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Happy New Year and Welcome to Spring Semester 2018,

The Student Government Association would like to welcome all students, staff and faculty
to the spring 2018 semester. Below we are providing you with a summary of ongoing initiatives
and an overview summary of the fall 2017 semester. At the end you will find initiatives that will
be happening in the spring of 2018.

During the Fall Semester the Student Government Association held approximately 12
main events. The fall semester started with one e-board position filled by Ajanae Kelley, who held
the SGA’s President Position for the Fall Semester. For the month of August, Ajanae presented
at the fall 2017 Meet and Greet with the help of the 2016-2017 SGA President and Vice President
and 2017 Fall Student Program Board. In the fall, SGA changed from activity calendars to activity
folders. The folders allowed students to have a safe place to keep school related information.
Students, staff and faculty provided favorable feedback in this change to folders. During the first
week of class SGA hosted Welcome Back Week with the SPB, at this event both organization
introduced themselves to the students and passed out planners, student activity folders and
organization promotional items. Welcome Back Week for the evening students took place the first
week in September on Monday and Tuesday evening. In the beginning of September SGA held
a blood drive with LGH, where students and the community had the opportunity to donate blood
and SGA provided refreshments to those who donated. In the middle of September SGA held its
annual HACC Fest for the students. During HACC Fest, students had the opportunity to meet the
Student clubs/organizations on campus and visit different department tables to help prepare them
for the school year. SGA had a table for student to learn about the SGA and the requirements to
become a senator and paid officer positions. Students also had a chance to eat a BBQ style
meal, a chance to get a henna tattoo, experience an oxygen booth, and use of the photo booth.
All food at the end of the event was donated to local food banks and students in need.

In October, SGA held their second recruitment party of the semester in the East Lobby,
light refreshments were provided to those that visited the table. Following our fall break, SGA held
a VP Chat with Victor Ramos for all students. At this event students had the opportunity to share
their feeling about the campus to Vice President of the HACC Lancaster Campus, Victor Ramos.
Students that attended received free pizza by the Vice President’s office. The SGA ended October
with the recognition of Halloween in the East Lobby. We provided an assortment of candies for
the students and gave fruit snacks to the kids in Ugro when they had their parade. During the fall
break, members of the SGA e-Board and Senators had the opportunity of participating in a
College wide Student Leadership conference. Participation in this conference was for the
advantage of these students and the SGA as they continue to develop their leadership skills. Also,
several SGA e-Board members and Senators participated in the HACC Leadership Series that
was held throughout the Fall Semester, as they continue to take advantage of these opportunities
so that our leadership skills continue to grow as we continue to serve and advocate for our student

The month of November, the first Saturday in November SGA held its annual road trip to
New York City. We purchased two tour buses for the trip and all tickets were sold. Following the
NYC Trip, SGA held a recruitment party during the second blood drive of the semester and there
was an abundance of participation. In mid-November SGA held its annual Holiday Dinner in the
Footnotes Cafe. There was a very high level of participation from students, staff and faculty. SGA
transported any leftover food to the local shelters, which is always appreciated.

In December, we had our final recruitment party, with student discussion on community
involvement. During our final SGA meeting, the purchase and placement of 2 electronic locker
charging stations were finalized. SGA also held its annual food for finals where SGA provided
free food for students. Food for Finals was consecutively held for three days and breakfast, lunch
and dinner was provided each day. On the final day of Food for Finals, Olive Garden donated an
abundance of food during our lunch hour.

Each school year the SGA and the Student Development & Multicultural Department work to
ensure that we reach our community. After HACC Fest, Multicultural Day and Holiday Dinner
SGA with the help of the Student Development Department, we were able to donate any leftover
food to local organization in Lancaster. Our Student Organization of Radiology Technology held
it annual toy drive during November and December, with all toys donate to a charity of their
choosing. The Student Nursing Organization held its annual food and coat drive and donate all
items to a local charity.

As many of you are aware, SGA has changed its transportation agreement with RRTA.
This change was put in place by the 16-17 SGA because of the changes in their budget, cost of
providing free rides and no financial help from the college. The 16-17 SGA, worked diligently
over the summer and at the beginning of the fall to ensure that the new SGA was able to launch
new bus passes program with success. The new bus pass program allows for students to travel
all throughout Lancaster County 7 days a week and assist all students that had in the past had
to pay for bus passes to get to HACC Lancaster Campus. On December 17th, the new bus pass
program came into effect and students could purchases passes at the bookstore at a subsidized
rate. SGA is subsidizing 30 day passes and two 10 ride passes for all HACC Lancaster
Campus. SGA is also providing ½ fare passes for students who qualify. Students are allowed to
purchase passes with financial aid if applicable. Student are only allowed to buy one style of
passes a month and must show HACC ID.

The fall transition before winter break brought many changes to SGA. Ajanae Kelley,
stepped down from presidency and former Vice-President Sierra Bailey stepped up to the
President of SGA. During the beginning stages of Sierra’s appointed Desiree Figueroa as SGA
Secretary and Jazmin Betancourt as SGA Treasurer. With these E-board position changes,
several planning meetings were held with our Advisor, Monica Dixon-Howard and Student
Programming Board to discuss spring 2018 programming/initiatives.

The SGA would like to thank the following for their support and help over the last several
months: the bookstore, SGA Advisor Monica Dixon-Howard, 16-17 SGA President George
Brown and 16-17 Vice President Allena McCloud. With the conclusion of the fall semester, SGA
has decreased spending in total and has a budget that is still in effect. SGA will continue to be
the voice for all students. Be prepared for another great semester!

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