
Blue print of Test
Pre-Test Post-Test
Adjective 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Adjective 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Noun 8,9,10,11,12,13,14 Noun 8,9,10,11,12,13,14
Verb 15,16,17,18,19,20 Verb 15,16,17,18,19,20

E. Techniques of Collecting Data

In order to explore the research data, the researcher applied multiple choice tests as an
instrument of this research. The number item test consisted of 20 questions. The high score was
100. So for each the correct answer was scored 5. The specification of the test items were taken
from the syllabus of the fifth grade of SDN 002 Bala Merah Pelalawan. The researcher used
these instruments to know the effect of the Cubing strategy.

F. The Technique of Data Analysis

In order to find out significance between treatment class and control class by using cubing
strategy in teaching vocabulary, Researcher statistically analyzed it by using T-test when the data
was normal and homogenous and use U Mann-Whitney if the data was not normal or not
homogenous. The data got used to see the improvement students’ ability in vocabulary, the result
data from pre-test and post-test score. The data were analyzed to know the result of the test. The
result data then were calculated the average of the score. It was calculating N-Gain between
pretest and posttest in experimental class. N-gain was used to know the effect size the treatment
that is given to experimental class The Formula as follows:

N-Gain : Spost- Spre

Note :
Spost : Posttest Score
Spre : Pretest Score
Smaks : Maximum Ideal Score

Table 3.6
The criteria of achievement N-Gain score
Limitation Category
G > 0.7 High
0.3 < g < 0.7 Middle
g ≤ 0.3 Low
Meltzer 2002

Next, it was to analyze the data of pre-test and post-test that used software Statistical
Package for Social Science (SPSS) for windows version 20.0. Before hypothesis test, first was
done normality test distribution data and homogeneity variance data both classes. Testing
normality distribution data in this research was done using test Kolmogorove Smirnov (KS-21)
in program SPSS version 16.0 while Levene Test for testing homogeneity of sample. The
continue after normality test and homogeneity test as follow:

1. T-test
T-test was a parametric statistic used to test the hypothesis, comparative average of two
samples, when the data are interval or ratio form. T-test was used when data was normal and
homogeneous. To determine the normal and homogenous data used normality and homogeneity
a. Normality test
Normality test was needed to determine the distribution of data. Normality data is known
through the equitable distribution of regression of each value. One of methods was used to test
the normality of data is Kolmogorov Smirnov (KS-21) KS=I| Fn(yi-1) – F0 (yi)|
KS : Value of KS
Fn(yi-1) : Cumulative percentage frequency before i.
F0 (yi) : Distribution normal of frequency data at i.
To calculate KS value obtained subsequently compared with the KS value table. If the
Value calculated KS < KS table accept H0 then it means a simple regression model of data or
multiple regression followed a normal distribution and conversely if the value calculated KS >
KS table then reject H0 it means that a simple regression model of data or multiple regression
did not follow a normal distribution. (Sugiyono 2010:156)

b. Homogeneity test
Homogeneity test was performed to determine the equality of research data. In a regression
analysis of research data that either should have a homogeneous distribution of data and method
used to test the Levene test.

(N-K) ∑ni ( - k)2

(K-1) ∑ (Vij- k)2

Vij = Xij-
L : Levene Value
X : Residual data Value
: Residual data mean
N : Amount of sample
K : Amount of group (Sugiyono 2010:147)

The value of Levene counting obtained is then compared with Levene table or can also use
a significant comparison with alpha value of 5%. If the value of Levene count < Levene table or
P value > 5% of the data a simple regression or multiple regression has a homogenous variety.
On contrary, if the value of the Levene > Levene table or P value < 5% then data regression
simple or multiple regression that does not have homogenous variety. And the hypothesis by T-
test formula as below:

Note :
t = t-test
= mean score of treatment class
= mean score of control class
S1 = Standard Deviation of treatment class
S22 = Standard Deviation of control class
n1 = number of the students of treatment class
n2 = number of the students of control class

(Zulkarnaen, 2010:187)
2. U Mann-Whitney test
U-test was used to test the comparative hypothesis of two independent samples when data
are ordinal form, If in an observation interval of the form data, then it needed to be changed first
into ordinal data. When the data is still shaped interval, we can use T-test to test, but if the
assumption of T-test is not match (must be normal), then this test can be used. There are two
formulas that are used for testing; both of formulas are used in calculation, it is used to determine
the price of U whichever is smaller. U price smaller that are used for testing and comparing with
the U table.

U1 = n1.n2 + - R1
U2 = n1.n2 + – R2
n1 : Amount of simple 1
n2 : Amount of simple 2
U1 : Amount of level 1
U2 : Amount of level 2
R1 : Amount of rank sample 1
R2 : Amount of rank sample 2

(Sugiyono 2010:153)

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