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The Cure.

Secrets everyone should know to become immediately successful with


The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


by Anonymous.

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


The beginning.

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


Legal stuff

©2010 The Cure: Secrets everyone should know to become immediately successful with women. All Rights Reserved.

Your use of this book indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You agree to protect this
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The information contained in this book is well worth the price.

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By reading this book you also understand that the information contained in it is opinion based and is to be used for
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In other words: You’re responsible for your own behavior.

Now that that’s been said, let’s get into the fun stuff.

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Congratulations on your Purchase of "The Cure." You are about to

begin an exciting journey in Personal-Development that is nothing
like you've ever experienced.

The techniques listed in this book are a collection of knowledge that

have come from years of research in some of the greatest works in
psychology, dating, even (strangely) science and business available.
The techniques for personal development in this book have been
tested, tried and proven true in studies all around the world.

No matter who you are, you're going to notice significant

improvements in your overall skill. These techniques can be applied if
you're just starting to learn about this subject, or if you've been
studying it for years.

Some books suggest "It takes a lot of hard work to become successful
with women," "there are no Magic Pills," some even say it takes 10
years of practice to become good with women! The truth is none of
that has to be true if you focus on the right things. Any good
psychologist will tell you that it takes 21-30 days to form a new habit.
By applying these techniques you'll see serious improvements
immediately, and by day 21 you will have formed new, productive
habits. The beauty of this is that there's no end to the amount of
success you'll receive from following the ideas in this guide.

The difference between this book and others is that the emphasis
will not be on actions and words; it will be on developing you at the
core. No matter where you are, it will teach you to become an Alpha
Male/Leader rather than having you act like one. Once you do some
simple work on your core personality, your actions and words will fall
into place, and women will be naturally attracted to you. In other
words, it will make what once seemed hard flawlessly easy.

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Every man can be successful.................................................................................................................. 8
What makes this book unique ............................................................................................................... 9
This book is scientific ........................................................................................................................... 11
About the Author ................................................................................................................................. 12
What will this book do for you............................................................................................................. 15
So, what's the difference between men who are successful with women and men who aren’t?...... 15
Before we go any further... .................................................................................................................. 18
Think Positive! ...................................................................................................................................... 19
The Subconscious Mind. ...................................................................................................................... 20
So how are some men naturally successful with women? .................................................................. 29
Deeper into the mind. .......................................................................................................................... 31
The “Magic Key” to women. ................................................................................................................ 34
What are beliefs? ................................................................................................................................. 37
Repetition is key................................................................................................................................... 38
Killing doubt. ........................................................................................................................................ 39
The Importance of Focus. .................................................................................................................... 39
Four types of women. .......................................................................................................................... 41
The three types of men........................................................................................................................ 44
How to get from Nice Guy to Alpha. .................................................................................................... 46
Alpha Male Attitudes: .......................................................................................................................... 47
Myths about women. ........................................................................................................................... 56
Facts about women. ............................................................................................................................. 57
How to get women in bed as quickly as possible. ............................................................................... 58
When you can't escalate physically in one sitting... ............................................................................ 61
Threesomes. ......................................................................................................................................... 62
Girls with boyfriends. ........................................................................................................................... 63
Always maintain control of yourself. ................................................................................................... 63
If you have serious emotional trouble or negative beliefs .................................................................. 64
Don't let the outside world affect you, effect the outside world. ....................................................... 67
What is confidence?............................................................................................................................. 68
The human emotional scale. ................................................................................................................ 68
The 3 Selves.......................................................................................................................................... 72
Brainwaves ........................................................................................................................................... 75
Self-Hypnosis........................................................................................................................................ 76
The Easiest Key for Changing the Self-Image....................................................................................... 78
Time Line Therapy. ............................................................................................................................... 79
Beyond the mind .................................................................................................................................. 80
How to be awesome in bed. ................................................................................................................ 86
The Female Erogenous Zones .............................................................................................................. 86
Basic Sexual Positions .......................................................................................................................... 93
Some Stuff About Relationships. ......................................................................................................... 94
In conclusion. ....................................................................................................................................... 95

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


Every man can be successful.

This book has been written with the sincere hope that you'll never
need another book on dating again. This book will work just as well
for someone who’s just starting out as it will for someone who’s
been studying dating for years. It is meant to be read slowly and all
the information taken in and internalized. You are being given some
of the greatest information ever put on paper, so take it all in, take
notes if you want, write down ideas that flash into your head, any
‘aha’ moments, because if you don’t, they may be lost forever. Don’t
just read this book, live it. Think about how to apply these ideas to
your own life and just enjoy the information.

There are some people actually believe they were born to fail. The
fact is every man has the ability to be successful with women. In fact,
that's what nature intended for you. This is why you had such a
strong desire to pick up this book. Some people actually believe that
their personality is just “who they are” and there's nothing they can
do to change it. Don’t be one of these people. They’re going
nowhere. Make the decision to stop thinking "I am how I am, and
that's just how I am" and start believing the truth: "I am however I
choose to be."

So if you can be however you want to be, why is some of this stuff so
hard to learn? Well, the simple reason is, most people who are
successful cannot verbalize why they are, and the authors who can
are only scratching the surface of why they’re really successful.

Most books on this subject will tell you which actions they took and
what words they said. Truth is: words, actions, and body language
are just very small pieces of the puzzle. This book will fill in all the
details, blanks and questions so you’ll never wonder how anyone did
anything again. By using these concepts there's no reason that you
can't start improving everything in your life now. It doesn't matter if

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


you're Brad Pitt, Mr. Pick-Up Artist himself, or if you’ve never had any
success with women. It doesn’t matter if you’re bald, skinny,
consider yourself to be physically unattractive, don't have 2 dimes to
rub together, or have struck out with every woman you've ever liked,
you can make drastic improvements. Right now, completely let go of
the past and start deciding your future. Not when you finish this
book, not when you finish this sentence, do it right now, and start to
figure out the way you want to be with women.

What makes this book unique?

I've read almost every book available on this subject, and while
there's some good advice in these books, most of them focused on
the author's personal experiences of what worked for him. The
problem is what works for one guy, doesn't necessarily work for the
next guy.

If a method works for one person, it is a hypothesis. If a method

works for many people, it is a theory. If a method works for everyone
who applies it, it is scientific fact. This book focuses on methods that
have been proven to work for everybody, and when you apply them,
no matter where you are, it will be impossible for you not to see
results. While I do provide personal insight, I will try to keep a
scientific basis as much as possible.

This book will focus on you and your core personality. Other books
on the subject focus on techniques, busting a woman's chops, what
you have to do, body language you have to use, whether or not you
should buy her a drink, how often to blink, etc, etc, etc. Good lord.

That's way too much stuff for most people to remember. Again, I’m
not knocking other authors on the subject, but I promise I will not

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


make you memorize any patterns, stories, pick-up lines, or ways to

hypnotize women. Any pick-up line, story, or “pattern” is completely
ineffective if it's not coming from a guy who doesn't have some key
things straight. The systems that promote that may or may not work,
but either way it's much easier and effective to go to the core of the
results. Body language, neediness, and many of the things other
books promote are all symptoms of predominant mental attitudes,
which when changed will transform all the symptoms.

In other words, once we change the cause, we'll change the effect.
We're going to cut through the layers of social conditioning and
beliefs you may have about women so that you can become the
absolute best version of yourself in all areas. Getting girls will just be
a byproduct.

This book also will not focus on manipulation of women, and as a

matter of fact, this book will show you how to get women to come to
you. This book will show you how to maximize your potential and by
doing so you'll become a happier person and you’ll have beautiful
women naturally drooling over you. How's that sound for a reward?

As we go through the chapters we're going to piece together this so

called puzzle of life. By the time you're done reading this you'll have a
full understanding on why some men are successful with women,
and why some men aren't, and more importantly, how to change it.

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


This book is scientific.

If you're unfamiliar with the difference between anecdotal and

empirical evidence, anecdotal evidence is a collection of people's
personal experiences, while empirical evidence is proven using the
scientific method under controlled conditions. The techniques for
personal development presented in this book have been empirically
proven and when I discuss a technique I will reference the name of
said technique if you would like to research it further. I have
deliberately left out most techniques that are proven only with
anecdotal evidence, because they are considered to be unreliable. I
may provide personal experiences and viewpoints, but those will only
serve as examples or techniques that have been proven empirically.

In laymen’s terms: This shit works.

The results you will see will be dramatic and immediate. If you want
to further your research on certain topics, I will provide other reading
materials for you to continue your studies. When I talk about a
specific author, I highly suggest writing down the name of the author
(or book) and check it out. Most of them you can get from the library
and I will only reference the best of the best. If you want to research
a specific technique, Encyclopedias and Wikipedia will be extremely
useful. While this book focuses on women, these universal concepts
can be used in any area of your life that you want to achieve success
in - whether it be financial, relationships, career, or literally anything
you can think of.

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


About the Author.

If you're thinking that since I'm writing this book, I must have been
naturally successful with women, nothing could be further from the
truth. Throughout High School I was just as confused as most guys
about women. I would wonder "Why would she like a guy who didn't
treat her very well?" and other common thoughts that teenagers

I landed a couple of pretty girls, but it was nothing major. For a while
I didn’t really care that much about having tons of women attracted
to me. The thought just never occurred to me. Perhaps I didn’t even
think it was possible. Fast forward a few years I met some guys who
just made picking up women look so easy it was unbelievable. It was
then and there I decided I wanted it all. I knew the information had
to be out there somewhere, so I began to study.

I read all the dating books out there. All the books on how to become
a pick up artist, how to attract women, how to seduce women and as
much as I tried I was only getting tiny results, so much so that I gave
up on it for a while.

In the back of my mind I knew there had to be an answer. I knew

there was a reason some guys got all the girls. I looked at the guys
who were getting real results vs. the guys who weren’t and on an
instinctive level, I had an idea of what they were doing differently.

I tried doing what they did but it never worked. I tried saying what
they said, and it was like it didn’t matter what I words I used, I still
wasn’t getting the results. I found materials on Body Language, tried
it and it just felt awkward. I changed my voice tone, but nothing
happened. I was doing everything to the T, and still not getting the
results all these gurus promised. While I respect the work they’re
doing, I just wasn’t getting results from it.

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


I decided I was taking the wrong approach on this. If I wanted to

understand women, I was going to have to understand people.

I started reading some real deep stuff on the inner workings of the
mind. I started reading some pretty heavy psychology books,
materials on human behavior, books on Cybernetics, and tons of
other subjects to the point where I would typically know more than
many professional psychologists or psychiatrists I’ve met.

I applied the techniques for Personal Development on myself that

they suggested, and they were far different from the ideas I found in
most dating materials.

I worked them and worked them. Just kept working on my mindset.

Gradually peace and order came to my mind. My attitude began to
change very quickly. I kept working it, and working it until some very
funny things started happening to me.

Within weeks of doing these things, I was noticing dramatic

improvements in my results and within about 60 days, I would go
out, and women would stare at me. Women would literally get
nervous just taking to me. They just loved my new attitude. This was
not normal for me. When I talked to women, they would give me
signals to take them home almost without me doing anything. Girls
were calling me several times a day, and not just regular girls, these
were women just as beautiful as you see on TV and in Magazines.

None of this made any sense to me. All the things I had learned from
the dating community said that learning to meet women would be
hard work. That I would have to go out there and approach many
women to become successful. All of them had lists of things to do
and say and if you didn’t follow them, you couldn’t get anywhere.
That wasn’t true. I didn’t have to do any of the things they suggested.

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


People would ask me how I changed the way I did, and I’d actually be
able to tell them. From people who have read every seduction
manual on the planet to guys who have never had any success with
women. I’ve seen so many people make dramatic improvements in
their lives it’s ridiculous.

The purpose of this book is to put all this information and experience
into an organized format so that you, the reader, can stop wasting
time on gurus, eBooks, and DVDs, and finally get all the results you've
always wanted to get. These methods have been tested on
thousands of people, and nearly all have seen almost immediate
results. I really believe this is the last dating book you'll ever need.

This is my life's work. This is the end result of years of study, practice
and priceless knowledge. I hope you're as excited to learn this as I am
to teach it, because your life is about to change.

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


What will this book do for you?

Whatever you want. I'm being serious. I've dated more fabulously
beautiful women than a lot of the great seducers in history, had
threesomes with supermodels, picked up women across the globe,
got bored of it, found a woman to settle down with and went back to
square one using these concepts. Then I taught it to others.

Whether you want to pick up the types of women you see in fashion
magazines, land a great girlfriend, date supermodels, or sleep with a
bunch of extra women this book will work for you. If you can write it
on a piece of paper, you'll see how to achieve it.

So, what's the difference between men who are successful with
women and men who aren’t?

Success is defined as: achievement of a set objective or goal.

Simple enough, but why do many men lack the success they desire?

If you asked any man if he wanted to be successful with women he

would say “of course,” but how many people actually are? It’s
estimated that only 20% of the men get 80% of the women at some
point in their life. I’m sure you can think of guys like this. You might
even be one already. Guys like this may not be the most physically
attractive but they always seem to know exactly what to say to
women. What makes men like this so different? Why aren’t all men
successful? Why are so many men unsuccessful? Why do so many
men fail? The simple answer is: because they conform.

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


They learn all the wrong things from all the wrong places. They are
shaped by exterior circumstances. What they’re exposed to on
television. Men being taught to “be a nice guy” and “you have to
make a lot of money to attract women.” Comedians that joke about
how poorly their wives treat them. All these things lead them to
believe the wrong things about how men should act. These types of
things have lead to the sterilization of men. If you’ve read other
books on dating, you already know this. But why do people conform
to people who have the wrong attitudes? If you asked a man “Why
are you bringing that girl flowers?” he would most likely say “I don’t
know… that’s just what you do.” If you asked him “Why do you take
women on dates?” he would likely respond “that’s just how it works”
You see, these people don’t know why they do what they do. They
let the rest of the world shape how they behave. They do things
because the rest of the world does them.

You see, the people that fail to achieve success they desire are the
same people who let things such as other people's opinions bring
them down. These people lack direction.

How can someone succeed if they have no direction? They have

nowhere to go. Think of this scenario: if someone wanted to make it
from Maine to Florida, but had no map, they could still make it to
Florida. They have a general idea where it is and they know they
would just have to start going south.

Even if they made a wrong turn they could ask someone how to get
where they needed to go.

Now think of someone with absolutely no destination. He would

likely drive around in circles hoping he got somewhere. So why do
people with destinations succeed?

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


Well, let me tell you a little something that I’ve definitely yet to see
in a book of this nature, which if you understand fully will change
your life immediately. If you understand the full significance of what
I’m about to tell you, from this point on your life will never be the
same. You will see that all the things you want in life just seem to fall
into place and from now on you won’t have the stress, headaches,
neuroticism, and lack of confidence that you may have experienced
in the past.

Here’s the key to success and the key to failure:

We become… what we think about.

Read that again.

We become… what we think about.

Not only do we become what we think about, but we literally cannot

do otherwise. Every great leader and teacher all down through
history disagreed on many subjects, but it was on this one idea they
were in total agreement on.

“The mind is everything. What we think we become.” – The Buddha

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." – Jesus

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be
tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” –James Allen

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you are
right" - Henry Ford

Napoleon Hill spent the majority of his life studying hundreds upon
hundreds of the world’s most successful people first hand to find the
secret of their success, and after exhaustive research he presented

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


his findings in his amazing best seller: "Think and Grow Rich." (Write
that down and check it out.) "Whatever the mind can conceive and
believe it can achieve" was the key of their success. Your average Joe
Six-Pack doesn't realize this, but the ones who do live fabulous lives.
Study everyone who's ever been successful at anything and you'll
realize they all had this belief.

The real truth of the matter is that you can do whatever you want to
do. All theology and science since the beginning of time have told us
this, and where people got the idea otherwise, I have no clue. Again,
are you going to listen to Joe Schmoe 1994 Honda Accord down the
block who isn't going where he wants in life or are you going to listen
to what pretty much every great leader in history from Abraham
Lincoln, to Henry Ford, to Albert Einstein, to freakin’ Jesus has agreed
upon. YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! Did you think they were
kidding? Start proving it to yourself right now.

Before we go any further...

Again, while this is one of the most effective books available on the
subject, I need to bring up a few words of warning. You can
memorize every word in this book from front to back, but that's not
going to guarantee change. You need to understand the concepts
and follow the ideas listed. None of the ideas we'll discuss are hard
and this book has been designed so everything can be done from
either the privacy of your own home or out in the field, but there is a
huge difference between knowing and applying.

If you're able to chew bubblegum and walk at the same time, you'll
be able to live the life you want to live by following these exercises.
Trust me, the rewards will be tremendous. The exercises in this book
are designed and proven to significantly improve Self-Image, Self
Esteem, and Self-Confidence, no matter where you’re starting. They
won’t make you "act like" a guy with a shit ton of confidence. They'll

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


make you be a guy with a shit ton of confidence. Once you start
applying these exercises you'll have all the evidence you need around
you. No matter where you are skill wise, this will increase your skill

Another word of caution: apply the ideas suggested for at least 30

days before you start judging the results. Studies have shown that
the people who use these ideas and exercises for at least 30 days see
significant improvements in their lives, so if you're not seeing the
results, you're either not doing the exercises, or you're the one
exception to science.

Think Positive!

Remember, we always become what we think about. If you think

about the results you're getting, you'll become the type of guy who
gets the same results. Growth is an essential part of life. If you think
about the results you want, you'll get the results you want. This is,
without question the most important concept you'll ever learn. With
this you can literally create your own life or you'll be doomed to
others creating it for you.

Think of the mind as a fertile garden. You can plop whatever seeds
you want in it, and it has to yield the crops. You have a choice to
plant positive thoughts in it (for example "Life is really going well for
me,") or you can plant seeds that will grow into misery (such as "I'm
such a dick,") but regardless of what you decide to plant in there, the
crops will manifest themselves in more thoughts, feelings, actions,
and finally results. You absolutely cannot, by law, get positive results
from negative thinking. No way. "For every action there is a
reaction." “Energy always returns to its source of origination.” You
put negative energy in; you'll get negative energy back. You put
positive energy in; you'll get positive energy back. If you think in
negative terms; you will receive negative results. If you think in

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


positive terms; you will receive positive results. It is absolutely

impossible to get positive results from negative thinking.

You probably don't like hanging around with people who are in a shit
mood, so it's a good idea for you to plant seeds that when fully
sprouted will make you a better person, and we always become what
we think about. So think positive! If there’s any lack in your life, give
it no attention. When you look at the lack of anything, you'll just
perpetuate more lack.

The Subconscious Mind.

Here's the key: over 88% of all our behaviors are subconscious. For
example if you have to pick up the phone you don't have to think:
"Alright my muscles are going to need X chemical, I'm going to have
to move Y muscle at Z degrees," you just think "Lemme pick up the
damn phone." Your subconscious takes care of the rest. You don't
have to consciously think when you open a door. You don't have to
consciously think when you type. It's automatic and subconscious. If
you say "I'm such a loser" your subconscious takes care of the rest. If
you say "I'm fabulously successful with women"... Get the picture?
Your subconscious takes care of it and moves you right into action.
You plant the seeds you want; the results will come back to you right
on schedule. It's that simple. Get it? Got it? Good!

Now the first thing you need to do, before even reading any further,
is start picturing in your mind’s eye exactly how you want your life to
be. Remember, you always have to have something mentally before
you have it physically.

Write it down, in the present tense as if it's always been true. For
example "I'm just the type of guy who dates 12 women a month." or
"I am dating the woman of my dreams" and list all her qualities. Even
if you consider it to be a huge goal, write it down and you'll be

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


surprised at how fast it happens by following a few simple

techniques. The more detailed the better. Write something that
moves you emotionally.

Make sure they are "I am statements" because "I am" statements
alter the Self-Image, which we'll talk about later. Do not phrase any
of your suggestions negatively, for example: "I do not strike out with
women" is a terrible suggestion. Your subconscious mind does not
understand the word "not" and it will interpret it as "I do strike out
with women" and give you those results. This is called
Autosuggestion, and while there's a lack of controlled studies for this
idea, it's generally accepted as a way of installing beliefs, and when
you do it in a relaxed state it’s called “Autogenic Training” which has
been proven empirically.

• Your statements need to be written in the present tense.

• Your statements need to be positive. (“I am not” statements
will not work.)
• Your statements need to be personal.
• Your statements need to be specific.

For example one person I helped out with this had a terrible problem
with shyness. I told him to do this exercise, but he made the mistake
of writing “I am not shy anymore” and he got no results. Good thing
we caught it and switched it to “I am an ultra confident, outgoing
leader.” He started improving within 2 weeks.

Another person I helped with this had a problem getting women’s

numbers. I had him write down “I am a master of getting women’s
numbers,” feel the emotions of this and read it daily. He read it daily,
but he forgot to emotionalize (feel the feelings of getting women’s
numbers) and he got no results. After he emotionalized the
statement, within a month he was getting women’s numbers.

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


This is one of the most important exercises we're going to cover in

this book so it's absolutely essential for you to really think about
what you want out of all areas of your life.

Write down what you want in every area you can think of, and be as
detailed as possible. I assure you, that just as sure as it will get dark
tonight that if you follow the concepts in this book you'll achieve
exactly what you write down.

At first, these ideas will seem like a fantasy, but as you play with
them they’ll soon turn into theory, and as you go over them some
more, they’ll literally turn into fact.

Rewrite it. Add shit. Add all the crazy ridiculous things you want in
your life.

For example when I first learned this concept, some of the things I
wrote down were "I love making conversation with women. I date
the most beautiful women in the world. I date 4 beautiful women per
week. I ooze dominance and raw masculinity, and my body language
completely conveys that. I am completely confident. I have fun
around women. I handle myself with raw power all the time while
still having fun. I drive a 2004 BMW 745, and my business makes
$16000 per month." I read it daily once before going to sleep and
once as soon as I woke up (this is the best time to program your
subconscious because your brainwaves are in a relaxed state called

When I wrote this, I literally had nothing. It was insane for me to

even be thinking of things like that. I put myself in a relaxed state for
30 minutes a day (you can do more,) along with reading it twice daily
and within 1-2 weeks I started seeing results. Within 60 days, I was
dating 4 women per week, my business was making $16000 per
month and everything on my list was a tangible reality, aside from

The Cure ©2010, All Rights Reserved


the car (which came a few months later.) It’s very strange, but I
assure you, it works. Doing this in a relaxed state is called Autogenic
Training if you would like to research it on your own.

The best times to read your statements are:

• As soon as you wake up

• Before you go to sleep
• When in a relaxed state

And don’t forget to emotionalize and visualize when reading your


• Words
• Feelings (positive)
• Visualizations

Statements that are not emotionalized with positive emotions as well

as belief (just fake it) will have no effect on the subconscious mind.

The amount of time it will take for you to see results is based on how
often you do the exercises, so it’s important if you want new results
to do them! Repetition is key. At first it may be hard to change a way
of thinking if you've been practicing it for a very long time but by
repeating an idea over and over again you'll create new
Neuropathways in your brain and it will get progressively easier.

Your thoughts when emotionalized (mixed with feelings) cause your

actions and your actions cause your results. That's all there is to it.

The problem is... most people let their results control their thoughts
and emotions, and that's why they never experience substantial
change. Change your thinking and shortly you’ll start having thoughts
like "Hey maybe I should head out to the bar tonight and meet a few
women." You'll consciously and automatically start taking more and
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more steps until one day: boom all the things you've put on your list
are reality. The feeling is inexplicable when it happens.

One word of warning with this is that a lot of people get caught up
because they start looking for the results to show right away. A seed
doesn't grow instantly, and if you start noticing a lack of results, the
lack of results will be the goal your subconscious strives for. Don't let
anything from your past or present control your mental state. If you
want results, just keep doing your exercises, viewing your world the
way you would like it to be, and it will become the way you want it to
be. You repeat your new attitudes with feeling and visualizing over
and over again, and it will become a fact. It's as simple as that.

Again, the steps for this process are as follows:

1) Write your life exactly as you want it to be.

2) Read it daily before going to bed and after waking up while

visualizing and feeling your statements.

3) For even faster results read it as often as possible, preferably

in a relaxed state.

4) ???


I got this diagram on the following page from Bob Proctor who is, in
my opinion, the greatest financial guru of all time. It shows exactly
how it works. His "Born Rich" Seminar on DVD is one of the greatest
collections of human knowledge available to man; I highly suggest
checking it out. The diagram was originally made by Dr. Thurman

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Again, thoughts when mixed with emotion cause your actions, and
your actions cause your results. Don’t let your past or present results
control your thoughts and emotions, or those thoughts will control
your actions. The way ultra successful people operate is they choose
how they think and feel (not caring what people think, regardless of
what's going on around them and how many people tell them they
will fail) and they can see the results come out.

Look at Karl Benz, who sat and built the world's first car while
everyone told him it couldn't be done. These people are the
innovators of the world. This is their secret.

They are completely inwardly directed. They are the leaders in

society. They are proactive and make changes in the world.

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Formula for losing: Results -> Thinking -> Actions -> Results

(Letting your results control your thinking, and getting the

same results)

Formula for winning: Thinking whatever you want -> Actions ->

(Letting your thinking control your results, and getting far

better results)

Read that part over and over again. The ideas people hold in their head
always manifests itself into results. Looking at a lack of results is a vicious
cycle of failure. Just build a picture of success on your mind and an exact
replica of that picture will pour out into your life. You'll probably meet with
failure, temporary defeat, that will make you believe that it isn't going right,
but persistence is key. Never give up and results must show.

Some may say "I don't want to picture myself as successful when it's
obvious I'm not," and I'd like you to know that it's just kind of thinking that
keeps people where they are. Your current results are just an effect of your
past attitudes.

Read Napoleon Hill's Chapter in “Think and Grow Rich” (available for
free on the web) on Autosuggestion. You are the boss who gives the
orders, your subconscious is the crew that carries out the orders, and
your body is the ship that moves in the right direction.

"Any Idea that is held in the mind that is emphasized, that is either
feared or revered, will begin to clothe itself immediately in the most
convenient physical form available" - Andrew Carnegie

One guy I was helping out with this stuff was in a real terrible spot.
Not only was he not getting the success he wanted with women but
he was also about to get evicted from his house.

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I knew he was stressed out about the women situation but he came
to me asking for advice on his housing situation too. I sat him down,
told him to make a list of what he wanted and to study that list as
often as possible.

I told him: if he could see himself as the type of guy who is successful
at whatever he touches, I know for a fact he would act differently,
and his results will be much different.

He felt better immediately and within a month he got a nice raise at

his job, was able to pay his landlord what he owed him, and he was
able to be out there meeting women.

Another woman I was helping with this really wanted to win a quite
famous competition (which will remain unnamed.) I told her to go
over every detail of the competition in her mind, to see herself
winning the competition, how it would feel when she won. You could
see the emotion on her face. She won that competition right then
and there. She also won it 2 weeks later.

“The mind is really so incredible. Before I won my first Mr. Universe

title, I walked around the tournament like I owned it. I had won it so
many times in my mind, the title was already mine. Then when I
moved on to the movies I used the same technique. I visualized daily
being a successful actor and earning big money.” – Arnold

"It’s sorta like a mantra. You repeat it to yourself every day. 'Music is
my life, music is my life. The fame is inside of me, I'm going to make a
number one record with number one hits.' And it's not yet, it's a lie.
You're saying a lie over and over and over again, and then, one day
the lie is true." - Lady Gaga

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"I am no longer cursed by poverty because I took possession of my

own mind, and that mind has yielded me every material thing I want,
and much more than I need. But this power of mind is a universal
one, available to the humblest person as it is to the greatest." -
Andrew Carnegie

“I wrote myself a check for ten million dollars for acting services
rendered and dated it Thanksgiving 1995. I put it in my wallet and it
deteriorated. And then, just before Thanksgiving 1995, I found out I
was going to make ten million dollars for Dumb & Dumber. I put that
check in the casket with my father because it was our dream
together.” - Jim Carrey

A letter Bruce Lee wrote himself when he was a struggling Martial

Artist and read daily: "I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid
oriental superstar in the United States. In return I will give the most
exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity
of an actor. Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame from then
onward till the end of 1980 I will have in my possession $10,000,000.
I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and peace. “-
Bruce Lee

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So how are some men naturally successful with women?

Well, it wouldn't be hard for people who were taught the right
attitudes to have success with women, but not all of us have had that
benefit. People who weren’t brought up with those attitudes have to
develop those attitudes in order to achieve the success they want.

As for the people who naturally have those attitudes; somewhere

during their lives they learned the skills necessary to be comfortable
around women. It may have been attitudes they picked up from their
parents, and/or it may have been through experience.

Now those learned experiences turn into self-talk and beliefs, for
example: a man who is successful with women would think "Hey,
there's a cute girl over there, why don't I talk to her and pick her up?"
while someone who is who doesn’t have that conditioning would say
"Why even bother, I'll just fail anyway."

Until people get a handle on their mindset, they will never, ever,
ever, scratch the surface of what they’re capable of.

Now if you’re wondering if this mindset can be developed, the

answer is “absolutely.”

So, how does one develop this mindset? Aside from what we’ve
already done: the best way is, right now, in your mind’s eye to
picture the amount of success you want with women as if it's
happening right now. Imagine it as if it's always been true. As you go
through your day, keep that mindset and write down new personality
traits you would like to install.

“Before we can do something, we must first be something” –Gothe

If this sounds a little silly, I'll put it all together so it makes a lot more
sense. Once these beliefs take root in the subconscious mind: that

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you’re extremely successful and it feels good to be this successful,

your brain will automatically start figuring out ways to attract women
into your life. In Dr. Maxwell Maltz' groundbreaking bestseller
“Psycho-Cybernetics” released for his non-profit Psycho-Cybernetics
foundation, it was discovered that your subconscious mind is not a
mind at all. It is essentially a goal seeking cybernetic mechanism that
man was built with. One of its main jobs is to take whatever goal you
impress upon it and move it into reality.

Your subconscious mind doesn't care if the pictures, thoughts and

emotions you hold in your mind are positive or negative. It merely
takes what you impress upon it, and moves it into physical form.
Whether you realize it or not most of our behaviors are completely

This is just how we're wired. This is how we get ahead or fail in life.
When we have a success at anything this is the reason. Once you
learn how to consciously control this mechanism, you open a lot of
new doors for yourself.

So realize that everyone talks to themselves. Whenever you talk to

yourself, feel grateful for all your successes, even if imagined, and let
your subconscious mind start moving you in the right direction.

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Deeper into the mind.

Think of your mind as a computer. You have your conscious (thinking)

mind, and you have your Subconscious (feelings, beliefs, and
behaviors) mind. This is sometimes referred to as the unconscious
mind or limbic system in the brain.

Your conscious mind can be likened to the windows you have opened
on your computer. Your subconscious can be likened to a hard drive.
When you need a bit of data, you call up the bit of data you need and
it causes you to do the things you do, and act the way you act.

If someone conceives themselves to be a failure type personality, no

matter how hard they try, how many techniques they learn, even if
"good luck" was literally dumped in their lap, the files on their
internal hard drive will automatically cause that person to fail. That
failure gets stored as another file (memory) and it becomes a self
dooming cycle.

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For example if someone believes (whether legitimately or not) that

they're not successful with women, they try talking to a woman,
these attitudes manifest themselves in poor body language, a
nervous tone, neediness, insecurity, and he will inevitably fail at what
he's trying to do.

Then that failure goes into the subconscious mind and now it's even
more evidence that he'll never be successful with women.

Changing files on a computer is a pretty easy thing to do, but if you

don't know how to do it, it's not going to be easy. What we're going
to do is learn to replace whatever files and beliefs you have now,
with whatever files and beliefs you want, which in turn will create as
much success as you install.

We need to look at: The way your mind has been conditioned, how
that conditioning is giving you the results you're getting, and (most
importantly) we'll show you how to change said conditioning.

Your parents may have programmed you, but you can change it.

Subjective vs. Objective realities.

Before we get into more actual techniques we're going to lay a

foundation because this is where many people get confused. They
believe just because they observe something that it's absolutely true.
There's a huge difference between facts and opinions.

Most of the dating/pick-up advice you find in books is completely

subjective, meaning it's the author's experience. While I do talk
about a few personal experiences and techniques, the vast majority
of information will be completely factual and work for everyone.

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Aside from the Laws of Physics and other Laws that are scientifically
proven, reality is completely open to interpretation, and that
imagined interpretation will inevitably become your reality. People
always act in accordance to what they believe to be true. Your beliefs
create your results, and beliefs can be changed. Therefore your
results can be changed. Even if something is true for 99% of people,
it can be changed for someone.

What does this mean for people? If someone believes that women
are hard to get, then they will be hard to get. If someone believes
they are completely successful with women, then they will be
completely successful with women, regardless of if it’s true or not.
Someone starts thinking over and over and over again that they're a
confident, successful guy, they’ll start to know it and the second they
start acting in an unconfident, unsuccessful manner their central
nervous system will pick that up, feed the data in their brain and
force them to act to act in ways that are congruent with their new,
confident beliefs. It's really as simple as that.

Since beliefs always create your reality, make a habit of not believing
everything you think. From now on instead of asking "does this belief
fit with my old conditioning?" ask "Will this belief bring me where I
want to go?"

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The “Magic Key” to women.

So what's the magic key that will unlock everything you desire with
women? Confidence. Plain and simple. It's actually the key to almost
any problem people can ever think of. "How do I achieve more
success with women?" Confidence. "How do I get a promotion?"
Confidence. "How can I do better in my English Class?" Confidence. I
can really care less if you think that you're "just not good at ____."
The only reason someone’s not good at something is because they
lack confidence and assuredness in that area. The exercises we've
discussed so far will help you build all the confidence you want.
Confidence can never be faked, but it can be built.

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People talk about dominance, and confidence is essentially the same

thing. Real Alpha males are typically very nice people; they're just not
nice in the sense that they let people walk on them. It's the arrogant
"Jerk" that has to prove everything to the world and brag to people.
Practice seeing the positive in things, and become the dominant
Alpha Male, who is far above the Jerk.

Have you ever watched the Discovery Channel where they talk about
the Alpha Male getting over 80% of the women? The same is true
with humans. Get a handle on your confidence to gain dominance,
and that's done by fixing your inner talk, which will get you the girls.

Your success with women will be in direct proportion to the

confidence you have. Certain religions call this "Faith," which is
defined as "Belief in the unseen." It's belief that something will
happen, regardless of the evidence. Regardless of your religious
views the emotion of “Faith” is an essential emotion to develop.

When you know you'll succeed, you will succeed.

When you're in a state of confidence your body actually vibrates at a

higher rate than someone who's depressed. You have a different
energy. People like to be around people who have a positive energy
and this positive energy is just a physical manifestation of positive
emotions. People like this just make others feel good around them.

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It's as simple as that. You don't have to analyze a woman's psyche,

find out what her "type" is, find out what her "sign" is, because
people don't have a clue as to what they want... so they just make
shit up. A woman wants a confident Alpha Male. That’s it. They want
a real, confident man to come and sweep them off their feet.
Confidence in a man is as important as beauty is in a woman.

When I'm talking to a woman, I know it's going to turn out the way I
want it to; I'm just ironing out the details. I know I’m going to get the
best possible outcome. Do not confuse this with arrogance or being
attached with a specific outcome, because knowing you'll succeed
and needing to succeed makes a world of difference. Whenever you
need something or someone you increase the chances of never
having it. Whenever people need something they are trying to fill an
emotional void. Don't make this mistake. Don't try to fill the void
with "stuff," fill the void emotionally and all the "stuff" will come into
your life automatically. Your completion should never, ever reside
outside of yourself. You want your happiness to be there no matter
what happens.

A lot of dating books tell people "Don't be needy," "act confidently"

but what good is it going to do if the reader actually lacks
confidence? “Neediness" is a symptom, not the actual cause of the
problem. It's impossible for someone to not act needy if they really
are needy. They can change their words all they want, but that
neediness will still show in other ways. Someone can't pretend to be
independent when they don't really feel independent. That causes
extreme incongruence and manifests itself in all sorts of strange

Have you ever seen someone who is consciously controlling their

body language? It's almost like those TV shows where someone is
talking to someone through an earpiece and they’re repeating what

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they're saying. It's just awkward. The problem is in the Self-Image

and Self-Esteem. Fix the Self-Image, fix all the symptoms. You
wouldn't tell someone who has a cold that the cure would be to stop
sneezing, would you? You can get rid of the sneezing by getting rid of
the cold, but you can never get rid of the cold by stopping the
sneezing. That's what the exercises in this book will do for you. Alter
the Self-Image to whatever you want it to be.

What are beliefs?

A belief is an idea, premise or proposition that a person holds to be

true, regardless of if it is. When you break down what beliefs are,
they're just repetitive thoughts that people eventually come to
believe. Again, a belief is a thought you think over and over. Read
that a million times. A belief is a thought you think over and over
again. The emotionalized thoughts people think over and over
become familiar and comfortable. So if a belief is a thought that you
think over and over again, how does one change beliefs? By simply
thinking a new thought over and over. Once someone thinks that
thought over and over again it becomes familiar and now they have a
new belief. It doesn't matter if it's a lie, if someone wants results to
show they have to install new beliefs. At first it will be a lie, then it
will become more and more familiar until one day it’s a reality. The
difference between average people is they have to see to believe,
while the masters believe and then see.

Even knowing this, some people say to me "look at all the evidence
around me, it's obviously that I’m not as great as I want to be with
women" and I tell them "all the evidence around you is just physical
results from your beliefs in the past, and by perpetuating that belief
you’re perpetuating the results"

You see again, reality is completely subjective. You ask and you'll
receive. You ask for the wrong stuff they'll be right at your doorstep

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with a big red ribbon. Figure out what you can do, not what you
“can’t.” What's possible and impossible are largely a collection of
beliefs people hold. Napoleon Hill suggested cutting the word
"impossible" from your dictionary, and I suggest the same. The
people who get on in life don't believe in that silly word. They look at
how they can get what they want as opposed to the reasons that
they "can't."

Almost nothing is impossible. If you have to "see to believe," you'll

never see it. The best way to make absolutely no progress is by
talking an attitude of "I'll believe it when I see it." A belief is just a
thought you keep thinking over and over again. You keep thinking
that new, more productive thought more evidence will show up, and
you'll believe it even more. You believe it even more, and keep
believing it, you will see it. No way around it. So instead of looking at
"facts" that other people created, start taking control of your own

Repetition is key.

As humans we learn from repetition. In this book you may find some
of the things I say repetitious, but that's how we learn as humans. So
in conjunction with repeating what you wrote on your list, try to read
this book as many times as possible. By a few days you'll probably
forget most of what you learned, but if you keep reading it the ideas
will quickly become fixed in your memory.

When you learned how to drive a car you had to do it over and over
again until you got it perfect, it's no different with this. As you keep
playing with these ideas in your mind your old conditioning becomes
weaker. While on the outside it may appear that not much has
changed, you know inside something has changed. Keep playing and

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keep playing with the ideas, and one day boom; everything’s

Killing doubt.

Remember, the easiest way to fail is to start doubting. If you talk to a

friend that doesn't know the inner working of the mind, they'll
bombard you with their own theories about women and it can be
enough to throw you off course.

I tell people “whenever you have a doubt, just replace that doubt
with your new mental picture and never let yourself finish off a
negative statement.” “If you happen to think negative, just replace it
with something positive until that little negative voice shuts up.
Observe your negative thoughts objectively, realize you are not your
negative thoughts, and disassociate yourself from them.” Eckhart
Tolle calls this "Watching the Thinker."

The Importance of Focus.

If you're trying to get off an exit on the highway, you focus on the
exit; you don't focus on the guardrail. Focusing on the guardrail will
probably cause you to crash into the guardrail... and you wouldn't
want that. The point I'm trying to make is to stop focusing on what
you don't want to happen. As soon as you figure out what you don't
want, from that figure out what you do want and focus on that. As
soon as you focus on what things you don't want, your subconscious
goes "oh yea?! A new goal?! Let’s do this!" Focusing on something
that makes you feel miserable is nothing less than destructive.

As soon as you think of something you don't want, your mood lowers
and you lose all ability to fix that problem. If you focus on what you
want, solutions will just start flying into your head. Your
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subconscious mind doesn't care what you feed it. It just takes
whatever you give it, and moves that idea into physical reality. So if
you focus on negative things, it will throw you in situations where
you experience more negative things.

For example, have you ever noticed that people who complain about
how things are going seem to get more negative circumstances? And
the people keep themselves in a good mood seem to get positive

Start paying attention full attention to how you feel. Your emotions
are very sophisticated vibrational indicators and when you feel
negative emotion that means you're placing your attention on the
wrong thing. When you feel positive emotion, it means you're
focusing your attention on the right thing.

Negative Focus > Negative Feelings > Negative Results.

Instead try focusing on the positive in life. For example, let’s take a
boss who complains about his employees. He thinks they don’t do
anything right, are useless and other insulting things. What good
does he do anybody? None. No one likes this type of boss, and will
inevitably cause the employees to resent him. That resentment turns
into lack of morale and just perpetuates more poor results.

On the other hand when you have an employer who focuses on the
good in his employees they’ll want to do more pleasing things. When
they go into his office he typically gives them sincere compliments
such as “wow, you guys really did a great job today, keep up the
good work,” and the employees leave with a sense of pride. They like
this feeling of pride and continue to create impressive results. Take
that stance on everything.

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Four types of women.

This book is going to focus mostly on mental state, but I feel it

necessary to go into a few specifics I've found in my interactions. In
my experience there are 4 main types of women.

• The Alpha Female. (Assertive)

The "Alpha Female" is outgoing, confident, social, strong, or any

combination of those things. Typically she is either looking for sex, or
not looking for sex. Just because she's not looking for sex doesn't
mean she doesn't want sex. When she is looking for sex all you have
to do is approach her confidently, escalate physically, and she'll want
you to take her home.

When the "Alpha Female" is on the prowl for sex she'll typically be at
the bar alone, because she's waiting for a man to approach her and
take her home.

I got really good at spotting these types of women, and it's paid off
tremendously. I would just walk up to them, start talking or dancing,
continuing conversation with them while escalating physically. I
would kiss them, until kissing turned into making out, and finally
(sometimes within 15 minutes) she would give me signals that she
wanted me to take her home. They are, in my opinion, the most fun
types of women. You can sleep with them, you can date them,
they're fun to be around, and they're good in bed.

When the "Alpha Female" is not looking for sex, that doesn't mean
that it's difficult to get her in bed, it only means that she's not
specifically looking for sex, so it may take a little more time before
she wants to have sex with you. We'll talk about the Physical
Escalation Order later, which is the most effective way I've found to
escalate physically with any type of woman.

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• The Tease. (Aggressive)

The next type of woman is the "Tease." Somewhere during her life
this woman learned that she can make men do anything she wants
by teasing them a little bit. These women were the hardest for me to
figure out, but doing so has opened up a bunch of new opportunities.

You can tell these women because they flirt sexually with all types of
men and as soon as the men flirt back she'll shut them down. The
answer to these types of women is simple: don't flirt back sexually.
Don't be over complimentary on their looks when interacting with
them. They love compliments on their personality though.
Complimenting these women on looks may make them
uncomfortable which may cause her to start ignoring you. She got
what she wanted, she now feels powerful. Just hold your ground and
let her make all the moves.

I've found girls like this, let them do all the work, and had them in
bed in less than 40 minutes. The key is just to let them act like the
one who’s in control, since she has an aggressive type personality.

• The Nice Girl. (Passive)

Next on our list is the "Nice Girl / Good girl." These women are cool
as heck, but sometimes they're not great in bed. It really depends.
These women typically take the longest to get in bed because they've
been socially conditioned to think that they should hold out for sex.

Again, this doesn't mean that you can't sleep with them right away,
but I find it takes at least a couple of hours of talk to get them in bed.
These girls; just be nice to them, escalate physically, and boom, you'll
have them.

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• The Promiscuous Girl. (Aggressive, Assertive or Passive)

And the last level of females is the "Promiscuous Girl." Notice I didn't
call her a "slut." You never ever, want to call a woman a slut either to
her face or behind her back. It's her decision to sleep with as many
guys as she wants, and she has the perfect right to do so. Don't put
her down like most beta-males do. Don't even think negatively
toward her.

I feel the need to digress for a second: along with not thinking of
women as “sluts,” don't think of women as things such as: "hot little
pieces of ass," or anything along those lines. Realize that they're
beautiful wonderful creatures, and hot little pieces of ass ;D.

You see it's all about context. I can call my girlfriend a hot piece of
ass, but she knows I really respect her. She knows I'm half joking
while complimenting her on her attractiveness. If you said that to a
woman as soon as you met her, I guarantee she'll feel utterly
disrespected and want nothing to do with you.

It’s all about context.

But back to the topic of calling women "sluts." This is the biggest
thing that women are afraid of being labeled, and by disrespecting
anyone, you're also conveying low status. Whenever you disrespect
someone else, you disrespect yourself. We'll get into that later.

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The three types of men.

You may say "There are many types of men," but in general there are
3 main categories that men fall under. "Nice Guys," "Jerks" and
"Alphas," And the difference between them is where they fall on the
self-esteem/emotional scale, which we'll go into later.

• The Nice Guy. (Passive)

The "Nice Guy" is not a place you want to be. If you happen to be
here, just realize it's a starting point, and from here we'll grow. "Nice
Guys" are the type of guys who bring women flowers, take them on
expensive dates, and get nothing more than a kiss on the cheek.
Sucking up to a woman is a great way to convey low status.

Because the "Nice Guy" wants others to like him, he'll often keep his
thoughts and feelings repressed in order to not offend anyone. In
doing this he gives up his rights and, ironically, people respect him
less for this. This leads to the "Nice Guy" being taken advantage of
and disrespected by people.

Women will say things like "he's just like one of us girls," “I can get
him to do whatever I want,” etc. Definitely not the type of guy you
want to be. Even if you do happen to land a girlfriend and you're in
this group she's likely to walk all over you. If this is you, I feel your
pain. Just realize it. Fortunately there are many exercises in this book
than can get anyone from Point A to Point C quite quickly.

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• The Jerk. (Aggressive)

The next level on the male pecking order is the "Jerk." Some of the
ways you can spot the "Jerk" are by his arrogant behaviors. He
interrupts people, tries to talk over them, stares at others, insults
people, tries to intimidate people, brags (either subtly or blatantly,)
tries to control everything, he hurts others to avoid being hurt,
sometimes reaches goals (but steps on people in the process,) and
generally tries to act better than others.

This guy seems to do ok with women, but being a "Jerk" is not a great
way to be. They're not happy people and the women who date them
are usually not happy either. Women may settle for this man when
there are no other options, but as soon as a man in the next group
comes along she'll leave him faster than he knows it.

(Side note: it's okay to be a dick if you're funny about it. There's
nothing wrong with busting peoples' chops. What we want to focus
on is being Alpha at the core, but if you want to bust peoples' balls
that's completely fine, as long as you're not an actual hateful

• The Alpha Male. (Assertive)

This brings us to our final group, the “Alpha Male." Now as soon as
you heard this word you may have conjured up a picture of a big
macho bully, but that's not what an "Alpha Male" is at all. This is a
common misconception of the “Alpha.” The "Alphas" are the leaders
of the pack. They're king of the hill. The "Jerks" respect him. The
"Nice Guys" respect him. All the women want him. The men want to
be him. They come in all different shapes and sizes, but they do have
things in common. I'm sure you can think a few of these guys you

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know in your life, and this is where this book aims to take you.

The confident Alpha Male speaks openly, respects others, uses a

normal conversational tone, makes good eye contact, participates
in/leads groups, gets to the point while speaking, values himself
equal to others, never tries to hurt anyone (and even helps them,)
reaches goals in a way that benefit everyone, and acts equal to

Alpha Males are typically very nice people and inspire others. He lifts
people up while the “Jerk” tries to push them down. While the
“Alpha Male” is nice, he difference between "Nice Guys" and "Alpha
Males" is that the "Alpha Male" is nice out of love and the "Nice Guy"
is nice out of fear.

This is the level of man that gets women begging to do all sorts of
deviant sexual things with them. Bananas and masking tape? Don't
ask. These are the men that women will do anything for. This is the
level that this book plans to take you. Again, as stated before, you
want to see yourself as already being this type of guy regardless of if
there's evidence otherwise in your life. Don't worry about being this
type of guy tomorrow or next week. Your subconscious will take care
of all that for you.

How to get from Nice Guy to Alpha.

Unfortunately, if you're in the "Nice guy" category, you may have to

go through "Jerk" on your way to "Alpha." It may be hard (or
impossible) to jump right from "Nice Guy" to "Alpha" just like that.
It's just part of the process. You can't make it from Maine to Florida
without going through the states between. (We'll go over this even
further when we get into the human emotional scale but essentially,

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the higher you bring yourself on the human emotional scale, the
higher you will be on the human pecking order.)

Alpha Male Attitudes:

• Be Happy.

We're not talking about walking around with a cheesy grin on all day,
but you want to have an internal happiness. Have you ever noticed
that guys who are successful with women are happier? It would be
easy to trick yourself into thinking "of course they're happier, they
get tons of women." And while that may appear to be the case, the
real answer is that they get women because they're happy. No one
wants to be around a miserable guy, no matter if he thinks the
reasons for his misery are valid or not.

Negative, gloomy people are simply not fun to be around. Their

personalities are depressing: The look on their faces, their tone of
voice, their angry expressions, their complaints and the way they try
to make people feel sorry for them. These symptoms are none other
than a physical manifestation of the negative emotions they're
feeling on a consistent basis. The people who are happy just look on
the brighter side of life. They see the good, even in the bad which
makes them happy. The trick is that as soon as you become happy,
everyone will treat you differently and your results will change.

There's a myth you have to watch out for surrounding mankind

where they think "I'll be happy when X happens" or "I'll be happy
when Y happens," "I'll be happy when I get this girl," “I’ll be happy
when I get this promotion,” etc. These people never achieve
happiness. They are constantly chasing it like a dog chasing its tail.
You just have to own your happiness until owning it becomes a habit.
If you get upset a lot life is just going to put you in more situations
that will make you upset. People believe they have good reasons to

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be upset, but who cares? Do they really want to create more of it?
They may say "But this is the way that it is, I’m just being realistic"
That's absolutely fine if they want their futures to be full of the same.

Try it. I guarantee you'll get almost immediate results. Now once we
turn that happiness into a habit, it will become a fixed part of your
personality and you'll start to notice everything going right.

The best part about this is you always have access to the emotion of
happiness, regardless of what's going on around you. And once you
feel happy, all the good things you've wanted start moving toward

If you really break down human behavior you'll notice that they
everyone wants the same thing: Happiness. Everyone wants
everything they want because they want to feel better. You picked
up this book because you wanted the happiness of getting women,
and there's nothing wrong with that. Someone wants the latest
phone because they think it will bring them happiness and there's
also nothing wrong with that. Everyone loves nice things but don't
just be happy when you get to your destination, enjoy the ride. If you
don't enjoy the ride you'll never get to your destination. Again, it's an
absolute law of life that you have to have something mentally before
you have it physically. Have fun with people, joke around. Don't take
life to seriously. No matter what others say, it's natural for you to
have fun and be happy.

• Expect the best.

Are you wishing for good things but expecting bad things? This is one
of the easiest ways to fail. You always have to expect the best
outcome to get the best outcome. If you want women to be

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attracted to you, you have to assume that women are attracted to

you. This is the huge difference between wanting something and
being ready to receive it.

One guy asked me for advice on fighting in his relationship. He told

me that his girlfriend kept starting fights with him, and no matter
how much he tried he couldn’t get her to stop. I told him that by
trying to get her to act a certain way he was actually perpetuating
the problem. I had him shift his perception toward her behavior and
expect the best outcome. It resulted in him changing his attitude and
whenever she brought up a fight, he thought of the outcome he
wanted. As a result his words changed from words of defense to
words of normal conversation. He would just change the subject
because of this and within a few days he left me a message saying
that everything was fine between them.

See, you don't always get what you want, but you always get what
you expect. And through this we can change our results. When you
keep thinking something over and over again, it will become belief,
and you will come to expect it. Once you start to expect it, more and
more evidence will show up and there will be no doubt in your mind.
When there's no doubt, you get what you want. It may sound strange
to some, but that's how the mind works. If you look back at
experiences in your own life, positive or negative, you'll see this is
exactly how it works. If you're not getting the results you want, you
have to change your expectations.

While changing a habitual way of thinking may be hard at first, after

some practice and after you do some work with the Self-Image, this
will be easy and natural for you. So if you're having a hard time
expecting the best right now, just practice, practice, practice.

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• Out of your league?

Guys sometimes ask me "how can I get this girl that's out of my
league?' I say: “Why would you strike yourself out before even
getting to bat?” I've yet to meet a girl that was out of my league, and
it's because I believe that and feel that, that I experience that. We're
not talking about being cocky here, because that's not the type of
guy that gets results. We’re talking about a healthy confidence. Some
people suggest taking the attitude "She doesn't want me? That's her
loss!" and I don’t feel that’s productive either. The men who are truly
successful think "She doesn't want me? It's both of our losses
because I really liked this girl." Read both of those statements and
see the feeling response you get from them. The first one just gives
you a feeling of arrogance and assholism. The second one gives you a
feeling or warmness and love. If you want success, you want to take
this view on everything. Not just to get women, just because it feels
good, and ironically that will get you the women.

As far as women being out of your league, never put another person
above yourself. Respect them and love them, but never put them
above yourself. You're getting all the secrets of confidence, so you
should have no reason to make yourself lower than anyone else. You
can do anything they can do. You also have no reason to act higher
than anyone else. Envy implies that you can't do what they do. After
a little practice with this book, you'll definitely be able to do what
they do.

Don't get jealous, get confident.

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• Relationship before sex?

This one is your choice, but make sure the girl you're getting into a
relationship with is a great girl. There's absolutely nothing wrong (in
my opinion) with sleeping with as many women as you want while
waiting for a great chick to come your way. Matter of fact, I
encourage it. As much as society disagrees, there's nothing wrong
with being a man. I typically sleep with a girl long before I'm
considering a relationship or not. There's a big difference between
waiting for sex because you want to, and waiting to have a
relationship just to get sex. Some guys take girls on all sorts of fancy
dates and buy them all sorts of stuff, but that instantly puts them
into the Relationship or Friend category. The Alpha Male genuinely
gets to know them instead of trying to pay for their attention. My
personal advice is: Don't make the mistake of letting a girl string you
along for 3 months just to get some sex. Get good at sleeping with
women as soon as possible, and then if she's a great chick you can
jump into a relationship with her.

• Don't take failure personally

When some people have a bad experience, instead of taking an

objective view on it, for example "I failed with this girl," they take it
to heart and say "I really suck with women." Alphas don't think that
way. We never get down on ourselves, and if we do, we bring
ourselves right back up. We learn from our mistakes and keep at it.

Also, you don't have to worry about "am I being too needy?" "Am I
waiting long enough to call her?""Am I approaching her at the right
angle" like other materials suggest. Confident people don't play that
shit. The Alpha Male can literally say anything and have woman
falling for him. We don’t worry about what to say or what to do. We
just do what's in our heart and get the results we want.

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• Optimism.

The Alpha looks on the bright side of life. The Alpha expects the best
outcome. The Alpha looks for solutions instead of dwelling on
problems. Don't look for what’s wrong in situations, look for what's
right. For example while writing this I burned my neck pretty bad.
Instead of focusing on the searing pain I thought to myself "Wow, I
hope that leaves a badass scar haha." I know this is a little extreme,
and I’m not saying you have to be like this, but it's always best to
look for the good in things. Look for how you can improve situations.

• Don't try to impress people.

Let them impress you. This is why women are attracted to “bad
boys.” “Bay boys” don’t need to impress anyone. People feel a lot
better about themselves when you make them feel impressive.
When you try to impress people, brag about things, they know you're
trying to win their approval. When you try to impress people, they'll
respect you less and typically pick on you or ignore you. They have a
much better time when they're the ones who feel impressive. Never
try to impress others by bragging, insulting others, and never insult

Just don't worry about what others think about you, but don't make
the mistake of just telling people you don't care what they think. As
George Carlin said “People who say they don't care what people
think are usually desperate to have people think they don't care what
people think.” What you actually think and what you tell people you
think are 2 separate things and so many people mess this up I can’t
even count them.

If you want to achieve far more success in life, start paying attention

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to the little voice in you and pay a lot less attention to other people’s

• Assertiveness

Assertiveness is power. Assertiveness is standing up for your right to

be treated fairly. The Alpha says what’s on their mind and respects
yet doesn't fear other people's responses. The Alpha Male expresses
his opinions, feelings and needs, while respecting the opinions,
feelings and needs of others. He doesn’t need to insult or threaten
people; he just trusts (expects) that everything will work out.

• Taking responsibility for your life

This is the toughest one for people to accept, but once you do you
are in complete control of your life. Blame is never, ever an
appropriate response, no matter how justified it seems. The results
in your life are mainly a result of your previous thoughts, feelings and
actions. To fix it, all you have to do is change your thoughts and
emotions, which changes your actions. The problem is, when you put
the blame on anyone else, you give up your ability to change
anything. You see, what people say about you and how they treat
you is largely a mirror reflection of how you're treating yourself. As
within, so without; as above, so below. Start to treat yourself better
and I promise others will. Stand up for yourself.

No one can make you feel anything you don’t want to feel. Confident
choose their own feelings and people know that people will act in a
way that's pleasing to them therefore people react that way. You
can't always change people, but you can change their response to
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• Appreciation.

Alphas live in good emotions and appreciation is one of them.

Appreciate what people do for you and they'll want to do more. That
doesn't mean just simply saying "Thank you," it means genuinely
appreciating things that people do for you. Think about it, if you got a
nice card for someone and they just tossed it to the ground, would
you want to do that for them again? Appreciation and love are
almost the exact same emotion, and people love to feel loved.

Also, appreciation should not be limited to people. Even learn to

appreciate everything including your "bad" experiences because
without them, you would have never learned.

• Respect

The Alpha Male always respects others unless they blatantly

disrespect him. I hate to break it to you, but when you criticize
others, it's only because you're hiding from that trait in yourself. The
Alpha Male isn't afraid to give someone a genuine compliment
because he sees the good in people. The Beta Males give
compliments to butter people up. The Jerks criticizes others in an
attempt to make themselves look better than they really are. Decide
how you want to be.

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• Giving

Do not just focus on what you can get from women; focus on what
you can give them. This is where the Jerks and Betas mess up. They
try to receive and not give. The Alpha Male knows he makes women
feel good and he’s rewarded for this. You can't get something for
nothing. Many guys want all the profits without giving. Fall in love
with giving. Not necessarily material things, but the feelings you can
give them. How you can make women feel worthy and accepted.
Remember: you can't have something for nothing. This book is
technically just a spot on your hard drive or a few dollars worth the
paper, but if you get valuable ideas from it, it's well worth the price
you paid for it, right? Take that stance on everything. Don't worry
about what you'll receive; focus on what you can give.

• Decisiveness

The Alpha Male knows what he wants. When he says something

there’s no doubt in his mind. He is not selfish and makes decisions
that will work out for everyone. His decisions are firm. He believes in
his own decisions so other people believe in them as well. In any
situation, the person who is most self assured is the Alpha Male.

• Humor

Humor will be one of the biggest factors in your interactions with

women. Everyone knows that women say they want a man who can
make them laugh. Develop the ability to find humor in all the stupid
shit people do. Learn to laugh at yourself. Watch some comedy
programs, hang out with people who are funny, do whatever you
have to do to develop an awesome sense of humor.
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Think about the following 2 interactions: A woman goes out on a

date and the man asks her all sorts of boring questions about her life,
talks about his 401K, his job, her job, his mortgage. Do you really
think she cares about that boring shit? Absolutely not. Now in the
next scenario you have a man cracking jokes about himself, cracking
jokes about her, making her laugh and having a good time in general.
Which guy do you think she’ll prefer being with?

The answer is obvious.

Myths about women.

Now that we're getting toward the middle of this book we're going to
debunk a few myths about women. I've heard all sorts of ridiculous
theories about women such as: "Women only like men with money,"
"women only go after jerks," whatever it is, those are completely
subjective views, meaning of course, they're not true.

The truth of the matter is that while some women may go for jerks,
it's typically because they're insecure themselves. People are usually
attracted to other people who have an equal or higher level of

So if you see a woman who's with a guy who doesn't treat her well,
it's only because she doesn't feel she deserves to be treated well and
… her beliefs create her reality. That guy she's dating really is no prize

I’m sure you’ve heard moms say "don't worry about that bully, he
only picks on people to cover up his own insecurities,"? Well, from a
psychological perspective, moms are right. If a real man were to go
and talk to her, she would up and leave that douche in 30 seconds
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Back to the subject of "Women only like men with money," also
avoid the mistake of paying for women too much. It's okay to be a
gentleman, but a woman can tell when someone’s trying to win her
affection just by buying her stuff, and they'll disrespect them for it.
Guys who buy a woman too much stuff most likely have an attitude
of "I bet I could never get this girl unless I paid for all her stuff," and
remember beliefs create their reality. Create strong beliefs to create
a strong reality. They'll respect you a lot more if you don’t have to
buy their attention, but if she's short 5 dollars for a burger don't be a
dick. Don't be a sucker, but don't be a douche. Life is about balance.

Facts about women.

What women want and what they say they want are 2 different
things. Have you ever seen one of those girls on TV who say things
like “I just want a nice guy” and then just goes back to her abusive
ex-boyfriend? Well that’s because she’s operating with a different
definition of “nice.” What she’s looking for is an Alpha Male who
commands respect and can also act kindly.

She’s looking for is a real man who can treat her with respect. A man
who is strong and decisive. A man who knows what he wants out of
life and how to get it. People live by the pain/pleasure principle
which is why you want to avoid being a jerk. Everything people do is
to gain pleasure and avoid pain. Certain people may be complete
douchebags, but that makes it even more important that you treat
them with respect. If you allow their attitude to affect yours you’re
admitting that they’re a stronger person, and you’re no better than
them. People have problems of their own, and that manifests itself in
their attitudes. Make sure that their time with you is the best part of
their day. If you live this way for a month, you’ll never want to go
back. If you already do this, you know exactly what I mean.

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How to get women in bed as quickly as possible.

One of women’s biggest fears thinking she’s being used or thinking of

herself as a slut. For this reason it's usually a bad idea to talk about
your sexual intentions with women. Women have a defense
mechanism where if you come of too blatantly they'll automatically
put up their sexual defense and think "all this guy wants is sex" or
“he’s trying to use me.” You don’t want women to feel slutty or used
when sleeping with you or she’ll regret the experience, so don’t push
too hard.

There's a human mating system. When interacting with women you

want to keep yourself in a sexual vibe, she'll pick up that sexual
energy and start to feel sexual herself. While doing this, start to take
the lead and escalate physically. The most effective way I've come
across is gradually start touching her because if you make too big a
jump she'll probably get scared off. If no one moves forward at all,
you guys won’t have sex. If you’re dealing with a tease you should let
her do a good amount of the work.

After you approach and start having conversation you want to start
escalating physically. This is a general guideline that you can change
if you'd like, but I find it very effective. We'll get into a woman’s
other erogenous zones later in the book so you can develop your
own style. For now: start with touching her (1) hands, once she's
comfortable with that touch her (2) legs, then her (3) back, then her
(4) face. After that you can (5) kiss her on the cheek, then the (6) lips.

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Get her somewhere where you can have privacy because you're
about to move toward sex.

(7) Make out with her, then (8) kiss her neck, (forget the breasts,) (9)
touch her stomach, (10) kiss her stomach, (11) "accidently" rub her
vagina with your knee or other part of your body (social norms may
make her hesitant to let a man touch her vagina, you can do this
when you kiss her but you don't want to make it too obvious, just
enough to turn her on,) (12) rub her vagina above her clothes, and
then when she's really turned on you can start (13) taking off her
pants, (14) finger her (or eat her out,) then (15) have sex.

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Try to gauge her sexual arousal level by reading her body language
before moving to the next level. She may become resistant if you try
to move too fast. For example: if you're kissing and she seems like
she's into it, move down to her neck. Kissing a woman's neck directly
gets her sexual organs aroused. Once she's responding to that, move
down the list further. If she gets resistant you can tell her something
like "I never have sex on the first date" so she doesn't get defensive,
then you can start moving down the list as she's ready.

When you get good at this you can start sleeping with women in as
little as 20 minutes, but every girl and every man's skill level is
different so be careful. Study the paragraphs on escalation, include it
in your visualizations (which we'll talk about later,) and once you go
out there and try it will be almost second nature to you since you've
"practiced" it so many times.

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On a similar note, confident persistence is key. I know many guys

who still get women after they’ve said “no.” The difference between
the Bill Gates' of the world and your average Joe Schmoe is
persistence. If she objects to something you're doing, be completely
respectful and go back to kissing her. Persistence = confidence. If you
didn’t have confidence in your goal you would never persist.

When you can't escalate physically in one sitting...

There are going to be times where you can't get her in bed as quickly
as possible. For example if you meet a woman at the supermarket,
you're not going to start putting the moves on her right then and
there. For these situations I don't suggest trying to call her like every
other guy does. More attractive women get hundreds of calls like this
per month, and you don't want to just be another guy in the crowd.

When I’m talking to a woman and I’m about to leave I’ll say
something like "Hey you mind if I text you?" Or "Hey mind if I add
you on Facebook/MySpace/Twitter." Other books suggest getting an
email, but I find they respond faster when you communicate on
Social Network Sites, as people check those more often. Asking for a
digital form of communication will lower her defenses a bit and
separate you from all the other losers calling her. You can also text
her right away with a smiley face or some shit, where if you called
her right away you would look like a huge loser. If you get her on
Facebook/MySpace/Twitter, you can just comment on one of her
statuses then start talking to her in Private Messages and set up a
time where you can hang out.

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This is a bit of an advanced move, but it's a good idea to include this
in your visualizations (that we'll get into later) so when the
opportunity presents itself you'll be ready. The best types of women
to try threesomes are: best friends that don't mind kissing each
other, 2 random girls that you alternate attention to, lesbian couples,
or a girl you're dating that is open to it. Don't try to force them to do
all sorts of stuff that they're not comfortable with. Try to get them as
comfortable as possible. If you want threesomes, make sure you
include that in your goals list. If you do, you'll be really surprised at
how many opportunities present them self to you.

The way to pull this off is the same body-part/touching order as

above. Just alternate between women. Touch Girl A's face, touch Girl
B's face, Kiss Girl A, Kiss Girl B, etc. The idea behind this is that you
want to get them both comfortable but you don't want to give too
much attention to one girl or the other one may get jealous. Gauge
which one of the girls is the Alpha Female, and make moves on her
first, then move to the less Alpha Female. The reasoning behind this
is that the Alpha Female has a greater chance of getting jealous.

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Girls with boyfriends.

This one is completely up to you. You may want to live by "do unto
others as you would have them do unto you," but at the same time if
she's willing to cheat on her boyfriend he's probably not satisfying
her. This is a personal morality question, so it's something you'll have
to decide for yourself.

On another note: to protect yourself from getting your girl picked up:
just be a man and also treat her well. If you do those 2 things she
won’t have any complaints about you, and she won’t even think
about sleeping with another guy or risk ruining her chances with you.
Also, watch the types of women you date. If she looks like she’s been
on Maury a few times, probably not a good idea. Doesn’t mean she
will cheat, it just means she has a higher chance. And remember: the
man who fears losing his girl is sure to realize that fear.

Always maintain control of yourself.

Now another important thing is that you always maintain control of

yourself. You want to love women, but you never, ever, ever, want to
need them. Anyone who messes up this formula will find themselves
in the eternal pit of distress. You want to love them, but you also
want to love yourself just as much. More than that, you want to see
the best in everyone. If there’s someone you just can’t love, ignore
them and stop thinking about them. If you have feelings of resent
that you're carrying around, just realize that it destroying you

Fine, someone kicked your puppy when you were 8 years old. You
have every right to be angry at them, but just realize that carrying
around that mental baggage is only hurting you.

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You cannot fully love yourself until you love others. How you feel
about others is only a reflection of how you feel about yourself. So if
you have some issues with people in the past, just let it go. Other
than that, just realize there's no use crying over spilt milk. Thinking
about it will just perpetuate more misery and failures in your life.

If you have serious emotional trouble or negative beliefs may want to consider EMDR therapy, Cognitive Behavior

Therapy, or Neurofeedback.

If you're not familiar with EMDR, EMDR stands for Eye movement
desensitization and reprocessing. EMDR is a type of psychotherapy
that was developed to resolve symptoms resulting from disturbing
past experiences. It's used to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,
and other painful memories/beliefs, but works for more minor things
as well. In studies it's been proven to eliminate PTSD in War Veterans
in fewer than sometimes 5 sessions, where traditional therapy would
take years. This is very useful if you have painful memories/beliefs
that are holding you back. All you do is focus on the painful memory
in detail, make it as vivid as possible, try to bring all the pain to the
surface, and when you apply this all the pain will be eliminated from
that memory/belief. As you go through each eye movement you'll
notice that the negativity gets harder and harder to feel, but keep
trying. It's kind of like stirring up a pool with dirt and leaves at the
bottom so they float to the top and then they're removed. It doesn't
take away the memory, but when you think about it, you'll feel
virtually no negativity toward it.

I highly suggest doing this with not only all negative memories, but all
negative ideas as well. Pretty soon you'll find it almost impossible to
feel any negativity toward the subjects you use it on.

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The information in this paragraph isn't necessary for you to use it,
but for anyone who is curious as to how it works I'll explain it here.
When you think of something, your eyes move different ways and
access different parts of the brain. For example when you're thinking
of a feeling your eyes move to the bottom left. When you're
remembering something visual your eyes move to the top right.
What this process does is correctly links up different quadrants of the
brain to where the negative feelings are eliminated. Here’s a brief

1) Think of a bad memory or belief

2) Feel all the bad emotions of that memory or belief, and try to do
that through the whole process.

3) Move your eyes up in to the top right corner.

4) Move your eyes up in to the top left corner.

5) Move your eyes rapidly back and forth horizontally between the
top left corner and top right corner, about 20 times.

6) Move your eyes rapidly back and forth horizontally between the
bottom left corner and bottom right corner, about 20 times.

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7) Move your eyes rapidly back and forth vertically between the
bottom left corner and top left corner, about 20 times.

8) Move your eyes rapidly back and forth vertically between the
bottom left corner and top left corner, about 20 times.

9) Move your eyes rapidly back and forth diagonally between the
bottom left corner and top right corner, about 20 times.

10) Move your eyes rapidly back and forth diagonally between the
bottom left corner and top right corner, about 20 times.

If you do this correctly, all negativity surrounding that event/belief

should disappear. If it doesn't then chances are you should try again,
or get it done professionally.

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Neurofeedback/Biofeedback is considered to be a little more

powerful, but you can't do that at home. Also, we'll get into Hypnosis
later in the book, which is extremely effective.

Don't let the outside world affect you, effect the outside world.

There are 2 types of people in the world. Proactive and reactive.

Most are reactive. The types of men who do not achieve the type of
success they want are reactive and let others affect their opinion. If
someone makes an off comment to you, don't act like it doesn't
bother you, actually don't let it bother you. If there's a horrible story
on the news, focus your attention elsewhere. People can tell when
you're acting, so the solution to this is to actually not let anything get
under your skin.

If it's hard at first, just realize that it takes a little practice. Just keep
doing the exercises in this book and you'll automatically become a
stronger person. There's nothing more attractive to women than a
strong man.

Also, never blame circumstances for any of your problems. You may
have had an alcoholic dad, your cat may have bit you when you were
2, and maybe these are legitimate problems, but there's no use in
dwelling on them and letting them control your future results. Wipe
the slate clean and start fresh today. Your life may have sucked 2
minutes ago, but just start building your new life, seeing yourself
living that lifestyle, and watch the results pour out.

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What is confidence?

Many people find the word “Confidence” hard to break down, but it’s
actually very simple. Confidence is assuredness. Confidence is belief.
Confidence is being in control without being controlling. Confidence
is being dominant without being domineering. Being able to take the
lead when it's appropriate, and being able to follow when it's
necessary. A good, confident leader has to be a good follower.
Contrary to other books on dating confidence does not mean being in
control all the time. There's nothing more of a turn off to women
than a guy who tries to be in control, or, even worse, a guy who has
to be in control. Don’t try to be a confident guy, just let it happen
naturally as part of your new personality.

The human emotional scale.

The human emotional scale is essentially the same as levels of

confidence, just broken down further. The top is confidence, the
bottom is insecurity. The top is high Self-Esteem; the bottom is low
Self esteem. You obviously want to get as close to the top of the
order as possible, but don't be discouraged no matter where you are
on the list. Just realize if you've been on one emotional level for
much of your life, it’s only because you’ve practiced it and may take a
little while for you to start moving up the ladder.

As you start moving up the ladder you'll notice all sorts of miraculous
things happening in your life.

It doesn't matter in which direction you focus these emotions

toward, if it's the emotion you're feeling, whether it be toward
yourself or toward the weatherman, you're going to want to move
that emotion up the ladder as much as possible. If you hate the guy
down the street, it's the same emotional frequency as if you hate
yourself, so either ignore him or change your feelings toward him.

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Study that or write it down because it’s important to remember. By

moving up this list you can literally get good with women without
even having to talk to them because once you move up the scale,
they'll just enjoy being around you.

Remember: wherever you find yourself in this scale, it's only because
you've practiced it. If you want to move up the scale, you just have to
practice being in better emotional states.

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The great thing about this is that studies have found that once you
move up the scale on a particular subject, it’s hard to move down it.

So wherever you are on the scale, just reach for a thought/feeling

that's higher than the one you’re at. If you try to reach too high, it
will be too drastic a jump for your mind to make and you'll just get
thrown back to the emotion you were reaching from. This may be a
little tough at first, but no matter what, try to move up the ladder,
and the more you move up the more it becomes a habit, and the
easier it is for you to stay there until it's your dominant emotion.

It’s important to remember that you usually can't immediately move

up 6 rungs on the ladder. If someone’s at Fear (the dominant
emotion in the Nice Guy,) they can’t make their way up to Happiness
(the dominant emotion in the Alpha Male) without going through
Anger (the dominant emotion in the Jerk.) It’s part of the process.
People will do all sorts of things to keep others from expressing your
Anger, but as long as you don't break any laws or put anyone in
harm’s way, go for it. People would rather others feel uncomfortable
than have them feel uncomfortable. Expressing Anger feels much
better than repressing Anger and nature is always calling you to the
best emotion. That’s why you feel the need to express your anger.
The emotion you're ultimately trying to reach is love. Not needy love
that you see in corny romantic flicks, where a man’s completion
resides somewhere outside himself, we're talking about a pure love
where you just feel a warmness toward life and other people. Don't
worry if you can't be in the state of love all the time, but it's best to
be on the upper levels as much as possible.

When you start to think thoughts that feel better, you become
addicted to those thoughts. When you love the thoughts, it becomes
hard to think thoughts that feel worse. And when you love a thought,
you'll love the results you get.

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Use this scale on particular subjects, as the way that you feel about
certain subject indicates how well you're doing with it. When you
think about women, do you get upset, or do you feel appreciative
and happy? Your emotions don't lie. When a man is misogynistic and
bitter toward women, you know that he’s low on the scale and is not
successful with women. Until he comes to terms with those feelings
he will remain unsuccessful. The root of the problem is at those
negative emotions, and the only way to fix it is start replacing those
misogynistic feelings with more positive ones. Don't worry about
changing circumstances and everything around you, just feel better
about the subject and let everything fall into place.

As you move up the scale watch how differently people treat you.
You'll notice as you start putting out higher level emotions people
will respect you more, go out of their way to do kind things for you,
etc. Notice how your results were when you were thinking and
feeling X, and notice what your results are now that you're thinking
and feeling Y.

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The 3 Selves

We're going to talk about the 3 Selves that work in harmony with one
another. Self-Image (thoughts/mind,) Self-Esteem
(feelings/subconscious,) and Self-Confidence (actions/body,) and
ways to improve all of them.

• The Self-Image.

A person's Self-Image is the mental picture someone holds of themselves.

In 1960 Dr. Maxwell Maltz released arguably the most important
psychological discovery of all time. At the very core of your personality is
The Self-Image. The Self-Image dictates the boundaries of accomplishment
in our life. It dictates what we can and cannot do. You may have heard this
analogy before, but think of the Self-Image as a thermostat. When you set a
thermostat to 77 degrees, as soon as the room gets cooler than what it’s
set at, a mechanism picks up the deviation, sends a message to the
heating/cooling system and the temperature is brought back on course.
Humans are wired the same way. All of your actions, thoughts, feelings,
behaviors, and finally results are 100% consistent with your Self-Image.

Have you ever met someone who tries and tries and as hard as they
try they keep going back to their old patterns? This is because of the
Self-Image. When you change the Self-Image, new patterns of
behavior effortlessly become second nature. When you change the
self-image, you change the personality, behavior, and finally results.

By learning to change the Self-Image you gain serious levels of

confidence and skill. You will always act like the type of person you
conceive yourself to be. More important than this, you literally
cannot act otherwise. You will never, ever out-perform your
Self-Image. This is why people can learn all the dating techniques in
the book, and still see very small measurable results. Even when they
do see results it's because the Self-Image has unconsciously been
changed. It’s much faster to go to the source.

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Where does our Self-Image come from? A lot of places. It can come
from the environment you were raised in. Your past positive or
negative experiences. You may have been raised in a family where
sleeping with women before marriage was considered wrong and
your parents passed that belief along to you, now you have a tough
time talking with women. Whatever the case may be it's essential for
you to change your Self-Image if you want to get real results.

How do we change the Self-Image? Through successes. When you go

out, talk to a woman, and get her phone number, the Self-Image is
altered. A new belief is installed, for example: "wow, I'm really good
at getting women’s' numbers."

But here's another trick. Your central nervous system cannot tell the
difference between a real experience and a vividly imagined
experience. In the next section we’ll learn how to use visualization as
a very powerful method of changing the Self-Image.

• Self-Esteem.

Now that we've covered the Self-Image, we're going to get into
Self-Esteem, which are feelings. These feelings will largely be based
upon The Self-Image, so when your start working on your Self-Image
through visualization, your feelings will improve. You should also
work on improving your emotions during the day. Your feelings
indicate if you are choosing a positive or negative thought. The
higher up the thought is on the emotional scale the better. Your mind
may lie, but your emotions will never lie.

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This is your body’s way of telling you if you're thinking a thought that
will cause you success or will cause you failure. If you chat up a
woman in the state of Fear, that Fear will ultimately manifest itself in
nervousness, self consciousness, awkwardness, and all sorts of
strange behavior.

If you move up the scale to something better like Joy or Belief, you're
going to get much better results. These feelings are always available
to you; it's just a matter of practicing them.

• Self-Confidence.

Self-Confidence is the actions you take based on Self-Image and

Self-Esteem. The actions that someone takes who are higher up the
emotional scale will be far different than the actions someone takes
who are low on the scale.

Many people try to change their actions and words without first
changing the emotional state they’re in, and wonder why they keep
getting the same results. You change the core, and the results will
take care of them self. That does not mean you do not have to act!
What it means is that your actions will be largely automatic and fun.

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Before we get into the techniques of altering Self-Image, Self Esteem

and Self Confidence, we’re going to go into a little background
information. Throughout the day your brainwaves are in different

Beta 15-30 Hz - Awake, Normal, Alert Consciousness

Alpha 9-14 Hz - Relaxed, Calm, Meditation, Creative Visualization

Theta 4-8 Hz - Deep Relaxation, Meditation, and Hypnosis

Delta 1-3 Hz - Deep, Dreamless Sleep.

The best state to be in to reprogram your subconscious mind is the

state of Theta. You are in a Theta state before going to bed and upon
awakening, which is why this book suggested reading/visualizing your
statements at those times. You are also in a Theta state during
Hypnosis, Meditation and Deep Relaxation, so use these states to
your advantage.

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Aka Autogenic Training. No, this doesn’t mean dangling a watch in

front of someone's eyes and making them act outrageous. That's not
what real hypnosis it. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool for installing
beliefs, especially when combined with visualizations.

For example, a shy person who is under hypnosis can be convinced

that he is a great public speaker, instantaneously, and through
repetition of these suggestions can actually become a great public

For 30 minutes a day, put yourself in a relaxed state and picture

yourself exactly how you want to be, as if you have always been that

You can also get Relaxation CDs, which many people find great for
putting them in a relaxed state. My favorite being the Theta
Meditation System from Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, but no matter what if
you get a relaxation CD, make sure it's Theta. We'll go over the
reasons why later.

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1. Go to a quiet room and sit or lay in a comfortable chair or couch,

where you won't be disturbed for at least a half hour

2. Close your eyes and work to rid your mind of any negative feelings
such as fear, stress, or anxiety. When you begin, you might find it
difficult not to think. You may find that thoughts keep intruding. If
this happens to you, don't try to force the thoughts away. Observe
them objectively, realize that you are not your thoughts, and then let
them fall away.

3. Notice whatever tension is in your body. Beginning with your feet,

imagine the tension slowly falling away and they start relaxing.
Imagine each part of your body relaxing more and more.

4. Take deep, slow breaths. When you exhale, feel all the negativity
and tension leaving your body. As you inhale, feel the relaxation
penetrating your body.

5. By now you should be extremely relaxed. Imagine you are at the

top of a flight of 10 stairs. Go down each stair feeling more relaxed as
you do. As you go down repeat the word "down." After each step you
are going further and further down into the deep treasuries of your
subconscious mind where you can start programming new ideas.
Each step should make you more and more relaxed.

6. When you're at the bottom, you can decide to start going down 10
more steps, or just start installing your new beliefs and especially

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Visualization: The Easiest Key for Changing the Self-Image.

Studies have shown that synthetic experience is exactly as effective

as real experience. So if you're having a problem with women, (for
example you're nervous kissing them) the easiest way to solve this is
through synthetic experience. Almost all modern sports legends from
Phil Jackson, to Tiger Woods, to Wayne Gretzky, and countless others
use these techniques. Check out “Golfing with Your Eyes Closed:
Mastering Visualization Techniques for Exceptional Golf”

Let’s face it. Real life experience can be a pain. If you fail, a new
belief is formed because of that and you get stuck in the same spot.
This is a way to gain experience without gaining experience. Again,
synthetic experience is just as effective as real experience, and case
studies have shown that visualization is an effective way of installing
new behaviors.

Before you go to sleep daily, as part of your visualizations, relax and

vividly imagine practicing the thing you would like to fix. For example
if you're having trouble approaching women, vividly imaging all the
little details of you succeeding at all the things you're trying to
change. You’ll likely find yourself surprised when you start acting this
way in real life with no conscious effort.

As a result of imagining the way you'd like to be with women, you

will start forming memories, and that's the way you'll act in as little
as 21 days. Granted, it may take a little longer to erase a lifetime of
behaviors and replace them with a perfect life in 21 days, but most
people see dramatic improvements within that timeframe. The key is
not to measure how much it’s working on a day-to-day basis. You
don't have to try to consciously act that way tomorrow or next week,
or even believe it works, your brain will take care of all that. Just
realize this method has been used on thousands of people, and the
results speak for themselves.

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Visualization is a very important concept in this book because

positive thinking alone may be rejected by the subconscious mind if it
doesn't have any "evidence" or it’s not congruent with the Self-Image
When you vividly imagine an experience, your nervous system and
mind has all the evidence that it needs.

An absolutely essential book to pick up on this subject is

"Psycho-Cybernetics" by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. Write that down, take it
out from the library or buy it, and read it after you're done reading
this. It's hard to find any modern effective Self-Help book that hasn't
been directly influenced by Dr. Maltz' groundbreaking work,
including this one, so don't forget to pick it up.

Time Line Therapy.

Time Line Therapy is a very powerful process for erasing and

replacing bad memories. Essentially the beginning steps to this
process are the same as Autogenic Training (Hypnosis) and

You put yourself in a relaxed state like suggested above, but instead
of visualizing how you want things to be, you go back in time and find
bad experiences from the past and replace them with positive ones.

Remember an experience that bothers you and replace it with how

you would have wanted it to be.

It’s essential that you visualize very clearly and vividly, and repeat the
visualizations daily so they’re ingrained in your memory and the old
ones seem like fiction.

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Beyond the mind

Now that you have some tools to work on your mindset, we'll go over
some ways to improve the way you look, dress and take care of

Grooming 101.

First we're going to go over some basic stuff. You obviously want to
shower and brush your teeth daily. I shouldn't even have to mention
this. Get some good smelling deodorant, some good smelling shower
soap, and some shampoo that you like. It really makes a difference.
Women always notice guys who pay attention to the details.

How to dress better than you thought possible.

First, figure out what kinds of girls you're going for. If you're trying to
get punk rock chicks, the easiest way is to dress like a punk rock guy.
If you're trying to get fashion chicks that wear Gucci and Prada, the
best way is to wear Armani and Fendi. That's not to say if you dress
like a punk rocker you can't get a Gucci chick, it's just a lot easier. I
wouldn't suggest changing your entire style just to get a different
type of girl, but it's very important to figure out what your style is.

Pick up a few fashion magazines or pick up magazines that feature

the style you want to adopt. If you want a Hip-Hop style, pick up a
Hip-Hop magazine that features models dressing the way you'd like
to dress. Models are going to show you how to dress in a
top-of-the-line way. Find what you like from them, and even if it's
expensive clothing you can always get good deals on brand new
clothes on eBay. You'd be surprised at how many Armani T's I picked
up for under $20 there.

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The Pareto Principle (The 80/20 rule.)

In the early 1900's Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto noticed that 80%
of his peas were produced by 20% of the peapods. When he looked
at society he realized that 80% of the land was owned by 20% of the
population. In most businesses, around 80% of the profits come from
20% of the products. They use this principle to cut out the bottom
80% of products and amplify (and learn from) the top 20%. We can
use this principle on the way we dress and interact with women.

To figure out what the top 20% that is working, look at the celebrities
you admire. If you admire a celebrity that wears vintage T-Shirts, try
to find a nice vintage T-Shirt shop on the web.

Also look at guys that are getting the success you want. The idea isn't
to copy them, but to figure out what works and what doesn't work
and develop your own style from there. Take what works and amplify
it. In your own wardrobe, if you have a T-shirt that is giving you the
responses you like, figure out what about is so attractive and get
more t-shirts like it. If a photo you post on Facebook gets a lot of
comments, figure out what's so appealing about it and copy what’s
appealing. Delete the ones that aren't getting responses. Pretty soon
you'll have a much better idea of what's attractive and what's not.

In business this is called split testing. A company puts up a few web

pages and notices which get the best responses and disposes of the
other ones. They figure out what is so appealing about it, make a
new layout based on that and see how they can improve it. You want
to take this approach on how you dress and even how you act. If you
find that a particular sense of humor is working on a certain type of
girl, amplify that. If a certain necklace is getting you attention, get
more like it. Cut out what isn't giving you the responses you want.

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The Basics of Color.

Color is one way of expressing yourself in fashion. Different colors

are appropriate for different vibes. Black represents power, Blue is
good for summer, Green represents vitality and nature, White
represents friendliness, Red represents love. Different combinations
of colors are good ways to match up your personality with your


Here's the basic idea behind matching. As a generalization, you only

want 2 or 3 colors in your outfit. For example Blue jeans, Black T,
with white writing. If you wanted to wear a hat with that outfit, the
best bet would be a white hat to match the white writing.

You can use Contrasting colors (for example Black on White,)

Harmonious colors (for example White on Off-White,) or the safe
bet: Neutral colors (for example any combinations of White, Black,
Grey, and Browns)

It's really about personal preference, so just pay attention to some

fashion pictures, learn from them, and look at your outfit to judge if
it looks good to you.

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Picking out a good scent is important. Go to the counter at any

upscale department store that carries colognes and ask to try a few
scents. You can ask the man/woman behind the counter what's
popular, or if you want to be unique just keep testing them until you
find one that you like. It's up to you if you buy it there, but you can
usually get better deals on eBay or other places on the web.


You don't want to get all hot and heavy with a girl then when it
comes to take off your clothes you look like a grizzly bear. It's up to
you, but I highly suggest shaving off any unnecessary hair. This
includes chest, back, and pubic region. Be careful around the pubic
region because if you nick anything it's going to hurt like crazy. I
would suggest picking up one of those $15 hair trimmers and using
that instead of going at it with a Bic razor. Trust me, razor burn in the
Johnson area is no fun.

Working out.

I highly suggest getting a few basic guides on this, or at least get a

few tips from people at the gym. It's not nearly as bad as you think.
Just like everything in life, starting is the hardest part. Once you get
into it you'll probably find that you like the good feeling chemicals
(endorphins) it produces. Besides that, the gym is also a great place
to meet chicks. Learn how to use the various equipment at the gym
and you can even find some useful guides on the web.

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Keeping your place clean.

The last thing you want to do is take a girl home to a dirty apartment,
so clean that shit up. Do you want to talk to a girl all night then when
you bring her home it looks like 11 tornados of horse shit flew
through the place? Women value cleanliness much more than men
and they'll notice a guy who takes care of his living space. Remember
your outside world is a reflection of your inside world, so if your
place is cluttered, chances are your mind is cluttered.

Where to meet women

Most people look for women in all the worst places. Bars, clubs and
parties are the cliché spots to meet women, and there are many
disadvantages to this. First off, the music will likely be too loud for
you to even hear yourself think, let alone maintain a conversation
and you'll have to compete with 100 other guys trying to get their
attention. Women also know that most men who talk to them at the
bar are only trying to get in their pants. This is fine, but many women
become jaded from all the approaches. You can still pull it off, but in
my opinion it's making things harder on yourself.

The best places to meet women are in your daily routines. We

mentioned the gym earlier, and this is a great place to strike up a
conversation with women. You can talk about working out; ask for
tips and all sorts of things. Talk to women in the supermarket, at the
bank, the book store, the movie rental store, different classes (such
as meditation, which I highly suggest taking classes on anyway.)
These are all great places to strike up random conversations. You can
ask for advice on movies, what food is good, whatever. Once you
start talking to her just make her laugh a little and get her number.

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The Internet is iffy. Just make sure you get a bunch of pictures before
you meet the girl. A lot of girls pick pictures that make them look a
lot more attractive than they are in real life (and sometimes even
fake pictures,) so make sure you're getting the real deal. Ask for her
email address and search for that address on Facebook or MySpace
to get a better idea if she's legit or not.

There are tons of free dating sites such as PlentyOfFish, OKCupid,

Craigslist, Yahoo Personals, AIM chat rooms, Date Hookup, WebDate,
Mingle2, MatchDoctor, Woome, and Connecting Singles.

Make sure you avoid Adult-Oriented dating sites. Most of the women
on there are A) Hookers B) Porno Scams C) Girls with STDs or D) Men.

The paid ones are the best place to meet women who are serious
about dating. By far my favorite paid dating site is eHarmony. There
are tons of attractive women on eHarmony just looking for a man to
sweep them off their feet. Other than eHarmony there's also, Lavalife, HotOrNot, and Parship.

With these you should be able to find as many women as you like
without even having to leave home.

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How to be awesome in bed.

Now, the moment you've all been waiting for... how to get her
screaming with pleasure.

The Female Erogenous Zones

An Erogenous Zone is an area of the human body that when

stimulated will cause sexual arousal. I'm going to put these in order
of comfort, so the top of the list will be things that you should start
with and move your way down. Psychologically these steps are
designed to lower inhibitions and increase the emotional comfort of
the both people. When you first start it's best to "accidently" touch
these areas (all of this is assuming she doesn't try to rape you; there
are many women that will take the lead and even some women that
will just jump your bones) and then you can intentionally touch
them. Depending on your skill level and the girl, you can move
through these zones very quickly. The non-sexual zones (hands - light
kissing) will likely take the most time. You can do these pretty much
anywhere, but when you get to the more sexual things (making
out-intercourse,) you're going to want to have privacy. Don't worry
about following this to a T, but again you don't want to make too
large a jump. Let her get comfortable with each touch. If she objects
to anything, stop what you're doing and move back a few steps.

Side note: If she jumps down the list before you do, you have full
permission to repeat the same touch. This means that she's
comfortable touching you and you can touch the same spot. For
example, if she touches your leg, you can start touching her leg.

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• Hands and Fingers

The hands are the best place to start because most females
(assuming you have some sort of rapport with them) will be open to
this. The fingertips especially have many nerves and are sensitive to
light touch. At first you can "accidently" touch her hands while
making a comment or you can reach for her hand and ask her to
follow you. After she's comfortable with this, then you can purposely
touch her hands, for example: holding hands.

• Arms

The skin of the arms (especially: the inner arms and the inside bend
opposite the elbow) contain many nerve endings and are very
sensitive. The same way you touched the hands "accidently" you can
do with the areas on the arm. Brush up against her arms while
making a comment a few times, then you can touch her on purpose.
In some cases just touching her arms in this way will cause sexual

• Legs

While this isn't technically considered an Erogenous Zone, it's still

important in building comfort with your touches. Follow the same
steps as the above body parts for "accidently" touching, then
purposely touching. A good way to "accidently" touch her leg is when
you crack a joke, just touch her on the knee with the back of your

(Side Note: At this point tickling is appropriate, which many women

find arousing.)

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• Face and Hair.

The main problem men face when getting ready to kiss a girl is
knowing if she’s ready or not. Touching the face and hair in an
important step in getting them comfortable for a kiss. For the
"accidental" touch you can point out that they have something on
their face (whether they do or not) and wipe it off. When you
purposely touch their face or hair, do it in a romantic way. You can
even look into their eyes and say something sweet. You want to feel
warm and loving when you do this. You can even whisper something
sweet in her ear (which is another Erogenous Zone.) Trust me; if a girl
is letting a guy do all these so far, she's ready for a kiss.

• Mouth (Light Kissing)

If you want, you can touch her mouth before you kiss her. Don't go
for a full on make-out session the first time you kiss her or you'll look
like a complete retard. Go in for the kiss, do it romantically and don't
use any tongue yet.

• Kissing (with the use of tongue.)

Now at this point it starts turning sexual. The following steps will
cause actual sexual arousal. If you get her turned on enough
(regardless of if you're in the location where you plan to have sex,)
she'll probably want to go somewhere where you can have sex. If you
need to, you can think of some reason you want to show her
something up in your place. Perhaps watch a movie.

Some women will be comfortable with making out in public, but a lot
won't. If you want to play it on the safe side bring her somewhere
you can be alone for a little while, even if it's just out to the car. You
can say something like "I'm not sure if I'm comfortable doing this in
public, did you want to go to X?"

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While you're kissing her, touch the back of her neck. You'll see why in
the next Erogenous Zone.

• Neck

The neck is a very sensitive area for both men and women. Kissing
and caressing this area is very arousing to most people. Also the back
of the neck is very arousing when you touch it. Most women I've
talked to say that getting their neck kissed is one of the biggest turn
ons. Definitely use this to your advantage. Stay kissing the neck area
for as long as possible because it's A) not overtly sexual and B) a huge
turn on for them. The more you do it, the more aroused they'll get,
which makes the next steps much easier. Some women even like
being bitten gently on the neck. If it's the first time you're with this
girl you may or may not want to hold off on this.

• Ears

You can completely skip this area if you want, but if you want to
make things interesting go for it. Licking her earlobes, whispering or
breathing softly in her ear may also be very pleasurable for her.

• Chest

This one you have to watch for. Some women are uncomfortable
with their breasts and may respond negatively to this. It's not a
necessary step, and it may be better to just skip it completely.

• Stomach/Abdomen

Many women find touching, kissing, biting, licking, caressing of the

abdomen to be very arousing, especially around her pubic region.
Some women even find it more arousing than direct stimulation of
the genitals. Kiss her stomach, kiss the tops of her hips and stay there
long enough to get her juices flowing.

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• Pubic Area/Vagina

This part is very important. Be careful down here because all women
know that if a guy is touching their vagina they're most likely going to
have sex. A lot of times you will meet with resistance here. Here are
few tricks to overcome this: Before you even think of removing her
panties "accidently" touch her vagina. You can go back up to kissing
her, position your torso between her legs and "accidently" start

After that, you can start dry humping. The idea here is to get her
extremely sexually aroused without throwing up any red flags. If she
says anything about this just respond "don't worry, I don't even have
sex with a girl until I've known her for a while," and keep turning her
on. Get her good and wet and keep dry humping her.

If you want you can flip her on her stomach and rub her ass. Once
you're rubbing her ass you can sneak in the back and play with her
vagina through her panties. Sneaky? Yea. But women are naturally
conditioned to hold off on sex, so we have to get around this. Again,
if she objects to something, just step back and hold off a second. Go
kiss her neck again and turn her on. A lot of times when women
resist, it's simply because they're not turned on enough. Sometimes
when you just get them turned on enough they'll make the moves.

When you're rubbing her vagina from behind, don't insert your
fingers just yet. Just rub the outside of her panties, right above her
vaginal opening. After that, move up to the clitoris. If you're not sure
where the clitoris is, it's that little hooded button that's right above
her vaginal opening. Rub that very lightly. This is very sensitive for
women. After that, move her panties to the side and start fingering

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She's probably at the point where she just wants to have sex now,
but don't yet. Ask her if she can flip over because it's uncomfortable
fingering her like that. Start fingering her and after a few minutes of
that remove her panties. At this point you can eat her pussy (if you
want,) or keep fingering her (or both.) Do it for a little longer and
she'll definitely want to have sex. USE A CONDOM FOR GOD'S SAKE.
Oh yea, did I also mention to make sure she's the legal age of
consent? You definitely want to do that.

Bonus spot: The Clitoris.

The clitoris is another erogenous zone on a woman which has the

most nerve endings anywhere in her body. It is said to have as many
nerve endings in the small little tip as a man has in his entire penis.
To find the clitoris, picture a woman's vagina. You have the vaginal
lips on the left and right side and between that is the opening. Right
above the opening is a little button shaped hood. Once you lift up the
hood a woman's clitoris is right underneath it. You can lick or finger
this spot, but be very gentle, because too much pressure on it can be
painful for women.

Bonus spot: The G-Spot.

The G-Spot (aka the Gräfenberg Spot) is a wonderful and marvelous

place for women. The G-Spot is typically located one to three inches
up the front (closest to her stomach) vaginal wall. Place your finger
or fingers in there and you'll feel a small lump that almost has the
texture of a golf ball. Rub that with your fingers, or now that you
know where it is, use sexual positions that stimulate that.
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Bonus move: Venus Butterfly.

To do this one place both hands together and go toward her vaginal
opening. Your Index fingers will be on both sides surrounding the
clitoris. Your middle and ring finger go into her vagina. Both pinkies
will either slide in the anus or just move them out of the way,
depending on what she's into. Gently open and close your hands by
separating your palms. This will force your middle and ring fingers to
go in and out of her vagina (and/or anus) which looks like a fluttering
butterfly. It will take a few times to get perfect, but she will thank
you greatly.

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Basic Sexual Positions

There are literally thousands of sexual positions, but we’ll go over the
most common ones.

• Missionary Position

This is the most basic sexual position. In this position, the man and
woman face each other. The woman lies on her back with her legs
apart, while the man squeezes between her legs. A nice variant is to
put her legs over your shoulders or put a pillow under her backside
to penetrate deeper. And try putting a pillow under her backside for
even deeper penetration.

• Doggy Style

This can be one of two ways, or even more if you get creative. The
first way is to have her get on all fours and you penetrate from the
back. You can lightly pull her hair while you do this. Another way to
do this is to have her lay on her stomach and penetrate that way.

• Spooning

In the spoons position both the man and women lie on their sides
facing the same way. The woman lies on her side while the man
penetrates her from the back. Alternatively, the man can sit or stand
while in this position.

• Woman on top

There are different variants of this position depending on the way

she is facing. This is called the cowgirl position when she is facing you
or the reverse cowgirl position when she is facing away.

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Some Stuff About Relationships.

So, you found yourself a keeper? Congratulations, because a good

relationship can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your
life. Like I said earlier this book will work for whatever you want it to
work for, so it wouldn’t be complete without a little relationship

Since you’re on your way to becoming a calm, centered Alpha Male,

you won’t have to worry about all the petty things couples fight
about. You see, most of that stuff happens because people are low
on the emotional totem pole. Arguing is a low-status thing. Instead
compromise. You’re getting higher on the emotional scale and
hopefully the woman you find will be just as high.

When you have 2 people high on the scale that love each other, but
don’t need each other, everything tends to turn out well. They both
know that each other has separate lives and they respect each other.

And remember the section on giving. The Alpha Male and Alpha
Female love to give and their rewarded greatly for this.

Be someone she can depend on. Be someone she can love. Be the
man who makes her feel protected. Be the strong man in her life. Get
her nice little gifts just to let her know you’re thinking about her.
They don’t have to be expensive.

My only word of warning is to watch the “L” word during the

beginning of relationships. It’s fine to give her compliments and tell
her she’s beautiful, but if you tell her you love her too early you may
scare her off. Hold off until you’re pretty sure she’s ready.

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In conclusion.

Be happy. Feel good. See the good in life. Even if it’s not apparent to
you right now by working with these ideas you’ll be sure to see how
wonderful the world really is.

Don’t worry about all the stuff that guys normally worry about with
women. Just have fun with them and the relationships and sex will
take care of themselves.

Read this book a bunch of times until your mind is literally saturated
with the information. Realize that you create your own destiny and
don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.


I know you can succeed, so let’s do this!

Your friend,


P.S. - Please email me and let me know how you liked the book
whether you loved it or hated it.

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