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Civil Engineering Department
CE 502 – Reinforced Concrete Design
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Section: CE 51FB1
Direction: Answer the following questions on a short bond paper. Put in the references/sources of your answers for each descriptive question.
For the problem-solving questions, write your solutions properly and box your FINAL ANSWER.
(Submission: Monday, September 3, before the start of the Quiz)
1. What is Bond Strength? Why is it that deformed bars provide better bonds than plain bars? What would happen if we increase the concrete
cover in relation to bond strength?
2. What are the factors influencing bond strength? Provide at least 5 factors and describe each.
3. What is the formula for Development Length for Tension? What is the formula for Development Length for Compression? Define the
parameters/variables used. What are the Code Factors/Factors used?
4. What is meant by the ACI Code Section 12.2.2? When do we use the simplified expressions for developmental length? Provide at least 2
5. What is the formula for Development Length for Hooked Bars? The basic development length for hooked bars shall be multiplied by what
factors/multipliers? What is the minimum diameter of bend and where/how is it measured?
6. True or False: Hooks are not effective for reinforcing bars in compression and may be ignored; explain your answer. Why is it that the
development length in compression is smaller than in tension?
7. Figure 2 below shows the cross-section of a simply supported beam reinforced with four No. 8 (1in diameter) bars that are confined with No.
3 stirrups spaced at 6 in. Determine the development length of the bars if the beam is made of normal-weight concrete, bars are not coated,
f’c = 3ksi, and fy = 60ksi.

Prepared by Engr. Brylle Jerald P. Timbal | Civil Engineering Department | Technological Institute of the Philippines
8. A reinforced exterior cantilevered beam has an effective depth of 600mm and a width of 300mm. It is reinforced with 4-28mm diameter top
bars which are arranged as shown in Figure 1. It carries a service load of 5800 N/m (including its own weight) and a service live load of
14600 N/m. Given that f’c = 20.7MPa and fy = 276.5MPa, determine the development length for the top bars.
9. Figure 3 shows a beam-column joint in a continuous building frame analysis, the negative steel required at the end of the beam is 1871mm2.
2-36mm diameter bars are used providing As = 2036mm2. Normal density concrete is to be used with f’c = 27.5MPa and rebars have fy =
415MPa. Compute the following:
a. the basic development length for hooked bars measured from the critical section along the bars to the far side of the vertical hook
b. the minimum development length for the hooked bars
c. the length of extension at the end of the bend in the vertical direction
10. A reinforced concrete cantilever beam is reinforced with 6-28mm diameter bars. The bars are considered to be top bars. Assume side, top,
and bottom cover greater than 62.5mm; f’c = 28MPa, and fy = 280MPa. Determine the following:
a. the development length if the bars are straight
b. the development length if the bar is terminated with a 180-degree hook
c. the development length if the bar is terminated with a 90-degree hook

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

“You will pass. You will. But the conviction in passing lies within the efforts and the integrity in doing so...”

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