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4 CP Body of Swords

Beyond everything that Gilgamesh has achieved with his capacities he has fully

adapted to learning about his own body and soul, becoming capable of fully using

himself as an absolute weapon.

He becomes capable of drawing out the sword from his body, obtaining a nigh unlimited amount of +15
quality swords for a cost of 50 lifepoints each. Beyond that he can infuse all of his ophiucos based
weapons with his own power. In this manner it can touch anything, regardless of its protections,
automatically granting his weapons the 'unstoppable' trait regardless of whether it naturally has it or
not. This is considered 'natural' and can never be cancelled, though it can still be ignored by plot level

Secondly he can extend his being into his own closed world, forming massive blades out of thin air with
the flick of a wrist. Per turn he becomes capable of rolling an additional d10 within his closed world for
the amount of attacks he obtains each turn. These attacks are resolved at his maximum capacity,
regardless of the circumstances but cannot be used alongside fatigue.

Thirdly his maximum amount of health is doubled and his effective lifepoints gain a bonus of 60 per
level. The AT cap increases to 20 for Gilgamesh.

The damage done by the blades is double and now can obtain all of the bonusses that his ophiucos
applies (meaning enchantments and all dat jazzzzz)

Gilgamesh becomes capable of fully binding himself to his own ophiucos as he is considered a sword.
This means that if he chooses to do this: when his body is destroyed his soul will continue to thrive,
returning to where he bound himself where his body will begin to reform. This means that essentially he
cannot die unless his existence is fully severed. Even if his body is severed his soul will simply reform a
new body once it rearrives back at the area he bound himself to. The soul moves at a speed equal to the
base power score of Gilgamesh.

To ignore this ability the soul must be severed from the body through magic, but a single 'sever
existence' spell does not do the trick as the soul at this point is counted as a seperate entity residing
within the physical form, requiring a seperate 'sever existence' or 'uncreate' capable of touching souls to
The benefits of this CP advantage become absolute regardless of the enemies reductions of special
abilities (DM discretion is adviced but the power of this ability becomes 'plot' level)

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