Brianaparish tch503 Unitplan

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Unit 3 Plan for Dilations & Similarity

Geometry 10th Grade

Materials & Resources: The materials needed for this unit include Ipad’s, computer, projec8on screen,

projector, whiteboard, whiteboard markers, pencils (lots of them), pens, colored pencils, colored markers, lots

of scratch paper, graph paper, rulers, interac8ve journals, warm up packets, exit 8ckets, calculators, large nice
paper, desmos, khan academy, photos, and worksheets.
CCSS: G.CO.2, G.CO.10, G.CO.11, G.CO.11, G.CO.12,G.SRT.1.A, G.SRT.1.B, G.SRT.2, G.SRT.3, G.SRT.4, G.SRT.5, G.C.1.
Mathema8cally Prac8ce Standards: MP.3, MP.5, MP.6, MP.7
Other Content Areas: Art- VA:Cr1.2.Ia, VA:Cr1.1.6a, VA:Cr1.2.7a. ELA- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.3.C, CCSS.ELA-
Objec8ves: Students will be able to determine that rigid mo8ons and dila8ons are used to prove that two figures are
similar. Students will be able to interpret proper8es of dila8ons describe parallel rela8onships between
corresponding line segments, and congruent rela8onships between corresponding angle measures. Students will be
able to u8lize the side spliSer theorem, dila8on theorem, and triangle similarity criteria that can be used to prove
and iden8fy rela8onships in geometric figures.
Other Content Areas Objec8ves: Art- Students will be able to apply their knowledge of dila8on and similari8es into
crea8ng their own city landscape. English- Students will be able to provide a reflec8on about their thought process
through mathema8cal vocabulary.

Vocabulary: Similar, Scale Factor, Dila8on, Center of Dila8on, Vector, Corresponding Parts, Side-Side-Side (SSS)
similarity, Propor8onality, Dila8on Theorem, Side SpliSer Theorem, Angle- Angle (AA) Similarity, Side-Angle-Side
(SAS) Similarity, Angle Bisector Theorem.
Classroom Ac8vi8es/Discussions:
Ac8vi8es, resources and strategies will include… having students write down notes in their interac8ve journals
on important informa8on like vocabulary and equa8ons. Each day their will either be a warm up ques8on
based on the previous days lesson or an exit 8cket to assess student understanding and to have a place where
students can ask clarifying ques8ons. Based on the ques8ons generated we will have whole class discussions
and think pair share 8me for students to work with a partner. We will use technology as much as possible to
help students beSer understand how to manipulate these types of problems. Students will have 8me to work
on real-world problem solving type ac8vi8es and ques8ons to help them understand the prac8cal and real life
applica8on to these types of problems. Student crea8vity will be encouraged and they will be asked to
complete projects that are inter-disciplinary so they can see how they can apply this informa8on they are
learning in math and how it applies to other subject areas.
Lecture Sec8ons: Lectures will be based off of new ideas or concepts that students will need to take notes on
in their interac8ve journals. Each lecture will have a corresponding video that aligns with what the lecture was
just abased on. Students will be able to ask ques8ons and work through sample problems in their journals. All
lecture notes will be listed on the class website for students to refer back to along with the corresponding

Assessments: Throughout the unit forma8ve assessments will be used to gauge students understanding of the
standards and concepts being taught. Exit 8ckets will be used at the end of lessons to determine students
understanding and to see if students s8ll have ques8ons about the lesson or standard. At the end of the unit
students will have a summa8ve assessment that will have some mul8ple choice ques8ons, open response
ques8ons, reasoning and proof ques8ons where students will have to write a reflec8ve response as to why
they did what they did in the ques8on.
Instruc8onal Strategies: PPT Lecture w/ Notes, Map Prac8ce & Assignments, Video viewing, Reading, Group
Comparison Ac8vity, Terms Review, Skills Prac8ce Ac8vity, Vocabulary Pictowords, Primary Source Analysis,
Ipad’s, and interac8ve projects.

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