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SUMMARY STATEMENT (May be used as a referee statement)

Classroom Teacher/Mentor

Student Name: Laura O’Shea Learning Area: Legal Studies / History

Professional Knowledge

Laura demonstrated a high level of professional knowledge throughout her professional experience in legal studies at
stage two level and history at year ten level. Laura developed a good knowledge of the course content and the relevant
ACARA and SACE documents including performance standards. She was able to efficiently gain an understanding of
new material and present complex ideas in a logical order and in a form which was accessible to students. She made
excellent use of visual material from a range of sources and ICT to increase student understanding. She employed a
range of approaches including formal teaching, class discussion, research and group work to engage students. Her
lessons were structured and sequenced for students to be able to see a coherent direction in the presentation of a topic.
Her teaching methods gave students the opportunity to develop their oral and written communication skills. Laura
showed a good understanding of the assessment requirements and was able to create formative and summative tasks
which allowed the students to demonstrate their learning in a variety of forms and allowed for different levels of ability
During her time in the class she developed a good understanding of the social and intellectual nature of the individual
students as a basis for meeting their needs.

Professional Practice

Laura made herself familiar with the SEQTA system which is used in this school for student management and
communication. She was aware of the assessment standards and was consistent in giving feedback to students as a
basis for improving their learning. She used the performance standard effectively and presented a range of responses in
assessment tasks to meet student learning styles. Laura was aware of school and classroom routines and established a
safe and supportive learning environment. She gained the respect of students and maintained a high standard of
behaviour from them in their interactions with her and each other. Laura has a strong classroom presence and
communicated effectively with the students, giving instructions in a clear and logical manner and setting realistic goals.
She has a good voice and conveys enthusiasm for the topics which she teaches. Laura made good use of ICT without
being overly reliant on it in the presentation of material and student responses. .

Professional Engagement

Laura is a highly ethical person who showed a good understanding of the professional standards in relation to students
and parents. She engaged in professional development through a constructive dialogue with a wide range of staff
members and students taking every opportunity to improve her knowledge and practice. She quickly became familiar with
the students in the home group and interacted positively with them. Laura has a good sense of humour and has freely
given her time to assist members of staff and individual students. During this teaching practice Laura proved herself to be
a very competent and resourceful person who communicates an enthusiasm for knowledge and commitment to student
development. I wish her well in her future career.

Written by:James White Date: 05/17/2018

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