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REF NO: To be filled by CD office

EC40115/ EC43115: Digital Image Processing

Credits: 03 Teaching Scheme: - Theory 03 Hrs/Week

Prerequisites: Signals & System, DSP

Co requisites: Nil

Post requisites: Nil


 This develops an overview of the field of image processing & also helps the
students to analyze the tools and methods which are currently used in digital
image processing.
 It provides the knowledge how digital images are represented, manipulated,
encoded and processed, with emphasis on algorithm design, implementation
and performance evaluation.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Outline the fundamental steps of image processing & analyze the
intensity transformation functions.

CO2: Analyze image restoration process on different noises using filters &
able to know different color models.

CO3: Able to know different coding techniques, morphological operation &

edge detection methods.

CO4: Read voluntarily to enhance the knowledge of Digital image processing.

Course Details:

Unit 1 (05 Hrs)

U1.1. Introduction: What is Digital Image Processing? Example of fields that use
Digital image processing, Fundamental steps in Digital image processing,
Components of an image processing. Digital Image Fundamentals: Elements
of visual perception, Image Sampling & Quantization, Some basic
relationships between pixels.
U1.2. Image sensing & Acquisition.

Unit 2 (08 Hrs)

U2.1. Intensity Transformations: Some basic intensity transform functions,
Histogram Processing. Image enhancement and filtering.
U2.2. Some properties of 2-D DFT, Selective Filtering.

Unit 3 (07 Hrs)

U3.1. Image Restoration & Reconstruction: A model of the image

degradation/restoration process, Noise models, Restoration in the presence of
noise only-Spatial filtering, Estimation of degradation function, Minimum mean
square error (Wiener) filtering.
U3.2. Color Fundamentals, Color models.

Unit 4 (06 Hrs)

U4.1. Image compression: Fundamentals: Coding Redundancy, Spatial & Temporal

Redundancy, Fidelity Criteria, and Some Basic Compression methods:
Huffman coding, Arithmetic coding, Morphological Image Processing: Erosion,
dilation, opening & closing.
U4.2. Run-length coding, Bit-plane coding

Unit 5 (07 Hrs)

U5.1. Image Segmentation: Fundamentals, Point, line and Edge Detection:

Detection of isolated points, line detection, Edge models, Basic Edge
Detection, Region-Based Segmentation (Region Growing).
U5.2. Region Splitting & Merging.

Text Books:

T1. “Digital Image Processing”, Rafel C.Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods, Pearson, 3rd
Edition, 2008.

Reference Books

R1. “Digital Image Processing& Analysis”, B.Chandra,D.Dutta Majumdar, PHI,

R2. “Digital Image Processing”, S.Sridhar,Oxford University Press, 2011.

REF NO: To be filled by CD office

EC40315/ EC43315: Digital Image Processing Laboratory

Credits: 01 Teaching Scheme: - Laboratory 02 Hrs/Week

Prerequisites: Introduction to MATLAB (Lab), Signals & System Lab, DSP Lab.

Co requisites:

Post requisites:


The aim of the lab is to help the student to analyze the images by applying various
transformation techniques using MATLAB.

Course Outcome:

CO1: Ability to demonstrate different operations on images and manipulate them

using MATLAB.

CO2: Analyze the images by applying various intensity transformation techniques

using MATLAB.

CO3: Demonstrates the analysis of various coding techniques & edge detection
operators using MATLAB.

CO4: Practice the experimental skill to solve the problems of Restoration,

Compression & Segmentation on images.

Course Details:

List of Practicals: (Any 10)

Experiment No. 1: Display the gray scale image & perform Geometric
transformations such as translation, rotation, and scaling using

Experiment No. 2: Space domain operations such as histogram modification

(scaling, offset, amplitude change) using MATLAB.

Experiment No. 3: Perform Histogram equalization & specification using MATLAB.

Experiment No. 4: The frequency domain processing of an image (Fourier
transform, log compression) using MATLAB.

Experiment No. 5: Filtering of an image corrupted by noise (mean and median)

without using the inbuilt function in MATLAB.

Experiment No. 6: Digital Image coding and compression (compression measures,

losses compression, entropy, optimal coding) using MATLAB.

Experiment No. 7: Perform the conversion between different color models using

Experiment No. 8: Non linear image processing such as morphologic operators

(opening, closing) and structuring element choice, dilation,
erosion using MATLAB.

Experiment No. 9: Perform the edge detection operation using the operators
(Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts) in MATLAB.

Experiment No. 10: Perform the canny edge detection without using MATLAB
inbuilt function.

Experiment No. 11: Perform the segmentation using watershed transform.

Experiment No. 12: Filtering of an image corrupted by noise using wiener filter
without using the inbuilt function in MATLAB.

Text Books:

T1. “Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB”, R.C.Gonzalez,R.E.Woods,Steven

L.Eddins, Mc Graw Hill Education, Second Edition.

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