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paper presented at First Chemical Congress of the North American at National Fuels & Lubricants SAE Meeting, Houston,Tex.

Continent, Environment Session, Paper No. 50, Mexico City, Mex., 3-5,1975.
Nov. 30-Dec. 5,1975. (18) Dimitriades,B., “An Alternative to the Appendix-J Method for
(13) Fed. Regist., 34,8186 (April 30,1971). Calculating Oxidant- and NOZ-Related Control Requirements”,
(14) National Academy of Sciences, “A Critique of the 1975-1976 paper presented at International Conference of Photochemical
Federal Automobile Emission Standards for Hydrocarbons and Oxidant Pollution and Its Control, Raleigh, N.C., Sept. 12-18, 1976
Oxides of Nitrogen”, May 22,1973. (ConferenceProceedings in press),U S . EnvironmentalProtection
(15) Heuss, J. M., “PhotochemicalReactivity of Mixtures Simulating Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C.
Present and Expected Future Concentrations in the Los Angeles (19) Dodge, M., “The Combined Use of Modeling Techniques and
Atmosphere”, paper presented at 68th Annual APCA Meeting, Smog Chamber Data to Derive Ozone-PrecursorRelationships”,
Boston, Mass., June 15-20,1975. paper presented at International Conference of Photochemical
(16) Mayrsohn, H., Crabtree, J., “Source Reconciliation of Atmo- Oxidant Pollution and Its Control, Raleigh, N.C., Sept. 12-17,1976
spheric Hydrocarbons”, California Air Resources Board, El Monte, (ConferenceProceedings in press), US.Environmental Protection
Calif.,March 1975. Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C.
(17) Black, F. M., Bradow, R. L., “Patterns of Hydrocarbon Emis-
sions from 1975 Production Cars”,Paper SAE #750681, presented Received for review September IO, 1975. Accepted August 2,1976.

Kinetics of Chemical Degradation of Malathion in Water

N. Lee Wolfe’, Richard G. Zepp, John A. Gordon, George L. Baughman, and David M. Cline
Environmental Research Laboratory, U S . Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, Ga. 30601

Acid degradation of malathion is too slow to be important 0,O-dimethyl phosphorothionic acid. Cowart et al. (10)
under environmental reaction conditions. However, alkaline studied the rates of hydrolysis of seven organophosphorus
degradation is fast enough to be a competitive degradation pesticides (pHabout 6). The malathion half-life was reported
pathway in the environment. The products of alkaline deg- to be between one and two weeks. Ruzicka et al. ( 1 1 )reported
that malathion had a half-life of 7-8 h (20% ethanol-water,
radation are temperature dependent. Oxidation by molecular
oxygen is too slow under acidic conditions to be a degradation pH = 6 a t 70’); on the other hand, Goldberg e t al. (12)found
pathway. Photolysis is slow in distilled water but may be im- that malathion did not react under alkaline or acidic condi-
portant in natural waters. tions.
We have investigated in detail some potential chemical and
photochemical pathways for the degradation of malathion in
laboratory experiments. These experiments have been de-
Malathion [O,O-dimethyl-S-(1,2-dicarbethoxy)ethyl
phosphorodithioate] is a widely used nonsystemic insecticide signed with emphasis on kinetics and products. Chemical
degradation may then be compared with other degradative
and acaricide that exhibits low mammalian toxicity. Its
pathways, and its role in the environment evaluated. The data
widespread use is indicated by a steady rise in production,
reaching 35 million lb in 1971 ( I ) . With increasing emphasis will be used in models being developed to predict the fate of
malathion in aquatic ecosystems. The products will be in-
on nonpersistent pesticides, this organophosphorus compound
vestigated to determine their impact on aquatic life.
is anticipated to receive even greater usage in the future.
The breakdown of malathion in soils has received limited
investigation. Degradation by organisms isolated from soils Experimental
was reported by Walker (2). Konrad et al. (3) studied the Instrumental.All melting points were obtained on a Fisher
degradation of malathion in soils and reported that the rate Johns melting point apparatus and are uncorrected. Infrared
of malathion degradation was directly related to malathion (IR) spectra were obtained with a Perkin-Elmer 621 grating
adsorption. The authors concluded that degradation occurred infrared spectrophotometer, and ultraviolet (UV) spectra were
by a chemical mechanism that was catalyzed by adsorption. recorded on a Perkin-Elmer 602 recording spectrophotome-
Studies of malathion in relation to aquatic ecosystems have ter.
dealt primarily with the toxicity of malathion and its break- Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) was carried out on a
down products to aquatic life. Algal growth was reported to Tracor MT-220 gas chromatograph equipped with a hydrogen
be inhibited by malathion ( 4 ) .Sanders and Cope ( 5 )reported flame ionization detector and fitted with a 6 ft X ‘14 in. column
malathion to be toxic to two species of daphnids. Macek and packed with 4% SE-30 on Chromosorb W or a 3 ft X IJ4in.
McAllister (6) found that malathion toxicity to fish differed column packed with 4% FFAP on Chromosorb W. Injection
with the species, coho salmon having the highest susceptibility port, column, and detector temperatures were 235, 210, and
(96 TLso = 0.101 ppm). Bender (7),in studies with the fathead 250 “C, respectively, and the flow rate was 60 cc/min. Peak
minnow, found malathion breakdown products to be more area integrations were obtained employing an Autolab 6300
toxic than the parent pesticide. He also noted a toxic syner- digital integrator.
gistic effect for certain of these compounds. Liquid chromatographic (LC) analyses were performed on
Data pertaining to the breakdown of malathion in the a Du Pont Model 820 liquid chromatograph equipped with
aquatic environment are not generally available. Paris et al. an ultraviolet photometric detector (254 nm). The column was
(8) isolated a heterogeneous bacterial population capable of a Micropak SL-10,50 cm X 2.2 mm i.d. The mobile phase was
utilizing malathion as a carbon source. At low concentrations 5% methanol in methylene chloride a t a pressure of 1000 psi
of malathion and bacteria, the rate of bacterial degradation a t a 1 ml/min flow.
was described mathematically by a second-order rate ex- Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra were
pression. The major metabolite was malathion @monoacid. obtained on a Varian Associates HA-100 spectrometer oper-
Muhlmann and Schrader (9) reported that malathion un- ating in the frequency sweep mode with a probe temperature
derwent acid breakdown to give diethyl thiosuccinate and of 30 “C. Tetramethylsilane (TMS) was used as an internal

88 EnvironmentalScience & Technology

reference and lock signal source. A sweep width of 100 Hz with Several kinetic studies dealt with the formation and dis-
a sweep time of 500 s was used to record the spectra. The appearance of malathion acid products. In these studies di-
spectra were calibrated utilizing the frequency difference phenylacetic acid was added to the reaction solution as an
network. internal standard. Aliquots were removed, acidified to pH 2
Gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (GLC-MS) with 10% hydrochloric acid, and extracted with ether. The
analyses were performed with a Varian Aerograph Model 1400 ether extracts were methylated with diazomethane and ana-
gas liquid chromatograph and a Finnigan 1015SL quadrupole lyzed by GLC. Malathion acid concentrations were then cal-
mass spectrometer having a gas jet separator and a Systems culated based on the internal standard malathion peak area
Industries 150 digital computer. ratios.
Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) techniques employed The rate constants for formation of malathion monoacids
have been described in the literature (13,14). ( k m h ) ,malathion diacids ( k m d ) , and 0,O-dimethyl phospho-
Chemicals. Malathion (98.5% purity) was obtained as a gift rodithioic acid ( k m e )were obtained by computer curve fitting
from American Cyanamide. Further purification was achieved techniques employing MLAB ( I 7). The malathion disap-
by dissolving the compound in chloroform and washing the pearance rate constant (hd)was calculated as described above.
organic mixture with dilute aqueous base. The organic layer Pseudo-first-order rate constants were assumed for formation
was separated and dried (Na*S04), and the solvent was of malathion acids and 0,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioic acid.
evaporated, leaving malathion as a colorless viscous oil. The following constraints were used.
The synthesis and structure determination of malathion
cy- and @-monoacids,malathion diacid, and 0,O-dimethyl
kd = kmh f hme

phosphorodithioic acid (DPTA) were reported previously (151, where kmh and k,, > 0.
and the same procedures were used in these studies. The concentration of 0,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioic acid
Double-distilled deionized water was used in all laboratory [ E ]was obtained using the expression:
experiments except those carried out with natural waters. The
natural water sample was obtained from the Withlacoochee [El = [Mol - [AI - [MI - PI
River located in southern Georgia. where [Mol = initial malathion concentration, [A]= monoacid
For basic degradation studies, the following buffer systems concentration, [ D ] = diacid concentration, and [MI = mala-
were used: sodium dihydrogen phosphate-disodium hydrogen thion concentration.
phosphate, boric acid-sodium hydroxide, and sodium car- The rate of disappearance of malathion and the rate of
bonate-sodium bicarbonate. For acid degradation studies, formation of monoacids are given by the following three dif-
hydrochloric acid was used. These chemicals were commer- ferential equations:
cially available and used as received.
Kinetic Method. The following kinetic procedure for the d [ M 1- h d [ M ]
determination of the malathion disappearance rate constant dt
is representative of the procedures used throughout these --
d [ A 1- k,h[M]
studies. A buffer solution (99 ml) of 0.008 M boric acid and dt
0.002 M sodium hydroxide was prepared, and the flask was
placed in a constant temperature bath at 27.00 f 0.02 "C and --
d [ E 1- h m e [ M ]
allowed to equilibrate. One ml of a stock solution of 1.41 X dt
lo-*M malathion in acetonitrile was added to the buffer so- Product Studies. Product studies were carried out at the
lution to give a 1.41 X M malathion solution containing end of one half-life. In general, the solution (100 ml) was
1%acetonitrile, at a pH of 8.56 as determined with a pH meter acidified to pH 2 with 10% hydrochloric acid and extracted
calibrated with standard buffer solutions. A 5-ml aliquot was with three 50-ml portions of ether. The organic fractions were
removed, the reaction was quenched by extraction of mala- combined, dried (Na2S04), and concentrated. Thin-layer
thion with a 5-ml aliquot of chloroform containing 3,4,6,2',- chromatography was used for qualitative identification of
5'-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB) (2.79 X M) as an internal malathion, malathion monoacids, malathion dicarboxylic acid,
standard, and the time was recorded. Aliquots were withdrawn and 0,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioic acid (14). Quantitative
at various time intervals through approximately two mala- determinations were carried out by methylation of the ethe-
thion disappearance half-lives. At the end of 10 half-lives, an real extract (diazomethane) foilowed by GLC analysis. Con-
aliquot was obtained and used as the infinity point. Analysis firmation of products was obtained by GLC-MS and NMR.
of the infinity point showed that greater than 98% malathion The relative amounts of malathion cy- and /3-monoacids were
had reacted. The concentration of malathion at each recorded determined by LC. Analysis of the reaction mixture by NMR
time was determined by GLC analysis based on the PCB- and GLC was used to verify the presence of diethyl fumarate,
malathion peak area ratios. ethyl hydrogen fumarate, and thiosuccinic acid.
Pseudo-first-order rate constants were obtained using the
integrated first-order rate equation (16):
1 (Co-C,)
k =-ln There are several potential pathways by which malathion
t (C, - C,)
may be chemically degraded under reaction conditions com-
where CO= malathion concentration at zero time, Ct = ma- mon to the aquatic environment (Scheme I).
lathion concentration at time t , and C, = malathion con- .%le* I

centration after 10 half-lives.

The rate constant was taken as the slope of the line obtained
ICH,OI~PSH I cHcooc~H~ - s
'CH,012P 5 CHCOOC2H3

by a linear least-squares analysis of the data. The second-order

0 0 O,m*l*"iPho,
h m r l f"m.rae

, M,,.Ih
D l 0 nonoa<,o M.,Il"#O"
ir o n D # m

rate constant was obtained by dividing the pseudo-first-order P ,

' S
rate constant by the hydroxide ion concentrations. Thermo- ICH,Ol> P S-CHCOOC,H.
dynamic parameters were calculated from reaction rate con- **-ion 3 *,," Ih 0 0 0 3 11.w m o l
JYCC " l n onar0,n 0, c ar d
stants obtained at two temperatures differing by a t least
20°. Carbon-sulfur cleavage proceeding by an elimination reac-

Volume 11, Number 1, January 1977 89

tion would give 0,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioic acid and Alkaline Degradation. The kinetics of alkaline malathion
diethyl fumarate as products. Phosphorus-sulfur bond degradation and the resulting products were also investigated.
cleavage would give diethyl thiosuccinate and 0 , O - dimethyl Malathion is more susceptible to basic degradation and sig-
phosphorothionic acid. However, 0,O- dimethyl phosphoro- nificant chemical breakdown would therefore be anticipated
thionic acid would be in equilibrium with its tautomer 0 , O - under certain environmental conditions. Temperature and,
dimethyl phosphorothiolic acid. Thermodynamic calculations in some cases, chemical species common to aquatic ecosystems
(28) predict the equilibrium constant for the tautomerization might be expected to influence malathion persistence.
reaction to be about one. Carbon-oxygen bond cleavage by The second-order disappearance rate constant for alkaline
carboxyl ester hydrolysis would result in two possible prod- degradation of malathion ( k d ) is 5.5 f 0.3 M-l s-1 a t 27'
ucts, malathion a- and @-monoacids.Continued carboxyl ester (Table 11).Based on this rate constant, malathion would have
hydrolysis would result in malathion dicarboxylic acid for- a 36-h half-life in water a t pH 8 and 27'. As anticipated, an
mation. Another possible reaction would be oxidation of the increase in temperature results in a decrease in the half-life.
phosphorus-sulfur double bond to a phosphorus-oxygen At pH 8 and 40' the half-life is about 1 h, while a t 0' (pH 8)
double bond to give malaoxon. the half-life is about 40 days. At lower temperatures found in
Acid Degradation. The stability of malathion in water a t the environment, although it would be somewhat slower, al-
acidic pH's was investigated. Malathion was stable in water kaline degradation of malathion could still be significant.
a t pH 2.59 for up to 10 days. Therefore, the kinetic studies Product studies were carried out (GLC) after one malathion
were carried out a t elevated temperatures (67 and 87'). The half-life. The species present, with percentages based on initial
extrapolated second-order rate constant (kaeX)is (4.8 f 0.2) malathion concentration, were malathion (50%),malathion
X M-I s-l a t 27' (Table I). monoacid (15%),diethyl fumarate and ethyl hydrogen fu-
Aquatic systems are generally buffered, and as a result, acid marate (35%), and 0,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioic acid.
or base concentration is not affected by the reaction. Under These products indicate that a t 27', malathion undergoes two
these conditions the convenient half-life expression is given competing reactions (Scheme IV).
Scheme / V
0.693 H
tu2 =
k[(H+) or (OH-)]
where h is the second-order acid or alkaline rate constant.
Based on the extrapolated acid degradation rate constant
(h,,,), the malathion would have a half-life greater than four \ CHCOCC,H,
years a t pH 4. A t temperatures and pH's common to the C,H,OOCCH

aquatic environment, this degradative pathway would be too

slow to be significant. Product studies as a function of temperature indicated that
Product studies were carried out a t the end of one half-life the elimination reaction is favored a t elevated temperatures
for the acid degradation of malathion a t 87' (Scheme 11). and carboxyl ester hydrolysis is favored a t low temperatures.
Figure 1 shows a plot of malathion disappearance and mala-
Scheme / I thion monoacid formation vs. time a t 27'. A t 47' after one
half-life, analysis showed only 5% malathion monoacid; a t 67"
s S
- pH 2.5 (CH,Oi,P-S-CHCOOC,H,
only a trace of monoacid was detected. On the other hand, a t
0' the monoacid product is important (Figure 2).
Second-order rate constants for elimination and carboxyl
After extraction and methylation (diazomethane), GLC ester hydrolysis at 27 and 0' were obtained by following ma-
analysis showed only one product, malathion monoacid. No lathion disappearance and monoacid formation. Table I11
malathion diacid was found although it was an anticipated contains the rate data for the individual competing reactions
product a t longer reaction times. along with the activation parameters. The rate constant for
A sample of the diacid was subjected to similar reaction elimination (kme) is 3.9 f 0.2 M-' SKI, and for carboxyl ester
conditions, extracted, and methylated (diazomethane). Al- hydrolysis ( h m h ) 1.4 f 0.1 M-I s-l at 27'. Based on these rate
though the reaction was not carried out quantitatively, constants malathion undergoes 74% elimination and 26% ester
GLC-MS analysis showed the presence of methyl 0,O-di- hydrolysis a t this temperature.
rnethyl phosphorothionate and dimethyl thiosuccinate. Thus, Malathion degradation is strongly influenced by tempera-
malathion diacid undergoes phosphorus-sulfur cleavage to ture and pH. The effects of these two variables are shown in
give 0,O-dimethyl phosphorothionic acid and thiosuccinic Figure 3 where malathion half-life is plotted as a function of
acid (Scheme 111). pH at various temperatures. This figure shows that malathion
has a maximum half-life a t pH 4.
Scheme I l l Two possible malathion monoacids can result from mala-
thion carboxyl ester hydrolysis. The structures of these iso-
mers were tentatively assigned by Chen et al. (29) based on
81.(CH,OI,P.OH + 1
CH,COOH proton NMR and confirmed by Wolfe et al. ( 1 5 ) using car-
bon-13 NMR. Qualitative determination of both isomers was
This reaction sequence is consistent with the results re- made using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) (13). An esti-
ported by Muhlmann and Schrader ( 9 ) ,who found malathion mate of the relative amounts of each isomer present at the end
breakdown products in aqueous ethanol solvent a t elevated of one malathion reaction half-life was obtained by liquid
temperatures to be 0,O-dimethyl phosphorothionic acid and chromatographic analysis. The relative amounts of monoacid
diethyl thiosuccinate. Under their reaction conditions, how- were a-monoacid, 85%,and $-monoacid, 15%.This is in con-
ever, the malathion monoacids, if formed, would have been trast to results for microbial degradation of malathion by Paris
esterified in the presence of ethanol. et al. (8) in which the @-monoacidwas the major product
These results indicate that acid catalyzed degradation of (99%).
malathion, malathion monoacid, and malathion diacid would We found it necessary to analyze (GLC) for diethyl fuma-
not be an important environmental degradative pathway. rate prior to methylation with diazomethane because diazo-

90 Environmental Science & Technology

Table 1. Malathion Acid Catalyzed Degradation - 2.68 I
Kinetic Data 2- I '-
Temp, OC k , M-' 8-1 AH*, kcallmol AS*, eu A MALATHION
87 (2.88f 0.01)X lo-' 22.3 f 0.1 -4.1 f 0.4
67 (4.36f 0.04)X lo-*

. .
27 a (4.8f 0.20)x 10-5 X I

a Extrapolatedrate constant.
..24 - %

Table 11. Temperature Effect on Malathion Alkaline
Degradation Rate Constant
Temp, ' C kd, P4-l S-'
0 0.067 f 0.003
5.5 f 0.3
47 f 1 00 0 -. -0-0-

67 730 f 20 ./*-6
.04- 0 I
0 6
Table 111. Rate Constants for Malathion Elimination and 0 133 268
Carboxyl Ester Hydrolysis Reactions TIME, min
Reaction Temp, OC k , h4-l s-l AH*, kcal/mol As*,eu Figure 1. Plot of malathion disappearance and malathion monoacid
Elim (kme) 0 4.0X lo-' formation at 27' and DH 9.10
27 3.9 f 0.2 26.5 f 0.6 30 f 2
47 4.1 X 10'
67 6.6 X 10'
Ester (kmh) 0 2.5 X lo-'
27 1.4f 0.1 21 f 1 11 f 5
47 6.7
67 6.8 X 10' X I I

methane reacts with the carbon-carbon double bond to form

a pyrazoline (Scheme V), which could not be detected under
the GLC conditions employed.
Scheme V


T o determine if our laboratory data could be extrapolated

to natural waters, the half-life of malathion was determined 0 245 488
in a natural water sample obtained from a south Georgia river, TIME, min
the Withlacoochee River (pH 8.2). The experimentally de-
Figure 2. Malathion disappearance and malathion monoacid formation
termined half-life in Withlacoochee River water was 22 h, in at '
0 and pH 10.79
good agreement with the predicted half-life of 20 h, based on
laboratory rate data obtained in distilled water.
The effect of inorganic species common to the aquatic en-
vironment that might in some way catalyze malathion deg- 106
radation was investigated. Basal salts nutrient medium, which
has a high concentration of inorganic salts ( 8 ) ,did not affect
malathion degradation at pH 6.8 in one week. Sodium chloride
(0.05 M) had no apparent catalytic effect on degradation of
malathion at pH 6.0 as shown by the absence of any detectable
degradation at the end of two weeks.
General base catalysis ( 1 6 ) might be expected to be im-
portant in the elimination pathway. However, there was no
detectable difference in the rate of disappearance of malathion
over nearly a tenfold change in buffer concentration (boric
acid-sodium hydroxide) at constant ionic strength (sodium
chloride). Thus, the general base catalysis contribution would
not be significant in natural waters.
Bender ( 7 )has investigated nine potential malathion deg-
radation products for toxicity to the carp. His data showed 0 2 4 6 8 10
that in some cases the breakdown products were as toxic as
the parent pesticide. However, he did not investigate the PH
toxicity of the malathion monoacids. Because they are an- Figure 3. Temperature effect on malathion degradation

Volume 1 1 , Number 1, January 1977 91

ticipated products, we examined their persistence under al-
Table IV. Alkaline Degradation Rate Constants for
kaline reaction conditions.
The second-order rate constant for malathion monoacid Malathion Monoacids and Malathion Diacid in Water
disappearance ( k a d ) obtained with a mixture of 53% a- at 27'
Rate constant,
monoacid and 47% @-monoacidwas (3.1 f 0.2) X 10-1 M-l s-l M-1 =-I
(Table IV). Assuming no large difference in reactivity for the
kada = (3.1f 0.02)X lo-'
two isomers (Scheme VI), a t p H 8 the monoacids have a
half-life of about 26 days. Thus, malathion monoacids are kahb = (1.3f 0.1)X lo-'
about 18 times more stable than malathion under the same kaeC= (2.0 f 0.1) X 10-'
alkaline conditions. k M d = (1.8f 0.2)X lo-*
a Malathion monoacid disappearance rate constant. Malathion monoacid
Scheme Vi carboxyl ester hydrolysis rate constant. Malathion monoacid elimination rate
constant. Malathion diacid elimination rate constant.


The products of monoacid degradation were investigated

employing GLC analysis. At the end of one alkaline degrad-
ative half-life, the reaction mixture was acidified and extracted
with ether. GLC analysis revealed ethyl hydrogen fumarate
as a product. The ethereal extract was subsequently methyl-
ated (diazomethane), and GLC analysis showed the presence
of malathion monoacid (50%),malathion dicarboxylic acid
(15%), and 0,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioic acid.
Two possible pathways may account for these products.
According to one mechanism, both monoacids may react by
carboxyl ester hydrolysis to give diacid, with a competing
elimination reaction to give 0,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioic
acid. In an alternative mechanism, one monoacid of the v-
monoacid mixture may react by carboxyl ester hydrolysis and 0 157 313
the other monoacid by the elimination pathway.
Figure 4 is a plot of malathion monoacid disappearance and
TIME, min
dicarboxylic acid formation as a function of time a t 27'. The Figure 4. Malathion monoacid disappearance and malathion diacid
monoacid elimination rate constant (kaJ is (2.0 f 0.1) x 10-1 formation at pH 10.39 and 27'.
M-l s-l, and the ester hydrolysis rate constant ( k a b ) is (1.3
f 0.1) X lo-' M-I s-l a t 27'. Based on rate constants, the The overall alkaline degradative reaction scheme for ma-
monoacids undergo about 40% ester hydrolysis and about 60% lathion and its acid derivatives should be considered. The end
elimination. products of alkaline degradation are fumaric acid, 0,O-di-
Temperature effects on the two competing reaction path- methyl phosphorodithioic acid, thiosuccinic acid, and 0,O-
ways for monoacid degradation were not investigated. How- dimethyl phosphorothionic acid. However, the intermediate
ever, it is anticipated that malathion dicarboxylic acid for- malathion monoacids are degraded a t a slower rate than ma-
mation is favored a t low temperatures, and the elimination lathion and may therefore have an impact on the aquatic en-
reaction to give 0,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioic acid and vironment themselves. Analysis of environmental samples for
ethyl hydrogen fumarate is operative a t elevated tempera- malathion is generally carried out under conditions in which
tures. the malathion acids are not detected and therefore are over-
Because malathion diacid is anticipated to be a significant looked.
breakdown product, we determined its stability under alkaline A quantitative description of the proposed reaction se-
reaction conditions. The second-order rate constant (kdd) for quence is given graphically in Figure 5 , a plot of malathion
disappearance of the diacid is (1.8 f 0.2) X M-l s-l a t disappearance and malathion derivative formation and dis-
27' (Table IV). Thus, at pH 9 the degradative half-life would appearance as a function of time. At 27' 0,O-dimethyl
be about a year. Under the same alkaline conditions, mala- phosphorodithioic acid is the major degradation product.
thion diacid is approximately 200 times less reactive than However, at the lower temperatures common to aquatic eco-
malathion. systems, malathion monoacid formation is anticipated to
Product studies were carried out a t the end of one half-life. predominate. Under these conditions, one would expect to see
Extraction and methylation (diazomethane) followed by a buildup of malathion dicarboxylic acid.
GLC-MS analysis showed that 0,O-dimethyl phosphoro- Malathion Oxidation. Another potential reaction that
thionic acid and thiosuccinic acid were products of hydrolysis malathion might undergo is oxidation. Malathion is readily
(Scheme VII). oxidized to malaoxon by a variety of oxidizing reagents in the
laboratory. Therefore, one might anticipate oxidation by
Scheme VI1 molecular oxygen in the environment. Experiments, however,
showed that malathion was stable in oxygen-saturated water
a t acidic pH's for up to two weeks. Therefore, oxidation by
molecular oxygen does not appear to be environmentally

92 Environmental Science & Technology

acidic pH’s, photolysis and microbial degradation may be
important pathways. Under alkaline pH’s, chemical trans-
formation is a competitive pathway. Malathion monoacids are
formed and a t lower temperatures are anticipated to be sig-
nificant chemical reaction products.

Literature Cited
MALATHION (1) U S . Environmental Protection Agency, “The Pollution Potential
+ -.-.I
- -- DPTA
- in Pesticide Manufacturing”, EPA Report # TS-00-72-04, 1972.
(2) Walker, W. W., PhD thesis, Mississippi State University, State
College, Miss., 1972.
a (3) Konrad, J. G., Chesters, G., Armstrong, D. E., Soil Sci. Soc. Am.,
Proc., 33, 259 (1969).
(4) Moore, R., Bull. Enuiron. Contam. Toricol., 5, 226 (1970).
(5) Sanders, H. O., Cope, 0. B., Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 95, 165
---- --- ---- (1966).
(6) Macek, K. J., McAllister, W. A., ibid., 99,20 (1970).
(7) Bender, M. E., Water Res., 3,571 (1969).
(8) Paris, D. F., Lewis, D. L., Wolfe, N. L., Environ. Sei. Technol.,
9,135 (1975).
(9) Muhlmann, R., Schrader, G., Z. Naturforsch., Teil B, 12, 196
0 (1957).
11.6 23.1 (10) Cowart. R. P.. Bonner. F. L.. E .. . A,. Jr.. Bull. Enuiron.
~ o s E.
TIhIE, days Contam. Toricol , 6,231 (1971).
(11) Ruzicka. J. H., ThomDson, J., Wheals, B. B., J. Chromatogr., 31,
Figure 5. Product formation and disappearance vs. time at 27’ and pH 37 (1967).
8.0 (12) Goldberg, M. C., Babad, H., Groothius, D., Christianson, H. R.,
Geological Survey Prof. Paper 600 D 20, 1968.
(13) Welling, W., Blackmeer, P. T.,Copier, H., J. Chrornatogr., 47,
Photolysis. Malathion photolysis was also investigated. 281 (1970).
The photolysis half-life is 990 h in distilled water (pH 6) with (14) Kadoum, A. M., J Agric Food Chem , 18,542 (1970).
wavelengths greater than 290 nm. However, in a natural water (15) Wolfe, N. L., Cox, R. H., Gordon, J. A., ibid., 23,1212 (1975).
sample (Suwannee River), which contained a large amount (16) Frost, A. A., Pearson, R. G., “Kinetics and Mechanisms”, 2nd
ed., Wiley, New York, N.Y., 1961.
of colored materials, malathion was 50% degraded by sunlight (17) Knott, G. D., Shrager, R. I., Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Com-
in 16 h. puters in Medicine Symposium,Vol 6, p 138, ACM, SIGGRAPH
Notices, Winter 1972.
Summary (18) Kabachnik, M. I., Mastrukova, T. A,, Shipov, A. E., Melentyeva,
T. A., Tetrahedron, 9,lO (1960).
Acid-catalyzed degradation of malathion is not likely to be (19) Chen, P. R., Tucker, W.P., Dauterman, W. C., J Agric Food
important a t most pH’s found in the aquatic environment. Chem , 17,86 (1969).
Oxidation by molecular oxygen to give malaoxon is not an-
ticipated to occur a t a rate fast enough to be significant. At Received for rellieu:January 12, 1976. Accepted August 5 , 1976.


Sampling Device for Monitoring Biodegradation of Oil

and Other Pollutants in Aquatic Environments
John D. Walker’ and Rita R. Colwell‘
Department of Microbiology, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. 20742

The fate of petroleum and related pollutants in the aquatic Experimental

environment, particularly in estuaries and coastal regions, is Sampling Device. The design of the sampling apparatus
of great importance if the environmental impact of oil spills is given in Figure 1. Lexan (polycarbonate) cylindrical tubes,
and other such accidents arising from both natural causes and 3 X 12 in., were inserted into plastic buckets. Holes for the
human error is to be properly assessed. The actual processes tubes were cut in the plastic buckets with a hot metal-pointed
of oil biodegradation, as well as the extent of biodegradation, pipe. In addition, holes were drilled in the lexan to connect the
occurring in the natural environment remain to be deter- tubes to the lexan strips. A disc of lexan was placed on top of
mined. A sampling device suitable for monitoring biodeg- each bucket to present water from entering the bucket and
radation under field conditions has been devised and con- affecting its buoyancy. Four such buckets were connected by
structed in our laboratory. The sampler has been successfully 1 X 48 in. strips of lexan secured to the bottom of the tube in
employed in monitoring biodegradation of petroleum in situ each bucket. Galvanized li, X :yS in. bolts secured the lexan
a t a marshland site in the Chesapeake Bay. strips and tubes. A polyethylene line, y4 in. o.d., connected the
lexan strips to a chain anchor which, in turn, was secured by
a weight consisting of a bucket filled with concrete. Ten-ml
glass pipets were mounted to the walls of the lexan tubes, so
Present address, Environmental Technology Center, Martin- that the tips of the pipets protruded 1in. below the water level.
Marietta Corp., 1450 South Rolling Road, Baltimore, Md. 21227. Tygon tubing and pinch clamps closed off the pipets.

Volume ll., Number 1, January 1977 93

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